MARSHALL P. WILDER. A Kki-trh of h Mttl. llnmnrln Wrl. trn br IllnMHf. I urns born nlno yours aftor Bill Nyo, in tho stuto tif Nrw Vork. At 0110 yenr I mucin a kick, nml my futlirr moved me from tint of flip statu Into the pity of New York. My father, Mt'g it pliyol cinn, Inter took hip to Hurt ford for my health, whero I lie.KRii to limli mid grow fut. I have bet n laughing ever tiiicp. Jtr.first t'',r,,lor t,,n fa"". bnslnrs Wn tiw red In iidi d son of the Jniler In Hurl ford. He rlayeil Buffalo Uill tho only ono who ever played the part with red hair, but that wn his eoiieeption of It. We made money. Our rIrko was the scnlToliI, which wan kept In tho Hiirrct, exrei when there wns a hanging, when we took off the piny. On retnrning to New York city, I found niynelf withont the red headed friend and withont meauR. For a time I buried tuy talent In Brndstrect'a agency as flln boy at 3 per week. I mixed in do many jokes with my work that the letter didn't read seriously enough. Then I went to England and waited for thinga to ootne my way. They came iu a walk, while the S0 I had left kept going iu a trot. I found that living iu n smnll hull bedroom niucio me narrow minded, so I staid out in the park nevrrul night to give my self room, aa well a to air my repertoy. I concluded it waa weak in me to bury my gifts dimply because I waa in hard luck, no I began a series of free euter taiunienta and became ao popular that I began taking three cnpi of coffeo a day, iustend of one, aa heretofore. Among thorn who took advantage of the cheap prices was the Prince of Wulea. It cost him nothing to laugh, ao he laughed. Several people wanted to know whnt he wna lunching at. 11c re plied, "That." I had told a joke abi.tit the mother-in-law which atruck the lost chord in the prince's heart and woke up a responsive, sympathetic pang. I have been charging all I could get for my services ever since. Being a Repub lican, I struck myself off the fiee list, as I no longer consider myself raw ma terial. For aeverul years now I have been in this city, am known by nearly all the etreet car drivers, who never fail to hunt me up before I get off. My family consists of my father, whoso constant, patient companion I am. In retaliation for my "gags" he prac tices daily his school of homeoputhy on me. It is hard to tell which gets the worst of it. We have as many room a we wish, but only one home. His head is silver heart gold. We are pals. In this autobiography I have, in my shrinking way, left out most of my strong points, as is becoming at such times. Yet, if I have unjustly slander ed myself, there be others who have the right to set me square before an out raged public. Fur bo it from me to do myself justice. The end. Merrily yours. Murshall P. Wilder iu Empire Mag azine. GLUTTONY'S PENALTY. Uvea That Arm Shortened bjr the PIcMnres at Mi. Table In spite of tho warnings and com mands of family phj siciunt, in spite of the many examples of shortened lives and lives of guttering, men will yield to thn seductiveness of the pleasures of the table. The spectacle of the man who overeata or who deliberately eats improper food is common enough, but rarely do we see aa plain evidence of the admiration for the glutton which certain people possess as that which the daily papers some time ago afforded. A well known boniface died at an age When lie ought to huve been enjoying robust and vigorous heulth. Some slight mention was made of his business ven tures,, of his duily life, of his reuson for liviug. But all this part of his exist ence was luiuiatcirul and uninteresting. Tbo great and praiseworthy features of his life seem to havo been gustronomio feat and a general ability to eat and drink enormously. He was lauded a the prince of bon vivanta, tho man who could eat a huge dinner and shortly thereafter swallow a braoe of broiled lobstors and a oouple of Welsh rabbits, washed down with copious libations of vintages or distillages or fernieutages. Dnriug his last illness, when his pby lieiaus enjoined rest in bed and a scru pulously careful diet, we read that be was game enough to drest and go ont on the botel porch to sit, winding np bis imprudence (and incidentally bis life) with a hearty meal, in defiance of the medical direotioua. This last piece of bravado waa apparently considered by certain newspaper reporters as an achievement fit to rank with a victory on a battlefield, and the glutton was ad miringly mentioned as though he were a brilliant and fearless hero, risking bis life in a worthy cause. The newspapers were not creating a tentiment, but merely catering to one already formed in thus aiding gluttony. The only conclusion we can draw is that the rpicureau philosophy still has its cult, aud that many a man's motto is, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. " The case is left to the moral istAmerican Medioal-Suigioal Bul letin. To Hake aa Oyster Cocktail. An oyster cocktail is made by puttiug into a glass half a dozen tiny little oys ters, to which add a few drops of tabas co, a pinch of salt, a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a teaspoouful of tomato ketchup and a tablepsoouful of lemon juioe. Mrs. S. T. Borer in La dies' Home Journal. Bard Work. "What was the hardest work yon ev er did for a living?" asked the benevo lent old lady of tliu weury pilgrim. "gtealin. ronui. "Detroit Free Press. Humboldt river, in Nevada, was named by Fremont in honor of Boron Humboldt The syrinx, or bundle of rood pipes, is the prototype of the bagpipe. air Heary Itvtog's MaiMMlmttf. The change) of fortune place people sometimes in peculiar and rmbarransing positions. A good story is told of Kir Henry Irving, the famous actor. When a young man, earning his lnnrels and comparatively unknown, Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing" was about to be presented to the pnbltn by a certain mannger of prominence. Irving had a part assigned to him, which he llllgently studied. Letter perfect iu his lines, ho felt nssuied of ultimata suc cess, lint unfortunately the malinger diHliked his acting of it nml took occa sion to censnro him before the compnny, much to his mortification. Furthermore, the manager took the pnrt away and gnve him another, less prominent, but more difficult. Years went by, and Irving steadily climbed to a fnme that bronght him knighthood, while thn critical malinger gradually lost ground. One day, shortly after Irving announced his intention of producing "Much Ado Abont Nothing," the old mnnnger preseuted himself and asked that a part bo assigned to him. Irving granted thn request uud tfave him the very part he had forced him to piny years before. During rehearsal Irving narrowly watched the manager's acting and at the conclusion went up to him and shook his hand nfter gravely complimenting him upon his rendering of the part Then he promoted him to the part from whleh he had been re duced. "I never knew what 'coals of fire' meaut till then," was the remark which thn old actor and manager was overheard to make when Irving retired. Harper' Round Table. Tho Awful Carlo ri.h. A traveler in Venesuela give an in teresting description of the fish of the Orinoco country. He says the party sev eral times came iu contact with the carib fish, which are the most ferocious inhabitants of tho water known. The fish nrn not over 14 inches long, but they travel in schools. Their teeth aro three cornered. Any liviug object whHi attracts their attention is attacked with fury. Mr. Thompson tells of an Indian woman who entered the water to fill n bucket. She was attacked by tho fish and reached shore only to dio in IS minutes. The flesh waa literally torn from her body. Mr. Dart, who was with Mr. Thompson, caught one of the fish and pulled it upon the bank. He held the carib under his foot while he pointed at the peculiar teeth with bia finger. With a quick movement tbe car lb flopped out from under Mr. Dart's foot and seized him by tbe finger, cut ting that member to the bone. The fish frequently have been known to bite or dinary fishhooks in two. Another fish which the party ofteu came across was tbe morocoto, tho flu vor of which is like Lake Superior whitefisb, only more delicate. The mo rocoto is provided with molar teeth aud subsists on vegetable matter, which it thoroughly masticate before swallow ing. Another peculiar create ro found was the inorocoy, a species of land tur tle, which at night utter a ory of won derful sweetness, plaintive and clear. Exohange. Bolted Ore. It is not geuerally known that it is possible to salt ore with gold just as it in possible for an unscrupulous man to salt tbe mine in which gold is found. In the one case the fraud is compara tively easy to detect, while in the other it would defyeveu an expert, and there fore shareholders, induced by the over flattering reports of a perfectly honest assayer, could be readily taken in. Thn gentleman who demonstrated this pos sibility is a Mr. J. C Johnson of Adn laido, Australia, who, making experi ments with different salts of gold, found that he could produce quite natural looking specimens of gold bear ing quarts from stone whose previous assay showed that they contained no particle of gold. Furthermore, tho gold penetrate the (tone in the most natural manner possible. Indeed, piece of this artificially produced gold quart a were exhibited some little time ago at the Imperial institute in Edinburgh. Pear son' Weekly. French aa She Is Bpoko. Tbe Emerald Islo i not the only hab itat of bulls, and tbe connection be tween the Oallio and Celtio race must be close indeed, if the following gems, given upon no less an authority than that of tbe Journal dea Tribunaux a emanation of the judioial mind in France are to be considered genuine: "Justice U not a clandestine cavern where people are strangled behind their backs." "I esteem my honorable colleague too highly to admit for a moment that he can believe in tbe truth of what be al leges. " "That boose of business was bat a forest of bandits. " "The defunct took bis place at the ta ble, meanwhile manifesting a keen dis pleasure at not having been invited." " Yon are to blame for building sump tuous palaces that throw dust into peo ple's eyes." New York Commercial. Neither a Panpor Nor a Papa. The Ottawa Herald notes that coca sionally a littlo fun comes into the life of a township assessor. At one bouse Assessor Wharton found a young bride who persisted in the declaration that her husband had no occupation. "You don't want me to set bimdown as a pauper, do you?" facetiously in quired Mr. Wharton. "Law, nol" responded the young wife, blushing furious. "We ain't been married but six mouths." Kansas City Jouruul. . A Fair Offer. "I can save you $5,000, Mr. Money bags." "How ao?" , "Well, then, say yon will give your daughter S0. (00 as a marriage por tion." "Well?" "Well, I'll take bei for 145,000." Harper's Bazar. ? Tho An Port. Boon the summer pest, ant, will be gin to worry the tidy housekeeper. Here Is what Is alleged to be a sure remedy. It is inexpensive and comparatively harmless, at all events: Dissolve 1 part of corrosive sublimate in 100 parts wa ter, which will be a very strong dose. Remove everything from tho shelve Where the ant are, or the carpet from the floor where they appear to come np, and pour boiling water all around to kill them end clean tho wood. Then pour the corrosive sublimate over thn shelves till it reaches all the cracks and crevice aud let it dry iu. Then fill your powder bellows with red pepper nnd carefully blow tho cracks and crevices full of that Cover tho Bhelvcs with pa per or put your carpet buck in place, and you will scarcely be troubled again. "Often, " said the Cnniminsville sage, "a man gets credit for having sense enough to say nothing, when the truth is that be hasn't sense enough to say anything." Cincinnati Enquirer. How to Be Handsome. It Is a mlntukc to supH! that tho only way to h good looking is to ho burn so. (inod health Iiiih iiihto to do with good looks than imytliinu i-lxc. Such 'Hxi'BHes an coiiHtipatioti, ilyix'lwlii. liver complaints, fh' umatlHin. nervous dlHoi'dct'ri, &c, not only shorten life, hut spoil temper and "looks." Ihicon's Celery Kinjf for tho nerves euros these trouhh'H. II. Alex. Stoke sella It and trill give you a samplo package free. Lartrc also 'Sin. and iiOe. X- - SI -X- O 5 0 O H S !( CO ea, Q T Z f o e- tt rf) -5 'a J3 . RED LETTER Clearance Sale ! A. D. DEEMER & for the next ten days offer La dies' Oxford Ties, worth LANCASTER GINGHAMS, 5c. NORMANDIE tic. BEST CALICO PRINTS, 4 and Sc. CH ALLIES 8c, LAWNS 6, 8 and 10c. EMBROIDERIES that were 8c. reduced to 5c; lOo. and 121c. kind to 8c GENTS' DRESS SHIRTS that were 50c, 75c. and 85c, reduced to 87c. STRAW HATS, 50c kind at 83c. A Few DRESS PATTERNS that were 6.00, ti.50 and $7.00, to go in this Bale at $4.00. Ladies' Shirt Waists will be sold regardless of cost or quality. ft. A Common Datiger. If you have ever had a cold which yoi permitted to "wcur away" It may In torest. you to know that It was a danger oub proceeding. Kvory cold and con which Ih neglected paves tho way f consumption, bronchitis, asthma catarrh. Otto's Cure, the fiunon (Inrnian throat and lung remedy, will euro any cough or cold nnd save you from consumption. Call on H. Ah'jt. Stoko and get a xmnpiu hotllu free. Largt size '1m:. nnd 'lOc. WANTKIl KAITIII I I. MKN Oil WoMt.S' to travel fur r-t ,i n-l 1 1 1- f-tt n 1 ,1 t-.i'i I'-.l limine in rcimiyiviiiim. .tiitn-y f7a una ex ! ncn"4. I'diitliin h rmtinehl. IteO'ii'Mei'.y KnrlM.,' (lf-timltcsM'l inmmcri envrlnpe The Natlnmil, Huti- liiuninre iltdtf , t hleiiio.j Capital, Surplus. S.)(,(KK)( 8:1.000, '. Mitchell, rpNlilenit Mrott IttoflellMiHl, Vice I' r ..( John II. HiilK'her. 4'hler. Directors: U. Mitchell. Prott McClelland. ?. r. King, John II. CotlH'lt, O. R. Iliosm, M. W. Kullt.r. .1. II. Kiiueher. floes n rcncrnMmnkhii:hiilncMHtHl Nollrltn the ne,'niinl of nierrliiiius. profewhiiml men, farmers, nieehanlci., nilarr, liimliermen hihI nihcr. iirinnlHlin; ihe miMt eiu-eful intention to Ihe ImihIiicmn of nil iHw-Hnns. Hnfc lcpolt llnxes for rent. Klrt Nntlniinl Hunk hulUllnit, Nolan ll.-k Fire Proof Vault. L. M. SNYDER, Practical Horse-slioer and General Blacksmith. Hohto HiMHlnir (Imif In thn fitnt'tft rrmnnrr nnd by tin I it t ont Itnprnvwl nit'ilKHU. ovttr litfulttrrretit klnU of hImh runilt fur roi tac tion of faulty lift Ion mid dlut'HMt-d fret. Only 1 lit hMt nrnkc of HhofM ntid tmiU nid. Kt IihIiIiik of ull klndrt cureft.liy ttrid ptotniHly (lone. HATIN FACT ION (ilTAKANTKKIl. LtllltU'r- niPn'pmuppUeH on IihimI. .Iftrknon Ht. nmr Fifth, HpynoldxvlUo, IV WANTF.f-KAITIIKn, MKN OK WOMEN " to trttviM for itHpoiiKlhlr ..( iibliniied hourtP III IVntiflylvitnlii. Htilitry ilHi it rid rx ih'iihcm. PoMhlon pvtruiHiirnt. Ko fore lire. Km low w If -iiddresHrd miiniired envelop'. The Nutlonal, Hliir liiMiii'itnoe Itldtf., I'hlcugo. Of HEYXOr.ltSViLLK. : sv f 00 $1.00 at $ .80 1.25 " .98 1.50 " 1.00 1.75 " 1.00 2.00 " 1.50 D. Deemcr & Go. IClearance Summer Goods! GOODS LESS All Organdies and Lappert Mull at 10c. per yd., reduced from 18 cents. Percales, Lawns and Dimities at 7 l-2c. a yd., reduced from 10. Percales at 10c. a yd., reduced from 12 l-2c. Special sale in LadieH' Shirt Waists that were 5()c. reduced to 22 W M .. 44 44 7 r)(. ,4 42 4 4 . 4 . 4 4 4 4 , .4 4g " " ' 1.00 " 50 . 4 4 4 . 4 4 , . 4 Jf0 ,4 75 Reduction in all Muslin for the next four weeks. Apple ton A Muslin reduced from 7c a yard to 54c; 5 and 5c. Muslin to 4ic. a yard. WRAPPERS, in Percale, Lawn and . Dimity, below cost. Wrappers that were $1.15, reduced to $ .90 14 1.35, " .99 " " " 1.50, " 1.00 1.75, " 1.25 Sun Bonnets at 19c, and all other goods in proportion. N. We are always receiving new goods and can always give you good values in Dry Grood, Notions, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Shoes, Etc. We carry a complete stock of everything and you will find our GROCERIES and PROVISIONS always up to standard in quality, and the very lowest price. We invite a share of your trade. JEFFEltSON SUPPLY CO. Sale! IN THAN COST! Shirt waists! HftNftU.