& Star SuhKc.riitti'iti tt.50 per iear, or $1.00 if paid ttrirlly in adranre, '. ; M I'loPllliNOM. Killlnr nntl 1'iib. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBK.K O. s7. An Independent local paper, puhllnlirtl every t eilnPHilny fit Itcynolil'vlllc, .lrnriti Co. I'a., dovoien tn tin Interest of Hcynolrtivllln nnd .lel'einoncoiinty. Noii-pulltli-iil, will tri'iit all Willi fnlrne, mill will lie especially friend ly towurd the In'mrlntf elu. 8utirrtptlon prire3l.nnperyenr,ln ndvnnre. lommiinlcnllonji Intended for ptilillcnttiin mtiMt bo fii'coniptinlfd by the writer's mime, not for piiblli'iitlon, but nx a Kimrnntce of Konri fallli. Interetlng( now Items flollrltcd. Advertising rules made known on nppllcu tlon lit the ntnYn In Arnold' Block. Cennlit y ommiinii'nilonii nnd chnniie of advertlnemont should ranch thin ollli't) by Mondny noon. Address nil i'ommiinlintlonfi to C. A. Htepli fnoon, He vnnldsvilln, I'n. Entered' lit thn poslotnVe at. Keynoldsvlllo, Pa., as second dims mull mntter. A there Isn't mucfi to "hoil" In thin county this fall. politically senllii, tho firo le very low under tho "ki'ttlo" ftt p regent. Art) yon working for tho bent Inter ests of Ueyiioldsvillo, or inn you dls eoui'iitflnif those who uro trying to do somethlnjr for thn (rood of tho town ? It Is cluinvMl that decayed loaes fur nish a first-class hiding place for deadly (Terms. This being tho case property owner In Reynnldsvlllo should gather and burn tho leaven as they full from the shade tree. Fish and snake stories aro not In It any more. A report comes from Center county that a man down that way went out In his garden not long ago, planted a cucumber seed and started on a run for tho house, but before he could pet out of the garden, the cucumber vines overtook him, wound around his legs and throw him down; he ran his hand In his pocket to get his knife and pulled out a cucumber six Inches long. Next? Lindsey l'rem. Whow! That's a whopper, Bro. Work. Because apples are generally cheap and plentiful people don't stop to appreciate tho real value of the fruit for medicinal purposes. We know from a personal experience that apples are very beneficial tn aiding digestion. The Home Doctor Bays: "Apples are useful in nervous dyspepsia; they are nutri tious, medicinal and vitalizing; they aid digestion, clear the voice, correct the acidity of the stomach and are valu able In rheumatism, insomnia and liver troubles. An applo contains as much nutriment us a potato in a plcasantor and more wholesome form." The press of the country contain proofs dally that there are many jeop!o who do not believe that, "a good name Is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor than silver and gold." at least they don't act accordingly. If a person wants contentment and tho real sweetness there is In this life, they will find a good name better than riches, and loving favor better than gold, and yet it is hard to believe there is any thing quite so good an gold, Judging from the way we scramble for the yellow stuff. However the gold Is a poor sub stitute for loving favor or a good name. King Solomon said: "I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vine yard of the man void of understanding; and lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face there of, and the stone wall thereof was brok en down. Then I saw and considered it well: I looked upon it and received in struction." The wise king summed it up thusly: "Yet a little sleep, a little lumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep." By taking a trip over the country with your eyes opened you will be lead to believe, by the appearance of some farms, that the descendants of the slothful man whose field Solomon passed by, are farming in Pennsylvania in the latter days of the nineteenth century. All the laws enacted, by the Legis lature of this Commonwealth should be published in one or two newspapers in every county in the Stato, so that the people will have little excuse for not knowing what laws are placed on the statute books by each session of the Legislature. The Pennsylvania State Editorial Association has taken this matter up and the Legislative commit tee of the Association will, doubtless, frame a bill to be presented to the next Legislature with this aim in view. How can the people observe laws they know nothing about? The Lajinlatitt Record is an expense to the State that could be done away with and this amount would go far towards paying the expense that would be "incurred in publishing the enactments of the Legis lature after the Governor bad put his signature to the same. The legislation of the present year is now in force and at the present moment Is binding upon very citizen of Pennsylvania. Yet the . text of the laws will not be printed for weeks, and even then the circulation will be limited to justices, judges and lawyers. Is It the proper caper to pun tb people for not obeying laws of which they have absolutely no knowledge or notice? It may oust more money, but why do tblugs half way ? It certainly ooats the taxpayers of this state an im mense amount of money to have laws naoted, why not spend a little more of the money to inform the people as to what laws have been naoted ? The taxpayer's money is frequently expended tor tUogt of less Importuoe than en ." vaclcg the people on the laws of the Five Hundred Tickets Qiven Away. Upon tho occasion of the recent National Encampment of the Orand Army of tho Republic, nt Buffalo, The Daily JVrtrjt, of Pittsburg, by way of compliment to tho organization, sup plied 2'0 comrades with tickets from Pittsburg to Buffalo and return free of clinrge. It has been determined to do still better next year. The encampment of 18UH will be held at Cincinnati, Ohio. The commander-in-chief of the G. A. It. Is Gen. .T. P. S. Gobln, a Pennsylvanlan. It therefore behooves comrades of the Department of Pennsylvania to make nn especially large showing. To help the event along The Daily Xeir has decided to offer GOO railroad tickets from Pittsburg to Cincinnati and return, to be apportioned among seven posts selected by the general pub lic, us follows: To the post whoso regular place of meeting Is In Pittsburg or Allegheny receiving tho largest number of votes, I2.i tickets. To tho post In Pittsburg or Allegheny receiving tho second largest number of votes, 75 tickets: the one receiving the third largest number of votes, f0 tick ets. Tho following Is to the posts whoso regular pluces of meeting are outsideof Pittsburg and Allegheny: The poet re ceiving tho largest number of votes, 1(H) tickets; the post that gets the second largest number of votes, 75 tickets; third, CO tickets; fourth, 23 tickets. This gives all posts, whether large or small, or wherever located, a fighting chance for one of tho prizes, and a fight ing chance Is all any Grand Army com rade ever ankod. Selection of posts Is to bo made by means of a voting blank which will be printed on eighth page of The Daily Xemi every publication day bet ween October 1, 181)7, and July 31, 180H. This runs the contest ten months. If you subscribe for The Daily jVtr at once your own subscription will bring in more than 250 votes before the close of tho contest. It is not desired that copies of 7'he Daily JVVtrs shall be pur chased from agents or carriers In quan tities. Every effort will be mado to pre vent this practice. But The Daily Act will feel honored to have comrades of the G. A. B. Bnd their families and friends become regular readers of Its pages. If you aro Interested in a post or a comrade, begin reading The Daily JVVim nt once and help make the coming con test a lively one. Everybody Called Him Uncle. Last work's issue of The Stak con tained an article nn the death and bur ial of William McConnoll, one of tho early settlors of the Beech woods, and, honce we will not publish all of an obituary notice received Saturday from Rev. A. Z. Myers, of Aliens Mills, as it would bo a repetition In part of what we said last week, but the communi cation contained some facts we did not give last week and we publish that part of tho obituary which is as follows: Win. McConnoll was born in Centre county, Pa., March 14th, 1820, and died Sept. 2ftth, 1807, aged 77 years, 6 months and 12 days. He was twico married; first to Eliza Mcintosh. To this union were born throe children, David A., living home, Nancy Cooper, living on an adjoining farm and Reuben, of Falls Creek. They were not permitted to walk together In life long. HIb sec ond partner was Katherlne Rogers. To this union was given one daughter, Mrs. Eliza C. Corbln, living at Sterling, Kan sas. He was one of a large family and is the ninth of a mature age that has been gathered to the Beechwoods cemetery to await the resurrection. Only one brother, David, living near Brookville, survives. Few large families are per mitted at mature age to slumber in one resting place. ' ' He was outspoken, frank of disposi tion, and had won many friends. Since knowing him and since in the commun ity we have nearly all called him "Uncle Billy McConnell." We do not know who is or who is not a nephew or nlooe and suppose we never shall, as old and young ,dellgbted to call him uncle. This speaks volumes as a neighbor, friend and citizen. He never united with the church, living his own quiet way. He expressed a willingness to die and seemed to long for release from his sufferings which he bore with remarkable fortitude. Electric Bitters. . Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is tor pid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this roodioloe has often averted long and perhaps fatal byious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in count eracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Eleotrle Bitters. 50 o. and 11.00 per bottle at H. Alex Stoke's Drug Store. Baby shoes 20 to 35 cents per pair at J. E. Welsh & Co's. Bell is selling an all-wool blue or black Kersey overcoat for 18.00. The Toledo Blade and The Stab one year for 11.25 cash In advance. If you want value for your money go to Johnston's for shoes. Bunds at the Head. Aug. J. Dogel, the leading druggist of Hhreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is the, only thing thut cures my cough, and It Is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Hafford, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is all that Is claimed for it; It never falls, and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I can not say enough for Its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds Is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day It stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottle at II. Alex. Stoko's drug store. Hotel Beats Arrested. A constable from New Bethlehem ar rived bore yesterday and took into cus tody Low., better known as "Hube" Horn, and two young men named Miller for skipping a hoard bill at a Dayton hotel, where they attended fair last week. Eneh one of them owed tho landlord J4.IHI. The father of tho Mill er boy paid tho hill and costs, (111.00 In nil, and Horn after much tronblo, secured enough money to gain bis free dom. It cost him 8.0O. Beating hotels is contemptibli) business, and it. Is probable these boys will not attempt It uguin. DuUois (.'iiiii-iVt. Bucklen's Arnica Solve. , The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Prlco 25 cents per box. For sale by II. Alex. Stoke. Dr. McCoy, tho specialist, will bo at Hotel McConnell, Reynoldsvillo, Satur day afternoon, Oct. Hth. If you have any rectal disease, chronlo affection, or female disease, see him. We Invite the public to call as we are closing out our stock of dry goods, groceries, Hurdware, Shoes Ac. and they can secure bargains from this stock, when later public soles will be mado to closo out balance. J. C. Kino tc Co. J. E. Welsh & Co. keep a fine line of ladies,' gentlemen's and children's shoes constantly in stock. Subscribe for The Star and got all the local, county and general news. Fine shoes for ladles,' gent's, misses,' and childron at Johnston's Tho Oil City Fuel Supply Company have commenced drilling another woil on the Frazier Warrant in Heath town ship. ThiB well Is known as Frazier No. 500, this being the numbor of wolls drilled In this and other fields by that company. Brookville Republican. If you want good shoes cheap go to J. E. Welsh & Co.'s shoe storo in the Wm. Foster block. We aw now offering The Star and Tolodo Blade for $1.25 icr year, cash In advance. See Mllllrens new line of full suits and overcoats. Snyder & Johns, fashionable tailors. Mothers, seo the fine line of reefers for your boys at Bell.s. Our common, ordinary Way ot doing business. No Cost Sale, but we are Belling goods at a nice, de cent little profit, so as to live and let live. Our goods are not shop-worn, but are Strictly New and up-to-date. We could name you prices, but it is not necessary. COME IN and Bee the goods, get my prices and we will leave the balance to you. Picture Framing a Specialty. Thanking you for your patronage and soliciting a continuance of same, J.H. tUs Cash Furniture D ! HUGHES Pot Bala. Tho Secretary of the Reynoldsvillo school district will receive sealed bids for the sale of the old school building and grounds up to October 15th, 1WI7. Terms of sale to be agreed upon with the highest bidder. The school board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. FoUBT, Secretary. Cull und see BeH'sllne lino of over coats. Johnston carries tho finest linn of ladles shoes In town. 1AUTtON NOTICE. All persons lire hcrcliy cniitlmitMl not to meddle with thn fiit-mlti InipleincnlN, enn vcyunre, hiii-ness, horses, cows, plirs, house hold uiiniln, unit nil crops now In imsseMslon of Hiitntit'l Ittilley, on my tiirm 111 Wiiislow town ship. .leiriTiiin rminty, r., ns thn whole of sulci iiiiipi'rty wns piiirhiiHi'il by me lit sheriff siile Hi-pi. '.'4, IKI7, mill Is only left with the siihl Niimtipl Hiillry sithjerl lo my nnlcrs. II. it. ril'HAIII'S. Keynolilnvllli-, Hi-pt. t 'V7. WANTED-FAITIirt I, MKN OU WOMEN ' In tnivel for responsible pstiilllhe house In reniisylviinlii. Hillary $7sn nnil ex penses. Position pel munent. Iti'feieni'e. Kncliwe self nddressed stumped enveloH. Tho Niitlonul, Mtur Insurance lllilit., Chlcutlo. JJEECH CREEK RAILROAD. New York Central Hudson Rivor R. R. Co., Uue CONDENSED TIME TADI.E. HKAtt VP Exp Mull No ;tr No ;ia HFAII IIOWK Kxn Mull Mat I7..1RH0. Noun No:w p m p m am IM Arr...,llATTON,,..t.ve ': lilt. MAilAKr'EY ( 0.1 VIM tve.... K-rmisir....Arr 62 ii m 4(10 440 ft OT ft 1.1 Sii 3H H M 12 3.1 . TTiAzzCmT (Sill s 411 12 IA Arr....KermiMir ....l.ve 541 S 45 13 II New Mllport 5 46 SW 12m Olnntit .',! S;tl II fW. Mltrhells IS M Sill II 40 Lrn.t'lenrtlelil.liitie.Arr A lit s:ci ftM HOT 1130 CLEARFIELD 0 3.1 18 05 i A : 7.17 7 48 7 42 7 :7 72S .7 30 II .Hi 740 7 IS 7 12 (Mil H2S 8 It) ft 18 ft 0.1 4fW 4 m :n t4 03 i m p tn tKill II 21 II 12 II 0.1 10.18 10 .'p0 10 41 Arr.('tf iirfli'liUtincLve fi:tl 6 4.1 8t13 8 57 708 71.1 WiHHllnml. 8 47 8 5 8.19 7 07 7 15 T40 8.1ft Hlltler U'lillueeton .. Morrlsilnlu Mines.... Lve Mutison Arr 10 111 11 01 AVrrr"'ii'woT? Arr 740 8 55 ve HKMArr Munson Lvo 7 17 10!B Wlnlmrne 7 22 10 12 1'EALE 740 950 nilllntown 757 94:1 HNOEHHOE 804 8 48 ....IIKKCII CHEEK 848 8X1 Mill Hull 9 01 8 25 LOOK HAVEN 907 8 15 Yminitiliile V HI 8 00 JEHHEY 8IKIKK JUNO. 929 755.....IEHHEY HlloHE.... 9:t 71 Lvo WILLI AMSI' T Arr 1005 7 7 22 7 43 8 01 808 8 57 9 10 9 17 9 27 940 94ft 10 20 n tn n nt JL ii ni 8 55 ii m Pllll. A. tc KkaIHM) It. It. Arr WILLI AMHP'T Lve Lvo I'l'L1'.; Art livTTVTvlii Tiimiiiicm Ar Lv..N. Y, via I'hliit.. Ar ii m tlO 20 A 05 t) in II m J 10 JKtfO t4;w 800 0 7 25 p m (!) OtJ pni n ra Dally Weck-dtiys 1 8110 pm Sundays t I0 55h m Hiimluy "b" New York imsseiiKers tnivellnn via Phil adelphia on 10.20 it m tmlu from Williams iMirt, will rhuniiecnra lit Columbia Ave., i iiiiHuuipnin. 4'ONNRTIONH. At Wllllnmnnnrt. with riilluilelplils<endlnglt.R. At Jersey Bhoro m,,, run nnmR iiiuiwity. mill Hull with Central Kntlronil of Pennsylvania. At I'hlllpslmiK with Pennsylvania Kiillrond und AltiMina tc I'hlllpshurK Connncllnx H. 11. At ClenrHold with Huttiiln, Ibiehoster & PlttsburKh Hnllwiiy. At MiilmlTcy nnd I'ntton with Cambria A Clenrtleld Division of Pennsylvania Hiillnmd. At Muhnffey with i t'lmsy i vitnitt w rorin-iestern Kiiurouu. A. Ii. I-AI.MIH F. E. Hkhhiman. Superintendent. Uen'l Pass. Apt. PhilHdoiphra.Ps. Dotal. H otel McConnell, REYNOLDSVILLE. PA. FRANK J. BLACK, l'rojmeior. The leading hotel of the town. Headquar ters for commercial men. Steam heat, free bus, bath rooms and closet on every floor, ample room, billiard room, telepboue con nections &c. JJOTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. . C. DILLMAN, l'roprietor. First class In every particular. Locatod In the very centre of the business part of town. Free 'bus to and from trains ana commodious sample rooms for commercial travelers. tntcUanou. JjJ NEFP. JUSTICE OP THE PEACE And Real Estate Agent, Reynoldsvillo, Pa. Q MITCHELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on West Main street, opposite the Commercial Hotel, Reynaldsvllle, Pa. c. Z. GORDON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Brookville, Jefferson Co. Pa. Office In mom formerly occupied by Gordon ft Oorbett West Main Street. Qt M. MCDONALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public, real estate agent, Patents secured, collections made promptly. OAtce In Nolan block, Beynoldavllle, Pa. JiRANCIS J. WEAKLEY, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offices In Hahonuy building, Main Street, Beynoldavllle, Pa. gMITH M. MoCREIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public and Real Estate Agent. Col lections will receive prompt attention. Office tn the Foster block, near puatoOJee, Reyn oldsvillo, Pa. J)R. B. E. HOOVER, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Resident dentist. In building near Metho dist church, opposite Arnold block. Gentle ne In operating. jyO. R. E. HARBISON, SURGEON DENTIST, ReynoldavUls, Pa. Office In rooms formerly occupied by 1. 8. HcOrelght. jyn. a devere king, DENTIST, OMce over Beynoldsvllle Hardware Co. store, stain street, beynoidsvUle, Pa. Btokc'a Advertising Bpac. ANYTHING YOU WANT yon can find at our drop; emporium. Our assort ment covers evoi thiiiK and reaches to tho utmost houndary of tho trade at all points. Ono mijrht as well try to find a colder sjiot than tho north polo as look for something not Included In our assortment of drug's, medicines, standard prep arations, perfumes, toilet waters, mineral waters, extracts, flavors, dyes, soups, and toilet and manicure articles. Our choice goods aro a guar antee of satisfaction and our reputation an assur unco of moderate prices. Bing & Co. Our Btore is full of the latest and best things in their respective lines, and at prices that will pay all who buy. Don't fail to see our New Gapes and Jackets FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. They are handsome. complete, 500 pieces many designs, plads and see them. We are always receiving new goods and can always give you good values in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Shoes, Etc. We carry a complete stock of everything and you will find our GROCERIES and PROVISIONS always up to standard in quality, and the very lowest price. We invite a share of your trade. JEFFERSON SUPPLY CO. 1 ;:...ji AT OUR STORE fine furniture receives its latest and most brilliant definition. We are equally strong, complete, and triumphant in every department. Parlors, bed rooms, dining rooms, all rooms in the house, may here obtain an artistic outfit. We couple a pleas ing magnificence of appearance with a solid reality in value. What we sell you will become old with out looking so, will wear without becoming worn. When you buy, save money, of course, but equally of course get good things at our short figures. Stoke's Pharmacy. NEW ROOM and NEW GOODS. Our Dress Goods line is to select from. Silks in and Roman stripes. Come , f T22r Reynoldsville Hardware Co.