Voles Have been cast by thousand of sufferer from Impure blood, nnil their verdict hM "MM tha question of thn (,'rent curative power of Hood's Rnrsnparllln. Every mail Mt brings In these letters of prul Be for 'Hood's Bartmrmrllls. Thiy foil 11m sums Wonderful rtory of health restored, piiln nnil suffering relieved, and happiness LrotiKhf buck. They prove Eflood's Sarsaparilla Iltheberft tnfnot I he One True lllooil Purifier fajlt Dili cure nil l.lvcr III ami nOOQ 5 r IliS Kl k Headache. Ml cents A WonderTuI Material. The peat, or furf, tnlten from the Irish bnjra. In used ns fuel In flip man ufacture of rlotli, and when subjected to Rreut pressure becomes ns hard as ebony mid may lie used for a variety of liiPfhniitrnl purposes. After being washed, dried nud teased It present he nppt'nrauen of an exceedingly coarse brown fabric. After further cardlngs It change) to a delicate, creamy, chocolate-colored fiber, which can bo apitn Into ynrn or woven Into woolen goods. It can bo bleached to a nowy whiteness and dyed any color. It can be produced for one-third the cost of shoddy, and In the liner make the appearance la equal to tweed. Sev eral members of the royal family. In cluding the Uucheaa of York, have pur chaaed dresses of It. It la alao an antl eptlc and possesses absorbent qualities o Kiit that It will soak up nine timet it own weight of moisture. The value of peot fiber aa a non-conductor of heat iiaa been long known In thta country, where It la used In the lining of re frlgeratora and cold-atorage rooma, and also aa a covering for ateam pipes. JOYS OF MATERNITY. VIGOROUS MOTHERS AND STURDY CHILDREN ADMIRED. Why so Many Women Are Childless A Problem That Una 1'uiiled I'byslclanl for Centuries. Reproduction Is a law of naturo, and no picture of joy and happiness can equal that of (he vigorous mother aud her sturdy child. Mature makes but few mistakes, I and every thoughtful person must admit that a cause exists, why so many women are childless. Tho subject bullies the theories of phy sicians. tSiu-h i cases are curablo r nlno times out of ten, as evidenced by thousands of letters on filo at i Mrs. I'lnkhom's of-1 i flee. Many a dnr- ' ling baby owes its existence, to Mrs. I rinkha m's advice and the Vege table Compound. This Is not to ba wondered at when such tes- , tlraony as the followlngcxplaius itself: 1 " I havo taken three bottles of your Vegetable Compound, one package of Sanntlvo Wash, one box of Liver l'llls; and now I have a dear little babe four weeks old, and I am well. I havo to thank you for this, I "I havo Bpcnt 8300.00 for doctor! tills without obtaining any relief. For my cure I only Bpcnt S.r.00. "I had been a victim of female troubles in their worst form; Buffered untold agonies every month; had to tay in bed, and have poultices applied, and then could not atand the pain. " My physician told me if I became pregnant I would die. I had bladder trouble,' itching, back ache, catarrh of the stomach, hys teria and heart trouble, fainting spells and leu corrhaca. Can you wonder that I sing the praises of m medicine that has cured mo of all these Ills?" Mns. Geo. C. Kircuneu, 873 llolmont Ave. , Brooklyn, N. Y. mil 4 a Money in Chickens JuUCure UMummm! MHi lor&jn loc f'auauinif! wliiud VuwU.l tave lor Urelutn vervllilui r 1 I iuUli lur erusuiuie 1'uuiu-y mi. ' a. . ruui.isuinu CO, 1U4 !.-a klreot, Oxv k .in. WANTKI)-Man flnannlsllrgoodlneacbstnta to supply itiinnu Willi Newt antnn Hnno-ike tirtddla. Kometlilna new. (Irent cau-b Positive proof. Can realise sailvOauniially. Agents wanted lor Ubki. oend stamp. M. BlliiKKSK. Canton, U. P ENSIO'NS, PATENTS. CLAIMS. JOHNW MORRIS, WA8HINQT0N, D. 0. Lftts frlatlp! XsMelstr u. S. rtstloa Bar. yn. la mm wtr, IA s4uiUMUms cUuhm. stljr, l1l'IM aadWHlSKThsbltoureS. Hook seat IwmI rasa. Dr. B, M. Woollei. AlUuu.o MOMEYZ HOLD, IL.YKlr.... ....IMMIK rilEK, Uaaeby, Caluwhaa, U. S OKNTH, sttrl a mail order ranlnm at homo, A Varllcului xi. j.K.Uuu,vieiIsyUlty,.J. 1R S riiltrff ill lis I All! :ouuh brrun. TsMes uoim In tuns. Buld or druitsnts. cm l l ii i 1 i Mi 1 1 t 1 i IJ im 1 v II II II V II 1 I III III I I A W 1 A (.1 Wl l2s I -f J'or '-3'. In iltmpi we send a ni If . l'AU. HJVH glVtUi UI. ei,irWMIO I I f e IHai'.UMU i'wuur uai 1 X M Stt AiliuU-ur, biu u MU wurltiui X lur uoiir ua i-.ui wurturf i f aar. 11 ivoouM liuw to bvcetij Facta Recorded In Wool. 'The aheep from which that wool was cut," aald a wool commission man on Michigan atreet, "didn't have enough to eat during February and March. How can I tell? Why, there la n weak apot In thn wool which was made during thoae months. Auythlng which affects the growth of the aheep, whether prolonged dry weather In the summer or dlaease or want of food In the winter, will show In the wool Just aa accurately aa the heat or cold Is ahown In a thermometer." "The wool business," he continued, "la like every other; It la full of little detalla that are surprising to an out sider. You ask any wool dealer who has ever handled New Hngltind wool and he will tell you the clippings of aheep from the aame breed on oppo site side of the Connecticut lllver, one In New Hampshire and the other In Vermont, differ from each other. On one aide of the river la a granite aoll and on the other a limestone aoll, and the difference In grass grown on these two soils niakea a difference In the wool. Now, the rich black pralrlea of Illinois make a wool from the same family of aheep which la quite a little coarser than the wool of the aheep grown on the Oner grasa of Ohio and I'ennaylvanla. The liber of the Illinois wool la not so clear, dense or atrong as that produced In Ohio." Free Press. FOLLY RESTORED. A TltAVEI.INO MAM MAUI2 WELL AND iiArrr. Attaeked by the Two Plenile, Rlienma-t-sin anil Kidney 'I'rotilile, but tlaa 'I'loli or Hotli are railed by the IMnk I'llle. From the Republican, Caribou, it. Mr. O. A. Bhepard. of Caribou. Mnlne. who Itiii so divailfiilly afltlctwl with klilnny ills eicH and rhnuniMtlsm, nud looked upon as lu euruhle, tells the fullowiug story of his dis ability and en re- I "Kiirly In thn fall of ISM I had, as I sup- rinsed, klilnny trouble, and It was slow- ' y nml surely making headway lu un dermining my health for I was tnet beoomlng uuHhle to attend to my duties 1 ns a traveling salesman, my naek seemed almost remly to hrenk after riding any dis tnnce In buggy or sleigh. Thn bitd feeling hud been growing In my hack for a period of II vo or six yeurs, but I had not given It much attention, not supposing It lo be anything but ii Inn would wear olf. Hut In the fli above mentioned I was compelled to give j my attention to it, lor i mm to stontruv'llng nd go to doctoring myseir. My efforts wemed frultlees. I grew worsn and worse. My weight wiu decreasing. My blood was tppareutly growing poor and less in quan tity. 'At this stage symptoms of pulmonary troulilo appeared, milking a bnd complica tion, which the physluians did not attempt to cure, and I hud lost hope. "Just nt this time, a frleud, and ha was a friend Indeed, ndvlsed ma to procure some 3t Dr. Williams' Pink l'llls nnd with little 'nlth ihnt they would do ms nny good, but 3Ul of iwpei-t for ray friend's advice, (I ihouitht It would do uo harm nt li-ast 1 1 or tere I six boxes. 1 took them. My blood lit jnce begnn to lncreno mid I fur the first lime In iiiiuiy weeks had n good night's sleep'. My Improvement W is noticeable from the ttnrtl My weight begun to Innreiiee! My appetite grew! Happy r Well I think I whs! I nt Iftht hud found Just whut my system DHi-iInd to ilefent the robtiers preying on my health and 1 thought it the tlineto be merry. "I purchased nuothor half dozen boxes nl when they were gone, two more, which alTiMtuiilly cured nie. I luurensed In weight until from whnt w.-jt almost nothing for me. I lipped the scales nt lllfl pounils, my present weight, nnd I owe it all to Ilia Pink l'llls. May the knowledge of them be brought tc til suffering ns I itld, for I know they will be benellted anil cured, mid 1 deem it a pleas ure to recommend tliem. "I have traveled for thirty yenrs nnd hnva heard of many striume thincs, miracles, etc., but I think my own experience slrnugerthnu them a 1. 'Now I enn drive bnrd all day, from enrly morning to lute nt night nnd Dot feel it. I im Just ns we. I as 1 ever was. No, sir. I never ti-lt nny bad effects from their use nt nil. It wns a grmiunl but sure tight nnd the rink I'lilswerevli'torlniis. Iiougmnythey wnvo!" Dr. Wiilinma' Pink Pills contain, in a con densed form, nil the elements iieciwsary to tflve new Hie nud richness to tho blood nud restore shuttered nerves. Tin y are uu un ruiling specillu for such ilis'ases as loco motor ntnxln, partial paralysis, HI. Vitus' iliince.ai-lntli'n. neuriilghi, rheumatism, nerv ous headache, the nlier offcot of la grltpe, palpitation of the heart, pule and sallow oimiplcxlona, nil forms of weakness cither In mule or female, pink l'llls are sold by nil dealers, or will be icut post pnid on ri-o.'lnt of price, 60 cents a box, orslx boxes for 2 60 (they are never sold In bulk or by the 1U0) liy addrt-aslug Dr. Willi nn' Mudlulue Coin pnuy, Kckeuectudy, N. V. nelloves Not In Education. Triuce Czartoryskl, a member of tho Austrian Upper House, recently told the Galatluu schoolmasters that illit eracy, for which Australian Foland Is notorious, baa a favorable Influence on character and understanding. The Il literate, be declared, to bo for the most part well behaved and sensible, while history shows that enlightenment Is nqt essential to happiness and prosper ity. Take care of the pennies, and some body else will take care of the dollurs for you. Thn principal part of a Kaffir's religion consists In singing and dnnclug. Sunlight Soap Hat ao equal For parity For cleansing power.. For taking out dirt... For dissolving grease. For saving clothes..... For preserving bands. These are some of the reasons why SUNLIOHT" Soap bas the largest ale in the world, and baa been awarded TWENTY-SEVEN GOLD MEDALS and other honors. Jrar Brett., Ltd.. Bndsoa A HanlsoB III, Mw Yotk. You nftMtfWifimui nn (l ' Can't Do Without SUNLIGHT SOAP. mmm SoaplM IWhyNot Get The Best?g 1 nmmk U INTEItSATIOJtAlj TjKSSON OCTOIIRH 25. IfOft Lesson Teat i "the Proverbs of Solo mon. Frov. I.. 1-10 Uolden, Test i Pro, t., 10 Commentnry. 1. "The proverbs of Bolnmon, the son of Dnvld, king of Israel." Weenwln Inst week's atuily thnt ne spake three thoiissnd prorerb, and In this lesson we hnrn a snmide of them, or, ml her, of the wisdom which lie Asked for nnd received from Ood, but In tho wisdom of (lod ns hern revenled wemtist lookheyond the son of tlnvld of our lesson to the Hon of Dnvld of Mnth. I,, I, a grenler than Hnlo. men, who Is also called ''the wisdom of Ood" (I Cor. I.. 14). The Hebrew word translated "proverb'' slanllles nl"0 a parable or simili tude and seems to ha from the word "to rule or roln or have dominion." If we are ruled by "the wisdom of Uod," we sbnll be wise indeed. I. Home one tins said thnt wisdom nses thn best mentis toward tho het ends, thnt Instruc tion Is discipline or trninlnir and thnt uniler stnning Is discerning? good and evil. All this Is summed up In Christ, who IS made unto us wisdom (I Cor. I., fl'l). 8. Justice, Juilirtneiit and equity nrn at. trllnites of uprightness, and these also ant summed tip In Christ, who slmll yet exeeute Jililgmeiit nnd J indue In the earth (Jer. mill., 6). lly His spirit In us we may dny by dny wnlk uprightly, and Ilka vl walk with (toil In peneennd equity nnd tuinmnuy awny from lnlitilty (Mnl. II., 6). 4. The simple are ensllv led, and If led by nod all Is well, but If led by tun devil all la III. The things of Ood are hidden from those who are wise and prudent In their owu estlmntlon nnd revenled unto Imlies (Mnth. XL, 35). To be simple towurd Uod Is the highest wisdom. t. The wise will lienr and Increase learn lug. In verse 83 observe that It Is to Ood they will henrken, and thus dwell snfely nud lie quiet from fenr of evil. Hoshnll they also know "tho Increase of Ood" (Col. II., 19). Huch hearing gives life and soul satisfaction (ls. Iv 3, 8). 8. There Is one peculiar thing about the word of Ood that ennnot beanld of anyother hook If you are a child of Ood by fiiiltt In Christ Jesus, you have thn Holy Hplrlt, the author of the book, within yon nnd the promise of Jesus Christ thnt He, thn Hplrlt, will guide you Into nil truth (John xlv.. 17 xvl., 18). Itely upon Him, and lis will not fall you. 7. The fear of thn Lord Is thn beginning of knowledge nnd wisdom (ix. , 10), The fenr of the Lord Is wisdom (Job xxvltl., til). It Isnlso a fotintninof life and the good man's treasure (chapter xlv., 27) Isa. xxxlll.,6). 8. Obedience to parents la the sum of the filth oommnndmeut, nnd a fenrtul thing Is written conaernlng such as mook or desnlsa fnther or mother In I'rov. xxx., 17. The phrases "like ns a fnther pit let h and "as one whom his mother eomforteth." 9. No outward adorning Is of any vnlne in the sight of Ood, but theornamant of a meek and quiet spirit is In the sight of Ood of great price (I Peter III., 41, nnd this comet by the word of Ood dwelling in us. "Hnnc tlfy them through Thy truth. Tby .word Is truth" (John xvll., 17). 10. We must say a very decided "No" to anyone who would allure us awny from Ood. .- Ince through the transgression of Adnm and Eve we hnvo learned somewhat of the wnys of the devil we are Inexcusable If we wnlk therein. "Blessed Is the man who wnlknth not In the counsel of the ungodly, Borstnndeth In the way of sinners, nor alt teth In the sent of the acornlull" II. Tle-re nre always sotnu saying, "Corns Willi us," hut It Is more often the enemies tli.in the friends of Ood. No words so much as nctlons should be ever saying, "Come with us." Children of God should have a life thnt will he a constant invitation to the weary, unsatisfied children of this world. The grace of Ood will do It in all who are Imple. 13. "How easily ttij Jsvll, the dwtroyer, la seen In these words. He was n murderer fromthe beginning (John vlll., 44.) He Is a llnr nnd a eounterfelier. He scild to Eve, "Ye shell bo ns gods" (Hen. ill., 8.) And now he suggests nn Imltntlon of Owl's judgment on Koran (Num. xvl., 80.) In the Inst dnys he will Imitate Christ in the person of the antichrist (Iter. xill.). 18. HeofTi-ra whnt be calls precious snlv. stance, Just ns he offered to our Lord nil thn kingdoms of this world (Mnth. lv., 8, 9). He Is constantly suggesting to people h jw to be rlob by unrighteousness, mid be cntchos ninny In his net, they not considering the future, like the rich man of Luke xvl. Llsteu to wisdom on this polut and be wise (vlll., 18, ai). 14. "Cast In thy lot among us. Let ns all have one nurse." And Juilas would be treits nrer and help himself freely. Another Imita tion ot the people of Ood aa seen lu Acts lv., 82. 18. "My son, wnlk not thou In the way With them." This is the thirJ time we have met the words "my son" la tills lesson. May it suggest a voice from our loving Father, nil loving Hon and thn loving Hpirlt (John III., 10 1 Oal. II., 20) Item, xv., 80), constrain ing us by this threefold cord (Euol. lv , Vi) to nblde lu such love und not turn from it. III. "For thnlr foct run to evil and make busts to shed blood." Thn way of peace they know not. The Imagination of the thnuuhta of their heurts Is only evil con tinually (Oen. vl., ft). They would for gulu she i the blood of others, but our Lord Josua abed HI blood for us and would have us lay down our Uvea tor others (1 John III., 10), not loving our lives even uuto death (ilov. all., 11). 17. "dun ly In vain the net Is spread In the eight of any bird." The margin says, "la the eyis of everything that baths wlug." Wings I in til v power to keep awny from all the nets of man. In Epb. vl., we are told of minor and weapons by means of which we niny resist and overcome the devil. If we are not ignornnt of his devices, we can easily reoognlte Mm nnd have oonstnnt victory over him. Those who walk willingly Into his open mouth deserve to be devoured by him (I Pet. v., 8, 9). 18. Those who lay wait for the lives ol others are really destroying their own lives, for Into the pits which they dig they are sure to full. Whatsoever a mau sowetb that shall he also reap. The devil seeks to destroy lite, but our Lord by laving down His own life gives life to all who receive Hire. Belleveis should be more watchful to give lifethao the dt vll nnd bit followers are to Inks It. 19. "Greed)- of gain." That Is. this wirld't gain, which taketnwny life. The Pharisees, who were oovetout, derided Christ when He taught the diselplvt how to make sure ol true riches (Luke xvl., 14, 18), and It It evet so sluoe Oaln killed Abel. But Christ it wis dom, and the truly simple-hearted do as It wn tea in rrov. u., a, e. ineir way snail never persh, but thall endure forever (l's. L 6). Lsosoa Helper. Cycling WotM. Bicycles weighing less than thirty pounds eon be tent by mall to England. American blcyoles ara ti.ld to be drlylug all others out of lbs market in Mexloo. A lending feature of this year's market has been the euormous sale of juvenile wheels. There Is a steady tnoreaae la tha numbei of tandems teen oa tas streets of New York City anil Brooklyn. Hotel keepers throughout New Jersey and Long Island say that tbn 1896 bicycle trade surpassed all expectations. , Bicycle polo, tent pegging on blovolaa and other games of chanoe for it It a chanoo II you survive ous game are steadily grow.ng popular la England. It seems to ba settled almost beyond a doubt that the market will be tested with a ebatuhut bicyoie aezt year. ' Mrs. Cleveland and tha children of the family arrived la Washington Saturday evening. THREE MEN KILLED. A Fatal Trolley Car Aooident at a Bailroai Cronlng at Hasleton. Throe men were fntalty and a score of others more or less seriously Injured In a trolley accident at the llnr.loton crossing of the Delaware, Hiisquchniina and Hchttylklll llnllroad and tho Lehli:h traction line. The dead nroi Jefferson Klrsidiner, of Hnzlntoti, a telegraph operator; William Htuph-lon, of Milton, a telegraph nperntort Jinvld John Williams, of Plymouth. Pntrh-k Dowd, a trolley eomliiotor, nnd Morris Kerrey, a boy, are at tho hospltiil unconscious, nnd nrn not expected to live. Both hnve fractured skulls and nrn Injured Internally. The Bllnlsterlnl assoclntlon of Orovn City has tioon orgnntKed, composed of the follow ing! llev. W.J. MConkcv,l. I).,of the Pres byterian chureh: llev. IniincC, KHIer, . Bv rrealadent of drove City college; llev. J. A, arsons, of the Methodist churi'li, Knv. W. O. Martin, of the United Pr.-shyterlnii chiip-h, nnd llv. Oeorge E. I.lmtiert, of the Herman lb-form church. All ministers ot Orove City and vl.-lnlty will he Invited to into. Iir. Keller la president and llev. Mr. Juibert tocretnry and treasurer. The Nlcopnln-Marlpoln Mining and Met. alliirgh-nl compiiny.whosn prospective works will be hx-nted nt Alnripole, Iluseln, has ord ered from tho Nw Cn.tlo engineering works two open-henrth steel furiinces and 10 gns producers. Tho Hunt has been stnrtcd on double turn to III! the order. It Is tho first ot the kind ever given from llussln to a plant lu this country. Blgmund Bhopo, tho murderor of Ilnllwny Conductor John King, was sentenced at lfolllilayHbargto seven yeurs In the Western peiilti-ntlnry. Henry (lllkcn, of Allegheny county, wns given six yenrs, and Wllllun Cornelius, a highway robber, three yeurs la the same Institution. New Cnillo wns again raided by burglars Runilay night. O. B. Ingluim lost a gold watch worth 200. William Fleming M In money and vu unlile Jewclry.Jnmes Kaufman artlclca of some value nnd Frank Vandvr grill a considerable sura. Dudley Taylor, cook at tho Carver house, Hharon, wns robbed of pnrt of hla clothes. He suspected one of the hIiu-k wire perform ers, a Jap, whose trunk was aenrched at Bnriiuin A Biilley's dressing room, aud the clothes recovered. Mrs. Menry Ouiidy died nt New Bedford from starvation. Her husband died nhout a year ago, and she then tried to kill herself, tut wns prevented. About a month ago she refused to take food and persisted lu this until she died. Itesldents of West Brownsville are clrcu Intlng a petition to Congreaa for nn appro priation of 10,000 to boused In saving the house In which Jumca O. Blaine was born. The house Is now so decayed thut a portion bos fallen. A chnrtnr has been applied for for the Valley Electric Heat and Power Company,to furnish Beaver falls and neighboring towns with electricity tor ail purposes. Water power will be used. Kafo crackers again visited the office of W. II. Htewnrt A Hon s Hour mill, at Clnytvllle, Huudny night, nnd secured a good sum of money. They were pursued but escaped. The four largn cannon, donated to the O. A. It. post at Ligonler, and the cannon balls accompanying, have arrived from the Bus ton navy yard aud are being put in place. Mrs. Amanda Johnson, the demented woman who ran away from a New Castle hospital lost week, bus not yet been found. The Brook Iron Company at Blrdsboro, which has ben idle since last boptewber, started up Monday employing 200 men. Thomas Cope, formerly of the Bouth Bide, Pittsburg, wns arrested at Monongnhelu, ac cused by bis wife of non-support. The bouse of Hcott Franks, at Ferguson stntlon, was robbed of a large quantity of clothing aud household goods. OITIcers raided a house at Beaver Falls and found stolen articles. Fred Myers sad John Martin were arrested. Oordoa Hwoet, aged 7, while playing near Wllliamsport on the bank of Tim Oroya run, fell in aud was drowned. The white peoplo of Carroll countv, Miss., the home of Henutor Mooney, protest to be terribly excited over an alleged plot of the negroes to massacre them and burn their homes. AiiiUltliiTS, IITT-BU1U1. Grain, lour and ITeaC WHEAT No, 1 red 74 T8 No. a red .,... 'Ii 71 COHN No. V yellow ear,....... 81 114 ho. yellow shelled 117 ai Mixed ear, m inl (JA'le No. 1 while. 1 No. B while ii KYK No 1 87 US No. 9 western 85 UK FlAil H V, inter patents blends,. 8 76 4 HI yancy straight wluler...... 4 ll his Hour .... 8 Hi 11 Ai No, 1 tlinotny .. 11 50 U m Allied clover. Na 1. ............. 1U 60 11 lu liny, Irom wagons 14 uu lb uu FEr.li No. 1 NvlmeMd., ton 11 W) Hint bruwuMlddllugs.............. 9 00 V Ml bran, buia .... s us 8 75 S'l HAVV-Wbea............. 6 UU 6 60 Oat 5 Ml S UU lary fraduvla, BUTTKK Klglncrsmsrr... 18 m 19 fancy Creamery it is t sncy luumry Moll. .......M.HMS 14 6 Clifcfcen ouiu, nsw. ......... T y New tors. new . 7 8 Sruitaod Vegetable. APFLK8 Bbl $ 88 I 80 UKAKS Uand-plcksd. per biL.,.. 1 8u 111 iulilUio-i, iu car. bu..., us til IJkbUAlii liouis grown, bul.. 7i 1 uu UMOfto H eiiuw. bu Hi 4U Voultry, Acts. CHICKENS, V pair 50 a 79 '1 llihblt,V lb ... 9 JU KUUS 1-a. aud onio, freau. 14 li M IsoeliuiiiKius. SEEDS Clover tej 10s......... 8 10 a 5 50 '1 uuoUiy, iriiua.......,..,, 1 u 1 7u blue mass .. It) 9 00 Ai Uk, ti ubP, irnar ui wi ClLltll cuumrjr, sweet, bt! 8 UU t Ml 'i AtuAiW s 8 4.11 LlSNATl FLOUR Vt lUAi-lw t Uou . hi A No. s ....... COKH AtiAed. ..... 1IA I N i7a4M iu 44 li IS 11 IS kuua... bUi a Alt uiiiwi-raaiuwiy.... VUILADKLPHIA. FLOUR ! 7t WUhwA'l No. I Ked.......... 74 tXJMA Na S Mixed. . s OAiB Na S V uiia U UU 1TKK Vreaiusry, sxira... IS kui.B j-s rums 15 kimiW vusua, VTlITM P t.n, A n.l ii WtlKAT Nu itsd......... 74 L'UUN No. Iff ' OAiH VVbtleWesteru ... 11 I lib l"i Kit Crnsiuoi 7.. II IS wun einte uu I'iuo 14 lavs stuck. CSSTBAL STOCK XABJM, (AST USSSTt, A. CATTLS, riime, 1.M0 to 1.400 lbs (oud, I.uju lo l.imu lbs.. .. 'ildy, l.uou to l.lbuft, . tair light smus, wju to louu iDa. Voiuuiuu, Sou ui waib ,1. , 4 50 a 4 00 4 SO 4 40 ItU 4 L I 40 1 l IW Do 170 ITS in 7u M i so I ift I 40 5 50 SU0 1 50 kuO sledium lieavy kuugus aud blags.., Good, us to 0 lbs.... Alr,70 to Ml lb,.... Coauuoa A Dog thnt Cnilcrsf anrta Mnslo, I hnve been sunrlst'il that trainers of animals pay ao much attention to mere tricks and none to whut might lie termed accompllBhmpfita, aaya a writer. Almost all anlnmls are Judges of music and atwfptlhle to Its Inllu t'ttcoa; horses daneo to It, huh ken are rhnriucd by It. It la even salt! that a Hon ran tie soothed with It no ns to render tho king of bensta hartnlcsN. I know dogs not only enjoy music, but are sometimes good Judges nn to Its qttnllty, and I believe they could bo taught by competent trainers to play correctly on musical Instruments. 1 have ono that was partially trained that way. Ilo la very fond of tho mu sic of a violin; hn does not attempt to follow a tune, hut keeps time on fiuVk pieces with abort barks, whllo when pieces In minor chords are played he draws long, plaintive breaths. If I Introduce a false note, which I some times do on purpose, he will howl, and three or four such errors will make him leave on a run. He can detect a fiilso iioto even more quickly than I can. Memory. Teacher Johnnie, do you know what memory Is7 Johnnie Challle Yes, sir; that'a what rou forget with, Texas Sifter. Itnn't Tobnreo Spit nnd Smoke Yon I.tfe Away. If you want to quit tobacco mini? easily and forever, reicnln los' mannood, be made well, strong-, rnnirnctle, full of new Hie end vh-or, take No-'l ii-Bsc, the wonder-work-r that innke weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds In ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Muy No-To-Ko from your own iinurjlst. Cn-bo-atisoiute uimrantre to cure. Hook and sample tree. Addre-s sterling llemedy Co., unicaxo or New York. Vtnr.n billons or costive, est a Cacsrei. Candy ottiiartic, ouro guaranteed, 10c., 26a. Thn sheen Is In Its prime for the tnblo when it it about four or five years old. Dobbins' Ftetrlc Posp In chtaptr for yen n use. If yon fallow dirertinna, than s-iy other soaps would b If (rlorn to jron, for by Its use dothet art MCfd, t'lntbesfxist -itore than Misp. Afk our srui'cr for llubbius. 1 ko no utter. The natural food of the horse Is grnss; there is nothing else upon which he will grow to large, keep so healthy, or llvo to long. FITgfftnnned freeand nermenentlvenreri. Nr. At after fln-t day's uw or Im. Knee's Ghbav Niltvs Rr.MTOean. Free 12 1 rlsl bnttleand treat ise. Send to Dr. Kltiie.Wll Arch St.. 1'hlla.. P. Mrs. Wlnln' s Soothing PyrnrorClilldren leetbltiff. Mofltinalbe ulinis.reduc tiou, ullliyn pului curea wind colic. 2ou a bottle. n inniiiiuna- The Hethelthorn In Norfolk Is the old haw thorn spoKen of In no act 1200. Casc Ann stimulate liver, k Id nm and how. els. Never tioken, weaken or gripe. 10c. IDCflflinnPfV rimDANTIPnto cars sny rsseorcen.llOHtioa, t ANrsrrts are the liteal l.sxa ftDjULUlLiLI UUAnHnlCiLII tire, e.r.r ariper aripe.hal rsae easy aadirsl renulls. Kara- plr swd twmklet free. AS. HTKKIiIII WKarni l y 1 "Protection;' If you want protection buy "Battle Ax." f It is man's ideal tobacco. It protects his M purse from high prices. It protects his M 1 xf it ff x f !!-.' A-f Jt-5 neann irom me eiiecisoi injurious iodscco. It's the biggest and H less, nothing more. M An investment this story. ' Better Work Wisely Than are Unnecessary in House Cleaning if tcu Use SAPOLIO mm, cirr ov To LCD o, t ucas Ci)i!srr ( . Ceaarv myites oath that ha la l.uc rBASK .1 tha tsnhir partner of the t inn of K. J. I Hunt A ( o.,ilolng hnnlnem In tliet'ltvof Tolrdn.i 'nnnty n, v niiirani'i,.ni i net an in nrni will pay tbosiim of ous nuNimao noi.t.Ani for escn and every case ot cata ana tlist cannoi bt eurtd by the use Hall's CATAiinii t ens. Kworn to hafnra ms and sutcribd In toy presence, this 0th day of lleremlior. A. L. im. . Itl.IAMMI. JVoMrs J'libHe. Hall's Cat ar-rh Cure Is ttksn Internally, and tctsdlrertiyontlis blond and mucous snrraces of the system. Hend for testimonial, fr.-e. F. J. CnrsST ot Co., ioltdo, O. Fold by rirnciists, S5c. Ball's Family l'llls art lbs best. Plui's dire Is the medicine to break np children's couiths nnd colds Mrs. M. 11. III. L. nt, Hprnuuc, U'a-h., March K, HI. JtrsT try a Ion. bnx of Csacsrets, the flaest liver and bowel regulator aver made. Gladness Comes With a bettor understanding; of tha trnmilont naturo of the many pliys leni Ills which vnnlsli before proper ef forts (rentlo efTorts pleasant efforts rightly'directod. Thero la comfort In the knowlodfro that bo many forms of siuknesa aro not duo to any acttinl dis ease, but simply to a constipated condr tlon of tho system, which tho pleasant family laxative, Kyrtipof Fltrn, prompt ly removes. That Is why it is tho only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who' value good health. Its beneficial effects oro duo to tho fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without doMlitntlnfc tha org'nnson which it nets. Itlsthcre. Tej all important, In order to pet its bene ficial effects, to) noto when yon ptu chase, that yon have the frenuitie article, which is manuf aetured by tho Cal iforni Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep Stable druffglsts. If in tho enjoyment of Rood heaUh, and the system is regular,, then laxa tives or other remedies aro riot needed. If afllicted with any nctunl disease, on may be commondeil totlio most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then one should have tho best, and with the well-lnformedcvcrywhero, Syrup of t igs stands highest and is most largely nsed and gives most cencral satisfaction. PNC 43 SO .. 1 nirsyo. wneiresi. i an., ornrw nirs. lis. A, best there is nothing p of 5 cents will prove M Work Herd." Great Efforts OTATt ot (into, a