The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 16, 1896, Image 8

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Though the Tiara Una m Kail Name, tlm
People Ara nnnriit anil Grnaron Nntrd
Errnta of Whlrh Illntorjr TrraU llava
Happened In Ita Vicinity.
Cshutit, tlm Miimt upon wWn rmt
lying w f tlm strainer Druimimnd Ons
tlo run, sinking three, minute after
rnrl aM ntrryiim ilmvn every mil nn
boiml, expert three, lies 1T tlm north
Wext extremity f Fmneo nnil forum
the. corner urouiirt whieh vessels fruin
tho sontli turn Into tlm KiikIIsIi elmnnel
after rrowiiiiK tho liny of liiseiiy.
"Ushunt" Is tlm AiiKlirlzed form of
"Onrowint," tlm I'reiieh nnine. I'liny
rail tho ishmil "Uxmitis," ami tl.e
Briton know it ns "Kiie Heussu,"
Which monns "Tho Islo of Terror." It
well deserved tho Celtic name.
Tho inhnliituntaof URlmntnrea hardy
race, tho men oil fishermen iimlsenmen,
tho women nil tiller of the. roeky soil.
The latter on high diiys mid holiday
till often display their nneiaiiteoHtunte,
with it flat coif, which strikingly re
call the feminine headgear of southern
Italy, and whence their durk hair
streams in freedom below their waists
Within tho last quarter of a century n
breed of ponie still roamed in semi
wildno over a laro part of tho inland,
and for centuries the inhabitant them
solve were looked upon n savage. De
barred, often for long week at a time,
from any intercourse with tho main
land, they certainly led very primitive
live. But nt the nme timo they pre
served tho primitive virtue, and hon
esty and hospitality have ever been ar
ticles of faith among them.
Losing year by year, with unfailing
regularity, a score or two of their own
kith and kindred in the treacherous
waters around their isle, their sympa
thies have always been with tliore
whom shipwreck has imperiled. Several
of the Breton islands have notoriously
harbored communitie of wrecker,
but the people, of Ushant have again
and again distinguished themselves ly
their efforts to save distressed vessels
or their crews.
Whenever ono of tho islanders is lost
at sea, a touching ceremony, called ' 'tho
proellu" is performed. Tlm relative
and friend of tho deceased curry to his
house a small wooden cross, over which
the clergy repeat tho prayers for tho
dead, as if this symbol wero tho corpse
itself. Then tho cross bearer, who,
whenever practicable, is tho godfather
of tho defunct (this again a touching
instance of symbolism ), incloses it in a
coffer, and, followed by nil tho mourn
ers, deposits it at the foot of a statue of
St, Pol Aurelien, tho patron of the isle.
A few years ago a hundred or so of theso
coffers could bo seen assembled around
tho statue.
Ushant is known to history. A early
as 1388 an English expedition landed
on tho island and ravaged it with lire
and sword. Then, iu 1778, its wuters
witnessed tho much criticised naval en
gagement between Kcppel ami d'Or
villiers, which English histories usually
describe as a drawn battle, whereas tho
French invariably claim it as a decisive
victory. Finally, 16 yenrs later, UUumt
saw tbo "glorious firHt of June, " wheu
Lord Howo certainly shuttered tho
French ships of war commanded by
Vlllaret-Joycuso, but at tho samo time
signally failed to prevent the largo fleet
of French merchantmen, on whoso ar
rival France depended for means to pros
ecute tho wnr, from gutting safely into
the port of Brest
That Ushant is, in Breton estimation,
predestined to deeds of blood and death
is shown by a strango rhymed proverb,
which Chateaubriand quotes in his
"Memoirs From Beyond tho Grove,"
and which may he Englished tlm:
"Ho who sees Bello Islo doth see his
islo; Ho who soeth Groi doth see hi
joy, but guzo on Ubhuut's flood, you see
your blood."
Of tho wild scenery around Ushant
there has probably never been any bet
ter description than that given by
Chateaubriand. Tbo island is the lar
gest aud from tho mainland tho most
distant, of those forming tho archipelago
to which it gives its name, Molene, tho
next in size, trades largely iu its own
oil, which on account of certain chetu
ioal properties is sought after by Breton
agriculturists. Then, in addition to
scores of little islets, some of them mere
aits and rocks, there is Quemenoz,
whioh is about a quarter tho size of
Ushant, while near to tho mainland is
Boniquot, or tho Blessed Isle, so called
on account of Its proximity to the Bre
ton shore and the rcfugo it offers amid
the most dangerous of all the adjacent
reefs, that of Les Piorres Noires.
Many a stout ship and many a frail
fishing boat have been shattered among
these reefs, where the waters ever soothe
and roar, even on calm summer days.
Bat winter is the time to see Ushant
" and its neighboring isles, all bare and
rugged, rising from amid the gale lashed
waves. No rock bound ooast can offer a
more impressive spectacle than that
whioh the ooean then presents as it
leaps in ita dread, blind might around
The Isle of Terror. "Westminster Ga
zette. Wants It Tula Tina.
"Hand over and be quick about it,"
aid tho "hold up" as he put a revolver
to the head of the belated man.
"But yon held me tip last week and
didn't get anything, " remonstrated the
"Well, band over what I didn't get
then!" Detroit Free Press.
The 8 cent silver piece familiar to
our father was authorized by congress
April 8, 1783, and ita coinage was be
gun the same year. Ita coinage waa dis
continued Feb. 18. 1873.
To bear always, to think always, to
learn always, it is thus that we live
truly. He who aspires to nothing and
learnt nothing U not worthy of living.
A. Helps.
Be Gave Bll Ufa.
Theonthorof "Tulesof an Engineer"
pays a tribute to tho memory of a man
of his own craft who stuck to his
engine, knowing that hi death nlnun
could lessen tho dnngcr of those in his
Tho train had crossed a bridge and
Was approaching a tunnel, which, being
on tlm shadow sido of tho hill, looked
liko a great holn in tho night Nearer
tho engino tho engineer saw n number
of dark objects scattered about. In an
other second ho discerned what theso
wero and realized nn awful danger.
A ho reversed tho engine mid applied
tho airbrake ho shunted to the fireman
to Jump. Ho might have jimmied him
self, tor ho saw tlm danger first, lint no
such thought enmo to him. In another
second tho pilot wn plowing a
herd of cattle asleep on tho track.
If they had all been standing, lie
would have opened tho throttle and sent
them flying into the river with les risk
to hi train.
Bnt they wore lying down, and as
they rolled under tlm wheels they lifted
tho great engine from tho rails nnd
threw her down the dump nt tho very
edge of tho river.
But so well hod tho faithful engineer
performed hi work that the train was
stopped without wrecking a car. Many
of tho passenger wore not awakened.
Tho trainmen camo forward nnd
found the engineer. Ho was able to
speak to them. Hn knew that he had
but a few minute to live aud left a lov
ing message for hi wife. Then, as if ho
had nothing more to say or do, he closed
his eyes, folded his hands over his brave
heart and without a murmur, apparently
without pain, died.
People Ware Allowed to Look.
The late Lord Bath was one of the
first territorial magnates in the south of
England to throw open his country seat
to the public. Visitors have been for
many years past free to walk where
they please about Longleat park which
is extremely beautiful aud 10 mile in
circumference aud to inspect the gar
dens and grounds, while boats are pro
vided for them on the large lake, which
is a notable feature in the domain. The
interesting house, with its pictures, li
brary and art treasures of every descrip
tion, ho also been open to thousand of
visitors every year.
Longleat was built during the reign
of Elizabeth, nnd the house bus never
been much altered in nppearunce, al
though ull kinds of improvement have
boon carried out Tho Into Lord Bath
built the stables, which are very line,
Ono prominent feature in tho park is a
wooded bill which, from the magnificent
prospect which it commuudH, is known
as Ileuven's gate. The Bath estates iu
Somersetshire and Wiltshire were in
very bad order when the late owner suc
ceeded his father iu 1837, but they are
now in perfect condition in all respects,
and there is not a single vacant farm.
London World.
A Shrewd Market Woman.
The shrewdness aud loquacity of mar
ket women a crnft numbering more
members iu tho old world thnu iu tho
new are proverbial, and the following
anecdote iu Mr. Dorau's book on "Tablo
Truits" hours witness to the justice of
their reputation s
A member of the sisterhood in Bris
tol, England, had a 10 pound Bank of
Englaud note aud wished to exchange
it for gold, which was then at a high
premium. Accordingly sho entered a
bank and made known her request, to bo
met with instant refusal.
The quick wittod woman, without
exhibiting any disappointment, thoro
apon asked tho cashier to let her have
ton of tho buuk's 1 notes iu exchange
for her Bank of Euglaudur. The ex
change being completed, the old worn
an, taking up one of tho provincial
notes, read aloud tho promise engraved
upon it to pay tho bearer in cash.
"Very good," said sho, with a ohuo-
klo, "now gi' me goold for your note,
or I'll run to tho door and call out,
Bank's broke.'"
There was no resisting this appeal.
and the market woman departed in tri
umph. A Reason For Mot Marrjlna;.
Protty Toachor (sovoroly) Did your
mother writo this excuse?
Bod Boy Yos'iu.
Protty Teacher Humph I It looks
very much like one of your scrawls.
Bad Boy Mamma wrote it; but,
please, ma'am, sho had sister Jonnio on
one arm crying with a bumped head
aud brother Willie on the other with
cut fiugor, and a lot of sewing on her
lap, and she was rocking tho cradle with
her knees, and she had to write with
her toe.
Pretty Teacher (in the evening) I
am very sorry, Mr. Poorchap, but I have
changed my mind. I shall novor marry.
Pearson Weekly.
A Ola-antle Advertisement.
Near Ardtnlee, Scotland, there is a
wonderful advertisement, made of flow
er beds. Tin beds are each a gigantio
letter 40 feet in longth, the whole form
ing the words "Glasgow News. " The
total longth of the line U 133 feet; area
covered by the letters, 14,845 foot Hhe
advertisement is situated on the side of
a hill, and, being of bright colored flow
ers, can be read from a distance of 4),
miles. St Louis Republic
' 'Do I understand yon to say that this
man never made a statement that waa
not true?"
"That was what I said."
The questioner laughed long and loud.
"Impossible," he said. "Absurdl
Preposterous I Why, he's a government
weather prophet " London Tit-Bits.
Crocodile Dying Out.
The crocodile U not at numerous in
the Nile at he waa in the daye of the
Rameaes family in fact, he rather
hunt the river now below the eoond
cataract, on account of the aunoyauoet
inseparable from tourist traf&o,
Is a sure remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Whoop
ing Cough, and all Lung
dUeaiet when used in
sennon. Fifty yenrs ngo,
Elder Downs was given
up by his physlcinns to
die with Cont'inptlon.
Under these circumatan
cet he compounded this
Elixir, was cured, and
lived to a good old age.
You csn try it for the
price of one doctor's visit
For tale everywhere.
leu'.-- UW.Wi:. W&VtkliaH
t or mile liy II. Alex Kloke.
First National Bank
OF It : YXO h 1S VI L L '.
CAPITAL $80,000.00.
'. ITIItrhell, PrrKldrntl
ftrotc .nrMrlland, Vice Prea.f
John II. Kaurher, Caahlrr.
C. Mlteliell, Hcntt McClelland, J. Kins,
John M. i iiriii'it, ii. K. Hrown,
11. W. Fulle r, J. II. Knuclier.
Does n ffcncniHmnk Ins business nnd solicits
tho nccmiutM of merchants, rnflonnl men.
farmer. nn-clinlcs, miners, lumtiernien nnd
other, iimmlNliiK the mot direful nttentlnn
to inn nuNines or nil persons.
f nfe Deposit Hoxe for rent.
First Natlonnl Hunk tiulltlltiK, Nuliin block
Fire Proof Vault.
SINGE 1878.
Fire Insurance.
John Trudgen,
Iteynoldsville, Penn'a.
A flash of lightning
coming from a cICcIP sky
ia a very rare occurrence, but one day last week a
lady and gentleman received a welcome pliock. Yes,
they had gone to the Keynoldsville Hardware Co.
to buy
Carpets, Furniture
and General Hardware
and the great values shown them caused a noticable
expression of joy and gladness to shine upon their
faces. They purchased a complete furnishing for
their home and departed, Baying:
"The .stock, at such low prices!
We'll call aga in."
Flour, Feed,
D. H. MclNTYRE, Manager.
New Price List!
I lest Hour, In cotton,
Kino Oil. nprlcol l.'le., or 2 enns,
" Tomatoes 7c. a can, 15 etitw,
" Syrup, per pillion,
" Head rlee, per lb.,
" Hnlslns, "
" Pure tapioca, )mt lb.,
' Tea, extra quality, per lb.,
" Lima benns, "
" Navy beans 8 lbs. 2."it:., 35 lb.
" t'olTce cuke. 5 lbs.,
" Peas, 10 Ilw.
Absolutely jinro peplH-r, per lb.,
" ' baking powder,
l 00
1 00
1 00
Tho bImivo Is price on a few articles
In our Immerse stock. We have tho
goods and our prices are right alt along
tho lino. Wo can savo you money on
Robinson & Mundorff.
Practical Horse-sUoer
and General Blacksmith.
llurMP MlHH'Inff 1iuio In thn nwitwt. munnrr
ami hy the hitcst Itniirnvcri nicthiKlH, Over
HHidlu'fi'i'rit kltiflnnf hIkh'h tnuriu for corrno
t Ion of fitulty art Inn and ll-imcl tVit. Only
tin l'Ht inakoof hIhh-m and null iiMd. Ite
jmiritin of ull ktiniH run-fully and promptly
nicn'H fliippllo on hand.
.larkHon Ht., near Mfili, Keyrmldhvllh, Pu.
ubttcrlbe for
The Star,
If you want the Ncws.
Snyder & Johns,
WE have just received a large line of Piece Goods
and samples, embracing the very latest styles
rf Foreign and Domestic Suitings for Fall and
Winter wear, which we are prepared to make at
Hard-time Prices. We cordially invite the public
to call, examine our goods and get prices. Special
attention to Cleaning and Repairing.
Next Door to: Hotel McConnell.
Tlie star
FOR $1
In Advance.
5 -x-! ; -
0 : I
0 I I i o l
, T H - I S 2
A. D. Deemer & Co.
Have bought and xlaced on sale
tho largest assortment of
Lies; Misses' id Clreii's
ever purchased for a town of this size. You will have not
only a few styles to select from, but dozens. We
have put the price within the reach of all.
New - Fall -
Correct styles in the new fall colorings. Exclusive pat
terns and by the piece.
hoe: sale
For the Next Ten Days.
Every person who purchases a pair of Shoes will receive a
pair of good seamless hose free. Our shoes have
the reputation of wearing best and are
the most correct styles of any shoe
m ui
Main Streetl
Dress - Goods!
house in the town the
governor didn't
, visit.
A II rinnmnr P. Pn
ajuuiiiui vj uur