The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 02, 1896, Image 7

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Mort for jrotir nionjr and ar neaille!
penaes no it. It la true tfoaemv to bill Id np
yntir system an J pruToul aluUn'-ss hy tnklii
The blt I n fa''! t.tie linn Tree M'.xvl Pnrltee
Unnilta U2:f ara prompt, efficient anil
nODO 8 rlllS aaeylaeiloct. Meant.
Women and Hcadnchr.
The woman with the lirail.-iclip Is
erf-attire to bo pit lot, Onnrrally alio
could bolp It If lw would, or rnthrt
prevent. A hrndnrhp la simply imtnrc
ravengo for nomo crlmo against It. It
com o usually from ovpmtlng. iimlrr
eating, or Irregular pntlnc, which
causes Indigestion, nnd p.iso on the
atomneb rause pressure on the brain,
and that onuses the very worst of head
aches.. The next commonest ailment
la weak eyes and necessity for glasses.
Its fLeamm.
From th6 harl tlmm peopla will reap ls
toni of (xperlencA, learning how to net with
mora cam In buslnea and how to apply
remedies for the atrinveaor of siR'h times.
With mors care we will hnva leas accident,
and moch less Miffering if we know tho true
ramedy. In tho field and worlt-nhop, la
deed la all activities, sprains and bruises
happen aad bring thottanl limns of pain and
Buffering;. Experience teaches that it Is al
ways beet t ) art the best riimeily, which is
tha cheapest In the end. Experience points
to Bt. Jncobs Oil ns without question tho
est remedy for snoh mishaps, being the
sorest and promptest cure. HufferinK bring"
hard times, evco in prosperity. The beet
remedy for it la the surest wny out ol them.
OaaCsawrsstttnnlatellTer.kldnrTssnd bow
ale. Never slokea, weaken or gripe, 10c
Profits of Authors.
The fond delusion that sueeessful an
chor roll In wealth Is fostered hy anch
Items aa "Mrs. Burnett has been offer
ell $15,000 to write a etory for tho Lip
plncott'e," or that "Mark Twain clear
ed $100,000 from tho aule or General
Grant's Memoirs." A few authors,
and yon can count them upon tho An
gers of ono hand, do nuiko big money
out of literature, but let us ace what
the ordinarily successful ono mnkes.
In the first place the answer to the
question above la that a snlo of 5,000
copies Is considered a very suecpusful
one, and that a Bale of 2,0;0 copies
pays. Wo arc speaking now, say, of a
cloth-covered novel which retails at
Tho entire proceeds, then, of such a
book will fall considerably under
$5,000, for It must be remembered that
a, $1 book Is not always sold for 100
cents. A 12mo novel contains about
250 pages, or 75,000 words. On a rough
estimate such a book will cost the pub
lisher about 30 cents a copy. This In
cludes composing, printing nnd bind
ing. The entire expenses. Including a
royalty of 10 per cent, to the author,
the usual rate, and the advertising, will
amount to 50 cents. For this book,
which costs the publisher 50 cents, ho
gets from CO to 05 cents, leaving him
a front of from 10 to 15 cents.
Tlila profit Is generally increased
somewhat by tho retail sales of the
publishing house. Publishers are bound
and thla Is for tho protection of the
book etorea to sell a $1 "book for $1.
Enough books are sold by them at this
price to bring up the average profit,
say, to 15 cents. Thus a publisher who
ells 5.000 copies of a novel will make
about $750 out of the transaction not
a very large profit for tho capital In
vested and the risk Involved. The
profits of the author at 10 per cent, will
amount to $500, that la to Bay, his lnbor
of writing and revising nnd his time
for which he Is not certain of any re
turn, not to mention tho mental wear
and tear, about eoven mills a word.
Magnificent pay, and yet he la a suc
cessful author.
Of courao there are eomo books, but
they are very few, which niako phe
nomenal success, an J these are the ones
which are read about from one end of
the country to another. Most publish
ers aay that It hardly pays In this pres
ent era of cheap paper-covered novels
to publish the mora expensive cloth
covered editions.
Their Conduct and Health Often Mystifies
Their Mother.
Young girls often feci and conse
quently act, very strangely.
' They shed tears without apparent
cause, are restless, nervous, und at
times almost
absorbed, and heedless of things go
ing on around them. Sometimes they
complain of pain In lower parts of
body, flubhea of heat in head, oold feet,
Young girls are not free from incipi
ent womb troubles.
Mothers should see to it that Lydla
El I'inkham'a Vegetable Compound is
promptly taken; all drugglata have it.
The girl will speedily be "herself
again," and a probable danger be
verted. Any Information on this sub
ject, or regarding all female ailments,
will be cheerfully given free by Mn
2'tnkham, at Lynn, Mass, write her.
TM 17 49
.aW W,
"Tause my mnmmn loves me so,"
Hnld a llttln mnld of three,
When 1 asked her how It win
Nhe wns dressed so dnlntilv.
"Timso my mamma loves me S ,"
Hwni'tesi thought a child mny know ;
Dearest words she o'er could say
"Tnviso my mnmma loves mo to."
Tause her mamma loves her so,
Uod-sent angel from tho skyt
ISloss her little, trustful heart,
Hwnnt and pure and frankly shy.
Philip Kayo, In Chicago llooord.
A mouse endeavored to convince a
rabbit of tho advantao of wearing a
long tail.
"You," said ho, "mo not admitted
(O the best society, like myself, and I
do not doubt this is tho solo reason.
Certainly a long tail does give one an
Wliilo tho two friends wcro nrxuing.
a kite swooped down upon them, and
each betook hinisulf to his hiding
place. Tlio rabbit wns fairly hidden,
but the rnoiixo was ensily discovered
and drawn from his place of refuge,
into which ho had not time to draw
Ilia boasted biulgo of society. As the
kito bore off his prey, tho rabbit re
marked quietly: "My friend, tho
mouse, would linve been bettor off had
ho not been quite so distinguished."
Wunt do you suppose becomes of
all the peach stones thut aro discarded
by the hundreds of thousand iu tho
great peuch-canniug factories, to ny
nothing of the tunny that ate loft from
tho ponchos we aro all eating every
day wliilo tho delicious fruit lusts?
II.ivo you ever thought anything about
them, except that thoy were not good
to eat? They are not j that is so; but
they have a use, howover several,
indeod. Bushels and bushels of them
are sold to fruit growors, who plant
thera to grow young peaoh treos, that
are in turn set out for peach orchard".
From the oil of tho kernel that is
found in the inside of tho stone a
powerful drug, prusnio aoid is dis
tilled. It is a poioa if takuu even in
a very small quantity, but it is a vnln
ablo and usoful drug for various lab
orutory purposes. A third uso of tiio
punch-pits is to dry them nud use for
fuol, for which purpose they are ex
cellent. Chicago Record.
The question agitating tho college
boys who havo entered those places of
learning this term is, '"Whnt shall wh
call ourselves?" The freshmon of '03
will he graduated in 1909, and fol
lowing a long-honored custom of
dropping the tirst two integer of the
year, they should cll themselves the
olass of '00. But that is naught
naught, and menus not hi up;. It is
not to be thought of, they say spirit
edly. Yet tho long "1900" litis a very
odd sound, and besides, will bo very
hard to contrive a yoll for. Even the
girls' colleges are fretting over the
question, but can see no way out of
the dilemma exoept the use of the full
dato 1900, At least it will be a com
pensation for tho awkwurd designation
to bo graduated in so remarkable a
year as is 1939, when the century date
is to be altered, and the "18" that has
been in usa for a hnndrud years mast
yield to "19." We shall all make
some odd slips of the pon before we
can readily write off that now date
whan it comes. New York Times,
This incident was related to me by
a friend, who was the small boy of
the story:
"From my earliest reoollection my
father was fond of horses, and he
usually kept from one to five iu his
stables. Thoy were well oared for,
aud in return he expected good ser
vice and speed. We had one horse,
Fan, who was tho pet of the family,
aud wus considered so aafe that I, a
little fellow iu kilts, was allowed to
play around her head and heels with
out restraint.
"One day I was ploying in the yard
a n.uul while old Fuu was being
hitched up. Wheu all was ready;
father jumped into the wugou, gath
ered np the toins, and gavo tho word
to go. But tho horse moved not a
muscle, Hu thon lightly touched her
with tho whip; old Fun moroly pickud
np her enrs, but wonld not budge.
Just tiieu my fathor.a little out of pa-
tie nee, gnvo tho horse a sharper
stroke. What was his nmnzoment to
see old Fun lower liar head, carefully
seize with her tenth a small bundle
which wns directly iu front of tier,
gently toss it to ono side, then shirt
off on a brisk trot.
"As tho sm i.ll bundle proved to bo
me, it is needless to say that old Fun
was more petted than ever before."
Religious Telescope.
The average American boy litllo re
alizes in how much pleasnuter place"
his lines are cast than those of boys of
most other nations. A distinguished
university professor who ha just re
turned from prolonged studies abroad,
recently related his experiouce witli
the public schools in (iermany. He
remarked, by the way, that in certain
parts of tho country there seemed to
be no children. There were plenty
of Kinnll people, but no evidences of
childhood, os we know it. Wishing
to place his own sou of eleven years iu
the public schools, nnd being always
ardently interested in the cause of
education, he madii a point of visiting
tho schools extensively and leisurely,
and the results t bis mind were fur
from happy. Tho musters, for the
inoht part, ho found to bo domineering
autocrats, nbunitig their power in a
way to ronso the Fourth of July spirit
of the meekest Americ in lad. For
tho slightest failure of n quick re
sponse, a ready atmwer there were
no such things as misdemeanors, poor
little souls I the boys wore brutally
held up by tho ohiu, lifted by tho ears, !
had books flung nt their heads, or
received a shirp blow over the kiinck- J
TLon they hnvo nearly twice the
number of hours a week that the
Atm ricau boy has, going to school at
seven o'clock iu the morning, exoept
in mid-winter, when tlio school be
gins at eight, and spending n good
part of the day there. In point of
discipline tho schools are nil nliko.aml
tho American boy was sent to ono ol
them. Though never molested him
self, the nets of injustice and tho cruel
use of power that hu daily witnessed
worked upon his sympathies aud liberty-loving
spirit to stioli n dogreo
that his pareuts thought best Himlly to
take him out of school.
Even the holidays nrj spent in a
way few American boys would be like
ly to choose. Tlio pupils are mar
shaled iu regiments through the cities,
taught the topography of tho country,
tho history nil signillcutico of all tho
monuments, aro shown points of his
toric interest, the homes of distin
guished men, etc.. And while theso
aro excellent and ncoossury things for
boys to kuow, the American boy is
expected to pick up suoU information
iu tUe course of his play. On otuor
days thoy are taken into the woods to
gather and analyze flowers, go out on
a geological survey, or for a lesson in
natural history These latter, how
ever, are of such immense service aud
muy be made so interesting that they
are perhaps worth the sacrifice of a
holiday, and constitute a feature of
their education to which we might
well aspire.
Another enormotia advantage that
American boys have, is the delightful
literature that is placed at their dis
posal. I wouder how many of thorn
realize thut some of the noblest and
finest minds in tlio country devote
their eutiro live to the youths of (ho
Iu Germany on the ooutrary, there
is a tremendous dearth of good books
for boys. Youths' literature is for
the most part exoesxivoly juvenile and
weak. Ex-oept for their peerless fuiry
stories, there is almost nothing of
value, and but for the fsot thut some
of the best English aid Ainerioan
books for boys have bum translated
into Germun, the boys uud girls of
the Vuterlnud would have little but
the school books aud the most puerile
stories nutil such a tints as they wero
reudy for reading of the raaturer sort.
Iu fact, boys are kept absolutely in
leading atriugs, uutil eeut to college,
-.1.... . L. 1 . ,:l In:
nunu muj cujujr mil iiueny, llie
result of this syatem is that a terrible
crop of wild oats is sown in the first
years of college life. Those who have
the hardihood to como through this
safely, settle down into the thorough
going, typical German, lint too many.
alas, having sown tho wind, reap the
Woman Killed snd Her Baibtnd Badly
Mrs. Casper I.aboy, of Kesqiiohonlng, was
stabbed to death and her hunhund seriously
slnshed by robbers, who forced aa entrance
Into Mr. Laboy's house Mondny morning.
Lattoy heard tlio robbers In tho house and
attacked one of them, who stnhtmd him In
pnvnriil plnees. Mrs. Laboy tried to rcneh
the street to enll for help, when she was met
In tho hallway and stabbed to dentil. 1 lireo
Hungarians wero enptured shortly before
noon on the outskirts of the town. They
wero covered with blond nnd cannot give a
clear account of their movements that morn
InK. The Krcnlcst e .vehement pmvnlls, and
It is fonred that nn attempt may be mndn to
lynch the men if it can be proven that they
aro the guilty ones.
Detective Online, of the Krln A Tittsburg
railroad, arreeted a young men about 19
years of ae who had In his possession a
complete outfit of tools for robbing box enrs.
Hoynvehi name as .lames WIho and his
rusldeneo Mendvllle. Yise claimed he was
one of a gang of car robbers, but bis duty
was to carry the tools. He told the detect
ive that be would disclose the hiding place
of stolen goods at Oreenville, but the ollleer
failed to llnd any. Ho wns taken to New
Caatlo, where ho will have a hearing.
The Dloomlngton conl company, of which
Benntor 1'ealeis preeldent, Is making prepar
ations to open up the extenslvn coal tlehls nt
Itntlimel, near Iteynohlsvtllo, which they
leased from Tulle, Kuhugnrs h Co. soma time
ago. The field is about 4(10 acres in extent.
A crew of men are now at work grading and
clearing for the new railroad brunch, two
miles long, which will connect with the
Iteynoldsviile A Falls Creek railroad at
ltntbmnl, and over which the product of the
mines will be shipped.
Abont a week ago a stranger called at a
livery stable In New Casile, and left a horse
and uuckboard to bo kept over night. He
told a bard iuek story and succeeded In get
ting the rig kept for 80 cents. Tho man never
came back, and Mr. Uarvln, proprietor of
the stable, decided to sell the outlit, and put
it up at public auotion. After much spirited
bidding tho horse and buokboard wore
knocked down for 65 cents.
Mrs. William Bpringnr, of Johnstown, took
a dose of iaudnnum, but a doctor saved hei
life. Hhe is young, and was recently mar
ried. Her husband is out of work, and this
and domestlo troubles lod ber to attempt to
kill herself.
The suit of Michael Hnrold sgnlnst Thomns
Taylor of Midway, for (40,000 damages for
drilling water wells for a mining company
in New Meiico, has been settled by a decree
allowing Harold 12,600.
The Jury at Heaver awarded John Elfert
160 damages for the death of his child. It
having died from hydrophobia from being
bitten by a dog of Alva Kupps. both men
are of Freedom, Pa.
Citizens of New Castle have decided to or-
Cnnlzs a bonnl of trade; nnd a meeting has
een called for December 7, when a perma
nent organization will be eflected.
Wilbcrt Allen, colored, Is In Jail at Homer
set for shooting at an engineer of a freight
train while trying to hold it up.
The proprietors of the liunumont .mines at
Itrownsvillo have advanced their 130 inluors'
wattes to per 100 bushels.
There are petitions In circulation by 25
people at ueynoiusviuewuo waul to ue post
master there.
The Elsklmlnltis Valley telephone company
of Apollo, capltul, (2,000, was chartered
fclTorts aro being made to ostnbllnh a
branch of the Y. M. 0. A. at Monongnhela.
Nearly 1.000 new coke ovens were fired In
the vlclulty of Uulontown, Monday.
Ooldmaa ft Coben,olothlers of Elttannlng,
were olosed by the slierltl.
The Rnlvntlon army has Imuun prepara
tions for a vigerous cnmpnlifu aud cru
sade against the evil in M. Louis. Jlrlim
dler ltichard Kvnua said: "Wo am looking
about for a site to establish u regotio boine.
1 lie city u sadly in need of sueli nn In-ikii-tiou.
1 hnve lust receive,! wont iin.t i,..ti.
Commissioner liooth-'i'ucker and Ids wife
will be in rit. Louis in January, wliou wo aro
Being to inaugurate the brand campaign
wo have ever conducted iu any city west of
the MIuaIuIiioI "
drain, lour and feed.
WnEAT-N t led IM
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BAI Ntt 1 timothy
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liny, from wagone ..
Fi.nL No. 1 WblteMd., ton.,
.bruwu Miaaiwsa.. .......
Bran, bull
Uau froduvia,
BUVTKU KLjIn creamery. 111 ti
Fancy Creamery . , . is is
li,tf L.iimtif H.IL If u
Chaault Ohio, u,w . J a
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APPLE Hbl ft 00 1 7
KAN b Hand-picked, per bu 1 nil I s
t-Ol AlOaA IU car. Iiu 6 ia)
lADUAU Uuiue growa, bol.-. ',. 1 0U
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rouitrr, a.,
CUICKEN8, pair
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'1 LltKi.lS.h ib
KiiUa Pa, aud Ohio, treeh
BltKDS clover J lbe ( 6 16 46
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OA 10 White Weataru iH
iiiji'liClt creamery HO
JUilin stale ami fouu Ill
Prime. J.f00 to 1.400 lb..,.,....., a so a 44,
U00U. l.iou to l.uiu lbs , 4 00 4
tairWbl atei'a, UW iuw'iba. B 40 OV
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Ksposnre Came Menr Kndlng Ills Lire.
JFcoin fas Frnt; Vtica y. Y.
Mr. William Dale Is a highly respected fnr-
mer living In Hint part of tho township of
Itrooknold known ns Iho "Waterman Dis
trict," and Is well known as a thrifty nnd
honorable man of Independent means. Three
years ngo Mr. Dale wns disabled from rheu
matism In n most n'lgravaled form, which
medical skill seemed powerless to relieve,
but suddenly ho boenme to nil nppenrnnco
cured, wns nble to nttend to his work, nnd
ever since lias been in looks at least tho in
carnnllon of sound bodily health.
The following Is Mr. linln"s own statement
of his case and what wrought the ehnnifo.
jisooKriKi.n, New York, July Mih, 1H!"0.
'l am lli'tv-one venrs obi. and hv birth nn
Enallshmiin. In my early li e 1 lollowedtho
avocmlinof flsbermnu, In which by expo
sure I contracted rheumatism, from which I
suffered more or less for many years. Alxiut
three years ago, 1 nrosn one morning to Hud
myself crippled, nnd tho lent exertion
brought on most excruciating pnlns, that
I wns forced to seek relief by gidng to bed
and retraining motionless. Our family phy
sician was linmedla ely summoned, and he
bcKiin the usual courso of rcmodlcs hut In
sten I of helping mo I beenmo woree. My
Joints, especially in my left nrm were in
flamed and hot. I suffered much from de
rangement of the heart, nnd nnnslatt sweats,
which were of a lour, III smelling nature.
My appetite fulled me, my tongue wns thickly
coated, and nltoirether I was la a bud ny.
In addition to this, worrimrnt of mind be
cause I could not attend to the spring work
on two farms which I owticd.made my con
dition doDlornble.
"While In this unhappy tide, my friend,
Mr. Amos Jsquays, of Columbus Centre,
ncarine or my illness, came over nnd ri eom-
me to trv Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
hleh hesnlit had eureil him of kldnev dis
ease. He niso stated that William Woodman,
wnoni 1 nail aoown 10 00 a terriuie men
mutiu sufferer nil his life, was through t til-t
remedy now In tho best of health.
" to make a loiur storv short. I sent over
to Mr. Hltns York, who keeps a store ami
sol Is groceries by wngon through the coun
ty, for a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills,
umi begnn to take them a cording to illree.
lions. Tim results of the new treatment
ro nslonishlhir. ns after tnklmr nine of tho
pills 1 was at work nod ever iluce have done
my full share of labor.
"rink rids are now our nhvsiclan. We
always keep them In the house, and doctors
til ls have ceased to be a purt of the family
"inesn puis are "Jscomlng pretty well
known In this part of Ihoconnirv. as all who
have here used them swear by tunn, and do
nil in their power to make their virtues
The above Is a true statement, nnd If
necessary I will make oath to the sumo.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain. In a con
densed form, all the elements necessary to
g.vo now life und richness to the blood and
restore shattereil nerves. They are nn 1111
fulllug specific for such diseases ns locomotor
ataxia, iiirthil paralysis, HI. Vitus' iluuoe,
rein1 lea, neurnlglu, rheumatism, nervous
beainehn, the after effect of lit grips, pnl
tiltutlou of the heart, pule nnd sallow com
plexions, nil forms of weakness either In
mule or female, pink Pills are sold by all
dealers, or will bo sent pild on recolpt
of pilee, 60 cents a box, or six boxes for 4 2. SO.
by nddiesslng Dr. Williams' Mud Id lie Com
pany, Hebeuwtif'y. N. Y.
The money pnld in wages nnnunlly by
Insgow Corporation amounts to 1500.120.
The object of the mannrscturera of Dobbins' F.lec
trie Roa I aa been for H yearn to nial;e this soap ot
tirh tape fur quality tli.t It will irive univrrml
at(aaetteH. have til -r aticreeilcUP Auk your
Bracer or .t. Tki ie oiba.
Seventy-two races inhabit the world and
use 8,004 different tongues.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Ttswaril fn
lay case of Catarrh that cnuuot be oured by
ball's Calarr h ' ure.
r. J. vtiKf kt A CO., Trees., Toledo, O.
We. toe underlined, have known If. J. f Mia.
fsy lor the last 19 years, and bjlleva him per
footly honorable in all bu-inesa transactions
snd financially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
ter at i buax, ivaulusale l)rug::ta, Toledo,
VViii.iiiNO, KmnAif A Msnvi.t, Wholesale
Urn iuiats, Toledo, Ohio.
Hail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, net.
Intf directly upou the hloud ami mucous aur
lucrsor I hasyntrm. l'rlie,7 s'. ifr bottlUi bold
by nil Drou-ixisls. 'I'e-timoalais free.
lloU's Family rills aro the best.
Mrs. Wlnslow'sf-'nothlng Pyrupforrhlldren
reetiiint;, sortensine BuiiiH.reiuires iiiuaiiiiiiii
tluu. ulluys paiuicurej wind colic. hju bottle.
FITRntop)d freeanll permnnentlycnred. No
Mm after first dny'a use of Dm, Ki.iNas Giihat
NKiiVKrlKmoiian. Kreefirial iKitt.eaiid treat.
Ise. tfeud to Ilr. Kline. Mil Arch bt I'hiia.. i'n.
Wait bilious or costive, eat a Os-caret,
Sandy cathartic, dure uuarauleod. 10c., SAo
As follows!
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n mn nn
20 Socand " " " $100CpciA.BIoycl9s2,000.00
40 Third " " " $ 25 Gold
Cash 2nd Pikes ghca each cisatb
Total glyon during 12 raos. 1897, $40i800X0 WRAPPERS
C'niniiiioratoanve nn innny 6UNLI0HT I
SOAP Wmuurrn) nn thay can rollect ut I
oil' lhf Co
inn too yuniDD hi run
ppera innt portion contain
liin tieaiUu 8UNLnH1
Iti.r ihn kriniliuM BUMLhHT
to n n" I nroto no Menu uoaitue
llllMt At IHLBriP MtaLttllaT I 'lllll liAta
lior'M lull nuiue bin! ulurfm
nnd lU oil m tier f t ojooft
Mfut In. to lvirallroB. I. id.
1U.aaiVASiL.iiiHrLi1 aaa .nl.Uu
nfllie IMS. it
t'lt'T 'o mprtU or Uvea in.
No. ol
New York r.iv, ISrooklyiii J-on
indHtiiipTi s)lnnlH Nrw Jei'wy.
"Sew York' Ki hip qfif. 1. f'.iy,
bnxjk'yn, Lnng and Wnlrn tlandtt.
FcHnvvlvnnlnT Ii,l"warr, aflnrv
Inml. Went Vlrlal od li
liir.t of j'utnmbiiia ,
Tlio SVw Knalnml Stat.
Ttia RtVyoltM urn thnn.lnhr.tM I Plprrf rtprrl.'llt
l; Pattern, uTl lJ W. Pinn-s
-.Io, B -u.nmn.1 Nfw Yurk, Fitted will. Hrtf"rt
Tints, l-irnt l.'l.mi Nick o Lam--. Nw l.n.rtiir
lioll, fitAfidsvrd OTolumetsr, sod Huol LofcwUUl.
I DP AT IIinPT V fTTlTJUTTPPrt to aura
hhwwmvmms v w..... " nr.. arvvr
in.iiiiiii i r,iii iiiiRnu 1 1 r.r.11
pi ana keoaietrree. as. kti:kijsi iihi iii
" Fool's Haste is Nae Speed." Don't Hurry the
Work Unless You Use
Don't Totiaeea ffpit and Pmoka Yon fdn
If you wan to tpvt mImc-h nnt easily snd
forever, reimin 103 . ni'iiinoot, be msite well,
strong, rn'iKnetlc, lull of new life end vlcor,
teke No'l'o-lbie, toe wonder-worker thai
nisxes weak innn sironff. lnny sain tet
pouml In tfn days. Over oared, tiny
No-To-Hao rrom your oiru tirnir:;irtt. ITnder
atMOtOfe c"laraiil-e io euro. lioulc and sninpl
tree. Aoilrnis bterilug Itemiidy Co., Cblcac
or New Vurk.
f hnve found I'lfo'aCure for Cmisnmptton
n mifalllMt incillcliie. K. It. Lots, LMncott
Ht., UovliiKton, Ky., Uot. I, lt-04.
Jttsr try a fa-, box of rs-eerets, ths finest
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding1 of tho
transient nntnro of the many phyar
leal Ills which vanish befcro proper ef
forts gentlo cffortsplensnnt efforts
rightly directed. There la comfort la
the ltnowledpfo that bo rnnny forms of
sl--'lcneR9 oro not duo to any uct.unl dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condl
tion of tlio system, which tlio pleasant
family lnxnt'lve, Kyrnpof Figs, prompt
ly removes. Thnt la why It Is Che only
remedy with milllonsof families, and is)
cverywhoro esteemed so highly by all
who valuo p-ood hcnlth. Its beneficial
effects aro duo to tho fact, that it is tho
ono remedy which promotes InternaV
cleanliness, without dulnlltatinjr tha
organs on which it nets. His there!1:
all Important, In order to tret Its bene
ficial effects, to tioto when yon pur
chase, that you have tho genuine nrtlcla,
which is manufactured by theCnlifornia
Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep
lltnblo druggists.
If in the enjoyment of froort health,
end tha system is regular, then laxa
tives or other remedies nro not needed.
If a filleted with nny nctiml disease, one
may be commended totho most skillful
physicians, but if In need of a laxative,
then ono should hnvo tho best, and with
tho well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest, and is most largely
used and zives most general satisfaction. '
Invaluable In Office. School, and Tome.
A thoronoh rovilon of the i
Unahridned. thr nn?iNiw t,ti
Which ii:l llfN-fl fllaiitTV nnr i
. th iir-iyi.-inii ut inMtrrl:it f or
Iih:isiiihi uiiii miowy (lvt"rTlaVr- i
iiciiL Imt tlm lu, iutltcioiiii, 5
HCh"l:irlT. tlIf)F..Mih T.r1nt.
r Inrj nC 11 wnrk whirl, ft, on tlio i
Btnp nf lr irniv. ih hnt clvii
liiirii tl f:i nn vnn Jr(fT- tt )
fiivur flint cotulfl.-nrf of rhol- 3
nisjuilUUI UU' lyplifful litililtn
i ue suiioicest of Gifts i
for Christmas.
ViBioi-s Strtss or Hindiko.
w 1 1 Kl-s cm on appacailOn IO
G.AV Mh KPUM t o., Itthlinbrra,
.Snrlrs (flaaf lfn. r Li A
Lkto PrincipU Kxavnintr V. B. PtmlOB BroMt.
$tt, in Ian war, 1J VsajudlcUtat olauuo, mtlj. !.
iaJrNMii.iAiaa(oi.T. N i u I
fana. OR. J.L.8'rCPH&MS.LLHaii4ia.otUak
P N IT 40 00
nnilisa ln1 WHISK Yh.l.UonrM. Rook 1
vaia. br. B. at Woollbt. Atlanta,ua.
lal.lfs u.nfif ill fi s 1:
I'rA Dost nui:h 8yron Tasiisi (J
M iniimo. enionr anninsr
iifS. PT
isst. TJteP'S
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FOR 1 1 I
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fa EirTroonthduriulWTtnMhof t4dUlrta
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f.uraefavt Nnmlr ol coupon from
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Next TiRraoBC Number of oou
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4. A printed ttit of VT.nn fn OnmpslIttVs dutrtet
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ucb C'nipsiti: ion clows.
Efi. r brtbar, Ltd., will n4taTortoswmrdths
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nt it 1j unci fritKri! that all whoo(iiiiMtnrM tu aa
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