i Take Tli best when you need medicine. For Mood, appetite, nerret.etoniach, liver, nothing eqanlf lnlood'$ Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purlfl r. All lritirirttt. ft. Hood's PHIS cure all Liver Ills. Xo cents. Cattarrfe ejMI Cotdt Believed l 1. K Sllnlltee. , One short puff of the hresth thronh the Blower, suppled with ntch bottle of Ir. Asnew's Csnirrlml IViwder. diffuses this Pow. dor over the sorters of the naml iiasairfa. Painless And delightful to ne. It relieves in- Stantlyand pcrmnnsnily cures t'litirrh. Hay rever, Colrls, HemlMche, Sore Throat. Ton ellltis and Desfnrss. If yonr rirui'iri'.t nan't It In Mock, vk him to procure It for you. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrv.pforChlldren teething, softensthe Kmiis.ri'ihit-en infliininm tiou. allays paiu; cures wind colic. 'a a bottle. Pr. Vltrn Pence. One bottle Pr. Fenner's sUieclflc euns. Circular. Fredouia, M. V. To Curn Heartaches. "A hot hatb, n stroll in the fresh nlr, shampooing the he.nl In wenk soda water, or a timely nop In a cool, quiet room will sometimes atop a nervous bead.iche," writes Dr. B. F. Ilerrlck. In th9 Ladles' Home Journal. "When overfatlgued from shopping or sight Boeing a sponge dipped In very hot water and pressed repeatedly over the back of the neck between the ears will be fonnd exceedingly refreshing, espe cially If the fnce and temples are after ward subjected to the same treatment. Neuralgia Is caused not only by cold sir, but by acidity of the stomach, starved nerves, Imperfect teeth, or by irdolence combined with a too gener ous diet. Heat Is the beat and quickest cure for this distressing pain. A hot flatlron, pnssed rapidly and deftly over several folds of flannel la til on the fiffeetod spot, will often give relief In leas than ten minutes, without the aid of medicine. Hot fomentations ore of equal value; though when the skin Is very tender It Is more adrlmhlp to use dry heat, nothing being better for the purpose than bags of heated salt, flour or sand, which retain warmth for a long time. Cold water, applied by the finger lips to the nerves in front of the ear, (tas been known to dispel neuralgic pains like magic. When caused by acid ity a dose of charcoal or soda will iiiMuiuv nfi n correruvu. oica iioutl eelie is accompli HUM tiy miiuus nyinp- toms. and attacks usually come on first half of life, and often stops of Its own accord after middle age. A care ful diet Is Imperative In every case, sweetmeats and pastry being especially pernicious. "Eating heartily when very tired, late dinners, eating Irregularly, Insufficient mastication or too much animal food, especially In the spring or during the hot weather, are frequent causes of In digestion, causing headaches by reflux H-CUUU. SACRED CONFIDENCE. NO WOMAN'S LETTER PUBLISHED EXCEPT BY REQUEST. Mrs. rinkhitm'a Tender Relations With the HufferhiR of Her Sex Women Who Cannot Hide Their Happiness. There Is a class of women who, from their own experience, sympathize with their suffering sisters, and in order that such Buttering may be lessened, no bly put aside fulse modesty and in heartfelt gratitude publish to the world what every woman should know. Mrs. W, r.. Eiiiott, Liscomb Iowa, ia one of those women, and has requested us to pub llsh the tacts In her case, other wise it would not be done, as all such evidence is treuted in sacred confidence, unless publication is requested by the writer. She says to Mrs. 1'inkhura : " I wish you would publish the circum stances of my case, in order that other women may be benefited by my expe rience. " 1 doctored nearly all tho time for two years. I spent several hundred dollars without receiving much benefit. Last June 1 wrote to you and described all my aches and pains, fcuch a loner list as there was: headache, back ache, bearing-down pains, terrible soreness, constipation, dizziness, feel ing of extreme lassitude, irregularity snd nausea ; but you answered my letter and told me just whut to do. I followed your advice. " After tuking eight bottles of the Vegetable Compound and three bot tles of Blood 1'uritier, I am glad to write you that I have not enjoyed such good health for yeurs, and I am able to do all my own work. I can surely sound the praises of Lydia E. l'ink ham's Vegetable Compound, and a number of uiy friends are taking it upon my recommendation." Mua. W. L. ElXIOTT, Liscomb, Iowa. mu as no C and WHISKY habit eitrert. Book seal I 1 A . I -ill VI ill I n s Eronllde. Over the river tho twilight broods, And the trees on the current seem to swim, And tho orioles flash through tho solitudes, And the purpling sky has a Jeweled brlin And a mule stirs the heart of the woods And the silence throl s and the dny grows dim. Emma Playter Keabury. MMOKOIS. "Willnck says his word is law at home." "Undoes? Well, if that is the truth, his wife is au Anarchist." llnzel I womler why he has never said that he loved me? Xntte Per haps he has not dared to interrupt you. Joe Cocs So she cast you off for ever? Bill Dim Yes; at last she said sho would marry me when I was able to support a wife. Tolice Justice Did yon recognize your assailants? Van Dusunp (indig nantly) MoRt nsbhuahedly not! they hswdly belong to my set I Egbert They say that Chilson is going through his fortune awfully fust. Popsou Yes, I notice that ho keeps his bicycle in excellent repair. Friend What does the doctor say? Fiitieut Ob, he seems to be in grvnt spirits because he has the fever nearly down to where it was when he started. Mamma Y'ou know, Johnny, when mamma whips her little boy sbe does it for his own good. Johnny Mamma, I wish you didn't think so much of mo Friend It must be awful to havo tho newspapers keep eayiug such things about you. Political Candi date Ye?, but supposing they didn't my anything at ail I Mrs. Warcm How do yon like your new handkerchief, dear ? Mr. Warcm (a chronic fault-iinder) : Pretty well ; but some of 'em'i got tho mark in tho wrong corner. Professional Courtesy ''Crowded out to make room for mure interesting matter," observed the gallant editor as he gave his seat in the car to tho young woman with soulful eyes. Cobwiggcr Didn't yon think it rather foolibh for her to ask you if her hat was on straight? Merritt Ko ; it was on a railway train, and wo had just come out of a long tunnel. Critic That villain in your story is a perfect masterpiece. Where did you get the character? Novelist I imag ined a man possessed of all the forms of wickedness which my wife attributes to mo when sho is angry. "I may open my month a good deal." The mermaid glanced at the reflection of herself iu the mirror, which every good-looking mermaid carries. "I may open my mouth a good deal, but I never put my foot in it." A letter from a lady at an inland watering place to her husband con tains the following passage: "In your last epistle you sent mo $50 and 1,000 kisses. I should bo glad if, in future, you would send me more money and fewer kisses." 'Come, old man," said the kind friend "cheer np. There are others." "I dou't miud her breaking tho en gagement so very much," said the do spoodent young man. "But to think that I have got to go on paying the in stallments on the ring for a year to come yet. That is what jars me." Ostrich Outran Hie Cyclist Donald Menzies, a cyclist of Cape Colony, South Africa, had s peculiar experience recently. He was riding along the muin road from Cupe Town to Somerset, West Strand, when an ostrich, attracted apparently by what was in bis eyes a novel vehicle, com menced to walk uronnd the bicycle. After a few preliminary antics, the bird took it into his head to pace Mr. Menzies, aud so long as it abstained from usiug its wings, the cyclist and the ostrich managed to ruu s dead heut. However, after oovering about half a mile iu this way, the ostrich utilized its stumpy wings aud spurted away at ) coord-breaking- pace, leaving the cyclist fur behind. Self Culture. Took 25 Years totiet His Money Hack. If we only could recognize them, probubly we should be surprised to see how often a pieoeof money returns to us; and wouldn't it be interesting if we could trace thoir travels? A Vinalhaven merchant bus thought ol this several times lately as he looked at his favorite pooket-piece. Ho slumped his name on it tweuty-flve years ago, when a young man work ing at Hurricitue, and sent it out ou its wanderings. He did not sue it again uutil a few days ago, when some body gave it to him iu exohauge for bag of fruit. He duet not pluu to part with it aguia, Lowistou (Me.) Journal. MONEY FOR SCHOOLS. large 8ums Siting Paid Out by tht State. On Monilay 1 100,000 was sent to school districts In the State as their share of the appropriation of 13.5(10,000. On Haturrtny las. Philadelphia received 150,000 on ac count of the (1,00.000 or more ot which the city Is entitled. Last month the schools of Pennxylvanla outside of Philadelphia were irtvn about t.VH.000, and that city 1 180,000. One hundred thottennd dollura a week is the amount usually paid to other than Philadel phia schooix, but urgent demands from ji unmber of cities Increased the allowance to tho sum stated. In criminal court at liutler James Say was sentenced to pay a fine of f 1.000 snd three mouths In nil fur selling Inpior without a licence. Josei Johnson, Colored, of Mend vllle, was sentenced three years to the pcnl. tentiary for robbing Traeey Pemholm's More In 1'etrolla. John t lurk and Itichard Clark were sent 80 days to the workhouse fur larceny. Edward Orlm and Kohert Wilton are In jail at hitttuuiliiff, charged with complicity in the burglaries at Leechburg Friday night, the places robbed being tboi-e of Hainuej Kbdler, Amos Alttnan, A. II. Teboy, A. C More, I'Ipcus ft Anderson, C. A. Lung and W. J. Jack. At Orcensburg a Hungnrinn charged with stealing 20 cents worth of beets end a woman who was alleged to have stolen one head of cabbage, were aMuttted on the judge's charge that real ectute cannot be stolen. One case cost the county v50 aud the other loU. James Oreen, a maniac, escaped from tho Harrlshurg apylum and went to his home at Altooua, where he attempted to murder his wife and child. He locked hlmpe If In a room and was captured after a ten hours' siege, during which he shot two policemen. The Hnltlmore A Ohio Railroad company has decided to do awny with the danger and Inconvenience caused by the"frecuent caving In of llraiiy's tunnel, and In a few day men will be put to work arching the portion which has caused the trouble. In a pasl"n John L. I'lehl, a young man of York, llr.-d s ball into the leg of his sl-ter lilln. lie gave as his rcacon that he desired to mark her. He now Inugulvhes behind prison bars. He Is about is yen is of age and Lis sister is 30. 1'r. A. 1. Gibbons, a prominent physician of C armichaels, who was tried and convicted at the June term of court for malpractice, was sentenced to pay the cost of prosecution, HO0 line and undergo sn Imprisonment ot one year. The barns of W. II. Dickinson, Ed. Wernot sud I'ndertnkor Hogan, at Nuntleoke, were, destroyed by an Incendiary lire, ami several horse, wagons and other vehicles, and a large ouantity of hay, feed aud harness, were burned. Mrs. John E. Hess, the wife of a well known groeerymuu of t'learJIeld, suicided by hanging herself In the nttlo over the store, hue has been sickly for about a year, which is the only cause assigned for the deed. Harry Kimball, a painter of Oreensburg, Is accused of drugging John lllnnch, a wealthy farmer, and robbing him of frlUO. He hu not been arrested. He recently ended a term Iu the workhouse. Tho Postal Telegraph Company was grant ed the right of way to erect poles and string wires at a meeting of theSharpsvllle council. They will also ask for a franchise of tho bbaron council. While Abraham Ilelkes, of York, was on his way from home the little sou of a neigh bor built a lire to his barn to get warm and the barn and a lot ol live stock were burned; loss, (3,0(H). A gang of Heaver Falls boys, armed, took possession of a bridge and kept it for over an hour, robbing everybody who passe J and seriously injuring Oeorge Epker, wLo re. sisted. The lnwsuit between tho borough of Belle wood and tho Pennsylvania Jiailroad Com- tany over tho ownership of a reservoir has eeu decided iu favor ot the borough. The Wheeler coke plant of the Cambria Iron company nt lumbar, was blown out yesterday owing to the shutdown of the com pany's iron furnace at Johnstown. Portage lodge Xo. 220, F. k A. M., of Hoi lldaysburg, the pioneer Masonic bodv ol Central Pennsylvania, celebrated its semi centennial Monday night. Maggie lieardon, aged 23, committed sui cide at tshuron by shooting herself in the right brcust with a revolver, bhe hud Just quarreled with her lover. John Hutchlngs, of Clearfield, was found dead ou the railroad under suspicious cir cumstances, and threo tramps are iu lull pending an Investigation. Henry Iteltz, aged 60, Are boss at the Courtney mine, near Monongnhela City, fell dead at the breakfast table. Uu leaves Wife and five children. The state board of pardons has postponed the meeting which was to have been held beptember 10 to Wednesday, Ueptember 23. The residence of David Small, In Jeannette was burned on Sunday during the absence of the family. The loss will reach 2,000. At Lsugbllustown, nejr Llgonler, on Sun day Simon Kiuigle fell desd iu church in the midst of the sermon. He was aged 68. Money la the United States. The Treasury circulation statement shows that Beptember 1 all kinds ot money In the United States outside of what Is held In the Treasury, aggregated 1.639.169.634, or e?l.tl per capita on an estimated population of 71 ,615 000. Ai compared with September 1, 1895, the circulation showed a decrease of tKM13,3M. During the month ot August the circulation shows an Increase ot t24.. 266,492, made up largely from the Treasury a loss of gold. Spain's Other War. Official advices from Manila say that the Spanish gunboats made an attack upou the insuigents who were intrenched upon the isthmus ot Cavlte aud the peninsula, while a column of troops pursued them upon land. The Insurgents were routed and many ot them were taken prisoners by the Spaulsb. Four prisoners were shot and 200 transport ed to the Marlunns Islands. Caudtdata Bryan Quotes Solomon. Mr. Bryan was asked at Chicago to say something about the nomination ot Palmer and Buoknerby the gold Democrat, but re fused to be Interviewed. Ha remarked, In oldenlally, however, that Solomon had ex pressed the situation la the seventeenth verse, first ehapter, of Proverbs, wblobreadkt "8uraly in vain the net is spread la the sight of uny bird." riend's Krlghtrul Crime. Borne fiend at Chadron, Neb., filled a sprinkling csn with kerosene and saturated the beds upon which were steeping Assistant Postmaster W. A. Dsnley, wife and two chil dren, and then set Are to the room. When firemen removed the ooeupauta both babies were dead aad the parents uuoou clous. Ulg Ulael Mills shut Down. Every mill la the steel department of the Edgar Thomson Works of the Carnegie Com pany, at Braddock, Penn., has susoeaded op erations ludenulteiy. Lack ot orders Is given a tit cause for the suspension. HIDE AND SEEK AT SEA. Torpedo-Boat Practice with the Oreat Whlto Cruisers. Mr. Ernest lngersoll describee "The Tricks of Torpedo Boats" In St. Nich olas. After telling what the boats are like and what tl.cy cr.n accomplish, Mr. Ingeroll says: But to Insure all these lino results, both ofllcora nnd men must be tnuglit bow to manage and maneuver theiu to best advantage, at well as how to discharge the torpedoes they carry. Constant drilling Is neces sary and lately one of these boats In our navy, tho "Cushlng" (so suitably named after the young hero of tho civil war who destroyed the rebel ram "Al bemarle" by mentis of a rude torpedo boat one of the first actually used) has been attached to the naval station at Newport, Khode Island, In order to carry on this practice. One set of offi cers and men after another Is Instruct ed Iu handling her, and In the making and firing of her torpedoes; and they have plenty of fun along with the schooling. The headrpiartcra of this work Is Oont Island, which separates Newport har bor from t,hi' outer waters of Narra g'ansett Itay. There Is a serchllght which cam mnnds the harbor entrances and a wide fhvle of the buy. Ono or more war ships are always there. Those search lights also can be swung In nny direc tion. Vet the Cushlng arrived ono night and first itntiotineed herself by sudden ly blowing her whistle within pistol shot of the Inner wharf of the Island and It wnt not n dark night, either. A few afternoon Inter she went down the bay, mid challenged every eye to be alert to see hot return In tho evening. It was bright moonlight a time In which no such boat would attempt a serious attnek- yet Lieutenant Fletch er, the Cushfng's conimnnder, crept within a third of n mile of tho shore before he was detected. It would have pleased yon to see her that night, ns she came plainly Into iov n long, low streak gliding silently and swiftly athwart the niootllt sea, rolling a sil very furrow back from her plow-like bow, and seeming more like some great fish with Its hack fins out of water than any sort of steamship. lint It Is on d.itk and stormy nights thnt the practico becomes exciting, firoups of olllrers stand upon the ram part of Fort Woleott, or upon the bridge of each monitor or cruiser, and strain eyes and en is to obtain sonic Inkling of the torpedo-boat's presence, the long white beam of the electric searchlight sweeping right and left, up and down, mid every man gazing along the pnth it lllumitintcs for some glimpse of tho lit tle enemy. A swing of the beam south wnrd brings out the grim walls and numerous cannon of Fort Adams, and shows evory yacht and flshlng-boat at anchor Inside of Itrenton's Point. The tun in channel, the Dumplings, the far away shore of Connnleut Island, Rose Island and Its mined old fortifications, the upper bay dotted with lazy sloops and schooners slipping down with tho tide, are revealed one after another, as the powerful rays are turned slowly westward and northward until at last they are shining again In the Naval War College and Training School, and on the clustered shipping and wharves of tho pk-turcsquo old town. Look Out tor the Voice. You often hear boys and girls ,-y word vhonthey are vexed thnt sound im If ui.ido up of a snarl, n whine ntid a bark. Such a voice often expresses more than the heart feels. Often even In mirth one gets a voice or tone that la sharp, and It sticks to him through life. Such persons get a shnrp voice for homo use and keep their best voice for thoso they meet elsewhere. I say to all boys nnd glrlH, "Use your guest voice at home. Watch It day by day as a pearl ot great price, for It will lie worth more to you than the best pearl In the sea. A kind voire Is a lark's song to a heart and home. Train It to sweet tones now and it will keep In tune through life." Unconscious Humor. It is not always safe to resort to set phrasei when wishing to compltuieut. A story Is told of a certain lawyer, extremely studious, bnt In conversation notoriously dull, who was showing off his newly built house. The bookworm prided lilmscL' especially on a sanctum ho hnd contrived for his own use, so secluded from the rest of tho building that he could pore over bis books In pri vate, quite secure from disturbance. "And this la capital," exclaimed tho visitor, with unconscious Irony. "You can rend and study here nil day, and no human being be one bit the wiser." At a Glance anyone can ee the difference be tween the twin-bar of clear, pure Sunlight Soap and other laundry soaps, but you'll know the difference when you use it because it cleanses with Less Labor Greater Comfort Lsnr Bras., Ud .Hudtun t llirruos 8l., N T. i Deafoast Canaot he Cured by Ineal applications, as they cannot resell the diseased portion ot the ear. There Is enlr one way tocuredsatness, and thnt (s hv constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In flamed condition of the tnurous lining of tht Fsstsrhlan Tube, when this tube tela In. flamsd you hsve a rumbling sonnd or Itnper- (snt hearinf, and when H Is entirely closed lesfnesa Is the result, and unless the Inflam. matlon csn he taken nut nnd this tube re stored tolis normiil condition, hcnrlnt? will be rtmtrored forever. Nine rase, out of ten ate caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will (Ive One Hundred Doilsrs for any ease of liesfnes fcaused by catarrh! thst can not br cured by Hull's Catarra Cure. Hend for circulars, free. ... K. J. Cbfsst Co., Toledo, 0. Fold by DrMMista, 7 Ilall's Famtlv Pills are the best. The Ocrman trade returns for June show a lnrge Increase In Imports and exports. Dobbins' Flnatlne-nnrsi Soip posts mors te mshe thin any other flostlns soap made, but consumers have to rsy no more for It. It Is guaranteed fobs I'M per rent, pnre and the only floating soap made of boras. Wrappers In red Ink. A lady In Japan, during a sllgh Illness, had 423 physicians In attendance. Plso's Cure cured me of a throat an d lung trouble of three yciirs standing. K, C'AbY, Huntington, hid., Nov. Is, IMM. The Blue and the Gray. Both men and women are apt to feel a little blue, when the gray hairs begin to show. It's a very natural feeling;. In the normal condition of things gray hairs belong to advanced age. They have no business whitening the head of man or woman, who has not begun to go down the slope of life. As a matter of fact, the hair turns gray regardless of ago, or of life's seasons ; sometimes it is whitened by sickness, but more often from lack of care. When the hair fades or turns gray there's no need to resort to hair dyes. Tho normal color of the hair is restored and retained by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Ayer's Curebook, "a story ol cures told by the cured." too pages, free. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Must. mmmmmmmmmmmmmimmm 5tf ' fill" III imglell Hill WS..IS.J , .1 Him 1, ."gC3rm ffts is SBtS "I) if "Check it!" n ft If he had bought a 5 cent piece he 1 1 would have been able to take it with him. 1 1 There is no use buying more than a g 5 cent piece of " Battle Ax." A 10 cent S P piece is most too big to carry, and the 5 g cent piece is nearly as large as the 10 cent jj piece ot other high grade tobaccos. sjs; mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmB "Contains More Flesh Form ing Matter Than Beef." That is what an eminent physician says of good cocoa. The Cocoa made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass., is the best. Sec that Imitations are DON'T BORROW TROUBLE," BUY SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. ilntS WHIMk 111 SI fill aon i-ouun syrup, j asiti. u in nine, solo or (iruugists. Only t per cent of the Siberian run aways escape with their lives. The fedlea. The pleasant effect nnd perfect safety wttk which ladles may nss Syrup of Fljs, under att conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true snd genuine article, look fo the name of the California Pl.t Pyrnp Gam pony, printed near the bottom ot tho paukaze. If or salt by all respousible druggists, Tasmania boasts what Is probably the first lodge for female Odd Fellows. Heart nteenea Bettered la 80 Mtnaesav Dr. Asnew's Cure f or the II eart gives perfaae relief In all oasis of Organlo or Hympathesss Heart Disease In SO minutes, and speedily ef fects a cure. It Is a peerless remedy for Pal- Eltntlon, Nhortness of Itreath, Hmothertni pells, I'aln In ltlflde and all symptoms K a Dlseeeed H-nrt. One dose convinces. If four drtiKirtst hssn't It In stock, ask hits as procure It for too. It will save j our Ufa. FITSstnpped freesnd permanentlycured. He flts after llr-t day's ue ot Da. Kt.ins's Unsav NsKVeHrsroHSH. FreeK'trltilboltieend treat ise, bend to Dr. Kline. Kil Art h St., 1'hila Pa. If offlirted wlthsorppyes tise llr. tsnnc Thome sou's bye-water. llrtiKglstssellat Vr bottle not palmed off on you. DON'T DRINK IT! JSS. curi ty foul wntrr than by ny otfctr nem. Our Wrix luii.UKit Mm-hisrhy obvlat ife m. cult ami ririllt wtii tui.ow tfuc t nTnwlnnnriM uti sure-re uu ity urtMis tutm our, llitT U rany Ml "tilling mm nun vi'tsrru iuu urtl-OlKkl U LOOMI8 A NYMAN. Tiffin. Ohttt. r m v mt )