The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 04, 1897, Image 8

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A Mfinngrr of ryroti-etinlo Ahow Who
Didn't Wrnit to ttlanppnlut III A nin
eties A Mi.nnim-nt Wlilrh Prow Ttmt
Hid MTitrU Were AnnrrrlMrtl.
"I olwoys strivotoiilfn'i'," remnrl;rrt
the drniiintlo fflitor, n ho srrntohnl tho
WiiTil "bin tliiliR" cult of thn mlvniirn
notice lie win wriHiiK nnl milwtitulpil
"liirKiithrtiini iif!Knn:itim. "
"1 hunks, I mil sure-," snitt tlin ml
ranee ancut, n he ivml ovt-r thn ton
Hum thn drnnmtio critic vi niviiiK to
him, Hud currfully pnt biii-k into l"
pen kct the half column notice he lutl
first lrnvu on thn 1. o.
"I prt'sniiie, " smiled thn tt. ft, "tlmt
you nlwuy sti-ire to pli iine, too, don't
"Notnlwny" inawnildimiiipointcrt
tone "hut I need to havo a friend who
did. Ho teiilly was the wont self deny
Iiir rhiip I ever snw, aud what he
wouldn't do to plciiM on andieuce
vrnsn't worth doing."
"Where in he uowl"
"Yet, it killed him. It wan thlswny:
He us in the pyrotechnic brunch of
the dramatic art ami uwid to give shows
at one of those imitation Cone Inlands
to he found on nearly every sand bar in
nearly -t-r river tributary to the Mis
sissippi. Ho had been the originator of
thn firework feature at this place, and
bii phenomenal snoces had made him
no proud that he would sooner have died
than had a failure. One Fourth of July
he wan going to give tho grandent dis
play of hia life, aud the feature in the
biggest letter ou the bill wui a ret
piece, 100 feet high, with an enormous
balloon loaded with firework to go up
from the top as a grand finale. There
were ten time ns muuy people there
that night ns there had ever been, and
my friend waa feeling no good yon could
ace it in hi walk.
"Everybody waa on edge, too, for the
grand blare of glory the niauugemeut
had been advertising for weeks, and
when, promptly at the hour of 10
o'clock, my friend stepped forth like a
peacock to let off the grout display with
bis own hand there was a round of ap
plause, followed by dead silence us
the audience sat breathless wiifl hing for
the burst of blaring glory. But some
how it didn't burst The professor fired
the train and retreated to a safe place,
but the powder wouldn't born. It fizzled
and went out instead. Once, twice,
thrice, it fizzled, sputtered and went
out, and then the crowd began to growl
and guy, aa crowds always will, and
the professor began to get wild.
"Several other attempt to set the
piece off were no more successful, aud
at last, with a smothered scream of
crazy rage, he shot np the ladder of the
tower to its very top, where he had a
platform stored with all sorts of inflam
mable and explosive things arranged to
go off at the proper time. Ho stood
there a moment silhouetted against the
sky, the crowd indulging in gibes and
jeer, with now and then throat as to
what he might expect if be would only
oorao down to the ground. This was his
time to show what heoonld do to please
hi audieuoe, and in a minute, aud be
fore anybody had any idea what he
would do next, be caught np an armfnl
of the explosives about him, fastened
them to his clothe and hung wreath
and ring over hi neck and shoulders,
and, sotting the whole thing afire, be
swuna: out into the air in the balloon.
which was already tugging at it anchor.
"A the balloon shot np it wa a ter
riflo light, and the poor devil's shrieks
added to the intensity of the scene, al
ready lurid with red and blue lights,
while the air was filled with all manner
of bursting bombs and crashing explo
sive. Women fainted, men ran help
lessly about ahouting, and still the bal
loon swept upward with it fiery freight
and passenger, until, when it had
reached point 1,000 foe above tbe
earth, it caught fire and the whole
burning mas shot like a blazing ball
atraight to the ground.
"Yon will be safe in betting those
people never saw such an exhibition as
that before, nor will ever again in all
probability, and when it was over,"
concluded the agent, "the audience
seemed to realise what the professor
bad done to please them, and they chip
ped in and built blm monument
where be fell, having on it, besides bis
name and the proper dates, no other in
scription except ' He strived to please. ' "
The dramatic) critio waa at least half
a minute in recovering hi speech after
the recital of this remarkable tale, and
before ha could ask any questions the
advanoe agent had folded his tent like
circus and stolen away to tbe office of
the next dramatio critio be had to call
upon. Washington Star.
A Toad aa Tallaiaaa.
The Western Morning News reports a
remarkable case of superstition. A
young woman in Penzance bad suffered
from fits, and she adopted a remedy
wbioh would be to most people almost
as repulsive aa tbe disease Itself. She
procured a live toad, placed it in a bag,
hung it around her neck and carried it
next her body. The woman wa cured
of her fit, but she was being medically
attended at the Peusance infirmary at
. the same time. Tbe woman believes,
however, that this vfa a coincidence)
and that her strange talisman was the
instrument of her onre. South Wales
News. , '
A Different Matter.
Thn Man (expectantly) Then you
will be my wife?
Thw Girl No, Indeed. I simply suid
X loved you. New York iiedger.
To Uv.
To live i to have justice, truth, rea
son, devotion, probity, sincerity, com
mon ren bo, right aud duty welded into
the bwirt. Victor Hugo,
They Rfftf1.r K.1l.n ftarvle. If The
Are Treated With Connhlnratlon.
Jnpnnrse servnnt are excellent if you
choose them with discretion ami treut
them with tho established consideration
of the country. There 1 a universal so
cial compact in Japan to make lifo
plensnnt by politeness. Everybody is
more or Iw well bred and hates tho
man or - woman who is ynkamashu
uoisy, uncivil or exigent.
i'enpla who lose their temper are al
whvs in a hurry, burnt doors, swear and
swagger, find themselves ont of place
in a land where thn lowest cooly lenrua
'and practices an ancient courtesy from
thn time when hn wnlililes about an a
baby upon his mother's back. Therefore
to he treated well in Japan as perhaps,
indced.elsewhere you must treat every
body, including your domestics, well,
uml then yon will enjoy thfl most pleas
ant and willing snrvico.
Your cook will doubtless cheat you n
little, your jiurikisha man will now
and then take too much sake, the mns
mu and the boy's wife will gallop all
over the place about everything yon do,
ami the gardener and the coachman will
fight cocks in the back yard when your
back is turned, but if conscious of your
own you can forgive the little sins tit
others. Yon can hardly full to become
closely attached to the quiet, soft voiced,
pleasant people, who a soon as they
havn learned your way will tako real
pleasure In making life ngrceulilc to you.
A present now and then of u kimono
to the maids, of toys aud sweetmeats to
the children, a day' holidny now and
than granted to the theater or thn wres
tling match are richly rewarded by such
bright faces and unmistakable warmth
of welcome ou arriving and of good
speed on going aa repay yon tenfold
Respectful as Japanese servants ore
and they never speak except ou their
knees and faces they like to be taken
into the family conversation and to sit
sometimes in friendly abandon with tho
master and mistress, admiring dresses,
pictures or western novelties and listen
ing sometimes to the siuuiseii and koto
as children of the household. Edwin
Arnold ill Scribner'a.
Fanny Keqawrt. For Hooks That A inane
and Amaso Employees.
Once in awhile tbe clnrks in the pub
lic library get hold of a good joke
through the ignorance of people who
come there to take out books. It was
not long ago that a woman who wa
anxious to join tbe Daughters of the
American Revolution came there to
look np her family history and get her
facts and claims ready to submit to the
committee on membership. She went
about it in rather a queer way. After
looking about aimlessly through the in
dex for a time she discovered "Lossing'
Family History of the United States. "
She wtote her request for the books on
one of the cards provided for that pur
pose aud was quite indignant with the
clerk who handed it to her because it
did not contain what she wauted.
It was not long after this incidout
that another woman, who, -from her
dress and appearance, the clerks though t.
might be literary, wrote on one of thn
cards a request for "Tbe Autocrat of
the Breakfast Table."
"Holmes' 'Autocrat, do yon wan(?"
politely asked the clerk.
"Ob, I don't rare whose it is, " wa
the reply. "I only want to find out if it
i proper to use toothpick at the break
fast table."
Another request for a magazine which
the applicant said was called Bruin
kept one of tbe clerks busy huntiug half
an hour before be discovered thut what
wa wanted was tho magazine called
Mind. Still another olerk was shock
ed the other duy by a request for Wash
iugton Irving' "Alabama." The olerk
mildly suggested "Alhambra." Cbi-
oago Times-Horald.
It ha been stated that three person
out of every five in thi country who
have attaiued the age of 40 year are
more or less deaf in one or both ears.
A large proportion of thia deafness is
caused by catarrh, and medical treat
ment for difficulty of hearing is usually
directed to the catarrhal souroe. In Eu
rope much of the deafness is hereditary
Dr. James Kerr Love of Glasgow re
.oeutly read a paper on deafness before
the Royal society of Edinburgh, from
which it appeara that congenital deaf
ness may be either hereditary in the di
rect line or in collateral branches, and
that it depends ou not one, but many
anatomical defects. Intermarriage of
deaf persona perpetuate but doe not
accentuate the tendency of deafness.
The bearing brothers and sister of deaf
mute are a likely to have deaf mute
offspring aa if they had been deaf mutes
themselves. Consanguinity of 'parents
emphasize family defect, and in thi
Way many case of congenital deafness
occur. One of the most singular points
of Dr. Love' paper was tbe assertion
that the state had tbe right to control
the marriage of person belonging to
familie badly tainted with deafness. .
Ancient Tombstones,
The custom of insoriLlng upon tomb
stone wa iu vogue among the Greeks
and Roman. The Greek only did this,
however, in the case of their illustrious
men, but wben a Roinun died he was
duly buried near a highwuy, and ou his
tombstone was carved a suitable inscrip
tion, which in tbe majority of coses be
gan with "St a, viator" (stop, traveler)
About 10,000,000 of the bovine spe
oie are now to bo fouud iu the Argen
tine Rcpublio. They are all descendants
of eiuht cow aud one bull which were
imported into Bruzil in tho middlu of
the sixteenth ocntury.
"Honors of wur" i the priviluKo al
lowed to the enemy, on cupvtnlatioii, of
being permitted to rutuiu their arms.
Thia is the 'highest honor a victor oiin
pay a vanquished foe.
Swlftneee of Things.
Below will be found a list showing
how far certain things, animate and in
animate, will travel in a second of time:
The snail, one-half inch; n man walk
ing, 4 feet; a fast runner, 88 feet; n fly,
84 feet; fast skater, 88 feet; ocean
waves, 70 feet; a carrier pigeon, 87
feet; swallows, 220 feet; tho worst cy
clone known, 880 feet; the Krakatoit
wave (at thn volcanic catastrophe of
Aug. 87, 1898, in tho Sundit islands),
1)40 feet; sound in the air, 1,003 feet;
tho surface of the globe at sea level on
the equator, 1,500 foot; the moon, 8,800
feet; tho sou, h milts; tho earth, 18
miles; Holley'sooinet in the perihelion,
885 miles; electric current on telegraph
wires, 7,0(0 miles; induction enrreut,
11,040 miles; electric current in copper
wire armatures, 81,000 miles; light
180,000 miles; discharge of a Leydon
bottle through copper wire of one-sixteenth
inch in diameter, 878,100 miles.
This lust la the greateat rapidity so far
Does It Pay to be Sick ?
Hosldi's tho discomfort and suffering.
lllii"RK of any sort Is expensive.
Hundreds of penplH commit the doctors
every day about cough and colds. This
Is bettor than to suffer the dls'-nsH to
run along, but those who tic Otto's
(Jure for the throat and lung's do hvtter
still. It costs less and tlm euro Is
certain. You cat: got a trial bottle free
of our ugt-iii, II. Alex. Stoke. Laiye
size :'."(. and iilc.
X- -
s 'i
Si t-
Clearance Sale !
for the next ten days offer La
dies' Oxford Ties, worth
Lancaster ginghams, 5c.
CHALLIES 3c, LAWNS G, 8 and 10c.
EMBROIDERIES that were 8c. reduced to 5c; 10c.
and 12lc. kind to 8c
GENTS' DRESS SHIRTS that were 50c, 75c and
85c, reduced to 87c.
STRAW HATS, 50c. kind at 83c.
A Few DRESS PATTERNS that were 6.00, 6.50
and 7.00, to go in thin wile at 4.00.
Ladies' Shirt Waists will be sold
regardless of cost or quality.
' A Note From the Editor.
Tho editor of n loading state paper
writes: ''If you had seen my wife last
Juno and wore to sen her to-day you
would not believe ulio was the mime
woman. Then she was broken down by
nervous debility and suffered terribly
from constipation and slek headache.
Hiieon's Celery King for tho nerves
made her a well woman In one month."
H. Alex. Stokn will give you il freo
sample package of thin great herhul
remedy. Largo slue 2.V'. and ."(. ,
" i travel f. it- l-e-iniHili. etiilili-hfl
liitiii. in lYmt-ylvunhi. Hulniy 971 utid ex
'llsiH. t'lWltloh pi-MMlincht. IOfcrenct.
Knelt'' srlf-n(t(lri-f.l,(l Mtalnlied rnvelfH.
Tim Nntliimil, .-Mtir liisiiniiu-e lllriff , I'lilriiao.
First National Bank
o r it e rxoL us villi:.
C. .TllirlM-ll, Prraldenli
roll .Tfi-4'lrllniid, J'lce Prra.t
John II. Kanchrr. Cashier.
C. Mitchell, Pcntt McClellnncl, 3. C. King,
.liilin II. CurlH'tt, O. E. Brown,
U. W. Fuller, J. II. Kuuclier.
Does a ffenernt bnnkltuthiislnessanrt solicits
the Ht'cmints of merchtiiit. iirnfcKslntuil men.
farmers, mechanic, miners, lumhcrtneii and
iithei-H, promlsluir the mimt cui-ufiil attention
to the IiuhIiicn of all pel-son.
fafe Deposit Itoxes for rent.
First. National Hunk. hiillilltiR, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
Practical Horse-slioer
and General Blacksmith.
Horse iHM'Ina dnnn In the nontent miinnpr
Rnrl hy tho hi tout Improved niellitxlM, Over
hKidllTrrtMit kind of Hhwfl niHch' for correc
tion of fuulty union himI dUvKwd ftttt. Only
the hvnt make of sho nm nutU urd. He
piililtiK of nil klmlft rim-fully find promptly
don. Hatih faction llUAHANTKRii, Lumuer
men'MRiipplieMon IihimI.
.Tnt'ktjon CM. near Fifth, Iteynoldnvllle, Pa.
" to triivel for i-eHiHiiiHlhln eitnhlUhed
limit? In lVntirtVlvanlii. Salary 07nO and ex-
IieiiMfM. roxmon permanent. Kererenru.
Cm low elf-nddresMed Mtaniped envelope.
The National, Htar Iriuiirance BUItf., Chicago.
$1.00 at $ .80
1.25 " .98 '
1.50 " 1.00
1.75 " 1.00
2.00 " 1.50
D. Deenier & Go.
I will close
stock of
Clothing and
Furnishing Goods
at less than mfg. prices.
HENRIETTAS, sold at 75c. and 85c,
" 65c.
" 50c
1 1
1 1
c it
it it
it it
J0c '
1 1
. White Flannel at the same price.
" " " " 15c
CORSETS formerly sold at $1.00 now 79c;
now 57c; formerly 50c, now 89c.
CAMBRIC at 3Jc. a yard.
TAFFETY at 8 and 10c a yard.
O. N. T., Clark's Cotton, 4c Spool Silk 4c
Childs' Suits $1.00, now .75 Boyis' Suits $7, 8.00, now 5.50
1.50, " i.10 lt 5.00, 3.75
" " 2.00, 44 1.50 Men's 14 4.98, 44 3.85
44 44 2.50, 44 1.85 44 44 5.00, 44 3.75
44 44 4.00, 44 2.75 44 44 5.00, 44 2.75
Men's Fine Worsted Suits reduced from $10.00 to 6.50.
GRAND ARMY SUITS reduced from $8.50 to 5.50; from
$10.00 to 7.50.
Shirts reduced from $1.00 to 75c, from 90c to" 67c, from
75c. to 62c , from 50c
are always receiving new goods and can always give you
good values in
Dry Goods,
ISTotions, Clothing,
Hats and Caps,
Shoes, Etc.
We carry a complete stock of everything and you will find
our GROCERIES and PROVISIONS always up to
standard in quality, and the very lowest ,
price. We invite a share of your trade. w,
out my entire
now 57c.
now 19c
formerly 75c,
1 1
to 42c, from 35c to 25c.