The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 08, 1897, Image 4

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    $Tftc Star.
Unbncriptiim tl.50 prr fiir, "'" tt.VO if
. pttitl tlrictljl III mintnet.
. . HTIiPIIKTJVH. Fdlior ami nb.
An Independent loeiilpiiiier.pniillthi'cl every
Wednesday nl Hevnoldivlllc. .leilerson I'o.
!'., devoted lo I lie Interest" of Keyiiolilsvllle
and.letTersoneonntv. Non-polltlrtil. wllltreiit
nil with fullness, mid will heespuelnlly filrnil
ly towards the liiniirliia rluss.
Buliserlptlon pi 'Icf4l.))ii'i yenr, In ndvnnee.
Communications Intended fur piihlli'iil Ion
must be accompnnlcd hy the writer" mime,
not fur niilillcntlon. lint us n uiiiiriini f
ood fill th. Interest Imr new Items solicited.
Advertising rules nmile known on applica
tion at the office In Arnolds' Hlock.
Lenirhtv communications anil ehiinue of
advertisements should rem'h this office hy
Monday noon.
Address all communications toC. A. Steph
enson, Keyiiolilsvllle. Pit.
Entered nt the pnstnAVe nt. Koynnldsvllle.
Pa., Hi second clnss mull nmtter.
Street LiRht to br Placed ot Main Street
Crossing of R. ft F. C. R'y.
Kojrulur niiMMlnir of thn town council
was held on Monday evoninir. with
President Stone in thcclinir. Members
present: Spears. Klliutt, Hoover, Hcyn
olds and Coibett. Minutes of t ho
previous meetinirs rend anil approved.
No report from the burjres.
Secretary Hoard of Health reported
receipts to bo but $1.."0.
Clork reported ho had received W.'
from the C. I). Si P. T. Co. for llcenxo
on Kfl poles.
On motion hills amounting to fc(HU8
were ordered paid.
President Stone stated ho had seen
the publishers of the city papers and
they wished to put in a bid for the
printing of ordinance. On motion the
ordinance committee was instructed to
get the ordinance printed In book form
Finance committee reported that the
solicitor had not been able to get the
costs on the Sanders caso adjusted, but
would have soon.
Chairman of street committee report-
ed he hnd called on Mr. Robinson, Gen'l
Manager of J. & C. C. & I. Co. in re
gards to a light at the Main street
crossing at the iron bridge and that
they would placo a light.
Chairman of street cnmmitteo report
ed the expense on the street for month
of August, Including lumber for side
walks and crossings, to be $119.18.
Mr. Honningor, high constable, ro-
ported he had received $5.00 through
impounding cattle and had turned tho
same over to the borough treasurer.
On motion tho reports of tho differ
ent committees were accepted.
Chairman of the street committee
stated that tho act passed by the lejrls-
lature at its last session did not control
or Interfere with the seworago of our
borough. Ho also stated he had been
making further investigations In re
gard to sewerage.
On motion action on the removing of
the bell tower wag hold over until next
Ordinance No. 43 passed second read
ing and became a law by unanimous
vote of tho oouncil and the clerk was
instructed to have thera printed in both
papers and posted as required by law
After hearing the doclslon of Solic
itor M. M. Davis read, In the matter of
the request of J. J. Sutter for a sldo-
walk from Jackson street to Pleasant
avenue, on motion the president of the
council was requested to see what ar
rangements can be made satisfactorily
with persons interesed in the petition
for a sidewalk from Jackson street to
Pleasant avenue.
Chairman of the street commltte re'
ported that Mr. Burns could not grant
tho right of way to open an alley through
the Burns estate, Mr. Burns being the
On motion the solicitor was author
ized to prepare a petition to oourt to
liare viewers appointed to assess the
damages for opening an alley across the
Burns estate.
On motion the building committee
was instructed to inquire into the lease
of lot on which hose house No. 1 is
built, and make suitable approuchos to
the doors of hose house No. 1.
The follies, vices, and consequent
miseries of multitudes, displayed in
newspaper, are so many admonitions
and warnings, so tnanv beaoons eon
tlnually burning, to turn others from
the rocks on which they have been
shipwrecked. What caution likely to
be more effectual against gambling and
profligacy than the mournful relation of
an exeoutlon, or the fate of a despairing
suicide? What finer lecture on the ne
cessity of economy than an auction of
. estates, houses and furniture? "Talk
they of morals?" There Is no need of
Hutoheson, Smith or Paley. Only take
a newspaper, and consider it well; read
it, and it will instruot thee. Bishop
The last legislature enacted a law
which provides that no appeal shall be
entertained from the judgment of
J ustloe of the Peace unless the appelant,
or his attorney or agent, make affidavit
that the appeal is not for delay, but
because be verily believes that injustice
. has been done. Another new law re
quires justices to return to the plantlff
all costs paid by blin in cases where an
appeal is made by defendant.
The Pennsylvania li. It. Co. has com
menoed the construction of oars with
capacity of 100,000 pounds of freight,
and oxpecu to equip its entire system
rlih these Hnmeose oars in time. The,
' i 9 the largest lo use in the world ani
wm an oe supplied with air brakes. on the Way to K'ondyke.
A party of l'liillipsburg. Pa., young
men, guldennddwards, consisting of O.
Hwlta-r, C. H. French and II. L.
nil IkIo, arc In the city and tonight
they will leave on the City of Seattle
for Victoria whore I hey will take tho
Bristol fur St. Michaels. At St.
Michaels they will transfer to the river
steamer Kugene going direct to Dawson
City. Lust night the party wan seen at
the Hotel Stevens and stated Hint they
ero generally surprised at tho moder
ate price charged In Seattle for sup
plies. Tliey were told In St. Paul that
hey could not get bncon or flour In
Seattle at any but panic prices. Lpon
their arrival here they found every
thing cheaper than tho figures quoted
them in St. Paul. They did say, how-
ver, that they found hardware higher
here thuii in Pennsylvania, but that
as not to be wondeti-d at. They came
from an Iron manufacturing State, and
naturally brought a schedule of values
with them. When the freight and
pneking were added, however, there
wits no great difference, and they ex
pressed themselves entirely satisfied.
The only regret, they feel is in the inat-
r of leaving Seattle, which they say
is the best city in tho country
to-dav. All of tho members of
he Philipshurg party aro old-
timo friends of ox-city clerk It. F.
Stewart, and for tho past three days ho
has divided his time in assisting them
to make up a first-class outfit. They
will take up nearly a ton to each man,
all of which has boon purchased in
Seattlo, excepting furs and hir gar
ments, which they bought in St. Paul.
Seattlo Pont-lnhlliiji mvr.
There is Nothing so Oood.
There is nothing Just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
Cough and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit tho dealer to sell you sotno
substitute. He will not claim there Is
anything better, but In order to mako
more profit ho may claim somthing else
to bo just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Discovery .because you know It to
bo safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For colds,
coughs, consumption and for all affec
tions of throat chest and lungs, there Is
nothing so good as is Dr. King's Now
Discovery. Trial bottle free at II. Alex.
Stoko's drug store. Regular size 50
cents and $1.00.
Resolutions of Paradise Grange No. 854
WHKKEAS, It has pleased God in
His all-wise dealings to remove from
our midst our beloved sister, Ida V.
Sypbrit, a charter member of our order,
and in so doing has deprived us of one
who had the Interest of our order dear
to heart, and in whom all confidence
was placed. The death is indeed a sad
blow to our order, to tho church and to
the family, to whom she was a loving
daughter and sister, and will be deeply
mourned, but we bow in humble sub
mission to the will of God, knowing He
doeth all things well. Therefore,
Hemlved, That we drape our charter
for thirty days and that these resolu
Hons be recorded on the minutes and
sent to The Star for publication, and
that a oopy be presented to the bereaved
family. J. r'. strauss, 1
Mrs Noah Strauss. )
In a Man's Mind.
A thin man always puts on a lot of
airs when he has a fat baby.
The most successful liar is the man
that ltos least and then lies hardest.
A woman never feels really helpless
until sho gets a mosquito bite under
her corset.
Kissing is like eating mushrooms.
You are never sure what will happen
until afterward.
Every woman keeps a list in her head
of people she won't invito if she can
afford to give a party.
f ortune may knock at every man s
door, but it is generally gone by the
time he can get his coat on.
When a girl says that all the men are
alike you may know that she has had an
experlenoe with one of them.
A woman always has an Idea that she
can make a man fidget around and act
uncomfortable when she looks at him
hard. Ex.
Did You Ever
Try Electrlo Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now
and get relief. This medicine has been
found peculiarly adapted to the relief
and euro of all Female Complaints,
exerting a wonderful direct Influence in
giving strength and tone to the organs,
If you have loss of Appetite, Constipa
tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are
Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells
jueoirio Hitters is the medicine you
neea. Health and Strength are guar
anteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00
at H. Alex. Stoke'sDrug Store.
Bucklen's Arnica 8alv.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures plies, or no pay required,
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by H. Alex,
Hard Tuna Prices.
$20.00 suits tor 116.00 and $22.00 suits
for $18.00 at Hamblet it Bwartz's. Look
at display window.
Six". 1. Be It enacted hy tho town
council of the Borough of Iteynoldsvlllo,
That riding upon ttnv of the sidewalks
of the said borough by. any person or
persons, on any bicycle, either single or
tandem, or any sled or sleds, or anv
like contrivance, or coasting, or skating
pon any sidewalk ho and tho snmo Is
retry declared unlawful.
Skt 2. That tho sliced of nnv bicy
cle, single or tandem, upon any of the
streets or allevs without tho rider
thereof having his feet titon the pedals
and handles Is hereby prohibited.
ku. .. That on all bicycle or anv
kind, both single and tandem, which
mnv b ridden ttimn tho streets oralleys
of said borough after dark there shall
tie carried a lighted lamp of suitable
haracter to provide for the safety of
pedestrians and others upon said streets
or alleys, and likewise, suitablo hells
shall also bo carried on said bicycles,
Inglo or tandem, and tho same must
lie rung, both dav and night, by the
Ider of said hleyeles ut all street inter
sect Ions or bends In said streets, tho
Inglng of said hells to begin at least
llftv (oO) feet before reaching said Inter
section or bond and kept ringing until
same shnll have been passed.
Srai. 4. Anv person or th-rsons violat
ing any of the provisions of this ordi
nance shall ho liable to a fine of not less
ban one dollar nnd not more than ten
dollars for each olfetise, to bo collected
as other fines and penalties are by law
collected, nnd any and all ordinances
or parts of ordinances conflicting
with any ot the provisions of this ordi
nance ho and the suitie Is lioivby re
pealed so far as tho samo effects this
Ordained and enacted Into a law In
ouneil this tlth day of September. A.
D. 1H17. W. S. STONE.
Attest: Pres. of Council.
L. J. McKntire,
Clerk of Council.
Approved this "th day of September,
A. D. mil.
II. ALEX. Stoke, Chief Burgess.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Strouse, of Big
Run, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Cathcrs last week.
Harvey Keller, who has boon on tho
sick list, is able to be around again.
Charley Plfer and sister, Miss Mollle,
of Big Run, wero In Paradise last Fri
J. W. Syphrlt was called home from
tho Clarion normal last week on account
of tho serious illness and death of his
sister, Ida.
Miss Cyntha Myers, who has been
visiting her brother the past two
months, returned to her homo In Na
trona last week.
At this writing Dannie Fillhart Is ly
ing low at his homo with a bad caso of
blood poisoning.
For fine foot wear at reasonable prices
go to J. K. Johnston's.
Subscribe for The Star and got all
tho local, county and general news.
Baby shoes 20 to 35 cents per pair nt
J. E. Welsh & Co's.
Johnston carries tho finest line of
ladies shoes in town.
The New
m Furniture k
Opposite Hotel Belnap,
New Goods 1
New styles
The manufacturers make
the goods, I make the
My object is to please the
eye and the most important
part, to Buit your pocket
book.. My stock consists of
a complete up-to-date line.
Special attention given to
picture framing.
the Cash Furniture
Wo Invite the public to cull as we are
losing out our stock of drvgoods,
groceries. Hardware, Shoes Ac. and
they can secure bargains from this
stock, when later public sales will bo
made to close out balance.
.1. C. Kino & Co.
For neat fitting suit go Ut Snyder &
Johns, fashionable tailors
J. E. Welsh & Co. keep 11 fine lino of
ladies.' gentlemen's and children's shoes
constantly in stock.
to trtivel for resiioiistliln established
house In IVmiiyl vntiln. SiiIhi-jt lisii nnd
imisi'S. roslllon iii't-mitlletit. Ketet-etlru,
iirlosi self iiildi-essed slumped rnvelonn.
The N11II01111I, Slur Insiiriinee Itlilit.. Chleiiiio.
New York Crntril 4 Hudion Rlvor R. R. Co., Unte
IIKAn now
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t4IW t721 Lve WILLlAMSI'"!" Arr 101X1 1020
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Dully IVeek-ituys I Hot) p m Sundays
; mm a 111 ptitidiiy
'li Now York iiiisseimers triivttllnif vln lMill
nilelpliln mi 10.20 u in triiln from Williams-
IHiri. win i'iiiiiiko ears hi. t;oiiimiiin nve,
4"OSJNKTIONM. At WtlllntnstMirt with
I'hlliideliihliiAKeiidliiKK.K. At Jersey Shore
with Full Hiisik Hallway. At Mill
Hull with 4 em nil Kit Irond of rennsrlvitiiln.
At riillliishiiiir with IViiiisylviinlii Kiillroiul
and Altisinit a 'iillHhiii tf I'omiPi'tltiK li. H.
At t'leiirlleld with Hutritlo,
Itorliestnr &
ritlsliurirli Kiillwitv. At Miiliiitrey
MiiliiinVy nnd
Milton w in t umlirlu ft L'leiirtleld Division
of lVnnsylviitifii Kitllruiiil. At MnliitlToy with
reiinsyiviiniii norin-nesiern 1111111111111.
A. li. I'ai.mkii, V. K. Hkhiiiman,
Huporlntvnduiit. Oen'l I'hss. Attt.
I'hlhiuelelilii, Pa
FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor.
Tho lendlna hotel of the town. Iloiidqiinr
tora for commercial men. Htm hem, free
bus, 11111 11 rooms unu closets on every uoor,
sample riMinis. billiard room, telephone con
iiffctlon Au.
C. D1LLMAN, Proprietor.
First olnss In every pnrtleulnr. Located In
the very centre of the business part of town.
Free 'bus to and from trains and commodious
ample roomi for commercial travelers.
And Real Estate Agent, Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Office on West Main street, opposite the
Commercial Hotel, Keynoldsvillo, Pa.
Brookvlllo, Jefferson Co. Pa.
Office In mom formerly occupied by Gordon
ft Corbett West Main street.
q m. Mcdonald,
Notary Public, real estate Buent, Patents
secured, collections made promptly. Office
In Nolan block, KeynoldsvlUe, Pa.
Offices In Mahoney building. Main Btroet,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Notury Public and Real Estate Agent.
lections will receive prompt attention.
In the FoHter block, near uostofnee. Reyn
oldsvllle, Pa.
jya. B. E. HOOVER,
Resident dentist. In bulldlnf near Metho
dist church, opposite Arnold block. Oentle
ness In operating.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Office In rooms formerly occupied by I. B,
Office over Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co. store,
Main street, Ueynoldsvllle, Pa,
fartuus so bud In
cation at tlx Cen
tral Htmf Nermol
Mahaal. Leek
Haven, F. Vlnt-
claMaooommoaiioiiBiiaiowii. 'urclreulareMdlllu.oat.,d4r
JAMBS Jf.lfl. ? r tflf,Ml.
SIM fans htkUlmk lUva. Fa.
v t.i travel for ruMUonulble estahlluliea
house In Pennsylvania. Halary 7SU and ex
penses, Position permaueut Uefereuue.
Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
Tue National, slur insurance Blag., unicaga,
I rmtniTinu I
Stoke' Ttdvertlalng Bpse.
nt the sonshore. In tho motintnlns, or elsewhere,
our linn stationery touelies tho outer clrelo of
sutisiHetion nt all point. It hits quality In the
sitpei'lutivo tlegruo. Our assortment presents all
the latest fancies of tho fastidious Bnrt fashiona
ble, but tvo do not stop at finis. Our specialty is
everything n atationery, staple as well as fa'ney.
Our larifo business is the natural sequel of our
extensive anil varied stock. Homo tlilnpB can't
be aililed to except by wuy of surplusage, and
that's our stationery case.
Bing & Co,
And now make the following offers: Dimities,
worth 15 and 12jc, for 10c. ; 20c. Organdies for
15c. ; Imported 25c. Ginghams for 15c; Challies
3c. ; Dress Patterns, worth $8.00 for $6.00. We
also have many other goods which we have re
duced in the same way. You will find this the
place to spend your money and get more than value.
4c Bread!
The BON TON BAKERY will change the price
of Bread since the price of Flour has changed.
Bread will be cheaper now than ever. Beginning
Wednesday. Sept. 8th,
at noon we will sell bread at A r and 6c. a
loaf. Call and try a loaf of our fO, bread and
be convinced that you can buy bread cheaper than
you can buy flour and bake it. A share of your
patronage solicited.
Bon Ton Bakery,
L. R. HUTH, Prop'r.
Bread must be bought
which makes a daily
fine furniture receives its latest and most brilliant
definition. We are equally Btrong, complete, and
triumphant in every department. Parlors, bed
rooms, dining rooms, all rooms in the house, may
here obtain an artistio outfit. We couple a pleas
ing magnificence of appearance with a solid reality
in value. What we sell you will become old with
out looking so, will wear without becoming worn.
When you buy, save money, of course, but equally
of course get good things at our short figures.
STOKE, Pharmacist.
To whom it may concern:
at the store or off the wagon
canvass of the town.
Reynoldsville Hardware Co
-1 -'