IHiieljIrd, 'the,Arhltikr of sprlnu, have Clrmdy lifcn noticed 111 New Jersey nntl : 'eutiaylvanla. I Hidden I'lares, Why a weasel nhciiilil hate n rut I tranu, l hn i only mi alonsated rut himself, lint and nice, love hidden place, hiicI n weasel Ik about the. only living thlnf tnnt can llml lhm out, Ache mid rutin are Ilka rat nnd mice. They seek out the. hidden pliice of tho human KVKlnin n t ifnnw nnd rnvK tha muscle and nerve. Ht. Jacob Oil, Ilk" 11 weasel, kno how to ko fnrtliKtn. It will penetrate to the secret rocease of the pain, and break up Iik habitation unit drive It out. It.tt unit mice kIiiiu tho corner where wwtaol hit been, and pain mid aches nn fairly driven nut by Ht. Jiu-oli OH nra or manenily enrol mid seldom punin hack to llteirohl hiiuiiiK. There mut tn paileneo with the treatment: hiiim chronic form are Mubborn nil I resist, hut tlm irreat remedy will finally conquer and itlve health, and itrongth to thn afflicted purls. Wnrx billon or costive, ent a Ccret, randy tnthnrtlci cure Ktiuiantced; I0r:ftc. ft Art or iimn, nrr or ioi.bdo, FftAUR .1. I'MRNhv ,tmka oMb that ( tha nior iriiin nl' tht firm of I. HtrtT Jk l.'o.,inth( hmhmiwt in tliMMynf 'I i te t, i iMitii v and Htat aforesaid, nnil tlmt fin id linn will ynj thaatim of n.xr, Hi'TniHio rmtXAR for em-ii And evarv rn or ro Ahhh tlmt utinot ba eurad by thaua HAi.ii Catahrh I titr. FltAKK J. t.'HINRT- Sworn lo TfVra me nnd aniwrilwd in inr I- 'i prtiamir., tltit Atli dav of )ceni.er, 4 ar-.T. A. D. KM. A. V. Ui.i wn. ' v Rotary iVftffr. Haifa Catarrh Oura U Ukftti tnirt na ly, and Ada directly m t lie blood and mucous anrrnc.-'a f the aystam. Send for tMimmtnl, frea. F. .1. CiiNftKY Co., i'ultdo, O. liuli'a Fiiuily Vill ni-a the bert- lohn P. Cuddy, ft fniinrr nf Hull i morn Vim lv, MiirviniKl. dlrd fin fHrf' liMh. in liin l"th y:ir. Mr. ruddy niinU tht- flr-t 1 t ip mi l'flr'i' t 'ivijirrN lmninMlw' mtrth H. i. nn AnuuM :.'th. Kit. Ih-nln ini-wnt lu-n Pri'tV--!!!' .Mnrsi' t tbn llit t lu t:t tli i ini'-(iw' vt rlbe It. iV O. vlti" U'lurcn Hullb more ii iid W iibliit"ii, T'nch n.ilmon pnluw nbotit 'JO.OOO.OPO eKK" : n.ln-ltur (or Vlfty Out. ! Over 41 vm fiin il. Why rmt li t No-Tn-TW fi'irillnti til MMlMtve iill' diirt' lol- tnliwi-cn n-s niori inukt lnnlib uti" tnnhbund. Mi'i1 uuiiiiiiiti ii. fi ti-iiis uud tl-'U, at nil tit Utf-tiMc Ib't ton-Is Rro noltl at 8 pcn'.'O npb'flfl in lnV ( lirr tur ( 'iili-tlliipt inn i fill A N. 1 A-ilnim nn uii 'nr. W. U.Wii i.i M", Anlini li. i IIK., Au-il II. lv.i). j ('AfrAlsfT' limulnt livrr. kidnoy nnil Jiuwils, Never m ki n, wiaktu or to il1 ; hv, KliMk Iiitt Vonr MIiopi AHon'i Vrtot-K'Wf. n p.iwdnr for tb fwt. Il in ret painful, hwnllrn, winirtiiu ftvi, and hi t"tnntl ttik- iba ntliiar "Ut or' fftra und bun inn'. It. tin- im-iltt riHiiforr, diiirv of tht jittc A I Inr Fnnt-KtHi iutktH tifjtht-Ht. tbn; fir ii'-w Mhoiw fi'i'i tvin, li i u oM t tln curt1 1 n w .'utinn. fullniw iind hot, tiiv 1, hoIi. Init Ittpl. Try il bi-.biy, Hnbl by uM dnutf.ftf nnd iini' "lor.". ii m ill for 'JV In ntinuiM. 'J'riMl itritkrtifi! I-'rtKK, Addrjj( Allen Si. Oim-u-d, Lu Ki, N. V. Life and VmWh llni)):nr mill Ufcfiiliic"!. depend upon pure IiIoimI, llimirHSariipiirilln nrtke pni'ikl'inil. Tills lr I lie tinu to liiko Hood's Siuiip irillil. Iii r:iui' I tip lilnoil l now loaded with linpu. rilie lri:h lnil-1 hp promptly expi'llt'd (T hpallh will be In dimmer, lteiiiemlier, Hood's s;a iKlbcbeol-ln flirt the OneTrue Blood I'lirlfter. Mold by all ilniKuil. $1. lx for $.". f.-Jf. n!l. net. barniontniiK'v with nOuu S rlllS itomi'K !Suiiipriiiu. Who opened that Doctie or HIRES Root beer? The nopnitifiof a rnrk f rnm a Iml 1 1 o rf Hires IB ii Binniil of good licullh mid plca km re. A aoiind the old folks like to hoar the children cau't resist it. HIRES! Rootbeer U eompoKed of the very liiureillenta the yalttin reoiilnM. Aiding ttiodleealloUtHOOIhllig ttie nerveK, purifying t.liA lilnnH. A Inmnitp. Hum drink tor temper- MHIm auce oeonle. r Httflft mt hr Till Chirlci (. Ultra OK., nilfc A pwkKl. ntlm. ft il&llou. P ENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHN W MORRIS, WASHINGTON, 0. C Lt rrtaclpftl Kxftnlftcr U. I. FcbiIod Bur. tt ri. iu Imi Mar, lit tuljutluwUikA elawiut, atty. ftluu G RT It It 'll nnl' kly: Mid for "aim Invention Wmii'iiu' uuAa Tatk A; Co.. ii'WHy, N.i. Pistols and Pestles. The duelling pistol now occupies its proper plaoe, in the museum of the collector of relics of barbarism. The pistol ought to havo boaido it the pestle that turned out pills like bullets, to be shot lilce bullets at the target of the liver. But the pestle is still in evidence, and will be, probably, until everybody has tested the virtue of Ayer's sugar coated pills. They treat the liver as a friend, not as an enemy. Instead of driving it, they coax it. They are compounded on the theory that the liver does its work thoroughly nnd faithfully under obstructing conditions, and if the obstructions are removed, the liver will do its daily duty. When your liver wants help, get "the pill that will," Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE ( I'RT OF 1MAHETES, A Cava flneeeiRfnlly Treatail In MailUoa rontity, ?l. T. From the Pram, Vlwa, M. T. On thn reoommnndntlon of Mr. Wllllnm Woodman, of South lliimllton, New Vork, th nt Mr. AmoK .TmpiavK, a resident of (lolum Inn Cpntre, Naw York, ba Intnrvlfweil r gardlnK hlK extrnordlnnry rapotary from nd-Tiini-ad kidney trouble, embrnHnir dlnbatea In ll. wir.it form, Mr. .Inipiaya wiik vIkIIuiI nnd willingly nimla tha nci'nmpnn.vlni( ttnte' menti "1 am fifty yearof at", and flva yara bro liit.m to Kiuterwith piiln. In 1 tin linek nml wenknew In tha reulnn of tha kldnevK, and I hud a tromeiidoiiK flow of urlna. Hiranife to nv, my nppelltn Inereu'ed to an oxtrnordln nry deuree, hut Inotend of ulvlnit ineKlninittb my food Kaeinad to nmko me weiiker nn thinner, and 1 wkk terribly enii'llpnted. Mf month wiik piiKly, I had eontlnuoiiK heart burn nnd piiln B"roKK tha lower part of my KtoniHi'h nad frequent yomltltiit. Indeed, all, or nenrly ail, my funiMiona tmenma lmalred, my "lalit wiik dim. nmniory dn. Kertod me. nnd life beenma IrkKome, 1 eon aiilted the beat medlenl talent 111 theeountv, and they nil dlnnoed my enKO aa Kiiunr dla betKH in Iik mint iiKurnrnti'd form, but ttnva me no reiiot whnlever. At lnt I wnK In Kin'h a dHKpernte eondltlon Ihnt a oonnell of phy KleliinK wn called, but their Hood nffh'BK did ma no Rood, and I looked forward to ileal h with KHilnfnetion na Ilia only relief 1 could e.xpect. My old friend, William Woodman, nhont thin tlma enmn to vlHlt me, and from him I llit benrd of Dr. William' l'lnk Pill, whb'h he dwhiied had eured him of rheumiitlKin, with whb'h ha hud KiilTered all hl. life, nnd ha believed they would do mo uood, ax ha bud read of u enna of dlnhete tielnir eured by their ue. I bellere It wiik next d iv nfte'r Mr. Woodmiin'K visit tlmt Mr. V. Hyde, of Routli iliunillon, New York, eulled on me, and I wiik told ny him tlmt I'mk I'IIIk had Kuved IiIk Hie nnd heiidvlKiid muby all manna to try them, "IhlK aetilal tho queatlon, and I nt onea beifiin n eourKo of Iioiuh treiiiment with lr. WIIIIiiiiik' l'lnk Pill". Within n week tha mo Heine bejtun to do It work, tha enutipn tlon wn relieved, my Hkln, whleh had been dry nnd hard, itMttimeil It. noriniil feel nnd nppeiirnnee, 1 no lontcar had tlmt liiKiifTer nlily bud Mta In in v mouth, nnd tlioim-li mill weak nnd nhii"-l lielpieKs the piiln in my t'liirk and kidney bei;iin to iiIkiIh nnd the How ol urine deereimed. Hut 1 wn Inr from henllh, and built very lew Impe on permnn ent enre, thnui;h I O'liiliniied to take tha piiln I'oiivtiintly lor the m-xi year and a half, Krowlnu Klowly but win ly iliirimt that time better and beiler. Then I beuan to re luee tho dailv doe, nnd kept tiieinliui; until Klx innnth iiko, when I il ln'onl In ihm! them, and I wiik entirely eured. "I am Mill KUhjeet to eold, which Ik not to ettleln my kblnevK, nml nlwiiVKkeep rink nil by me, u ihey bring mo round very ipiii klv. In nil, I have, I believe, taken tllty hoxea of Dr. William' I'mk Pill, mid hull never hu without them an loin; n 1 liuve half a dollar. 1 have rHi-ommendod them to i. II my KiinerliiK friends, and Ihey aeem to be irood lor nnv ill.orderof the ayatem, iik they bnvii never failed to do tlulr work In any ease that 1 know ol, and aomo wore pretty low. 'I eertlfv tha above Klntament to be trua In every pnrtieulur, nnd If I commanded Ktromrer lantf unite, 1 would use It In praising Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "Amok jAOTAvn." Mr. .Tnipiay 1 A highly respoetablo nnd weli-to-ilo hirmer nnd builder, nnd highly connei-ted In MihIIkoii Cuiintv. The proprietors ol Dr. William' Pink Pill Mate Hint they are not a patent medicine, hut a prescription ii"ed lor many years bv nn am lueiit prii ' lltioner, who produced the most woniierful rcKtiit with them, ciirlnjjiil! forms oi wen una arising iroyi n winery cuiMiuon of the blood orslmibred ni rves, two fruitful etuis' h of almost every III to which flesh In heir. 'J lie pills are also n apccillc for the trouble peculiar to females, such a suppres sions, nil forms of weakness, uhronlo consti pation, bauilng-down pains, etc., and in tha caie of men will give sp -edy rolief and effect a permniient euro in all rases arising from liieiiml worry, overwork, oroxcesses of what ever nature. They are entirely harmless nnd can ba given to weak and sickly children with I he greatest good and without the slightest danger. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or w ill be sent poHtpald on reelpt of price, 60 cents a box, or six boxes for t2.o0 (they are never sold In bulk or by tha H'lt), bv addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady. N, Y. Try (.rnlii.Ot Try lr.!n.l'. AV your grocer to-d iy to show you a TMck" ngc of tirain-O. the nt io;sl drlnlc that t ke the place of riffce. TIib chl' Jrea mty drink it without Inlury as well a tin adult. All who try il like II. 4r,in-0 h is that ra h seal brown of Mo ha or Java, Iml It Is made from pure vnins, ami the in st dcllctlc stoninoli re reives il it Ik, lit iliKirese, One-utmrter thn price ol inllee. 15 ets. au.i Si cts. per puckate, bolti by nil grocers. The Paltlmorc I'liamls'i' of t'ommerco ha decided lo rhargeail Ins peel ion fee of ,16 1'elits per lint lui-lii'ls for the inspectloii of grain arriving ni Haltiiuore. 'i'iils charuu licrctofore has hcuu .ri cents per J 1 10 huhcl. FlTSstopied five and pcriii'tncntlyeiircd. No fits alter ttrrt ilav's use of IHi. Ki.in.:'m iiuIat NSHV til kstoiieii. Free $ ! trial lxittle end Ireat- Isc, bvua to Ui. Kline, mi Arch ft., I'lilla., 1 Mrs. W inslow's Soothing Syrup forrhlldren betliiiiit, sullen the uuins. reduces iutlamina. Hon, ullayn pain, cures wiml colli', liolllb. .TnfT try a 10c. Pox of C'"creu. the flneat liver and bowe reiruiKtnr ever made. Uoat FIre-Pronf Door. Numprous exierlirifiits to determine the heat fire-resisting uiaterlnU for the construction of duor have proved tlint wood covered with tin reslata Are better than an Iron door. It la do hfTuir of otira. But la It not? Poet not tho man or woman who fnlle to apeak the needed word at the right moment, to five the Inspiration of ayn patby or of counsel, become morally accountablo for the failure? NEW RHPUBUCS. Example of the United States Upon Neighboring Nations. Eight een Governments Have Be come Free and Independent. Bitioo tho birth of thn present cen tury no loss 1 1 1 ii il 18 governments tin tins side of tlm Atlantic! have joined thn aisterhootl nf fi'eo republics. Without ntti)iiiitiiig to titiino lliem in strict clirouoloKicnl order, these several republics nrn na follows ! Chile, Argentina, llolivm, l'eril, Mexico, I'liingnny, Uruguay, Colombia, I'iCtm ilor, Hi)iiilni'iis,Ni(!iirnKiin,('ostii Iticn, (iniiteiiiiila, Hun .Salvador, llayti, Hun ltiiiiiinKi), Venezuela nnd Itrail. As to tho Kconrapliieat locutiou of these various, republic, If ny ti nml Httn D'Mititigi) are utimnn the West Indies; Muxioo.in Ninth America; Argctitiiiti, Hulivin, lirnxil, Cliilo.Coloiiibin.FiCiiii- dor, I'cin, I'ariiKittiy, Urtiguny nml Vciie.iielii, in Sontli America, ntiit Itiindnitis, (Itinteninlii, Costn Hici, Nicnrnmtiti ami Hun Salvador, in Cou t rn I Aitii-rieii. While the various Central American slntea have maintained aepttrtite nnd Independent (overtimptits duritij; the grenter part of the century, n nuiou between three of these st'ites, viz.. Hou iturns, Nienrngna nml Kun Hulvtidor Iims recently been lol tiled under tho pi ovisinnul iinmo of "The Greater llo publio of Ceutrnl Aniorictt." As hodii ns.tho two remtiining atntes, Costti I' en nnd Guutenitilit, cuter the union it will then bo Known n "Tho Central Amei ion n Jli'publie." Of the IS republics above men I ioiK'il, t lifto in nut a Mingle one which does, not owe il existence to Hpnnisli despotism nnd which has not been curved out of Spnnish territory. The loss which Hpttiii litis av'Htninetl, there fore, (luring the past century, with tho single exeeptioti of Cuba, includes her entire possessions in tho new world. Unless a miracle ittleivencH to prevent Cuba from achieving her independence tho lust vestige of Span ish rule on thin Hide of tho Atlantic will be obliterated. Excepting; Mexico nnd Venezuela but little is known of these American republics savo in a very general way. From tho Intent ofllcial returns the chief executives of these republics are as follows: Mexico, I'ortlrto Diaz; Venezuela, Joniptiu Crenpo ; Argen tina, Jose Unburn; Brazil, l'ruileuto do Mornos; BoIivin.Severn Fernandez Alonzo; Colombia, Antonio C.iroj Costa ltiea, Kif iol Iglosiasj Ecuador, Eloy All'ni'o ; Gitatemaln, Jose Mat in I'urrowa; llayti, Tireains Simon Kara; Honduras, l'olicarpo IJonillu; Nicar nguii, Joso Snntoa Z;lnyn ; I'ern, Nich olas tie I'lerolti ; Salvador, H ifaul Gtt tieriez; Paraguay, Jiniii EgUKquizi; Sun Domingo, Ulysses lfourlatix, and Urugiitiy, Juan liordn. Had it not been for tho suocoss of the American revolution those coun tries would no doubt still be under tlio dominion of Spain. It is due in a largo menstiro, therefore, to tho in spiration which our own experiment at self-government has furnished that South America is today the abode of freedom. With something of tho Hiirao spirit which inspired tho mother of the Graechi, this country can point to the young republics of tho new world and exclaim: "These ro my jewclbl" Atlanta Constitution. A Wnriiinir Against Brazil. Brazil is not a profitable pluco to go to without capital. Our consul nt Puru utters this warning to Americans, declaring that "energy ami push" are not enough for emigrants to start with. He says: "No Americana coming to Para without tha means to maintain themselves while acquiring the lan guage and seekiug employment can liuve much chance of success. "That language is Portuguese, and ono must know it in order to find em ployment. Puru bus more applicants than positions. Salaries are small, and living the most expensive in the world. "Neurly everything consumed here is imported, and paya a very high im port duty. Salaries for clerks nre from $15 to $15 a month. The un certuiu and ever-changing value of the money lias an injurious effect upon trade. None mifl'ur more from it than tbey'who work for wages, for while the cost of living is made dearer by the tlnauoinl eoudition of the country, salaries undergo little or no change as the money fluctuates in valuos. As to outdoor labor, no white American who exposes himself, as he would be compelled to do, to the sun's burning rays and daily rains tnut full here in the wet seuHou could hope to escape the yellow fever. "it is truo, money is plentiful and the cxportutiou of natural products guarantees a permanent prosperity to this part of Brazil; but no one can successfully deal in rubber unless he has n large capital. The competition is great. In the rubber Held, men without tnonoy can play no pnrt.nuless they become rubber gatherers, In which case they would have leu chances for death against ono for life. Ou some of the rivers 50 percent of the natives die who go there. "The value of tho milrcis is the low est in the history of Brazil, as it now requires over 0 1-2 milreis to buy $1 (United States), which, in the middle of thu coffee nnd lubber season, is nn iin!ool;ed-for condition. Business is H it." Now York Press. Sou ices of Uutta.lVrt'h.1. Gntta-perchn, like India rubber, is obtained from the juices of certain trees and climbers. iXhe beat is pro duced by it true, the Isotiaudrn guttn, of tho order Supotucm, which former ly abounded nt Singapore and in nil Malaysia, but which now tends to dis appear under tho ravages committed by giitherors. Guttn, in Mnlny, aig uilles gum or lime; purcha signifies scrap. Incisions are made in the bark, ns ou rubber trees, nnd tho liquor Hows of perfect whiteness, darkening at contact of air. Coagulation tnkoa place spontaneously in a short time. Like rubber, t he liquid forms a film on top. This cream is removed, kneaded into a large lump nnd plumped into boiling water. Under tho notion of a high temperature it Hoftens and forms the cake usually found in commerce. Oilier trees in Malaysia and Farther India, in Cam bodiu and Cochin China, produce good gutta. lu Hindustan different grades nre mixed by the natives. Chinoso merchants, in their depots, mix nnd manipulate to givo ft good snperllcinl appearance to tho product, ns tho price is constantly advancing. As tho gathers also do not scruple to nilil vegetiiblo tlobiia, earth, or sand, it has become tlifliiiiilt to secure a pure arti cle. An inferior quality is obtained from troos nnd climbers in Africa nml Madagascar, and, with the develop ment of those countries, more may bo expected, Applftoti's Popular Science Monthly. "Ilia; Hipper" Still' Arc Simi, Mary Proctor, Ilia astrououiist.snys in Popular Astronomy that tho seven stars in "Big Dipper" are in reality seven splendid sun, prolmbly very mtioh larger thau our sun, ami glow ing with iutense lustre. Iron sodium, mngncsinm, nnd other well known elements exist in the atmospheres of theso stars, nnd these massive globes, raging with fiery heat, rush through the dopths of apace with inconoivnblo speed. Five of the stars are receding from us nt tho rate of seventeen miles per sccond.the other two are traveling in mi opposite direction. It is cortaiu that theso two do not belong to tho same system ns do the other live. Thirty-six thousand years hence the seven stars of the Great Dipper will have dissolved partnership and its ap pearance will have changed. The bundle of tho dipper will be bent nnd its rim out of place, for tho reason that liv. stars will havo drifted in ono direction nnd two in another. There are stars traveling in family parties, colonies ol' slurs of a friendly tend ency drifting together, others less friendly drifting npart. Despite tho fact thut eueli star thus urging its way through yuiQ is an enormous mass of glowing vapor, yet tho most perfect order nnd hurmouy prevail iu tho star depths. Sal vat fun Army Work in Kiigrlaud. Tho report of tho "Darkest Eng land" scheme for the Solvation Army for tho last year shows that 3,231,917 meals wore Hiippliud, and 1,330,240 night's lodgings ; 2,531 men were ru oeived into the factories, 111 into tho ilrat prison home, 11,899 provided with employment, temporary or per mauent, and 1,535 women and girls received iuto rescue homos. Although there is no protouse of making the work self-supporting, tho shelters for food and lodgings roooived over $190,000 from those sheltered; the City Colony with its many brunches, returned $170,000 toward nn expense of $193,000, and the Farm Colony, in spite of very muny diflljiilties, came within $25,000 of meetiugits expendi ture of $250,000. The Over-Sea Col ony, it is stated, still hangs lire. The Stranger's Mistake, "Well, little ehup," said the at run ger in tho family.piekingupoue of the children, "what nre you going to hi1 wlion you're a man?" "Nnflln'," suid the child. "Nothing? Why so?" askod tha stranger. 'IJueiiiisii," said tho ohild, "I'm only a little girl," Harper's Hound Table, Before , , V" Compound, my health was gradually being under TV mined. I suffered untold agony from painful fcg'Xi'L menstruation, backache, pain on top of my 4j fill Jeifc If-' J.I, stand tip e rable. One thrown into my I then got noma pound and Liver feel like a newf . 41. a ,t,U 1 shall tor what it lias done Mrs. BF Lydia R. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound 1ms cured me of painful men struation and buck licit e. The pnin in my back was dreadful, and the agony I Buffered during menstruation nenrly drove me wild. Now this (sail over, thnnks to Mrs, Plnkhnm's medicine and advice. Mrs. CAitttiE V. Williams, South Mills, N. C. The great volume of testimony proves conclusively that Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound Is a safe, sure and almost infallible remedy In cases of irregularity, suppressed, excessive or painful monthly periods. "CnTJ T7ITTI t W direct special alten. J7 JLVXJJlJ I li loliowlug re. Dear Madame i Votirs to hsnd. I recom menrl the Moore trcRiment liecaiue 1 have trleil il. and ' know it to he lust what he ays It I. I wa curd hv It. and havo remslned o j eight yesni: have known or ' ninny other. Iielng cured of the very worst case. My all meant get It. Your truly. W. K. Pbw. Kciikk a Sptip.us. Ann. The ahove I s letter written by t lie Into Itev. W. K. Venn, the notctl Kvanye list, to Mr. W. II. ntai.it. New Albion, N. V. Restored His Haaring in 5 Minutes. Mr niTP fi H'l. T mif- fereil from CaLnrrh 10 yoHr. If ml in t (Mine htatj rtclio. continual rnnrlnir :ind Pintrinir In enr, took L'olil cmil.v. My hoarii'tr hciriiii to full, and for three vexTA wa almost I'littrply af, and ron lititiully drew worio, Kvnrythftiir 1 hail trletl frit led. liifleflpaii' I com menced to nun Aerirt" Mmlirntion In I?kn. aIH tlm effect of the firm flplif:ttiii wan simply wonderful. In lc than five minute ruv henrlng win fully re tored, and has Iteen perfect ever aim-, and In Blew tuouthi wa. entirely ourod of ('iiturrli. r,i.i iiitowx, .laoksnoro, renn. "Whereas I was deaf, now I hear." At the njre of iw, after hav fnK urTered from Catarrhal OeafneM twenty yparp. am truly thankful to tato that I am entirely cured by Aerial Modlcntlon: ray henrlnff. which had become to had that I could not hear a watch tick, or c-onveraatlon, ! fully re MortMj. .1 will verify this statement. Wm. Rit nrr, Derby Center, Vt. Medicine for 3 Months' Treatment Free To Introduce this treatment and prove be yond doubt that Aerial Medication will euro IieafneM, Catarrh, Throat and I. unit l)liisei, I will, for a shirt time, send Medicine for three month' treatment free. Addren, J. H. Moors, M. D Dept. K. 7, Cincinnati, 0, JONES ON A SCALE GUARANTEED Accuracy-Durability, LOWEST PRICES. JONES-BINCHAMTON. N. Y. 111 tlttC EAC I Beit Cuuati riymp. Tasttia (JtHHi. Use in iime. Mnid hy arugulttft. THE STANDARD PAINT FOP STRUCTURAL PURPOSES. Pamphlet, "HuKiteiititm for Exterior Decoration," Sample Card and Descriptive Price Mat free by mail. Aabratoe KouHiia, llulldlna Felt, Hieam Packing, Roller f'ovrrln.s, Flrr-Praof Painla, Kte. Aabrataa an-4:onlueilna aud Kle. lrli al luolailnH material. H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New tork. CHICAOOl 340342 lUndolpb Ht. PHILADKI.PU1 Al 170 k ITS Nc,.th4th Ht. BOSTOKl 17 7 Pearl SI. e ANDY t (1 )i CURECOHSTIPATIOM 10 25 50 1BS0LI TFI.7 GITlRllITRRri n " e"lMtloa. rimrttl r tke IStal Un auauUUiEiUI UUnnaHl&EiU m... a..tr arlperarlM.bal euet Mralaral malts. Baa. pUaadkekletfree. Ad. STRRMNIi RRHKDT CO., Ckleaeo, Montr.!. Caa. , r tlm Terk. tti. IT TU Far rp Taa Uocroa uOn Uyr of l Mmr It bavl ttnouirh. you lu tiifehr Baby utajrrfwuvtr r uuitNiinu( iniirsi." m K - "A Fair Face Cannot Atone for an Untidy House." Use SAPOLIO Each Relieved of Periodic Pain 'and Back ache. A Trio of Fervent Letters. tislnir Lvdia E. I'lnklinm'a Ves-etabla liriHI aim U I It I I llll blUIIUIC. A iM'ociutieu UJ try Mrs. I'inkliam'sj Compound, and found that It wns nil any woman needs who suffers with painful monthly periods. It entirely cured me. Mhs. Okoroik Wask, Hank St., Cincinnati, O. For years I had suffered with painful men struation every month. At the beginning of menstruation It was impossible for me to for mora tlian fire minutes, I felt ao mis tlny a little book of Mrs. I'inkham's wns house, and I net right down and read It. of Lydln E. ritikhnm's Vegetable Com Pills. I can heartily aay that to day I woman; my monthly suffering Is a thine always praise the Vegetable Compound for me. MAnoAltr.T AstiRRSo.N, 3u3 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me. IILJ.I UI )l I MJ m Jl'ljj l,lliMlfU W I Unecjualled, Unapproached. STANDARD OF THE WOBLD. f 00 to " mUk- POPS. MFO. CO., Hartferd, Conn. Catalogue free from dealer or by mail for one 2-eent stamp. iV. L. DOUGLAS DOLLAR SHOE BEST HI THE WORLD FOR 14 TEARS this shoe, by merit alons, i has distanced all competitors. I INDORSED BY OVER 1.000.000 WEARERS s THE BEST In style, fit and durability of T any shoe ever offered at $).oo. I IT IS MADE IN ALL THE LATEST SHAPES and STTLES and of every variety of leather, t ONE DEALER IN A TOWN riven exclusive T aie ana aavertisra in iwhi pupcroo receipt. n receipt , ilone to I of reasonable order. Write for catalogue I W. L. 7)00GLAS, Brockton, Mais. PN U 4 CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS ALABASTINE.J WON T RUB OFF. 1st l iisanttary. KAIJHOMIXR IS amAi, via.avm urr VA.l.K.. a I ana OTIIIir P"- pormanaot and artistlo ALAbAo I INc jagft sfcsz. ru For Male by Paiat Dealers Kverywaere. PDCC A Tlut Card ihowinu 10 doalrabla tints., alio Alabastlna rflLL Bouvenir Hock nttree toauyonemeiiiioniDrtliiapapnr, AbADAHii a.:w uraua M,iaa, alien.