The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 09, 1896, Image 5

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    it Stat
Subscription $1.00 per year, in advance.
C. A. hTKPIIRNMON, HdUor and Pub.
VrtitvtUr' VJntti.
PimMpnffnF tritlna ni-rlvn nnfl lenvti ftevn-
f oldav llle a follows:
If. It. if '. Ily, (C. f .V. Die)
Arrives Departs
Train N 71, 10.10 a m Tniln No 72, KiitOpm
Allegheny Valley Haihcay.
Eastward. Westward.
Trains, - - 6.11 ft. m ITrnln 6,- -7.40 a.m.
Train 1, - - v.M p. ni. Train 3,. 1.4H p.m.
Train A . p. ni.lTnilii 111, - - 7..KI p. m.
Rr.rsot.nvtt.i.rt posT-orricn.
MbIIs arrive and Have the pnst-onVo as
Arrive. Depart.
I. n p. m. - 7.l p. p. m - - .5i)p.m.
(.00 a. m. - - 3.00 p. m. 17.1.1 a. m. - - 1 in p. m.
Arrivos fnim liatlimel anil I'rcscottvlllu
II. HOa. m.
Arrives from Pnnlc Tuesdays, Tlnircliiyii
ami Hiitm-iluy nt 2.:ti p. m.
Depart for IMrHoottvlllo, Itutlinii'l, Panic
t.Oi) p. in.
OnVe hour 7.00 it. m. In K.0O p. m.
Money order olhve open from 7.00n.m. to
7.80 p. m. KeiilsH'r oHU-e open from 7.00 a. in.
tos.OOn. m.
I.euul Holidays from 7.00 a. m. nnd
from 12.00 to a.OOu. ni. E. T. McUAW. V. M.
fl Little ot Everything.
Cheerfulness is Catching.
"A maiden sat within tho iloor
And sanff as mnny time lieforo.
A mnn todiiily toll u,tMd by,
No love or pleasure III his cyet
lint, when lie heard the merry song
He whistled a he went iiIoiik.
"A woman hy the window wept
For one who In the rhurrhytml alcpt
llut. when upon her henrhiK fell
That tune she knew and loved no well
The flood of hui-nlnfr team wiih Htayed,
And soon a hour her ltw essayed.
"Her nelchhor heard the tender strain,
And softly joined the sweet refrain.
Thus, all dny Ions 1 lint one roiib horo
lla JoyoiiMH'HH from diMir to door."
Rod nose season.
Court next week.
The Stab for $1.00.
Is this a borrowed paper?
Fur trimming at Doemer's.
The hoodoo is often lioodone.
Asro will always tell on a girl.
Slippers for Xmas at Robinson's.
For honest bargains go to Millirens.
For winter underwear go to Deemers.
Jnek Frost lias been busy the past
"Tho Snollygoster in Polities" Friday
Only twenty-two days of leap year
The deer hunting season closes next
Only two issues of THE ST A It before
See tho fine lino of suits and over
coats at Bell's.
Best for vour monec In t.h world
f Robinson's shoes.
Shoppers are already looking for
Christmas presents.
Tho MarienviUe Exprcus entered Its
sevtfnth year last week.
Sterling spoons, single or by the doz.
at Hoffman's, the jeweler.
For neat fitting suit, go to Snyder &
Johns, fashionable tailors
Men's clothing from $3.50 a suit up, at
the People's Bargain store.
Their prices are below all others.
Who ? Millirens of Course.
Don't fail to hear Col. Ham In the
Assembly Hall Friday night.
Do you subscribe for The Stab or
borrow it from your neighbor?
Ladies' and men's holiday handker
chiefs at People's Bargain store.
1 The greatest line of overcoats ever
brought to Royneldsvllle at Boll's.
All merchants should be getting in
their advertisements for Christmas
Vhe school board has appointed an at
tendance officer who will look after
t Watch and clock repairing at Ed.
Gooder's, tho only place to get good
work done.
Ladies, if you want a stylish garment J
Deemers have a variety of jackets and
capos to select from.
Joseph Bubert, of Rathmel, was badly
injured in Big Soldier mine last Friday
night by a fall of ooal.
The prioe of flour has gone up, but
the price of supplies remains the same
at the Bon Ton Bakery.
Just in one thousand pounds of that
wonderful fine cheese at RobinBon &
Mundorff's. If you have a tooth for
, good cheese, try it.
The semi-annual convention of the
Jefferson County School Directors' As
sociation will be held in Reynoldsvllle
the second Monday in June, 1897.
A number of lads and lassies were in
vited to the1 home of Paul RIston, on
Grant street, Thursday evening to oole
brate the fifteenth anniversary of Paul's
natal day.
James Delaney, the tonsorlal artist,
got the first prize, a $15.00 diamond
ttud, at the Star Shooting Gallery last
week for the best rest shooting, and
Fred Lewis the gold headed cane for
the best off-hand shooting.
Hose Co. No. 2 will hold a meeting
in their rooms Monday evening, Dec.
A kodak will mako the best Christ
mas present you can buy. Stoke's
Quality Is what counts when you buy
silverware. Tho best at the lowest
prices at C. F. Hoffman's.
Miss JcHsle Irving was given a birth
day surprise party hint Thursday even
ing by a few of her friends.
Ladies' Lorgnette chains, the latest
patterns and largo stock to select from
at Ed. Gooder's, Jeweler and optician.
An Italian's child died at Big Soldier
Sunday morning Btid was burled In the
Catholic cemetery Monday afternoon.
John Gibson, better known a "Jack,"
and Miss Ida Frank drove to Brookvlllo
Monday afternoon and were married
Before buying your Xmns present
you should call and examine Ed. Gend
er's stock of watches, clocks, jewelry
and silverware.
William Copping, tho appointed as
sessor, has just completed the fall
assessment. There are 117 horses, t4
cows and 121 dogs In this borough.
Tho Helping Hand Society of the M.
E. church will give an entertainment
in the opera house Christmas night,
Deo. 25th. Program will be published
M1-9jW. J. Moore, of Beech woods,
aged twenty-nine years, died of con
sumption on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, and
was buried In tho Beech woods cemetery
Tho West Reynoldsvllle poor over
seers have a young charge that belongs
to MeCulmont township. Tho boy will
bo taken to tho abovo township to bo
cared for.
If you want a watch it will cost you
nothing to get price, and If they are
not lower than any In town don't buy.
But come nnd see for yourself nt C. F.
Hoffman's, tho jeweler.
A big honest biirguin for holidays at
tho People's bargain store. An extra
pair of every day pants given away with
every suit of boys' clothes over $1.00.
Sizes from fl to l.'l years.
An Italian from Big Soldier was ar
raigned before 'Squire Neff Saturday on
the charge of assault and battery. Ho
gave ball for his appearance at court
and surety of tho pence.
G. Bohren, tho baker and confec
tioner, has hud the Interior of his storo
brightened and beautified by new wall
paper, a fresh coat of paint and tho late
Improved Welsh-neb gas lights.
Charley three-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Ross, of Elonnora,
died Thursday morning with lungfovor.
Remains were taken from Reynolds
villo on tho A. V. train Friday after
noon to Oakland for buriul.
A local Institute will bo held at
Sykesvllle next Saturday. Tho moot
ing will bo called to order at 0:00 A. M.
A good program has been prepared.
Thos. N. Neff and Miss Orpha Boer, of
this place, are on tho program.
Monday evening was the regular timo
for tho monthly meeting of the town
council, but for some reason there was
not enough borough "dads" presont to
mako a quorum and, consequently, there
was no mooting Monday evening.
Attend tho entertainment to be given
in Centennial Hull Friday ovonlng, Deo.
18th, by Jos. P. Frampton, entertainer,
elocutionist, humorous and dramatlo
reciter. Tickets on sale at Stoke's
drug store. Admission 15, 25 and 35
A suspicions character was placed be
hind the Iron bars of tho Reynoldsvllle
basttlo Monday night and released at
noon yesterday. The follow was not
real docile when arrested, but two men
escorted blm to the lock-up without
much trouble.
December 3rd marked tho COth anni
versary of tho birthday of 'Squire John
T. Coax, who resides near this place.
Some of his children mado It suit to re
turn to the parontal homo to celebrate
the occasion. Mr. Coax's family pre
sented him with a very pretty cane.
Three children of John McMinn, of
Sandy Valley, are down with diph
theria. They are receiving the antl
toxlne treatment. One of the children
has diphtheritic croup so badly that
the attending physician found it
necessary to Insert a tube In tho child's
throat for It to breath through.
Ham certainly knows a snollygostcr
when be sees one, and his description
was go vivid that every man in the
audlenoe will know him also. As a
story-teller Mr. Ham has no equal, and
we but repeat the verdict of the whole
audience when we say that ho is the
best humorous lecturer evor beard In
Clearfield. Clearfield (Pa.) Public
William H. Coax, son of 'Squire J. T.
Ccax, of this place, who has traveled
over most all sections of the country
from the Atlantio to the Paolflo and
from the Lakes to the Gulf, is now a
benedict. On the 26th day of last
month, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., Mr.
Coax and Mrs. Ada Horam, of Wash
ington township, relict of Win. Horaui,
plighted their vows at hymen's altar.
Mill Shut Down.
Hopkins' Inrgo saw mill, two miles
weBt of town, which gives employment
to about seventy-five men, shut down
Saturday night until about tho first of
next April.
Roof Fell.
D. J. Thomas and Gus. Bloomstend,
miners, were Injured in Big Soldier
mine last Thursday morning by a fall of
roof. Neither one of the Jnon were
dangerously Injured, yet they were
pretty badly used up.
Going Back to Coal.
Tho trustees of the M. E. church
have decided that tho largo heaters,
more especially for burning coal than
gas, consume too much gas by tho
meter nnd will have tho gas taken out
of tho church for heating purpose nnd
go back to the former way of heating
with coal.
Need a "Curfew Bell."
It would bo a good idea to uso the fire
alarm bell for a "curfew bell," which
should ring at a certain tirau In the
evening, and after tho ringing of the
bell till children under a certain ago
should be compelled to get off tho
streets. Too many boys of tender years
run tho streets long nfter the timo that
they should bo tucked into bed.
Entertainment Next Week.
Joseph P. Frampton, entertainer,
elocutionist, humorist and dramatic
reciter, violin and baritone soloist, of
I'unxsutawney, will glvo un entertain
ment In Centennial hall on Friday even
ing of next week. Deo. 18th. During
the violin recital Prof. Frampton will
be assisted by his brother, II. W.
Frampton, violinist, during which tho
best and most popular violin muslo will
be rendered.
New Presiding Elder.
Rev. R. C. Smith, the now presiding
elder of tho Clarion District of tho
Methodist Episcopal church, preached
his first sermon and held his first
quarterly conference In tho Reynolds
vllle M. E. church last, Thursday even
ing. Rev. Smith is an able man and
his first sermon In this place was an ex
cellent one. . Rev. Smith hns already
traveled over twenty-three hundred
miles in looking after the work on his
new district.
Going to England.
Win. Copping, a Reynoldsvllle mer
chant, will lenvo tills place at noon to
morrow. Thursday, and will sail from
New York City Saturday noon for
England on the Umbrln. Mr. Copping
will visit in Lincolnshire and Stafford
shire. A quarter of a century ago Mr.
Copping and wife bid nil leu to thoir
mother country and cunio to America.
Mrs. Copping hns crossed tho bosom of
old ocean four times sinco then, but
this will be Mr. Clipping's first visit to
tho land of his birth. He will !o absent
about six weeks. Mr. C. is going to
England to soo his mothor, who is
seventy-four years old.
Railroad Officials.
A 8x-clal B., R. & P. train, composed
of a pretty engine and three elegant
couches, on which were officials of the
above named railroad, pulled into this
plnco over tho R. & F. C. R'y last
Thursday afternoon nnd remained a
short time. The following officials of
tho railroad and mines wero on tho
train: A. G. Yntcs, president; Adrian
Iselln, Jr., vice-president; Geo. E. Mer
chant, assistant to president; G. F.
Gardner, superintendent Pittsburg
Division; L. W. Robinson, general
manager Rochester and Pittsburg Coal
and Iron Company; John Reed, superin
tendent of the R. and P. C. I. Co. mines
at DuBois.
Col. Ham's Lecture.
While tho humorous features of Col.
Ham's lecture were all that the
audience had been led to anticipate, the
undercurrent of solid argument for the
uplifting of the plane of American
citizenship and fostering a patriotic
sentiment that will drive out of politics
the self-seeking, unprincipled place
hunter the snollygosters who are
feeding on the publlo and degrading
tho institutions of tho land, made tho
thoughtful ponder on his words, and
encouraged all to hope for and work for
a butter and purer administration of
our public affairs. Sumter (S. C.) Daily
Item. Col. Hum will speak in Assembly
hall, publlo school building, Friday
night, Deo. 11th.
Try it Here.
Two tramps who wore arrested by
Chiuf-of-pollco McFurland at midnight
were put to work with a ball and chain
attachment this afternoon. Exchanges
please copy. Ridgway Stur.
It tramps were treated in all towns as
they are in Ridgway there would not be
so many strong, healthy, dirty hobos
on tho road as there are to-day. About
a year ago It was mentioned in this
paper that tramps who loitered around
Roynoldsvillo any longth ot time would
be put to work on tho streets. Tramps
have either made their stay short in
town or somothlng else has happened,
for we buve never heard of a tramp
being put to work on our streets. A few
such examples will go a long way in
settling the tramp nuisance In Reyn
oldsvllle or any other town, for these
wandorlng Willies would about as soon
wash as work, and It don't take them
long to "spot" the towns where thoro
la danger of bolng put to work,
Attendance Officer Appointed.
At the meeting of the school board
Monday evening Jacob Hennlnger was
appointed nttenilnnco officer, whose
duty it shall bo to look after, apprehend
and plnco in such schools as tho person
In parental relation may dinlgtiuto,
truants and others who fnll to attend
school in accordance with tho provisions
of tho compulsory educational laws.
On account ot tho number of pupils who
play "hookey" tho board found It nec
essary to appoint the at tendance officer.
Tho school board proposes to enforce
tho compulsory law. ,
Tho law says that every parent,
guardian or other person In this Com
monwealth, having control or charge of
a child or children between tho nges of
eight und thirteen years, shall be re
quired to send such child or children to
a school In which tho common English
blanches nro taught, and such child or
children shall attend such school during
at least sixteen weeks of each year in
which schools In their respect I vo dis
tricts shall b in session, unless they
are excused from such attendance by
the board ot the school district as pro
vided for by this law. For every
neglect of duty imposed by this act, the
person in parental relation offending
shall be guilty of n misdemeanor, and
shall, upon conviction thereof before a
justice of the peace or alderman, forfeit
a fine not exceeding two dollars on first
conviction, nnd a flno not exceeding five
dollars for each subsequent conviction.
Tlio law also provides that, tho board
of directors or controllers may set apart
school rooms In publlo school buildings
for children who are hnbitual truants,
or who are Insubordinate or disorderly
during their attendance upon instruc
tion In public schools.
Resolutions Passed at Teachers' Institute.
There wero a numlicr of resolutions
passed nt tho teachers' institute held In
Hrookvlllc tlio lust week of November,
of which we print a part, as follows:
Bo It resolved Fourth Whereas, tho
price of school text books has in no way
boon subject to the general decline, anil
whereas tlio Immense profit derived
from their sitlo Is an incentive to the
use of (iiiestloiiablo means in securing
their adoption, be It resolved, that the
Jefferson County Teachers ask the
legislature to make provisions for the
printing of text books hy the Stute
Department of Printing, and for thoir
distribution nt cost to the schools.
Fifth That we respectfully usk the
legislature to pass an act granting to
school directors compensation for at
tending tho triennial convention for tlio
election of county sti)crintendont, shall
bo puid by t lie school districts: and
further, that thoconimlttee on examina
tion for permanent certificates ha allow
ed compensation for the time spent ill
holding the annual examination.
Sixth Whereas, tho legislature hns
passed an tictprnvlding for the establish
ment of district high schools und the
appropriation clause therefore hns
failed to lioeomo a law, bo It resolved,
That we ask tho legislature to appro
priate sufficient funds to make the pro
ject, possible.
w liereus, the American people
exhibit an apparent lack of frugality;
and whereas wo bellevo a training to
tlio proper use of money during child
hood would bo of much benefit In
establishing an Independent citizenship;
no It resolved, That we petition tho
leglslaturo to make provision for the
establishment of a system of school
savings banks.
An Aged Inventor.
' F. M. Lucas, of Rathmel, is one of
tho oldest patentees In the country.
He is 78 years of ago and has recently
mado application for a patent for a gute
which is remurkablo for its cbeupness
und simplicity of construction. Any
man who can drivo a nail can make onu.
Mr. Lucas has already sold severul to
his neighbors and ho propones to con
tinue their manufacture. His friends
hope he may live many years to enjoy
tho benefit of his Invention. DuBois
The Leiby Class Workers
Will exhibit In tho Stur building three
days, commencing Thursday, Deo. 10th.
Glass spinning, weaving, knitting and
a glass dress are special features.
This Is, without doubt, the bust exhibi
tion of tho kind traveling. The admis
sion is only 10c. Free presents to every
patron. Open afternoons and evenings.
Beautiful Monument.
Since our last issue E. E. Stewart has
erected a beautiful gray granite monu
ment in Buulah cerootery to mark the
last resting place of Walter Spry. We
have not seen the monument yet, but
have been informed that it is tho
prettiest one In the comotery.
Tills week wo will Bhow the finest
selection of rings evor offered, a con
signment lot. You know this means
low prices. C. F. Hoffman,
The Juwulur.
The naked truth is you find the finest
goods, largest stock and lowest possible
prices at Robinson & Mundorff's.
Robinson always under sells in shoes.
Silverware come and see the new
styles in coffee sots, cups, saucers, &c,
at Ed. Gooder's.
Silverware, gold pens, fountain pens
at Stoke's pharmacy.
No gold dollars for ninety cents, but
tho best silvor knives and forks for
i $3.33 to $.1.88 at V. f. Hoffman's.
Finest of raisins, currants and other
dried fruits especially for holiday trade
at Robinson & Muudorff's,
Our Educational Column.
"Oail William," IllUr.
Address nil rnmrnlltllniitlnns Ft.lntlvA In
department to Kdllur Kdiieallonal Column,
cure of I'HR St n.
no Tims i.iks Tn rnrsr.NT.
"If you're told to do a thlnu,
And mean lo do It really,
Never let II ho hy halvimi
Do It fully, freely.
lo not make a poor pxrii,
VVultliif;, wens, uiiHlendyi
All ohedlence worth the mime
Must Imj prompt, and ready.
If you're told to learn a task.
And you fthonld henln 11.
Ho not tell your teaeher, 'Yr
I'm coming In a mlniiio.'
Waste not moment" nor your words,
Telllnit wlmt you could do.
Pome ol her timet the present Is
I or doing what you hIioiiIiI (lo.
Don't do rlcht iinwllllimly,
And top to plan and measure;
'TIs workdiK with the heart nnd soul
That maketb duty pleasure."
Boys and girls, your "uncle" wants to
talk with you a little this week on mat
ters pertaining to punctuality, und
promptness In tho work of your literary
societies. Wo nro afraid that mr.ny of
you nro losing Interest In literary work
and becoming lazy, as It wero. Don't
do this. You can't expect, your society
to be a success if you each ono do not
take hold and help to push It along.
You cannot expect two or throe who
aro Interested to shoulder all tho work
nnd provide entertainment for tho rest
of you week after week. That would
be very unreasonable, to say tho least.
Tnko tho parts assigned you cheerfully
and when your name is called respond
and have something to soy, no matter
how little. Show your willingness and
you will be surprised In a short time to
find how easy it is to get up and Bay
something, and then to think of how
much more pleasant and entertaining
your exercises will be to everybody.
Try this, don't be a drone. Tho great
est orators, statesmen, jurists and
actors of the day hud to muko the same
beginning. Fame is not reached at a
single bound. Drop the "I can't"
whine nnd take up tho ringing "I will"
and success will attend you in all your
undertakings. Bo prompt nnd punctual
not only In your society work but In
your school work as well. Don't allow
the anticipation of tho good tlrao you
expect to have at Christmas time to
drive from your minds tho fact that
examination time is coming on. Bo
punctual. In tho great clock of timo
there Is but ono word, and that Is
"now." "Now" is tho watchword of tho
wise, "now" is the banner of tho pru
dent. Lot us always keep this little
word uppermost in our minds, and
whenever wo have any work to do, bo
it raentul or physical, let us do it with
all our might, remembering that "now"
is the only timo with which we have to
deal. You will find thHt "putting It
off till to-morrow". Is a hard way of get
ting through the world. "Now" is
ours: "then' may nevor come. Bo
punctual, putient and persevering.
Look on the bright side; it Is the best.
Hard times may come, but it will not
mako them easier by wearing a sad coun
tenance. It is sunshine that makes the
flower. Don't forgot that tho sky Is
blue ten times where It is black onco,
and there Is always something around
us which should cheer us. Think of
these things, boys and girls, be studious
nnd good and you will be happy.
sc;h(X)L notes.
The football game between the High
School and Room 13 on Saturday fulled
to materialize.
A local Institute will be announced
for this place soon.
Principal Lenkord recolved a eora-
mission this week from the state depart
ment appointing him a member of the
committee on pormanent certificates.
Hon. W. H. J. Hum the world re
nowned Georgia orator will toll you all
about the "Snollygostcr in Polities" on
Friday evening of this week, don't miss
it. Seats at Stoke's drug store. The
Publlo School orchestra will furnish
music for the lecture.
A number of our tcuchors will attend
the local Institute at Sykesvitlo on
Ham, the go inline Georgian Sugar
cured, will be served in a stylo that will
tickle tho palates of our literary
oplcures on Friday evening of this week
In Assembly hall, don't fall to eome and
get a slice, you'll enjoy it.
Tho orchestra is making rapid Im
provement and tho members desire
through this column to tender thanks
to Miss Belle Arnold, for valuable
assistance rendered.
Special Sale of Candy.
A Bpeclal sale of candy will take place
at J. M. Dunn's grocery, beginning
Deo. 20th and lasting for ten days only.
French mixed ben bona marked down
from 20o. per lt, to two th. for 25c;
puro cut mixed, marked down from 15c.
per lb. to three lb. for 25o.J chocolate
drops marked down from 30o. to 10c,
per lb. Call and examine quality.
The regular annul meeting of the
stock-holders of the First National
Bauk of Reynoldsvllle, for tho election
of Directors for the ensuing year, will
bo held In tho Bunk Room on Tuesday,
January 12th, 1,7, from 3 to 4 o'clock
P. M. John H. Kaucher, Cashier.
Col. Ham in Assembly. Hull Friday
Candy, the kind that melts in the
mouth, for o'.d and young, at Robinson
& Mundorff's.
Glimpses of the People who are Passing
To and Pro.
Miles King Is In Clarion county this
Goo. W. Sykes was in New Buthlohom
Altx. Rlstnn was In Punxsutawnoy
this week.
D. R. Cochran opened a shooting
gallery In Brookvlllo this week.
J. Van Reed has boon In JCameron
county tho past weok on busliffss.
Horry Moglo and Robert 8. Mulr
went to Punxsutawnoy yesterday.
Mrs. Sylvester Henry, of Brockway
vllle, visited In this place last week.
Mrs. Thou. E. Evans and Mrs. Lizzie
Willard are visiting in Punxstitawney.
H. E. MeQuown, postmaster at Big
Run, was In this plnco several days last
William Biuden, of West Sunbury,
Pa., spent Sunday with friends in this
Clias. Frank, of West Reynoldsvllle,
Is moving to Duquosno, nenr Pittsburg,
this week.
Herbert and Zoke Lowis, who have
been at Imperial, Pa., came home yester
day on a visit, j-
G. Sehlablg and familyif DuBois,
visited relatives at this place during
the past week.
Rev. Rich, pastor of tho DuBois M.
E. church, and wife, wero In Reynolds
vllle Thursday.
Mrs. II. Alex. Stoke, Misses Maggie
Stoke and Annio Black wore in Brook-
vllle last Thursday.
Mrs. M. C. Dickey, of Brookvlllo, wag
the guest of Mrs. R. E. McKeo a couple
of days last weok.
E. F. Cummlngs, a justice of tho peace .
of Johnsonburg. was in Reynoldsvllle a
couple of dnys lust week.
J. Frank Sehliiblg, who hns been at
tending school nt West Sunbury, Pa.,
Is at homo on a month's vacation.
Mrs. J. B. Johnston, of Pittsburg,
has been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Coax, at "Valley Homo"
the past week.
Frank J. Black, Miss Annie Black,
Ed. O'Rielly and J. A. Welsh attended
tho ladies reception given in the rooms
of tho Benlficlnl Protective Order of
Elks in DuBois last Wednesday night.
Mrs. John H. Knucbor was called to
Pittsburg by telegram on Friday on
account of illness of her son, Howard,
who is a student in tho West Penn
Medical College. Mrs. Kaucher return
ed home Monday evening. Howard
has the typhoid fever.
Church Notices.
Under this heading will be found the
subjects nnd texts of the pastors of the
various churches of Reynoldsvllle for
the following Sunday.
Rev. J. W. Crawford, pnstor. Morn
ing: "Cure for the Fragments." John
12. Evonlng: "Jocob's Ladder."
Gon. 28: 10-15.
Rev. John Bullentino, Ph. D., of Clar
ion, will preach In the Baptist church
next Sunday, Deo, 13th. In the morn
ing at 11 o'clock the subject will be
"The Choice of Mosos." Hob. 1 1 : 24-27.
Evonlng, 7 o'clock: "And the Iron
Did Swim." II Kings 6: 6.
Rev. L. F. Colo, the gonoral mission
ary of tho Episcopal Diocese of Pitta-
burg, will hold service in the Royal
Arcanum hall on Thursduy. Deo. 10th,
at 7.30 p. M. The public Is welcome
and cordially invited to attend.
Killed at Bellwood.
Francesco Lisantro, an Italian who
has been employed at Wulston for the
past nine years, started for his old
home In Italy Inst Thursday afternoon.
Ho was past tho ago of sixty years, had
saved up six or seven hundred dollars,
and Intended to live at eaae in his na
tive country. He also had fourteen or
fifteen hundred dollars belonging tt
friends in this country with which he
was entrusted to take buck. But his
dreams of huppiness amongst the vine--clad
hills of sunny Italy was suddenly
dispelled by death. When he reached
Bellwood, he started to cross the Main
Line tracks when the Chicago Limited
came along, struck him and killed him
instantly. Punxsutawney Spirit.
Special Sale of Candy.
A special sale of candy will take place
at D. B. Stauffer's grocery, beginning
Dec. 20th and lasting ten days only.
French mixed bon bona marked down
from 20c. per lt. to two lb. for 25c.;
pure cut mixed, marked down from 15c.
per lb. to three th. for 25c; chocolate
drops marked down from 30o. to 18c.
per th. Cull and examine quality.
Keep your eye on our window and you
will get some suggestions for Xmas
presents. C. F. Hoffman,
The Jeweler.
Xmas gifts at Robinson's shoe store.
See their goods and get their prices
on candy before you buy. We mean at
Robinson St Muudorff's.
Onyx tables, banquet lamps, rose
bowls, hand and triplicate mirrors at
Stoke's pharmacy.
Two thousand pounds fine oandy
already In and more coming for holiday
tradt) at Robinson & Mundorff's. .