Ite Star SnfMiTiiioii ft.Oit per ifdr, ill mfriiiirr. A. MTFI'III-:NMII, l:1llr and I'nb. WEDNESDAY, DKC'KMHKH 2:1. liW. Antnili'iimiti'iil liK'nlimpcr, imlilWhctlpvtM-y Wedni'tMlMy nt lty iiiI Im v I H. .Ii'llii-ni I'm. I1., iltivnfi'fl to ln llltm!! of Iti'VlioliNvlMi' Mill .ltflVritwiiiiiily. Non-imllllriil. w ill Hi nt nil with fiilrm-m,, nml Kill Im- -mhm-IiiM friend ly tnwnrih thi liilHirlntf Him. HiiWrlpt Inn irlef I .( per yi-nr. In ml vn lire. C'oninimilriilluii Itili-iiilcil tor iiiiMIimiIIimi nuiMt lw ncrniinmnlril ly lh wr'trr' hiuth. nut fur imhlli nl Ion, Iml. n n Hiinriuil f rooiI fnl I ii. IiiIpmwiImk nrw l i-ni" ll,-tt-l. Alvirtllmi hum nmiln known mi niipllrn tlnn nl tlir omen In ArnoMV lllmk. I.pntflily romniiinli'iiilonK n lit rlmniro of nrlv,rtlM'nirnlM shouhl n-iirli Ihli olllm by Motiilny noon. ..... , Atlilrpwiillrninmiinlrntlomi tnC. A.HHi en'on, Ki'viioIiImvIIIi'. I'll. Knlfn-il til lh iHwIoltlrT nl KryncilclivlUi', f'n.. nn nm'nnil i'Iiiih timtl nmlti'r. "Vo imiMt. not allow onrwlvon lo f"r (fit tho trim niciuilntr nf tlin CIii'ImIihih Bpli lt," Wi lli s Kilwnnl V. link In Urn . Di'i;tmlHr Lmiim' llomr JminmL "It will brliitf tiniilnfH to tin just In jui pni'tliin us wii Iii'Iiik liiiiini-SHlootlii'i's. To some llio dny will Mils yi'nr brlnir other thnn hnptiy thninrhts nr tm-tim-rh'H. Sorrow nro hiuilrr tn tirnr mi fcsliil ilays thnn nt nny oilier time. Hut. no sorrow shmilil crush tho Clirislnms spirit from our hearts. It Is not In tlin amount that wo do, or nro lihlo to do, that wo shall II ml happiness for our selves ami for others. Tho simplest plearuii'S ami acts oftentimes mako tho hearts of others ovei llow with hnp plness. To fall to do Hiimetlilii"; Ih oauso you feel that you cannot do much Is wroni;. What seems so trillltipj to you may make some lil.llo heart sin;; all day lonif. which hut for you mly-lit pass tho day without a nolo of happiness, Don't prow Impatient of the Christmas myth or loiroml. Keep It alive. Cod knows that wo huvo few ciioiikIi Mollis In thesn Invest latinp; days of ours. Ijot us not disturb tho Christmas trail! tions. It Is a duty to ourselves to keep this dnv us unliko any other. And wo can only do this hy funning into llame tho smouldorlnu emhors of tho Christ mas spirit which is in every one one of us. God Implanted It thoiv. It was good that wo should have It or Ho would not have ulven It tons. In child hood tho flii horned hrluhtly riHiiiri within us; in old aifo tho light of Christ mas will rollout In our faces and In our natures. Hut In tho meantime wo must keep tho spirit alivo so that It may glow tho warmer and softer in old ago, Ii't us have an olil-tinu! Morry Christ' mas this your; a real, old fashioned happy ono. I.iot us mako overyhndy forget that there is anything 1 it tho world hut good fellowship and happy laughter. To tho sick lot us hi ing for Ifetfulness of pain; to tho sorrowful tho sweet halm of a happy smile; lo tho aged loving thoughts of consideration to tho poor a suggestion of tho greater material hlcssings which are. ours, Then as wo hrlnir llirht to other eves color toother cheeks, happiness toother hearts, wo shall ho happy ourselves. 'The Woman In Black." Tho "Woman In hlack" eiazo has struck this town nt lust. This mys- rious personago has Infested nil of our nclghhor towns, and has served tho purpose of keeping girls off tho streets at night, iiml furnished material for many a hushed and awe-striken con versation. Tlin woman it seems, Is ere. She has met dlverso and sundry persons on hack nl reels, and has com mitted n variety of pranks. Him wears Murk veil, and has lha faculty of vanishing very mysteriously after having lifted up a man's hat and felt his head, or pinched souio lucnuiloring maiden on the arm. Whero sho comes om, why she acts so, mid who sho Is nolinily Is ahlo even to guess. Maylm sho is only a crenturo of tho Imagina tion, and mayhe she is a man In woman's at tiro who thinks ho is having a barrel f fun. Anyhow, according to tho best authorities, this ubiquitous phantom Is Ith us. l'unxsutawney Spirit . A wise Xuias present a pair of lloh- illMiu's shoes. Keep your eye on our window and you ill get some suggestions for Xtnas presctils. C. llnl'KMAN, I lio .leweler. Two thousand pounds lino cnmlv already In and more coming for holiday trade at Koulnson v MunilorlT s. Kor IPIO.IMI you can get ono of the fin est suits or overcoats you ever saw, at Doll's. Men's pants from 7."i cents up to ("i.OII a pair at, 1 Voplo s llurgalti store. Chlnawaro at tho HovnoldsdrUL' store. ritiost selection In tho placu. Kor neat tilting suit, go to Snvder A Johns, aslilonahlo tailors Silverware como and seo tlin now styles In colTeo sets, cups, saucers, Sin., at I .(I. iihiiIoc s. Santa Clans has made arrangements to glvo Milllrens customers n Christinas present this year. Kor raisins, prunes mid currants go to Monro v Dickinson h, whom everything Is fresh anil new. lust received tho llnost lino of plush goods ever brought, to town nt I ho Reynolds Drug Store. At tho recent conclave of tho Stiver clgn Gruntl Ixidgo of Odd Kollows, a change In tho funeral coreinony was nuulo, wherohy tho hat cun bo kept on during tho rendition of tho lust rites In cusug of Inclement weathor or excessive heat. Hertoforo It has boon tho custom to uncover, no muttor whether in ruin or snow, hot or cold. Tho now rulo Is an excellent and sonslblo ono, and will go a groat way toward preventing sick ness, as it is hazardous to uncover tho head at tho grave of a doceused brother In Inclement weather. Cases of serious Illness have boon froquont from expo tire at funerals. In keeping tho head covered no disrespect Is shown to tho dead. It Is the duty of tho living to guard agulust any chance of serious illness in performing tho sad ritob for thoso who are about to bo placed in their lust resting place. At all postolllcos, where not in gov eminent buildings, the pooplo holding postnUlce keys are entitled to a rebate of thirty conts on tho keys any tlnto be-tv.-oen December 1st and 31st of this your. The I'ostoflloo Department ! sued an order to that effect on tho 23rd of last October. Tho patrons of the Roynoldsvlllo'oflleo who have presented their keys to Postmaster McGuw have received tho rebate. From on item ap pearing In tho Clearfield Jfrpnhlicti lust weok it is evident Unit tho post' muster at that plaeo has not begun oliey ' ing tho ordor issuod by tho Postoftlce Dopurtmont. Demand your 30 cents, Bro. Goodlander. Governor Hastings is getting his mes sage in shape to bo read bofore the Slate Legislature tho 4th duy of next month. Some ono has given out the statement that the Governor will cull especial attention to the falling off in the, state revenues tho post two years and recommend rigid economy on the part of the legislators. Ho will also suggest numerous changes in the Buker ballot law. It is impossible for any one to advocate a needed reform without raising up number of enemies.. This bos been true from the beginning of history and until history ends will be repeated. But tho reforms oome all the same and will eon tlnuetocomn. In Hamburg the authorities tax a dog according to his size. This is manifest ly unjust, for the smaller tho dog the creator tho oulsunoe. Tbe State Legislature convenes on too 4th day of next month. Church Notices. Under this heading will ho found tho subjects and texts of tho pastors of tho various churches of Hey noldsville for tho following Sunday; , PKKSHVTKKIAN. Itev. .1. W. Coin will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday. M KT I It )l IST KIMrtt 'Ol'A f Itov. .T. W. Crawford, pastor. Morn ing: "Tho Testimony of God's Wit nesses." Hev. 1:11. Evening: "Tho Will of tho Wghteous, and tho Woo of tho Wicked." Isu. 3: lo-ll. For Sale. Draft team weighing 1'ilH), alsoHlelghs for sale. J. C. KIND & Co. Tho host silver polish in the world at Gooder's. Ladies, If you want a stylish gurment Doemors have a variety of jackets and capes to select from. Iluynolds Drug Ktoro is tho plaeo to buy celluloid novelties. Tho Republicans of Wlnslow township will hold a suggestion meeting on Sat urday afternoon, Jun. 2nd, at 3.00 o'clock, lit tho Ileynoldsvlllo Hardware store. By order com. Tho finest lino of J10.00 overcoats ever shown in town at Boil's. Onyx tables, banquet lamps, rose bowls, hand and triplicate mirrors at Stoko's pharmacy. Candy, tho kind that melts in the mouth, for o!d and young, at Hobinson iS MundorIT s. Celluloid albums, all prices, at the Heynolus llrug iatore. What would mako your wlfo a nicer Christmas present thnn a White sowing machine, sold by C. r . JIolTmun. Call at Milllrens this week, select your Chrlstmus goods and have them lied up. See Moore & Dickinson's line of chlnawaro. Fine lino, all kind of nuts at lowest prices at Koblnson Si MuudortT s. - Silverware, gold pons', fountain ponB at Stoko's pharmacy. If you want candy that contains no glucose go to Mpore & Dickinson's. Watches wo have the latest in all , sizes and styles, and a largo lino to I select from ut all prices. j Ed Goodeh. J Misses short jacketb at Decmers. Herbert D. Ward, tho no vol 1st and husbund of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, has written a new novel, which will bo the fiction feature to 37ie Ladies1 Home Journal during 181)7. It Is a humorous story and has the unique title of "Tho Burglar Who Moved Parudlse." It is a soqtial to Mrs. Ward's "An Old Maid's Paradise," tho husband taking up the pen where Miss Phelps had natu rally to put It down when she became Mrs. Ward. Men's One dress shoes at Milllrens, In the latest style. See their goods and get tholr prices on candy before you buy. We mean at Robinson Si Mundorff's. Iron banks, trains, stoves, sad irons S, 10 and 23 cents at the Reynolds Drug Store. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bueklon Co., Chicago, anil get a free sample box of Dr. Kings New Life Pills. A ial will convince yon of their merits. Thcso pills are easy In action and aro particularly effective in tlm cum of onstipntlon and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved Invaluahlo. They are guaranteed tti ho perfectly free from very tlelelei ious substance and to ho mrely vegetable. They tin not weaken iy their notion, hut by (riving tone to stomach and IkiwoIs greatly Invigorates tho system. Kegulnr slzo 2Tie. per box. Sold by II. Alex. Sloko Druggist. All persons knowing themselves In ditotf to nin are requested to call and pav Indebtedness on or beforn .Ian. 1.1th, sli7. All bills remaining unpaid after that dati! will tsi left for collect ion. .1. C. KmiKllt.Kil. Candy to a finish at Moore fr, Dickin son s. The latest In clocks -come and seo them at Eil. Condor's. Arhuckle ft Lion coffee 17 cents at, Hobinson ,V Mundorlf's. May not bo the largest, hut the host selected stock, all new goods at C. K. HnlTman s, and the prices are the lowest. An assortment of shoes nt Robinson's not to be found elsewhere. Sen the fine linn of suits and over mils at Hell's. Silks, satins, velvets and ribbon for fancy work at, Doomcrs. Good shoes extraordinarily cheap at. I. E. Welsh A (Vs. Call at Milllrens and seo the men's fancy kid gloves. When you don't think exactly the way a woman does she says: "Now, why ran t you bo sensible! Kx. This week wo will show tho llnost selection of rings ever offered, ll con signment lot. S'ou know this menus low prices. (J. F. HllKKMAN. I he .leweler. Subscribe for TltH ST A It and give your family or some friend a Christmas present that thoy will seo once a week during IHII7. The place to buy your books and stationery Is at the Reynolds Drug Store. Tho naked truth Is you find the finest gisitls, largest slock and lowest nossihlo prices ut Hobinson At Mundorff's. Tho price of Hour has gonn ep but the price of supplies remains tho snmo at the Hon Ton Bakery. Last week tbe Miirbm f'mlrr hutr- jamtnit, of Marlon Center, Indiana Co., l'u.,C. It. Grl filth editor and proprietor, was "sweet sixteen." The liutrprmlnit Is a gisid country newspaper. Shoes for everylsidy at Doemors. Slippers for little folks at Robinson's. B., R. tt P. Holiday Rates. Tho Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg R'y will celebrate tho return of tho Joy ous Christmas and New Yew Year holi days in accordance with Its tlmo hon ored custom nnd usual generosity, by making the low rate of a faro and one third for tho round trip between all stations on its line, with a inlnnmum rnte of twenty-flvo cents. Tickets will bo sold December 21th, 2.1th nnd 31st and January 1st, limited for return pas sage until January 4th, H1i7. Just In one thousand pounds of that wonderful fine cheese at Robinson Ax Mnndorff's. If you have a tooth for good choose, try it. A big honest bargain for holidays nt tho People's bargain store. An extra pair of everyday pants given away with every suit of boys' clothes over 11.00. Sizes from fl to l.'l years. Farmers, go to V. T. Cox A Son's for Unseed Meal mid Condition Powders for stock. Snyder A: Johns, fashionable tailors. f'l.OO buys a fine all-wool suit ut Hell's, Dolls from I ennt up tofi.OO nt tho Reynolds Drug Store. A profusely and beautifully Illustrated article on tlio famous I I-irse-show held annually In New York City appears In tho January number of lhmtrrl Miiijitzinf. Notahlo among tho Illustra tions are a full-page and several other spirited drawings by Max F. Kloper, The show as a social function and as an exhibition of horses Is Interestingly descried In tho text. Htibscrllx! for TliK Star; nnd get all the local, county and general news for I. (Kl a year. Gents, see the fine all-wool overcoat for 7.00 at Hell's. Watch and clock repairing at Ed Gooder's, tho only place to get good work tlono. J. E. Welsh At Co. keep In stock a fine lino of shoes and slippers at very low prices. Notice. Tho regular annual meeting of tho stock-holders of the Kirsi, National Hank of Reynohlsvillo, for tho election of Directors for the ensuing year, will bi held In tho Hank Room on Tuesday, January 12th, 1X1)7, from 3 to 4 o'clock I, m. John H. Kaui.'HKIi, Cashier. Now Is the tlmo to select your Christ. mas prosents while tho stock Is com pleto. Our new goods are coming In daily. En. GooiF.rt, Jeweler and Optician Stoke' ndvtrllslng Space. mmgwsizxja&zzsitnsT-.v.KZt era A POINTER! You wont get stuck on prices if you buy Skates, Pen Knives, Guns, Revolvers, Tobacco, Gloars, &c, o AT o ALEX. RISTON'S. Christmas Goods at H. J. NicKie's Met? Store! -A Full Line of- Don't ring the night bell nt llirjo o'clock in the morning for a pontage Htainp, but in chho of tMti(!rg(!tif,y don't lienitnto to jfrk it with a vim. 'flint's wlint it'n there for. You won't have to wait out in the cold long, either, after ringing. I Jump nt the firnt ting-a-ling nnd.dreHH as I nliuflle down the Btnirs. STOKE, RELIABLE PHARMACIST. Holiday Dress Stuff. No more peiipihle gift can be given than a nioo Drew Pattern to mother, nister and daughter; and this is the place to get them. Towels and Table Linens. Handkerchiefs. Our nsHortment is fine from 5c. to 75c. UMI5KKLLAS at prices to tempt You. All Silk, Satin Ribbons from No. 9 to 22 at HALF PKICE. Ladies,' and Misses' Jackets. ( Come soon, as they will not last long at the low prices we offer them. BINO & OO. Dolls, Toys of all kinds, Vases, Chinaware, China Novelties, &c, &c. Call early and make your choice. REED BLOCK. MAIN STREET. A flash of lightning coming from a clcaP sky is a very rare occurrence, but one day last week a lady and gentleman received a welcome shock. Yes, they had gone to the Reynoldsville Hardware Co. to buy Carpets, Furniture and Genera Hardware, and the great values fehown them caused a noticable expression of joy and gladness to shine upon their faces. They purchased a complete furnishing for their home and departed, saying: "The immense stock, at such low prices! We'll call aga in." REYNOLDSVILLE HARDWARE CO. LOOK AT THIS! Golden Sheaf Flour, $1.15 per sk. " " " 4.40 " bbl. Superlative " 1.15 11 sk. " 4.40 " brjl. Perfection Flour, 1.10 " sk. 4.20 " bbl. 1 nib riuui 10 guaiaiucou zf be the finest in the market, Yours Resp'y, . . MEEKER BROS.)