The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 22, 1897, Image 8

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Mow th Iladmin Mr TrlbM IHnpmn of
tha Old ami lBi1lMit Mftmbun Thla
Old Warrior flonglit Another Itoath ami
Got Mew In Life.
"Thprolstiut one lirnst thnt tho Indi
ana lire rrnlJy nfniitl of." wild KuiTtnii
Yonnjj, th Uiiptlsf minister who rn
foully returned from a long snjourn
nttii'MK tlio HiiiImui Imr triurs, wImto
he vna the pitittpcr inisaioniiry. "Thnt
ia th?i sriczly lionr, tlm tliT of North
AnirrlcH. Only nnew hnvo I hrurd of n
grizzly Mug rnptnrpd nlivp, nnil in
tlmt : tlin font anved tlifl lifn of a fn
tonus old warrior.
"Among ninny of the lltidimn hny
tribes it ia Hw mistimi for the nlriidind
ipd to pat to ilenth tho old men mid wo
men who are no longer iiIiIp to do their
shnre of the work. The old women are
Imply kuo'-kvd on the heiirt wlthont
ceremony. The iwncess of getting rlil of
nn old limn la more pluhoriite. The In
diana do not think it well to atiiin their
hnnda with the Mood of one who wnx
onrn a warrior. Ho they rielegiite the
took to their hernditiiry enemies, the
wolves, to which they render all a"iHt,
anre iu their power.
"When it hna neen derided at a aol
enm powwow thnt any pnrtirulur old
mini ia to die, instructions are Riven to
a number of yonng luen to take mens
area to pet rid of him inituediiitely.
Among tho eieratinnera are alwaya the
anna of the condemned man. The day
after aentenee hna been pawed these ex-
ecationors call on the veteran, attack
him with atoiiea and apeara and drive
him into tho wildemeaa. There they
leave him to hi fate. A few duya later
they return and collect a few well
gnawed dpums, which they bring back
with fitting ceremonies.
"Among nil the warrlori belonging
to a tribe with which I made a long so
journ, none had a more glorioua record
tbau Mixa-Miss. But Miaa-Miaa WHa get
ting old. Ill eye were dim, hia hauda
were alow, and rarely did he bring
homo a fat buck. Furthermore, food
Wo scarce, and Miaa-Miaa retained an
excellent appetite. One morning Miss
MUs got orders to be prepared to
receive the ueit day a delegation of
youug brave led by bia two stalwart
"But Mian-Miss, though he had as
sisted iu many inch ceremonials in hia
. day, had not yet oome to eousider him
self old and useless. He was very angry.
Just as Miaa-Mis had done reviling the
Ingratitude of the youug a boy rushed
in to aay that a huge grizzly was feed
ing a short distance from the camp.
Hera waa the veteran's chance. All the
travel were away at the hunt Children
and squaws and Mins-Mlsa were the sole
ocoupauts of the camp. He knew that
to faoe a grizzly single banded waa
certain death, but it was the death of a
man. So Miss-Miss armed himself with
bia spear and tomahawk aud want forth
to seek the bear.
"He bad not far to go. Within a few
hundred yard of the camp he espied
the largest aud leanest bear he bad seen
for years, making a scanty meal off
dried roots. Crawling up as close as he
could, ha hurled his spear. The weapon
' struck tho bear in the flank. At he had
calculated, the wound bad no further
effect than to infuriate the brute and
turn its attoutinu upon him. Miss-Miss
took his stand with his back to a tree,
grasped his little tomahawk firmly and
awaited death.
"Now, bad it been an ordinary little
black bear tho peril of Miss-Miss woald
bave been small. A black bear would
have risen on its bind logs when it
came to close qnnrtetn, aud leaving ita
chest quite unprotected, tried to insert
ita paws betweou the man and the tree
in order to hug bim to death. All Miss
Miss would bave had to do wonld have
beeu to wait until it came within arm 'a
length aud plnngo hia bunting knife in-
to ita chest. One thrust would bave
been sufficient. But a grizzly ia differ
ent. It strikes with its mighty oluws.
Miss-Miss awaited the onset When the
bear came to close quarters, it rose on
its bind legs and made a migaRy, sweep
lug blow at his body. Setting bia teeth,
Miss-Misa struck at ita bead with hia
tomahawk. Tho weapon waa dashed
from bia grasp aud be waa hurled to
tba grouud, but, much to hia surprise,
uninjured. Instead of tba sharp olaws
in his side he had felt mighty buffet
s it from a huge boxing glove. Miss
Miss scrambled to bia feet The next
glanoo explained matters. Like himself,
' tba bear waa veteran. It bad lost ita
clawa long since. Miss-Miss dodged
round and round bia tree and from one
tree to another. Tho bear, whose sight
waa dint with age, aimed blow after
blow, with no other effect than that of
broiling its paw against the trunks.
The fight went on, aud Miss-Miss1
Viengtb was giving way, when through
an opening in the forest he espied the
blaze of the canipflrai close at band.
The bear saw it, too, and with a grunt
of disgust aud disappointment turned
round aud trotted back into the depths
of the forest to resume ita meal.
"Misi-MiM hastened back to the
" camp aud called the oldeat of the boys
together, "lake your lassoes,' be cried,
tond wa will capture a grizzly alive. '
Bo out they went When the party ar
rived within range, Miss-Misa whistled.
Tba bear raised its bead and the boys
cast their lassoes. One noose fell over
the brute s neck.
"When the braves returned in the
tvtniug, prepared to chase Miss-MiBs
into the wilderness, tbey found a huge,
roaring grizzly tethered in the middle
of the camp. No one of the tribe ever
had done such a deed. They oonoluded
the Great (Spirit bud willed that Miss-
' Misa should live, and Miss-Miss is alive
today and in, high honor with the
tribe. "New York Sun.
Couuting all classes of reserves, Ger
many can in 84 hours raise an army of
l.ow,ouu disciplined men.
Raibalsalaf ParfaaM,
Myrrh, which Was fabulously suppoa-.
d to be the tears of Myrrha, who was
turned Into a shrub, wan a plant of
hand'ome appearance, with sprending,
ferulike folingn and large umbels of
white flowers. It waa found principally
in Arabia and Abyasinia. In early times
the perfume, distilled from it was great
ly in requisition for embalming.
Herodotus gives a detailed account of
the ancient mode of embalming, which
is perhaps moro instructive than pleas
ing. After the body had undergone
much preparation, which, to spare your
feelings, I will not deacribn, it waa filled
with powdered myrrh, cassia and other
perfumes. It was then steeped in na
tron, a atrong solution of soda, for 70
days. After this it was wrapped In
handa of flue perfumed linen, smeared
with aromatic gnma
Not only people were thns embalmed,
bnt the eroeotllles of Lake Morris,
which, after their mnnimlflcation, were
decorated with ornaments and jewels
and laid in one of the subterranean
passages, of the great labyrinth with
much pomp and display The sacred
rat, ichneumon and other cherished ant
mats devoutly worshiped by the Kgyp
tians were embalmed with scrupulous
and fanatical care On days special to
the memory of the dead the mummies
were newly sprinkled with perfume, In
cense waa offered before them and their
heads anointed with fresh oil in tho
same spirit as we lay new blooms upon
the graves of our dead. London Society
A View at flnltan.
Here is a first view of the sultan ns
Mrs. Max Mnller sees him. She do-
scribes it in her "Letters From Constan
"The green enameled and richly
gilded barouche comes in sight, drawn
by two glorious black horses covered
with golden harness, driven by a man
in bright blue and gold livery, and on
each aide the grooms in blue and gold
and every man in sight, naval, mill
tary, civil, master or servant, in the
all pervading but all becoming fez.
"In the carriage sita a small yet
stately man, in a simple, cloth military
overcoat, with no order or decoration of
any sort, only his curved sword and a
fox like the rest His large hooked nose
proclaims his Armenian mother His
piercing eyes are raised to our window
as he pnsHes, bnt his face is still aud
Immovable, and he salutes no one.
though his whole person has a swaying
motion, so faiut that it may only be
caused by the swaying movement of the
caringe Opposite his imperial majesty
sits Osman Obozi, the hero of Plevna,
almost his only intimate friend, whom
ha trnsts implicitly. "
Mother Ooom.
The most popular children's book
ever written waa "Mother Goose's
Melodies. " Mra Goose, or "Mother
Goose, "as she waa familiarly called.
was the mother-in-law of Thomas Fleet,
a Boston printer, early in the last cen
tury When his first child waa born,
hia mother-in-law devoted all her at
tention to the baby, and, it is said,
greatly annoyed Fleet by ber persistent
and not particularly musical chanting
of the old English ditties she had heard
in ber childhood. The idea occurred to
Fleet of writing down there songs and
publishing them in book form. The
oldest extant copy bears the data of
1719. The price marked on the title
page waa "two coppera " Tbia account
of the origin of "Mother Goose" ia dis
credited by some critics, who declare
that in IH97 Perranlt published "Contea
de ma Mere 1'Oye, " or "Stories of
Mother Goose." The name "Mother
Goose" was familiar in Frenoh folk
lore, being need by writers of thia lit
erature over a century before the time
of Perrnult
The Blank Maria.
In Boston's early daya a negress
named Maria Lee kept a sailors' board
ing house near tbe water front She
was a woman of gigantic aize and pro
digious strength aud waa of great as
sistance to the autboritiea in keeping
the peace. When an unusually trouble
some fellow waa on tbe way to the
lockup, Black Maria, as Maria Lee waa
called, would coma to the assistance of
tba policeman, and her services were in
such requisition for this purpose that
her name waa associated with almost
every arrest made.
Black Maria often carried a prisoner
to the lookup on her ahonlder, and
when the prison vau waa instituted for
the purpose of carrying prisoners it nat
urally enough waa styled tba Black
Maria. Journal of Education.
A Stupid Lady Bouatlfnl.
'1 once showed an old lady ranch
given to good works of tbe Lady Boun
tiful order how some proteges of hers
who were constantly on tha verge of
starvation might be placed in possession
of small bnt regular and sufficient in
come. 'My dear,' she said, 'I don't
think it ia a good plan. They would
get too independent I like them to
coma to me when they are in diflicnl
tiea and ask for what they want ' "
"Rich and Poor," by Mrs. Bosanquet.
Woman In Waat Africa.
Many times when walking on Lem
barene island have I seen a lady stand
in the street and let her husband, who
bad taken shelter inside the bouse,
know what she thought of him in a
way that reminded me of some London
slum scenes. When tha husband loses
bia temper, as be surely doea sooner or
later, being a man, be whacks bis wifo
or wives. "Travels In West Africa,"
by Mary H. Kingsloy.
Mlatarly Admiration.
A raw Bcotoh lad Joined the volun
teers, and on the first parade day his
sister came with bis mother to see the
Ou the uiaioh past Jock waa out of
"Look, mither," said hia sister,
"they're ' oot o step but cor Jcck. "
Glasgow Herald. ,
Hath Vm,
The Toronto Saturday Night tells of
a man who kept fitrrot being obliged
to go Into the country, leaving the cage
with the ferret in charge of a neighbor
till be should return.
The neighbor incautiously opened the
cage door, and the ferret escaped,
whereupon the owuer brought a claim
against him for damages.
The following was thn decision of
the learned magistrate before whom tha
cm so waa brought.
"Nodoubt," be said to the neighbor
"no doubt you were wrong to open the
cage door, but" turning to the owner,
"you were wrong too. Why did you not
clip the brnte's wings?"
Iu 108(1 an ordinance was passed In
Albany that no person or pcrnous should
be permitted to work at any trado or
work until he hod served as an appren
tice to eoiiio burgher of the city for the
term of four years unless they should
be in other ways qualified.
How to Be Handitime.
Itlsn tnltuki' to HiipiiH that, tho
only way to 1st good looking is to ho
horn ho. (JihuI liciilih hna iii' i'o In do
with giHNl look than iinytlilnr else.
Such i"N.'HwHH oonstipatlon, tlyMK-nin,
liver (iitnplalnts, rlii'innallsm. nervous
d'Hiiidi'rri. Ac!., not only l orti'ii 1 i f . but.
Hpoll li inp. is and "IhmIik." Macon's
t 'fiery Klnif for tho nerved oiiivh IIh-mo
liinilil.T. II. Alex. Sinko aid tH It and
willjriv' yen it H:iinil. iackai;' froo.
Lhi iT" siz i Ale. anil fine.
I.lvr ry Miulile keeHar4 Hlitmld iiIwiivh keep
Arnli-ii mill (Ml l.lnliiietit In the xtnlilr, niith
ln! Ill;)' II for liuryc. Allili u ft Oil l.llilmellt
Is ctiUHlly kiiimI fur man aniMwiiit, i anil .VI
reals err hot I If. Kor mm le liv II. A. HlnUe.
Tho-.i-atidM walk tin ertrtti to-rlny who
would he lii'tlntf la tin hooin lull fo; ihr
timely ue of liowu' V.llsli. For hiiIc liy II.
A. Stoke.
Tor n inllil ,litltaMii anil clll'leul tonlr, llr
HaMer'H Mandrake Hitler, livery lint tie
Wiirianted. I'or sale hy II. A. Stoke.
A delightful tonio and lax
ative. Can be taken by young
'ami old. No dieting necessary, i
. Eat anything yon like and
plenty of it Buildanp"run
down" people making them
well and vigorous. Try it. v
i At Dragglata. Only Ma jiar BoMla.
Henry, Johnion k Lsrd, Propi., Burlington, Vt,
Kor Hale by II. A. Stoke
fl. D. Deemer & Go.
are busy opening up
a new stock of goods
for their
Fail and winter Trade
A Common Danger.
If you have over had a cold which you
permitted to "wear away" It may In
toroat you to know was a danger
imis proceeding. Kvery cold and cough
which ia neglected puves iho way for
uoiiHiimption, hroiichltlH, anthiiia or
catarrh. Otto's Cure, tho famous
Oornwin throat anil lung remedy, will
euro any cough or cold and save you
from ecui'iumptlnn. Call on 11. Ad'X.
Stnko and gel a Hituiplu holllo free,
t.arifo hIwi "ic. and Tide.
to liltvrl fur lt'-Hlr-tlili' esliihll-ltrll
house In IVtiii-ylviHilii. Suliity ?7i und et
lii-ltsc. I'oMt'lnii H'i nuitielil. Itefereiire.
1nrloM si lf-H(ltlrrM'll .Mliirnhi'd envrloie.
The National, Sim- Itrou-aiict' flldtf . rhlraim.
tt f it : l xai.hsrii.L ;.
'. IHItrlll-ll, I'reaildelifl
Mroll l Irlliiiul. Vli e lre.
.loll ii II. Knni'lier. I'naliler.
'. Mitchell, Hc-otl MrClcllainl. .1 ('. Kin,
John II. Cnilietl, It. K. Iliown,
(i. VI. Kullor. .1. II. Kiiui'liei.
line n etiertil Imnktiur IhisIiichmiumI solicits
the iici-oiinlN of tneri'hiliils. iiiife .loiuil men.
fanners, mechanics, miners. Iiimlieinieii and
othern. promlHlmr the most careful attention
to the htislucH of till persotiH.
Hiife leMi-ll Moves for rent.
First National Hunk hiilhlluit. Nolnn Mock
Flr Proof Vault.
Practical Horse-sHoer
and General Blacksmith.
llnt-HO hImm'Ihk lom hi the iiriitiNl manner
nrtd hy tint taicti tmpmvrft nn'thmiH. Over
KNiiltlTcrnnl kliulM of hltrtH rmuh tor rorroc
llmi nf fuulty lid Inn tuiii illhcHHcft fcW. Only
Hie Im'mI mnkiwif hIi-m-h ntit hhIIh iim'I. Itv-pHii-tiitf
f nil klmln run-fully ittul promptly
(Inilil. 8ATIHFArftON (fUAKANTKKIl. LlinibtT-
mt'n'H HtippllcH on IiuihI,
.riu'kwin Ht. m-iir Fifth, KcyiioldHvillt', l'n.
" to t rtivi'l fur icsiHinslbh' (.sttihlUliwI
I limiMo In Pi'iiiiHylviwitH.. Kitlnry 7W und ix
i ii(fiHHt. (wlt hut iKTiniini'iii. Krft'riMirt.
Kni'lfHO wlf mldriNpd HtntniH-fl i-nvrlnpe.
The National, Hiiir liiMiriiticf ItJ.lix.. rhlrnKo.
I will close
stock of
Clothing and
Furnishing Goods
at less than mfg. prices.
IIKNRIKTTAS, mM at 7.1c. awl 85.,
" .r)C.
" ' fiOfi.
" " ' 20c.
White Flannel at the pame price.
LADIKS' K1BBK1) WAISTS, roM at 25c,
" " " " 15c
" " " 10c
ii 4 4 44
COUSFrS formerly sold at $1-00 now 79c;
now 57c; formerly 50c, now 39c
CAMBRIC at 3ic a yard.
TAFFKTY at s and 10c a yard.
O. N. T., Clark's Cotton, 4c. Spool Silk 4c
Child' Suits 1.00, now .75 Boys' Suits 7, 8.00, now 5.50
1.50, " i.lO " 5.00, " 3.75
2.00, " 1.50 Men's " 4.98, 44 3,85
2.50, " 1.85 " " 5.00, " 3.75
4.00, " 2.75 " 44 5.00, 44 2.75
Men's Fine Worsted Suits reduced from $10.00 to 6.50.
GRAND AIIMY SUITS reduced from $8.50 to 5.50; from
1 0.00 to 7.50.
Shirts reduced from $1.00 to 75c, from 90c. to 67c, from
'75c to 62c, from 50c. to 42c, from 35c to 25c
JoD Work Department
The Star Office
Is replete with the Latest
. Styles of Types.
out' my entire
now 57c.
now 19c.
formerly 75c,
Neat Work Done
on Short Notice I