trite 5tnr l$Hbaeri)titm .yy jirr ifdr, fit ii(fi'ncc. '. A. KTI-'.I'III-'.NSOIN, Killtor mill Pnb. wkoxkhhay. mahch id. m. Anlnilcfn'mliMit Iim-iiI pnppr. puMNIti'tli'vrry Wedni-sdiiy at. ltvnnllvlllt, .leflvrsuti t'o. Ph., ilt-votcd to Hip Itilcri-Hts nf Itpyimldsvlllc and .lITtrnniMMnly. Nnn-MIHIi'nl, wilt t rem nil with futrnpss, uiiil will hi psperliilly fili'iid ly towards lltp liiliorlnir chiss. fliibsprlptlnn Mlfi 1 .! per yiiir. In iidvnni'p. (Jomnuinlrnllnns Inti'tuh'M for puldlrfition must tie iii'i'oinpiintt'd ly tlm wrltor'n iiiiiim', not f(ir piililli'iiiliin, hut ns n minrniitw of goodfiiltli. InnM-i'Mtnir nows Itpmssolli'Hi.d. Advertising riitr-s mucin known on itppllru tlon at tin' oilli c In Arnolds' lllm k. I.pnirlitv 'oiinnnnliMitlnn and rltfititft of advi-rMsr'tni-iits should iviirh thin ofllre tiy Monilnv noon. Address nil rommiliili'ntlon In P. A. Steph enson, Keynoldsvllle. I'll. Kntered tit tin' piwtofllrp nt HeynoWlsvUlo, Ph.. nssorond i-Ihss mull mutter. Mnjor MuKlnliw was Innuniii'ittctl I'rt'sluVnt if tlii United States lust Tliursdny. I'ttrtirtiliirs ntul lllustrH tltms nf tlio event will bo found on nn Insirio ihro tif fills Issue. It Is Muted Unit there nro 20,000 olllee porkers In Washington nml only linlf that, ninny plnee to bo filled, not In cludlng postmasters. There nro t leant another 20.000 oflleo-seekera who have not tfono to Washington, or are not likely to no. Dr. Swallow, editor of the Penmyi rmiiii ft lht1i.t, of HnrriHimrg, has been arrested on the eharjjo of lilx-ling Htnto oftlelals. Tho jH-oplo of tho Keystone Stato are thoronirhly aroused on tho ftuhject and are anxious to know the truth, whether Dr. Swallow has mado statements ho cannot substantiate, or the State has been victimized by men jilaeed in public trust. On the llrst day of July next tho bill permitting tho printing and tiso of pri vate mailing eBrds.with a one cent stamp afllxcd, will go Into effect. Tho process lve business man will have his own adver tisement conspicuously displayed. Tho bill Is approved by the postoftlce depart ment, as It tends to popularize postal cards, besides effecting a saving to tho government of tho dlfferenco between tho cost of tho cards and stumps. In the state senate last Thursday an act was pussod finally changing tho ex lstlng laws relating to holidays In tho following particulars: The third Tucs day of February Is mado a legal holiday. This is tho February election day. La bor day Is mado the first Monday of September Instead of first Saturday as now oWrved. This Is to conform to laws of other states. When tho .10th of Muy falls on Sunday the day succeeding, Monday, is mado Memorial day Instead of Saturday, as under existing litw February 12, Lincoln's birthday, is mado a legal holiday. A railway employes pension bill Is to bo introduced In tho New York stato legislature. It will provide that when ever an employe of a steam railway company shall become wholly of partly disabled while In tho discharge- of his duty, tho company shall provide for his support by assessing Its dividends not exeeedingone percent, per year. While an employe Is disabled he is to get half pay as long as incapable. If adisability is only partial and the road offers a man other employment, he must accept. Tho act is not to bu effoctlvo against any corporation until tho majority of employes of tho company certify that they desire it. The sage of tho Punxsutawney Spirit says: "In our little exporince in life, extending over a period of thirty-seven brief summers and a like number of hard winters, wo have observed this that most men are too much inclined to bo stuck on themselves. In other words they do not have sufficient respect for the opinions and judgments of others, They do not make sufficient use of tho understanding and information of others, There is hardly a man living who can not jjet valuable Information from othor men, no matter what their station or calling may be. But, as a rule, because a man knows more In the aggregate or thinks he does than some othor men he scorns to consult them about matters concerning which they know a great deal more than he does. When these symptoms are strongly marked In a man the malady muy be safely diagnosed as "big head." As we all hope for mercy at the hands of God, so should we grant mercy to our follows, and yet- there are many poople who make a religious profession who do not grunt mercy to their fellow men. He who, through spite or envy, calls up to tho reformed man his for mer evil doings, or attomps to use them against him, is himself guilty of a great wrong. Especially If error hus boon committed in the inexperience of youth, it Is unjust to recall '.t. It should be allowed to sleep in forgetful ness. The rule of juBtleo and charity requires that when a man has confessed a wrong, re pented of it, and made all tho restitu tion in his power, he shull be forgiven Of oourse, this does not Interrupt tho course of the law, whore the wrong is a crime under its provisions, but it should control human actions. There Is for- giveues with God, with man and with society, and it should never be withheld when the conditions of forgiveness have boon complied with. The man or woman who do- lights in recalling the sins of others, when they are trying to live down the mistakos of other days, had butter examine their "titles to mansions in the skies," for they certainly canaot tie 'clear" titles. Our Educational Column. "Duett Wllllta." Ult.r. Address nil i-omiiiiiiili-nl liini relative to t tils department to Ktlitor kdin-Htliiniii Column, Hire of Tim Htaii. Wlt.t, YOU LOVE MR WHKN I M HL'BTY. A parody on "Will You Love Me When t in Old." Mr "1'JI'l.e WILLIAM." When this IniitlliiK limn Is over Wlii-n ourliliHid hits i'pii-eil to hull, And were liiMt iilimit to riiliiilv HhtifllPiiir this ".Morris Covl'p"! When we'er i-oiintt-il us litii-d tiitmliprs shelved mill IiiiipipiI. iliiuii ntul musty ti ft t mi fnln would know Is. dm Onus, Will you love iih nlipti wp ip ritily r Wp tire evermore In mot Ion Movlnit forward nlih tin- thronii Mkp the i-uiTPiit of llip iM-i-im ViimpIpihIv we're liiirrlpd on. With I In- multitude we're ill IftlnR l.piinlnit on out- MtntT so trusty Anil with iidvpt-sp winds we're shifting, Will you love im wIipii wp'ip rusty. Alt! this world Is flltpil with sorrow, Hvery motion riiun-s piilu F.vpry extra drink of "tnmrin-k" Causes mpn liispp thlmrs iwhIii. Still wp tottpr toward i he luitlom of Life's hill, way worn mid dusty. Shall wp tlii-rp receive n welcome r W 111 ynu lovp us when we're rusty Aitp's avalanche has rnuuht us Wp nrp ilrlftltm with the llde And wptfliini-p Inii-k n-trosppi-tlve To our ilavs of voilthrill prldp. Time thpti dpnlt with us so kindly Now wp'rp tn-owlnir old mid uusty (lloplnu throimh Dip viillpy lillndlv, W ill ynu low us wht-n wv'rc rustyT Otirp we till wpre ynitnir mid hounlp, HMilwiirt irroonriind liltlshlnic lilldp. Hei-kpd of nnthluic snve thp prpspnt, Thoiiuhl no pvll i-oiild lietlde. Now thp future looms iipdiirklv And we're weary, worn mid husky. Whli-h lniH-ls us thus to query Will you love us when wpre rustv T Ah! our youthful dnys wrre frisky Tht-n wp ihispiI iisHonipihltiK IiIk Now llip nnitp Is nitnpwliiit risky Anil wp'rp simply "on the pin. For the frost Is on thp itutnpkln And Hip porn In mIiim-Ic Is musty Ypt wp still proHiund thpiipry, Will you love us when we'll) rusty? Hnys and girls, don't get cureless and unconcerned as the end of the term approaches, now Is the time that you should put fi-.-th your best endeavors, In order to make) up for lost tlmo during tho past six months, do your duty, then If you should happen to fall In nny of your examinations you will not bo comMlled to regret that you wasted time, you haven't the faintest Idea how much is at stake this term, this examination Is perhaps the deciding point of your future Ufo, you cannot tell what It's Inlluenco may bo upon your future plans, then bo ready for It, and when It comes bo prepared to moot It and success will attend your every effort If you but do your part. FOUNDATIONS FOlt FOHTUNKS. Senator Fat-well began Ufo as a surveyor. Cornolius anderbilt began life as a farmer. Wunamakora first salary was $1.25 a week. A. T. Stewart mado his start as a school teacher. Cyrus W. Field begun life as a clerk In a New England store. Pulitzer once acted us a stoker on a Mississippi steamboat. "Lucky" Baldwin worked on his father's farm in Indiana. Gcorgu W. Chllds was an errnnd boy for a bookseller at $4 a mouth. Jay Gould canvussed Doluwuro county, Now York, selling maps at $1.50 apleco. C. 1'. Huntington sold butter and eggs at what ho could get per pound and dozen. Andrew Carnegie did his first work in a Pittsburg telegraph office ut $2 or week. Whitolaw Reld worked as a corres pondent of a Cincinnati newspaper for 15 a week. Adum Forepaugh was a butcher In Philadelphia when he decided to go In to tho show business. Inventive Ago. QUEER. FACTS IN OUR HISTOHY. Tho St. Louis Republican says that tho history of our presidents has given some remarkable coincidences, and then names tho following facts: John Adams was eight years older than his successor, Thomas Jeffurson; he eight years older than James Mud! son, and be eight years older than James Monroe, and he eight years older than John Qulnccy Adums. George Washington ended his term as president in his sixty-fifth year, and so, too, did John Adums, Thomas Jeffer son, James Madison and Jumes Monroe. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the sumo day, July 4, 1H20, exactly fifty yours aftor the singing of the Declaration of Independence. One other president, Jumes Monroe, died on July 4. His deuth occurred In 1SI11. Every president, it is said, with tho single exception of William H. Hurrison, has had blue eyes. SCHOOL NOTES. You can get "Craig's Question book," worth $1.(15 and tho "Normal Instructor" ($1.00) for a year, for only $1.15 for both, by applying to "Undo William." Tlio question book contains over 8000 questions and answers. And Is tho best refoi-euco book on any of the common branches, out. Forty days yet remulns and Cora moncoment week Is rapidly approaching. A visitors register will bo plueed in the Principal's office in tho near future. Mr. Elliott's Stereoptlcaii entertain ment on Friday evening lost was interesting and instructive. How many will be on the roll of honor for being neither absent or tardy during the term. The attendance, at Night School is very fair and the order among the boys Is good. As the end of the term approaches the pupils become restless. The Other 8ide. Emekickvh.LF., March .ltd, '97. KniToii Star: I seo by a commu nication from Doemer's Cross Heads Council, No. (104, Jr. O. U. A. M., that thorn are some statements mado con cerning a deceased member, Goorgo M. Keed, that are calculated todecelvo tho public. They stato that Mr. Keed was re-lnstuted on tho llth of May, IWHl, by a dispensation, at a fee of one dollar and ,'IS weeks dues, at 10 cents per week, making M.fMI. Now M.H0 and 1.00 make $1.80. That part would bo correct as far as It goes. Then they say ho paid Into Council, after taking sick, $.'1.00, leaving a balaneo of $2 70, which would bo $..70, and at death ho was $l.H0 In arrears. They say ho took slek sometime in December. That is correct, but they don't seem to know when. If they had been In Council, or attended strictly to business, they would have known just when ho took sick, as he was reported tho same night, which was december UHh. Tho facts In tho aro theso: On tho 17th of December ho paid Into Council $l.fi0, or to ono of Its members, and not $:i.on, as stated In their report, which would leave him $1.10 In arrears, as shown by statement sent out by tho secretary. They try to leave the Impression thnt they hired a nurse for him through his sickness. Ho was re ported to Camp on the Kith of December but not a member put in an appearance until ono week later. Then they hired a nurso for ono week and discharged him, and two of their members took night about for ono week. Council paid theso men $1.00 per night, which would make $14.00. Mr. Heed lay slek seven weeks, the lodge taking euro of him just two weeks. They sny that tho public has heard ono sido and jump ed to conclusions and censure tho lodge. Tho censure was not for falling to pay liencfits, but for neglect of duty In not caring for and watching over a sick brother. To justify their actions and try to deceive tho public, thoy hid behind tho two sections of their by-laws. There Is not a man In this section but what condemned tho actions of the lodge in this cose. I could refer to sections in their by-luws whore it states that any brother refusing to watch over a brother shall pay a finoof $1.00. They try to dodge thut by saying that only means a beneficial brother. If that is the case and a man would get sick and his wife have to care for hi in without any help from the lodgo would it not bo Ix'ttcr for him not to belong to such an order. As to tho principles of thoJr O. U. A. M. I huvo nothing to say. I think the principles ure all right when carried out. Hut in this case thoy were not curried out. William Moohe. Tour to California via Pennsylvania Rail road. In Southern Cullfurnla is found tho realization of a dn-am of the ancients, Hero aro tho "Golden Apples of tho Hesperldes," ripening benoath a sky moro bountiful than that of Homo, and In a climate more perfect than that of Athens. Nover In tho wildest flight of his imagination did either Homer or Hesiod ever conceive of a garden richer in verdant beauty, more productive of luclous fruit, or set amid moro picturesque and lovely surroundings. Hero tho roso entwines the orango, and snow-mantled peaks of the Siorras reflect tho golden glow of tho evening twilight. The lust of the Pennsylvania Railroad tours to California will leave Now York and Philadelphia March 27, stopping at Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Colorado Springs and tho "Garden of tho Gods," and Salt Luke City. Tourists will truvel by special train of Pullman palace curs going, and roturnlng on regular trulns vlu any route within nine months, Regular one-way or round-trip tickets will be Issued for this tour in connection with a special ticket covering Pullman accommodations, meals, and other tour features going, and rallrond transporta tion on regular 'trains returning; and oue-wuy tickets, including transporta tion and all tour features going, will be sold ut tho following rates : Hound trip. Onowny. Now York $208 00 $141 75 Philadelphia 203 00 140 25 Washington, D. C. . . . 1!)7 00 138 50 Hurrlsburg, Pa 11)7 00 138 25 Altoona, Pa 104 20 1.10 75 Pittsburg, Pu 187 20 133 25 Apply to ticket agonta.Tourist Agont, 11011 Broadway, Now York, or Geo. W. Doyd, Assistant Gonoral Passongor Agent, Broud Street Station, Philadel phia, stating return route desired. For Sale. Draft team weighing 1500, also sleighs for sulo. J. C. KlNU & Co. Boys' and Misses' school shoes at J. E. Welsh & Co.'s, In tho Wm. Foster building, they are Iron-clud and long wearing shoes. Curamel coroul, a good and healthful substitute for coffee, ut Robinson & Mundorff's. Go to J. E. Welsh & Co.'s, near post office, for your shoes, best to wear and best to fit. Men's, youths' and boys' suits go in Doemor's clearance sale. Nice, fresh, sweet brood at Robinson & Mundorff's. D. F. Robinson has the largest and best shoe stock in town. Remnants of all kinds at Doemor's. Bucklen's Amies Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, elmpped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, nml posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is giiiii-anti-ed to give perfect, satis faction or money refunded. I'rico 25 cents per box. For sale by II. Alex. Stoko. Do you want to savo money V Then buy your shoos from D. F. Robinson. If you want the LATEST STYLE SHOE, Some thing Pretty, get your on my stock and get my prices. J. K. Jolmston. N. HAWAII'S Ladies' Capes and Jackets. Children's Coats. Ladies' Capes, regular price 4.00 and 5.00, at 2.50. Ladies' Capes, regular price $5.00, 6.00 and 7.00, at 3.00 and 3.50. Ladies' Capes, regular price 6.00 to 10.00, at 5.00 and 6.00. Jackets, the same reduc tion. Child'B Coats, regular price 2.00, 3.00 and 4.00, at 1.25 and 2.00. Geat Reduction in Men's, Youths and Boys' OVERCOATS. Also in Men's and Boys' Woolen Underwear. Boys' Knee pants, regular price 50c, at 25c. First National Bank OF UEYXOLDS VILLE. CXPITRL tJSO.OOO.OO. CI. Mitchell, Prenldeiill Hvolt ll IxllHiid, Vive Pren.l Joliu II. Kaui'her, 4'aabler. Director! O. Mlti'hvll, Hffott MoClullunil. J. O. King, John II . forls.t t, U. E. Hrowu, U. W. Kullur, J. U. Kuucliur. Doea a KonernlbunklnKbusliiKHsand ollclta the accounts of mtiruhuitts, profusijloiial mtm. fiLrmuru. iiuu'lianli;s. mlnurs. luinburnitill and others, promising tiie most caruful altttutlou to ine uuwiumui 01 au ueraoua. Bate Deposit Boxes (or rent. First National Bunk building, Nolan block Fir Proof Vault. Slum Store w Ctaii Stoke' Advertising Space. upon the system and when he specifies a particular kind of drug he has scientific reasons for so doing. He means what he writeB in the prescriptions and not something else "just as good." The recovery or death of many of his patients rests with the druggist. We fully realize this great responsibility every time we compound a prescription. We back up the doctor's knowledge and Judgment by furnishing the exact quantity and quality of the drugs and medicines required. We solicit the pat ronage of all thoughtful and justice-loving people. STOKE, Reliable Druggist. Here's What's A line right up-to-date Ladies' Suits and Skirts, French Organdies, Grass Linens, in Silk Stripes and Checks, very pretty. Call and see them. n .on ha., m Risks. Couches Be and consider how you can do pleasant, inviting and comfortable at a reasonable outlay. Home enjoyment is the one thing to look for, and you find it in a proper house equip ment. You" will get invaluable aid in making out a list of what you need from an inspection of our furniture display. Our assortment bristles with happy home hits which need only to be seen to be recognized as indispensible. We are always receiving new goods and can always give you good values in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Plats and Caps, Shoes, Etc. We carry a complete stock of everything and you will find our GROCERIES and PROVISIONS always up to standard in quality, and the very lowest price. We invite a share of your trade. YOUR DOCTOR IS SICK of having lite prewrip tions juggled by drug gifts who are given to substituting. He knows precisely how certain medicines will act Wanted! Ladles' Shirt waists in styles none better. Wash Goods, BING & OO. Wise the most to make your home Reynoldsville Hardware Co. JEFFERSON SUPPLY CO.