mt Star Hubtrriptinn $1.00 ptr vor, in udvitnrt. V. A. ftTKPIIKNftON, Killter mid Pub. WKDNF.SOAY. OUTOHKK 28. lHHll. A n I nrtVpotiitpnt local pn per. pit hi Mini n vpry Wmlinilny nt Keymtlilsvllle, ,lt'HVron Cm. I'll., ili'voteil In the IntimvMH of Ki'yiiiilihvlllu ii ml .IrflVrson county. Non-pel I ttctil. wllltrmt Nil with fiilrni', nml will lii-miiec-inlly frlcnil ly townrtU tlio InlMirlttg climfi. Hulmerlptlon pride $1 .00 pir ypsr.ln inlvstnp. Uommiinlcntloim Inti'iiiletf for piiltlli'titlon must Ihi ni'i'onuintiliMl hythn wrlter'n niiitip, not for puhllrntlon, hut in n Kunninli-o of Romlfnttli. lntetiwitliiit news Iti'titnuollrllfMl. AilvertHliitt rule nitnln known on nppllcn tlon at tho otllt'i In ArrmhU' Hlurk, Lettittitv commiinli'Htloim and rlintms of dilvnrt ltinitMitn nlionlil much I III olllro hy Moittlny nwm. Aditi-ei nil coniiniinlciitlonii toC A. Hlcph rmm, Itcynolilnvtllc, ln. Knteroil nt the pontofllcp nt Kpynoldnvllle, V&.t R himmiikI cIahji ninll nmttor. A Description of Cripple Creek by Jas. D. Arnold. Tho morning mm had only begun to clisso away tho mints of tlio night, us I stood mon tlm moiititiiin sldo viewing HiIh great work of art by Hint master of nil painters, ".luck Frost." Begin ning at tln font hills In tlio vullcy whore tin) front bad only touched tlio k'uvts lightly, changing, nit tlicy ilo, from tlm deep green to tlio rod and orange nml some of tho leaves kIiiiiIimI with tho most beautiful colorings, and yet in till their beauty they toll us our mimmor in dying. Like tho sweet faced bulie upon whoso ehook tho dreaded fever linn loft it MuhIi, yet tho Instinct of tho mother tollH her It Ih tho fndinit nwny of tho sweet flower. Below mo In tho valley, just brushing from her eyes tho eoh wolw of tho night, Ih tho bout advertised city In tho world to-duy, "Cripplo Crook," tho (folilcn. I hardly know how to begin to describe to yon this , cloud kissed city of tho west. Tho boom-boom of explosions that you hour upon every mUIo, ub bhiHt uftor blust lots (jo with n mighty force, tcnrlng from motlior earth tho treasure sho hns hold for untold centuries, tho clung vt steel upon stool sounding like the echo of a fur away boll, as tho drill Is sent deep er Into tho (old benrlng reek thnt hits almost tho hardness of Htoel. Cripplo Crook 1b tho heart of tho golden Kl Dot ado and her 20,000 iuliabitanls live 10,400 fc.ot ubovo the seu. It is a city In the clouds, and yet one of tho great est mining cninps in tho world. A . place where men hnvo gotten ns high up as they can live, yet spend their time In going down into the bowels of tlio earth. It is n city of no particular lionuty In itself, but it Is set in a franio of mugnifieenco nnd splendor. It was tho boast of Kuropo some years ngo thnt tho monastery of Haint Uornard wiim tho highest building In that country, being S.2u0 feet bIkivo tho level of tho son. Then Sicily, not to bo outdone, erected an observatory upon Etna 0,200 feet above sea level, and they thought they had done wonders. Yet here Is a city 1,200 feet higher, and within a gun shot of where I stand Is the town of Aultman. 10,700 feet above sou level, t-aid Ui bo tho highest Incorporated town In the world. Frost every month in tho year pays lis visit to Aultman. Five months ago tho city of Cripple Creok was almost swept from tho face of tho earth hy two disastrous fires, t causing a loss of over a million dollars. Yet not for a slnglo moment did this great calamity check her wonderful financial progross. Her great wealth was in the bowels of tho earth, and work never stopped for a single moment, and before tho fires had died down thous ands of dollars of tho golden ore was baing hoisted from hor great mines, and to-day sho has risen from hor ashes as if by muffle, in tho form of magniccnt brick blocks, and hor baptism of fire of only five months ago has almost been forgotten. One million dollars In gold was taken from tho Cripplo Crock dis trict last month, and this month they xpoct to ship ono million, two hundred t housand dollars, and as tho mines grow richer as they grow deeper, thoro Is no tolling what tho camp will produce In tho months to come. The rock Is so hard that mining is expensive. For ex umpio, I will take the Abo Lincoln v mine. Our shaft is GxlO feet and the contract price for mining Is (15 a foot, and at this prico tho miner only aver age about three dollars a day and Is vorklng in water all the time. Work nover stops day or night. Three crews, fi each, working eight hours keeps the maohinory going twenty-four hours oteudily. I have been asked if It was not a good place to find work and to thin question I will have to say, no, as laborers are plenty here. The electrlo displays In tho show windows of the stores are simply wonderful, putting to .shame some of our largest stores in the ast. The streets are so crowded that you have to push yourself through the crowds, and every onoe in awhile you see the gleam of a shining revolver, just to tell you in its silent way that it is a good thing to attend to your own business. This not a healthy place for John Chinaman, as not ono Is allowed to oome within the city limits. The tenth of every month is pay day in the district, and $300,000 is paid out in catih. Vice in every form has taken up her ulnxle in this plaoo, not hidden behind closed doors, but all open to the view of the passing crowd, and walk in the evening through the streets to one not ued to such sight, makes you long for the atmosphere of purity. This Is ray last night in the place and, climbing a high elevation, I take a last look, To jjny right is the city of the dead, its many headstones glistening in th moonlight, silent sentinels of the last resting place of tho departed. Down in the valley tho city, gleaming with Us many brilliant lights, flashing out into the darkness with the brilliancy of many gems. Towering 14,474 foot Is Blanca Peak, on the Kangre do Cristo range, clad in Its winding sheetof snow. I again tnko a last look at the city In tho distance, a perfect Sodom on earth, and wonder if it will take a baptism of fire from heaven to purify It, as it takes tho fiery furnace to purify the gold its Inhabitant! tnko from the mines. Jar. H. Arnold. The Grandest Remedy. Mr. H. n. Groove, merchant, of Chllhowle. Va., certifies thnt ho had consumption, was given up Iodic, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies ho could hear of, but got mi relief; spent many nlghls sitting up In a chair; was Induced to try Dr. King's New Dis covery, anil was cured , by nso of two bottles. For pnst three years lias been attending to business, and pays Dr. King's New Discovery Is the grandest remedy ever made, as It hns dono so much for hi hi and also for others in his community. Dr. King's Now Discovery is guaranteed for coughs, colds, and consumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at II. Alex. Stokc's drug store. THe For $10.00 you can got ono of the fin est suits or overcoats you ever saw, nt Dell's. Tho history of Down's F.llxlr is identi fied with tho history of Now F.nglnnd for tho last fifty years. It euros coughs and colds. For salo hy II. A. Stoke. A new lino of dolls just received at Ktoke's. Men's wool coats at I Vomer's. C'ostivness Is tho cause of the Intoler able "bad breath" of multitudes. Dr. Henry Baxter's Mamlrako Hitters removo tho cause and prevent tho evil, and cost only 2."i cents. For salo by II. A. Stoke. The Inst shoo has a now too. Decmers. Subscribe for TlIK STAK and get ull tlio local, county and general news for 1.00 n year. Notice. All persons having had dealings with us arc requested to call and see If their aeeo.ints nro properly closed up as ull open accounts will bo loft for collection. J. C. Kino & Co. Arnica & Oil Liniment is tho best remedy known for still joints. For salo by II. A. Stoke. Castor oil by tho barrel at Stoko's. THE PEOPLE'S Bargain Store Has a Complete Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, epecially Men's and Ladies' Fiirnisliin!! Goods. We will mention a few prices which are as low as can be found anywhere else in this country. Men's suits at a bargain at $3. 50, worth 6.50. Men's pants from 65c. up; Men's underwear from 50c. a suit up; Men's winter caps from 25c. up; Boys' suits, all sizes, from 75c. up. A 40c. cap given away with every suit over $1.00. Boy's Merino underwear at a bargain at 85c. a suit, worth 50c; Children's Merino underwear from 7c. up; Nat ural wool, red and grey, un derwear for children from 17c. up. Ladies' long sleeve under wear for 17c. up. Men's winter gloves, for mer price 40c, now at 25c. Special bargains in Men's and Boys' shoes. . 6iir motto is quick sale and Binall profit. Call and see us, it costs nothing to see goods and get prices. People's Bargain Store, ft. KflTZEN, Prop'r. er, at not I. '96 Clothing Best Assortment In the county under one root. nr M LEADING ftND RELIABLE DEALERS. NEWNESS! The word new ness covers the entire field, new ness in style, newness in shape and new ness in fabric. We have long been noted for selling the most perfect fitting and correctly made in e n's wear, and each season we make improvem e n t s upon the pre ceding one and add new laurels and additional prestige to our Clothing repu tation. Our popular line for the fall and winter of contains: Scotch Cheviots, Scotch III is sif lulu? Tweeds, Scotch Cassimeres and all the other new effects in Fancy Worsted, Cassimeres and Twills. The styles are single and double breasted sacks and square cuts. There are no suits in Reynoldsville to match ours for the price we offer them: $3, 3.50, 4.50, $5, 5.50, $6, 6.50, $7, $8, 9, S?10 and $12. Faultless Fair Shoes I An assortment of styles, a selection of materials and a qual ity of workmanship that is not equaled by any exclusive deal even higher prices. We have Box Calf, Domestic Calf. Every pair Goodyear Welt sewed soles, in razor toes, English toes, square and wide French toes. Every pair guaranteed by us. If satisfactory, a new pair free. Follow the Crowds and Call at Our Store and be convinced that Our Prices are Below jll Others. Men won AND Fiirnlsliliio ooodsl Men's neckwear in newest shapes, and every kind and stylo of silk and satin. Many novelties in colorings exclusive with us, qualities worth twice our asking price, 25 and 50o. Shirt Department. Men's white body with percale bosom dress shirts, plain or pleated bosoms, newest novelties in patterns and colorings, 75c. and . Men's and Boys' heavy wool and jersey shirts, fancy and plain bosoms, from 50c. to $1.25. See them. Men's and Boys' Fall and Winter Overcoats. The cold and chil ly nitfhts make yon think of winter Overcoats. Wo are ready with a com plete lino In tho newest fabrics and styles. Men's Shetland and Ii-IhIi Freeze, Double and Single lireaat ed Storm Over coats, also a big lino of blue and black Broadcloth with doen velvet collar at W.-r0, ", M7,$.!I, 10 and $12. Hoys' long cut, double breast ed Overcout.8 with capo or storm col lar at $1.50, $2, $;i, and $4. Cull and see tho Largest, Best and Cheagiest stock of Overcoats exhibited in tho county. HEKVTT XND MEDIUM WEIGHT UNDERWEAR. Men's and Boys' Natural Wool Underwear, worth 50o., our price 2.1c. Men's Natural Wool Camel Hair, worth $1.00, our price fiOo. Men's strictly all-wool undorwoar in all colors, Drab, Pearl, Cream, Brown, Yellow and lied (a, $1.IM) a suit, that can not be matched in the County for the money. Wm smmm mmm MIL.LJRENS, Boys! The Finest Stock ot Glothlng exhibited In the county. Stylish Fall Suits for Boys. Our exhibit of Hoys' nnd Children's Dress Clot h I ni; Is tho most thorough and fuHcitiut ing lino in tho county. All tho new artistic creations In Hoys' Clot h Intf. trimmed and mudo up in tho perfect tnnn nor thnt has made our Hoys' Dress Suits so popular. l'rlces will suit everybody, Ida., $1, 1.25. l.iVi. 1.7i, 2. 2.f.0. 3.51), $4, 4.50 and 5.00. A singlo (rlanco at tbo quulitlos will convince you that tho prices eun not bo matched In tho county. All Double Breasted squuro cut. Over 3,000 pulr Hoys' Kneo Pants 25c, upward. Some all wool I II no and Hluck Cheviot, Double Beat and Double Knee, only 50c. For Dressy Full and Winter Trousorscall at our store and j;ot prices. Wo' are confident that we can suit you both in prico und quality. We give you your choico of elegant patterns, in a splendid variety of light and dark Greys, neat stripes and mixtures. Fall Headwear. Men's Fino Stiff Huts in black and every new stylo () $1.00. Men's Fancy Black and Brown Stiff Hatsof every new style, in quality that you cannot equal for $2.00. Our price $1.50. Then we have a big line of Fedoras at prices to suit all: liOo., 80c., $1.00, 1.50 and 2.00. The largost line of Men's and Boys' Winter Caps in town. Host grade of Plush, in College shape, 60c. Also Golfs in Choviots. FANCY DRESS GLOVES. Lined and Unllned, Inscara and Overseam, Jersey, Knit and Undressed Kid of all colors, 25c, 50c., 70c., $1.00. and $1.50. Heavy Working Gloves. Lined and Unlined. Asbestos, Tan, Horse Hide, Calf skin and Buckskin, 25c, 35c, 50c., 70c., $1.00 and $1.25. Reynoldsville, Fenn'a,