BLACK ROCKS. A Story of the Itarly Itays of tha Cm nalhvrllls Coal Region. A writer In Forest ami Stream ny Hint Ellas Blnnk, nun of the parly set tlers of what In uow tha great Uonnells tilla coal region, in western l'enimylTa tila, wan among tha flrst Americans to barn soft onal. itow tha thing cams bont li thns described ! One night Mr. Hlntik was nronscrl by rapping at hi door. Opening it, ha admitted n funiona I ml Inn fighter. Lewi Whctroll, anil a coinpnnlon, Jotinthnn Galea, otmimouly known aa "lying Arm. " "Friend lwla," said Hlnnk, "where, have thee and our iiirntl been and where bound?" "1 want to get out of here at once," said Whetaell, "and Long Anna Is of the aaraa opinion. Thin country'a be wltohed, and Long Arnia and I are nearly reared to denth. " "Friend Lewis, thee mnat not tell each fttoriea to tne," aaid old Ella". "Thee knowa I am thy friend, and I hare on Ted thee when a price waa on thy head, I know thon art a man of conrago, and friend Jonathan Untea, whom eoma call Long Anna, fenra nothing on earth, and I'm fearful noth ing anywhere else, and yet thou fullest ma that he and thee are wared eren al tnoat onto death. Shame on thee ao to declare before thy friend, who loea ye both aa he were thy fntherl" "No, no, Elina,"anid Whetzell, drop ping into the (junker apeech. "I tell thee no lie. We are scared. Yeaterdny afternoon we were In hiding about a mile from Dunknrd creek, and in the evening we built n flrn nnder the bnnk very carefully, and we got annin black rocks to prop up a little kettle and put them beside the flrn rnther than in it, and the black rocka took fire and darned fiercely, with a filthy smoke and a bright light, and Long Arma anid tha devil would como if wn staid, and we grabbed our kettle nnd poured nut tlin wuter and made our wy bar, leaving the black rocka to burn. " Eliaa Bin k waa much ftatwariteil. tie did not tell Whetaell wliut the black rocka were, but he found nut exactly where the men had mndn their flro, and when they went away he gave them each new Ezra Knglo rifle, a knife and a tomahawk, with four pouudt of powder ana a lupply of lend. Then he hunted up their camping ground, fooud tha "black rocka" and opened coal bank into one of the river billa, and thia coal bauk ia atill In ei iatenoe In 19 foot vein of coal that ia absolutely free from slat and burua like pitob. Ratting at Unyanyamba. My inarch ia nearly over. I have got back into well beaten tracka aud am even occupying bonne where near ly every Englishman who haa entered tbia region of Africa baa lain aud groaned over bla fevers, hla delaya and the thousand and one troubles inciden tal to African travel, Livingstone wait ed here with pntieut resignation for months, ruminating no doubt now on the great lake, anon on the "great open ore of the world. " Stanley barricaded and loopboled It walls in the war with Miramba Here Cumeron groaued ovr bis fevers and his delays, and before me rises the picture of Murphy, stont and burly, sinking with groan to the ground, and Dillon, blind aud helpless, lying wearily on bis couch. In later times Captain Carter of elephant fame bad to flee from the house aa from bouae infected, and bat few daya ago bis Scotch assistant and two Belgians were on the point of shooting each other with their revolvers, and, last of 11, to close this "strange, eventful his tory, " here lies yours truly, resting from bis long aud lonely march and feeling as if his work was o'er. ' I am at the present moment prey to that horrible scourge, prickly heat, making me feel aa if needles were ooi ing out of every pore of my corpus. Mosquitoes by the million buza about my ears, but sing uo pleasant love aong to my maddening bruin. I am also martyr to certain volcanic eruptions vulgarly known aa boils, whioh prevent tne from sitting, lying, walking or standing with any degree of comfort Then the temperature is ao high that t midday I have not got out of my pyjamas, while to get breath of air I bave continually to resort to the fan. Biography of Joseph Thompson, Afri can Explorer. , Claan lulrts la Oarmaay. Tha Ber.n Boersen -Courier tells bout German's invention of paper anirt trout which ia Intended to an peal to tha large number of continental Germane who wear dickies. The shirt front baa paper oollar polish and la in aevan layers. Aa each layer ia torn off it reveals another white, glistening front. Thus from one paper dicky tha wearer may evolve a clean paper shirt front for every day in tha week. The dicky is made to button to any kind of shirt It cocts but 80 pfennig, or about ' T cent; consequently tha expense of clean front ia but a cent day. In view of the prevalence of the dicky habit in Germany the inventor haa taken steps to manufacture hia compound shirt fronts In large quantities. ' Acids and tha Tasth. It la dentist's word that adds are quite as injurious as sweets to the teeth. unless their traces are promptly remov ed. Oranges or apples eaten at night need the brush aa certaiuly aa do candy and other sweets. If persona would be carer ui, too, wnai is taken before a teeth filling appointment, those with aensitive teeth will find some mitiga tion to their suffering. Aoids that set the teeth on edge are particularly to be voided. Good Argument Yausley Aludge, what yon larb at your own stories? t JUodge Why shouldn't If ' they rero not worth laughing at, I .would r : toll them. Indianapolis Journal. Minna's Wins aad Daaghtara. Of Milton's three wives and hla rela tions with tliem enough haa been writ ten. It was hard thing to be Milton's wife or Milton's daughter. He was stern, he was austere, he was self cen tered: his impeccable strength waa pur chased by sublime and monotonous egoism, which is the name they give to selfishness in poets. Very chill must have been the life of his girls in that Puritan house, reading to the lnwrapied riirituii father from Intiguugcs they did not understand and taking down from his lips poetry they understood still less. Milton found them undutlful. Poor lit tle "uiidutiftil" daughters! Fathers hnd terrible conceptions of duty in those days. Did any one ever want to know Miltonr Did any one ever not want to know Hhnkesnenref Doubtless there are renders of the Exeter Hall class who would have yearned for the godly com pany of the "great Christian poet." But, on tint whole, how thankful one should be that Hhnkespearn was not Christian poet!" Academy. Does ll t'ay to he Sick t HchIiIcm tin dlhcoinfni't, nnd milTi'rlng, llm-m of liny sort In xpctmlvc. llmidrcilH of miiiIc cutiBiilt tlin doctors every day nlmut cuiiiilm nnd colds. This la bettor 1 tin it to miffer 1 hit dUmmi to run along, but. tlntm who mm Otto's ('tiro fur the llii'ont and liniifM do lieUer Htlll. It I'OntH Ions mid tin- cure In cftiilii. You can got n trial hut tin fron of our agent, It. Alnx. Stoke. Largo nlztt 2c. mid fiOn. l.lverjr utiililc keepers "lnnild lilwnv keen Ainlc'il unci till l.lnlmrnl In Hie niiiIiIii, milli Inn like II for In n cs. Arnica A Oil t.liilnii'iit Is .imlly mind fur it win mill licust. 11 mill Ml i'i'iiIn H'r linllle, Fnr mile liy II, A. fluke. TliiiusnniN walk the chilli tn-dny who would lie slcfpliitf In Its hnsuni tint fur the timely use of Iiuwii'h Kllxlt. Fnr mile liy II. A. HI okc. Kuril iiillili'iitliuiilc mill elHrlctil tunic, use Baxter' Miiiiilmke Inner. Every huttlc Wiirninli'il. Fur mile liy II. A.HInke. DR. HENRY BAXTER'S MANDRAKE BITTERS, CURES CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. A delightful tonic and lax ative. Can bo taken by young 'and old. No dieting necessary. , Eat anything Ton like and . plenty of It Builds tip "run down" people making them well and vigorous. Try it. I At Drugginta. Onliy pr hottU. rltnry, lohnwn 4 Urd, froai., Birllngton. Vt For sale by II. A. Stoke. oooooooooooooooooooo fl. D. Deemer & Go. are busy opening up a new stock of goods for their Fall and winter Trade oooooooooooooooooooo A Note From the Editor. The editor of leading state pnpr w i ltcs: ''!( yon had seen my wlfn hint Juno mid to son her to-ilay you would not believe sho was tint union woman. Thou sho was broken down by nervous debility and suffered terribly from nonstlpntion nnd sick lieiidiii'tie. Iliu'iin's Celery King for tho nerves Hindu hern well woman in one month." II. Alex. Stokn will give you a fron Hiunplo pnekugo of tlila great heilml remedy, mi ii hI.c 2."m. and fakt. WAXTKIl FAITIIITt. MKN OH WflMF.N " In Iriivi-l fnr rcieiisllili established Iiiiiisi in I'eiiiiylvmihi. Hiilmy ,"n mill et Ileuses. I'nstllell pcrilllllient. Hcfcrcliec. Klli'lnsc nclf-llllllrcssed Untuned cnvcluic. Tlie NiiIIiiiiiiI, ."iliir Inmirntieii IiiiIk , Chlcium. first National Bank of HEYSoutsrn.u:. Capital, NurpluH. ?:(),()()(,. .?:,,(()(). i; Slllrhrll, I'realrirlitl Hrolt ltlr'lrllNiid, Vice Pres.! John If. Handier, 'ahlrr. Dlrrctorat '. Mllctiell. Mcolt. Mi'Clrlllind. J. (!. Klllff, John II. CnrlH.i, (I. K. Iln.wn, (I. W. Kiiller. J. II. Kimi'lier. ItiiUH ii neni'riiMiiiiikliiirliiiHliicMHiinil snlli'llH the iiccoiiiiIh of iiierrhtnitH, pnifi'sslehitl men. fiirinei'H, iiiccIiiiiiIi'm, niiiiem, liiiiilicriiicii nnd etlii. l-s, iirnmlMlni; the inusl clirt'tlll llllelltliilt to Ihn liiinliii-HNor nil iicrMiim. Hnfe Hi'ikibII lloxin for rent. Kirs I NiiIIiiiiiiI Hunk liultillns, Noliiii lilm'k Fire Proof Vault. L: M. SNYDER, Practical ftorse-snoer and General Blacksmith. Ititrnt Hh(Mlti(( limit Iti Hit iitMih'Mt tnRnmr ntid Ity the In lent (mpnivfd tnit IimIh, vr HUMlllirM'it! kttiflH of Him) nuifli for rumf t Inn lit fuulty Hctimi mi Ml 41Ihimimi( fti-t. Only tht lHt mnke nf hImhn hikI iuiMh iiwmI. Ki pulrliiit of hII kttifU rnrcfnllv Hnd primiptty tlollK. HATIHtf ACTION (illAHANTKKII. LlinilHir- niHii'n HiiiplltM tin timid, .larkwin Ht. near Fifth, KeynnldHvlllf. I'm. y ANTKIl KAITIIFri MKN Oil WOMKM to Irnvtd for rtHMtimthlti iHtalillNhtd hoiiMt In IVmiHylviiiilii. Hnlnry $7hii him) IH'iih'm. I'omM ion iM't-rnani'iif. Kt'fort'ix'f, Cii(!loHn mdf uddroNMi'd Hlfiinnwl tnvolopn. Tliu Niitloiml, Hlr liiHiirHint Hld.t t'liii-BKo. tlallrenai frlm ffoblse, IM Rrr'WT AUtltWT I, IHI7. Clilliiilellililn A Ki le lliillnmil DWIhIiiii Time I'lilile. Trillin" lent e liririwiinil, KAH'I'WAKIi S:0 n nt -Train h, wcckilnyn, fur Hiiiilmry, Wllki'sliiirn, Miifletiui, I'littHvlllivHermiliiii, lliirrlsliui'ff mill the Itili'Miieilliite hh Hmhs, itrrlvlnif nt. rhlliiilitililfi il::M p. in., New Yin Vi, ll:;m ( ni l lliiltlinnri.ll:il i. ln. WiisliliiKton, 7 : !." i. ill rullinmi ln 1 1. ir cur frnin Wlllli.mstHii I In riillnili'liihlit umi iiiik- Miluri. cetii'lieH friitii Kmiii' In l'lilliiilelililn i ii mi t iniiiiitsHii I in iiilii iiiiiiri nnd whhIi Iiiiiiiiii. :li:i p. tn. TiiiIii H, weekflitjrx, fur llnr rlHltiirtf tinil liileiuicilhttii Minimis, tir rlvhiK ill l'hlliitlelililii 4:M A. i. New Ven k. 7::EI A. M. 111 llinfl Htieillil( rnt-N friuit lliirrlsliiii'i; In I'hlltiili'liililH mill New York. I'hlliili'lhlit tiisciitfri-H cull remain In slcciicr utiil Kin i hrrl urn II 7::ni a.'m. ::r! i. tii.-'Triiln I, flully loi HiiiiImii v. Ilnrrl Iiiiiu mid Inici iiii-ilhiiit mihiIiuim, utilvltts hi ("It I lit lit . I.:.VJ A. M.: New Niirk, H:XI A. M. nit wi'eli iltiyM mill Hi.:w A M. mi Muti illiyi llllllllniin., Ii:.1 A. M.l WnslllliKliitl. 7:111 A.M. riilltniiii sti-eHMs frnin K.rle mill VII llniusnort In I'lilliiilelplilii mill WlllliiiiistNirl In iisIiIiikioii. liissfiirerN In HleiM(r fur MiillllMiire mill Wiishlietnli will lie t rmisf erred till n Wnshttiirlun sleeH'r nt Wll llmtisfHirt. I'lisseiirr renelieM from K.rle lo I'lilliidi-llililn mid WlllliiinnHirt In llnlll ninre. WKHTWAHII 1:41 s. m - Trnln , weclnliiys, for F.rle. Itldu wn, liiillols. ricriiuitil nnd p-iltirlinl Inter liii'dlnte HliitliuiH. d:4;t n. in. Trnln il, dully fur Krle null Inler- tiieilltite nulniH. n:4.' i. m.- I'iiiIii 1.1, weekduyi fur lnne nnd lltterinedlnteslullitim, TIIKIM'lill TIIAINX KOII IHtHTWIKiK KHtiM TMK K A HT A N 1 1 HI 1 1 ' T 1 1 . Tit A I N Ii I. 'lives New Vnrk ft:.V i. in..l'lillndel lililn H:,Vt p. in i Wnslilnittuii H:it p. in., nr rlvlns nt lirlfiwiMnl 4:41 a. in., weekduyN, Willi I'lilllinili slerners nnd ftrisscii)or ciiiii'Iii'm from I'lilliiilelpliln lo Krle mill Mnl lliiiurti to VIMImiiMHiii. Tit A I N hi lenves I'lilhuli'llililll N::m A. in.! WiisliliiKtiin, 7.Mi A M. llnliliiinre. HiMia. m. ,v iMd'Nimrte, liei.i A. M.l tieekdiiys, nrrlvliix nt llrlfttvueil nt ft:!5 v. M. wlih I'lillinmi lurlur ear hum riillndelpltlii to WllltutnsiMirt mirl nussi.iKir eimeh lu Kmie. TltAI.N II leuves Ni- Vui k in 7:.V, p. m. I'lilln- iieipniii, ii:::ii p. m, wiiNiiiinfiiiu, iimii p. in. lliillltiiiire, ll:.fti p. m.l dully nrrl vlnir nl ItrlfiwiNMl lit 1i:4:i n. tn. I'lillniitn sleeptns en in friiiii I'hlln. lu Wlllliuiixii'i, umi iliruuitli IlllsMCluter I'uilt'til'N from rtilhiilelptlltl lu ')rte mid Itiililmure in VIIMmiisHiri. tin Hiiiiilnys mity Pilllmlin sleerir riillitilelphlii In Ki le. JOHNSON ItUUO UAII.KOAI). ( Dili I V e.xei iit Sniiilii v. ) TltAIN Id leuves Ulduwiiy nl te.Vi n. m.l .fulni- sutiliiiru nl iii:ii n. m.. in riving nt l lermoiit nl tn:Vt n, m. rilAIN 20 leaves I'li'liinml nl 11:01 n. ni. nr rl.lim nl .liilin-iiiiliiiiK in II :4.' u. in, mid KlduwHV nl I'.'MM p. lu. KlIMIWAY fc CI.KAItl-'IKM) It. It. ANII IIINNKII'IflNS. WKKKIIAVS. HOttTIIWAHII. iITIIVAI!ll. A. M A.M.JJ Hf AT fiiNH. 4 (Ml lleimvo 4 41 HllflWIKMl A PI KmiMirliim June. MX Ht. Mnryi "l'75C " Mi 41(1 tiltl v :t: it mi ' 1.' m piiM N.'ill nit in -t; 10 11 :t! (Jin Jl IS kiti H4 ii ii ii m ;i Kmie Wlll'IK JutiiiHunhiirir Ulditwny Island Kun Mill Il11v.11 I'rnylmid HIiurlN Mills Mine IdK'k Vlneynrd Itun I'nrrler llrockwnyvllle l.niieN .MIIIm HnrveyH Kun Knlln I'renk M .HI (11(1 11 44 7 1 IJ 17 12 20 7 27 (1 .11 741 7 4.1 7 4t 7 51 7M HICI nil? s 1.1 H 20 m:t 0 40 4H 7 4.1 7l 7:il 72H 7 2H 7 24 7 IS 7 II 704 700 in 12111 V19 W 22 III 17 tl(M 04 KM SMI 6 40 vim 13 41 12 .M VI M 1(17 I In I 40 n:ki liulliiln T.TC! I i Tfi ' 1 1 1 N hi i nV J. It. W(H)I). lien. Mnnnser. (ien. I'kiw. As't. ALLKOHKN Y VALLKY RAILWAY (KJMI'ANY coiumoncliifr Sunday, Muy 111, 1HII7, U (iiiwlo DiviHion. KAHTWAKII. No. i.So.ft.rfJo.". ioi 1UI STAT IOI A. . M 4 -L A. M. e. M Itedllnnk I.HWHUIlhlllll New llelhliihem (ink Ulilue MnyHvlht' Hiiininervllle ... Ilrnuk vlllu Hell Kiiller KeynoldHvllln.. I'mii'iiHsi KiiIIh :reek Iliillnln.a HlllllllH Wliitertiurn .... I'enflclU Tyler Itenezette Ornnl Ilrlflwood 4 ill. ft III ft 2fi ft t.1 .'' ( Ji. A 4i .V! 01 S ll l.ll 'II III til til 2: (1 Ht 10 4s 7 mi " in II 4.11 ttl :VI 7 nn 10 2.1 I an I 40 in x 7 2.1 7 :i 7 41 7 7 41 7 .11 7 .V. S 17 tn wi s i s r, H n.1 e. m WKSTWAHII. Su.2rNnSTSu.1iM nn 1 iiiT STATIONS. driftwood Uruni. HeneKette Tyler I'niiHc Id Wliitcrlitim .... HkIiiiIh Hiilluln KMIs Creek PmiconHt Iteyiiuldsvllle.. Kullei Boll Rroukvllln Hummervllle..,. Ma vuvll In A. 1. M. ft :m ft .1; 1 ti n; i :u I'. M. P. M in in in it- .1 W II III li 2!l 1 .VI 7 Mil ; hi 7 2n iii II 1; II 2 . II :i: s 4:1 1, 4 ll V 7 I II 4 '.' 12 ft I ai 7 42 13 4.11 7 .iu 12 ftft S 40 VI 7 2.1 tl ?iil 17 :n 7 .HI, H ll'i IM 22, H .'ll: S 41' I .1. I M 7 4n 7 2 mi m mil 11 s n; 8 :r.' s :.! 2 27 S .1; 111 17 H 21- s i: 2 .1 a 0 (MkUliliri. v im, in, New llethleliem InwHontinm. Rod bunk.... a mi a Hi u 41; 0 ftA. p. m A. III.1 P. M Trains dally excnptHundiiy. DAVfD Mn(!AK(ib, Oin'i,. HnrT. JAB. p. ANDERSON Oan'i. Iah. Ao. B UFPALO, ROCHESTEU tt PITTS BURGH RAILWAY. The short line between DuBoln, Rldnwajr, Bradford, Hnlamnnrn, Buffalo, tinchenter, Niagara Kails and points In the upper oil reKlun. On and after Nov, 1.1th. ISM. nnssen- VertrHlns will nrrlveand depart from Falls Creek Hlutlon, dully, except Hunday, as ful- IOWHI 7.2.1 s m nnd 1.35 p m for Curwensvllle and Clcurtteld. 10.00 n m Buffalo nnd Rochester mall For Brock wny vllle, KlilKWiiy.Jiihnson hu r,Mt. Jewett, Ifradfurd.Hulnmancu, Buffalo and KiM'heHlert connectluir at .lohiiMinhurif with V. tt E. trnln 3. fnr Wilcox, Kane, Wnrron, Corry and Erie. 10.27 a 111 AccommodationFor Fykes, Rig Run and FunxHutnwncy. 10.28 a m Fnr KeynuldHVllfe. 1.1.1 m Bradford Ancommmlatlon For Becclitree, llrorkwny vllle, F.llmnnt, f'tir- nion, Klilitwny, JuliniMiiilium. ill. Juwutt and Bradford. I ll p. m. Accnmmodatlon for Punxsu- luwncy nnd lilir Kun. 4.2S p. m.-Miill-Knr DuUoIh. Hykcs, Rig Kun I'unxsutnwncy and Walston. 7.40 11 m Accnnimodutlnn fur Big Kun and I'tinxHutawiicy. PnHHenireni are rcquentod to purchuno tick etn before entering the enrit. An excetui chnnxe of Ten CenlH will hecollocted by enn duclnrMwIifii furea are pnlil on tralnn, from allHtntlniu, where a ticket ufllee in maintained. Thoimnnd mile tleketn at two cent per mile, trood fir paHHiixe tictwecnnll ntatlnnn. J. II. Mi'Intykk. Alien 1. Full. Creek, 1'a. C. V. I-AI'KV. Uun. I'lls. A '.rent, llnehenter N. V. GET AN rnucATioN ana fortuna su bund tn Imiiil. tJut au iniu cation at lh Tea" ral Httll Narmal Mcaaal, Lack I'n. If Inn- EDUCATION I AllllUillUllllMI M,..s,mmn,lutlnnii and luw rntva. &tat aid n".:i(leni. h'nr nln'Ularaanil lllim. cat.,ailUrB .1 IHK M.ltiiw. rm. v.. i-riH.PM ltv Normi auk llanoa, Pa. WANTF.O FAITUFt'I. MKN Oil WOMEN to I ravel fur renpoiiHthlu iwtnhlished houu In IN-nnsvl viuiln "Miliuy 7W) nnd ux nt'liHen, Pimltinn iierinalieul. Uufurencu. Fnclnso aelf-uildrewied ttuiuH.d onveloiw. The National, ttlar InauraucM Hldg., Chicago. Q a. W o 3 Q 3 X Marvelous IN PRICES AT PRIBSTER BROS.' The immense stock must be reduced within 60 days. Furniture, Etc, sold for cash at cost and below cost. All competition knocked on the head, since we CAN AND WILL NOT BE UNDFRSOLD BY ANYONE. Just think ! 2. 50 Mattresses at $1. 75. $3..00 Very Best Kitchen Chairs, six for $2.25. 1.75 Large Stands for 75c. Everythine else accordingly. nn Qs 3 o o o o. to CD X CD 3 CD C N4 in CD r o 2 o to Reduction!