The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 05, 1897, Image 8

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Wrnt Into tlir HrMctnrnnt Jitrt. to flnv
rt lew ttjrutrm-Mrt Mr. Clrutnp, the
lln niT. Who Wait l.nn,lii D Little
tli foro fining- llnnw to fttinnrr.
"Tlum to Iip n fnmiiiH jAnrr fur
tlu'wi thiiiKH cluwu in Allniitii, '' rc
tnnrkrcl I In1 rortly k lit K-iiimi im lie cnu
ticwl.v ryt'il tin1 Wrlh ralitiir nml pip
pril lii musty
"Wliy, den'f llicw uit ycm?" m-!t cl
the tiinn who hnil lit'Vtr truvi'lrcl.
"Oh, xif. flue, Hit I wns just think
iiiK of a little iliriilrlit. that owurml
"A htory, is il? Well, let's have it."
"It net ninth cif a pfciiy, lint I will
Ml it the 1 est I rim. Yon Br, the jilwc
I ficiliP rf wiih kept hy n Hum liiiniicl
Bi'irmi'tiT unci n nut cmly fiinimiF.
fur it Welch rnliliitf, hut fur it oyster
nntl hind cribs n well. Delicious thry
Wcr too.
"There wtui a dyspeptic little Inwycr
nromicl town, phr.vp mid Mm wci, but
martyr to the !i. lie nd to K"
iirnnml with tlie liny until scmir cine
V r.tilcl Mii.'i:i st grins? over to Beirrniptcr's
llliil ttinn Feme crnlis Mid leer; then
Jen nmlil count the lawyer out. The
I:civh WfinUl tiy to pi rsumle l:ini l v
telling him hew delightful were the
ctiiI how succulent the oysters, hut
the lawyer Would flee from them in tcr
tcr lit the t!:tiie.lit.
"Al imt 5 o'( leek one line afternoon
In the early sprii-j; a friend mid inysi If
were join m vine toward Hi irmisii 1 '
V. lien we in t the ilyspi .tie lawyer. A
tiMicl. he stej.ped v.h for a little chat.
Mid we walki 0 down the street top'tln r.
In ii ( w liieimnts we were in In nt ef
Hi ii mister's, and my lrictict, tnkinu u
(iilYt reiit taek, persniuh d the little law
yer to enter with us en the plea that
we would f 1 1 1 -1 no me in at ibis time ot
day and that We were i nly puiiK to i at
n few oysters.
")ien inside, wo found the plnrp
crowded. The seats lit the tahles were
Hll oeeuiied, except at one tahle, over
In n fur corner of the room, at which
there were three vacant chairs, the
fourth heiiiR occupied hy n fat (iernian
brewer named (Jrump. Vc knew (trump,
and so went to this tahle. I introduced
the lawyer Blakely, I believe his name
wiih to tho brewer mill ordered beer
for the crowd. Tho lawyer protected, so
wo left him out.
" 'Mr. (-iramp, ' I remarked, wo nre
nhont to Itiivo a few oysters. Won't yon
join ns?'
" 'Veil, yon sec, I hnve nlrctty some
t'iiiK ordered. '
" 'Oh, that's nil ripht,' I insisted. 'A
few oysters will pivo you nn appetite.
" 'In dot hi? Yah, 1 take mo n few
chust von lectio dozen.'
"My friend had been cnRiiRcd in nn
earnest conversation with the lawyer
while I was talking to tho jolly old
(ierniau, and when tho waiter came
with tho beers he told him to bring
some crabs, 8,'i dozen oysters on tho
shell and n glass of hot water. Ho had
persuaded Hlakely to try some oysters.
"At Bcirmistcr's when an order wns
given for crabs they invariably brought
a dozen, nnd yon pnid for as many as
you consumed out of that, number. Tho
waiter soon returned with oysters, erahn
and hot w liter. In tho meantime Grump,
w ho was n great talker, had struck up a
conversation with the lawyer, and they
were clacking jokes ut a great rate.
"Blakely 's ronrngo fell when the oys
ters were placed beforo him. Ho mnii
lully drank tho hot water and com
menced to imitate (-trump's heroic stylo
ef rating oysters. He managed to down
two and then laid his fork gently by
his plate, and fastened his eyes on
Cirnmp. With the aid of a few glassfuls
of beer tho brewer's oysters had van
ished. My friend had managed to get
away with two crabs nnd insisted that
Grump help him dispose of tho re
mainder. I wns still busy with my
dozen oysters,
w ' Veil, I help yon some,' said Grump,
and picking tip a knife he went at thoso
crabs liko a (larky shacking oysters.
Tho dyspoptio watched him as if fasoi
liutcd nnd remarked in a sneering tone
that enmo straight from tho stomach:
" 'You have a good appetite, Mr.
" 'Yuh, I t'ink pretty goot,' nnd he
actively went for iinother crab. Tho
dish wns cleared in a few moments, nnd
I niudo a mental note that Grump had
eaten uiuo crabs, a dozen lurgo oysters,
and drunk ten glasses of beer. When tho
crabs were uo more, Grump culled to a
" 'Here, Fruuz, I am wuitiug. '
"Franz disappeared, and in few
moments brought in a lurge Welsh rab
bit and deposited it beforo Grump. I
could see tho little lawyer shrink from
tho odor wnftcd across the tuble, but he
was game and would bavo staid at that
tuble until he died. Grump insisted that
tvo shure the disb with him, bat all
bunds refused.
'"With apparent relish uud a fresh
gluHs of beer he attacked the rabbit,
uud in an incredibly short time the dish
wns clear of the least particle. Grump
wiped his mouth, folded his napkin,
uud culled for auothor round of beers.
If I hud not hod a repututiou to sustain,
1 would huve refused, bat as it wus we
drained the glusses.
" 'Now, I must borne be going,' re
marked Grump, rising.
" 'What's your hurry?' usked tho dys
peptio lawyer in his most sarcastic tones.
'Uo stay uud have something else,'
" 'Rein. I must to weiu supper go, '
answered tho Uermuu.
"The dyspeptic wilted. Now, if yon
aro looking fur u fight, just tell that lit
tle luwyei that Grump wants him to supper with him. You'll get it
quick und strong." Washington Post.
Do Quinccy, who devoted his life to
the reading of books, sulci that the grout
tst number of books any one mau could
hope to get through within luuu's al
lotted time wus 8.6U0.
photography and Counterfeit
Tho Ingenious Frenchman who In
vented color photography has given the
treasury department of the United
Htnte n big scare. It is recognized by
the wi'ti hdojis of the treasuries of tho
world that if his invention should get
into tho bunds of counterfeiteis the
financial system of every nation em
ploying notes ns a circulating medium
wonld bo tlncntened. Photography has
always been tho bune of the ollleiuls
uIiom' liifinrss it is to circumvent tho
ingenious devices of counterfeiters, and
fur ten years secret service agents tho
woild over huve been watching in four
and trembling for the invention of n proc
ess which wonld roproduoo singly or in
combination thn different colors nnd
lints of tho solar prism.
AlTcndy counterfeiters aro able, by
means nf processes, to
mnko eiact duplicates of tlsp bucks of
bills, whether they bo In green, bine,
black ot any other color. Hut the seals
aud chock numbers, printed over tho
scroll work of the face in different col
ors, have hitherto thwarted them. They
huve been obliged to expunge these siils
und check numbers with ileitis. These
acids naturally ruined tho scroll work
below tho overlaid colors, leaving il
spnee which the rogues had to re-cu-gruve
or put in with brush or pen. Tho
resnltsnf such primitive methods were
easily detected by experts, lint the col
or photography opens immense possibil
ities in Hie hands of clevi r men. I liven
paper of similar quality ami they
make paper thut Would .deceive nil ex
pert there is nothing to prevent il
skillful opt rater from producing al so
lute duplicates in such numbers as he
may desire f any banknote extant in
the c iveuhiiion of the world. Dttioit
Free I'less.
Voilern !cillcini.
The great improvemi lit in the present
ns t on.pi'ti il w itli tin- past methods of
administering medicines deserves a puls
ing comment. Mcarecly u gem rution ago
the tlireut of a dose of the nauseous ;
drills of ill" day wus sufllcient to sup- i
press the worst of evil propensities in j
the most w icked hoy. When uctunlly in
need of medication, lie wus held in tho
chair aud gagged to exhaustion in the
parcntnl anxiety to measure thecapacity
of his unwilling stomach with tho bulky
contents of tho justly hated bottle. Fre
quently tho struggle had more to do with
tho perspiration than tho medicine.
Very often, for obvious reasons, tho bot
tle broke beforo tho fever. Castor oil
wns a punishment, rhubarb was a terror
and senna an nhoiniuation.
The nauseous mixtures of our grand
parents nre now replaced by the elegant
and almost tasty compounds of modern
pharmacy. The essentinls of the former
medicines aro now given in the forms of
condensed extracts nnd alkaloids, in pro
portionately reduced bulk aud in consist
ently concentrated form, fcinglo reme
dies with special indications take the
place of the old fashioned shotgun mix
tures. Tablets, pellets and pills no
longer offend tho palate, and even qui
nine, the bitterest enemy of taste, now
sncs for favor in sugar coated armor.
Tho irritable stomach which denies tho
usual approach to the internal economy
is now diplomatically chcckniiitcd Ly
an injection under the skin, which, al
though a longer way round, is a surer
way home. Ur. Georgo V. bhrady in
The IlRttln of Roilonila.
Not far from L Thomas, n matter of
perhaps 100 miles, was fought tho most
wonderful unvnl battlo in all history.
Tho Dutch admiral detected tho enemy
in tho ?arly morning, when tho sea wns
covered with a thick mist, nnd his guns
opened 11 ro nt onco without warning.
The tiro was returned with interest, the
ocean fairly quivering with spasms
caused by tho shock of frequent dis
charges. Somehow or other the enemy's
shots, which sounded liko a bombard
ment, seemed to fall short or go wido
of the nmrk, for net even a splash of a
ball was heard, nnd the Dutch ships re
mained unsi uthed. On the other bund,
the Dutch could not see the terriblo ex
ecution their gnus were doing until
nearly tho middle of the forenoon, when
tho fog lifted, revealing to their aston
ished gaze not tho vessels cf tho euemy,
bat a great rock standing out of tho sea.
They hud been firing at it for five hours,
and tho sound of tho return shots they
heard wus the echo from tho solid wall
of granite. They named the pluco Ke
dondu, which means scut, rolled or
driven buck, and Kcilondu it is to this
duy. New York Press.
Four llrlght Men
Hero is a funny and a trua story:
Four Chicugo uewspuper men were in
vited to the wedding of one of their
craft in New York. At first euch mau
wusyloubtful about the policy of going,
bat when it iiecume evident that they
could muke op a quurtet party for trav
eling the aspect of affairs was changed.
They decided that as they would have
a jolly journey they would all go, 1 be
lieve they plunued to pluy whist or some
such game all the way from Chicago to
Gotham, burring the eating and sleep
ing tinio. It was a delightful outlook.
But on the morning of the departure,
when they assembled, lo, they found
that each man had secured transporta
tion over a different railroad. Chicugo
"I don't liko thut young man," said
Mubel's futner. "He seems inclined to
be impertinent. "
"Oh, I am sure he has the greatest
respect for yout He stands in positive
awe of you."
"How do yen know?'
"He usked mo if I didn't think it
would bo a good idea for him to wear
his footbull clothes when ho culled to
sue me. "Washington Ktur.
To l'ullali Uruas Kottlus.
To polish bruss kettles or anything
brusa thut is very much tarnished, first
rub it with a solution of oxulicueid aud
then dry uud polish with rotten stone
or v-iy flue emery dust.
Ilrnrlrttn Marin.
' Did nny of my lenders ever hear of
Henrietta Marin? She seems to ho a
popular persoiitige with small school
boys, who bring buck fragments of her
dramatic autobiography every holiday
for tho t'd ideation of their families. I
hnvo inquired her origin from learned
folklore authorities, but no one can tell
mo nnythiug historically interesting
nhont her, but our old family servant
renieinliers well being taught the rhymes
in il Sometsetshile ullaf.e in her ililiiu
cy. Hero they i re, culled from the mem
ory of three little imps:
: Mcmlcftn Mnrl
ent nn the tiro.
j Tlie fire wns too wnrm,
Po tho sat on the fnrin.
I Thn fumi wnsn't sound,
j Bo he sat on the urmimL
Tlie ground wns too flut,
I fo ,ho sat on the ,-nt.
I The ent wns niiUltvl,
I to she snt on the Mind (window).
Thn lillnd sent In two,
fo hn tumbled rltcht through.
Flip lay nn thn stones
And tittered itrent vronns.
Phe t"lhd on the pms
Till the doctor did jmss,
Sho wniculed his head
And Sfid she wns dcml.
And thnt wns tlie end of
j Henrietta Mnrhi, etc.
(Repeat ud libitum. ) London Gen-
I tlewoman.
Iter Trnut In Rlgim.
1 An efllcieut but illiterate domestic
servant was brought into serious but
happily not fatal danger i y her undue
contidc ne e in the d iluctive system of
' reasoning. This woman, being tumble
to read, had long hi en accustomed to
1 discriminate between the ditlelent va
rieties nf canned vegetables which her
employer supplied net by the names
printed on tlie labels, but by the pic
tures which tliey bore. This plan served
Well enough for kitcln n in cds, and it
was only w hen she tiii d to combine it
with In r belief in tho homeopathic doe
trine of like curt s like that trouble re
j suited. The woman suffered from rlien-
mat ism, and one rainy day, when
. her aches were especially seven-, sho
, cuine across a bottle labeled with il
few written words and a print of skull
' uud erossbencs. Immediately she rea
' soiled out thnt the bott le contained n
i medicine for complaining bones, and
: she proceeded to take a heroic dose of
its contents. Two doctors aud a stom
ach pump saved the woman's life, but
she no longt r sees unity of design iu
the universe, and her trust in logic is
gone forever. New York Times.
C'lrvpr Wlfr.
"What in the name of Jupiterdid yon
sew up all the pockets in my overcoat
for this morning?"
"Dearest, that letter I gave you to
post was very important, and I intended
to niako sure you carried it in your
hand. " Htrand Magazine.
lo linvcl for tcimllilc etiililKhi-i
IliiilM' In IYuii.ylY:tiiii. Salary ?T-n nml ex
lelsc, I'lisltiitu M'l-iniini'llt. Itcfereliec.
KiicIiim' self-liiiill-rsM'il stumped envelope.
The Niitlniinl. Still- Insiinini'f Mlilix., rhli'ttiro.
Free Trip to
Niagara Falls!
: 5-' ji ,-.--,
' I1 X 'ii
WE will furnish transportation from Reynoldsvilln
to Niagara Falls and return over the B., R. tfe
P. K'y, and two days' hoard at Hotel Iniperialpne of
the leading hotels at Niagara Falls, to the person who
will secure the largest number of
Gash SuftscrlDers
to THE STAR before .June 15th, 18U7. Subscription
piluw to bo i.0, strictly cash in advance. See partic
ulars of this offer elsewhere in this issue of THE STAR.
E1. aud Publisher.
How to Cure a Cold.
Hiinply take Oltti's Cure, We know
of its astonishing euros und will
stop a cough quicki e than any known
If you hnve Ashma. Iliiiiicbltis, Con
sumption or nny other disease of the
throat, and lungs, n few doses of this
great glim anteeil remedy will surprise
If ycm wish to try it call nt our stove,
on Main St., and we will he pleased to
furnish yon a bottle free of cost, anil
that will pi-live our nsserl In". Ib ytiolds
Di ng Store.
(Jupfr Thlng-n Attout Fishes.
Mr. A. K. Verrill describes the ways
in which fishes sleep. They lira very
light sleepers and frequently assume
singular positions. Hut the most re
markable thing is the change of color
many of them undergo while asleep.
Usually their spots nnd stripes become
darker nnd more distinct when they full
asleep. Occasionally the pattern of their
coloration is entirely changed. Tho or
dinary porgy, for instance, presents in
tlie daytime beautiful irridesceut hues
playing over its silvery sides, but nt
night, on fulling asleep, it takes on u
dull bronze tint, und six conspicuous
black bands make their appearance on
its sides. If it is suddenly awakened by
tho turning up of the gas in the aiiiiiiii
iim, it immediately resumes the silvery
color that it shows by daylight. Mr
Verrill ascribes thce changes to the
principle of "pi ot eel ive coloration," and
points out that the appearance of black
buliiN and the dcepi ning of the spots
serve to conceal the lish from their cue
tnii s when lying uiniil i elgruss uud sea
weeds. Youth's Companion.
Hliorn In .Fstmn
One of the most striking sights thut
take the iittei.tion of tho traveler in
Japan is that of the wooden sandal
worn by tno' Iin,l(it),tlll0 of people.
These sandals hnve a separate compart
ment for the great toe nnd make n clunk
ing noise on the streets. Ml aw slippers
nre also worn, nml a traveler starting
out on a journey will strap u supply of
them on his back, that ho may put on u
new pair w hen the old is worn out. They
rot but a cent and n half n pair. They rights and lefts and leave tho foot
free to the air. We never see those de
formities of the foot iu Japan which
are so frequent in this country. They
ire never worn in tho house, but left
Hitside tho door. Passing down a street,
you inuy see long rows of them nt tho
doors, old nnd new, largo und small.
Boston Journal.
"What does tho term 'one's immedi
ate family' mean, Uncle George?" nsk
ctl Rollo, us ho piinsci' for a moment
from his perusal of Kith 's "Social Kvo
lution. "
"It might mean, Rollo," replied Un
cle George reflectively, 'that of a man
w ho lias married n w idow with severnl
children. "Brooklyn Life.
Ladies' Capes
and Jackets.
Children's Coats.
TiJuliW Capes, regular
price 84.00 nml fi.00, nt
Ladies' On pes, regular
price sfi.oo, i.00 and 7.00,
at :l.oo and a. no.
Ladies' Capes, regular
price !?r. oo to lo.oo, nt s.j.oo
and fi.oo.
Jackets, tlie same reduc
tion. Child's Coats, regular price
82.0(), 3.00 and 4.00, ats?1.2.r
and 2.00.
Geat Reduction in Men's,
Youths nnd Hoys'
Also in Men's nnd I?oys'
Woolen Underwear.
Hoys' Knee pants, regular
price 50c. , at 25e.
Special Sale!
Lace Curtains,
Curtain Swisses,
Laces and
Friday and
A, D,
-r 5
2 G "
e PQ
in T .2
t j i
A to
S .5 A,
fi " "J o
s s s
O t3
to tc
u a
S e
Q .x
- es ea P-i
a rt fe f
J G ft
Practical Horse-sliocr
and General Blacksmith.
Urn-!' tlMH'tnir itnni hi thp nnntft tiutntirr
imilhy the lnti'Mt tmpiovnl nii'llifnU. Over
HKMlltl'ctciit ktmN (if shm-s iiiihIi for cotToc
tlim of frui It y iictlun nml (HsmimmI f.ct. only
1 1 if Ih-s( rmiUc nf sIhh4 iinil iiiiMh iimmI. lic'
pnliltitf nf till klmls riiM'fullv find promptly
tm'ii's npph'H nn hutid.
.lii.'kHon St. tifiii' fifth, Hfyimldhvlllf, Ph.
fortuiitt tin linnet In
htiii'l. let nn edu
(Htlfin Rt ttif On
trnl fnli ffnrmnl
ifiknol. I.ork
WiiiiiHiiiiiiniimiMiftfiminniirt ,nv-na .n j,-Wt.
ultiM ncoommfMliitlnnti nnd low nit. Hint til
loBtudMntft. For rlrrulan" wirl,ni1drfs
JAHK KI.miM.Pb. PHjrPil.
ttmtr Sormml Arhaol, Ltx-k IIuvch. P.
In ttiivi'l for rfwMinllfp f-tnhlKlifd
liotisf In IVhhMyl viititit, Snhiry t?7Mt nnd x
1it tw. I'nslt Ion pci-rniint'Mt Hv ft ri'in'f .
inclose Ni-lf-tiddn'SMfd MtiiiiiH-d fiivioH.
'I In- Niitloiiiil, Hut r I iiut uihv llliltf., Chinio.
Scrims, Embroideries,
White Goods,
Deemer & Go.