The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 29, 1897, Image 4

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    ffiftc Star
Mubrcriptimi $1.60 per vtnr, or $1.00 if
' paid flrirlly in advance.
V. A. H'riCPIIKfVMHV, Kdllnr anil Pub.
A n I ndr-pcndcnt local pnpcr. pnhl llicd every
Wednesday at Htynnldsvlllt Jefferson Co.
I'n.j devoted l Hip Interests of Kcyuolilsvlllo
and JclTursoncoiint.v. Non-political, will trciit
all with ftilrni's. unci will l especially frlend
ly toward the tailoring cIiihs.
Subscription price l .00 per year. In advance.
Commiinlciitlons Intended for publication
must bn ncromimnlcd hytha writer's nanus
not. for pulilli'atliHi, hut ns it mmnmtim of
gondfnltli. Interesting news Items solicited.
Advertising rates made known on applies
tlon at the office In Arnolds' Block.
Lenghty communications and chnnge of
advertisements should reach this olHco l)y
Mondny noon.
Address all communication to 0. A. Steph
enson, Kcynoldsvllle. I'a.
Entered at the postofflce at Reynoldsvllle,
Pa.. as second clnss mall ranttcr.
The Pennsylvania Institution for the
Fevble Minded, at Polk, whs opened
last Thursday.
A (food citizen doesn't lay awake o
nights worrying alrnut the penalty of
the law for stealing or committing some
other depredation.
To mix adletof literature and seienee,
of Imagination and fact, In the right
porportions for a child Is ncr moan art;
though there are not wanting practition
ers who are more than willing to un
dertake it. Russell.
The new standard postal card will bo
trifle smaller than the one now In use,
so that it can be enclosed In business
envelopes of ordinary size. One billion
eight hundred million of the postal
Sards will bo printed.
By some of the verdicts rendered In
the courts of this county some people
would accept the following definition
for the word "jury:" "A body of men
organized for the purpose of deciding
which side has the smarter lawyer."
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Schaeffer has named Friday, October 22,
as Autumn Arbor Day, and recommends
that the day be observed by the plant
ing of trees and by other exorcises de
signed to give publlo school pupils
helpful information concerning the trees
and forests of this Commonwealth.
"There is abundant testimony In the
country papers almost any day to prove
that squirrel shooting Is done wherever
there are squirrels to shoot, and with
out any attempt at concealment, as a
rule," says the Pittsburg Daily AVtrs.
We have squirrels in this neck o' woods,
but hunters either strictly obey the
new game law, are too cute to bo
caught or no one enforces the law, for
no arrests have been made.
son County Medical Society, held In Du
Dols last Friday, the prominent topic
discussed was anthrax. Dr. James
Hoffman, the veterinarian of Brook
vllle, who hold the post mortem exami
nation on the Grlcks cow that died In
this place of anthrax, was present and
exhibited slides under the microscope
bowing sections of the liver and spleen
of the cow above mentioned. The an
thrax baocllli and spores were so plainly
visible that the doctors agreed that it
was anthrax. The society decided that
the cases at Falls Creek were anthrax
nd that they were caused by Infection
from hides.
A hamnntWt win .t V.
A gentleman introducing himself as
Theodore Bartholdi, or something that
sounded like that, dropped into the
Keum offloe on Monday and delivered us
n address on "Hard times, and what
manes times nam." He saia the times
had not changed any since the days of
our forefathers, the people have
changed. In vivid style he portrayed a
string of ladies walking past our door.
He said we could not tell the rieh lady
from, the poor lady, as they all dressed
alike, the poor living beyond her means
because she wanted to dress as well
as ber neighbor, etc. And he said many
other things too numerous to mention,
though he wanted us to take it down
and print it. One of his strongest points
was that we would have better times if
people would be more free in lending
money. He argued that If a man
wanted a dollar his neighbor should
give It to him. Punxsutawney A'ewn.
The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce
las taken up the matter of cheaper ex
cursions from this section to Pittsburg,
and we think it is a ste in the right
direction. The Allegheny Valley Ball
way, the only road our people can reach
Pittsburg on, has never been noted for
real cheap excursions, and In late years
the cheap excursions to Pittsburg grow
less. , One year the A. V. K'y run ex
cursion to Pittsburg as low as 12.40
for the round trip and they were well
patronized. For several years exourslon
tickets have been sold each Wednesday
during the Exposition at 94.40 or 94.60
for round trip. This year the A. V.
R'y has only announced two excursions
during the entire time of Exposition,
nd that Is to-day, September 29tb, and
two weeks from to-day, October 13th,
and the rate for theae excursions is 94.45,
Including admission to the Exposition.
The A. V. R'y people know their own
business, but we think they should give
the people along their line more and
cheaper excursions to Pittsburg, and
we feel confident It would bring more
rrocpv Into the company's Coffers and
f' ir'-vstie people ui opportunity to
' If c"j-itc":e in tie Exposition.
Pis Stuck to His Pants. v
Thu pupils of the "district schools"
are not slow about playing tricks on one
another, and tho Initiative at the Jenks
school was sprung on a Ind Inst Tuesday,
tho second dny of school, while the
".dress up" clothing was still being worn.
A piece of plo was left on a scut, a boy
with a new pair of breeches on sut down
upont he pie; he got up very quickly with
the pie slicking to the bosom of his
breeches; tko boy looked very mnd and
snid something ubout the "devil that
did It," and the pupils nil Joined In a
hearty laugh and then begun their
studies for the afternoon. The lad, upon
whom the joke was played, didn't get
over li so easily. At recess he said:
"Yon'ens are all here together and now
I want to know who put thut pio on my
desk?" "You'ens" didn't tell.
Oive Them a Wide Berth.
Because a loud-mouthed street fuklr
can describe your symptoms so minute
ly it does not follow that a monster
tapeworm Is side tracking all tho food
that enters your stomach. If you have
that "tired" feeling and experience an
unusual drowsiness just about tho timo
your wife wants you to get up and kin
dle the kitchen fire each morning con
sult a reputable physlctn and don't de
plete your pocket book by filling your
"tank" with sloppy nostrums prepared
by men whose solo aim In life Is to get
along without work. Clearfield Ibpub
liean. Ten Dollars Rewsrd.
Lost between the Hotel MeConnoll
ond tho A. V. depot, Reynoldsvllle,
about fl.HO p. m., Saturday, Sept., 18, a
ladles small gold watch, open face, gold
hands and engraved on Inside case with
Initials "L. Mo." Watch Is about the
same size as a Bilvcr half dollar. Ten
dollars reward will be given for the re
turn of this watch. Address L. Mo.
care of the Courier, DuBois, Pa.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. This is the best mcdlclno In tho world
for all forms of Coughs and Colds and
for consumption. Every bottle is guar
anteed. It will cure and notdisappoint.
It has no equal for Whooping Cough.
Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron
chitis, LaGrippe, Cold in the Head and
for Consumption. It is safe for all ages,
pleasant to take and, above all, a sure
euro. It Is .always well to. take Dr.
King's Now Llfo Pills in connection
with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they
regulate and tone the stomach and bow
els. We guarantee ierfect satisfaction
or return money. Free trial bottles at
H. Alox. Stoko's drug store. Regular
sizo 50c. and 91.00.
The Toledo Weekly Blade.
Evory intelligent family noeds in addi
tion to their local paper, a good national
weekly. The greatest and most wldo
ly known general family newspaper is
tho Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty
years It has been a regular visitor in
every part of the Union and is well
known in almost every one of the 70,000
postofflces in the country. It Is edited
with reference to a national circulation.
It is a Republican paper, but men of all
politics take It, because of its honesty
and fairness in the discussion all pub
llo questions. It is the favorite family
paiter, with something in for every
member of the household. Serial
stories, poetry, wit and humor; the
Household department, (best in tho
world). Young Folks, Sunday School
Lessons, Talmage's Sermons, tho Farm
stead, the Question Bureau (which
answers questions for subscribers), the
News of the Week in complete form,
and other special features. Specimen
copies gladly sent on application, and if
you will send us a list of addresses, we
will mail a copy to each. Only 91.00 a
year. If vou wish to raise a club, write
for terms. Address The Bi,adk,
Toledo, Ohio.
i - i - i .
J. E. Welsh & Co. keep a fine line of
ladles,' gentlemen's and children's shoes
constantly in stock.
We invite the publlo to call as we are
closing out our stock of drygoods,
groceries, Hardware, Shoes &o. and
they can secure bargains from this
stock, wheu later public sales will be
made to close out balance.
, J. C. King & Co.
Fine shoes for ladles, gent's, misses,'
and children at Johnston's
The Pennsylvania State Sabbath
School Association will hold its annual
Convention at Harrisburg, October 12
14. It will bean occasion of unusual
Interest, for which careful and thorough
preparation has been made. A leading
feature will be the annual address on
Tuesday evening, Oct. 12, by the Honor
able John Wanamaker, President of the
Association. The people of Harrisburg
extend a very hearty weloome to Sunday
School workers throughout the entire
State. Full particulars can be obtained
by addressing C. J. Kcphart, D. D.,
Annville, Pa.
A full and complete line of every day
shoes for women 91.00, 91.25, 91.50 and
2.00 a pair at Robinsons.
Dr. McCoy, the specialist, will be at
Hotel MoConnell, Reynoldsvllle, Satur
day afternoon, Sept. 25th. If you have
an rectal disease, ohronio affection, or
female disease, see him.
. Exolusive styles in ladles' ooate at
Dee me r.
Sue. 1. Be It ordained by the town
council of the Borough of Reynoldsvllle,
That riding upon any of the sidewalks
of tho ssld borough by any person or
persons, on any bleyclo, either single or
tandem, or any sled or sleds, or any
like contrivance, or coasting, or skating
upon any sidewalk bo and the same Is
hereby declared unlawful.
Src;. 2. That the stteed of any bicy
cle, itnglo or tandem, upon any of the
streets or ulleys In the said borough
shall not exceed ton (10) miles per hour,
unless s)eclal Mrmisslon to exceed such
speed shall be granted by the burgess
nnd town council, and riding upon bicy
cle In any of suld streets or alleys
without the rider thereof having his
feet upon the pedals and hands on the
handles is hereby prohibited.
Skc;. 3. That on all bicycles of any
kind, both single and tandem, which
may bs ridden upon tho streets oralleys
of suld borough after dark thore shall
bn curried a lighted lamp of suitable
character to provide for the safety of
vdostrians und others upon said streets
or alloys, nnd likewise, suitable bells
shall also Ixt carried on said bicycles,
single or tandem, and tho same must
bo rung, both day and night, by the
rider of said bicycles at all street Inter
sections or bonds In said streets, the
ringing of said bells to begin at least
fifty ("ill) feet before reaching said Inter
section or bend and kept ringing until
same shall have been passed.
Sua. 4. Any person or iiersons violat
ing any of the provisions of this ordi
nance shall be liable to a fine of not less
than one dollar and not mora than ten
dollars for each offense, to be collected
as other fines and penalties are by law
collected, and any and all ordinances
or parts of ordinances conflicting
with any of the provisions of this ordi
nance be and the same Is hereby re
pealed so far as the same effects this
Ordained and enacted into a law in
council this llth day of September, A.
D. 1W)7. W. S. Stone,
Attest: Pres. of Council.
L. J. McEntire,
Clerk of Council.
Approved this 7th day of Soptombor,
A. 1). 1!7.
H. Alex. Stoke, Chief Burgess.
Johnston carries the finest line of
ladles shoes in town.
If you want good shoes cheap go to J.
E. Welsh & Co.'s shoe store in the Wo.
Foster block.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures pllos, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by H. Alex.
Boomers coat opening Thursday, Oct
Subscribe for The Stab and get all
the local, county and general news.
common, ordinary
0! doInQ business.
No Cost Sale, but we are
selling goods at a nice, de
cent little profit, so as to live
and let live.
Our goods are
not slop-worn,
but are Strictly New and up-to-date.
We could name
you prices, but it is not
and see the goods, get my
prices and we will leave the
balance to you.
Picture Framing a Specialty.
Thanking you for your
patronage and soliciting a
continuance of same,
tr.3 Cash furniture
What it Means.
When we advertise that we will guar
antee Dr. King's New Discovery,
Electric Bitters. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, or Dr. King's New Llfo Pills, It
moans that we are authorized by the
proprietors to sell t hese remedies on a
positive guarantee, that if purchaser Is
not satisfied with results, wo will refund
the purchase price. These medicines
havt been sold on this guarantuo for
many years and there could bo no more
conclusive evidence of their great merit.
Ask about them and give them a trial.
Sold at II. Alex. Stoke's Drug Store.
All persons nrt hereby cautioned not to
mtMlilU' wild the funning Implements, con
veynnces, harness, lion, rows, pigs, house
hold ffixxU, mid nil crop now In iswscsslon of
HHntiiH Hiilley, 011 my mrtn In Wlnslow town
ship. Jefferson county, I'll., n the whole of
snlil pi-operlv was purchased hy me tit sheriff
Mile Wept. 24. IW, mid Ik only left with the
suld Snmiii'l lltitlcy nuhjert to my orders.
o.u. frmorg.
Rcynnldsvlllo, Hcpt. i -HT.
liouttn in iVniioylvantn. Nullify tw t td
i)friHt. Position prnihfHMtt. K.'IYrt'tirp.
KtirhiHA wlf nlltvssiMl Mtiiinitpil envcloim.
Tliu National, Hlur liiNiimiico Hliltf., Chtnino.
New York Central k Hudson River R, R. Co., Leuee
llHAn tif
F.p MhII
No :ff No :tl
Exp Mllll
No 30 No 38
Mat 17, 'lwo.
p m
p in
I M Arr.
n ni
MXHaIteV tsijo
p in
311 1 10 , . .
m i2;
Kurmonr ....Arr ft'ii
l 18 M OA . .AM.... .... t: 11 n
S 49 U Id Arr....Kerniisir ....Lve 041 K?l
S 4ft 12 II New Mllport 11411 B 2tl
S:i 12 (M Ol 11 tit 11 UK s:t!
SKI II. W, Mitchells SftH CIS
8 IS 11 40 Lvv.CU-nrlleldJ line. Arr 6 Id M
7 4s
7 37
7 2N
7 20
7 40
II 30 CI.EAKFIEI.I) 8 2ft
II 21 Arr.t.'li'iirtleld.liitie.Lve 83ft 639
II 12 Woodbind 8 4ft 8 47
110.1 Milder 1IW 8ft3
IOIW Wlilliiceton 8ft7 8ft
10 no .. MorrlHdHln Mines.... 70 707
1041 I,vc Mention Arr 7 1ft 7 IS
10 18
7 40
7 IS 10 38 Arr Miinwm Lve 717 717
7 12 10 32. Wlnhtiine 7 22 7 23
8 4)1 10 12 PEALE 7 40 7 42
82A VftO Ollllntown 7A7 S 01
6 18 9 43 PNOKPIIOE 804 808
ft IS 8 4H ....IIEEI'll CKKEK 8 4H 8ft7
8 0ft 8H3 Mill Hull 9 01 9 10
4IW 82ft LOOK HAVEN 907 9 17
4I 81ft YoiiiiKdiile.'. 9 18 927
437 8(10JF.ltHEY HIIOKE JtTNU. 9 29 . 9 40
433 7ftft .... JERSEY HIIOKE.... 930 94ft
Ultl t"2ft Lve WILLI AMHI' T Arr I0UA 1020
p m a m am p m
n in riili.A. ft Kkaiiino It. K.
um p m
0 lift Arr WILIjIAMHF'T I.Vft
2011 30
8 3ft
li:Lvo I'HILA Arr
A Oft
l.v N.Y.vhiTHniiifjtia Ar 6 00
9 00 Lv..N. Y. via I'lillu.. Arb7 2A $9 90
p m p m a m
n m
'Daily 4Weok-dnys 1 6 00 p m Sundays
1 10 Oft a m Hominy
"b" New York pttmeniieni traveling via Phil
adelphia on 10.20 a m truln from Wlllluins-
isjrl, will cliiiiiKu curs at Columbia Ave.,
rONNKCTIONH.- At WIIIlRmnport with
I'hiladclphlu&KPHdinKK.K. AtJersey Bhoro
with Kull Hrook Railway. At Mill
Hull with Cent ml Railroad of Pennsylvania.
At I'hlllpHlmrK with Pennsylvania Kallroiid
and Altoonn ft I'hlllpHhuric CoiimictliiK U.K.
At (iciirHoUl with Hiltfiilo, Rochester ft
Pittsburgh Railway. At. MahalTey and
I'ntton with Cambria ft CleHrtMd Division
nf Pennsylvania Railroad. At Mnhafrcy with
Pennsylvania ft Norlh-Western Railroad.
A. O. Pai.hkh, K. H. IlftuaiMAN,
Superintendent. Oen'l Pnas. Ait.
Philadelphia, Pa.
FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor.
The leading hotel of ths town. Headquar
ters for commercial men. Steam heat, free
bus, bath rooms and closets on every floor,
ample rooms, billiard room, telephone con
nections he.
. C. VILLMAN, Proprietor.
First class In every particular. Located In
the very centra of the business part of town.
Free 'bus to and from trains and commodious
ample room fur commercial travelers.
And Keal Estate Agent, Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Office on West Main street, opposite the
Commercial Hotel, Uuynoldsvllle, Pa.
Hrookville, Jefferson Co. Pa.
Office In room formerly occupied by Gordon
ftCorbett Weat Main street.
q m. Mcdonald,
Notary Public, real estate agent, Patents
secured, collection! made promptly. Office
In Nolan block, Keynoldsvllle, Pa.
Office In Mahoney building. Main Street,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Notary Publlo and Real Estate Agent. Col
lection will receive prompt attention. Office
In the Foster block, near po to face, Uuyn
oldaville, Pa.
Reeldent dentist.' In building near Metho
dist church, opposite Arnold block. Gentle
ness lu operating.
Reynoldsvllle, Ps.
Office In room formerly occupied by 1. 8.
Offics over Beynoldavtlle Hardware Co, store,
Mala street, boyaoldavllto, Pa.
Stoke') Advertising Space.
you nan find at our drug emporium. Our assort
ment covers everthlng and reaches to the utmost
boundary of the trade at all points. One might
as well try to And a colder spot than the north
jxilo as look for something not Included in our
assortment of drugs, medicines, standard prep
arations, perfumes, toilet wuters, mineral waters,
extracts, flavors, dyes, soaps, and toilet and
manicure articles. Our choice goods are a guar
antee of satisfaction and our reputation an assur
ance of moderate prices.
New Goods
are always receiving new goods and can always give you
good values in
Dry Goods;
Notions, Clothing,
Hats and Caps,
Shoes, Etc.
We carry a complete Btock of everything and you will find
our GROCERIES and PROVISIONS always up to
standard in quality, and the very lowest
price. We invite a share of your trade.
fine furniture receives its latest and most brilliant
definition. We are equally strong, complete, and
triumphant in every department. Parlors, bed
rooms, dining rooms, all rooms in the house.'may
' here obtain an artistio outfit. We couple a pleas
ing magnificence of appearance with a solid reality
in value. What we sell you will become old with
out looking so, will wear without becoming worn. '
When you buy, save money, of course, but equally
of course get good things at our short figures.
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
Stoke's Pharmacy.
Bino & co.'s.