The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 31, 1897, Image 4

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    Appreciation Counts.
No nno but a publisher of u paper or
tnngH.ino known the trials nnd ti-lbulH-tinnx
which n''t it publisher In his
efforts to put Into the liiimlri of the rend
ing public mi Interesting und Instructive
perlodieiil. Mi' ciitiiml please everyone,
of emirs", nnd nmi" f those whoiln not
iindei stiiinl his dillleultlex full too easily
Snhnrriiilinn fl.00 per war, l mh nnn.
4-. ,. SI'l.fllUNSON, ICilllor iiimI Pub.
vk rs Ks I aYTmai "i t :nT .
An Inili'pi'iiiliMM Inrnl pupcr. iiilllslii-il every
l-tltH-xilll.v III Ki'Vliiililxvllle, .lell'i'lst'll I'm.
I'a., ilcviiii'd In tin- liiletr-six nf Hi'Viinlil" villi'
iiml .li'llVrsiiti ml v. i in -mil It It'll I. will I rent
ll villi r,,ii-n.wM.,,ni WiM hiM...iiM-iHMyriii-i,.i- , , ;, j , complaint, mid some ,
ly lovviiriU iht Itiliiirlinr rliisx. 1
riiilisiTipilnn pi lrrl.(iii'i yt-iu.lii nil v m n. v. whiiniv iilei,si il do lint think to nil y ho,
I 'i m mil ii Ii'u I Ii mix Inii'iiili'd fur iiiililli'iii Mm , '
tnllsl lie iiii'iiliinlllll'il hy Mil' wrllcl mum-, "1" llimi.v lilipiy "". mm n J"iee uif
In m t nf tlii imlil inh'-r with sentiments
following vises,
net for piihlli'iii Inn, lull tin it irimi'iiitti'r nf
ffitnil fiilth. Iiitt'ri-stlinr news lienix xiillrlieil.
Ail vtrt lilnir Nile miiile known on itppllrii- ' xucli lis noni'iir In lln
. ! hi . i.i hi . i. 1 '
l.i-iuilny I'limmiiiiliMiiliiii mill rlminir nf ! 'id knowing that I tin piipi'f Is wanted.
Hfl i'I llxi'ini'lils slmillil I'IMli'll tills oilier liy
Miinilnv ilium.
iVIilrrss nil i-iiltiliiillili'lltliili In ('. A. flepli
mis,h. Hi'viiultlivllli'. Pn.
i-.ti r in tin- piKiiitiii'i' ut iii'vniiiiitviiii'.
I'll.. n nim'iiiiiI i'Iiiih mull mutter.
Cvntirlcv' UJutttr.
1'iissi'tnrer triilim iirrlvi' anil Irtivc Hryii
olilxvilli' iih ftilluwx:
. It. IP '. . (f. ff- .1. Dir)
irlvi-s I lli'lliirtx
Tniln Nn 71. I" VI n in iTriiln Nil is, l: .VI p in
Allrijlirini Viillnj Itnihriiii.
I''.llst tt lll ll. West Wll I'll.
T niln I), - - it. IS ii. tn Tniln il,
Tin I n I, - - l.'.M p. in. Tniln J. - - I 40 p. in.
Tniln .1 - - p. in. Train t. - - 7. Vi p. m.
iikvnoi.iisvim.f. rosT-nrrnn.
Mailt iirrlve mill leum lln' pnst-nltli-i- mm
Arrive. Ili'pnrl.
rilllM TIIK H-:HT. KOI Til V. KAST.
I.l.'i p. iii. - 7.ii p. ill. I'!.:inp. in - - ii.1.'" p. m.
H im II. III. - - S.IHI p. 111. J.I.I II. III. - I.l.'i p 111 .
Arrive fretti Knlhlni'l mill I'ri'si'nl I v Hie
1 1 in ii in.
Arrives from I'linlr Tilesiliiyx, Tliui'ilny
mill Siittmlfiys ni 'J.;in p. in.
llnpilliM fur I'resi'nll villi'. Itlttlitnl'l. Pnnlr
:i.'i p. in.
I VI il lens don't seem to count for
nuii'li with our law makers in snino
cuxos. cxprcinlly when It conies to Inter
fering with tin1 liquor business. Tin'
temperance people of Pi'iinxylvttnin,
'iri'iiliiti'd pi'tltloiiN oyor tlio Hlnto, to
which tlioy ri'cclvi'd a lnrjfo iinmbi r of
hIuiiiiIiii'i'M, iixklni; the ( Jcncnil Ah.-ciiiIiI.v
of the State to pax tin net to prohibit
frialin In intnxicnt int; li(iiorx. .hixt
why the lepii xetiliitivex of the people
vefuxi'd lo pa-x xucli il law, for we think
it wax it t;iiod one, we will not attenipl
to explain, but t!i,i bill wax killed, how
ever, on the lliial pusxii),".' in the Semite
laxt Weilni'xihiy. The I'liihidelphln
Itiinril xiiyx: "No frh ml of temperance
need f'j.'l called upon to exhibit (jl ief lit
the defeat of the bill to prohibit 'Ireat
itiir.' Tliat the ciixtoin of biiylni;
ilipiorx for one'x fi ienilx and iieiUiiint
tinecH ix vlcloux ix yeiiernlly nifreed: but
there ix no nxxertiyc xentiiueiit detnaml
i it prohibitive cnaetmi lit of llilx
ohiiracter, and In the abxeiiee of xucli
xepi iineiil tlie operation of xucli a law
would prove faieial. There are cnoinrh
lawx of a dead-letter xort already on the
wtatuti! hook, without inereaxlnir thclixt
hy othcrx of a HliU-born character."
We heli'vo the ti'inpeiiinc ; people have
reilxon to bo (jrlevcd at the defeat of
the hill, but tlio temperance people
were not thu only onex Inteivxtcil In the
(luxxttiro of thlx act. Men who drink
liquor and know that thu "uuxtom of
buyiiijf liquor for one'x frlendx and
ac(iuiintanoeB Ix vlcioux," and that it
1 1 ax been the Mart i lie; point luanv tliuex
for men to partako too frequently from
itho cup that inaketh a man forget lilx
debtx and lanileth him In the biisom of
blx fumlly In a beaxtly intoxicated con
dition, wore Inbjrextcd in thu piixxa(.'o
of thix hill. Next to tho curxo of drink
ing the liquor ilxelf, ix tho treat int;
syHtom. Tho men who trout 'und aro
treutod need no argument to convince,
tlieni that if xuch a law wax puxxud that
It would xavo many a man fromxM!ndin(;
liib hard carm.-d money for liquor which
Ills family needed for breud and cloth
ing. Tho long list of petitioners Is not
considered "axxertlvo Hcntimcnt" by
tho Itrcnnh It may have proven a dead
letter law, but our law makers are
passing ninny another act that will be
dead-letters and that are of very little
importance to tho pooplo. The ''dead
letter" exeuw.) offered by tho ltcvmd Is
pretty thin. Why not have given the
petitioners tho satisfaction of knowing
that there is such a law by passing it
even If It would only have been u dead
letter y
Governor Hastings has Issued a pro
clamation fixing Friduy, April I), and
Friday, April 21), as Arbor Days. The
Governor says: "The custom of annual
ly fixing a day to bo celebrated as Arbor
Day, has spread Into every section of
the country. The value of these
celebrations has been abundantly mani
fest, ' In the state which claims the
honor of having originated Arbor Day,
more than 350,000,000 trees were planted
during the first Ave years. The cere
monies Incident to Arbor Day have
created Increased interest In the growth
and care of trues, und have quickened
the appreciation and importance of
forest preservation. The necessity of
covering with a new growth of trees
the otherwise useless areas of our State
Is apparent In every section. To this
end our law makers have appropriate
legislation In progress. Young und old
more than ever appreciate that there Is
not a spot on earth which tnuy not bo
made more beautiful by tho help of
t rees and flowers. School grounds have
been adorned, the. surroundings of tho
home have been beautified, public parks
have been multiplied and the landscapes
und charming scenery of Pennsylvania
may yet bo made still more attractive.
We aro rapidly passing from a destruc
tive to a constructive policy. We have
learned the. lesson that trees and the
forests are essential to our continued
, prosperity, and that he who plants a
troe, whether boy or man, Is a publlo
many puh:i-lierx ill be patient if tlio
xuliMTibi rx hhow that they mit "tugging
a little harder to H-rape the dimes
lion't slop my inipi'i-. ininli'i-;
linn'i iii-lui' my inn ill yet :
You Unoiv the liine MM' hi iliiL'ellt
A ml ilnlhi i - Inn il In ui'l ,
Hut Mm ii tittle hiiiiler
N 11 Iim i I mi'tin iimIh.
Ami -rutin' I In- illiiii'i lotii'tlii't',
I'jinii'.'h for me mill von.
I i'iin'1 iitToiil to ili-np II,
I I'nil II iIim'-ii'i my
Tn ilo n il hunt :i pnper.
Moiil'viT othem Inii v:
I hull- In ii"k my iieiulihnri
To ulvi me their! on loiiii:
Tliev ilon'l .liiil -ny Inil mi'iin II
liy ilon'i you h.ive your mwi 't
Von rlin'l Irll hoiv llilli'll v.l mini it,
If hy itny fnle
II hn 'ipi'ii not in M'tii'li ni,
I M- I'omri ii Mil te lute.
Then n II is in ii huliliuli.
Ami Ihlniri nil 110 ntvry.
Ami. priiiier. If von'it' miiri-li'il.
Voii'll know tlie ii'iiMiin why.
I rlil'l'iil lln wit hoitl il .
II Is no Use o liy.
The othi'l' pi'iiple liikl' II.
A nil. pl llili'l. mi Inllsl I :
I. loo. inns! ki'i'p well posii'tl
Anil knew w hut s uolinr on,
lie feel iiml he iirrotinli'il
A foiry simpleton.
Thi n Hike II klmliv. 1 11 1 11 1 it.
I f i:l y Is si"ni. iliies slow ,
l-'or rn-li ts mil s'i plent v.
Ami w n nls nut feiv. yon know ;
Mill I must litue my p'mii'i',
I 'IHI W lll'l It f till V In DM'.
I'll inllii'l- ilni'k my stn;m.,
Or 1:0 w Ithoiit m'y ten.
So. printer, ilon'l yon stop it.
I'nli'ss von w ii 11 1 my frow n,
l-'til- liere's tlie leu r's "slllisi-rlpl Ion,
Anil I'leiilt it' 1 iulil ilow n.
Ami si'iiil (lie inii'. promptly
A lid nmilMily on,
Anil lei il liilmr its weekly
lis weekly lienison. - vx.
Somcthini; lo IJcpend On.
Mr. .hiiiirx .lnnex. nf the drug lirm of
.lonex iV Son. ( 'ovvil' n. Ill , in xpeakiitg
of Dr. King's New Discovery, xayx that
last winter hix wife wax at lacked Willi
I, a Grippe, ami In r case grew xo serious
I lint physicians at Ciwileti and I 'ana
eoiilil hi ii'itbiug for hi T. 11 seemed to
li'Velnpe into luistv eiiiisiiuiiilliin.
Having Dr. King's New Discovery In
xtore, anil xelling lots nf it. he took a
bottle homo, 11111I to t he xiii'iirisi of all
xhe began to get bi tter from first ilose,
and half dozen buttles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
for coiisiimpl Ion, coughs and cohls Is
guaranteed to do this good work. Try
it. I'l trial bottle at II. Alex. Stoke s
drug store.
Kixli. Ilsli, salt, lisli, all kinds, winter
titch. l'rloes very low at Kobinxoii
Twice ax many Hicycles were sold by
Stoke in IMMI as all tho other dealers In
town. Good stock counts.
Seo.l. K. Welsh .t Gil's men's M.IMI
work hhoes they can't bo beaten for
wearing quality near poxtolllcc.
I. K. .lohnxton, tho shoo merchant,
has a line line of hIiih's to select from.
Visit his shoo parlor nnd see his stock.
Prices reasonable.
Seven pounds Arbucklo or Lion coffoo
for M.OO at Kobinxon & Mundorff's.
Paper hanging done promptly and
neatly. Knquiro at Myers' harness shop.
Just How It Happened.
An exchange is -responsible for tho
following: "There wusuyoung man from
Pauline, who full Into a threshing
machine; they rubbed him down with
buttcrlnu, rolled him up In bandoline,
then administered koroseno, fed him
two days on paraflne, made him drink
puro gasoline, and on his bread spread
parlsgrucn, soaked his feet In carbollne,
smeared his clothes with cottoline, dyed
his hair with maline and nursed him
back with vusullnc; chucked him into a
magazine, and that's tho lust of him
they've seen."
Wall Paper.
Undoutedly the handsomest lino of
wull paper ever shown In Reynoldsvlllo
Is now on exhibition at Stoke's. Prices
lower than ever. The publlo aro Invit
ed to come and see the display.
For Sale.
Draft team weighing 1500, also sleighs
for sale. J. C. KINO & Co.
A first class photographer and artist
wanted on salary or commission or will
rent Gallery to right purty. For par
ticulars address, David C, Whltohlll,
Brook vllle, Pa,
Shoes from lit cts. a foot up to $.'1.00 a
foot at J. S. Morrow's.
Subscribe for The Star and get all
the local, county and general news for
$1.00 a year.
Go to J. E. Welsh & Co.'s, near post
olllce, for your shoes, best to wear and
best to At,
M A good dwelling house for ront
m on Hill streot. Inquire of J. Van
Shoes that are worth $2.00 for only
$1.50 ut the Robinson shoe store.
Jersey heifer calf from an extra good
cow lor sale, inquire of s. 5. tcuuinson.
Pure lard very, very cheap ut Robin
son & Mundorff's,
Clover, timothy and millet seeds for
sale oy j, u. King & i;o.
Nloe, fresh, sweet bread ut Robinson
a MundorlT's.
Answer to "Other Side."
HEYNOt.DsviM.K, Pa., March 211, '7.
Kditor Stah:
Tho writer of the "Othor Side"
relative lo tho communication from
Dcmnrr's X lloadx Council Jr. O. U. A.
M. took especial pains to show to the
public something which ho knew
nothing at, nil about, nnd rotitrnry to
the wishes of I he parlies most, Interest
od, but ax he Ix noted for havlngu desire
to air hlx talents and nrtke himself
generally ohuoxintix we consider tho
source, as the gentleman did when tho
mule kicked him. Wn are not going
to enter into many details, ax wo have
proven by our laws, which be claims we
"hid b 'hlnd," that we have done our
duty, as tho following letter from our
Statu Councilor will show:
PlTTSIII'ltll. I'A.. MAHI'II 1!. IW.
Df.icmkhh X l.oAiw CofNcifj, Jr. (.). U.
A. M.
Silts Hnos:-fn reply to yours of
tlie Hill will xny that u Council ix not
compelled by the laws of the order to
take cure of a brother who Is sick with
a coiitiigioux disease or who is non
heiu'liciiil, ami il your council did so
von are to be cummeniled for the
brotherly feeling.
There aril few Councils In tho state
that would have been xo faithful anil I
wixh to congratulate you perxonally.
I trust that those who am making
the trouble may be brought to see the
matter In It'x' true light. That, you
were not compelled to do It at, all and
that you did xo for 20 nights you are
entitled to great pralxe.
M. I). I.K'ltrJTKU, H. C.
Our lawx are plain nod open for any
oni) to rend and we are required tn live
up to tin-in. whether wo want to or not,
and ax to deceiving the public wo have
not done so nor do we desire to do xo.
Tho laws of the order and our books are
open for lb" Inspection of any one. Wo
are sorry this has occurred but wo feel
It our duty to retnlint" to the meaning
less bubble of the writer of the "Other
Side" wlio wrote simply at random
without knowing any of, or anything
about, tho real fuels pertaining to the
matter, and for hix henetit will simply
mid that "I'coplo who live in (Muss
houses shouldn't throw stones."
No. tint Jr. O. V. A. M.
Plenty of mud at the prexi nt time.
Our schools will close on the second
of April.
Simon Deemer, no doubt, is tho
happiest, man In 1 'aradise, oecauso a
young son arrived at his borne last
J. W. Syphrit and J. M. Sheesloy
visited the Jenks school one day last
,1. K. Strnuxo, who has been vixiting
hlx brother, W. L. Strouxc. In Pittsburg,
returned homo last week.
Some of our hust ling farmers are busy
plowing between showers.
Clair Dougherty, who had been
attending school it Indiana tho past
few months, has returned homo.
Sndie Deemer, who has been confined
to her bed with sickness, is now able to
be up and around again.
A surprise party was given to Miss
Mary Sheesloy last Monday night.
About thirty young people met there
at about eight o clock and remained
until tho wee small hours of the night.
All report having a good time.
The spelling held at the McCrvlght
school last Monday night was not largely
attended owing to the condition of tho
The Syphrit Bros, have beon busily
engaged In opening a coal bank on the
farm of their father's.
Miss Maggie Rudolph, who lives near
Punxsutttwney, is visiting relatives In
this place.
Jim Deemer must be an expert at trap
ping for pole-cats. He says that he
thinks he has almost a car load of hides
ready for shipping.
Cornish Indian Game eggs for sale by
R. E. Koohler at $1.00 per setting. For
the past few yours this has beon the
most popular breed with fancy poultry
raisers and the usual price for eggs is
from $.1.00 to $5.00 per setting.
Ariel, Cleveland, Eclipse and Feather
stono make of bicycles, comprising the
largest and best line In town, at Stoke's.
Full stock, best goods and lowest
prices all along the lino at Robinson &
Mundorff's big grocery.
Boys' and Misses' school shoes at J. E.
Welsh Si Co.'s, In the Win. Foster
building, they are iron-clad and long
wearing shoes.
Ladies' rubbers 25 cts., men's rubbers'
50 cts., misses' rubbers 18 cts., at Rob
insons.' At tho new shoe parlor of J. K.
Johnston you can get a good fit and got
good shoes.
If you want a barrel or two of flour It
will bo to your interost to see Robinson
& Mundorff bofore buying.
A tuck In the road business ond up
will puncture the tire of a hundred
dollar bicycle and throw a $50,000 rider.
A button, half sewed on, will cause more
real unkind words in a minute when It
oomes off, than a mun can repent of In a
month. The arrival of a now born baby
in a neighborhood will causo more com
motion than the departure of ten grown
up people. The little annoyances of
life seem the biggest. Ex.
At King & Co. 'a you will and baled
hay, salt, Hour and a full line of general
Special Excursion to Washington.
Tho Pennsylvania KailroHd Company
announces that on April 9 it will run a
special excursion on the Philadelphia
and Erin Railroad, Erio to Lock Haven,
Inclusive, to Washington, for the benefit
of those taking their annual vacation at
that time, und all who may wish to visit
the National Capital In the delightful
early spring. Round-trip tickets, good
goli g only on special trains April 0,
and goi d returning on any regular train
leaving Washington not later than
April 10, will soon be sold at greatly
reduced rates. Special sleeping cars
will be run through on trains leaving
Erie at 3:25 P. M.
Tickets for sldo trips from Washing
ton will h) sold at. tho following rates:
Virginia H ach and return, via Norfolk
nnd Wa liington (D. C.) Steamboat
Line, including stateroom berth on
steamer, and nno and one-quarter days'
iMiiu-d at Princess Anne Hotel. .(X);
Richmond and return (all rail) 4.(K);
Old Poll t Comfort nnd return (all rail),
$fi.00; Mt. Vernon und return (via
electric railway), 50 cents.
For full information consult small
handbills, apply to ticket agents, or
address E. S. Harrar, Division Ticket
Agent, Willlnmsport, pa.
O d People.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the boweix and kidneys will
II ud the true remedy in Electric Hitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whiskey nor other Intoxicant
hut nets as a tonic and alterative. It,
acts mildly on the stomach and bowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding nature in the
performance, of the functions. Electric
Hitters ix an excel Ii tit appetizer and
aids digestion. Old people find it just
exactly what, they nerd. Price fifty
cents and $1.00 pur IkiIIIo at H.Alex.
Stoke's drug store.
Assignee's Sale.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver
ware: These goods will be closed out at
once regardless ot cost. I!. lil'TII,
Assignee of E. Guilder.
Assignee's Sale.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver
ware; these guilds will be closed out, nt.
once regardless of cost. C. II. GfTH,
Assignee of E. Gender.
Citizens' Meeting.
There will bo a meeting of the citi
zens In the council chambers on Friday
evening, April 2nd, ut eight o'clock, to
continue Inquiry into thu auditors' . set-
settlement. All interested aro request
ed to attend.
Caramel cereal, a good and healthful
substitute for coffee, at Robinson &
Five hundred dollars worth of shisis
just received at, J. S. Morrow's.
For neat fitting suit, go to Snyder A
Johns, fashionable tailors
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best xalvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns und all skin eruptions, und posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
conts per box. For sale by II. Alex.
Stoke' Advertising Space.
Executors' Notice.
Kslllli) nf Ditvlri P. Itolilnsiiii, I im of the
lloi oiiKli uf Key mililsv 1 1 le. ilei't-aseil.
VOTK'F. Ix iH-ri-liy irlvcn that letters, tiists-nii-iil
nry upon t tin iistnie of siilil ili-i'i'dent
Iiiivd Ih-i'ii tfritnlt'd to Hie uiiilerHtirnt'il. All
pel-sons Inili'lileil In shIiI I'stuin arn ii'ipii'slccl
to nutkn payment, null lliosn luivinir i-lulms
or ilnmiiiuls UKHlnst thexiiinti will nuikii them
known without ili-luy, to H. X. Robinson, of
lCt-ynulclxvlllu, I'a. ). W. Hoiiinson.
H. X. Hoiiinson.
Cotton Plants , seeil hiiiI '(liri'i'thmx
how to mow rotten plmitx North. Address
Si'i'il liepurtment Heiilxmril Air Line, I'lni
lilufT (Winter livullh resort! N. ('.
Only Fine Footwear
Should be worn, to the
exclusion of everything
inferior. We leave our
shoes to tell their own story.
They form a series of foot
notes on ease and comfort, as
it were, and make the whole
subject bo clear that even the
careless cannot miss the point
they present. Just look at
our goods. Note the shape
and style. Consider the qual
ity and wear. Compare the
shoes with the prices. There's
only one conclusion possible,
whichever way you view it.
J.K.Johnston's Shoe Parlor.
We Can Suit You
To admiration in our hrilliiint array of Wall
I'liperx. Moldings. Window Shades, Kt. Wo
couldn t tliiiik of doing lesx than this, and to
mnkn sure of hitting tho mark in the centre, wo
have brought, together a stock which Is nowhere
excelled, and selilnm equaled.
wn lend anil even a huxty glance tit our array of
new ideas for home decoration will show you
half a hundred reasons why wo bold first place.
Our prices, too. savor of thrift,
Stoke's Pharmacy.
Here's What's Wanted!
Ladies' sun waists
A line right up-to-date in styles none better.
Ladies' Suits and Skirts,
Wash Goods,
French Organdies, Grass Linens, in Silk Stripes and
Cheeks, very pretty. Call and see them.
for something handsome when you buy floor
coverings of any kind. Whether it's carpets,
rugs, oilcloths, linoleums, or mattings, there
are any number of patterns in our stock. We
show nothing that is not pretty as a matter of
fact, and every pattern is made still more
attractive by the fine goods in which they are shown.
We've taken the best of everything the market has to offer
in making up our assortment.
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
are always receiving new goods and can always give yoiu
good values in
Dry Goods,
lS"otioiis, Clothing,
Plats and Caps,
Shoes, Etc
We carry a complete stock of everything and you will tint
our GROCERIES and PROVISIONS always up to
standard in quality, and the very lowest
price. We invite a share of your trade.