The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 14, 1897, Image 4

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    &uw.'Wjifim tt.HO fr iftir, or 1
l(tiil utrirltlji in uilrnnvt.
t . A. ftTlllMII'.NftUIN. IC.IIIor unci Pub.
An Inili'iii'Milont lurnl impiT, iinhlNlii'flcvfijr
WimIiii'siIiiv ut Iti'ViiiiliUvMli', .tcllrrsnn I'n.
I'., ilcvuicil id I In- Interests of Itryiinlilsvlllc
nun .trlTcr-mii remit y. Non-pnlltlriil, will ti-riit
till Willi fairness, mill will he especially fi It-nil-ly
towitrils the luliitrlniz class.
Siilnrrlptlon iirli'pfl.NMH'r jri'iir, In iiilvntirc
t'liimniitilriil Imis hilcnili'll fur lilllillrlit Inn
must tic inToiniiiinlril by the writer's muni',
tint fur liiililli'ittliin, lint ni n KHiit-iinti'i of
vmiil fiillli. Iiiii'ii'itlnu news Items sollclti-il.
AilvertMmr rules tniiih' known oti hi)IIiii
tlim lit the iitllee In Arnold' lllm'k.
l.etitrhlv communications nnd rhtiiitfH of
sritrrtlsciiti'iits shoulil reach thin ofllru hy
IMondiiy tumti.
Ailili-rsi nil I'liiiiiiiiinlrtitlotiH to t?. A. Hteph
etlsnii, KpyiiiihNvlllc, I'll.
F.nturi'd nt the pnsliiftlee nt Itcynnlilsvllle,
!'.. as sennit cIhms titntl mutter.
Over the B., R. A P. and Two Days'
Hoard at Hotel Impertnl.
We will furnish 11 ticket five over the
liulTalo. Rochester Pittsburg Railway
from Rcytinlilsvlllo to Niagara Kails
11 lid return, mill two days' hoimi at Hotel
Imperial, oil" of tin' largest iiml most
moilorn ho'ols lit Niagara Pulls. I'll tea
W.'nl to I.IMI pel' ilny, to till" person
who will w i'iiri' tin" largest number of
new rash yuliseriln rs In TlIK STAH l
foiv tin- 1'itli of .lull", 1 !". Subscrip
tions to ll.' l.lltt. rush in advance. Thin
ctTi'i' i" open to liny person In Jefferson
It will hi' well for persons giving sub
scriptions to know the parties who
i.olioit subscriptions from tlii'tii imil
V llftlll'l' tlll'V II IV responsible pCI'SOIIS,
as wi' will only In1 responsible for tllll
Subscriptions tllllt lll'O lltllllll'll In with
till! I'BHll.
Persons wink In;.' for the prize will Imj
ex pec tod to rcort to thin olllce by let
ter or In person utnl have their names
curollcd as competitors, and will after
wards ho expected to hmnl in tin1 names
c f now subse rihers anil the cash for now
subscriptions onco a wt'fk. No new
subscribers will bo added to our milv
scriptloti list iiiiIi'hh tho cash accompa
nies each name. A strict account will
ho kept, iiml fiii'h person working for
pfl.t will receive credit for names sent
In from time to time.
Resolve Against Convict Labor.
At n meeting of Kcynoldsvllle Council
No :i(i4. . T. A. M., hdil April Kith
I!l7, tho following resolution was
ylir rtiiH, There are now before our
LeijlMlatiire at Ilnrrisburg several bills
which are intended to protect free labor
and tho industries In which it Is employ -I'd,
from tho injiuions effect of convict
labor competition, by prohibiting tho
uso of all power driven machinery In
the iirlHons. work-houses, and reform
atories of this Commonwealth: therefore
bo It
Htmilritl, That wo earnestly request
every me uilier of our State .Semite and
Hovih.) of Representatives to supxrt
fciich measures as will provont tho use
of all power driven machinery in all
prisons, work houses, and reformatories
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
thereby abating tho outrage of "tho
state making her iienal institutlou huge
factories where housed, fed, clothed,
and unpaid convict lalnir enters Into
competition with honest, law-abiding,
(.elf-sustaining labor."
And tho otllcers of this council are
hereby instructed to sign and place the
M ai of tho Council hereto and send a
opy to each of our Representatives at
R. 0. Bkku, Reo. Sec.
Joskph Shaffkh, Councilor.
Stands at the Head.
Aug. J. Hogel, tho leading druggist
' of Shrove)ort, La., says: "Dr. King's
T.'ow Discovery U tho only thing that
cures my cough, and It is the best seller
I have." ,1. F. Campbell, merchant of
SatTord, Arl.., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all that Is claimed for
it; it never falls, nnd is a euro euro for
consumption, coughs and eolds. I can
not say enough for its merits." Dr.
tClng's New Discovery for consumption,
roughs and colds is not an experiment.
It has been tried for a quarter of
a century, and to-day It stands at tho
liead. It never disappoints. Freo
trial bottle at H. Alex. Stoke's drug
Reduced Rates to New York.
For the dedication of tho Grant Mon
umental Tomb, April 27, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell tick
ets from all points on Its line to Now
York, April 2ti (and from points within
one hundred and fifty miles of Now
York, April Urt and 27), good to return
itttil April 2!) Inclusive, at a rate of a
fare and a third for the round trip.
Tickets for military companies In uni
form, numbering titty or more, travel
ing In a body on one ticket, will be
bold at a rate of single fare per capita
for tho round trip.
The parade on this occasion will bo
the grandest military demonstration
since tho war. Thousands of veterans,
United States regulars, and State mili
tiamen will bo in lino.
Wall Paper.
Undoutodly tho handsomest line of
wall paper ever shown in Reynoldsvltle
la now on exhibition at Stoke's. Prices
lower than ever. The public are Invit
ed to como and see the display.
For Sale.
Draft team weighing 1 500, also sleighs
for sale. J. C. Kinu & Co.
- m - - - -
The best In town bicycles at Stoke's.
More improvements, more good features
than any others.
Johnston's shoe parlor opening Satur
day. (
First-class Demorest sewing machine
at J. S. Morrow' for tlU.oO.
If you have any watohes or docks
that need repairing take them to Ed
Ooodor. Ho is still here and is going
to stay.
Bead our free trip offer in this issue,
-.-.. ,
1. ,"v: ft-
1 1 i y
If 1' .. .
It r'.' -i- -.
i ' - , ' .
' f')',,
Wfc J
Baccalaureate Sermon by Rev. Hartman, D. D., and Graduatlno
Address bu Rey. Harru G. Teagarden.
The M. E. Church Not Large Enough to Accommodate the Crowd That Wanted
ro Witness the Commencement Exeicises.
The West Ueynoldsville public schools
closed a very successful term lust
Thursday. For the first time in tho
history of the school, coinine lice incut
exercises were held. Kev. 1. M. llart-
luun, D. I)., CiiiulM'rland Presbyterian
preaelier of Puiixsutawney, preached
the baccalaureate sermon In the Ueyn-
oldsvillo Presbyterian churcli Sunday
evening. 4th Inst., to a largo congrega
tion. Tho sermon was a owerful one
and could not htlp but inspire all who
heard it, esM'cially the young, to put
forth greater efforts to win in the raeo
of life. Beautiful potted plants In
bloom were conspicuous In and around
the pulpit.
Monday afternoon a reception was
held in the West Reynoldsvillc school
building. Drawing, paper cutting and
folding, geometrical forms, written
work, &c, were on exhibition at the
school building during tho reception.
Some of tho work was very fine; it was
all creditable. A notice had been sent
that book donations for tho school
library would bo thankfully received
and twenty-eight volumes of excellent
books were donated to the library that
day. A largo number of tho parents
and friends attended tho Monday after
noon reception.
Somo of the finest specimens of the
pupils' drawings wore on exhibition in
one of the largo show windows of A. D.
Docmer & Co.'s store.
Tho commencement exercises held in
tho M. E. church Wednesday evening
surpassed the sanguine expectation of
the large audience that was packed into
tho church like sardines In a box. The
exercises wore to begin at eight o'clock,
but peoplo began gathering in front of
the church at seven o'clock and a quarter
after seven, when tho church doors
were thrown open, a crowd suHiciont to
fill the large auditorium was In waiting
and crowded into the church like a Hock
of sheep getting through tho opening
In a fence when the bars wore let down.
Peoplo were turned away because thoy
could not even got Btandlng room; both
outsldo aisles wore filled the full length
with people standing, who stood during
the entire exercises almost two hours.
At eight o'clock, while the orchestra
played a march, tho graduates, Misses
Etta Sykes, Elizabeth Kouhler,' Miloy
Stiles and Mr, Milton M. Dompsey,
marched into the church and took seats
on the elevatdd platform. The program
of the evening was then taken up. The
first was an Invocation by Rev. J. W.
Crawford, pastor of the church. The
M. E. quartette, John Trudgen, John
Redded i If o, D. M. Dunsmore nnd S. M.
Lowther, favored the audience with a
fine selection. Miss Etta Sykes then
delivered the salutatory "A Welcome
to Peace," which was delivered in a
masterly manner. ' Tho orchestra,
which was composed of nine pieces,
played a selection after which Miss
Mlley Stiles' oration, "Putting 011 the
Brakes," was delivered. The oration
was fine and contained good advice for
all who heard it, especially those who
re starting In life at a fast speed.
"March Onward" was sung by the
Aeolian Octette, Dr. H. Brown King,
J. Fred. Gelslor, F. Penrose Alexander,
1 lll.H' Hi IIODI, III II.IHMl.
F. Henry Beck, S. Max Lowther. T.
Itooks Mitchell, II. Grant Woodward
and P. W. Me Uenthin. This was
followed by an oration, "Training the
Young." by Miss Eli.uheth Kochler,
which was certainly a very fine oration.
Miss Frank in King sang a piece that
was well received. The valedictory,
"No Steps Backward," by Milton L.
Dempsoy, closed tho participation on
tho program by tho graduates. The
octette sang. "A Catastrophe" and made
such a gisid hit that they were called
back for a second selection. Rev.
Harry O. Teagarden, Cumberland
Presbyterian preacher of Oliveburg,
this county, and a t run tee of tho
Waynesburg College, was Introduced
by Prof. Mitchell to deliver the graduat
ing address. Rev. Teagarden, who is a
healthy and lino looking specimen of
humanity, delivered a very able address.
Ho is a good talker and a bright young
man and it is not likely that tho congre
gation at Oliveburg will get keeping
him many years, as larger congregations
are looking for just such ministers.
After music by thooichestraoiir worthy
and efficient county superintendent,
Prof. R. B. Teltrick, delivered an
address and presented the graduates
with diplomas.
Tho people were well pleased with
tho evenings exercises and went totholr
homes feeling that they had been repaid
for venturing out in the mud and rain
to attend tho commencement exercises.
The tcachorB of the West Reynolds
vlllo schools wuro: Lex. N. Mitchell,
principal, Otis H. Johnston, Tncy
Dempsey, Hannah Stauffer.
The board of directors aro David
Bollinger, presldont, M. E. Weed,
secretary, D. M. Dunsmore. J. N. Small,
M. H. Stiles and J. D. Woodrlng.
The West Hcynoldsvllle public school
building, of which the above Is a
picture, was erected in 13RT. There
are four large school rooms In the build
ing. About two hundred pupils attend
school in this building.
The teachers and directors of the
West Reynoldsvllle schools are thankful
to the Presbyterian and Methodist
Episcopal people for use of their
churches, and to the Reynoldsvllle
people who took an active part In the
commencement exercises, and all others
who assisted In making the commence
ment a success.
Worth Knowing.
Many thousand people have found a
friend In Bacon's Celery King.
il you nave never usou this
Hiieeltlo for tho prevailing maladies of
the age, dyspopsiu, liver complaint,
rheumatism, costivenes, nervous ex
haustion, nervous prostration, Sleep
lessness and all diseases arising from
derangement of the stomach, liver and
kidneys, we would be pleased to give
you a package of this groat nerve tonic
free of charge. Reynolds Drug Store.
Twice as many bicycles were sold by
Stoke in 1HWI as all the othor dealers In
town. Good stock counts.
Baby shoes 20 to 33 cents tier pair at
J. E. Welsh dc Go's.
Shoes from 13 cts. a foot up to W OO a
foot at J. 8. Morrow's.
fresh at the Bon Ton
Bishop Powlet's Lecture.
Bishop Fowler's lecture In DuHols
FrldHV evening, In tho M. E. church,
promises to be the best lecture ever
delivered In that town. All our peoplo
who can should attend this lecture.
Tickets are on sale at Stoke's drug
store. Following are a few clippings:
"Most of those present regarded
Bishop Fowler's lecture as the greatest
oration to which they had ever listened
and f'-w have any expectation of ever
hearing anything that can he compared
to It." Xmlhrrn Irrwiife, Syracuse.
"One wonders in the beginning what
nnyoti'i could say of Lincoln that would
bo new, but with the Bishop's treatment
of the subject, the life of Lincoln stood
out fresh and new with a halo which
was not before reeognl.ed Bbnut. the
'mil-split tor of Mho Sangaminon
Bottom.' " V"""''.' Jminiiilt
Dr. George H. Corey, one of the most
eminent orators of tint city of Washing
ton. D. C. says: "1 have heard every
great orator, since I was a little Isiy, in
England and America deliver his great
est lecture, but the oration of Bishop
Fowl"!' on Abraham Lincoln bv far
surpii si s anything 1 have ever heard."
"As a il"lini'iitor of human ebaraeter
Bishop Fowler Is without a peer in the
lector., lie Ii today." 77tr Hnturthii
Jmiiiiiil, Tuscola, Illinois.
Church Notices.
Irmler this heading will lie found the
subjects anil texts of t ho pastors of the
various eliurches of Keynolilsvillo for
the following Sunday.
1'ev. John M. D 'an, pastor. Morn
ing: "How to Celebrate Easter." Even
ing: "Did Jesus Rise'!'" Special
Evangelistic service on Thursday even
Rev. J. W. Crawford, pastor. Morn
ing: Easter service, program to consist
of responsive reading, recitations and
addresses by the young people. Even
ing: "Christ's Vav of Help." or
"Christ Dictated to."' Mark 8: 22-2".
Rev. O. Pis'scho will preach Sunday
at lll::i(l A. M.(German) "Christ in Risen.'
Murk 1 ft: l-K. After services the holy
Communion will be administered. 7:110
l. M. (English) "Chrlsts Easter Greeting
to His Peoplo." John2o:ltl. Good Fri
day Lenten services at 7:.'lo i. m. Con
fessional services Satordny at 7:.'t0 P. M.
Electric Bitters.
Electric Bitters Is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more
generally needed when the languid,
exhausted feeling prevails, when the
liver Is torpid and sluggish and tho
need of a tonic and alterative Is felt. A
prompt use of this medicine has often
averted long and perhaps fatal bilious
fevers. No medicine will net more
surely in counteracting and freeing tho
system from the malaria poison. Head
ache, indigestion, constipation, dizziness
yield to Electric Bitters. "(lc. and $1.00
per bottle at H. Alex. Stoke's drug
J. E. Welsh & Co. keep a lino line of
ladies,' gentlemen's and children's shoes
constantly in stock.
All (HTsons are hereby warned to not
dump or throw rubbish or garbage of
any kind in or along any of tho Wins
low township roads. All offenders will
be dealt with according to law.
At King & Co.'s you will find baled
hay, salt, flour and a full line of general
Transportation of Bicycles Free on the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that on and aftor April 7,
1897, bicycles will be checked by
baggage agents and carried In the
baggage cars of tho company, when
accompanied on tho same train by the
owners, free of cost, provided the pass
enger presenting a bicycle for carriage
has no baggage: otherwise the bicycle
will he charged for at regular rates.
This arrangement applies to all the
lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad
System east of Pittsburg and Erie.
Price List.
A few bargains for you In Groceries
this week.
Very best Hour, cloth sack
Extra spring wheat, patent
ti Papers corn starch
t lb. Paper soda
7 Cakes Lenox or Gloss soap
7 Cans extra tomatoes
7 lbs. Arbuckle or Lion coffee
1 13
1 00
a "
4 "
7 "
Best rolled oats
Lump starch
Cleaned currants
Finest lima beans
" navy "
Pearl tapioca 23
Lard very finest, open kettle 8
20 lbs. Lard very finest open kettle 1 50
This Is just like home made lard.
Full stock and lew prices all along
the line. Rouinbom & Muxdorff.
Still here and going to stay. Any
watch or dock repairing left with Ed.
Gooder will receive the best care, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Jas. K. Johnston will give each lady
a beautiful souvenir Saturday who at
attends his shoo parlor opening.
Shoes are cheaper than ever before If
you buy from Robinson's.
For neat fitting suit, go to Snyder &
Johns, fushlonuble tuilors
Don't miss attending Jos. K. Johns
ton's shoe parlor opening Saturday.
Make an effort to get the free trip to
Niagara Falls, N. Y., that is now offered
by The Stab.
Bucklen's Arnica Salvt.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures plies, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 23
cents per box. For sale by H. Alex.
Stoke' Advertising Space.
An Extensive
of Wall Papers llko ours Is something worth
seeing. With a profusion of rich, striking,
and effective patterns, such as we offer, one
might often bo at a loss just what to select In the
multiplicity of first choices presented.
A Mistake
Is scarcely possible, though. where the possibility
of choice is confined to the choicest and most
artistic designs produced for this season. Cov
ered with such papers, your walls In-come a
series of pictures that charm the eye. Tempting
figures these: 2.000 roils at 4c. per'roll at
Stoke's Pliarmncy.
Here's What's
A line right up-to-date
Ladies' Suits and Skirts,
French Organdies, Grass Linens, in Silk Stripes and
Checks, very pretty. Call and see them.
CARPETS, See Carpets. You must go where
they are to do that, and a call at our estab
lishment will make it clear to you that we
show everything desirable in the carpet line.
Your floor coverings should be durable as
well as handsome, new and artistic as well as
attractive and appropriate, and to cap all,
reasonable in price. From carpets and rugs
to oil cloths, linoleums and mattings we show
what it's truly a delight to see.
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
are always receiving new goods and ran always give you
good values in
Dry Groods,
-Notions, Clothing,
Hats and Cajf-i,
Shoes, Etc.
We carry a complete stock of everything and you will find
our GROCERIES and PROVISIONS always up to
standard in quality, and the very lowest
price. We invite a share of your trade.
Ladles' Shirt. Waists
in styles none better.
Wash Goods,