The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 21, 1897, Image 3

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aY Veanet Thaf Can he Vtd Tilther a
Warahlp Deatroyer or ns A Flenaure
Craft Slliltns Fannin or Clear Plate
Olata to Gaia Throagh at Sa Marvela.
Before many months have elopsed a
submarine boat will probably be com
pleted which will embody several fea
ture that are distinctly new. It ia
the invention of H. E. Dantzbecher, a
naval architect and designer of yachts,
who live in Philadelphia, and who
has contributed his share to the repu
tation this country has of lute years
won for skill in ship-building. Mr.
Dantzbecher, in other words, is a
practical man, and not of the class of
inventors who construct dream fabrics
which rise so conveniently superior to
the limits of mechanical possibilities,
cutting so fine a figure in print and so
poor a one in practice.
Tut compaotly, what Mr. Dantz
becker purposes to give to the world
is a submarine yacht which will go to
almost any depth beneath the surface
of the ocean, and in which ten persons
will be able to live comfortably for
twelve hours without coming to the
top for a fresh supply of air. Itising
thns to get breath twice every twenty
four hours, the yacht will be able to
travel eighteen days at full speed, or
a distance of 4300 or 5000 miles if only
sixty-six per cent, of her power is used.
Means of egress and ingress are pro
vided, so that such of the passengers
as feel disposed to step out for a stroll
on the bottom of the ocean can do so.
But, of course, they would have to
dress for the occasion. The ordinary
diver's costume would be sufficient. '
Furthermore, there is an ample pro
vision of powerful electric search-lights
which can be turned in any direction
from the conning tower in the top of
the craft or from a point in its bottom.
These lights aro to be so intense that
even in comparatively turbid waters
objects will be made out with tolerable
distinctness. In waters as clear as are
those of the Atlantic in the vicinity of
the Bermudas, remote recesses of the
ocean depths may be ransacked with
the rays.
But the submarine observations
need not be made solely in diving
suits. Mr. Dantzbecher has arrangod
sliding panels both in the sides and
bottom of his craft which, when
lipped back, expose large areas of
thick bat very clear plate-glass.
Through these windows the sub
marine travelers can look out npon the
illuminated depths of water at their
ease. They can thns turn the entire
ocean into a mighty aquarium, and
study the struoture, life and habits of
the queer fish and grim monsters of its
lower depths. And all this seated in
a cozy room,' with stenographers at
band to take down the words of the
learned soientist as they fall from his
And aside from this obvions value to
soientiflo research, the amount of plain
amusement the soheme suggests is be
wildering to contemplate.
1 It is Jules Verne's fascinating Nau
tilus, which sailed "Twenty Thousand
leagues Under the Sea," turned into
an actual reality sliding panels, plate
glass windows, doors leading out into
the dim, mysterious waters and all. In
fact, it is very evident that Mr. Dantz
becher, like many thousand of other
people, has had his imagination stirred
and his inventive genius stimulated by
Verne's delightful romance, f-
With substantially all the experi
ments in submarine boat-building
heretofore the central idea has
,been the oreation of a weapon
that could work with deadly effect
upon the modern battleship. This
floating iron fortress has year by
year grown so impregnable above the
water line that the marine experts
. have been trying to get at the monster
in some effective way from beneath.
Torpedoes launohed .andBirected in
the ordinary way, on or from above
the water level, are at the beat but
vague and random blows which can
,nlv be landed by chance or. where
' the warship is caught napping. That
the ideal way of planting the torpedo
Was from beneath the vessel attacked
has been recognized from the start,
and the stndy of the subject of sub
marine navigation has beei almost
entirely on that line.
Where Mr. Dantzbecher differs
from his predecessors in the field is
that he has aimed to bnild a craft
which, while capnble of being turned
into the deadliest of snbmnrine
weapons, would at the same time be
capable of such other purposes that
private citizens as well as govern
ments would have a nse for it. He
aimed to make a yacht, in other words,
that was capable of sailing below tho
water as other yachts sail on its sur
face, and that, like the surface yacht,
might be seized by the Government
in case of war and converted into a
torpedo boat.
To convert his yacht Into a war ves
sel nil thnt is required is to make torpedo-tubes
of the two elliptical open
ings which are on each side of the bow,
and which in ordinary times are used
by the yacht's company as means of
egress and ingress when the kboat is
lying on the bottom of the ocean.
These openings are of such form that
either the Sims-Edison or the White
head torpedo can be used. With air
supply enough to last a crew of ten
men for twelve hours the yncht can ap
proach the enemy unseen from a very
great distance. There would be ab
solutely no warning, no hint of danger
to those on board the ship she picked
out for attack. While sailing along
without a sail or a trace of smoke in
sight to indicate the presence of an
enemy, the most powerful battle-ship
might suddenly be heaved into the air
and her bottom literally torn out of her
by a fearful explosion.
Those on board who escaped instant
death would never know what had be
fallen them, whether their own boilers
or their own magazine had blown np,
unless the submarine yacht rose to the
surface and fished them out of the
water and the wild chaos of tossing
wreckage which in a few moments would
be all that would be left of their ship. If
the vessel attacked were of a fleet
her fate would be ns much a mystery
to those on board her sister ships as to
her own crew. There would be a dull,
smothered explosion, a lifting of the
huge mass of niotnl heavily upward,
then a staggering, headlong lunge into
the depths of the sea and the tossing
arms of thoBO not dragged underneath
by the suction as the ponderous mass
sunk out of sight.
On board the submarine yacht the
spectacle would be oveu more thrilling
than from the decks of vessels on the
surface of the water. After hurling
its torpedo low down against the ex
posed flunk of the enemy there would
be a reversal and swift whirling of the
twin screws until the vicious little
craft had darted back to a safe dis
tance from the concussion and the
wreck the deadly explosive hod wrought.
Then she could creep quietly back, and
her officers and crow, with their eloo
trio search-lights turned on the scone
and the steel panels slid back from bo-
fore her broad plate-glass window,
could watch at their leisure every de
tail of the death agonies of a sinking
ship and drowning men.
But aside from all mere anticipatory
speculations as to what it may accom
plish in actual warfare, Mr, Dantz
becher s submarine yacht is fast as
suming the proportions of a practioal
business investment. Its details have
all been carefully worked out and the
plans drawn. The boat will be 100
feet long over all and twelve feet in
diameter at the midship section.
It is a oigar-shaped cylinder iu form,
for the reason that the cylinder will
best resist the pressure of the water,
which at a depth of ninety feet is thirty
nine pounds to the square inch. When
submerged there will be a displace
ment of 1G9 tons. The plating in the
middle fifty feet of length is half inch
of mild steel, with a thickness of three
eights of an inch at the ends.
"The diving apparatus of the boat,"
said Mr, Dautzbecher in a recent in
terview, "is radically different from
anything yet constructed, and is cop
ied from the fish. There is a shaft ex
tending athwartships and going two
feet beyond the hull, to which are at
tached the diving planes, which are
horizontal rudders, placed one on each
side and two feet wide by ten feet long,
located about twenty feet from the
bow. There is also a duplicate set of
these planes about the same distance
from the stern, and so designed that
they may be worked independently or
together A fish balances in the
water, and rises, falls or maintains his
level by the nse of the two fins placed
just book of his gills. This is a fact
of which any one may convince himself
by watching gold-fish in an aquarium.
"These diving planes, plaoed fore
and aft, will in the same way control
the depth of the hnll in the water, a
set of levers in connection with cylin
ders either elevating or depressing
them for rising or falling iu the water,
and so arranged that the pressure of
water outside of the hnll makes it an
tomatio in operation and keeps the
boat on an even keel at all tiineB at any
desired depth.
There will always be maintained a
reserve buoyauoy o from 700 to 1000
Hounds, to that should the maehinarv
In any way become disarranged the
bull will at ones come to the surface.
. "The boat's air tanks will be con
structed for a pressure of 1000 pounds,
and ventilation is provided for by
blowers and pumps, which exhaust the
Impure air to one compartment, where
it is pumped overboard, and the prop
erly regulated supply from the tanks
will keep the air pure.
"The boat will be driven by two gas
engines of eighty horse-power each,
direct connection, each engine having
two cylinders. This gas-power engine
is nsed because it keens all fire from
the hold, the gas in the engines being
made from gasoline and exploded bv
electric spark from the storage battery
plant. The engines will exhaust,
when on the surface, to the open air,
but when running submerged will ex
haust into a condenser, and the gases
of exhaust will then be discharged
outboard by the vacuum pump. They
will also bo made to disconnect from
the driving shaft, And one will be
utilized to run the dynnno and the
other to furnish power for the air com
pressor. "
A rinlodelphian of great wealth is
furnishing the money to build this re
markable craft. The interest he takes
in it is solely for its possibilities in
the way of advancing scientific knowl
edge of the ocean depths, The actual
boot now in course of construction is
fitted with electrin cooking apparatus,
etc., and in addition to quarters for
tho crew, which will consist of first
and second officers, two engineers,
cook and assistant, will have berthing
space for eight people in a main
saloon. Una saloon will also serve as
a .dining-room, of which the woodwork
will be painted whito, so thnt the in
terior will be as light ns possible,
deadlights in the upper hull shedding
a subdued light iu all the compart
When the craft is completed it is the
intention ot the owner to invite a num
ber of men prominent in science to
make a cruise to the bottom of the sea
with him. The estimated cost of the
vessel is $41,000. It is expected to
have a speed of fifteen knots per hour.
A 340-Pound Illnrk Baa.
The fish in this picture swallowed
seven pounds of bait and jerked About
the water for half an hour a boat con
taining two men.
When he was subdued and landed
he was found to weigh 840 pounds.
His length was seven feet.
He was a block sea boss caught off
the California ooast, near Fasadena.
Borne of his kind weigh 800 pounds.
None goes under a hundred. The fish
has all the habits of the fresh water
black bass.
An Elephant Preaerye.
An adequate effort is at lost to be
made to prevent the extinction of the
Figure 6
Figure 1.
Figure 9.
elephant. The Government ot India
has adopted a regulation preventing
the killing of these animals in a re
serve which extends from Sheikh pass
to the Afghanistan frontier. The area
is approximately 200 miles ' by fifty.
The herds of elephants which remain
in this reserve are at present confined
to a much smaller area of about forty
miles square in the Qadabural moun
tains. Bio de Janeria, Brazil, has SG65 to
bacco stores and 4090 satoou.
Illustrations of the Proper and Improper!
Methods of Getting on a Bicycle,
FM 1 . J i i
I a us ncoorapanjiiig pictures, says me
Chicago Times-Herald, show some of
fllA tnan etiarlae r9 il i .atlna Imlfnnn
the tight position, in which a wotnau
may ride gracefully and easily, and the
wrong positions, iu which she is sure
to look awkward and uncomfortable.
Many women may find in these pic
tures, too, hints that will help them to
correct their styles of riding and en
able them to better enjoy an exercise
which has been only half pleasurable
in the past, because they did not know
how to follow it.
It is easy to see what is the difficulty
with the woman shown in figure No. 1,
what it is that makes her look as if she
were working a sewing machine rather
than riding a wheel. Her saddle is too
low. If it were raised to its proper
height her knees would not pnmpnp
and down before her chin with every
revolution like a pnir of piston rods.
If it were raised she would have a de
cidedly better appearance, her skirt
would hang better, she would ride more
easily and it would not be hard for her
to guide her wheel, as it certainly is in
the position in which she is shown.
The awkward position shown id
figure No. 2 is the result of having
the saddle too far back from the han
dle bars, so that the rider can just
reach the steering apparatus and no
more, and so that she has to push for
ward on the pedals almost as much
as down in propelling her wheel. The
position which that adjustment of the
machine gives makes the rider look
as if she were trying to keep her seat
on a bucking bronco from which she
was expecting to be thrown at any
instant. If the saddle were brought
forward a little and raised slightly the
position would be good. The lady
would be sitting over the pedals, too,
rather than behind them, and would
have half enough of her weight on the
handle bars to guide her machine eas
ily and safely.
There is such a thing, however, as
having the saddle too far forward and
too high, as is shown in figures 3 and
4, which illustrate positions just the
reverse of those in the figures ex.
plained above. In figure 3 the rider
has the appearance of climbing a steep
hill and working very hard iu the as.
cent, simply because her saddle is too
low and too far forward. She has to
push back on her pedals rather than
down and has not room enough be
tween the saddle and the pedals to
give full swing to her knees, liaising
the saddle and putting it bock a little
would give the rider a graceful and
easy position
The difficulty shown in figure 4 is
the opposite of that in figure 1 the
saddle is too high. The rider has to
tip forward in order to touch the han
dle bars and her toes just reach the
pedals when they are at their lowest
point in making a revolution. That
attitude is, perhaps, the most tiring
that can be assumed by a rider on a
long journey, 'ns it throws the entire
body out of position. The adjustment
would be correct if the saddle were
lowered so that the pedals and handle
bars could be reached easily and the
lady would find cycling much easier
and more pleasurable than she can iu
the attitude iu which she is shown.
All that is necessary to make any
of the changes suggested and to ad
just wheels so thnt the riders can look
and be comfortable rather than awk
ward and uncomfortable is a monkey
wrench and a little common sense.
With those nearly all the changes that
are necessary to put women's wheels
in proper condition can be effected.
: A proper position for a woman on a
bicycle is shown in figure 6. The
rider there sits easily and gracefully,
and the work of propelling her wheel
is not half the work exerted by any of
the others. Bhe not only looks well
but it is a position in which cycling
exercise is play rather than labor, and
beneficial rather than harmful.
Here are two good rules for women
(and men as well) to follow in adjust
ing their saddles and handle bars:
Have the saddle so high that the heel ot
the toot just renobos the pedal when it Is at
Figure 8.
Figure t.
Its lowest point. That will allow for plenty
ol "leg play" when the pressure on the
pedals Is exerted, as It should be, by the
forward part ot the ball of the foot.
Have the handle bars so adjusted that
part of the weight may be ear-led there
when It Is desired to lean forward lor a
change ot position, but not so low that any
great amount of the weight has to be sup
ported there when the rider reaches the bars
al all.
If these two rules were followed, so
far as the adjustment of saddles and
handle bars is concerned, the awk
wardness of a good many women on
wheels would be obviated.
rXattjrTonnU Salt of Checked Linen, Show
lna; Tern and Bine, With Skirt Specially
Adapted to Wash Fabrics Stylish
Plaited Waist of Figured Bin Dimity.
May Manton writes thnt checked
linen showing eorn and blue was
chosen for this natty tennis suit; the
collar, cuffs, belt and front decoration
of the skirt being made of plain bine.
Three box-plaits are laid in the back
and three in the front, the centre plait
in the front concealing the closing
which is made with button and but-
ton-holes in a fly. Snfooth nnder-arm
gores separate the front from the back
which has a pointed yoke. A casing is
sewed at the waist line through which
tapes are rnn to regulate the fulness,
and the lower portion ot the waist is
worn beneath the skirt. The turn
down collar that finishes the neck is
mounted upon a high neck-band, and
can be made removable, if so desired.
The sleeves, of moderate width, are
gathered at their upper and lower
edges; straight onffs finishing the wrists
and openings being made in back of
sleeves that are finished with pointed
overlaps dosing with link buttons. A
narrow belt enoiroles the waist. .
The skirt is admirable for summer
wear, its straight-back breadth adapt
ing it specially to wash fabrics. The
sides display the fashionable ripple
effect on each side of the gored front,
the straight back breadth falling in
graceful folds from gathers at the top.
The placket is finished in centre-back
and the top is completed with a straight
The style, which is an unusually
smart one, can be developed in percale,
cheviot, duck, dimity or gingham
with collar and cuffs to match or of
white linen. Blue serge is also suit
able for making and the suit can be
worn for yachting, shopping or travel
ing as well as for tennis.
To make this waist for a lady in the
medium size will require three and
one-half yards of thirty-six-inch. The
skirt will roquire five and one-half
yards of the same width goods.
Popular Deal-in for lioa-Plaltod Walat
The plaited waist has ever been a
popular design, and its appearance in
sheer summer fabrics will undoubtedly
meet with approval. Figured blue
dimity was selected for the stylish
waist shown in the large illustration
and described by May Manton. The
collar and cuffs are adjustable and
made of white linen. A jaunty stock
of red surah completes the neck, and
the belt is of red leather. The waist
is unlined and the adjustment is
accomplished by shonlder and under
arm seams, together with under-arnt
gores, which separate the fronts from
the plaited back. Five box-plaits are
laid in the fronts, the closing being
effected by button-holes worked in
s fly.
The sleeves are of the regulation
shirt style; they are shaped with inside
seams only and gathered top and bot
tom. The wrists are completed with
linen cuffs of the newest design,
The waist will develop in percale,
dimity, cambric, lawn, gingham,
madras, silk, 'etc. The design can
also be successfully carried out in
light-weight cheviot and French
flannels, and worn for yachting or
cycling, the warmth of the material
providing an excellent preventive
against sudden chill.
To make this waist for a lady in the
medium size will require four yards
of thirty-six-inch material.
Linen Lawn Mneh Worn.
A fine linen lawn is being much
worn in Paris, and nn entire costume
of singular charm, suggesting that it
should be taken to Ascot, made with
the skirt crossed with insertions of
Maltese lace in diamond patterns, was
seen, the bodioe showing the some de
coration, fastening down one side with
a frill of lace, And cut square at the
top to show a little chemisette of white
lisse; this drooped over a belt at the
back and in front, made of white kid,
fastened with a buckle elaborately
Dainty Frock For a Little Ctrl.
This dainty little frock is designed
for girls between the ages of two and
ten years. Plaid woolen was the ma
terial selected, with narrow velvet rib
bon and tiny gilt buttons entering into
the decoration. The becoming fulness
of the waist is due to gathers at the
upper and lower edges, where they
are confined by velvet-trimmed bands.
The garment closes invisibly at the
centre-back. Buttons and button
holes can be used in closing if pre
ferred. Prettily shaped epaulettes
extend over the shoulders that are
also decorated with velvet and buttons,
and have a pronounced flare at the
outer edge.
The full-ronnd skirthasa straight
lower edge that will permit of a wide
hem or can be trimmed as illustrated.
The top is gathered and sewed to the
bottom of the waist, a placket finishing
at the centre-back.
Lawn, nainsook, chambray, ging
ham, dimity, challie and light-wove
fabrics are commendable for making.
Braid, ribbon, velvet or insertion will
trim it effectively.
The guimpe worn with this frock is
of white cambrio, and two yards of
thirty-six-inoh material will be required
for making. To make the frook for a
girl of six years will require tnree
yards of the same width material.
The newest stitching tor gloves is ,
in two shades. For instance, two rowa
of lavender inside, with black stitch
ing all around, making the outside ami
inside row of black.