The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 30, 1897, Image 7

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    t - -
J.-iitrr l:trnrtMl friini (iolil rirtos.
hn of the most puzzlil men In low u
I n Mint(((iiii(M-.v street tvstiiitniiit
kecpcr, who recently took In a f-O koUI
piece which llllrtl nil lite orilimiry re
quirements of ftcltulnctii'ss mi fur its a tet could retretil the true
filets. Hut n few tltt.vs iitto n Imnker
stepped Into Ills (ilncn nnd stv t lit 12(1
piece whli'li tlie root it n rii nt in it ti hnl
received iml.v n short 1.1 nip linforp. The
luuikcr lunl ii queer look In his eves its
hn took Hip coin nml rnppcd It Klinrt'l.v
wlili IiIm knlfp. Mini Hip rcstiiurniit
keeper lunl ii Rinwiirr pxpresslim ns lie
shw Ills supposed $J0 piece lirciik lulu
tVII pieces.
"ItlMV M tills?" IIP tletlllltlllcil.
'I'Iip hunker nnstvpreri: "It In the
same old jrnme. I lunl iiiip of these
piece myself, nli.l Ml net' thou I li.'lvs
tested Klllll lecp of tlu $31 lIctKIIIlt-
tuition very citrcftilly. If Hint IiikI Imnmi
Iteiinltie my test would not lmve brok
en It."
Thru Hip rcsCiiir.utt keeper mid thp
liniiker citrefiilly examined It toitetlter.
'J'Iip outside of thp Kohl piece wiih nil
rlKlit. seemingly, wIhmi Hip dissevered
purls witp piiicpd toKotlipr. Thp mill
lnir seemed to lip up in tho Htiindiird.
The weight whs correct.
Hut the Inside of thp plppn wild hnlf
filled with ii composition which wits
not Hip ciiHtoimiry guld mid ulloy. Still
closer PMitiiluntloii rcvenlcd Hint the
(jol l lunl been kiiwiiI Hii'iiuirli with ex
quisite cnri' mid Hklll Just IiisMp of Hip
milling. Then the milling lind Iippii
removed mid from Hip Intprlor of Hip
plccp some of the gold IiikI Iippii ex
tracted nml Hip Iiiispi' composition wns
li'ltde 1o tnkp tin! plncp of the more
prpcloiis mctnl. Then, with equitl
dpftupss mid skill Hip milling IiikI Iippii
replaced unit soldered In noiiip wny. mill
th trick wns done. Situ Francisco
Rpacly-Mntlo Medicine.
A qiiuck who I us iiiiiiIp bis fori lino
by selling 111(1110117.11 honey , Is olip of Hip
characters lu ii recent French work of
llctlmi. How ho produced It wiim ns
follow: Thp bees were kept In a biriie
conspi'Viitory, or. nt nny rule, under
Kluss, bo that they coiitd only pnsliirp
on thp flowers provldid for them, nu
of cmirsp thesp were chosen for their
mcdiclmil properties. IIpiipp rindy
tundc physic of Hip most delicious kind
was garnered. This wns lunched nt us
en pxIr.ivi.Kiiut Invention; lnit .lt wns
not quite so nbsiird ns some of thp crit
ics Imagined. Heekeepers Inteiil on
producing n luxury me niinitiilly more
nml more Inclined to experiment on
similar Hues. The dllllctiliy reiilly lies
In educating tli " pitlitto of thp average
consumer, to whom honey Is merely
honey, n brenkfnst tnhle relish, varying
lu quality lt."."'lly tv I'inii suit.
' 1 roll l :i(MI to BOO l'ir lent.
The sewing miiphliie, oim of the grentpst
Mewiilngs In 111 wny t tiiinuiiiu'S ever olc'r
eil to ilm puliHe, sold for yesrs nt nlxty ilol
Urs In the I'nlleil Hlntes. Thn sumo inn
chlne, however, to lie shipped to foreign
Itihil, could t'ti purclitiBcil tielow twenty ilol
iHrs. Alter thn ittents run out thn price (ell
rnphlly until now rpwIiik nmi'lilnes nrnaolil
for tWHiity-flve ilnllRrs, unit often below
twenty ilollnrs. Thn sewiiiK mni'lilne Diniiii
fselnrerfl became Immensely rich from their
iirollts of pevernl humlred per cent. It hns
Lven eallmnteil tlmt typewrlthiK ncu'lilics
rout Ivbs I loin twenty ilullnrs lu I'UlUI. while
they Bell tor from II fly ilullnrs to one hun
dred duller ench.
It is uencrnlly understood tlmt nn nirop.
ment exlt wlmreliy tlieco hlh'h prlnes nre
mnintnliied. llusini'HS men re roinpelleil tu
pny from three humlreil In live humlred per
cent prollt or ko wtthoiit the nmehines.
Are there nny other inni'liineii which yield
aurb prollts ns the sewing iiinehliie did for
yenrs, nml Hi" typewriting mnehiuu has nml
iloeK, except it lio the bicvuie'
Try 3rlr.Ot TrrOrnln-OI
Ask your grocer to-dny to stiow you ft purlt.
nee of (irnln-O, tho new fooil drink tlmt takes
the place of cnlTi'o. Tho rhlhlron may drink
It without Inlnry ns well en tho mlult. All
who try ft like it. irniu4) hns tlmt rich seul
brown of Morhe or Jhvh, hut it is tuiiile from
pure Krninn, nud the nmiitilelleati'HtimHch re
reivce It without liihtrefH. One.iiunrter the
price of cetTee. l."i tU. and K cts. per iiockttge
Huld by all grocers.
Was Con rined to the Bed Most of the
Time The Remedy.
" I wns much run down in honltu and had
to keep my bed tho grenter pnrt of the
time. I hud no appetite and did not rei-t
well nights. I began taking Hood's Hnttifi
parilla and my appetite returned and I
gained strength rapidly, and soon felt like
anew man. I attribute my escape from
Illness of any kind the pant winter to tak
ing Hood's fiarsaparlllu," Aiiel Mykhs,
Arthur, New York. (let Hood's.
llAArl'o Dills the best fnniilycathartle,
nOOO S rlllS easy to operate. 21:
f ARDR nn lw tnrrA with.
out tnt-ir feit.w leOue l.y
AiiM-Jnk tlm uiHrvi-l.eis
i-iu-p lor TiieuiiiiK Imiilt,
WfllM ...I
... - . . . tJii.miwiiy. r. j,
lull infuriua'ion (In fliia wrspprr) luuilcd Irt.
Put a pill ia tho pulpit if you want practical
preaching for the physical man ; then put the
pill in the pillory it it does not practise vhat it
preaches. Thero'a a whole gospel in Ayer's
Sugar Coated Pills; a "gospel of sweetness
and light." People uoed to value their physic,
as they did their roligion, b7 its bitternees.
.The more bitter tho doco tho better tho doctor.
"We've got over that.- Ve take "sugar in ours"
M gospel or physio now-o-days.
please and to purge at the samo time. Thore
may to power in a ploaoant pill. That is the
gospel of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
Mora pill particulars In Ayer's Cariboos, too psgss.
bent (rs. J. C. Aytr Co., Lowell, Mass.
ItlieuMtnllflin ntttl Creeplns: 1nrntrsin VnU
liiwil, ami Klr. ftsUlMlrv riir)'eretl Tor
I.oiik 'riineltellet tmni nt
Last In (he t'se nt I'lnk I'lIU,
t'finn tho TitnrM, Krir, ,
On n bright rteptember morning ft re
porter of the Krlo Daily Timp drove up to
the cozy resldemio of t.uthcr Hnlshury,
about thrno miles from Knst Hprlngftelil,
I'n., and one half mile from Kliermnn ror
ners. Mr. Halsttiiry was nt home and grne
lolisly received the reporter, led him to ft
eojy cltting room, and begged him to lie
seiited. Mr. Huliliiirr is Ii4 years of nije.
Willi long, snowy white litrd, and sternly
wiilk. II" wn liern In Connenui I owuship,
iilioul nine miM-i (toni where he now re.
side, and Is one of thn hest known fnriners
In t'uit ec -t I. in of Mie I'liutitry. At tlie ngn
of 'Jl he moved t fn linn with lil parents.
Mr. Hiilsliury wns nlways n very healthy
mult, mid never knewwlint It wns to heslek.
After livinir in Indinnn nhout fifteen years,
he, wit Ii his nged mother, moved Pai-k to
their former home. Almut seven years ago
Mrs. Hiilslmry hndthe misforlunet'o full and
hrenk her hlji. Luther, who witnessed thn
fnll from the porch, rati to her assistance,
and lifting her gently carried Icr to Hie
house, lu some manner he wrenehe I his
hnek, mid hurt himself Internally, enu-lng
rheumatism to set in. He did not pny nny
attention to it until nhout six months after-
wards, when he nntl I a peculiar feeling
Itetween his shoulders, nml the shoulder
blades became very numb. He went to see
a physician mid was Informed he had what
Is known as creeping pmnlysia. He doe.
tored al'out two years and was pronounced
About n year after he quit doctoring. Hi
same feeling came over him ngaln, nnd he
made up Ills mind not tos-n n doctor, but
try to cure himself, Mr. Hnlslniry wns nl
Wiivs f.tnd of fishing, and while on the way
to Ids favorite pond lie notieed u newspaper
lying on lie ground, lie picked II up, and
hl eye n"c Idcntnlly read nn arl iele which
said, t'se "pink Piils" for rheumatism. Im
poverishment :f the Mic'd. e., e ,.jf(ln
thinking that they might do me good,"
said Mr. Hnlshiiry, "and accordingly I went
to lr. Onvcnjiort's drug store iit Albion,
I'll,, six miles from my home mid purclwed
three boxes. Twenty-four hours after tak
ing III" lirsl pill could feel the effect dent
to tin) ends of iuy lingers and relict came at
"I c.inl inii" I using I'lnk fills nml began
getting stronger, mid to-ilny J nru feeling
very well. My ln'aka"he does not bother
me at all, mid I can walk ns goo 1 ns any
one or my nge. The numbness Iiim disap
peared etitirely. Iteftire t ak ing I'ink I'ilis!
was unable to do the work on my farm, but
now I can blind io the farm as well as I ever
could, and 1 attribute it nil to tho uso of
Dr. Williams' I'ink I'llls.
"Without hesitancy I recommend Pink
Pills for rheumatism and nil diseases of the
blood. The pills are the best I have ever
known, mid a number ofpeople who noticed
my ennilllloii wen surprised nt the effect
of I'ink I'llls. Too much cnntiot be said of
lr. Williams' rink rills contain, In a con
densed form, nil the elements necessary to
give new life ami richness to the blood and
restoro shuttered nerves. 'J'liey arc also ft
specillo for trounles peculiar to females,
such as suppressions, Irregularities and all
forms of weakness. In men IheyrfTeet a
ni'llcnl cure in nil cases arising from men
tal wrry, overwork or exee-ses of shnt
ever nature. Pink Pills nre sold hi boxes
(never In loose bulk l at fiO cents a box or
six boxes for tJ.SI. and nmy be had of all
druggists, or direct by mall from Dr. Will
lams' ilcdiclus t'oinniHiy, Keheuccta l,
M. Y.
thai Into Your Mines
A Ufa's Foot-Kafe, a powder for the feet. H
cures painful, swollen, smarttlig teet, and in
stanlly takes the sting out of cirn and bun
Ions. It's the grcntcht comfort discovery of
the age. Allen's KisiUI'.esc n.likeH tlght-llt-tlng
or new -hm-s feel easy. It Is a certain
cure for sweatimt, cnllouH and hot. t.lreu, ach
ing feet. Try it to-day. Hold by all druggist
and slim' stores. Ity mnil for oc. In stamps.
Trial package KIIKli. Address, Alien ii. Dun
tod, Le Uu, N. V.
K. It. Walthall Co.. IiiiikksI.s, Horse Cuve,
Ky.. say: "Hall's Cnt-ii-rli fare cures every
one that takes It." Hold by Druu-glst, cV.
I nm entirely cured of hemoi rliRgo of lungs
hv I'Iho's Cure lor Consumption.- l.ol'lriA
I.imiauan, Ktthan, Mo., .Immury t, I1".'!.
f re. Window's toothing Syrup forcJilhlren
teething, softens the gu mi, rc'iui-iiig in lla mum
tiuu, allays pain, cures wind colic. butUt.
Hllk from hpider'a Wph.
Thp well of thp Miiilngascnf spider Is
to lip titllb.iHl for thp purpose of bilk
niniiufiicHirliig by n coiupttny of
I'lcncli cnpltnlUts. It Is still rpiiipm
biTcd Hint the Creolrs of Mauritius
presented Kinprcss Kiigcnlc with a
pair of in!ttPiiH unulo of tills spider's
llirciuls, which were no fine Hint they
could littrilly lie noticed on her hands,
fur they were almost trnnHpnrcnt nntl
oolorlcts. A rrviiPli imtunillst linn rp
contly nso'i'tulncd that the Mailngns
ciir spider prndiicpg nt tho lipgtnulr.g of
lis work more thnu luo ynrds of
thread per hour, Increasing In (tiiintlt,r
until It prodiiccs more than l.M) yards
per hour. A npwl.v-ronntrurtPl little
ninchlne which winds the thread on
holililiiH nutotiiti tlonlly immediately
from tho spider Ik to lie employed In
KJniltignsrnr. The spldera thpniselvcs
n to be rnlspd Hyatpmutlralij lu enor
tnoim ituniboiH, mid nltliouprli the fab
rics from tho new material may
bo costly at first. It Is not unlikely tlmt
the present generation will lire to see
dresses made of spider web.
How Wax Mutches Arc Made.
The body of n wax match Is in a do by
drawing cotton strands, twenty of thir
ty at a time, throuli uic'.tPil stenrlue.
and Light.
It's possiblo to
Ciuin tn Explosion Which Kills Fsthsr
and Son.
Adnm I,pck, nged 62, nnd tils son,
Wllllnm, aged 2S, were Instnntly killed
liy the explosion of the holler In a
small tnnchliip shop nt Itrockport, Elk
county. The building wns owned by
Ih t nnd wns demolished 1y the force
of the explosion. Itoth bodies were
blown I mi feet nnd terribly mangled.
Frank Let k, another son, wan working
lint n few feet from Ids father and ca
mped without a scratch. The explo
sion Is thought to have been caused by
carrying; too much steam.
The following ppnalons liavt been
grunted to I'eiinsylvntilnns: James
Moore, McAleeveys Fort; Adnm I mail.
Fl ic; Hllns Wlllinmeon. Hmlcksliut g;
.Initios Wheeler, Thoinkins; U'llllalo
llnrkey, Itedford: Thomas I.. Ilntikery,
Flttsbiitg ; Itciiheu New hard, Meml
vlllc; tleorco W. Hmlth, I'linxsiitR w -ney:
Henry Ailkncy, Allegheny: James
N. Wilson, Johiistnwii; rlniniiel Htrny
cr. Jolinstown : Charles H. Long. Lock
Haven; Anthony l.owniiin, t'onlport;
t'lirlsloihci', Dti'iucsne; Den
nis IliKhHtinn, Allegheny; W'llllunt
Ciinneld, l.inilsey: Lewis Mclioiiald,
iMonongiiheln ; Jacob Header, Coraopo
lls: Hubert rimiill. Indlnna: ltufus (1.
Mrown, Itradford; William Crlsmiin,
F.ddyvllle; I'rbnn Hoyles, Htrattonvlilp;
Chillies II. Hull, Iicmpseytowii; Adnm
Kunkle, Johnstown; l.nura C. Couch,
M lllvlllngp; Louisa C. l'tignn, Wi s
leyvllle; minors of John M. Laughlln,
Colleiibiirg nnd llraddock; ileorgp Hi
lls, Joint; Joseph H. Liimmuy, Na
trona, nnd Andrew 1. Klbler, Knox.
vIIIp, Allegheny county; Havld Cadwal
Inder, Hobllers' home, F.rle; I'rlnh Mi
Ntitt, Hcdstone, and James Hrown
IIpIiI, Haydetitown, Fayette county;
William A. Johnson, lleach Cr.'ck,
Clinton county; Charles Inrlmer, )s
icola Mills, ami minor of Moses W.
Liicoip, l'enfleld. Clcnrflcld county;
Jonathan Hhiley, Htnto College, Centci
county: Hum in I It, Stout, Hanlls.
Westniorplnnd county: Thonins II.
Winn, Honey (irovp, Jiinlntn county;
John', Clnysville, Washing
ton ciuintv; Ishiic Mowers. Colon City.
Kile comity; Levi I'ettlt, Wind Itldge.
Urecnc county; John rlliarp. New Cas
tle. The Hoard of I'ardons rotnmulcd the
scliteiiip of Alphotiso Ctitalr, of l'hlla
deliibla. to life imiirlsiinmeiit. The up-
I pllcntlon of Flank Jongruss, the Law
rence county murderer seiitcticcit lo
be exiHUted Atl'Tiist 2T, wns refused.
I unions were grunted Hurry It. Ma
son, Allegheny county, voluntary
manslaughter, nnd Harry Wool, also
Allegheny county, receiving stolen
goods. The denth sentence of Joseph
Alello,. the Jefferson county murderer,
wtis commuted to life imprisonment.
A loaded box enr and caboose brok
loose from n freight train at William
station fin the Baltimore and Ohio rail
road, four miles west of Ilyndman, and
passed through here at the rate of BO
miles un hour. The runaways were not
stopped until they reached ('umbel land,
Md IS miles from the starting point.
The track was clear and no damage re
sulted. A tlagman was In the cubons"
during the entire trip, hut wns unable
to check the tP'Tlflc speed of the cnr.i.
Tlciutlvc.ii of Mioy Ann Turner, of
DrniiKeville, near Bharon, were notified
of her death and requested tn niiango
for her funeral. A Inrge number of
them were at the station to meet the
train on which the remains were to
come from MendvlliP, Client was their
purpi'iHP when the supposed dead wo
man stepped from the train. A con
founding of names l"d to the m'.stak".
The corpsp was that of another mptnber
of the family.
The second reunion of the Mattern
family, in celebration of the 171st year
of the family in America, was held nt
Warriors Mark, Tyrone. Fully 2.000
people were prpsent. Including direct
d"Hcendants, relatives and friends.
Illshop John If. Vincent, of the Metho
dist Fplscopal church, was the orator
if the day.
Harvy Allison, mall carrier between
Cherry Tree and Marlon, Indiana coun
ty, was arrested by I'nited States Mar
shal W. H. lllalr im the charge of steal
ing $."( worth of stamps from the post
olllce at Marlon. The accused In de
fuult of ffiOO bail, was remanded to Jail.
David Frli'hle, aged about SO, attempt
ed suicide at Harrlsburg, by slashing
his throat with a razor, severing the
windpipe. He Is at the hospital, where
II Is stated ho cannot recover. Domes
tic trouble Is said to be the cause.
Burglars blew open the safe of thn
Auderton Hrewlng Company, Heaver
Falls, despite the fact that a card on
the door of the safe announced that It
was not locked. Only some small
change was secured.
A cloudburst at Palntertown caused
Coal run to overllow its bankB und
many houses In Coal hollow were sub
merged. The car shops of the West
moreland coal company were Hooded.
During an altercation John Hnnner
shot Kdwanl Lane, of Lewlstown, in
the back, after Lane had In self-defense
struck llanner on the head with
a hatchet. Both are colored.
Mrs. Annie Illack, of Erie, took an
ounce of laudanum with suicide intent.
She was married when only 11 years
old and Is now the mother of eight
The residences of Mrs. Mary A. Lyons
and Mrs. Harah Crow, at ITnlontown,
were robbed of $1100 worth of goods while
the people were at church.
J. Ashton Williams, aged 18, died in
Sharon from burns caused by an ex
plosion of alcohol In the drug store
where he worked.
Mormons are making a house-to-house
canvass In the southwestern sec
tion of the state, and have gained a
few converts.
Richard Thomas, aged CS years, was
run over and killed by a train near his
home, four miles from Somerset.
The Pennsylvania steel works, Har
rlsburg, has given notice of restoration
of a 10 per cent reduction July 1.
Richard Thomas, aged 55, a machinist
living near Somerset, was struck by
an engine and killed,
A 2-year-old child of J. W. Morris.
Mt. Washington, New Brighton, drank
carbolic acid and died,
John Woods, aged SO, of Huena Vista,
was struck by a train and fatally hurt.
Frank Kama,' of Pittsburg, fatally
shot his wife, of whom he was jealous
and then committed suicide.
A two-year-old child of Joseph Nod
leek, of Mt. Pleasant, fell Into a bucket
of water and was drowned.
Samuel, the small son of James Cook,
of Unlontown, had his even put out
while playing with powder.
George, the 8-ysar-old son of Hartley
Morgan, Henrietta, was thrown from a
horse and killed.
Harry Mass of Erie, 14 years of age,
was seised with cramp while bathing
and drowned.
June 22. Llentennnt-novernor Lynn
presided over the setintp this morning.
The calender was rushed through nnd
the session wns most business-like.
The following bills passed llnally and
were sent to the governor. To declare
the species of fish which nre giime
lish nnd coininercluMy valuable; to
protect the waters within the state
from Improper and wasteful fishing:
to provide for fish commissioners! and
wardens providing for the election and
appointment of road supervisors: to
provide for the laying out of private
roads under the surface or over the
sinfHcp of Intervening hind or lands:
to prevent fraud and deception In the
manufacture and sale of cheese.
The following bills passed nnd were
sent to the house: To provide for that
pnrt of the physical education which
pertains to the systematic develop
ment and discipline of the body
through directed exercise In the pub
lic schools: to provide that one burial
permit shall be sufficient in one county.
Speaker Hoyer was In the chnlr In
the house. After the appropriation
bills bad been reported a concurrent
resolution was adopted authorising
the publication of ir,(00 copies of the
snme nnd fish laws. A hill requiring
the weighing of bituminous coal before
screening passed second reading on
special order. Hills to prevent the em
ployment tif Incompetent miners In the
anthracite regions; to validate con
veyances and other Instruments which
have been defectively acknowledged
I asscd finally.
July 21. In the house the Adnms bill,
prohibiting the drinking of lliiior on
thp highways wns defeated. Hills for
taxing bicycles, tricycles nnd pleasure
carriages w ere laid over. Hills to locate
boundary lines between wnrds In cities
were passed, Sennte bill allowing water
companies to acquire hinds nnd adopt
other methods to prevent the water
from being polluted, and allowing them
to use other power to develop a current
In case of the temporary failure of the
water supply was defeated.
June IX In the house the senate bills
p:issed llnally were: An act to make
county tnxes a Hen on real estnte and
to provide that such lien shall he di
vested by a judicial sale: authorising
the courts to Inquire into the validity
of Judgments confessed, and alleged to
be fraudulent and providing the prac
tice therefore, which passed by a vote
of l.'ft to :i. An mt to mnke acting
committees of societies incorporated
for the purpose of visiting and In
structing prisoners, olllclnls nnd visit
ors of pcmil Institutions were ulso
In the senate the libel bill was the
subject of a lengthy discussion. Its
friends thought It would go through,
but It was defeated by a vote of 27 to
10. Senators Fllnn and Magee were
the prlnclpnl objectors to the bill,
each declaring thai five reputable
newspapers of the stnte did not want
a change In the libel laws and that If
Ihp new bill wus passed newspapers
could malign ami abuse any citizen and
there could be no redress. Fllnn said
there were some newspapers that
should be sued for libel every day.
Senator Sproiill, who Is a newspaper
owner, also opposed the bill.
These bit's were rmssrvl Hnnl!c- TVe.
ntlng a mining (lcpnVtment, the otllce of
commissioner of mines and assistants.
Creating the otllce of assistant district
attorney In the several counties of this
c nmmonwenlth having over fOli.WM) and
less than MKI.(llll) Inhabitants ni-miillne
for the appointment of said olHoers, J
prescribing the powers, duties and
term of cl" and llxlng the salaries '
of said officer'.
J npe m. (lovrrnnr Hastings sent
vord to the house that he had signed
the Hamilton road bill. The morning
session was given up almost entirely ti
the consideration of appropriation
bills on first nnd second readings. Mr.
Smith, of Philadelphia, was In the
chair, and put the bills through at the
rate of one a minute. Half of the 120
bills considered to-day will be takjn
up to-morrow for third reading and fi
nal passage. The other half will be
lead thp second time. A resolution was
offered by Mr. Muehlbronner, of Alle
gheny, recalling from the governor the
amended compulsory educational hill
for amendment. The Pittsburg char
ter and classification bills were report
ed from committee. The latter Is bet
ter known as the "ripper." The bills
have been brought out of committee
too late to bp put through.
The senate passed a resolution pro
viding that no bills except revenue and
appropriation measures shall he plac
ed on the calendar, save by unanimous
consent. The Losch hill, abolishing
the olllce of poor director In counties
having a population of lTiO.OO) and over,
passed llnally. In the place of the di
rectors, the courts are authorized to
appoint trustees to manage the alms
houses. The following bills were pass
houses. Tho following bills were
passed finally: To revise and amend
un act providing for tho Incorporation
nnd government of cities of the third
class; to declare the species of fish
which are game fish and llsh commer
cially valuable for food. Tu authorize
the county commissioners to transfer
and cover Into the general fund any
more now placed to the credit of any
city, borough or township upon nny
duplicate for taxes where the sum has
remained uncalled for during in years.
June 2fi. Mr. Scott, of Philadelphia,
was In the chair, and he started to
shoot appropriation bills through at
the rate of one a minute. On motion
of Mr. Bliss, of Delaware, the house re
considered the motion defeating tho
proposition to extend until I mil the
time of the committee appointed to de
vise some equitable means of utilizing
convict labor In prisons and reforma
tories. The resolution to extend was
amended to limit the cost to $.'.UOO. and
the government and one member ea-h
from the board of Inspectors of the
Kastern and Western penitentiaries
added to the committee.
Among the bills which passed finnlly
were the following: Appropriating, 11.
Si'O.ono for the care and treatment of
the Indigent Insane; 1346.01)0 to the sol
diers' orphan schools; IU800J to the
Western penitentiary; 0.000 to the
State Hospital for Injured Persons,
pltal; $14,000 to the Phllllpsburg hrs
pltal; 1 14.000 to the Phllllpshurg hes
Hazelton; tll.000 to the Mercer hos
pital; $175,000 to tho Sailors' and Sol
diers' home, Erie.
A large amount of work was done In
the senate. Considerable debate was
had over a bill prescribing how desti
tute veterans can be legally declared
insane, but It finally passed.
These measures also passed finally:
An act making borough, poor, school,
county and road taxes a first lien on
all property; providing for safe means
of exit from theaters: making an ap
propriation for extra work done at the
Polk Institute for Feeble-Minded: the
Hammond bill, providing a bird day In
the public schools.
The appropriation for the oleo Inves
tigation passed second reading
The act to prevent the employment
of Incompetent persons as miners In th ;
anthracite mines passed without uny
oitposltlon, as did the act requiring the
weighing of bituminous coal before
'in 1K0 anthracite coai was first suc
cessfully used in Philadelphia for gen
erating steam: and It was not until 20
! years later that anthracite fuel was cm
ployed with success In a blast furnace
by David Thomis, at Pa
Paternal Wisdom.
"Ihnigliter, whnt tlmo did your com
puny leave last night 7"
"Why, pupa, ho started homo nt
linlf "
".Nover mind when Iip stnrtetl; T wnjtt
to know wIipu lie left." Uhlu state
Fits ncrm.inentlyenrM. NofltsnrnermTts.
nrss nrter first. ilnv's use of Hr. Kline's Ureal
Nerve ttestirer. $:) trial bottle nnd treatise f res
Lu. It. 11. K l.l MS, Ltd., UUl Arch f t.,l'lills.,l'a.
Who ii
opened that
oottie or
The popping of A
cork from a Isjtllc of
Hires is a signal of
good health and plea
sure. A sound the
old folks like to hear
the children can't
resist it.
In rompofftd of the
vary lnKriMlint tho
vntfin rfMiiiire. Aiillng
t lie divert iuii. MMithliitf
the nerve, purifying
the Mood. A tntrifwr
huco (I r I nk fur temper
atu'0 people.
Mn4 nnlrfiv
Th ChirlM K. Hloi Fall, I
I Don't wmt monv
- mi vprimnir -no linTPiir. ni mv.
iirirn or
li i tt in l
lwrrti ir iimriy. tttc. Mc. w iln
ityulnr 1'n.tent bM-in-. Hlinett rfrii4'. Writ
Alturnrv Ml
nml ullrlfor ol
iitrntt Valiiiinfaiit '
Lit Principal Eminr D. fi. Fniloa Burtta,
4 ft. Li lut war. -'atoijudR-ftiiac alalia. ',ty. ata.
1896 Columbia $75
Hartford Bicycles, Second only to Columbia,
S60, $55, $50, $40.
i We have thousands of testimonials, and are proud of the stories
they tell of relief from many forms of misery. But the experience of
another person may not be yours
Sold on merit only under an absolute guarantee to cure, if uied according to di
rections. Every retail druggist is authorized to sell two 50c boxes Caicarets under
guarantee to cure or money refunded. You take no chances when you buy our
oreointiont. sent bv mail for srice. 10c 25c Of 50c address STERLING
REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, or
Your Own
I loe.. boo., ouo.
IIMIIIIIMIIIIIIII-IMII l - l - l - l - l - l -
roi.nrsi.H. loveli. fUJUl UUl ncgiiin oiuua hu yuu
TrvsH. Luvell Arms Co
Lovell Diamond SIOO.
Lovell Excel S60.
Lion and Lioness $50.
Lovell Excel $50.
Simmons Special S21).5l Lovell Excel 040.
We Lave the largest line ot Bicycle Sundries, Bii-jvli and Gymna
sium Baits ami Athletic Clouds of all kinds. Write Ul what you want
and we'll send you full information. If a dealer, mention it.
JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., 131 Broad St., Boston,
Hsailiiiiartsrs lor Gum, KIHvs suit llovolvsrs, fUlilnit Tsvkls, bkatas suil
Vpurtln iluuils of Kvsry Uvscrlpllua.
" Know e .ge h Fol y Unless But to Use." You Know
flood Catchtf
"Rnffjror. th profonnionnl Kimball
plnynr. Iiim mnrrlfMl nn IioItpjiV
"Ah! kkkI cntehr iMilI.idelphla
North American.
A mlln of rnilwnv pprmnnont wav, with
two pptu of mils, takvfl up two and oha-balf
Cff Of iHflfl.
ftrnil for Trice LUt!
It l I1 thnt we
nnd It will vmt but a
)HitHl to (In ft. All
we flk In tn not your
eye for a -tiiiDtit on
ik'tniln and prl'-e.
The (fond will M'll
thi'tii.-M'lvp. You
know n welt nn we
tlmt the John P.
Irfivpll Amu Cn. fof
whlr h the tilth-fat ig
nhlf Col. Hfii 8.
I) veil, known all
over the world, la
trtauri-r and nrtfitc
liondi )ia mm ! himI
for a hnlf rcDiury
nirtintftihi'd it ret
reputation by the
... .. .. r. t .. r
r.,1. Hf R. Lorrt r. Mi rllna iiood. It ia
IrfnA.Lnvcll Arm Co. Ptj tw world' hcwU
quartern for kuii, rifle and revolver. fWhinic
Iftekle, ukalew and nort In ft ontN uf every (le
wrini ion nnd i nn fe the headquarter for
the hiKht frrade hicyele. The rnmi'iuiy wiia
the rimvitis int In foiinina the eun.liimit ion
of (he four leading manufiir-turet in thia
fount ry, the "Hi Knur."ot'Hlted, In hold up
the Hindi' und hold down the price nf wheel.
Thowe who were handling the fhmiitnd nnd
one wheel the nianuftu turer wermthtimed to
futher "kicked." The profit on the cheRp
wheel wa very lare. Hut they kicked In m
purpne, and today a cyclist may ride it ttrnu
ela irnarnntccd wheel at the price it linn le
forecotto ri'le one made like the famous
razor. "to nell.' Kor thin boon the public owe
the ,ovell Arn4f ft. thank. A catalogue of
our regular bicycle tm k and a pecl list of
w heeU inmicd by the llitf Knur Combination
will he mailed free cm application to the .Mm
I'- Ijovell Arm t'o., l:il Hroad street, Boston,
r van n
t ouah Bynip, Tms OikkI. Use
in time. S'.ij hy rtninnnn. m
adE7 JS m
tn the 1897 Columbia models a
feature of special Inportance is the
double fork crown a special con
struction which we have tried and
found to bo the strongest. The
crown is encased in nickeled escutch
eons, excluding dust or dirt and giv
ing a rich distinctive finish which
tells the wheel Columbia at a
with the same preparation.
New York or when you purchase under
Druggists' Guarantee..
' - l"
prvjpi for Price List of our
Priced and Second -hand
Tour of thn leaillnic lilcylo mariufaoturors, of whl'U
the lha V. I.ovi-ll Arms Co. nre tlio movluif spirit, offt-r
lilfc-li unulo whituls tit next to uotUliig frlics. boo thu Hat,
it tulU tho story.
rr,m nnn Dirlnlan Ctnplf Wfl AfTnri