The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 14, 1897, Image 7

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    Thrre are ni'iir;y 4H rarities of humming
IK llnrk I'p.
WIipii Nnih liinir Ills Imra, th crnni'l
hmnpiM to Rft n'uitif.1, mill ly n
piiHdiih (riMk hnstnvol 1iiihi1 ull Ills life.
Iiii!iili:njn or Initio lin-k humps it man's Iwk
simply Ihv.iiii hw I'lviimt siniluhti'ii himself
"it in'cniint of th HtllTtio! nn.l ari'nss w
imipiin.vliiu Ihi- allim-nt. Niiturn Imipml thi
muiHl to Ills ln in fur n spivlul purimsi-.
N nt ii ni will h"l n man ti urn rll of his
hump riitlit nit If hmiMs St. .liu-olis till, lis
miish I'm eh irm'tiT of Hi" trmililii Is such
Hint It iiffils Just sn.-ti a pmih' ly tn wurm,
K'illn ami sir.ilulili-it out thn ' i-intrn'tal
iiiisi'Ii'". From III" timn nf J.m!i down to
the rnt tlnm nin linvn hint litni" bin'lts,
1'iit only rIiii'k thw Ititrixliii'tliin of St. .titeolis
I tins III" lt cMirn for It Immi known.
luimliiiKo rti.illy tlllil'is, but HI. .Iiti'iilts Oil
tmlili-s onn t nttriiil to business without
loss ol tints.
Catarrh Cannot ba Cum!
With local ntiiilirnlion. ns thsv rnnnnt ranch
tliasf-at ot ths ilistMs-. (..'.itnirli t a htoml or
t-iHutlttlllonsI illfrinc. mi I In iir.lcr to cure
it ynti mint take intcm-il ruineiUc. Hull's
Cstnrrh Cure is tskcn intcrnnlb , tinil art di
rectly on t!i Imioil nnl tntlroti snrfHce. Hull's
I.'uIiiitIi Cure is not n ipiurk lite.licinc. It Hns
pmscrllieil lyineiif tlii'bvsl pli:lcinnsin tins
country for yriir, mi l Is n rrau'sr prescription,
it l tomposi-.t ot 1 hr lit st tonics Klmwn, com.
bllieil itli tin- hi Kid ptil'illi-rs. net lug ill
reetly nn Ilia mucous stillness. 'Hi perfect
eomiiitintlon or Vie two tnirieilients in what
pinilnrcs siirlt wiitirlcritil result In curiug
atlMTll. Semi lor testimonials, (re.
K. .1. CiiKNtiv '".. I To., Toledo, 0.
Fr,M liv llriiuu'isis, price T'.c.
Hall's Family I'tllsi are. the best.
I linvc fouii'l I'No's I lire t.-r I'onmnpllon
nn iiiifntliim mi'illrltiiv Y. It. Lot., :m." hull
!t linlimlon. Ky..iM. I. 11.
f'tls prrnvincntlyciirnl. No
nee utter tltt ilnv's sof l)v. Kline's (trt
Nerve Ite'toriT. $; trlnl hot tie unci llenll-e tli e.
Dll. II. I!. K link. Llil.,l'll Ali li St.. I'llllll.. I'il.
Tliise iins'Rhtly eruptions, puiuful lKiil, nn
noyliiK plinples oilier iillVril ins. whldi
np;e-ir o ti-neriillv nt this aefon. iniike tho
use of thnt urnnil Sprlmt Me'lli ine, llool's
Siirsnpiiilllii. n ltei-i'silv. 'i'liki- lloo.l's Sursii
pnrilln noiv. It i!l il l yon woulerrul it"ol.
It will purify your I I nul.ulve yon nn niP"titf.
lone your nerve-, n-nutlieTi our sioinnelu
nn! cure nil "priMl hutnors. Itemeinb t
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the One Tru- I'm Ml t. l. -ix f"r 1.
U--Jfj. D;I1 lire Hie o 'v p lis lo tiike
ItOStl S rtliS with llo.dSirs.ip:ii.lli.
Would Not "Mot.! Still."
Evcrybixl? who knows an ntiintpiif
Tihotoprniilior U with tho ox
'iir thnt nro jiti'siMilcil for ftiilnip.s.
Soniotimi'"! ihi'se cxi'iisi-n glr.tlu the
crpilnllty n little.
"1 trliul the other ln.v," B.nM one ntna
tfur to another, "In (rot nn lustnntn
nooiis view nf Itntiker Hill Monumi'tit."
"Wi'll. ilhl yon funveeil."
"Sini'eeJV No! H must have moved
Just as I exponoil the lilnte."
lion He I Inured It.
A Missouri fni'inei' tlnuroil It out one
rainy ln.v thnt he hail wnlkeil .'(no miles
In ftililvntliiir one nere of eorn. lie
thereiiiion sol. I hi farm nn.l moveil
to n town, where he walki'il 1.U0 iiiMom
to fin il a job.
The nunII'iK news Hint n Ohinjro
nlilerinni) has lieen neqtiltted of'
llilnjr Iiiik been reeelveil. However, lils
tsklrts nrp not elenr; ho Ih mill utility of
lielnq; a ('hleiujo nlilcrnmn.
The Wonderful Kava-Kava Sliru.
A New Botanical Discovery. Of
Special Interest to Suflerers from
Diseased of the Kidneys or Blad
der Rhoumatlem, etc A Blessing
to Humanity.
A Free Gift of Great Value to You.
Onr readers will be glad to know that
the new botanical discovery, Alkavii,
from the wonderlul Kavn-Kava shrub
hns proved an assured cure for all dis-
ensescausea uy i ric
pcid in the blood, or
Dy disordered action
of the Kidneys or
urinaryorgaus. The
Kava Kava Shrub,
or as botanists call
it. riper Methys-
, ticum, grows on the
bankstt tbe Ganges
river, East Iudia,
fBi;Kv-KvA S11..LO and probably was
Piptr iiiciim) used for centuries
by tbe natives before its extraordinary
properties became known to civilization
through Christinu missionaries. In
this respect it resembles the discovery
of quiuine from the peruvian bark,
made known by the Iudians to the early
Jesuit missionaries in South America,
and by them brought to civilized man.
It is a wonderful discovery, with rec
ord of laoo hospital cores in 30 days. It
acta directly upon the blood and kid
neys, and is a true specific, just as qui
nine is in malaria. We bave the strong
est testimony of many ministers of the
gospel, well known doctors and business
men cured by Alkavis, when all other
remedies bad failed.
In the Nf w York H'nklv World of Sept. 10th.
the lutlniony of Rev. W. B. Moore. U. D., ol
WaahinEton, D. C. ml given, drirrihiug his
years of suffering from Kidney dieae aud
HheumatUm. aud Ills rapid cure bv Alkavis.
Rev. Vhomsa fcmlth, the Methodtkt minister at
Cobden, Illinois, passed nearly one hundred
gravel slonea after two weeks' use of Alkavis.
Kev. John H.Watson, of Sunset. Texas, a minister
of the gospel of thirty years' service, was struck
down at his Dost of duty by Kidney disease.
After -hovering between life and death tor two
rxonths, and all his doctura having failed, he
took Alkavis, and was completely restored to
health and strength, and isfullillinghisdutiessa
minister of the gospel. Mr. R.C. Wood. prom
inent attorney of Iowe1l, Indiana, was cured ol
Kheumatism, Kidnevand Bladder disease of ten
years standing, by Alkavis. Mr. Wood desct ibe
himself as beilig In conataut misery, often com
pelled to rise ten timea dm lug the night on
account of weaknesa of the blndder. He m
treated by all his home physicians without the
least benefit and finally completely cured in a
few weeks by Alkavis. The testimony is un
doubted and really wonderful. Mrs. James
Young, of Kent, Ohio, writes that she had tried
sis doctors In vain, that she was about to give
up In despair, when ahe found Alkavis and was
iroaiptly cured of ktdnev disease and restored
o health. Many other ladies also testify to the
wonderful curative powera of Alkavla in the
various disorders peculiar to womanhood.
60 far the Church Kidney Cure Com.
?any, No. 414 Fourth. Avenue, New
ork, are the only importers of this
sew remedy, and they are ao anxious to
Srove its value that for the sake of intro
nction they will send a free treatment
f Alkavla prepaid by wail to every
reader of this paper who ia a Sufferer
from any form of Kidney or Bladder
disorder, B right's Diseaee, Rheuma
tism, Dropsy, Gravel, Fain in Bark,
Female Complaints, or other affliction
due to improper action of the Kidneys
r Urinary Organa. We advise all Ruf
ereis tc send their names and address
to tbe company, and receive the Alkavis
free. It is sent to you entirely free, to
prove its wonderful curative powera,
LfJL rs,JfTVs.t
Abitraet of the Important Measures la
Both Houiei.
April 5.Ttu-enit'i wns In session about
forty-live minutes this nlternoon nml It went
t h roit--li business nt 11 lltflitnlnu unit. In ei
netly twenty minutes tho stntismen of the
upper brunch pusseil sixteen bills nn seeotul
renitlnit ntid tn t'iity-llvn more on II rut rend
Ink'. 'j his wns thn Inst nlclit for piittltia In blllf
In thn liousn without sei'iirliiR tinnnlmoiif
eonseiit. As n ri-sult ti:l leglslutive proposi
tions were, dumped In.
April B. There wns an cx.'ltllie ilebste In
the Semite to-ttny between Mr. Mortfiiri ntid
Mr. Ilnle. ImriiiU n t'ubnn spi hlheseiin-
tor from Mnme 1 Hide) eonlil not eoneenl the
filet, asserted by Mr. MorKnn, thnt be wns In
cotnmutiieuttoii with thu Kpnnlsh itovern
ment. Mr. Ilnlii mmlo an ImllKiinnt deninl.
Henntor Hour lntrodtu'eil n resolution In
thn sennte ilireetlnir thn seeret-try of stilt to
aseertnln nml report to the sennte numerous
pnrtleiilurs in rejrnril to ths government ol
eiieh of thn nntiuns with which the I'nltcJ
Suites hns illplomntln relntlons.
Mr. Ilutes cITered n resolution mnklna
nvnllnble the "eptilemle" tiind, which
amounts to 4.r0.(HH, for relief of Hood suf
ferers. 'J he hoii. is i-xpectt'd to concur In
this resolution.
April 7. Senator .tones, of Arknnsfis.olTpr
p! n joint resolution nppropriutiuR ti:V).(lO(
for supplies to the Mississippi river sufferers
nml It wua pusseil by the Senme. Mr.
t'liteliltiKS, ol Mississippi, olTercil n resolution
appropriating JSKUino for the relief of the
Mississippi llooil sulTerern. This pusseil the
liousn mi'! whs mlopteil by the Hetintu lu.
stend of thn Jones resolution.
April 8. Senator Mnntle, of Mnntnnn, In
troilucml nn Hiiieiidment to the wnolsclieiluli
of the llingl.-y tnrllT bill, which provhles foi
the mlviiiii liig of rules on sevcrul varieties ol
raw wool. It proposes to mnko tl.o ilutj
on wnshed wools of both thn II ret nnd secoiid
elnsses lnsteiid of the llrst eliiss only doublt
thnt on iinwnslied; to double thn uiity on nl!
classes "Importeil In any other tlinn orillnarj
conilitlon, or which hns been sorteil or In
creased In value, by tho rejection of nny purl
of thn original lleeco," thus extemliiiu the
scope, of the panigrnph In the t ill which up
piles only to wools of the llrst nnd second
elm-si s. Senator (lenr, of lowu. made n re
port on the bill to nuthorl'-e 11 cemmii'slon
consisting of the si-cretarh M of the trensur
nnd the interior nntl the nttorn-'y-gencrnl, tt
R'ljiist the debts of tho 1'ik IIIu rullroada tc
the government.
April 10. The houo lie.. I nothing In tin
flinpM ol business to nttend to Sntiiriluy nn-;
soilidU'geil In n little politicnl ilelmte. .lerrj
Stnnson bi'can his ol.structliig tactics nlmosi
before the chaplain hail llnl-iicl his prnyer
by ib'cln ring there was no i-iioruin present
A count by the speaker soon convinced ever
Mr. Simpson Hint ho wns wrong. Tim Knnsni
man took early opportuulty to muku anotlioi
utuu k on Speuker Hied.
Itetmirkiitite noyvilrlfts.
Ba heavy linvo been tho snowdrifts In Snr
Kcnt County, North Dnkotn, thnt It Is snbl
a farmer of Hnrlem Township hns nilile.l
thirty-live fent of tubln-? to his well pipe la
order to rnlse water tiliove the snow. A
hotel proprietor, '.. O. I'lttton, hns had to
build a burbed wire fence ttrouml tlie roof ot
his burn to keep nwny stray Htoik, it borse)
liavlng onn day urnsiicd through the roof
while walking over wlnit appeared to bo it
snow-covered hill. Sblney Mullen cliilnis to
have dug thirteen feet Into u drllt to get lit
the top uf his windmill.
I-astor'.i Novel litess,
Hev. Alox.nider H. Vim Dycl! Ins b en
ft ii-tor of thu I! (formed Church In IllglilnuJ
Park, X. J., for two months. IT" Ins made
hi'iisolf very popular wlta the younger inem
ln'M of the uoiigra'-ratbm by orgnnb.liig a
blcyclooliih, and lie Inn now unii'iiinco I his
intcntloti of oniivcrlln the i' ovur thu
ihuroli Into n gymuusiuui.
Blnrveil In llronlilyn.
I.eonnrd A. f'nmpbnll, enco n prosperous
merchant in Now York Oily, was found ilond
Irom starvation In his lSrooklyn home, his
bo ly guar led by his wife, who has lost her
reason und will probaldy
Grain, Flour and Feed.
WHF.AT-Xo. lred 9
No 2 red
COIIX No. 2 yellow, ear
No. 2 yellow, shelled
Mixed ear
OATS-No. 1 while
No. a w hite
RYK.-Vo. 1
No. 2 western
run.' It Winter pntiitits 4
Fancy straight winter 4
llye Hour a
. 43
4 'JO
4 60
a no
ia 00
10 00
1,1 00
14 fio
13 00
ia do
7 OJ
I1AY No. 1 timothy
Mixed clover. No. 1
liny, from wngous
I KK1 No. 1 Whito Md., ton
Drown middlings
llrnn, bulk
8K.F.DK C:ovor, 0 lbs 0
Timothy, prime 1
llluo Grass 1
50nj) s no
3A 1 60
65 1 83
Dairy Produota.
Dl'TTF.R- Klgln Creamory t 2itq 25
Fancy creamery 18 ao
Fancy country roll 18 16
CHKKriE Ohio, new 11
New York, new l'i 13
Fruits and Vegetables. Ilhl ... 1 80 3 00
UK ANN Hand-picked, V bu... 05 JtO
r-OTATOF.H Iu car, bu 2 30
CAHHAOK Homegrown, hbi. 160 165
ONIONH YbIIow, bu 1 00 1 10
Poultry, Eto.
CHICKENS, pair 4!la Of,
TUHKEYH. V It. 10 11
KOUHTa. nnd Ohio, fresh.... H U
WHEAT No. 2 red
ItYE No. a
l-'OKN Mixed
ElttIS Ohio ereamerv..
.9 3 75 4 73
Fl.Orit 9 8 25 4 75
I WHEAT No. 2rod 80 87
' tliv v a sit
t Ull.l .111, UHAOUs (, A etl
OATS No. 2 white 23 24
HUTTElt I reumury, extra ID
EtiOS l'u. firsts 10
FLOUR Patents 9 3 60 4 75
WHEAT No. 2 red .. 80
COll.N No. 3 38
OATS W bite Western 2'i
J MUTTER Creamery 30 31
jsuus Htnto 01 1'enn ' .. 11
Prime, 1,800 to 1,400 lbs.... ....9 4 80(i 6 00
Uood, 1.200 to 1.300 lbs 4 65 4 SO
Tidy, 1.U00 to 1,160 lbs 4 40 4 60
Fair light steers, IKK) to 1000 lbs. 3 60 4 35
Common, 7C0 to 800 II 8 00 8 40
Medium 4 30 4 2t
Heavy 4 15 4 25
ltuugus uud stugs 3 60 8 76
Prime. 05 to 105 lbs. wethers... 9 4 75(5) S 00
J Ooud. 85 10 00 lbs. 4 60 4 70
Fair, 70 to 80 lbs 4 00 4 30
J Common 8 25 8 60
I Culls 3 50 8 00
: Choice lambs 6 60 0 00
I Fair to good luiubs 4 75 S 21
1 Veal calves 460 6 21
American Hark 1:1:1 Tears Old Doing
lilitT In l.ngllah Wntere.
The lutrk True Love. Imllt In Fblln
dolphin In 1TIII, hns been found upon
neitreh in be yet nllnnt In the r.'iptH'ltj
of 11 i-oiil hulk, eiignged In nrllvc Initio
nt the nge or l:KI .vent's. Till discovery
was untile through 11 ensunlty rei'tirdeil
lit the M.-irlthne IOm Iiii nge lis follows:
True l.ove, Imrge, was In collision with
"(honor (lr:i vcsi'iid of I.0111I011, of!
tini vesi iiil. nml hnil port tii:irtcr d.'ilii
nged to such nil extent thnt It wns
found niM'twitry to tow her to HocIicm
ter. nnd abe arrived nt thnt plii"e In
cliflt'Kit of the tllB t'oitiinerce. The
True l.ove tins not only outlived bet
builders nnd their wiocepsors, but hns
nlso outlived every croft thnt wns built
In her 1 1 mi' find for ninny yenrn nfter
wnril, mul thin fiiet. coupled with the
report thnt the historic crnft Is still
ciigngeil In in-live pursuits, places Phil
tiililphhi nt the very top notch ns a
shipbuilding ceiilcr.
In 17'M, when the funnies old el lift
wns luiiliclieil tin Hie luniks of the Del
tiwnre, nlthough her Ictigllt wns but l"l
feet 8 Inches, hIic wns tin n the Inrgest
vessel of commerce that, tho liclit ware
Imil ever floated. Coiitrnst this with
the (llnietiHloiis of the huge lliimlnirg
Ainetlciin l'nckct (..'otnpntiy'H vtennt
ship lN'tiiisylvniila, the latest 111I1II1I011
to comnicrce, wlume length Is fiS" feet,
while the new While Star liner build
lie,' Is 7U feet long, and one will be
niuaeii with the magnitude of the
modern nhlp of commerce. TTi True
Love upon being completed milled
nwny from I'hlludelphla early In 17(1.1,
tniil 110 record In of her return to
Ibis city until August !, 1S7.T. when
nt the ago of Hilt years she entile Into
putt from Ivlgut, tireeiilmnl, with ft
cntgo of kryolite. In 1 tiniiiiiiiid of t'apl.
Tliomnx Nathaniel, i unslgncil to It.
t'ruwley. She was discharged here
nml surveyed by the American l.loydi
in 1 tctolicf, ist:. ami milled nwny. nev
er to return again. I'pon her arrival
shorlly aftiH' In London she was sold
ami Hit noil Into 11 coal hulk, In which
capacity plic still serves.
The dimensions of this famous True
l.ove are: Length, till feet S Inches;
Ileum. feet II inches: depth of bold,
IT feel. She measured 11 Ml tons regis
ter, and, like nil old crnft, carried very
little more cargo.
The discovery that there was still
alloat 11 Philadelphia-built vessel of
"Hob nn age has cnused much comment
on the floors of the Mnrltlnip Ex
change, nnd some shipping men are of
the opinion that this old craft should,
If possible, be purchased ns u relic.
Heconl-t show thill the True l.ove was
for n time owned In Hull, England, by
li. Ihihl, previous to Iter purchase by
John S. Ward, of Loudon, und during
that time she was engaged In the Hal
tic trade- I'hllnilelphla Vvnna.
Tho Polar Htiovr t'np of Mars.
We have received the following Infor
mation from America: "A telegram re
ceived at llnrvnrd observatory on Jnn.
11 from Lowell tjlwei'vatoiy, now locat
ed near the City of Mexico, snys that a
rift bus been observed since .Inn. 7 In
the north polnr cap nf Mnrs In longitude
HI" This riff Is probably similar to
thoe observed at the opposition of
I Sl, In the southern cap. Frof. W. II.
I'lckei'lug, with 11 six-Inch telescope,
found one In May 'SI, crossing the cap
from oiig;tuili .Till to 170. This grew
considerable In sl.e, nienstiremculs
made 011 ,1 11 ne t! nml l.'i Indicating n
width of UK) nnd .'do nilli-H respective
ly. Mr. Ibuiglass nlso during the same
month, .lune 10, detected n second nnd
thiril rift, the hitler running from longi
tude 170 to 110. The aoiuence of phe
nomena observed solus to ludlcntethnt
they tire duo to the lower level at the
poles beln uncovered; in this wny, ns
the snow melts, the bare ground Is ex
posed, appearing dark In contrast lo
tho snow atlll lying ou tho more elevut
i'd heights. T'helr broadening is then
a natural result of the departing snow,
nnd Indicates thnt I ho polar enp is at
that time Inn far advanced stnte of dls
Integratlon. N 11 1 11 re.
CAsrAltm stimulate llvrr, kidneys anil
bout-Is. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; 10c
There is a Class of I'eople
Who nre Injured by the use of coffee. He
ceutly I here has Is-en ilaued In all the urnerry
io.i- a new pretiurulloii culled draln-fl. msde
r inirM iri-Hinw. ilist lakes thw idiiea of enttis.
The moat delicate stomach im rlves it without
distress, und but tew mn tell 11 nnm ronw.
If ilfiMM n.kt. f-fM.1. ovt.r one-lilllirlsr as Inlll-h.
Chililrrn may Or nk It with great Iwnetll. 15
eta. and H5 eta. lur packs. J r It. Ask fur
Urulu-O. .
WttKN billons or rnstlve, sat a Cs-nnret,
candy lalluirllii cure giiuraiit?ed; 10c 26c,
A pound of phosphorus heads 1,000,000
Ko-lolliie for Kilty Cents.
Over 4UMW0 cured. Why not let N0-T0-TW
reuiilatuor remove yuur desire tor toliaecof
Kuea money, mukes health nnd nianhiKsl
Cure guaranieod. 60 ccuts aud fcl.UO, at all
Both the Utah Huuators were born Id Halt
Luke City.
hhaka Intu Your Shoes
Allen's Fiiol-Ene, a pjader for the faat. II
cure painful, swoilnu, smtrtiiiif feet, and In
MtHiitly takes the sting out of uorm and bun
ions. It's the irre.itest rumfnrt discovery of
the sue. Allen's makes tisht-ftt-ling
or new shneu feel eiay. It Is 11 ejrtsin
cure for sweating, callous and hat, tired, ach
ing leet. Try it tu-.Uy. Sold l.v ull dnug.sts
and snoo stores. II v m ill for 33-. In stamui.
Trial iwi kane KBKB. Addrdaa, Alloa S. Una
Sled, m Kuy, . Y.
If afflict til wlthsorecyes use Dr. lnaeThomr
sou'aEv a-water, llruugista sail at Uk'.uer hot tie,
Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teethiriK. aotiens the sums, reiluceslntlumina
.lioo. ntlays pain, cures wind colic. 2.M-.a bottle.
Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality; prevents baldness;
cures itching and dandruff.
A fins hair dressing.
B. F. Hull & Co.. Pro;n., Nashua, N. II.
bold by ull
the Ventllsh Tongue In Oertnany.
Consul (leneral Uu Kay writes for
tho Century n pnper on the Serbian
Swamp Vc tidland under th? title of "An
Inland Y'enlce." Mr. le Kny snys:
These people spenk (lermnti to the lord
Ings ns we pnss Yeiidlsh to onr bont
111:111; but the Veuillsh Is disappearing
because, for the sake of the nriny. Its
leaching Is discouraged. Throughout
nil this district, far over Into Saxony,
only a few churches still offer tenuous
In the old tongue. Yet if the Yendisli
tongue disappears the names of places
will tell the tale, even ns such names
In Ilrmuleiiburg and Saxony still do.
Dresden, l.cip.lg. there nro Vendlsh
words or call them Slavic, with tho
broader term thnt now means the race.
And hereabout nro Cottbns. Vet
scliail, Mttscben, Krnbmow. Itabow.
Dingy, Itilildush. I.elpe, I.ehde, llylile
gubre, StraupltK nnd l.tibbeti. And the
lllesses thnt wind or shoot straight In
nnd out of forest 11 ml clenred fields re
tnlu Vctiillsli names: Mutnizn. Itlush
nllzii. Itogaxo, scltaplgk, I'olenr.o
liinlilltzo. and .N'almsnt. Efforts have
been made to give tier inn 11 11:1 lues to
iniitiy of them, but country people ev
erywhere nre grent holders to prece
dent, nnd the people who stick so tight
ly to their old costume lire nut going to
give tip their place names without n
JnsT try n ice. tot nf 'a-csret. the finest
liver and bows reirmsior ore:' nisile.
Erpollod by I.ytlla E. Plnkham's
Votfotablo Compound.
Interview With Mrs. II. A. Lombard.
I have reason to think thnt I would
not bo here now If It bad not been for
Lyiliu K. I'inkhain's Vcpctuble Com
pound. It cured me ot n fibroid tumor
in mywniiili.
Doctors could do nothing' forme, nnd
they could not cure mc at the hospital.
I will tell yon 11 html it:
I had been in my usiiiil henlth, but
liti'l worked quite Iinrd. When my
monthly period en tut on, I flowed very
badly. The doctor anva me mctlo'ino,
but it did me n good. He suid the
flow must be stopped if possible, nml
lie must find the cause of my trouble.
I'pon examination, lie found there
was n r'ibrold Tumor in my womb, nnd
frnve me treatment without nny benefit
wbntever. About that time a lady
culled on me, nnd recommended I.ydin
E. I'lnklium'n Vcgetnble Compound,
snid she owed her life to it. I
fin Id I would try It, and did. Soon
nfter thu flow became more nntiirnl nnd
regular. 1 still continued Liking the
Compound for some time. 'Then the
doctor mmlo nn exiiminntton ugnin,
and found everything nil right. The
tumor had passed nwny nnd that dull
nolie wns gone. Mas. It. A. LoMUAltU,
llox Tl, Wcstdulc, Mass.
iivcry iiigrcuicm 111 llgcprj
Hires Rootbcer is health
giving. The blood is
SI . '
III imnroved. the nerves
if soothed, the stomach'
fi5li I benefited by this tlclicious
I . Kootbccr 1
Quenches the thirst, tickles
the pillule ; full of snap, sparkle
'and effervescence. A temper
ance dtiuk for everybody.
Mtdu sill; bt Th Cbirlfl K. Hlrss !'.. Pbllsfelpbla. 1
A ,"t malts bv ts"n-
aisiao. 1 imm. BBBBJ
Knr laft Va-ai this ahn. k atnaiai ft...
dltanctt all couipetitort..
Indorsed by over l.OOO.OOO wirn mm thm
baat in tyl. nt unit durau.iUr of moy abo
ver offered mt ta.OO.
.Itl; rnftd in nU eh LATEST SHAPES fcnd
a a-tmo inu 01 wvttry varieiv 01 learner.
One daalsr ill tnwn art won aarnlnaiiwa aala
and advarttaed To local paper on receipt of
reaaouahle order, fir Write fnr tataiotua to
W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mnaa.
iue)i MMauei teit 111 inteiteiiei mmm mm ieiieiaHieia)ii
What He Says.
Dismiss Wish. Co., Miss.t
t. mtii. 11. (
I bavs lis.1 a Jonas taw IU. Ht-sls in uia fnr ossf
V 'arsi tUvy ars as uuimI iiuw as when 1 lirst sul
li.iu. Jus lluarua.
hiuh t mi o. IS. V,
Maiuifat'turiTto wearer. lUuatrutwdtaialuMUV live
Utitlei'wtir tei.Hrt men t. AlilrH
1 O.NM .WKUh' M. 111.1 i.H VO; Troy,N. Yi
FLtU I IslU lulislsr :'IIKM niut ra
sa storfii til WHIM uf TANTK, ISIIKM. auU
W. U. k.lllTU X tU.i Uuttalo, N, 'r.
aJ fr;:mm;,,jmW
(l 7TSliOlrTl1fK
lm s"s 'a'a'a 'mm'm mm aVa s'a
Walter Baker 8c Co.'s
Breakfast Cocoa.
a cup.
Ba sure that ynu Rft the urnulne article made hy WALTIiR A CO. Ltd., Onri'hrstrr, Mass. I.stahllshrd 1 7 so.
are so
st ires,
ICone Genuine
The Above Name-Flate.
A list of
Pamphlet, "8iiRKstl'ins fur F.xtsrlor Deenrstlun," Sampl" Card anl DfiTrlptlva Prirs fn-o by mall.
Asbrstqa Itiiolliiu, llullillnii Hi lt. Kli-nnl I'ni'Mnii. Ilullrr ('nvcrluas, Kln-l'rmil' I'uiuu, Kli'.
Asbi-sios .Niiii-t'uiiiliH'iiuu mill Kii'i'irirnl lusuluiiiiN itltiicrluls.
87 Maiden tone. Now York.
CltlCAOOi Sin I'M Kt. I'll 1 1. A liH, I II I A : l:iit:a Sn.ltHtli St. BOSTON'; 7: :5 Ti-ir! St.
Strongest Bicycles
1S97 Columbia Bicycles arc
Steel Tubing. We control
tubing and use it exclusively
HARTFORDS, $75, $60, $50, $45
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Cttaloffut free from Columbia deatf?rft. Dy trmil for one 9 cent stamp.
In colors, ready to be cut out end built up, ffordinf unlimited amuiement and instruct
ion to old and young, tent by mail on receipt of Ave scent stamps.
but liave mX
tHtnhUDitr iur
lliwui hid
nir nxamumuuii o
lure fiv. Every
thing warrantMi.
Hu stvltM ul t ar-
rlacrs, uuKtviiMof Ihir
11. Tuu Huuirtfi'asiiiw
a rhitfioun
T.fTi Mrrr HiwM-Prioiti j
At gtMMs W Mill fr i.t.HH.
4 A Good Tala will Bear Telling Tv,ic3." Use Sapolio !
rf srtivlu tn fa:
Vtt irsnt ens srsnt in t his rimiitr
to Sfll tu ItuiiH.i-s. 111-.. IHV.IIU
srtk-lu tn i-ariii. 's v.a nil .xficvu-. A.'i.n.
il.VA (.' tUs V ll.Uiutlui;. L. 1.
Cuunh byrup. Ttuiwi UcssJ. TTso I
lis CU
a nest
t'sn.,r Ksit Tork. sir
Bd' it Is absolutely purr.
Becaice it is net nude by the so-riileJ iJutch rrivc--, ia
which clk'tnicals are ttscJ.
tlfcause Ivans of the finest quality are used.
Because it is made by a mf.imd wliiih preserves unimpaired
Hit' e.i.uiMte natural llavnr and odur nf ih? be-ins.
BVeause it is the most eonomica!, custini; less than one cent
" aaa4a
When you are talking Bicycles, don't be
until you have een the new
Tliey ore thu to? notch of bicycle ensl-
m-erlne, and f clence must now seek to dc- J
velop other liclds. The p.'r:ct point of j
PHRI I'C HON is reached only by the Lovell g
Wheels. On this fact critic n.iree. Why A
look them over car-', study tneir i
point and note their be.-iuty and
finish. I heir points of superiority
simple a chi d can understand litem.
We stake our bu.-inens reputation of over
55 years that titer was never so perfect n
made. It leads them ail. Investig 'te
you will ride no other. Please call and
examine, at our tool agencies, or at our
147 Washington and 13 1 Uroad 5t.,
Mailed Upon Application.
P. Lovell Arms Go.
nosrox, MASS.
Itjrgalns In Hronil-liiiul Whorls mnllcil nn I
muBMXVB.: tj i) assmsa
made of 5 per cent. Nickel
the entire production of this
dlrtwt to tlis
'H fr, ui
ufhtrrs prt-
ii iuw
nti WstetiUK. mv. ."'im n mm. unit rnr wiHrima, t i.n, a. i
tor Lurs. ire t'Uitogue. tkM. u muoot. ut. aswu4 m fc-iu uu
ilfc'U. tU, W. It. Pit ATT. I IK U ART. IN.
Coffee Ono Cent Pur F ound.
TI10 new Aiiii-rii'iin t'ntTe' ll.-rry is n vhIuii-lili-
suh-i iinif l'. ciiHtM. i:i in ft v. savtul fiiuli
y-ir. Niiiliinu Ibu uill pity luill' somlI1hh
iiluallnn i olln. 1'i'rry iur ai i'il. 1 1 ilni-s wli
in nny snil ur rllnititi. Mutnrrs in ftiur
tnimtlis. I Ins irniliieil nvir U) biisliiils inr
i.fitf. f uiiij1b 1 lu kuift' : i'i iiIi .
CU ( liiillinm M , I'lH.liuru, I'm,
r a v n vi