The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 05, 1897, Image 7

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    Ir. Nanfn's Anceatnri.
Dr. Frltjuf Nauspn I not the first of
Mm family to show a bent for adven
ture In the north. Ill) anopstor. Hunt
NnustMi, born lu ISPS, explored the
AVhltf hps, spent many rears In com
nmn (I of fl vpkki'I In the Icelnnd trade,
and wrote n Coiiitiendiiim Costmifrrftph
ttuiin. whi'H'ln he tlest.Tlbcil orotic
route no well that ft ropy of "the book
w In use a late a 141 In titvfrrenre
to more modern work. Dr. Nnnen'a
father w a lawyer, deserllied n a
omewliHt Dterii hut Judicious illnrlpll.'
tinrlnn. The more remarkable of the
xplorer'a parent aeema to have been
bl mother, who had A mind of her
own, and nhowed It In training the
public netitlment of the time In the
matter of using snow hoe. In Mr.
Nansrn' day now-hoelng wna re
garded a an exercise of rather doubt
ful propriety for HcBintliiavliiii lndlea,
but alio took to them with enthiiKlaam.
nnd helped to win for her Rlntera a
paatime that ha lmc become common
among Norwegian ladle Harper'
The Spanish Censor.
They have a curloii way of suppre
Ing paM'r here, lustpail of submitting
their proof-sheet to the irenaor, a I
innl where alien a protector of public
opinion ollt. they get at the matter
backward. The publisher goe ahead
on bl own Judgment, print what he
please und take hi chance of going
to Jail or paying a fine. The censor
rends the paper at the breakfast table
the next morning, and If he And any
thing mildly objectionable, he write ft
polite note to the editor, calling atten
tion to the artlcte. The latter print a
paragraph next day explaining that he'
was mlstnkett or that the public had
misinterpreted his remark. But when
nuy high oflldal of the (internment I
nttacked, or the proprieties are vio
lated, the editor I fined or Imprisoned,
nnd imlicemen take the subscription
list and call at every house at which
copies have been delivered to recover
them. Havana correspondence of the
Chicago Tlmes-Mernld.
1'layln' I'oMum.
"Plnyln" possum" etvtiew from thofafft that
the possum will feign sleep or iln itU when
pushed Into sudden tliiuirer of bulng rap
tured. Hut pains and lie nover piny thut
kind of n name. They never try to fool nny
boclv, nnd to lo work to wnk up people,
lenviiiK no ehnnee to fefun sleep. Oil tn
other Imn I. ther Is u remedy known an Ht.
Jneol.s Oil thin will lull a pain nr an actio so
th:it It won't wake up ag-uln lu the cure thnt
follows lis me. 1'nlns Hud nches lire (jrent
nr loss In Inteus ty Jut in ilere us we I noil
thein. Prompt treetment wltli the liest
rHnimly St. Jaeolm Oil prevent tlietr lu
crease' imd bv curins prevents the r return.
Kverything is gained by taking pains and
aches in time for a prompt mi l permanent
cure, nnd there l nothing better thau the
use ol St. Jacob Oil.
.TlTST try a 10c. l-nv of t'asearets. the finest
liver snd bowe rfuo'eior eve" mniie.
The JMl.OiNi pcm?cr sliition that the Itnl
tlmorc V t Hilo Kaf IroHil company is rivi-iInK
In Hitlttlnorc, to t like the place of the old little
alen tation. Ik Ih-Iiik rnplillv pushed to com.
plciliin. The train shcil will lie rcadv tor use.
proliahlv. by the lirsl of May. nnd the rest of
the Htruc lure will In thrown open to the public
Mlsiiit June 1st.
Kliaka lnti Vnur Shoes
AHen Vtiof -H ie, a piwtler for the feat. II
cures imindii, swolltwi, snisriiux feet, and in
Hlantly takes tlie atlii out or" oorut Hui tiutl'
ions. Il'a the ireitest comfort tlis-jovery o!
ttie sue. .Allen's Foot-Knee lliitkei thrht-lit.
Ilnir or new rt,ev feet etay. It is a osrtaii
rurefor stvpittinff. r.slloii and hot, tire'l, imIi
mil lent. Try it to-.l. elolil hv ail ilnut in
and snoe stores. He ui-til for 2V in stump,.
Trial lmi kiue lt'' H. AUreas, Alien S. Ouu
led, Lu Mo; , N. V.
1 cnuld not iret nloncr without IMso's ('ii-
fort'on-umptloii. It always cures. Mm. K.
1'. Moi'iroN, Ncedhtim, Mass., (let. 1':.', 't't.
K. .1. Cheney Co.. Toledo. ().. I'rniia. of
Hall's Catarrh Cure, oit'cr friim reward for any
cum' of catarrh that cannot la- cured hv taking
Hall's Cntiirrh i lire. ss-ntl fur testiuiouials
free. Sohl liy llrtliztflsts. To.
Tobolsk, Ilussla, claims to be tlio oldest
Inhabited place in the world.
No.1o.lbtr lor Kitty Cents.
Over toatKio cured. Why not let No-To-Itse
regulate or remove tour desire lor tobacco?
hates money, makes health and roaiilcKid.
t 'lire KUHt-aiiiei'd. 6u c-i-uu and tl.UU, at all
From Germany we set the custom of cele
bra lug gold and silver weddings.
Whks bilious or costive, nt a Ca-caret,
randy latbailict cure guaranteed; lu,-.. ak-.
ure Biood
Eating rich and hearty food, sweats and fats
lu winter, close conllnumeot and breathing
vlilaiod air In offlae, store, shop, bouse, fac
tory or school. i. room, uecessar
lly makiM the I CI KG blood Impure,
nud erunt ions, boils, pimples, humors nro the
result. DiKSiutms, Indigestlou an. I many other
trouble are also eausei by impuru blood.
Hood's "SKI.
Istliebest In feet the One True Wood Purifier.
Uc.Jla Dill eure nausea. Indigestion,
IIOOB r HIS blllmuutsu. : cents.
"I am
only too glad to tes-1
f tlfy to the great value 1
lot Ayer's Bartaiuirllla 1
f which bus beeu a house-1
bold companion in our I
family fur years. I tnkel
' from 1 to 6 bolt lei of it every!
Spring, generally beuliiuiugl
1 about tire first of April. Aflerl
' that I (eel Ilka a two year old.l
1 for It tones up my yitcm.glvcil
an excellent npueilte and 11
leep like a ton. As a blood inrdl-
clnelth n no superior, at Irustlhutli
I my oplulou of It.-II. II. Wii.usr,!
riilladclphl i, Tu., March 'JO, 1890.
Ayer's 5arsaparilla.
Doctor IHagnoeesI the t'eae as Heart
Jtlbeaee and Cnnaumptlon ttnt ttia
Symptom Were Hue to Watery
lllnod Alone, and Disappeared
When lllood Was Knrlched.
From Prtthytrrlan Journal. I'hilmd'a Pit,
After yonrs of patient nnd Intense suffer
ing. Miss (iertrudn Gilbert hits recovered
hei lost health, nnd Is to-day a rosr and
bluomlng specimen of young womanhood.
Miss Gilbert's Illness, which was of several
years duration, was due mainly to a lack of
blood. To-day her rosy cheeks and healthy
appearance denote tlio grateful ehanao
from a life of Ill-health to one of freed inn
from nil Illness. When a reporter culled
on nor at her home, No. Wlf (Hen wood
Avenue, Philadelphia, the young lady rati
llRlitlv down the steps with' nil the elastic
ity of youth.
"1 could not hnva dona thnt eight
months airo," she said as she seated herself
in n big armchair.
"At that time." she continued, "had I
ran down the steps ns I did a few moments
ago, 1 would have fainted." WMh her eves
sparkling, and n vivacious flurry In her
manner, Miss Gilbert naked the cause of
the reporter's visil. I poa being told that
lie came to ask about hnr Illness, she snld thnt
she would cheerfully relate her esperlcnce.
"f have been so wonderfully benelitnd thnt
within the past eight months I have grown
from a mere skeleton to what you now see.
1 had been sick for a long time, when a
friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Tale People, Previous to thl
three doctors had treated me. Thev ding
nosed my trouble ns heart disease, together
with consumption, add prescrlhed accord
ingly. All this medical treat ment did not
betieilt me In tlio least. I was In a terrible
condition. There was scarcely nny Idood
left la my composition, nnd my friend
often told me that they thought' t was a
victim of blood disease. My chief trouble
was weakness, and after laborious efforts
to get upstairs I almost went Into a fnlnt,
nml on several occasion thought I was go
lug to die.
"Ho little blood had 1 thot my ears were
almost transparent, nud my complexion
was as white as n sheet. I cun scarcely de
serllie my sensations, but after repented
treatment by my physicians I became thor
oughly disoouraged.
"It wn at this time that Dr. Williams'
Piue Pills were recommended to me, nnd I
procure! a box. before 1 liftii finished It I
liegnu ti feel the benefit of my health.
This gnve me encouragement, nml 1 began
n systematic course according to the regu
lations ou the wrapper. At the end of the
M-vctitli or eighth box. I forgot which. I
was au entirely iliTercnt girl. In nddltiou
to having a sufficient quantity and better
ipialtty of tiloiel lu my veins, 1 was relfeveil
of that shortness of breath and ipilck Itnnrt
ttctlou which lias boen my chief trouble.
My appetite returned nud I was enabled to
ilo my daily duties with u cheerfulness
Which' I had never lieloro experienced.
"Several weeks ngo I stopped taking the
pills, nnd while I feci conlldent I shall never
again be in such ill hcnltli, I always, as a
Iircventntlye. keep a box of Iir. Williams'
'Ink 11 1 Ix In mv room. They are nil they
are rercsi'iiteil lo be, and I sny ngiiiu that
to them, anil them alone, do 1 owe my res
toration to health."
llr. Williams' 11 n k Pills contain. In a
condensed form, till the elements tincessnry
lo give new life and richness to the blood
nnd restore shattered nerve. They are
nl.'o a spccillo for troubles peculiar to fe
males, such as suppressions, Irregularities
und all forms of weakness. They build uii
the blood, and restore the glow of health
to pale nud sullow cheeks, lu men they
effect a radical cure in nil cases arising
from mental worry, overwork or excesses
of whatever nalure. Pink Pills lire sold In
hexest never In loose bulk) at 60 cents n
box, or six boxes for t'i.M, and may be had
of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr.
W illlauis' Jiodkluu C'ompuuy, Schiiiectady,
Prince of Wales l.oves Animal.
The l'rlncess of Yalm I fond of an
imals nml Is a most Intrepid rider lo
the hounds. Her bay vony. "Huffy," I
now !i- year of ngo. lie I past work
and la having a high old time of It. Hv
etuuds about l.'l hand high, nnd hit
been the (lint favorite of the princess
for the l'l year he, has been In her ser
vice. He know Ills nilxti-ef a well as
auv of her dogs do, and. If allowed
would follow her anywhere. He Is too
old for work now, and has had Ills sinus?
taken off finally, but still lives a most
luxurious life, coiiHtantly visited nnd
fed by hi iiilatreHa, who never allow
un old favorite to be killed.
Ieft by Hay.
Among the late l.eon 8ay' papers
were found live decrees dated on the
an in e day. signed by President Urevy"
and countersigned by all the proper -if-nVlnl,
r.pjKilutlug ului to nil the grade
of the U'glon of Honor, Including the
tirnnd Cms. Orevy went out of of
fice without making the appointment
public In the Journal Ofliolel, and Ieon'
Say never mentioned the matter to nny
oiie, and never wore any of the decor
ations. Modern on-ln-Law.
She You won't object to having deal
mamma live with us after we are mar
ried, will you?
He (u young doctor) Not nt all. In
fact, alie will lie moat welcome.
She It' so good of you to say so.
lie Not at all. You see, she Is always
ailing, nnd I runlly need somebody lo
experiment on! Comic Cuts.
livery sleeping car conductor want
law udopted compelling the porter toj
hemovatino aj old mpadow.
The best nay to rcnovutn n wornnnt
meadow i to plow under a (rood coat
of linrtiyiint mntiure nml plaut corn,
giving it tliiirniiKli cultivation. Hut
if, ns iu tliis case, it is not desirable,
to plow it up, fro over tin) menttow
with a slmrp Rteul-tootli harrow anil
scarify tlio la ml, then row with eras
scud nml (rn over the who e with a
roller. Of eourso u liberal applica
tion of line manure or some reliable
Icrtilizcr slimilil lie given. American
cnorriNO AfpbR onrnAnn.
No hi ml of crop can be grown in n
bearing npplu orchard that will be
worth what its growing will iluinngii
tho fruit crop niter the tret are in
bearing. Even before that time, un
less the Inn. I is very rich ami the tree
growth excessive, it is butler not to
sow any grain crops, which will check
plow tli early iu the Rummer. lloul
crops do not have this i fleet. lint
after the trees gut largo enough to
shade most of the ground, the . hoed
crop, whether corn or potatoes, will
lie lessened ho much that it will not
pay to grow. Only one kind of grain
can be sown in an old orchard with
advantage. That in buckwheat. The
scattered grains in full will make a
spiiiiR growth that can be plowed
under in Tunc. This will keep the
soil light, while the buckwheat will be
a good shade for the soil during tho
hottest summer months. Ah thu buck
wheat plain is mainly carbon, nnd
drawn from the cat botiic acid gaa of
tho air through tlio broad buck
wheat leaves, tho growth of this
plant tlocs not exhaust fertility as that
of all other grains would do. li.jstou
Some Canadian experiment in feed
iug cows, with a view to dt:tcruiiniii
the ell'ccls of certain food on tlio
quality and quantity tiT milk, butter
and cheese, mo reported by the Uiitul
C'atiiiiliau, In aililitiuii to tlio usual
feed of buy, Indian cut n, fodder, bran,
gluten inoul and ml meal, the dairy
herd mis fed turnips und beets fur 77
ilii.vs, and then the tools wcru left out
of llio ration for 40 days, when tlio
grain nud bay were withdrawn, and
tho herd ran on pasture for (id days,
part of the tiino with bran and part of
the time without. The feed was all
chopped, mixed and moistoued 12
hours before ftiediu', us this aided
mastication and digestion. The herd
contained llolsteiiis, Shorthorus nud
Jerseys, and the cdecta of thu various
rations on those breeds were separ
ately noted, Tim butter resulting
from these rations was scorod by ex
pert who knew nothing of the experi
ments. It wna found thnt turnips injured
the flavor of the milk and butter. This
injury is due tu volatile acids, which
can be driven oil' by heating tuu milk
to 1GD degrees for a short time, licet
increased the milk nud buttor product,
nud caused all the cows, even Jersey,
to lay ou fat -uitu rapidly. Whuti tlia
roots were discontinued, butter fat de
creased, aud tbo uons ceased to gain
weight, ami it took mora pouuds of
feed (calculated to dry matter) to pro
duce a pound of butter. Wuun turned
on pasture there was iiumediiito in
creaso of milk, butler and live weight.
Feeding brau during part of the graz
ing period produced suflloient gain tu
yield n smull protlt.
The cost of a pound of buHer wa
five cents from tho IloUtuio', 13 1-8
cents from the Shorthorn, sml 10 1-!
cent from the Jerseys. The llulstuin
lined 21 pouuds of foo I (dry milter)
to produoe a pound of butter; thu
Shorthorn 23 1-2 pounds, aud tho
Jersey 2) 1-3 pounds .In proportion
to weight, the Jersey were the Urgent
eaters, but they couvci to 1 their food
iuto milk and butter rather than flush.
For each 1000 ponn.U of weight the
Holstoiusntu 21 1-4 pounds of food,
the Shorihorus 20 pounds and tho
Jursuys 27 pounds. The batter from
pasture scored highest in quality, that
from butts stood seo uid mid that from
turnips soured lowest. Boston Culti
vator. RoRcnetl bjr a t'aiiltie Samson.
Wilbur Sevens, a aix-ycnr-old
yonugster of G.irlaudvillo, X. Y., full
into the river while flying his kite, A
big Ht, Bernard dog' uaiued 8 iiusou,
who was assisting at thu nsuuusion,
plunged iu the water after him. The
liauks nf the wero too steep for
thu rescuer to climb, and Ue was
obliged tut swim A long distance down
stream before ho could laud his little
bunion. Thu boy was none the worse
for his ducking, Ilia dog having kept
the boy's head above water all the
The bread kliifo should be healed
very hot when about to cut new brand.
This will prevent crumbling.
trTtlilTT OF RMAt.f. Towrt,.
Small hard towels can be bought nt
ninny of tho drygood shops for very
reasonable price in very good qual
ity, and nro a convenience for the
housekeeper who ha many guests.
The size is sixteen by twenty-four
inches, and is more convenient for tho
guest who use n towel only once.
The small size makes a great saving in
laundry work.
In making tun, onu thing upon
which the expert insists is thu tibsoliite
cleanliness of the pot. Mauy house
keepers who nro scrupulously careful
abuttt their china, would be surprised
if they could examiuo tho iimide of
the uoi of the teapot. Flushing with
nntor will not clean it nufllciently.
The end of a cloth pressed a little
way into it will frequently reveal a
black deposit the accumulation, pos
sibly, of years, though it fuw days
without care will louve an appreciable
amount. One of tlio best thing to
clean the teapot with is it bristled wire,
such us is used for cleaning bottfj.
They are soft euottgh to bend into
shape, nud with a soft cloth nro ser
viceable. Tho Chinese ten bowl np
peals to the fastidious tea drinker, but
it is awkward even to thu experienced
rnopF.n i i.acino of meat.
Although diuuer authorities an
tioutico that carving is going out of
fashion, the joint ou tho board is not
likely soon, if ever, to be wholly ban
ished. A lecturer in a domestic sci
ence course gives some rules for the
proper placing of tlio meat to lie
carved ou the platter. It lasts of beef,
rib and sirloin should have the back
bono nt tho ri:;ht bund of the platter.
A fillet of beef should be placed with
Hie thickest end nt right hand side of
platter; call's head with face at the
right; ronst pig with bead to the left;
roast or boiled ham with thickest part
on further sitlo of platter; largo birds,
ns goose or turkey, with bends to the
luff. Small birds are placed crosswise
with heads ou further Hide of the plat
ter. A lug of lamb, mutton or veal i
pfaccd with the thickest part ou the
further side of thu platter. Thu plat
ter should be large enough to rcceivo
thu meat as it is sliced, or extra dishes
should be provided for tho purpose.
New York Tost.
Salmon a lu Waldorf Take ono can
of salmon, open, drain the fish, re
move all bones ami Hake. lSutter a
deep dish, place a layer of llsh in tho
bottom, then a layer of cold boiled
potatoes, sliced, sprinkle with suit,
pepper and it little llnuly miuced pars
ley and onion. Continue iu this way
until tho materials aroused; place
bits of butter ou top, and pour over
five or six tablespoon fills of cream or
milk, liaku for tun minutes in a hot
oveu. Once tried, will be appreciat
ed. Ilcef and Potatoes an O rat in Minoe
Oold cooked beef ; to one cupful mid
a pinch of cloves, a quarter. toaspoou
fill of salt, n good dash of petipcr and
place in a baking dish. Mash one
pint of cooked potatoes, aud whip
them with half a cup of milk, table
spoon fill of butter aud snltspoonful of
salt, aud spread them over the boef ;
beat up nil egg with two tublcspoofuls
of milk, spread it over the potatoes,
place in the oven and bike sutlioiently
to wnrui it through and brown the
Lentil S.iup Wash nud soak one
half pound of leutils in one quart of
cold water for twelve hours. Add an
other quart of water, one medium
sized onion lightly browned in a little
dripping, two tprigs of parsley, one
teaspoouful of salt and ono-quarler
teuspoonful of pepper. Stew gently
until soft enough to press through a
sieve, lt.-turii to the saucepan with
ono piut of Lot milk. Stir in ono
lieapiug teaspoouful' of flour, rubbed
to a pasta with a little' Bold water, aud
bring to the boiling pi'stat. Serve.
Tomato llouilon filt ono oiii of
tomutuua with one aud one-half quarts
of stock over thu lire; add one table
spooufut of chopped onions, two bay
leaves, four whole cloves, one level
tcaspuouful of celery seed and a hall
teaspoouful of pepper. Cover aud
cook twenty minutes. Strain through
a sieve. Iiuat thu white of three eggs
uutil purtly light; add them to the to
matoes, bring to a boil, aud boil rap
idly for live minutes. Stntiu through
two tbiukuessus of cheese cloth. l
peat, season with two tcaspoonfuls of
salt, uud serve with oruiitous.
Try Oraln.OI Try Oral a-1
Ask voar mmrmr IimI.. i- .k - - . w .
' - - - , n
it of Orsln-O. thn (rw.1 hi. iku , .i..
the place of co (tea. The children rasy driak
n wiinojii injiirr as well as ths sdnlt. All
who tr ' Or Ib.(J his that rich et
"J1 . '" J"",1" ' delicate iLuIi'm
ES'7i,".' r?iff' ' cU "' Pr package.
Sold nr all groovrs.
Mrs. VVImlnw'.Hoothln "rrnp forrhlldres
tinning, sofiens the num.. reduces Inflatmna
liou, allays pain, cures wind colic, iUv.a buttle.
f'ASCASVTS stimulate llrer. kldnrys ant)
buscui. Never sicken, wrakeu or gripe; 10c.
A tnan In Vi . 11 n n f . . - I , a I
earth can plainly hear the barking of a dog.
w A
my nister, when you can fret help for the asking? Don't fear to tell her every thing;.
The case of Mri. Colony, whoso letter to Mrs. 1'lnklinm we publish, is an
Illustration of the good to be received from Mrs. l'lnbliom's advice; here is a
woman who was Hick for years nnd could get no relief tit last in despair she
wrote to Mr. I'iuklmm received In return a prompt, sympathetic) and inter
ested reply. Note the result and go and do likewise.
" I was troubled with r.uch on nebiug In my buck nnd l:!pa, nnd I felt no tired
nil the time, and bad fcr four yours. For the lust yenr it was ull I could do to
drop around. I would have such a ririifintr in my bend by spells that it seemed
os though I would grow croay.. I nehed from my tdionldcrj to my feet and
was very nervous. 1 was al.;o troubled with a white (Uncharge. I wrote to Mrs.
l'lnkham at Lynn, Mass., received a prompt reply and followed her ndvlee. and
now I have nolmcliuebe and begin to feci ns one ought ! in fuct I never felt bet
ter In ten years than I do now. I thank (iod that I wont doctoring with Mrs.
I'iiiklinm when I did. for if I bad not I know I would have been in my grave."'
-Mus. Nf.m.ib K. Colon v, Nahma, Mich.
25 SO
lie a4kaklet free. 14. STFRMNH RRVJKDT ttt.. Chlrairo. Unatreal. Tea. , er aw fork. tit.
M ImprevsTpsnts pstsnted ISM in the TT. a., Cetisds and Europe.
MWR PIIOOF eroef aemino sinrks. t-iuders, biirtilu bran&i, tlu,
MriHtNtJ A bsevyisnvds fntiinlstiMii.
Ml J IIT-Weighs but lil..r litiiso. ft. when Islil i-omptele.
J" X f HI.K -t'i,n sOisrieensl nm rcait, iiul'-rtiilo.i,- i-slialber llkn pllablll'v an tnaeltse
K4stl,v AfPI. Hill-He oilrsi uj avttle or utbsr ei'sotsive aiiiiitra'.iis. Can be laitt by auy laiel
lUjout wurkuiau. -
CnifMOO: ilOk-M. Kandolpa H: PH I f.A DKf.I'H ' A: i: ITS SurlU 41U St. UUHTOM: a, '.' Tearl BC
For Sale
tiaiMdeawb youtiri CDCC A Tint Card aaowintr IS desirable tints, also Alabaitln
liaebate. Hahy msy raoovar rilLI. Souvenir Kork ssnrfreetnauvonemestionlne tins paper.
out ennaot uirlva."
Whin You Want to Look on the Bright Side of Things
On a red hot
day Hires "
Rootbeer Jr
stands be- (
feota of tht VieriT ' i t ' . 1W
cools the blood, m
tones the stom- m
ach, invigorates
the body, fully MV
satisfies the thirst. S
A delicious .spark- m
ling, temperance
tlnnlc of the high- (f
est medicinal value. II?
Msrle otr bv
Tit CbvlM K. Hlfti C., Phil
ti lfX3fetaT BltllM IgftlefMM,
INN ff JVaWra.
m I uui y wrnnwiiiM suMarat aa
(II SUlpisllo siitIssIt. heoaauaTll 1 1 1 1
money, but aueloM samp lu H I a V W
CeawlUaM m.llim.t.,lli S. uimm atlMX. MCklaaae
OCIITft We want oneapenl In thlaConnl
BVCniWa tu soil lo lumllira. Una. payum
est ar:l-lu on earth, to pav ull ki.inu. ai'tlri-ka
ta.VA tllxt.ll. L'Um uakialau, U. t.
nt nun
LaU rrlaeipal Xxaanaar V. S. faala Bttraaa,
a ) tt. ,a ism war, tasjsawauii4 vuuwa, atty. alaw
GET llll'H nnli'airi aend for "nun luvau'loo
Wau aJ.' JCeuaa Tars C J.. iU U'way, S. V,
A Distinction.
Maud Whit are duke worth, pnpaf
Rtruckoll (after hit trip abroad) Not
a darn cent,
Maud I hifan what are they selling
Struckoll-Oh, nbout a million, spot
caah. I'u-to-Dn te.
fits nermsnentlycared. No Its nr nervous,
nets after first day's use of Dr. Kline' (treat
Nerve P.ntnrer. II trlr.l bottle and treatise free.
Dm. K. H. Ki.ise, Ltd.. Kit Arch Ml., Phlla., Pa.
General Manager ftrcene. of the Hsltlmnre
A Ohio railroad, has issued an order requiring
all live slock to be watered and fed at least
tuice every hours, l ard masters are to he
held strictly accountable, and the snalty fur
violation Is rather severe.
Women do not Like to Tell a Doctor
the Details of Their
Private Ills.
The reason why so many women suffer
In silence from the multiple disorders con
nected with their sexual system I that
they cannot leiir to broach tho subject
to a man, even If he l.i a physician.
No one can blame a modest, sensitive
woman for this reticence. It is unneces
in these times, however, for a woman
to all uftlictcd women a most generous
offer. Mrs. Pinlthum of Lynn, Mass., bids every
woman who suffers to write to her and confide
every synlptotn that unnnyu her, and slio will give
her advice without charge, nnd that advice is
bused upon the frrcntrst experience ever possessed
by man or woman in thlsconntry, and cxtendn over
a period of twenty-three years, nnd thousands upon
tbousnndsof cases. Wlivnufferln silence any lonirer.
TTall Vaner l" I nsanitary. KjtlAlltinr TSt
TF..11 rUBAlS V, KOTN,atajfisi OF' AMU rst' A I.F.St.
A I lini OTl lit I a pure, permanent nnd arristio
ILASJAb tmt sjii zr&iz:
by Point Dealers Everywhere.
, i.rana nanicia, at ten.
Learn the
Not over-
A arjrtL-.l Lut. uiu t. i &
. ' , --a- - , 1 1 a x
. it - .i.i iu nuvintsa siKcaaa. ini
I world apenla two thouaand ntiilioiia of dollara a 9
. yaar In advaniamg. 1 ha datnand for comDalant T
; edvenieliif maiuaara and wrtura of advenue- 9
. ntatita far aacaada lha aupply. Tha Fowlar X
Collaga of Advaniaing taachee (by mail) bnaht 9
. men and woman, in auain a nr Int-ni ,a ... 4
ialo buautaaa. how lo wrile auuaaalul advartiaa- 9
mania, circulars, catalogues, and all annled T
rHalM. Th. riui - I II - .., A
far M paniculara. X
Fowier Correspondence College X
z oi Aavertislnp;
Trlksa BaU4iac, lw Terk City
Dul mIc t)i ivn nf th Mt't.1 yon wank,
trmmUt nU, ami you wilj bm nuvnin i th W
1'rU-tj wtth wbU U w will tiupl yuu.
ItlM.IIA.tlTO.N. K. V.
C ; In time. Sola by druuiUla. I I