The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 12, 1896, Image 7

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    Talk In tnmr of ltno.l t Saraariarllla a for ns
other meitldne. It hu the sieateat record af
i-urtu of any medlcltia In I ha world. In fact,
m ie inn una
f . True Itlo it
VJ I'orlfler. II.
Hood'tPlllarurailck heartache, lndleetloa
Our Consular Brrvtrr
Tlie conaulnr si-rvlce I llio practical
mil biiKliicm aide of our foreign In-u-rcourap,"
write en-rrMlilt-nt llarrl
mn In tlto ladles' Home Journal.
'Thore aro more than twelve hundred
jornong In the consular service of Ui
t'nlteil States. Tliese are located In
:ue Important commercial cities anil
:own of the world, and are deaerllied
rent-rally na Consul (lenernl, C'ouaula,
rotnmerelal agents, Interpreters, mar
ihala and clerka. Tho duties of a
Donaul are various and multifarious.
He la the protector and Rtinrdlnu of
.merlcan commerce; provides for des
titute American sudors and sends them
Some; he takes chance of the effects
f American citizens dying In his Juris
lletlon, having no legnl representative;
tie receives the declaration or protests
if our citizens In any matter affecting
their rights; he keeps a record of the
arrival and departure of American
ihlps and of their cargoes, and looks
tfter vessels wrecked; ho reports any
lew Inventions or Improvements In
manufacturing processes that he may
observe, and all useful Information ro
tating to manufactures, population, sci
entific discoveries, or progress In the
useful arts, and all events or faets that
may affect the trade of the I'nlteil
States, and authenticates Invoices and
itatements of the market value of mer
chandise to be shipped to the t'nlted
States. Every Consulate Is a commer
cial outpost; "and If the service could
be given permanence of tenure, and
l corps of men of competent equip
ment, It would become a powerful
agency In extending our commerce."
The influence of women upon the
civilization of the world, could never
be measured.
liccnuse of her, thrones have been
estnblihhed and destroyed. The flunh
of her eye, the touch of her hand, nnd
we have the marvellous power of
Women, plorlous In the possession of
perfect physical health.
Lydla E. rinUlmm, by her wonder
ful discovery of the
" Vegetable Com
pound," hna done
much to place this
great power In
the hands of
SheUas lifted
thousands and
thousands out
of the misery
brought by
displace -men
t of the
womb, and
all the evils
that follow
diseases of
the uterus.
The " VegrO'
table Com
pound " re
store natural
cheerfulness, de
stroys despondency, cures baelcache,
strengthens the muscles, restores the
womb to Ha normal condition, and you
are changed from a physical wreck to
the joy of your home and friends.
Hy the way the lending druggists
tell us that the demand for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la
simply beyond their power of under
standing, and what is best of all, It
does the work and cures where the
best physicians utterly fail.
Featherbone A
has a strip of Featherbone stitched
in one edge. ,It both flares and
binds the skirt and holds it away
from the feet ; the newest of the S.
H. & M. bindings.
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
Samplts skauing labels and materials mailtdfrtt.
" Horn Dressmaking Made Easy." a new 72Page
cook by Mlaa Emma M. Hooper.ofthe Ladles' Home
Journal, tells In plain words how to malta dresses al
noma witnout previous training ; mailed tor 25c.
. M. M. Co., P. O. Box 699, N. V. City
ima without previous training ; mailed for 25c.
flaselra, lttera, Nrleare, Law, Civil, Mr.
e-feaalceJ sad Electrical Knajlaeerlna.
Taereaab Prrparatary aud ownaerrlal
- Ceereee. Korleetestlt-a) aturietits at k)M'ial rates.
staasaa Free. Juntur or eeutor Year, t'olles-lete
Courses. Hi. Edward's Hall, for bova nndrr Is,
The IPAlh Terse will oiam elratreiber Sill,
ISteH C'aialeeuee eeut Free tm amiUi-ail.m to
very Rev. A. Marrieaejr, V. B. l' Weeldeat,
tlaia Prtaalpal Ziamla.r XT. S- resales Sureee.
ers, la last e ar, tAejuuueUui aleuua, alt alaea,
Beetlou.VVyru'TMuae 2uudV Csa I
' - laf a. SM hT-,.- . I
r : rr i
MM T ' 1 M
lOtt 1 1I K llOfHEWUE.
Peel and cut in two largo encum
bers, take nut the pulp, mnko a furcee
and fill the liollons nith it. Have n,
pan ready, plneo tlio rticntnbors in it
nith the f.tic ' upward put a s n tll
piece of butter on each, and n littln
beef soup stock, and simmer two
hours, A fur ere mny bo limits in this
fashion of any meiil you mny happen
to have, cither raw or rousfo.l meat,
?hoppcd fine, with butter, egg and
crumbs carefully beaten together, and
well seasoned.
Tomato farcoo makes a good lunch
on dish ; largfl tomatoes are elnd.
The top of each one cut olT to form a
'id and a furcee put in after part of tlio
tomato Las bccti removed.
Whiles of two cgs.oua teaspoonfnl
it lemon juice, onu-hiilf pound of
ncwdercd sugar, l'lnca tlio eggs in a
refrigerator or somo very cold plnco
uo hour before using, llre.nk them
jarefully aud beat the whites until
Frothy, then sift the sugar in grnd
lally, beating all tho while; add tlio
einon juice and continue the heating
mtil the iiriug is lino and wliito and
itilT enough to ntauil alone. Knep it
t cool plnco until wonted. Hpreml
nitb a kni ft' dipped ill icu water. If
)rnitmeiits ar tiNed they must be
slaecii on tlui enka while tho icing is
stilt moist. This mny be vnricd by
idding different (I tvorings, such as
it rn wherry, pine tipple, rose, vnnillii, A-c.
Strawberry icing should alwnvs be
lolored with a few drops of cochineal.
Mrs. ll.irer.the leeturcr.does not np
arove of pie, but nevertheless she tells
is how to make some good ones. In
l recent lecture sliu slid, "Wliat poo
olu want with pies I cun't und trstnud.
inoric.i is the only country wlnio
uies are made. Tlio (t Tinttns even
inve no word for pie, and no other
ation except the Amerienn could cut
pie and live.
"However, we will make a regular
English meat pie, with no bottom
:ruxt. Cut one joint of cold meat
into one-inch blocks and two largo
potatoes into dice. Have measured a
liiblespoonfiti of chopped parsley, a
t teiiHpoouful of suit, a quarter tja
ipoouful of pepper, the siiuiu of eel
Myseud, and a teaspoonful of onion
'nice. lu t a layer of mailt into a
athor deep piepnn, then olio of pota
toes, and distriljitto some of the pars
'ey, pepper, suit and folory seod
through tho layers, lluild the pio up
u tbit way until all the iugrc lionts
ire used.
"Vnl a teaspoonful of butter over
'.be top, add a half pint of stock,
water n poor substitute, and put on
four tip cr tint, which must bo rolled
)nt rather thiu and have an opening
in tho top so that the stoam can cs
Mpe. Glaze this witli egg, to which
tenHpoouful of warm water has been
idded, and it will give your pio that
rich brown color which all meat pics
iliould have. This is a dulieiouvdiuu
(or luuclioou."
To cnrl ostrich feathers a smooth
piece of whalebone is better than a
Half a cantolopo filled with ice
cream is a dish tit to' set before a
No matter bow beautiful the carpet,
it baa uot the appualiug loveliuoss of
the matting in suinmor.
A glimpse at the windows of djoor
stors reveals a very decided use of
large-flgruod cretonne iu summer fur
niture. No matter whether your duty lies
In dusting a room or. wanning n
poodle, do either one the very best
you know how.
Almost everything for tho table
but hot biscuit and a few other dishes
is tho better for being served iu
oraoked ice these days.
Japanned trays may be oleaned by
rubbiug with olear olive oil. Alter
the oil has been applied the trays
should be vigorously rubbed with
flannel cloth.
' Htone dates and out them small J
plaoe in a bowl, pour over hot ont
meal, and by the time the dish is ready
to serve it will be flavored with the
dates aud the dutes moiatttuod.
A velvet garment should always b
made up so that tbo uap inclines up
ward. If done iu this way it will not
shade white aud look shiny. Velvet
that has becoino enuhed or matted
may be'ruisud by drawing the wrong
side across au upturned hot flatiroo
eovered with a wet cloth, or by bold
lug the goods right side up over the
steam front a kettle of boiling water.
A Mnnnfnotnring Enterprise That Will
Emptor On Hundred Mia.
The ('annnsliiirg Land and Improvement
company hits derided to accept the proposi
tion of the VM,r Miuitifacttirlnir rnmpatiy,
nnd to ilomite tlirt't) nnd a half seres of
uroiiiel. worth (1,0(10, as a situ for tlie man
nfaetnrv. The rvmlltltins upon which tin
KM'ini'l Is tlonnteil l Unit work shall he com
liieiu id on the litilldlnKs In :0 (Imvx. An
I'lintneleil tmtli tnh Is tint principal' lirtlele
which the rompnny will make. Ahout IIKI
men will l employed.
(in f'rl lay litxt the nil operntliiK llrm nl
lolin Hnvder A Co., of llesver, struck a fO
hiirrcl well ntt the Intiilels farm on llrtiMi
eieek. ft was terped I nnd Is producing
I.IKMI lmrri-1. It Is rnld the well was a wild
cat mid the strike opens tip a lot et new ter
tiary. The Lawrence county Populists hnve sc.
h-( ted the fnllowltiK lieJcvnti s to the I'ltts
hurg eoliveiitlolii Z. T. Allen, A he Welsh,
Win. Irnk and Ld. I.ecper. They cliitin
linn tnev win noi vole in imiorse itrtnti tin-
ss he agrees to a pt Wittson ns a rmitiiiiK
in lite.
Au alleged Armenliiti. cnlllnit hlmcell
Hellin, lectured on his eoiintrv nt New Hrlxh-
ton, mill sold goods iilli'Ked to tm mitde
there. Alter selling lirnss spoons for tl
ciuh. reprenentitiK them ns gold, hu disap
peared. lnirlng a light nvr n keg et hi er nt the Ml.
Itrinldock cuke Wdrks rient luiiilmr, nn Ital
ian wss fhot and serlmiHlv hurt nnd several
persiiiis Injured, "litirly1' Voiing, n colored
miner, wn iirreHteil for tlie shooting.
The Mct'ool Tuh" works of iaver KiiIIh.Ih
to t put In operation en Monday with a
small force of men. 'I lie remodeling of tin
works tin' not m en tienrlv completed unit the
water power is not In shape.
The fitrnacemen of the Micnnngn valley
met at Hharon ami decided not to accept a
reiiii'-tioii in wages. Asa renin an tie-mr-liners
Will ! hanked. Ahollt 4ICJ men will he
thrown out of employment,
Imulcl Lnmnr, of tlreeuvllle was held up
near Inrkxhtirg nnd was compelled to turn
over ahout t'JH mid a gold watch. 'I he
rnliipciK escaped. He was walking home to
mivc a dime car fare.
Although New Castle Is to open n new ten
room school In the fall. It Is entlmateil that
If compulnorv eiliication Ih to he enfor I,
the school facilities will still I ntlrely In-
The employes of the stone ipiiirrles nt
lli'wi'tncr and Mjllton, l.ntvrenee county, are
out on n strike and the outlook for thc'iiinr
rlcs resuming work for some time Is not
1 he citherns of Vnnport, nnr Itenvcr. who
are opposed to the school hoard of that placo
erecting au .HI0 school luilldlng, hare de
cided tn to court for an Injunction.
Charles Nlmhli y nnd Thomas Harris, small
hoys at Kcraiitoti, found some sweet tuff iu
a can mid ate it. It had lieen dosed with
arsenic to kill nil, nnd hoth hoys died,
Tony Trahllkl, aged lit years, tins killed
hy a full of slate In the Wcslinori hind shall
nt Irwin. Ills head was crushed and hoth
legs were hroken.
Wires were stretched across ttie river from
Heaver to .Motinca, I'n., and a telephone sta
tion will he i stalill-heil at the latter place
with fil) patrons.
The West Newton council has xnlered n
special election on a proposal to Issue (I t,.
(1111 of homls for the euliirgemeiit of the elee
tr'c light plant.
John flwynne, of Cnrmlchncls, while hunt
lug on the Client river, W. Va., accidentally
shot himself Iu the foot and it had to he am
putated. Ahout 2,Hin people attended the Hrynn rat
ification at liliimoud pnrk, Jleinlville," Aug. .1.
The lending speaker was lion. Joseph 811. Icy
At Sharon a new trial was refused William
floldhcrg, convicted of larceny nnd receiving
stolen goods. The case w ill lie appealed,
Mike flush, of New Castle, was seriously
lieiiten nnd rohhed of t!4 In a I'lttshurg A
Lake 1 rle ear Hnturday night.
The UO coke ovens of the Htewnrt Iron Co.
near I'uloiitowii, hnve shut down on account
of tbe ela'-'k demand for Iron.
We can always count upon God's help
when we aro doins his work.
Grain, rioui sua f eed.
WlIBAT Nu 1 red
No. red........,,,.
IOHN No. t yelluw ear
Nn. rallow euslled
Mlsad ear .
OATS Na I white
No. white
Wi. Sweafei'S .'.'...'.....
FLOUK Winter patents blends..
a mi
s rs
14 7S
15 no
IV 60
10 W
H 60
S 00
rancr airaigui wmiar M
H Ml
II 00
IJ Ik)
10 cm
10 no
0 Ml
Hre flour...
IU -Ntt 1 timothy
allied clover, Na 1 ...
Hay, from wagooa .MMS
FKiill Na I V, bile MO., tou.
Brown Ml(ldllugs...............
Hran, bulk
STHAW-Wtieal .
ialrjr freduols,
CTTKR Eljln Creaiuerj.....
fancy t'raatuery m
ancy Country rtoll,
CUliKsK oniu, new
New York, uew. .
Irullaad Vaajatoblss.
APPLHH Bbl g 50 M
bLaia--Uand.ih.-ked, p., su j u j 4U
l-O'i A lOto-.Neat, ui car, bu. lit 40
CAUUAUK Uouie growu, bbl... to 04
O.Mu. I'cllua. 6 40
Foultry, teas.
I lllt'KKNS, fa 60 a TO
i I hkbiS.V il .... s jo
Kuua fa. aud Ohio, freab 10 11
S KDB Clover tS Iba. I A) a I 10
'1 liuotby, iruua 1 iio 1 70
blue Uraas J ui l iu
UAl'Ut bUlUl', new... ;o sj
tlUHK Couuiry, awaai, LUL..... I uo 8 UI
TauaiW 4 4
tlMVlMMAT. "
FLOl'H ............ t ni 59
KVKNat 4ii
toil.N-alixed.. . ...... ul
OAI.. - St SU
kuus u
bun Sn onto creamery so
FLOUR ttuMi 7i
WUIUT-No. Hed.......... i
CORN Mo. Mlsed. US
OA IS No. f Wblta M 0 st
kU i lKM-craauary, aura IS
SAil r-a. nrsta IS
TXOUB Fatente I T6al 1J
W HKAT-Nu Kiled.. el
CORN Na ki
OATH White Weeteru US
BUri'KM Craauiery M is
alius stale aud I'enu 11 IS
Prime, 1.M0 to 1.400 lbs -........ 4 S3 4 to
Uood, 1AU0 to l.uuu ibs...... 4 IS 4 to
lldy, l,uuu to l.ltsjfb 4 IU 4 16
air light steel a, woo to 11X10 lbs.... t UO U WO
Common, ,uv to sunk .. I (ki u to
..... 8 1) I 60
houghs and Blags
H 00 S )
W V 60
flood. So totOlU
Vatr.Tu to SO Iba.
COmasoa ....M.....M...,
I 60
t 7ft
1 CO
S S5
t at)
K Weatern Ranehar Knva It Is Mot
llrcnmlnB Kxtlnct,
E, A. Iteunett, a Tpjiis rancher now
i'n the East, says that the story that
the great American bison Is licconiltif
titlnct Is not true. "Why, do yon
know," says he, "they nro rnnehlttR
them In Montana nnd Texas extensive
ly and on n smaller scale In some other
places? A man In Monlaim Is expert'
mcntliifi by crossing the buffalo with
I he Idnek poled Angus cattle. He Is
of the opinion that a finer hide can be
obtained by this union,
'(loodnlglit, the greatest Texas cat
tleman, has fully 2,inhi,(Mio acres of
ground rnneiied In, nnd Is breeding- to
bison pure. He has fenced off a big
tract of land, and Is well satisfied that
lie will make a success of his new en
terprise, lie lias already sold many
animals of his own raising to nhow
people and to r.oos In several places,
tioodiilght, too, has n herd of elk, bill
they nre not profitable. Tlioro is little
or Iio sale for them, l'or meat purposes
the buffalo Ih nut In It. The tonnua
makes good eutlng nnd portions of tho
hlndiunrters, but the rest of the car
fuss Is worth little for enlltiK. It would
hnike mighty good phosphate, though."
nurna' Iive Tor Ills Wife.
"I'lirns has been hotly asHnlled,"
tvrltes Arthur Warren In prcsentlni
"t he (it her Hide of Robert Burns" In
the Ladles' Home Journal, "because 0'
Ills alleged Indifference to Ills wife
iJeau Armour), but the fact Is ho wag
ardently fond of her. Jean was tnie to
him, and his true affection never
really turned from her. Jean worship
ped him literally worshiped him. And
when we study her devoted life wo
lotted agree that there must hnve been
much that was ndmlrnble tn the char
acter of a man who was adored hi to
true a woman. Horns' biographers
have paid too scanty attention to all
IhlM. There Is no use In apologising for
Hie defects of Hobble's life, but there It
such a thliiK as Insisting too heavily
upon them, see Xoo much hut
been iniide In the thousand stories) of
Burns' lite of the 'Highland Mary' epi
sode, nnd ton little of what he really
felt for Jean Armour, and of Jean's in
tense loyally to 111 r 1 and devoted caro
of lit 111. The real facts about Highland
Mary will never be known. They com
prise the one episode of Hums' 'life
which Is veiled in mystery. Hut one
can study the poet's life closely enough
to see that the persecution which In
the early days seemed to hopelessly
separate I1I111 from love drove him to
Highland Mary for solace, nnd that
Mary's sudden death Ideallr.ed that
Highland lassie In IiIh memory. There
was not much more to It, nnd Jean
never troubled herself about It. T'tiera
has been 11 sad waste of popular sym
pathy over Highland Mary. It Is ft'
loyal Jean our thoughts should turn.
Horns' love for her nnd for lite children
wn very great. That Is n pleaslnn pi
titre of 1 1 1 111 handed down by 0110 who
i.nv him 'sitting In the summer evculng
at his door with his little daughter in
his arms, dangling ber, nnd singing to
her, mid trying to elicit her- mental fnc
tilth s.' The little girl died In the ail
Itimii of 17!iri, when her father's health
ivps falling
Magnet n Ilnrlior Defenses.
A well known scientific expert linn
conceived the idea of niiignctl.lng large
, bodies of Iron, such lis worn-out ciin
lion, by menus of 11 powerful electric
current and using them to protect sea
ports from belligerent lutttlcHhipH.
wire lending from the shore to the can
Don would conitntiiilcnte that current
when It was needed, and ns soon ns an
enemy's Iroiulnil attempted to cross
the harbor bur the current would be
turned on. As the ship steamed over
the Invisible magnets the two nearest
cannon would rise and cling to the ves
sel with such force as to stop her eu
Bon's This f
WenfTer One Hundred Hollars Reward fm
aiitrraoeor Catarrh that launot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure,
K. J . ' 11 is r. r Co., rrops., Toledo, O.
Wa. tua undersigned, have known K.J.Che.
nev fur Ilia leaf 1& i-mm mntl lMll.a Mm .....
trolly hunornlil In all lmlnea transactions
and financially a his 10 carry out any obliga
tion made hy their firm.
W'ssr A Tau As, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Wji.i.iko, Rihraw b Mahvik, Wholesale
LTii4KiniN, 1 olefin, 1 'inn.
Kail's Catarrh C'ut-a Is takan Inlaenettv art
Ins (llrecllv nnon I lie. lilrMHt and mnerma aiar.
fa cc a of thesynti-m. I'rlce, 7"k-. per bottle, bultl
v n. .'1 naKinia. , -iiiii.mi isi. , roe.
ilail'i family I1U arc the best.
FITS atnpned free tiy Tin. Kl.ixr.'s On RAT
Nkiivc Kkhtohkii. No fits After flrst thiy's
Usn, Msrvoloiisciires. TrestlsoHiid trial
Uittlo free. Dr. Kline. Wll Arch H., I'lilln., i'a.
BTsawssnsv Plants Fair. Absolntaly
choicest varirtlss. Hand s uoslsl to Amnican
Oasdsmso. P.O. Hoi :oU7. New Vor.. lor (acta.
Is mada In a twin bar (as shown
above) for tho sake of convenience ;
it is mode of pure materials for tho
sake of quality ; it is made by our
peculiar processes for the sake of
effectiveness (doing; its work easily);
it is made at tho largest soap works
in the world for the sake of supplying-
the largest demand in the world;
it is used everywhere for the sake of
Less Labor
Greater Comfort
Levee Bees, U4 , Hadeoa a Herrfeoa Bta, N.T.
j:,llliii.i"Tn- rfgt7.aiiall'.
ml SOAP 1 m l&Jsl m
AeT nwa Whn has hean hanefltsA h the
asr of fir. Williams' Pink Mile, will rsreiva
Infnrmatlnn of much vslita and tntsrest hy
writing to 1'lnk l'llla, P. O. llni I6W, 1'hlla., I'a.
LOUISIANA, MO., ItOt'KI'OItT, If.f.ej,
Visited hy fine, Cnhnen, Mt-Sw'y Agrl.
and the Hart. Krt ilsitsa Millar.
"Oh. how Insignificant all mv flftv Tears
tif nursery business seams, all nomlmiad,
whan compared with this stupendous astali
llshrnant, where they oount by millions,"
aatdJndgn Millar, that vatsrnn horticultur
ist, as he, tn company with tha writer, wars
halng driven to tba various departments of
tins vast Diiraery
In sn experience of over fnrtv veara wa An
not retneinner to have pnssed ihruiigh sn as
inhllshmant whern so Inrge a number of
nanus ware rnnployeii whose Duties were sn
thoroughly systanilced, and where bttstnesa
cntinelty of a higher order was manifested.
It is not tn tnn anil or every farm that on
finds iiinlltlee essential to tha growth of tha
iIIITereiit kinds of Nursery st ick, hence it has
devolved upon thesa gentlemen, who wara
Uorr. tn the Nursery business, to sehi.-t from
among the hills and valleys of the two Pikes
inch portions as adapted to their pur
pose. Hat In this very fait ol selection of
loll wa sea their ex -eivllng rare for tl.s fu
ture success of their stock.
Missouri and Illinois hnvann morn worth v
Institutions than the Ktsrk Nurseries, and
liirnly no heller or mora rnpreseutatlva men
than the proprietors. Ths business Is grow
ing nu their hands ss It deserves tn grow.
f'hsy hnve a system of n,noo acres of com
marctul test orchards located Id great fruit
'rowing regions.
rue canvassing force Is being Increosadt
1000 fine outfits ready. Hlark Nurseries al
ways have rnom for mora active workers ba.
tauaetliey have) millions tf Hlark tieea ta
isll. Culr.inn's It u nil World.
Four miles of a spider's web would weigh
only 0110 grain.
1 -
fnn't ran tMlnt tn sues fnenee. rlnthee. lime.
Istmr, fuel, end health f All these rsn Is saved
If von will fry llnlililn1 Rlectrlc Snap. We say
fre." knnwtne If yon try It news, roo will
always use la. Have your arocer order.
The lllm of a sunn bubble Is the 2.500. (KWth
if nu Inch In thickness.
Mrs. Window's (Soothing HvrtitiforChlldrcn
leethltig, softens I lie mini. reduce Ifittiimma-
.iuii, uunys imiii, cures wmii cuiic. t.a ihhiio.
..salllxt tisat i.s.l s.le.l.i. ssvlll...!! tHai.'. ils-.a
iiT ( 'iffittinitl(iiii It iilwiiyrs) f iiicPi Mi ft, K
.iiiiri.TftN, iXT'imiiii, .-ii 11 ., iici, a.'.;, hi.
"A Bicycle
Five cents' worth of
"BATTLE .AX" wiU serve two
IJi worth of other brands will serve one I I
M ' ti 1 . r . ..... ,V
man 1 ms is oecause a cent piece
of "BATTLE AX" is almost as
6 large as the 10 cent piece of other
111 high grade brands.
"I like
of Pearline,"
m r
p a Wash
Pearline down
means hard work and rubbing. If you use
enough Pearline.
to say the least. Use
and you'll have the most thoroughly economical washing.
" this is
und it aWi.
you an imitation, bs hooest-
He eaa make twiee as mneb. Re eaa sell als Northern farm and sal twice as many arras for sis
uiiu, down hera. We aall tniuroved farm lot fttt la fe'ill aa acre. I'lentv of rs!lna4s foaa
si tliem Nodruuxhta. iielttier loo tint nor lo cild cltiuste jnat rlglit. Northern farmers aie enBsisui
tverv week. If ;ou are uteresiet write for gUKU paioyUe. and u, all the ueatloua jus aeat la. O
l a pleasure to us to answer tliem.
A Handful of Dirt Nay bs a Houseful of Shane."
Keep Your Kouta Glean With
km,, h X
Gladness Comes
With si better Mnderstandlnfr of th
transient nnttire of the many phya
leal Ills which vnnl'ih before prciner ef
forts fetitlo efforts pleasant efforta
rightly directed. There is comfort la
the knowledge that an many forma of
sickness im not dun to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of tba sysicm, which tlie pleasant
family laxative, Hyrupof Flffs. prompt
ly removes. That l why It Is the only
remedy with miilionsof families, and is
everywhere esteemed so hlu;hly by all
who value, food hcnlth, Its beneficial
effects aro due to the fuct, that it la the
one remedy which promotes Internal
cleanliness, without debilitating- the)
organs on which It nets. His therefore
all Important, In order to pet its bene
ficial effects, to note when yon par
chatie, thatyon havo the genuine,
which Is manufactured by the Calif ornl
Fipr Hyrup Co. only, and sold by all rep
ntable tlrtiffg-lHts.
If In the enjoyment of pood liealth,
and tho system is refrulnr, then laxa
fives or other remedies aro not needed.
If afllictcd with any actnnl disease, one
may bo commended to tho most skillful
physicians, but If In need of a laxative,
then one should have the best, and with
the well-informed everywhere, Rrrnpof
i'lff stands hifrhest and Is most larply
used and gives most cenersl satisfaction.
' V N 11113
l.-'ltANKI lM CIII.I.KdK, NKW A'l'HKNH, O,
lot,! oat 1 1411 yr. Thoroua-ll. Cheep. CBtsles friw.
nDIIIII end WHISKY hsblt eurei, turns aeat
UT IUM rat. It. II. M. Atlants.(ls.
Built for Two."
the small package
a lady says ; "it lasts two vceks
and does two washings.
Then she admits that she
has been using soap with
her Pearline. Now this
all unnecessary. If you
s r is
don't put in enough Pearl
ine to do the work easily
and alone, vou bring
to the level of soap, which
the soap is a needless expense,
Pearline alone, just as directed,
and some unscrupulous grocers will tcli yaa.
ss cood as " or "tha same ss Pearline." IT'S
PcaxUoa it never peddled; if your grocer
60S J AMU TYLf, New
1 o