Whit t hns lipenme of the old fash ioned miin who wore the overcoat ho hnd lu the army? Wise ns an Owl. The owl In mil J to be the wisest of birds because he kssps both eyes and ears wide open, ssys nothing; snd keep il) a Rood deal of thinking. When sciatica lakes hold of a man, he is wisest who snys nothing but keeps his eves nnd cs.r open lor the best rmedv, who thinks nml knows It may result in iTlpplIng, and who finds hy trial thnt Hi. Jacobs Oil Is the best known remedy (or Its treatment nnd permanent cure. It pene trates to the sent of the etcriielatina' pain, oothes nnd cures It, nml prevents what sometimes hnpnens the use nl thesurireott's knife to get rid of the torment. The owl thinks and then nets Ick I y, end the sciatica sufferer shoilld not promptly to nrrest the progress of the dleae and to restore the nerve ny tnn use 01 3C Jacoos uu to II nut oral condition. How's Thlsf Tv offer One Hundred Dollars Tteward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. .1. t'lmnrr To., Toledo, O. We. the underi Kurd, Imvc known fr'. .1 . Che ney tor the let 1ft ) ears, and lielieve btni per fectly honornltle In ell business transactions and rlnsnrtnlly ahle to rnrry out any obliga tion mode by their firm. , st & I hl AX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wai.mxti. Kikxas Mahvin, Wholesale llriltfirists. Toledo, Ohio. Knit's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, net lug directly upon the blcco and mucous sur faces of the svstem. 'i'ostinionliils sent free. Trice, 7k'. per nottle. Held h all Druggists. Hall's ('sillily Tills are the best. Milton llclciisteln. n grnduiitc studenl of the .liilih Hopkins rnhcrsity of Hnltltnnre. hits pH'piii'cd n nionogi'iipli ns it thesis for h degree w lilch he cxiiccis to receive next June. He lnis clnsen fni' hi snltfect the hlitir of 1hcH.iV II. II. H I mm II- Inception n the night of r'cliriuiry l-th. I'.1?, w hen i of the lending Imsincs men of Hnlllmore met lit the borne of I'lillip K. 1'hotiiii nnd devised menu vvlicrcliy the trnde of Ititltimorc with Mo West could lie restored. It wio nt this meet ing Ihnl It ompiinv vn organized which afterwards hiilli l he l. A It. It. Mr. It. i. enstcin's moniigi'iiph tnkes up the history of the riisd from Ihnt night until truck were laid to Wheeling. W. Yit.. in IM.W. The Tilth nnniveliir of I he It. O. It. It. Co. was Fell ruury li'tli, IMC FITSstnpiied fivcand pertnancntlyciircd. No fili nftcr nr-t iImv'-i I Int. Kt.tsK'a tiuMT NlHVg RwrroHKH.r'reeS-.'trlallinttlclinfl Ireiit isc. hi nd to Dr. Kline, KH Archst., l'liila , I'a. lean recommend IMsn's Cure for Conutnp tlon to sufferers of Astlunii. K. II. Tow. KIND, Kt. Howard. Wl., .May 4. lxnt. Jtst try a Wc. hoi of Cacsret, the finest liver and hows' riru'tnr ever made. Tn London each day 400 children are born, ttnd 250 enter school for the first lime. Mn.Tn.Hnr lor Kilty Cents. Over 4fln.)ru red. Why tint let No-To-Tlnr regulate or remove your desire tor tolmcco? Saves money, makes health nnd Tiinnhond. Cure guaranteed, flu cents uud il.UI, at all druguiM. The totnl income of the London hospitals I close upon CM, pounds a year. SCROFULA SWELLINGS On Our Boy's Neck Grew Larger and Larger t'ntll w btfcfuiio nlnrnuil. In Mh we pur cliaed a hotllo of IIomI Snrsnpnrilla ami (ho chili! t eixaii tiiktiitf It. WVniivt our son Hood's SarHapjirilln until tlir nr;wn entirely ht-ale.l. lie is now prrmiiiientlv cured." C. Khka men, Miliburif, T.i. Htiupmbt r Hood's8 parilla Isthehet In fact the One True Hlood Turillcr. UaaJ' DSflis ' harmonlouslv with llOOU S r HIS Ilnoil'i Sai'Miiwrilla. 0,340,000 CONSTANT WEARERS. DOUGLASS SIKKDE BEST IN THE WORLD. I or U ynrn tlili rliii,liy ihhi'II nlunv, )ll (hnTflllCt-'li nil conipi'tlinra. liKtuiHed by ott 1 .00 0(10 wparri-o at I lie Ltt--t In fti le, tit nnd tiiimliilliv ot itny line f-w-r odr t .inl )V4mV. It In i.nuii' hi nil the lnfft HIIAt'KK ft ml tlri nnd f every variety vt leulhei-. One dealer In a town eivnii exvhi. Ive mile biwI mlvr tired In locnl ffcp'T on rei'elpt of I'i'iitxiii nlilo order. IV iti lor ontnloiriie to H. H Hi VI, , Jlr4ki4M, Hue. P ENSIONS, PATENTS. CLAIMS. JOHNW. MORRIS, WASHINGTON, O.a Lu Prlealpal EiuImi u. I. Fvuioa Bsrtsa. a tn, is UMt ssr, IJieumlHisling glauu, attjr. Ala . GUT Itlt'll ntllcklvt send for Bun In Wsutud.' Cuuau Tatk k Co.. H41 tt w vffn'icus ay. N.. PHUH 97 Bft uuh Hynip, f uiw (itKni. Use fl rMna dt aruuffiitt. Pi Bubbles Best sareaparlllas." When you think of it how contradic tory that term is. For there can be only one best in anything one best sarsaparilla, as there is one highest mountain, one longest river, one deepest ocean. And that best sarsaparilla is ? .... There's the rub I You can measure mountain fc'iijht and ocean depth, but how test sarsaparilla? You could if you v chemists. Hut then do you need to test it? The World's Fair Committee tested it, and thoroughly. They went behind the label on the bottle. What did this sarsaparilla test result in ? Every make of sarsaparilla shut out of tho Fair, except Ayer'i. So it was that Ayer's was the only sarsaparilla admitted to the World's Fair. The committee found it the best. They had no room for anything that was not the best. And as the best, Ayer's Sarsa parilla received the medal and awards due its merits. Remember the word best " is a bubble any breath can blow ( but there are pins to prick such bubbles. Those others are blowing more " best sarsaparilla " bubbles since the World's Fair pricked the old ones. True, but Ayer's Sarsaparilla has the medal. The pin that scratches the medal proves it gold. The pin that pricks the bubble proves It wind. We point to medals, not bubbles, when we say t The best sarsaparilla is Ayer's. REMARKABLE RECOVER? or a Tonne t.adr of naaport, stair Tork, Irnin Anaemia. From thf Courier, Bufnlo, X. T. Miss I.ithi Hlnvons, ditnglilsr of George Stevens, the well-known hlneksmlth, of (las port, Niagara, County, Sew York, has sur prised her neighbors considerably, by not dying five months ago, when the phl:lanl said she could not live. This was quite it remarkable ease. The young womnti, who is very well known, on account of her muslonl uhlllty, had been s very healthy girl, until ahnut one year ago, When she begun to fall, nnd grew so pule nnd apparently bloodless ilnil so weak that after a few months she was given up tn die. Last winter a physician wno wnsii visitor nt Oasport met Miss Htevens. and seeing he emtielnted condition, nnd henring from the local doctors that the itts"tm was anaemia, prevailed on the girl's mother to make hot try Dr. Williams' I'lnk Pills. Directly she comtnen"ed the treatment she began to mend, ntid now sln" February, when she decided to take them, she hns beeomn well nnd strong nnd the picture of good health. The mother of the girl, Mrs. Stevens, snys; "I'.very one In tlnsport knows that Tiiik Pills cured Lulu, nnd I feel very thankful thnt we heard of tbera In time to save my child's life." Dr. Wllllnms' rink Pills contain, In a eon dened form, nil the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood nnd restore shuttered nerves. They are also n specific for troubles peculiar to females, such ns suppressions, Irregularities nnd nil forms of weakness, Tli-y build up the blood, nnd restore the glow of henllh to pale ami sallow cheeks. In men they affect n radical cure in all eiies arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whilever nature. I'lnk Pills nre sold In botes (never In loose bulk) nt nO cents a box or six boves for i. 5o, nnd tnuy be had of nil druggists, or direct by mull from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, aenenectndy, , i. OLDEST HOOSIER. Nnt Ptranglin. of K-nullaht Inil.i la 105 Years Old. Otto of tlio oldest men In the country la Nntlinnii'l Sltnugliti, who lives In Kiigllah, I txl. Mr. Stniiiglin l now Hourly ycat's nM, hnving renchoil tlio ''ntiir.v murk on Mny 8, iS',r. "I'tK'lo Nnttio," tin he la lifTectlonntP ly (Tilled by tho rcelilotita of Knglixli, wax Imni In I'tiinkllii Coittity. Ken- i -t Ol.PF.ST MAX IX INDIANA. tncky. He moved to ('ruwfonl t'onnty, Indi.tnn, In 1NU1 nnd l RtUI ocoiipylnir with his srniiililiiiiKhtor'M family, the lionsp lie I'titofcil nt Hint tltno. The old Rontlcninn IkixkU tlint he hna nevet worn n piece of rloth thnt wnn not npitn and worn liy the lmiulK of mother or wife; thnt he wn never In n lnVstilt, pro or con, nnd was never n witness In a suit at Inw, nnd thnt he did not And tho need of cyoglnsses until he wns over 85. in his youtipT days Niitlinnlel StrntiRhn was a hunter, nnd his old. flintlock mus ket occupies to-day a place of honor over the wide 11 replace of his room, while lielow It lianas his modern tdiot Stiii. In his prime Mr. StniiiKhit weigh pd l."0 pounds, nnd now, nt the advanc ed nffe of ltd, weighs Kit) pounds. Tho descendants of this venerable man uro rookoui'd nt about tm. rwer of the Press. "Well, they ore at It again," remark d a lending bookseller to-day. "Some tern has been going the rounds of the press about a raro old book being found In a garret, and telling of what in euornious price was paid for It by I bookworm. I don't know that Is the 'ase. but my mall shows It. Why? rt'ell, every time such Item Is printed begin getting letter from people all ver the country, who think they have i book worth a fortune or two. As a rule, not one of the books lu a thou land they write about Is worth any rlilug at all. Because a book la old is lo good reason It la very valuable, but :hey keep writing every time some ro miucer writes a story of a rare book )lcked up in some ont of the way jlace." Pittsburg Dispatch. or Medals. .mmrnf KEYSTONE STRTENEWS.GOKOENSEa SENT THE SLAVS BACK. Wampum Miners Refuisd to Work With Them. Wampum cnnl miners put to flight In th neighborhood of 80 Hlavs who hail bwn lilrcl to work in the Mchnrd coal tnlnra, located about two miles from tho town of Wiiinium. The Shiva ar the name men who crentcil the trotililn at Waehlnxtonvillc a few days ago. Th Hlavs were, to hava be;iiu work this week at YmHllli, but when the mltiera lieanl of their rowing they at once wrote to WaMiliiKtcinville and found that they were not ilenlrall men. The. reanlt waa that they notltled the manager of the mine that they wnn Id not work with the Hlavea. Hevernl meeting were held between the men and the manners of the mine, which resulted In the Hlnvn being pent home. Ilellefnnte In tn have a new borough build Ing. a combination town hall, pollen depart" ment ami lire department. it will be n' tone and brick, 110 bv 48 feet, with a 6.r)-foo center tower. It will eontnln a boiler room, lockup in the banemcnt, an engine and truck room, xtnlla for two hnr-en, feed room and sleeping room on the flrat Honrs Willi" the -econd llonr will contain a large nnd com modious council chamber, the mavora ofllce, a large fire-proof vault, an a-neinbly room for the lire companies, an ante-room, wash room and hath room. On the third Moor there will also be a room for the holding of elections. The entire building will cost from 4,000 to 4,1,000 and is to be lltiislied in the most modern style. Heretofore the borough council nml lire department have nwnys met In rented rooms. There wa a meeting at the office of Jus tice William Nloiin in Medina of the claim ants of the estnte of Joseph Hall, who died in 121, In Philadelphia. Waving an estate estimate 1 to be worth nearly a million dol lars. It was agreed by nil present to take steps at once toward recovering thirteen clnlma which are now in the Court of Claims at Washington under the French spoliation claims. The clnlrannts to tho estate In the county, all of whom were at the meeting, are llctlicl M, Custer, lllennlden; .Inmes Hmlth, Collingdnln; Joseph Hunter, Chester; Mrs. Talbot Harrison, Knowltons Howard Mark ley Medina: Mrs. Kmmn I I. likens, Chester aud Mrs. J, Watts Mcrcur, Walllngford. At tho meetliur of the trustees of Wilson college, Chnmlifrshurg, the resignation of ltev. l'r. T humns K. Hnliltison, of Allegheny, a former president, and i f William 1'. Mc Klnlstry, of Mercerburg, ns trustees, and of Miss Kiutnbeth (I. Mnrshall, assistant princi pal, were received. The salaries of several tennher were raised. The executive com mittee wna authorized to spend tt.OOO on the Improvements to Fletcher hall, so that twenty-two more students may be roomed there, Maj. Lane R. Hart and Kdwnrd llnllev, Ilnrrisburg bankers, aud W. J. Hnavrly, of Hteelton, also a banker, were elected direc tors of the (Ireennbiirg, Jennnctte and Pitta burg Itnllway company. The association of these men with the company, it Is said, In sures the cnrlv completion of the road as 0rlKliinlly contemplated. The general man ager, V. F. Hadler, states thnt tho work of tXtimillng the mini west of Irwin will be ommenced April 10. All the rights of way o Wllmerdlng liuvo been secured. The preliminary survey will lie mado soon for the proponed electric" railway from ( ar neitle to Cnnpnshurg, via McDonald. The line will lie about twenty miles Ion if. F.x Couuty lteeonlcr Hoey, of Mclloiiaid, Is a leader in the enterprise.' If the road is com pleted this year, as expected, the Washing ton street railway will extend its line to Can oniburg, thus forming a completo electric, road from Washington to Pittsburg. Tho Krle Eastern Hallway Company, with a capital of SM0.000, was Incorporated at the state department to build a line from tho harbor of Krle to a connection nnd Junction with the Krle railroad at Mill Village, F.rle county, via the borough of Water ford, a dis tance of nineteen miles. The president is A. 1.. Tllden of I.e ltouf, the former deputy sec retary of the commonwealth. Most of tho directors are citizens of Erie. Tho good citizenship eommitteo of th Perks County Christian F.udeuvor Society has adopted n declaration of principles call ing upon nil Christian citizens to attend party caucuses and primary elections, asking for tho removal of pulling plaaea from tho saloon to the school house, nml urging the enactment of laws for the public welfare and the strict enforcement of those that are ul rendy on the statue books. After three hours' deliberation the jury at Norristown found Charles (J. Kaiser, Jr., guilty of murder in the first degree ns the assnssln of his wife. He on the night of October liHth last shot her in the carriage be side him on a lonely drive In order thnt he might get the (11100 for which he had Instil -nd nor life. A multitude of people outside the court house yelled their approval when the verdict wns announced. The Northwestern Mining and Exchnng company has completed a deal which in volves me purchase ot anout i,w acres oi coal lands south of Urockwayvilln. This company, which is affiliated with the Krle railroad, will develop the new purchase this lesson. The operations involve tho con Mruotiou of a mile or more ot railroad and tne opening of mines a mile south of town. Mrs. G. F. Clark of Pymatuning township, Mercer county, wns assaulted by two tramps at her homo. They demanded food, aud upon being refused she was seized and rougniy bandied. After locking tier in closet the tramps stole a quantity of pro visions and fled. Her husband found her short time afterward in a serious condition. Mrs. Peter Evans, an aged woman of Pan field, bos for tea years been afflicted with a species of spinal trouble, which showed Itself without Intermission in spasmodic Jerk ing ot her bead and sundry muscles. One night she fell out ot bed, severely injuring her arm, aud since then the Jerking and twichlug of muscles has entirely ceased, Tho high wooden trostlet, wbicn hnve for years been s feature of tho Catawitsa Hall rnad, are to be replaced by substantiul iron viaducts, and the eontraets tor the work have been placed by tho Philadelphia and Heading Huilway Compnny, lessees of the road, with tho Phoenix Bridge Company, of l'hoenixville. Fire that caused a total loss of 12,000 broke out at Glen Campbell. Tho largo gen eral store of M, J. Hroilli.wliU all Its content, wus destroyed, and a similar fate befell tho dwelliug house of Gardner liros., their hard ware store and tho feed store of Irvln Saw yer. It is thought tho lire was of Incendiary origin. Tho report of the auditors of the Weed es tate at Vt liliamsport allows the creditors of the defunct Weed bank 80 per cent, of their claims. This is tho soeond distribution of tho assets, tho first allowing each oreditor about VI per cent. The report will bo passed upon by tho oourt In the dumage suit of Angus Cameron, 'of Itathmel, agniust the borougn ot Hevuolds vlilo for '26.000 for injuries sustained by falling from a sidewalk, tho jury returned verdict for tho defense. Near Osborne burglnrs forced an entrance into tho residence of Frauk Harmon through a window. Mr. Harmon awoke and saw two men lleelng lu tho durkuess. He nreil two shots at the men aud one of tbem orled out that ho was shot. They did nut secure any pluudor. A number of engineers to be employed on the surveys of tho uew railroad from Lovett to Hculp Level arrived at tho former plaso aud will go to worn establishing the lines for the grade of tho new road. Their work will continue until tho eluven miles of track are oomuleted. I I he general store of U. H. Cballeugerof MuConnells Mills, was broken into by thieves ana isrgo amount oi oiotuiug carried away, PENNSYAVANIA LEGISLATURE. March 10. In the Senate the following bills were passed flnallyi A further supplement to sn act entitled, "An ant to regulate the prnctlco of pharmacy and sale of poisons and to prevent adultera tions of drugs nnd medicines prepared In the State of Pennsylvania," approved May 20, 1HH7. A supplement to sn set entitled, "An act providing fur the Incorporation and gov ernment of cities ol the third class," approv ed May 2:1, 1HH0, nnd providing for the as sessment and collection of special taxes upon abutting properties for street sprinkling nnd street cleaning. An act to prevent manufacturers and con tractors or other employes of labor from ills, criminating against employes because they are members of labor uulons. An act to provide for establishing a house ot detention for Juveniles In cities of the first class. . An net to equalize the levy and collection of assessments for local Improvements In boroughs and cities of the s nt" of Pennsyl vania except In cities of the first clnss. An act to provide for the collection of In terest In addition to all costs, chnrges nnd penalties upon all taxes returned tor the purpose of creating or continuing n Hen upon real estate and repenting all Sets or pnrts of acts Inconsistent herewith. An net fixing the salaries of the deputy sheriffs other than that of the chief or real estate deputy In counties eo-exteuslve in boundary with cities of the first class. After numerous bills of minor importance Were passed finally, Mr. Kennedy asked unanimous consent to read a bill In place, and then presented tho Lyon classification act, which was referred to the committee on municipal nITiiirs. In tho Mouse Tim bill regulntlng the min ing of bituminous coal in Pennsylvania pHssed finally by a vote of lfi4 to 4. Tho bill to provide copies of HmuM's Leg islative Handbook for tho public schools was called tip by Mr. I.ennon, 1 he chief objec tion to the measure was thnt the state was at jiresent 111 a straitened llnnncinl condition, he bill passed by a vote of 108 to 63. March 17. A large number of Important bills were reoorted out of committees In the house this morning. From the Insurance committee came four bills, two regulating assessment Insurance companies and chang ing their policies! a bill prohibiting Insur ance of children under 111 years of age: an other relieving the insured of responsibility should they receive n portion of the pre', mlum. Two bills of the Citizens' Municipal League, of Philadelphia, were reported. Another bill waa reported providing that no councilman shall hold any office of pro lit under the national, state or city govern ments. The Fllnn "reform charter" was reported out for printing, Mr. Hengy, iinuphln, presented s memor ial asking the passage, of the bill prohibiting the sale of llipior on Memorial day. The following bills were hit rod need: Mr, Spat., Ilerks, levying a tax of one dollar per annum on each bicycle, to be paid into the state treasury for the improvement of the public roads. Mr. Woodruff, Philadelphia, amending the Joiixtliutlon so as to enable the legislature to pass sped si registration laws for city and country districts. The purpose Is to permit two registrations n year in citina, Thehnuse after a' brief light, passod tho McWhlnney resolution providing lor n coal Investigation as amended in tho senate, lu its present form the resolution provides for iwo Investigations, one in tho Pittsburg coal district nnd the other in the anthracite region. Tho Senate completed its calendar at noon. Severnl committees wanted time to ct, an a recess of :I0 minutes wns taken, during the recess an Impromptu St. Pat rick's day celebration occurred. Senator Usborne, of Philadelphia, recited a humor ous poem on St. Patrick's day which was ipplnuded. On resuming the session, n batch of ap pointments from tho governor was received nd confirmed. Among, them was one naming L. 11. l'rnzlcr to be alderninn of the Thirty-fifth ward, . Pittsburg; vice II. II. Johnston, resigned. All were confirmed. On motion of Senator Orady, of Phlladnl nbla, a speiinl session of the Senate was ar ranged for 6 o'clock this afternoon to con itder the case of ltev. Swallow, now resting under a charge of being in contempt ot the senate. March 18. Representative Nesliit present ed a resolution for the Investigation by the Legislature of the charges made for lumber in fixing up the present structure occupied oy the House, Mr. N'esbit said he could pro luce tho evidence to show that 08,000 feet of lumber had been charged for in excess of the amount used, and thnt the bills were in Jorsed by two State ofllciais. Mr. Neshll wns very positive in his statements, and the. ilTalr created quited a breeze in the House, A bill introduced by Mr. Smith to provide for the oommltmeiit and treatment of person in asylums addicted to the use of cocaine, morphine and other stupyfyiiig drugs fur a period, not exceeding two years. A bill providing for the granting of retail liquor licenses upon a basis of population was presented by Mr. Voorliees, of Philadel phia. The measure provides that in cities not more than one license shall be grunted for every 1,000 inhabitants; not more than two licenses in towns having 600 inhabitants or less, but additional licenses mny be grunt ed for each H00 inhabitants or tructlonal parts thereof 111 said boroughs. Lient. Unv. Lyon called the Senate to or der at 10 o'clock. On the roil call only one bill was Introduced. It was by Mr. White, of Beaver, and provides for the appointment ot moat Inspectors in all tne cities, tiorougns and townships in tho Htate when the Htute Honru ol Health directs. 'the caloudar was then prooeeded with and the following bills were nassod finally: An act to prevent manufacturers and con tractors or employes of labor from discrim inating against any employes because they are members of labor uulons. An act amending section 2 of an act en titled "An act to regulate and establish fees to be charged by Justices ol tho peace, alder men, magistrates and constables in this oo mmou wealth." An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act to provide for the better security of life and property from the dangers of con! and petroleum oils." After finishing the calendar the Senate at 12:10 adjourned until Monday evening. March 19. Just about a quorum was pres ent when tho House wns called to order this morning. A few petitions of minor import ance wero presented. Only four bills were read. Thev were; Jiy Mr. Williams An act entitled au act to repeal an act entitled an act in relation to huckstering lu tlio counties of lied ford, Cum berland, Franklin, Fulton and York. Mr. Emery To enable borough and town ship tax collectors, whoso term of office has expired, or shall expire during the year 1SU7, to collect taxes, the payment of which may become or may hereafter become liable Without baviug been collected. AIbo a bill to amend an act to provide for the incor poration aud regulation of certain corpora tions, providing for the publications In separate pamphlet form of a certified list of all charters of Incorporation. After the first reading of several bills the House adjourned until Miuday evening at 9 o'clock, Tho Senate was not lu session to day. I A Tragedy of tlio Sea. The Frouott lino steamer Villa do HI, Nasiilre has been lost ut son. She sailed from Now York, Mtroh 0 for West Indian ports and Whs abauUouuil March N. There wurooiglity people aboard. (Jajitalu Herri ail I tliren seamen, picked up from nil open bout by tlio schooner Hilda, wero lauuod ut Perth Amhoy, N, J. There wero four dead lu the bunt. Nothing is kuowu ol thu lattt ol ilii ut uurs. The authorities of the Dominion of Canada bsvo presented tho Hawaiian government with 80,000 young salmon to bo plautd 'u tbe rivers ol the Hawaiian islands. A County's Criminal Iterord Mingo County, -West Virginia, has remarkable record. It Is a young conn tv and hut few terms tif nonet tinea been held. There nre not quite I.HIH. voles III tlir comity, nut there nre ovei 1 .iMMt crltulnnl mses lo lie tried, most ol thetn on liiillcliiieiils rel tiiiied by tin Inst two grand Juries. rAsrjtnrT stimulate liver, kldnevs and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or nrlie: lou. m n r m. v woman's fNerves. " Mrs. Plfltt Tflllta Ahnnt TTvatarla Vr When a nerve or a set of nerve supply! ny organ In the body with lis duo nutri ment (rows tvenk, thtitorgiiti luiuriilslioa. When the nerves lieciitne exhausted und die, so to KiM'tik, Hie orgun fulls Into (li eu y. What Is to be dime? The answer Is, do not allow the wi'tikness to progress; stot) the (Ictorlomtlitir timocn nt. mice I lo yott experience tits of depression, tuitinef with riNiiiNiiNN? An" your r. enslly nlTected, so flint one moruont voti I: ami tlio next full into oonvtilslvo wi'i'ti Agnln. do you feel somollilnir like a ball rl In your llimut and threatening- to tlioku nil the sensi's perverted, morbidly sennit I light nnd sound, p::!:i in ovary, tuul pu! tiei'hlllv llctwoen tho F-httiilili'rs. Riion.f l-io of voice nn.l nervous dyspepsia ? It i,o. yt llV!;te"lerl. Vcmr litoellln noernn ne.. ot V.... .l'.. ...l.t.... 4.. ,i. Ai'liuuni, ui; mom kim: kj rcMurj I IK'I r lc)"0, Nothing- l.i better for tho purpose than l.ytliti 11. I'ltikliam's Vog-etaUj Com pound; it v. Ill work n et:ri. I f yott Jo not tiuilert.t:::'.!! yo::r .-.ymptot:!., (vrit; to ilrs. I'ltiUluitn. - riiwiiit, ....1 t . , 1 T 1.- 1 t f .. iiuur lu my liter iir.ui i nnvu nun iii thanks. I hope nil who rend this nml l.'ltiil tvlll ilri 114! Intra fliimt n tid In cured A resident of Shawnee, Tennessee, jy3 ; " I want to tcil of the benefit I received from taking Ripans Tabules. My stomnrh had pot Into Mich a fix I could not digest my victuals at nil ; everything I ate I threw up, with great pains in my chest nnd bowels. 1 trice) several doctors, who did me no jjikhI. At lat. niter spending-about $7$. n friend advised mc to try Kipau Tabules. I lommonccd tnkinp; them and soon I could cat almost anythint;, and I had the satisfaction ot' knowing lint what I cat 'would stay with me.' I am grateful for such a medicine, and I hone before many years it will have plate in the bouse of every family in these United States." ALABASTINE Tsa Dfxrron "One lijer of taper U bail nnntifrh. you n "but Cftnnnt thriv rirecnvra Many mmy rwwrr yANDY CATHARTIC ! NSRECOfiSTIPATIOM- X isi V HI A'JVpimmw immm Hill 1 I $2 50 lgflfg I P81Ktf 1DCAT flTPf V !TIIllllTPPntor n4MsofenntlitloB. rssesrsts srs thsliirsi U AOOULUltiLI UUnltnillLLU ,i... .,, ,, , .rltx.ll ui natural multo. kasa Sloss4k4MklsrrM. 14. HTKHI.IrW BKIHnT 3 THE STANDARD PAINT FOR STRUCTURAL PURPOSES. fsiniililst, "Huuuw.tU.ni fur Eiterlur Oeconttuu," Ssmple Card and Doscrlpttv Pries List free by until. Asbeolua UooMua, lliillilina Kelt, Mieam I'm IiIiim, Holler I'overlnas, Vlre-I'root' 1'aiius, Km. AsursiiM Nou-t uuducliua and l.leclrli al lusuluiiuv Aluivriuis. H. W. JOHNS MANUPACTUKINU CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. CHICAGO! Mil tit ltsudolh St. l llll.AHKI.l'lll Al 1711 k IT'J Nr. Ill 4th Kt. BOSTON: T7 ft T Pearl Kt, ;IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUC CEED," TRY SAPOLIO "They sny you have no sympathy fol the struggling poor." "Mt-r said Iht nociisod getillcmnn. "I hnve nothing but sympnthy." Cltirlnnnll KiKjulrnr. Mr. Window's Soothing Srrup for rhTrlrea teething, sullen the uutti. reduces Inflamma tion. allas pain, cures wind colic. gTic.a buttle. WrtKft billons or rnMlve. ent a Cacsret, randy tatbattlit cure auniiinteed; HV.,n-. The funded debt of lloston Increased over six nilllons In the last llcal year. 4 (MIL) n . . 1 It T vo to 1 II I v ;is; v Lynn. Jim s., c.id id:e will irive licuu st. expert tidviee. free of ehurje. -Vine. Lkvi V. ri.ATf. Womlovsbttrff. ,al c. terrible experience v.'itli thu ill:i -. v.-a have just (l.-seribcd. Here is her vwa description of her Rtiftcrinirs: " I thoiio-ht I could not be noTxsnefl'xcl bynnv.-tlilne- and keep It lo lu.wielf. I hu.l hysteria (caused by woinb trouble) In it.i worst form. I wan r.v.'fiillv nervous, low-sturitrwl and nseln- eholv. ::ml everything' i::i::gi:i:.ble. '"I lr. mo::ietit I v.u.i alona I would cry from hour to hour: I did not c-re v.'hothcr'l lived or il?:'d. I told my liusbund I lielieved l.ydia K. I'inlil'.Lin's Vegetable Compound v.'o'tlj do mo fr-nxl. 1 took It n:ul nm now well nnd una i-iiiii muhut. i nave more - . l .. 1.1. T . . ,u'u r niiiiii linn. I lcuw uiTVpi lnv who miller from nervousness of this " ALABASTINE. IT WON'T RUB OFF. Wall Paper la I nsanitary. KAI.MDIIVR IS TEMPOHAKV, HOT, K I It. OIF AM (SCALE. te a pure, permanent and artistic w-ftJt-t'oatmp. ready fur Uw bruitb by mixing la cold nattr. Tor Nolo by mint .Dealer Everywhere rnrr a Tint Cnnl almwinar 18 desirable tints, aluo AlabAstEns rflLL 8oun,r ItrwW ni (rnet.iRnvonmntiDnirnrtliiHjWfHr. AIjAUAMTIVK ro -rnud Jtai.,d. Nirh. ALL DRUGGIST5 1).. CSIrsso. Hostrssj. s. .or N.s ark. ill sry- i ii g i i i i 1 i