-j?r Star tiHbmTiptiim $1.00 jwr wnr, in ncii-mire. V. A. ftTKI'HKNftOtt, li.lllor and I'lih. WKDXKaUAY, NOVl'TuTnt 25. 11WU. Aiitm!cH'ndpnt hrilmiM'r.pulillliMlpvpry Ue.nimluy nl Hivoltlvlllo, .I.MTvron 'n. Pa., ilivoid to Mil' tti(riiti it lti'.vimlilvHI nit .InlTi'mnn county. NoM-tolllli'til, will tri'iit. &U with fulriiPHH, utiil will hiMHpurliilly fiit'titl ly towuriN liilxit-lnir lnw. Suliwrliitlon prlrpf l.)Mi yrnr.ln mlvnncn. (Vmiimintrntlnnn Inti'mli'il for mililli'iiit"n Mint lw n niinnU'il liythn writer' rmim'. not for nulilli'iitlon, but n n Riinrnntcn of B')Ol1 fllltlt. IlllorwttlnH tiown ItCltK MlllcltPll. Atlvprtltlnir into Hindu known on Hllcn tlon nt thpoltli'P In Arnold' Hlork. I.enjrhty I'imimnnli'iiiliin nml rhnntffl of jitlvprtliM'm.'nt hIiouM rpai'li thin olltre by Monilnv noon. Aildrr nil rommnnlfiitlonn to C. A. Htruh n.oti, Knytiolilvi1ln, I'll. Entnrpil lit Hip Kwtotlli P nt UpynobNvlllP, Ta.. !ppotiil rln mull nmttpr. TIoiupU'cb wntfotm tiro to w tried In Now York n a tmlwtituta for wutfons tlrnwn by luifMPs for mull dclivorlos. It I hoIU'Vfd liy tlio iwmtnl nutlioritio thnt a raving nmy tx rITt'rtt'tl by tiNlnjr tho now vcltioli'K. Cnnnda will out Its Tlmnkxirtvlntf tur key on tho uninii dny with Undo Sum thlnypKr. Ttio rt'tiHon tiHsltrni'd for tlio chnnifo In that, tlio mt8ii'nlon of busi ness In tho United Suite on Thtinka Riving day hn lxen found to oerlotinly ttlTeet tho Inminoy Intereiitu of C'tiniiilu. ProHldent Cloveliind and (iovornor Ilgxttnirit Issued lUMclnnuitlonH nevoral voekd njro desijftiutlntr to-morrow a tho day which tho people of utato and nation should ohaorvo nit a h)hcIh1 day to rnturii tliatiUs to tho Giver of all Wi'sttinKii for what has boon received from His bountiful hands during tho iast ytmr. Tho Pennsylvania Hailroad Company lias prepared plans for tho abolition of irrado ciwslni; In Philadelphia, on its Philadelphia and Trenton brunch, covering tho streets from Trenton Avenue and Xorrln street, to Butler street. Tho proposed Improvement, which contemplates tho elevation of the tracks and tho bridging of tho streets, will cost, tho company nearly .1,iXH),0)0, and will entail upon the city on ontlnv of somo 7.0,000 for changea of grades. Hon. Duniol 15. Iloinor, of KitlHtining, who was the Congmmniiin of this district two terms and wanted to Ihj tho third term, now wants to bo United States District, Attorney for tho West ern District, of Pennsylvania. Come off the perch Daniel! You aro not In it this time. There arc too many abler men who want to 1111 tho osltion. Tho plum jrvs to a Jefferson county man this timo. What did Heitier do whilo In Congress that would prove that ho h.HH the ability to till even a small county office ? Tho tramp nuisanco has grown to such proportions In Hrookvillo dut-lnff tho past few weeks that tho Town Council have taken means to suppress it. and a special force of policemen are now on duty, who aro Instructed to wrest ovory holxi who Is found bogging from door to door in town. Kiirht Knights of tho Road aro now cooped In the jail, and tho good work will go on until those gentlemen who live by their wits give our town a wldo berth. The frequent robberies, and boldness and impudence of these wanderers modo it iiocossary to adopt some means of sup pressing what has proven a great annoy ance. Brookvllle Republican. Somo people might Infer from the above that the taxpayers of tho county will have to pay the boarding of the tramps who go tagging in Brookvllle. Edward A. Carmalt, Esq., of Brook' Tills, tho hustling chairman of tho Republican County Committee, xpoken of, and strongly endorsed, for tho position of United States District Attorney for the Western District of IPennsylvanla. Mr. Carmalt Is a bright Hawyer, hard worker and a stalwart Ropublioan. He certainly deserves to bo remembered by tho Republican party when the "spoils" are divided. We have been informed that bis fellow members of the Jefferson county bar join unanimously in a petition requesting hie appointment. We are personally .uuquaistua wun Air. carman ana un Ihesitatingly say that we believe he would fill the position of United States Dibtrlct Attorney creditably and that lie would not shirk any duty that the jJOMitloo would thrust upon him. The state alien investigating com "mlttee. appointed bv tho last leirislatui-e v . is now traveling in various Darts of the state making an investigation of tho charitable Institutions, and the results of ihe committee's investigations so far how that almost every one of them overcrowded, so overcrowdod that hundreds of InmateB are obliged to sleep on the floor. They have discovered that at least 25 per cent, of the Inmates of the charitable and penal Institutions tire of foreign birth, and most of them tiavo not been long in this country. It , is due to this cause that the hosnitala. , iuflrmarlus aud prisons are inadequate to the demands made upon them, and there Is no doubt that legislation will have to be enacted to meet tho neurU nf these places. B. K. Focht, of Union ' county, chairman of the committee, i says that Pennsylvania is paying probably $1,000,000. or more a year buooort uauuer allon. ' When committee's Investigations aro complete too results will bo presented to JetfUlaturti. the Our Educational Column. "TJneH Willlta," tdlUt. Alilrpn nil PointntlltlrnMoiiM rplntlvp to thl rlepHHmpnt to Klltor Ktluentloniil Column, rule of Tim Staii. TtlANKSOIVINIl DAY. "Ovpf Hip rlvpr nml throuuli tho wood To Hi-nmlfnthPi-'n lioime we iro. Thp horp know thp way To parry thp lelh Through tliv white nd dtlftpd snow. Ovprlhp rlvpr anil thronnh tho wood Oh! how tho wind doe blow! It tlni? thp te And blip Hip iiokp, An oipr the firouiid wo po. Ovpr thp rlvpr nnd throtmh tho wood. Trot ft. my dniiplp-imty. SprinK ovpr tin Ki'onnd l.lkp a lintif tnic hotitul. For thl Ik TliimkHKli lux liny. Ovpr thp rlvpr nnd tlii-ontth the wood -To titivo n llrt i itte ilny. Ilptir thp hell rlnu! 'Tln-n-Hnir-dlim!' 1 1 nt i uli for ThiinkHxIvlnii Dii). Ovpr thp rlvpr ttnil tlirouirh tho wood, And ti'iilxht thmuxli the b:n-nynrd KHto. M'p hi pin to mi KMieniely mIow It I no hit rcl to wiilt. Ovpr thp rlvpr nnd ttimuh t lie wood Now uriitiilmot her' en ii I npy. Ilnritih for thp fun! I I he pniltlltii; ilime? Itnrriili for the imnipkln plot" Hoys and girls, although your old "uncle" Is absent, from you this week ho has not forgotten you. To-morrow Is tho day set apart by our chief executive for returning thanks to tho bountiful Giver of all good for tho many blessings accorded us during tho past year. Don't neglect this, boys nnd girls. You have hundreds of things to ho thankful for, but, prominent am:ng them aro tho facts that you have health and strength and tho right use of your reasoning faculties, that you are favored in having a lino school building nnd good instruc tors, and that, you enjoy far superior educational advantages to any ever btv foro known In tho history of our town. Un thankful for these many blessings Don't think for a moment that Thanks giving Day was set apart and designed for tho solo piirpoiui of having n good timo, eating turkey, cranberry sauco and pumpkin pie,' along with sundry other lollepops and syllabubs. Don't get this mistaken idea Into your heads. Enjoy yourselves, but don't forget tho prlnio object of Thanksgiving. Tako part of your spare timo this week and look up sundry points in your several studies, so as to b-j ivudy for examlntv tlon when It comes. Then will tlio Christmas holidays bo better enjoyed by you. Enjoy yourselves hugely this week and when school ro-opens on Mon day morning next you will be all tho bettor for your week's rest nnd will bo ready to take up your work again and pursue it with vigcr. Ever seek tho truth, and socking know to follow It Sydney Smith says: "It Is nohlo to seek the truth and it U beautiful to find It. It is tho ancient feeling of tho hu man heart, that knowledge is better than riches; and it. it. deeply and sacred ly true. To mark tho courSe of tinman passions as they .nvo flowed on in tho ages that are past; to seo why nations have risen nnd why they havo fallen; to speak of heat, light and tho winds; to know what man has discovered In tho heavens abovo and in the earth beneath to hear tho chomlst unfold tho marvol ous properties that the Creator has locked up in a speck of earth: to bo told that there aro worlds so distant from our own that tho quickness of light travelling from the world's creation has never reached us. It Is worth while in tho days of our youth to strive hard for this groat discipline; to pass sleepless nights for it; to give up tor it laborious days; to spurn for it present pleasures; to endure for it afflicting poverty; to wade for it through dark' ness, sorrow and contempt, as the great spirits of the world have done in all ages and all times." SCHOOL NOTES. The faculty are "Instl-tootlng" this week. The orchestra will practice on Wed' nesday evening next. The opening concert by the OUle Torbett Company was a success both financially nnd musically, and Prof, Lenkerd has reason to foel elated ovor tho successful opening of the lecture course. Hon. H. W. J. Ham, of Goor gia, will follow on Dec. 11th. Tickets for the remaining three lectures $1.00. The holiday season Is rapidly ap proaching. Prof. Lenkerd Sundaycd at DuBois. We are sorry to say that we have a few, but fortunately a yery few, pupils among the females who are addicted to the use of slang. Don't do it, girls; it's disgusting In the extreme. Seventy-first Birthday. The Youth' $ Cnmvitiiim will celebrate its seventy-first birthday in 1811". Among the many attractive announce ments of tho ConixniiVm for tho coming year is an article of exceptional value by Mr. Androw Cnrneglo, on "Tho Habit of Thrift." Successful Men in other walks in Ufo will second Mr. Carnegie's paper with readable, practical articles based on their own experience, and valuable to tho old as woll as to tho young. Stories will bo given by Inn Mnolnren, Rudynrd Kipling, Stephen Crane, Harold Frederic and Clark Rnssel. Speaker Rerd, Secretary Herbert, Sena tor Lodge, Hon. Carl Schnrz, Post-mnstor-Ooneral Wilson, Dr. L'ymnn Abbot, Hon. Thendore Roosevelt theso aro a few of tho two hundred namoB that, llguro In tho latest list of f 'ihii xi ii fVh contributors. The non-partisan Editorials and tho Current Events and Nature and Sclonoo Department nro of especial Interest to students and all who wlh to keep in formed of tho doings of tho world. As a refer.'iico book a file of f 'einjuiiiions is well-nigh Invnlunble. for Us reputation is founded on seven'y years of tested accuracy. New subscribers sending 1.7.1 to tlto f Vii;)mii for ISO" will roceivo tho t'oHijiimi'oii for tho ii'itiulndcr of tho year free, also tho fVmixtni'oii's artistic twelye-color Calendar, and tho paper a full year to .lanunry, 1HII8. Illustrated Prospectus of tho next volume will lie sont free upon request. Address, Tho Youth 'sCompanion, 205, Columbus A vo., Bcston, Mass. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Wo. tMtigtnn, Intl., "Sun," writes: "You have valuable prescription In Electric bitters, nnd I can cheerfully recommend It for Constipation and sick headache, and as a general system tonic It has no equal." Mrs. Anna Stehlo, 20'i" Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backacho which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric Bitters Restored her health and renew ed her strength. Prices TiCe. and $1.00 Get n bot tle at. II. Alex. Stoke's drug store. Leave Your Orders. I mn now prepared to furnish coal to all parties In need of tho sumo. Orders left, with .1. N. Mc Entire, nt Deemer & Co.'s grocery, will receive prompt at tention. G. W. Ror.I.EK. Jr. ii'. First ional II Nat OF ItKYKOLDH Y1U.K. lank cnptTAL, 9so.ooo.oo. TIIK'IipII, PrcnldrlUI fteott .tlrfiollniiil, VIpp I'rpn.t John II. Kmichpr, nlilrr Director) C. Mitchell, rVnlt McClclliind. 3.t Klnn, .liilin it. coriiptt, r.. imiwn, O. W. I'll I Id, 3. II. Kmichpr. hops n trpnpnii imtoonir iiiiftinpiinti noni'iin Hip ni'i'oiinls of iiipti'hnnts. profp..loiiul mpn. furniern, iiipi'hitnlr. inliiprs. bnnUM'tnon nml other, pmmlsliix the inot. nirnful attention to t ho hmihiPHH of nil pcrwn. Hufo Deposit llosi'n for rent. First Niitluniil llnnk building, Nolnn block Fire Proof Vault. The price of Hour has gono up, but the price of supplies remains tho same at tho Bon Ton Bakery. Gloves that fit the hand at prices that fit tho pocket-book at Milllrens. For the latest stylo In coats go to Deemer's. For Sale. Draft team weighing l.'iOO, also sleighs for sale, J. C. KlNO & Co. Down's Elixir will euro any cough or cold, no matter of how long standing. For salo by H. A. Stoko. Mackintoshes for evory body at Deo mer's. Bobbs "What Is there you liko about Miss Peachley ?" Slobbs "My arm." For f 10.00 you can got ono of the fin est suits or overcoats you ever saw, at Bell's. Castor oil by tho barrel nt Stoko's. Deemer's ladles' and Misses' coats are all made to order thereby securing good goods and perfect fitting garments. It is not at all to a man's credit when ho overdraws his bank account. Subscribe for THE Star and got all the loqal, county and general news for $1.00 a year. Do not suppose that because it is rec ommended for animals that Arnica Si Oil Liniment is an offensive prepara tion. It will not stain clothing or the fairest skin. For salo by H. A. Stoke. Now is the time to select your Christ mas present while the stock Is com plete. Our new goods are coming in daily. Ed. Gooder, Jeweler aud Optician. Oh, yes! Speaking of cheese, the finest in the land at Robinson & Mun dorff's, almost makes your teeth water to look at it. Deemer's bave a small quantity of that 23 cent all wool surge left, shades are brown, green, old rose, nllo and red. . ' Every person dressed in one of Milllrens perfect fitting suits is strictly in it. At King ii Co.'s you will find baled hay, salt, flour and a full line of general merchandise. Gents, see tho fine all-wool ulster at Boll's for $7.00. First Passenger "It's very damp around this station." Second Passenger "Yes; tho train Is due." The last shoe has a now too. Doomors. Snyder & Johns, fashlonablo tailors. Co. 00 buys a tine all-wool suit at Bull's. Silverware come and see tho now styles In coffee sots, cups, sauoors, die, at Ed. Goodor's. Tlioy wore two maiden aunts. Who lonjrod for Just one chance To rides hi ko , Alunx the pike, But drew the line at Bloomers! I Be sure you wear one of Milllrens $0.00 storm ovor coats. I A single trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's t Mandrake Bitters will convince any one troubled with costlvenoss, torpid liver or any kindred disease of their curative proertle8. They only cost 23 oents per bottle. For sale by H. A. Stoko. Watches we bave the latest in all sizes and stylos, and a large lino to select from at all prices. Ed. Gooder. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Etttutoof Walter Bpry, lute of Keyaoldsvlllo HoruuHU. deceased. Notice la hereby given that letters of administration have been grunted to the undersigned on the shove estate, therefore all ponton Indebted to sntd estate are re iiietd to make linaiedlule payment, mid those luivliiK claims kHulimt the huine will present theiu duly autlient Iculed for payment without delay, John Tiuiwibn, AdinlitUlrulor. . Uoyuoldnvllle. I'a., Nov. U, Isve. m. w. Mcdonald, insurance. fire:, 1.1 F t: nnd ACCIDENT Bloke's Advertising Space. MBIIBMtimBUyjJBMBgagi I have a largo line of Companies and am prepared to handle largo or small lines of Insurance. Prompt attention given to nny business Intrusted to my caro. Oflleo In Nolnn Block, Reynolds vlllo, Pa. I have bought the Finest and Best line of Goods ever brought to Reyn- oldsville. A line of novelty goodss from 10 to 50 cents a yard; (lrena goodn in nil colors nnd nt nil prices; plaids from 8 to 7fi cte a yard; Shepherd plaid from 12.J to 75 cts; cashmeres in all colors nnd at prices to suit the times; forty-live inch Henrietta in black, blue, green nnd rose at 48 cts a yard; former price $1.00. A large line in wash goods, Dimity, Percale, Gesmonda and Moire Esistal, Dotted Swiss in white, blue and pink at prices lower than ever; white goods at all prices; satin es in plain, striped and ligures. Large line of embroideries from 2 cts up to 75 ctB a yard. Ladies' wnists from 48 cts to $1.25. CLOTHING. You will save mohey by buying your clothing at Hanau's. Men's all wool cheviot suits at 6.50, worth 10.00; men's all wool cheviot suits at 5.00; men's clay suits from 6.50 to $14; youth's suits in cheviots, worsteds and clay, all colors, at all prices. Boys' and' children's suits from 75c up to 5.00. A large line of laundried shirts, white and colored, from 50o to 1.25. A fine line in neckwear, hats and caps. Please call in before buy ing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods, 1ST. Hanau. O CQ O s 8 O o t t t t t CO s CO a A3 o o 0 8 Ofll 9i There are moments when you wish to be nlone, for instance when a feminine heavyweight treads gently, but firmly, upon your pet corn. Pos sibly you say it, but you say it under your breath, and that don't relieve you a bit. Speaking of corns, why do you keep them? A box of our SURE CUKE will take them out by the roots without giving you a particle of pain. STOKE, RELIABLE PHARMACIST. Bing & Co. Just received from the Enstern Cities one of the Finest and Largest Assortments of Dress Goods ever brought to the city. They are beauties and the latest Btyle. Black Dress Goods, Forty pieces to select from. You will find them very handsome and at prices to suit all. Ladies,' Misses and Children's Jackets and Capes. Do not fail to see them. BINS & OO. A flash of lightning coming from a cICclP sky is a very rare occurrence, but one day last week a lady and gentleman received a welcome shock. Yes, they had gone to the Ileynoldsville Hardware Co. to buy Carpets, Furniture and General Hardware and the great values shown them caused a noticable expression of joy and gladness to shine upon their faces. They purchased a complete furnishing for their home and departed, saying: "The immense stock, at such low prices We ll call again." REYNOLDSVILLE HARDWARE GO. LOOK AT THIS! Golden Sheaf Flour, $1.15 per sk. " " " 4.40 44 bbl. Superlative " 1.15 " sk. " 4.40 44 bbl. Perfection Flour, 1.10 " sk. ' " 4.20 " bbl. This Flour is guaranteed to be the finest in the market. Yours Resp'y MEEKER BROS.