The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 17, 1897, Image 5

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    SEtt it Star,
p'uhnw'ption $1.00 per icar, in advance.
I'. A. flTKIltl'.N0J ticllor and Pnfc.
PassnnH trslna arrival and laaa itt'Vn-
ldsllle a follow:
It. Tt. t- P. Uj, (C. M. J)tr)
AnliM I tt,.,,.rta
Train No 71, 10 SO t m Train No Vi, MMpm
Allegheny Valley Hail way.
tr . m- i
Twins. - - liti.m Trsla 8.- -7. inn. m.
rain I, - I'M u. ai. Train J, 1.4i p. m.
rnln.1 - (1 .10 n. m. Trnla in. - - !.Sp. ni.
fl Little ol Evcryttilnp.
"Beatrix Randolph."
Friday wax Lincoln'" birthday.
Bargains In Roys suits at Deonier's.
"Into tho King How" Friday nlnht.
Friday wms pay ''".v on thn A. V. R'y,
"Into tho King Row uml Crowned u
Ti'uln No. 1 was over an hour late
I Easy tJ wear, but hard to wear out
loblnson's shoos.
Pure lavd very, very cheap at Robin-
on & MundorffV
Shoes from 15 cts. m foot up to (.'LOO a
oot nt J. S. Morrow's.
Next Monday will be a legal holiday
l-Washlngten's birthday.
Your watch repaired the same day
ou leave It, at C F. Hoffman's.
Tickets for the lecture. Friday night
(ire one sale at Stokes' drug store.
Tho railroad platform at tho Main
treot station was built last week.
Dr. John V. Warnlck has moved Into
itho Presbyterian manse on Grant street.
Ladles' shin's formerly (.1.50 now (l.f0,
some formerly (1.00 now (1.00, at Robin
John M. Peed Lodge, No. Girt, F. and
A. M., will banquet at the Imperial this
Skeleton eye glasses, the most stylish
thine on the market, fitted at C. F.
-Hoffman 's.
Go to J. E. Welsh tt Co.'s, near post-
nftlce, for your shoes, best to wear and
best to fit.
Fish, fish, salt fish, all kinds, winter
Vcatch. Prices very low at Robinson &
The school appropriation for this
Wough, 13,037.00, for this year has
been received.
A railing has been put up along the
louteido of the sidewalk In front of the
IBaptist church.
W. E. Clarke, of Brookville, moved
Hnto the West End Hotel, West Royn-
bldsville, last week.
About forty members of the Presby
terian Jr. F.ndenvor Society drove to
Brookville Saturday.
Doomer'B never carry Roods from oue
Wesson to another this is the time to get
bargains in heavy goods.
Rev. C. H. Prescott, of Cleveland,
Ohio, preached in the Baptist church
in this place Sunday "orning.
See J. E. Welsh & Co.'s men's 12.00
work shoes they can't be beaten for
wearing quality near postofHce.
There was an oyster supper at Peter
Baum's last night. Proceeds for benefit
of the Emorlckville M. E. church.
When you want a nice little shoo for
your babies call at J. E. Welsh & Co.'s,
near postofflce, they have the nicest
and best line.
Hear Rev. J. Boll Ncff deliver his
entertaining and instructive lecture,
"Into the King-row and Crowned a
King," next Friday night.
The members of the Odd Fellows
lodges of this place and Boechtree will
visit the Odd Fellows lodge at Falls
Creek next Tuesday night.
D. F. Robinson, tho shoe merchant,
was not expected to live last night from
heart failure, but as we go to press this
morning he is little better.
A. D. Deemer h Co. have covered the
floor of their large dry goods store with
linoleum. It makes quite an improve
ment in the appearance of the store
Sunday wis St. Valentine's Day, but
the boys and girls made use of the mails
Saturday. About four hundred one
cent stamps were sold at the Reynolds
vllle postoffioe that day.
Mrs. Charles Herpel entertained Prof.
Lex N. Mitchell, principal of the West
Reynoldsvlllo schools, and the pupils of
his room, at her home Thursday even
ing. A six o'clock dinner was served.
Mazle, six-year-old daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Worth
street, died Saturday evening, of scarlet
lever, and was buried in Prospect ceme
tery Monday afternoon.
A number of members of the I. O. O,
F. lodge of Beechtree visited the I. O
O. F. lodge In Reynoldsvllle Saturday
night, and eight or ten members of the
lodge of this place vUtlted the Beech
tree lodge Monday night.
.The A. V. R'y Co. finished cutting
and hauling loe from the Sabula daw
last week. One hundred and twenty
four oar loads of 'toe were hauled away
from the dam. The company gets loe
for the main line and Low Grade
Division at Sabula.
Full stock, best goods and lowest
prices all along the lino at Robinson &
Mundorff's big grocery.
Rev. J. L. Promint, of tho Allegheny
Seminary, preached for tho Reynolds
vllle Presbyterian congregation Sunday.
Teachers' local Institute In the
Present tvillo school house Saturday
next. Two sessions, forenoon and after
noon. Boys' and Misses' school shoes nt J. E.
Welsh k Co.'s. In tho Win. Foster
building, they arts Iron-clad and long
Wearing shoes.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will give a "Colonial" supper in the (i.
A. II. hall next Monday evening, Wash
ington's Hirtliilay.
James Philips, of the sHte of Indiana,
and Miss Florence: Heiid-'rwon. of Falls
'reek, were married in this place last
Wednesday bv Father Brady.
A six o'clock dinner party v. us given
at tho residence of r.sip .M. M. Davis
liM evening to the poison who helped
lake care of Miss Mario during her
serious illness.
Evangelist Dean Is drawing largo
roads to tho Baptist church every
venlng. Considerable Interest Isinani
L'stcd. Servlcos in the church every
veiling till, week except Saturday
The Unique Noiipariel Social Club of
this place will give a big ball In their
lub riMims, Nolan block, on Monday
night. Feb. 22nd. Itoseoe s orchestra
will furnish the music Supper will bo
served at Hotel Bolimp. The Invidi
ous were Issued the first of this week.
The revival meeting that has been
In progress In tho Methodist Epls-
wipal church for six weeks, nn-
r tho directions of Evangelist Month,
of Albion, Pa., closed Sunday night.
Between thirty and forty were nt the
altar during the meetings. Most nil
the converts joined the M. E. church
in probation.
There will lie an entertainment given
by the scholars of the Dean school In
the P. O. S. of A. hall at Kathmol, Sat
urday evening, Feb. 20th. The pro
ceeds will bo used to purchase a new
flag for the school. A good and enter
taining program will bo rendered.
Everybody is cordially Invited to at
tend. Admission 10c.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Abernathy
gave a social party at Hotel imperial
last Wednesday evening to about thirty
friends. It was a very pleasant party
and highly enjoyed by all present. The
amusement of the evening was a "spell
ing bee," confined to tho vegetable
kingdom. Mrs. George Molllnger and
James Irving carried off the prizes.
8. V. Khiek. Ward Eason and Miss
Maggie Kchult.e, of the Deemer Co.
dry goods .tore, all had tho "grip"
about the same time and it looked very
much for a couple of days last week as
if the store would have to be closed for
a few days or a aew supply of clerks
hired, but they aianaged to get along
and are now all able to he at their post
of duty
We stated several months ago that
the postal authorities forbid any re'
ductlon in the size of a postal card by
cunning, rounding off the corners, or
otherwise, and that a card that has been
reduced In any manner is not mailable
If tho postmaster refuse to send such
cards through the mails he Is only
obeying the postal laws.
The most Interesting, entertaining
and Instructive literary entertainment
that over struck our town, was the lect
ure, "Into the King-row and Crowned a
King," delivered In Center Opera Hall,
on Wednesday night, May 13th, by Rev
J. Bell Neff. It was a marvel of
combined wit and common sense.
Marienville AVpn?. At Assembly
Hall Friday evening, February 19th
Following is the bill of fare for tho
"Colonial" supper to be given by the
ladles of the Presbyterian church In G
A. R, hall Monday evening, February
22nd: Chicken, mashed potatoes, Bos
ton baked beans, brown bread, cold
slaw, pickles, coffee, pumpkin plo, apple
pie, canned fruit, cake, apples, dough
nuts and hickory nuts. All for 23 cts.
Everybody attend. George and Martha
Washington will he on the reception
Quarterly moetlng services will be
held in the M. E. church next Saturday
evening and Sunday. Presiding Elder
Smith will be present at all the services
of the quarterly meeting and do the
preaching. Preaching Saturday even
lng at 7.30, followed by quarterly con
ferenoe. Love feast at 9.45 Sunday
morning; preaching at 11.00, followed
with the Sacrament ot tho Lord's
Supper. Sunday school at 2.30, Ep-
worth League prayer-mooting at 6.00
and preaching at 7.00 P. M.
It was stated in The Star last wook
that Miss H. J. Nlokle was taking an
inventory of stock in her novelty store
with a view of selling out to James K
Johnston. The sale baa been made
Mr. Johnston will dispose of a large
portion of the stock to dealers In Reyn
oldsville who handle that line of goods
He proposes to open a shoe store in the
room occupied by Miss Niokle, and
bought the stock to get the room. It
will be a 'month at least before Mr
Johnston will open his shoe store,
Bar Association.
Jefferson County Bar Association was
organized nt Brnokvtlle Monday night.
Tho lawyers of many other counties In
tho state hnvo such an organization.
Chin Cut.
C. W. Olllespl and wlfo. of Punxsn
tawney, drove to this place Sunday on a
pleasure trip, hut tho pleasure of tho
trip was greatly marred by an upset,
by which Mrs. (iillespl received an
ugly cut In the chin. Onn of our doc
tors had to sow the cut up.
Thirty-five Licenses Granted.
On Monday Judge John W. Reed
granted the liquor licenses for Jefferson
county, which consisted of thlrty-oiio
retail, one wholesale and throe brewer
ies. All tin; hotels of Reynoldsvllle
that had license hist year were granted
the same privilege to dispense the "ar-
nt" this year. There were two iippll-
iitions from this place for wholesale
Iqtior stores, II. S. Roluup and Frank
i. McConiiell, but both wore refused.
Mr. Belnnp has been running a whole
sale at this place for six or seven years.
A Mew Lawyer
In a coup!" of weeks another lawyer's
shingle" will be hung out In Rcynolds
illo. The new lawyer Is Smith M.
Met Ycight, son of Thomas Mef'relght
of Wlnslow township, who was admit
ted to the Jefferson county bar at tho
September term of court In lW. Smith
has rented the front room, on tho sec
ond floor, In the W. M. Foster brick
block. Smith is a real nice young man
and. while HoynohNvillo Is well sup
plied with good lawyers, yet there Is no
doubt but that Smith will get his share
f clients.
Broken Finder.
Archie Huntingdon, an engineer on
tho R. & F. C. R'y, Is olf duty waiting
for a broken finger to knit together.
Archie nnd his wlfo drove to Sykesvlllo
Saturday night for tho pleasure of
slclghrldo and to attend an oyster
supper. Archie can run an engine
all right, but he cannot manipulate
the reins on a fiery steed after night
successfully enough to avoid snow
drifts and prevent an upset, as It was
In such a calamity on the night alxivo
mentioned that ho received the broken
Coasting Accident.
Frank Rupert was badly Injured
whlln coasting on Grant street yester-
ay after school. It was first thought
his skull was fractured but the doctors
think now that he Is not seriously
Injured. Rupert and three other boys
were riding down the lee-covered street
on a pair of bohs at express train sK!ed
and they collided with a cow, knocking
tho hind legs out from under the bovine
and she fell on top of Rupert. He was
Insensible for a short time. Frank
Iscman's forehead received such a hard
bump that a lump about tho size ol a
hen egg raised up on it. The other two
boys escted without Injury.
Only Tnrae Casts.
ere only three cases
in criminal court last
adjourned Thursday,
of Lawyer William
week, which
In the case
Falrman, of
Punxsutawney, who was charged by
Goorge Noerr, of the same place, with
poisoning chickens, the jury rendered a
verdict "not guilty, but pay half the
oost and the plantlff to pay the other
half." The costs will be about II 13.00
apiece. In the case of Charles Brown,
Harvey Brown and Jesse Dickey of
Panic, charged with disturbing a publio
meeting, tho verdict was, "not' guilty
but pay the cost." Charles Upllngcr,
of Panic, assault and battery, not a true
bill. These two cases were tried before
'Squire Neff about tho first of this year.
Stevenson Millen.
William Stevenson, a son of Robert
Stevenson, a prosperous farmer of the
Beech wis kIs, and Miss Abble Millen, a
charming school marni of tho same sec
tion, were united in tho holy bonds of
matrimony at the home of Robert Hun
ter, In the Beech woods, at 10.00 A. M
yesterday, by Rev. George H. Hill,
pastor ot the Beech woods Presbyterian
church. A large number of friends and
relatives of the contracting parties
wore present. The wedding presents
were numerous, beautiful and valuable.
An excellent dinner was served. Miss
Millen was teaching the Osborne school,
Washington township, and had two
months to teach to finish the term, hut
she resigned to change her name from
Miss Millen to Mrs. Stevenson. The
bride and groom are both nice young
people and are highly esteemed In their
Commencement Week
Prof. Lenkerd, superintendent of our
schools, has completed arrangements
for commencement week in our schools,
On Sunday, May 2nd, Dr. Crawford, of
the Allegheny College, Meadville, will
deliver the baccalaureate sermon and
on tho following Monday evening deliver
a lecture before the Alumni Association,
On Tuesday evening there will be an
elocutionary contest by the Jr. Class
for a gold medal. On Wednesday Dr,
Henry Houoh will deliver the graduat
ing address.
Commencement week will be some
thing new in our town, and we are glad
that we have at last reached that point
where we can have commencement
week. Prof. Lenkerd is deserving of
great oredit for the efforts be has put
rortn to bring our sonoois up to a
Poul and Horrible Crime,
At the April term of thn Elk county
court, Fred Rockwell, of that county,
who Is now in tho Forest county jail
with three other prisoners for robbery,
one of whom Is a pretty woman, Mrs.
Lewis Haines, will be tried for the foul
and horrible murder of Lewis Haines.
The crime was committed to get Haines'
wife, as Rockwell was In love with her
nd she with him. She told Rockwell
If Haines was out of the way she would
marry him. About the first of this
year the charred hody ot a man a as
found In a blacksmith shop at an old
log camp In Jones township, Elk county.
An Inquest was held and the jury ren-
red a verdict that "an unknown man
had met death in an unknown manner."
The District Attorney and County IV-
tective were not satisfied and the detec-
ve wiih put to work on the case. He
got on 1 ho right track, followed It up
ml the testimony given by the four
prisoners in the I' orest, county jail Inst
Wednesday tolls a horrible story of
lllelt love, man's perfldlty and woman's
worse thi'n weakness. I ho evidence
liken gives the following as facts In the
ase, Haines and Rockwell had Is 'en
ugaged in robbing stores in Kik and
djoinlng counties. Tho latter part of
leocmbor they started out on a robbing
xvo(llt!on. Ah they were passing the
serted camp Rockwell said his feet
were cold and suggested that they enter
the blacksmith shop and build a fire, as
it was a cold day. Haines was kneeling,
whittling kindling for the fire when
Rockwell picked up a heavy bar of Iron
and struck him over the hack of his
head, killing him instantly. He then
covered the body with brush and hoards
nnd set fire to It ami waited outside
until tho roof fell In. Ho then went to
Haines' house and when asked by tho
family what had become of Haines, told
how he had finished hltn. He had on
Haines' rulilsT hoots and cap when ho
returned without Haines. Mrs. Haines
acknowledged, on the wltnessstand, that
tho morning after the alleged murder
Rockwell camo home about five o'clock
and crawled in the window and got in
bed with her. She said she never cried
about her husband's death.
The evidence taken shows that
Haines and Rockwell had followed a
peddler to Marienville, Forest county,
to murder him for his money, but he
got on a train and escaped from them.
t Religious Meetings.
Evangelist Dean held a gospel meet
ing In Centennial hall Saturday even
ing. Before the meeting Is gan in the
hall a number of singers gathered In
front of the hall and sang several
selections and Evangelist Dean and
ICcv. C. H. Prescolt made a few
appropriate remarks to the crowd that
had gathered and Invited one and all to
attend the meeting la the hall. A
union meeting for men only was held In
Centennial hall at 2:30 p. u. Sunday.
Evangelist Heath had charge of the
meetings, Rev. C. H. Prcsoott made
the opening prayer, Evangelist Deaa
preached the sermon and Rev. Proud fit,
of the Presbyterian church, pronounced
the benediction. Rev. Crawfurd, of the
M. E. church, was a the rostrum with
theothcr Divines. The M. E. quartette.
D. M. Dunsmore, John Iddecliff, S.'M.
Iwther and John Trudgen, sang a
At 3:30 P. M. Evangelist Dean con
ducted a meeting In the Baptist church
for women only.
While the meeting In Centennial hall
was for men only and the one In the
Baptist church for women only, yet
Evangelist Dean preached the same
sermon to both congregations, and if
any person attended either moetlng ex
pectlng to hear something that would
not be proier to tell before a oongrega'
tlon of men and women, they were dis
appointed. It was a good, plain gospel
Into lbs King Raw and Crewned a King."
The lecture of a life time! The Rev
J. Boll Ncff Tuesday evening, Die.
8, delivered a most masterly, eloquent
and pre-eminently instructive lecture,
under the auspices of the Epworth
League of Grace M. K. church, on
the above topic. He held, electrified
and charmed the large audience for an
hour and fifty minutes, convulsing them
with laughter, and, anon, holding them
1th bated breath in perfect silence,
melting them to tears, moving them as
gentle zephyrs fan aromatlo gardens
scattering perfume around, or swaying
them as the forest bends hofore a furious
storm. He captured bis audience at
the beginning, and retained them in
delighted captivity to tho end. The
distinguished lecturer will not want for
an audience on a second visit anywhere,
We echo the universal verdict when we
say: "Come again." Grove City Tele
phone. At Assembly Hall Friday even
ing, Feb. 10th.
Sentenced to the "Pen."
John Kovoskl, Mike Venner, John
Zook and Frank Strefonskl, of the Falls
Creek mines, who were arrested by
Frank P. Adolsperger on Sunday, Jan
24th, for entering and stealing goods
out of a car that was standing on the A
V. R'y tracks at Falls Creek the night
before, were tried In the Clearfield
oounty court last week and found guilty
Kovoskl was sentenced to one year and
nine months In the Western Peniten
tiary, and his three companions to one
year and six months each in the same
Electric Light Defeated by Eighteen Votes
H. Alex Stoke Elected Mayor.
For tho first time In years there were
only two parties represented in yester
day's election In this borough, West
Reynoldsvlllo and Wlnslow township,
and they wero the Republican and
Democratic parties. Some years there
were four or five parties on tho ballots.
The entire Republican ticket In this
borough was elected with thn exception
of tax collector, and the Republicans
did not have a candidate on the ticket
for that oftlen.
The Democrat In Wlnslow township
lected almost their entire ticket.
The Democrat of Henderson town
ship elected their entire ticket.
I here 1 an asterisk before tho
allies or those who wero elected in
West Kcyuoldsville and Wlnslow towu-
lleiow we give the result ot yesieruay s
Reunoldstllle Borough.
1st Precinct. 2nd Precinct.
For 27 For 110
Against 1 1 Ml Against 01
Maiullrau. aaorrat.
MA vim.
II. Alex. Stoke '. Menu A. Mllllren. . IS
SpIT .lessi! L. Test i:
mtTNciL. Smtdi-ri v-,.;.'4 I'd llurklmrt (1 ys) 1 11
H. Klllolt i.'l'. Sil l.,'o iliiitllnkf Ct yst i.h
II. ( in 1.,-tl - s K. II. W llxin ! ysi l:e
ir. .1. W. Koml....:Mj llenrr C. Iiellile. ..Ill
r. A. II. lli,M'r...l'.H Ur. James It. Ncalu.l.itl
N'iiihm Cooper I'.'l
elm Trudwn 'M Urome W.Swurli..i:w
ihn Kliii:iyrsi..2;j W. .1. Weaver l yi.1.7
, C. Reynolds iJyi:!'M ( tins. Mllllren (2yi.ll7
IM I'iccliict.) (1st I'r-eelnct.
I'.Kirrls It M. ('. 'olcmini 4s
l'!nd I'll'ellii't) (Slid I'leelnc!)
. II. Kind 11.1 II. M. Mellnhiild.. . 71
list I'li'clncl)
(1st Precinct)
11.1 Thus. K. K.viins SO
iiind rreclncti
KM M. T. limiKlieity.. . 75
Mines Kolii'rtsoh . .
(2nd riectncl)
('. Hurln
(1st I'wliict)
H. smtnn 114
C'lid rteclnctl
C. Uurtii 101
list Precinct)
0. V. Smith
cjiid ri-eclncl)
1. M. Mwurli
West Beunoldsvllle Borough,
Hrpuklleaa. Itcauorart.
H. StauftVr : !. C. McEntlre I
M.C. KellfV Iff A. V. McKee
Snniucrl sultr. .
A. K. Pi'huckpr..
M. MoniKomi'ry..
Jiinifs Orr
M. H. SIIIm .ID Htti(l Holllnxer ...R7
W. Drat Hi JoM-ph Mrheruun ,.4V
ft. E. Hrtwrr tut Wilson Oruss U7
ihn Bartls 47 V. MrCnteer M
Wilson Barry 50 . V. McEntlre 6'J
rrnld Sutler Ml John Crawley M
U. Htauffer Nt W. V. WooUrlnt....4
Wlislow Townshlfl.
Ucpallraa. tteaasrral.
O. II Broadht'ad..lVO M. L. Varshull...
L. Loaii ItiS Hantuel steel
fiamuvl Fye IA.1 J S. Johnston...
Aim mruusa m Auam .urris...
t'bas. t. Ian 10 L. O. Lldle 200
Geo. W. Muhny...l5 Edwurd Iluntaes..223
A. W. Hrott 174 'George II unties... 201
I Fust I lElLSt)
J. L. Look l:u S. S. Hulnes 127
(West) (West)
W. K. Garvin A3 F. P. Best...,
(F.iist) (Elist)
Geo. B. Bowser 12H Jolia Bowser 1W
(Wrstl (Wpst)
A.T. McClure 07 Atuos Douninr... . S3
(FuuO iF.iisM
Wm. Ky Ill . L. Henry 147
iWmM (West I
W. F. Hutchison...: 5ft 'A. O'ltoi II 61
Attempted Fraud.
Some person made a clever attempt
to keen the names of the Prohibition
candidates of Washington township
from aDoearinsr on the township ticket,
and the fraud was not discovered until
Monday, when some one interested got
hold of a sample ballot. The t'ronioi-
tionists of Washing-ton township nomi
nated a ticket and tiled the certificates
of nomination with the commissioners
at the proper time, but some time after
this had been done, some person In the
township wrote to the oomreisslonerR,
and also telephoned to them, asking
that the list of names be returned to
Falls Creek. Whether the name-signed
to the letter or given over the tele
phone was a forged one or not, th com
missioners have not vet revealed. The
commissioners took the matter in good
faith and when the time for printing
the ballots was up and the Washington
township Prohibition candidates' names
bad not been returned, they naturally
enough had the ballots for that town
ship printed without tho Prohibition
Yesterday morning the ballots, with
the Prohibition ticket thereon, were at
the proper polling places In the town
ship before seven o'clock. Two Prohi
bitionists from the township went to
Brookville on the afternoon train Moo
day to know why the Prohibition ticket
was omitted and learueu me iucis as
above stated. The commissioners were
not to blame, as they had been deceived,
but they were thrown liable to a line of
$2,000 apiece and one year Imprison
ment. Arrangements were quickly
made to have the ballots for Washing
township reprinted, the work to be
finished by one o'olock yesterday morn
ing, and a team was hired to be ready
at that time to deliver the ballots into
Washington township.
It Is probable that the commissioners
will make It interesting for the person
who attempted such a fraud, unless the
guilty person forged the uame of some
Prohibitionist and It cannot be disco v-
ered who did It. '
Olimpses of the People wh are Passing
TS ana pre.
David Wheeler waa la Pittsburg lost
Lyman Scott was Is Brorkwayvlllo
this week.
Miss Hettie Reer Is visiting frlonds
In Becchtre.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Ssndsr spent Sun
day la Brookville.
Mrs. D. W, Kistos visited her daugh
ter la DuBols last week.
David Kasoa, of Brookville, was In
this place last Thursday .
Mr. Slinoa Roltz, of Stanton, Is a
visitor at Wesley MotUr's.
B. F,. Wellendorf, of St. Marys, was
In lleynoldsville Thursday.
W. C. Helmbold, ef Curwensvlllo',
was In HcynohUvlllo Tharsday.
Mr. and Mm. Andrew Wheeler huvo
been In Pittsburg the past week.
Miss Flla Sooloy has been visiting
friends In Diifluls the f at week.
MIm Helen S.-cley Is visiting In
Suilcksbui'g, Imliaim county, I'll.
Miss Susie I)-nuy, of Driftwood, visit
ed In lleynohlsvillo over Sunday.
Sum uc 1 J. F.ustman, of IjilUvllle, N.
Y., Is visiting relative in this place.
C. H. Prescott, of Cleveland, Ohio,
has been in Heynoldnvillo the pust few
Miss Dasle Mclntire, of New York
City, Is visiting relative in Heynolds-
Mrs. Churles Corbett, of Brookville,
was tho guest of VI rs. S. H. Rumsey last
Miss Carrie Matson, of Brookvillo, is
the guest of Misses Murie aud F.lizuboth
Wllllum C. and Niuiau Bond, of
Bmekwayvillo, were lu Reynoldsvlllo
Mrs. Benjamin Haugh roturned Mon
day from a visit with her sister at
Knoxdulo, Pa.
Joseph Miller and Jesse Couch, of
Wlnslow, Pa., were guests of Dr. B. E.
Hoover Sunday.
L. A. Stiles, who has been in New
Castle for sometime, returned to Heyn-
oldsville last week.
David Neale, of Porrysville, spent
Sunday with his brother, Dr. J. B.
Neale, in this place.
Mrs. Catharine Foust, of Huntingdon
county, Is visiting her son, Dr. J. W.
Foust, on Jackson street.
Ed. O'Reilly west to Pittsburg Mon
day to take a ten-week' course in the
Barber College is that elty.
Alex. McClelland, of RrkdalA Mills,
was in town Monday and had his namo
added to Tin STAB'S subscription list.
I. F. Dompsoy, agent and operator at
Oak Ridge for the A. V. R'y Co., spent
Sunday with hi parents In West Reyn
oldsvllle. Mr. and Mr. Sumuel K. McDonald,
of Now Bethlehem, visited the latter's
brother, A. M. Woodward, In this place
the past few day.
James A. Cooper, of Warsaw, visited
his father, Ninian Cooper, ia this place
last week. While In town James made
The Star office a very agreeable call.
llobert W. Norris returned to tho
Medlco-Chirurglcal ColWgu at Phila
delphia Saturday, after spending
several weeks at his homo on account of
the death of his father.
Sam'l J. Williams and wife left town
this morning to- visit at Shlppenville,
Butler and Pittsburg a few weeks and
then will return, pack their household
goods and move away.
Misses Roberta Ayres, Barbara Gene
Walte and Susie B. Ayres gave musical
and elocutionary entertninments at
Crenshaw and Dugus on Monday and
Tuesday nights of this week.
Richard L. Taafo, a mine boss in the
employ ef the Jefferson, and Clearfield
Coal ana Iron Co., was In Youngstown,
Ohio, four days since our last issue visit
ing a slater In that place who i 111,
Mrs. Gt-'orge Ainsley, of DuBols,
widow of one of the miners who was
killed in the disaster at the Borwind
White shaft about one year ago, visited
the family of her uncle, Robert Bono,
in this place last week.
Mis Barbara Gene Waite, the elocu
ttonlst, and Miss Roberta Ayres, tho
singer, of Roynoldsrlllo, have been
engaged to take part on the program at
the teachers' local institute to be held
in Ft-nfield on the 2ftth Inst.
James Walte, who had been attend
ing the Union Theological Seminary la
New York City and had Intended re
turning there, changed his mind and
has gone to the Theological Seminary
in Allegheny City. He left here Mon
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. K. Johnston wero
in DuBols yesterday attending the
funeral of a cousin, Mrs. J. J. Hildingor
who died in McKeesport Suturduy and
whose remains wore taken through
Reynoldsvllle on the 6:50 train Monday
evening to DuBols, for burial.
Rev. J.C. MoEntlre returned lust weok
from Fllmore, Center county, where ho
had been three weeks assisting In a big
revival meeting. Over one hundred
were at the altar during that time and
the meeting was still in progress when
Rev. MoEntlre started for homo.
Five hundred dollars worth ot
, J received at J. 8. Morrow's,
i Caramel cereal, a good and healthful
j substitute for ooflue, at Robinson Jfc
1 Mundorff's.