The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 28, 1897, Image 7

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sVthletto ((later Who Can Farm and
Da Honaeerork aa Well aa Dig Coal.
A cnai mine run by women L na In
noratkm In America. In sections of
tiernianjr, KnglatK ami Wales It Is a
common thing for wotunn to work In
and about con I lulura, aMJinugb of lata
ears this rustom ha been almost
abolished In Valra.
In the Mnlmiiejr Valley, several tulles
Southwest of Bbaniokin, Pa., lires Jo
oph Maui, a natira of Germany, whn
In owner ami operator of a coot mine.
Hla four grown daughters and three
rounder girn lielp him In operating ttia
colliery. Their father consider them
the beat slate pickers and workers In
the anthracite region. Ho flilds them
dutiful, cheerful worker, and he never
baa any foam of their going- on strikes
for higher wages or from any Imag
inary grievances.
Mr. Mnu superintends the mine and
works at cutting out the coal. The old
eat daughter, Katie, 22 years of age,
performs the duties usually assigned to
an outside foreman. Sue supervises
the running of the breaker In a very
satisfactory manner, and attends to
selling the cool to the hundreds of
farmers who live In the valley. Mary,
21 years old, lias charge of the mules
which hoist the coal from the Interior
of the mine by an old-fashioned gin.
Anne, who Is a pretty good mechanic,
runs the pump that keeps the mine
from filling up wMh water and feeds
the boiler and engine that operates the
machinery. Little la the slate picker
boss and Is assisted by her three young
er slaters ami little brothers In clearing
the coal of slate as It passes down the
chutes Into the storage pockets.
These energetic young women are
line specimens of womanhood and arc
stronger than tho avwnjjo man. They
are almost six feet In height, and well
proportioned, erect and weigh on an
average of 200 pounds. They do not
confine their muscles and lungs In cor
sol and lace thorn Into elghtcen-lneh
waists, with tho aasl&tanoe of the bed
post, previous to going to work, and
they are satisfied with the fine physi
cal perfections with which nature has
endowed them and are content to let
feature have her away which keeps
them In perfect health and strength
They have, never known a day's illness
In their lives and a vhnt from a doctor
Is an unknown experience.
Their clothes are not of tho approved
new woman order, but are of servicea
ble material, tho skirt Just reaching the
anklos. They wear stout brogans on
their feet and take turn about helping
their mother with the work on the farm
and In the house. They are export
fanners and housekeepers. Mrs. Mam
runs the farm and ber husband claims
It Is a better paying Investment than
the coal mine. The girls work hard six
days In the week and aeoui happy and
contented with their lot
So much attention Is called to the
measurement of the strawberry around
the waist that the fat man Is escaping
Shah Into Tour Shoes
Allan's Foot-Ease, a powder for tba feet. It
cures painful. swollen, smarting feet, and In.
etantly takes Uiestlnic out of corn ant! bun
lone. It' the Rrvntett ronifort discovery of
the ae. Allen s rooubaau nuui usnt-ni-tina
or naw shoes frel easr. It lea certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ftrh
Ins feet. Try It IcmUt. Hold by all drugitisW
aua shoe store, tiy lueu ror sue. in suiinps.
Trial peruana tKi.b, Auareae, Alien o. wiin.
tied, L Hoy, K. V.
Vooi Perfectly Purified by food's.'
'"I have been troubled with small red
ptaplts breaking out on W tsoe. They
sased me a great deal oll pain. I have
taken several bottles of Hood's Sansparilla
and it his given me rellof. I have not been
troubled with the pimples alnoa I began
taking it." Lucx Fiacaxs, 230 West lMth
Street, Hew York City. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
tt the best In fact the One True Hlood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cur constipation, iooenta.
Pill Clothes.
The) good pill haa a good coat. The pill ooat
serves two purposes; it protects the pill, en
abling it to retain all its remedial value, and it
disguises the taste for the palate. Borne pill
coats are too heavy; they will not dissolve in
the stomach, and the pills they cover pass
through the system as harmless as a bread
pellet. Other coats are too light, and permit the
speedy deterioration of the pilL After 80 years
exposure, Ayer's Sugar Coatftd Pills have been
found as effeotive as if Just fresh from the labor
atory. It's a good pill with a good ooat. Ask
your druggist for
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Mere pill particulars is Ayer'e Curebook, too pages.
Meat free. J. C Aver Co., Lowell, Mass.
C 3QC00 p
A Mghthonee Girl.
Outnv Kobbe writes a paper on
"Heroism In the Lighthouse Service"
fo.'tho Ccrrtury. Mr. Kobbe says: Ber
prill of the violent storms that have
whirled over Mntlnlcits Hock have
fried the fortlrudo of the lltflo band of
faithful watchers upon It One of those
watchers, Abhy II urge, lias become
famous In our lighthouse annals, not
only for long service, but also for brav
ery displayed on various occasions. Her
father was keeper of the rock from
1M3 to 1HH1. Ia January, ISM, when
she was 17 years old, he loft her In
charge of the lights while he crossed
to Matlclnus Island. Ills wlfo was na
Invalid, bis son was away on a cruise,
and his other four children were little
girls. The following day It began to
breeze tip;" the wind Increased to a
gnle, and soon developed Into n storm
almost as furious as flint which carried
away tho tower on Mlnot's I.cdge In
1851. Itefnrc long the sens were sweep
Ing over the rock. Down among the
boulders was a chicken-coop which
Abliy feared might be carried away.
On a lonely ocean outpost like Mntlnl
tus Hock a chicken Is regarded with
affectionate Interest, and Abby, solici
tous for the safety of the Inmates of
the little coop, waited her chance, and
when the seas fell off a little girl rush
ed knee-deep through the swirling
water, and rescued nil but one of the
chickens. She hnd bnrdly closed tho
door of the dwelling behind her when
a sen, breaking over the rock, brought
down tho old cobble-stone house with
a crash. While the storm was at its
height the wares threatened the gran
ite dwelling, so that the furally bad to
take refuge In the lowers for safety;
and here they remained, with no sound
to greet them from without but the I
roaring of the wind aroundthe lanterns,
and no sight but the sen sheeting over
the rock. Yet through It all tho lamps
were trimmed and lighted. Even after
the storm abated, tho reach between
the rock and Matlnlcus Island was so
rough that Captain Burgess could not
return until four weeks later.
Bicycle I' rices rail.
After several years of exorbitantly
large profits the manufacturers of
bicycles have been compelled to very
largely reduce their prices, 'iho puu
lio actually refused to longer pay $100
for a machine which can be built for
onn-qtinrter that amount.
A few makers saw this some time
bro and pat on the market cheaper
machines at very greatly reduced
prices which so out into the buniness
of the higher priced manufacturers
thnt in pure self-defense they were
compelled to bid good-bye to their old
high prices.
Why should not the same thing oc
cur with typo-writing machines? They
no doubt eont considerably less to pro
duce than bicycles, nnd yet some of
them are felling at tho ridiculously
high price of $100. It is fair to infer
that a machine which sells at $00 costs
close to $15 to manufacture.
If a few largo department stores in
New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chi
cago, etc, would arrange for large
quantities to be manufactured for them
by some one outside of a Trust the
prices would come down to reasonable
figures as have those of bicycles.
The Oyster.
The oyster haa no greater enemy than
the atarflsh. It appears difficult how
ever, for a Usb to open the shell of an
oyster, which requires a certain
amount of skill even with an oyatei
knife; but the starfish baa a pec;illnr
method of leverage upon tho opening
of the two shells which the oyster can
not resist. Ulologists used to think
that the atarflsh simply tarred tho
oyster until it opened of Ita own ac
cord; but observation haa shown that
by the pressure It applies the bivalve
speedily becomes a victim to its In
genious enemy.
A GooI Kxcnea, '
"nave I done anything to offend you,
darling?" he asked, brokenly. "To-day
f ou passed me without bowing and now
you sit there with such an air of hau
teur and pride thnt "
"George." Interrupted the girl, with
an unbending air, but In her voice a
cadence aweotcr than music at ntjrht
"I have a stiff neck." Boston Globe.
After a man haa been sick as long at
three weeks, bia wife, who nurses him,
looks as If she bad been stck six rears,
Try GralK.OI TryGraln.Ol
Ask your grocer to-day to show yoo a pack
ace of Graln-O, the new food drink that takei
the place of ooffoe. The oulldren may drink
It without Injury ns well aa the adult All
wbo try It like It. (Irutu.O bns that rich seal
browu of Mocha or Jsvtt, but It Is made from
pura Krutns, and the mosttlulicnte stomach re
ceives tt without. dlhtreH. One-quarter the
Biire of coffee. 16 eta. and 35 eta. pur package,
old by all grocers.
Probably Insane Woman AAopti an Original
Method to End Her Life.
Mr. Charles Blmmermnn of Knston
rcintnlttpt) suicide In an uniisunl man
ner a few days bro. Hhe told her 12-year-old
rhlld she was going to take a
Imth. A few mlmitPS Inter the t hllil
henrd her mother groaning nnd ran for
hrlp. When a neighbor climbed Into
the bath room be found tho woman
dead on the bottom of the tub. There
wns not an Inch of water In the tub and
Mrs. Hlmmerman had evidently laid
down with her mouth to the spla-ot and
turned on the water. Hhe was 32 years
old, nnd was released from the Norrls.
town Insane asylum a few weeks nun.
Ramuel V. I.anirdon, of Philadelphia,
entered suit In the lilalr county courts
HKulnst John Imdon and seven othpr
prominent capitalist of Altoona to re
cover K' dnmaires. Mr. Langdon
allege that the defendants bargained
with him on January B, 1 '.:. to sell hltn
the controlling Interest In the Altoona,
1'lcarfleld ami Northern Hnllroad com
pany, anil that they have committed a
breach of this agreement. Tho com
pany has gone out of existence and the
railroad was recently sold nt receiver's
While a well was being drilled for
the Forest Oil Company near West
KliKahxth the crown pulley gave way,
leaving the tools and more than fi.Oiii)
feet of rope In the well. If the tools
and rope can lie recovered the well will
he cut down to the depth of fl.Oon feet.
If they should not lie successful Its
record, at its present depth, will stand
ns the deepest well drilled In tho
world. The well wns drilled B,t30 feet.
A block of P.000 ncres of coal land be
tween the Monoiigahela river and Jef
ferson, llreene county, has been sold
In a party of eastern capitalists and
will bo paid for within twenty days.
The coal Is all along the line of the
proposal rittsliurg, Coiinellsvllle &
Wheeling railroad, nnd the options
were taken by the projectors of the new
About BO of the Tlaker heirs met at
the Alcorn schoidhouse a few days
since to arrange for taking steps to
secure the $.l,Wio,miO they claim Is com
ing to them from an estate near Phila
delphia. Heveral attorneys met with
them, among whom were 1. T. Wat
son, of this place, nnd W. It. 8. Thomp
son, of I'lttaburg.
The police of Franklin captured a
man at lllg Hock llriilge. just below the
rlty limits, who was totally divested of
clothing and running wild, lie gave
his name as Thomas York, of Pitts
burg, and says he has a wife and four
brothers In Pittsluiig. When found he
wns almost famished.
Five bridges In Jackson township
were washed away during a storm the
other day, as was also Hhafer's brldgo
over the l'ocono. In Htroud township.
The handsome summer resort owned
by Thmnns Htltea was damaged to tho
amount or :iuti. t'onHiiiernuie damage,
was done to standing crops.
Miss tsabelle White and Mrs Harriet
Cooper, of the Lnilles' Auxiliary Com
mittee of the Mutler Hospital Associa
tion, received a letter the other day
from Andrew Carnegie stating that he
would contribute H.fiOO to the fund for
tho erection of a general hospital In
this city.
George MrKlbben, who knocked
down and killed James Kearns while
driving on the street recently, at New
Castle, was arrested for murder. Tho
coroner's Jnrv declared the killing ac
cidental. MoKlbbon Is the son of Wil
liam McKlbben, proprietor of the Knox
The body of a female Infant, about 3
days old, neatly packed m a lard can.
was found floating nt the Muni y dam
a few days ago by some fishermen.
Every Indication points to the fact that
the child was murdered before being
placed In the can.
While seated at the supper table at
his home In Franklin recently, Bylves
ter Haggerty, aged 23 years, was struck
by a bolt of lightning and rendered un
Frank Feully, 16 years of age, of
Crabtree, Westmoreland county, pour
ed oil Into a stove to start a fire and
was probably fatally burned by the ex
plosion that followed.
A fire In Hawley, a town 12 miles
from Honesdale, destroyed 12 buildings
entailing a loss of 135.000.
Thirty-one towns are trying to se
cure the Mammoth Htar shoe factory
at New Ringgold, which must remove
from that place on account of the
scarcity or adult laoor.
Lightning struck the barn of Philip
Kllngensmlth, near Ureensburg. Tues
day, and completely destroyed It. with
all Its contents. Loan, $2,UO0, with !,-
000 Insurance.
Keferee Charles L. Hawley told the
Lackawanna County Court that James
H. Dainty tried to bribe him In an as-
sumptt action in which Dainty was the
Bharon capitalists are negotiating
with foreign manufacturers for tho
erection of a tin plate mill there, for
which a oonus oi iju.uuu is asKeu,
Mrs. Samuel Blftnn, of Dunbar, a few
days ago leaped from a moving train
having forgotten her pocketbook, and
sustained fatal Injuries.
Twenty-five firemen and thirty-six
brakemen were suspended on the Penn
sylvania and New York division of the
Lehigh va ley Kaliroau.
Caught between a load of nay ana
a barn door at Ooodvllle, Lancaster
county, Michael Bnader, a farm hand,
was fatally injured.
It 1b estimated that the wheat crop
Just harvested in Greene county, the
heaviest crop ever raised there, will
yield 600,000 bushels.
A 10-year-old son of Joseph Ringer,
a contractor of Pittsburg, fell from a
cherry tree near Sallna Saturday and
died Sunday.
The First Hammers,
Hammers are represented on the mo
numents of Egypt. 20 centuries before
our era. They greatly resembled the
hammers now In use, save that there
wtre no claws on the back for the ex
traction of nails. The first hammer was
undoubtedly a stone held In the hand,
Claw hammers vrere Invented some time
during the middle ages. Illuminated
manuscripts of the elevorth century re
present carpenters with claw htmmers.
Hammers are of all slzs from the dain
ty Instruments used by the Jeweler,
which welph less than half an ounce,
to the gigantic M t?n hammer of ship
building establlahmrnta, some of which
weigh aa much as 50 tons ami have a
falling force of from 90 to 10ft. Every
trade has Its own hammer and Us own
way of using it,
Killed to Save Ilia Father.
Polk Burrts, a candidate for sheriff at the
last eleotlon, was killed on one of the main
streets of Paris, Texas, by Luther Guthrie,
who snot him while be was engaged in aa
assault upon uuyines isiuer.
July 1. The House was crowded
early with members who discussed the
new tnrirr schedule which had been ap
proved at the tariff conference. Boon
after assembling Mr. Iilngley submit
ted the conference report on the tariff
III and made an effort to get the
Democrats to agree to Vote, but they
nslsted on two days for debate, and.
without reaching any agreement as to
when the vote should be taken, Mr.
Dlngley took the floor nnd opened the
debnte In favor of the adoption of the
conference report.
July 20. At 12.15 this morning the
bouse of representatives passed the
report of the conference committee on
the tariff bill by a vote of 15 to 118.
The bill now goes to the senate for con
currence and will become a law ns soon
as It is signed by the President. Kvery
republican present Voted for the re
port. The democrats, with five excep
tions, voted against the report. The
exceptions were Blayden, of Texas;
liroussard. of Louisiana: Meyer, or
Louisiana: Imvey, of Louisiana; Kle
berg, of Texas. The populists and sll
verltes did not vote solidly. Mr. Hhn
forth, of Colorado, and Newlands, of
Nevada, sllverltes, abstained from vnt-
ng. Mr. Ilnrtmnn .sllverlte, Montana,
did not vote. The populists who voted
nganlst the report were ns follows: lin
ker, Harlow, HotRln, Fowler, Jen,
Lewis, Marshall. Martin, Peters, Kimp-
son, Btrowd nnd Vincent. Four did not
vote Howard, Kelly, Htark and Bouth
that ISO republicans and five democrats
erlnnd. The other populists were an
sent. An analysis of the vote shows
Voted for the report, nnd 108 democrats
and 12 populists against It,
After some routine business tne sen
ate resumed consideration of the tar
iff conference report.
Five paragraphs, from amendment
M2 to amendment iSS, were disposed of
without question, but at that point Mr.
Jones, of Arkansas, said he had not
been able to keep track of the matter,
and tho rendli g was begun over again,
so that explanations might be given.
July 22. Benntor Jones of Nevada,
chairman of the committee on conting
ent expenses, submitted the report of
that committee qn the resolution Intro
duced by Bennror Tillman ror an in
vestigation of the charges of speculat
ing In Bugar stocks, etc. The report
takes a strong position against order
ing the Investigation and Is a very ex
haustive review of the procedure of the
senate In the past In such matters.
The report takes the position that,
aside from the names of the newspaper
men themselves, only the name of
Benntor Bmlth of New Jersey Is men
tioned In the newspapers making the
charges on which the resolution was
based. The position Is taken that the
newspaper men do not count, "inas
niuchiis these gentlemen do not profess
to write from knowledge nnd usually.
If not alwnys, decline to disclose tho
sources of their Information."
Representative W. C. Btone of Penn
sylvania, who was chalrmnn of the
committee on coinage, weights and
measures of the last house, Introduced
in the house a bill to authorise the
appointment of a monetary commis
sion and to provide for Itr expenses.
Bclontiflo Burglary.
Among a lot of burglars' tools recent
ly captured by the Scotland Yard police
was a drill of the finest steel, worked by
nn eleotrlc battery contained In a
leather case, slung like an opera glass
over the shoulder of the scientific
cracksman, the amo battery also fur
nishing a miniature electric bull's-eye
which furnished light to guide the drill
without attracting outside attention.
Reports on the Indian wheat crop are
beginning to come In. From the Cen
tral Provinces we learn that the area of
wheat s only l,R!iK,0-2 acres, ns com
pared with 2.714.4M acres for 1896, and a
ten years' average area exceeding 4
Oon.000 acres. The estimated out-turn Is
24.7.r5 tons, against S';8.H38 for 18i0, and
IS4.S02 as the ten years' average. .
Grain, Flour and Feed.
WilEAT No. 1 red I
No a red
COllN No. 2 yellow, ear
No. 3 yellow, shelled
Mixed ear
OATH No. 1 white
4 70
4 40
2 75
12 00
8 00
12 00
12 25
8 76
9 25
6 26
6 60
No. 2 white
BYE No. 1
nnn vii nuii a
Fancy straight winter i
live flour 2
IIAV-No. 1 timothy.
nixeu oiover, no. i
Hay, from wagons
FEEL) No, 1 White lid., ton..
Brown middlings
BTUA W Wheat 7.7.'.'. '. ! '.
ll.nn .,,ll
8EEIJH Clover. 60 lot..
t 00
45 1 (16
75 2 00
Timothy, prime 1
Blue Ores 1
Dairy Products.
BUTTER Elgin Creamery.... 16$ 17
fancy creamery 16 17
Fancy country roll 8 9
CHEEHE Ohio, new 7 8
New Vork, new 8 0
Frulta and Vegetablea.
BEANS Hand-ploked, V bu.,.9 90 95
POTATOES In car, tm 26 80
CAHBAOE Homegrown, bbl. 140 160
ONIONH per sank. 1 25 1 60
Poultry, Eta
CHICKENS. V pair t 60 60
Tt'UKEYM. V lb 12 14
EOOH Pa. and Ohio, fresh.... 0 10
FLOUR $ 8 R0 3 90
WilEAT No. 2 red 72 78
BYE No. 2 85
COHN Mixed 27 28
OATH 20 21
EOOH 7 8
BUTTER Ohio creamery '12 13
FLOUR 4 23 4 45
WHEAT No. Jred 75
CORN No. 3 mixed 21) 80
OATH No. 2 white 1.4 25
BUTTER Creamery, extra 15
EG OH l'a. firsts U
FLOUR Patents t.. 4 36 4 66
WHEAT No. 2 red 84
CORN Na 3 81
OATH While Western ..
BUTTER Creamery IS
EOOH Htate of Peua. 12
Prime, l.SOOto 1,400 lbs $ 4 909 8 00
Good, 1,200 to 1.800 lbs 4 65 4 75
Tidy, 1,000 to 1,160 Itis 4 60 4 60
Fair lislit steers, AGO to 1000 Itis. 4 00 4 20
Common, 700 to 900 lus 60 I 75
Medium , 8 65 3 60
Heavy 3 60
Roughs sad stags f.... 2 00 2 75
Prime, 95 to 103 the, w.lbers...! 4 00 4 10
Good, 85 to 110 Itis. 8 T6 8 90
Fair. 70 to 80 lbs 8 26 8 60
Commoa 8 60 8 00
Culls 1 00 8 00
Chelce iambs. IM 4 86
Fair to good lambs 4 00 4 80
Veal calves 8 09 nil
Using Long Words.
Doctor who are in the habit of natng
long wards when visit Wig people may
take a butt from the - following Uttle
story: An old woman whose hubnnd
waa not very wU aont for the doctor,
Who came and saw the okl wife;
"I will send htm some medicine which
must be token In a recumbent posi
tion." After be had gone the okl woman ant
down greatly puisled.
"A recumbent poaltlon a reciunbeot
position!" she kept repeating. "I
haven't got one." Af loat she thought.
"I will go ami sea If Nurse Lown hits
got one to lend me."
Accordingly she wont and sold to the
"Have yon a recumbent position to
lend ma to take some medicine hi 7'
The nurse, wbo was equally aa Ig
norant as the old woman, replied:
"I had one, but to tell you the truth,
t have lost It."
We have tint been wlthnnt Plsn's Cure for
Consumption for an riwrn.- l,irzir. Kammu
Camp Hi., llarrhdiurg, l'a., Mar 4, 1WH.
HAVE MADE themselves tho leading bicycles
on account of their quality not on
account of their price .........
HARTFORDS Patterns 5
-Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer, or by mall from us for
a 4-ceni stamp.
If t'alamblaa are net properly represented la year vtelalty, let as knew.
JHAiw s4 4flr Taking.' (The low pries only bain mads
possible by Mis Immense edition printed), Rot only doai this Book oontoln so
much Information Kelattvs to Diseases, but very properly irives a Complete
Analysts of every thins pertaining to Uourudiio, af arriajre sad the Production
and Reeriar of Healthy Kamllits; together with Valuable Rseipet an I Pre
snriptiona. Explanations of Botanical Practice, Correct use of Onllnarr Herb.
Maw KdltlOD, Revised and Enlarged with Complete Index. With this Book in
the house there is no excuse (or not knowing wbtt to do in aa emergency. Don't
wait until you have illness in vour family hefor von or.l-r, hut sent at onea
for this valuable volume. ONLY CO CfCNTS rUST-PAID. Bend postal
notes opoatsffe stamps of any denomination not larger than esots.
BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE 134 Leonard Strost. N. Y. City.
they wUI five you GOOD HEALTH and a PURE, CLEAN SKIN, ire from
pimples and blotches.
To TRY CA8CARET8 i to like them. For never before has
there been produced in the history of the world to perfect and so harmless a
them regularly for a little while means SM
ALL DRUaai3T5.
loc, ssc, goe.
INVENTORS! "'"','".";,'
Btlvertl-inff o tiutim nn phv," lriw. in
yrtmt rU-hf a, etc w tt ilo rwynlHr ptttMiit (niMliifatM.
sw Je4, Ailvfrt I rr, H1kIim' rrlYreiicft.
Write un. WATHO K. OI.KWAN, MiliH.
tun ot patuuu l btrH, WBuliuitftuu, L.C.
AUDI nn b mtM with
out their fcnowiBdirB by
Antl.Jt ttit marvelous
cur fur th tiruist habit ,
Wrtta ftmuv. C'iienutal
ut., w UruaJwmy, Ji. v.
Full lnformBtiott (In plait wrapper) uiailfxl frt
Wanted-An Idea I
Whn eaa think
BurjM stiunie
thlus lopal.nif
Protect your Messt they may brine you wraltu.
Wrila JOHN WSUDEHBITHN a 1(1 Altor-
Bars. Wsslilneton, 1. C. for their l.J prlss ufler
aad saw uu ut eae thousauq Inventions' wan bed.
P N V SO 91
Is Ike best lias I
a a SS V llailUMllStM L'.llMl IriMll
Culler's Pc?ket Inbsl.r, SI.IMIi all dniuiiU.
H. II. M.1I1T1I sV CO., MaSale, N. V.. freitk.
LaU Frlaclpal IxaaUar If. I. Vtaus nurem
$ jrn ia Uat war, 14 atsjiiMwaiiaU aiavuiatv LUy. mUJ
a slos
" Well Dona Outlives Ccath." Even Your Kernory Will
Shint if You Use
Fighting Flrea la winter Weatboe.
To stand upon the peak of a ladder
at perhaps the third or fourth atory eat
a bitlldliig, directing the stream ol
water nt the blazing Interior, while thai
thermometer la at about Ita lowest
point, Is not a comfortable task. Pel
haps another stream Is playing ove
your head, and you stand In an Icy
spray. Icicles bang from erery point
of your Are-lint, and the rubber coat la
frozen to your back; awl the water that
Is -falling about you as fast a
It falls. Kvery movement upon the lad
der Is fraught with (laager; for It Is se
oncnistnl with Ice that U is almost Im
possible to get a solid foothold, and
misstep would hurl you to the ground,
forty feet lwlow. St. Nicholas.
Fltspermanentlrcred. Jfofltsnrnervona
nemaitorllrstdny'siiiwof Or. Kline' (Jreat
Nerve Restorer. Jtrial bottle anil treatise frsa
On, H, 11. Ki.isa. l,M..mi Arch m..PliHa.,l'a.
W. Tf. Orlffia, Jackson, Michigan, wrltesi
"Suffered with Catarrh for llfu-en years.
Hall's atarrh Cure cured me." Hold itl lirug-
litis ;&c
Mrs. Wlnslow's Hootliiiig Syrup forrMlilren
teet hlng. softens the gn ins. ruliH'f n ic llilliunliia
lloii.Hllfiys inin, cures winil colle, SV'b IkiIIIu
: :
and 6, .... 30
Hartford, Conn.
y J. Hamilton Aytrs, A. if. 0.
This ia a most Valuable Book for
the Household, teaching as it done
the easily-illslinKaishail Symptoms
of different Diseases, the (Jausa,
and Means of Preventing such Dis
eases, and the Simplest Remedies
which will alleviate or cure.
590 PACES,
The Book is written m plain every
day Snglisb, ami is free from tlis
teonnloal terras which render most
Doctor Books so valueless to the
generality of readers This Book Is
In ten led to bs of Hervice in the
Family, nod fa so worded aa to bs
roadlly understood by all. Only
the cure of any diaeuc caused by bad or im
pure blood. Tly eliminate all poisons, build
up and enrich the blood, enabling it to make
new, bcaltby tisane
HEALTH, and if vou will use CASCaRf TS
Pure Blocs! and Perfect Health.
W want an afrcut n trnry town In th TT. 8. and
Canada. No expert-mie V qntrml. Ladle niaktt
uttmt MUi'ceHkful aifwiita. Wa pay Mtlury or liberal
c(iintTtLitliii. You can work u II tlm tiin or iViniira
limtri. ami can nam (mm KI4WIT TO TW K1.V14
Tomir A most fiu'ceearul airentn. Tluta lti art
w-rtU ml.OUOeaWL. uow, will be worth J3,040
wiirn timer itQprove. rucy art iwriu k
I'KTIT .HAN AN. tut 'iiieiri ! the .tlnln
mutt. If ymi dir fn
obtain it and will wvrh
tliera la out of them 1
Writ a on for full particular to th
I. .H. la. 4. I. C O.UPA.N V. Belfn-t, M.
Notre Dame, Indian.
Classics, Letters. Hrlenee, Law, C'UII, afe
vlianlra! anil Kieetrlval Kuslneerlna.
Thorough freparalory unit Uoui loerclal
Course cclesiusticai students at special
Idioms Free, Junior or Senior Year. Colle.
flute Courses. t .! ward's Hall for uuye
umler 11.
The loTth Term will open September Tlh,
I BUI. Catalogue sent r'rvo on applK'ntlon la
lie. A. Morrlssey, C. a. C.freeitUut
4Bartluutfh8yrupL Tiiat Quuii. Vm I I
In time,, rWiij by drmilta. I I