The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 05, 1896, Image 7

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AltiM'ln, sternly nerves kikmI appetite, F
refilling lcep come with blood msilrpuiv
. Sarsaparilla
The One Trne Word Pnrlfler. Allitrttirsiats. II.
Hood' Pills re the twit after-dinner plll
Splder-Cralia of Japan.
The crab spider luhatilta the oowin
bed, terrifying the submarine world. It
hi hldooua Id Appearance And hablta.
It la the most formidable And rrpulslTe
crenture In the aoaa.
More than one (taring pearl diver and
coral hunter lias battled with thin lialry
monster and been driven to seek the
aafety of a boot's deck.
Though frequently found In cool wa
ters, the great aplder-erob flourishes
and atlnlna his Rrenteat size In the wa
ter of Hie Japan sens.
Though often encountered by coral
and pearl hunters, the monster Is sel
dom trnppedi and so only four speci
men of full-Brown spider-crabs are to
be found In this country.
A fine specimen Is In Kiitgcr's College
Museum of Nalurnl History. Two nre
In the collections of the Ielnnd Btan
ford and Cornell t'nlveraltles. The
fourth specimen Is In a private collec
tion In riillndelphln.
While the lnrgcst and most ferocious
of diH-p-sen crustneen, the splder-crnb
la the most defenseless. Nil t tire una not
provided It with a single weapon of de
fence ngnlnnt Its many enemies.
Still, the apMnrnnce of the aplder
crab Is his best defense, and he Is mas
ter of the scnled nnd fltiued thing Unit
live In the ocean's depths.
The spider-crab Is so mimed been use
of Its strong resemblance to the famil
iar spinning Insect. Its hablta are,
however, those of the crab family. The
long legs, which often exceed forty feet
In length, nre thickly covered with
oonrso black balr. The body, often fif
teen feet In circumference. Is nlwo cov
ered with hair. In which harnnclca, sea
weed and tiny shellfish make their
The spider-crab when Attacked ex
udes an overpowering odor, which per
meates the water around it, while It
1 antics Its long, hairy, fearsome arms
until the water seethes.
The food of the spider-crab Is for the
most part decayed animal matter. Th
creature la abnormnlly Indolent. It will
fasten on a clump of coral and remain
Tk.i., ,.i,,.i ol too incnudcsocnt lump-, whoa an
the touch of the spider-crab Is ns fatal j exhaustive oollootion of vegetable
as the sting of a cobra's fang,- but the fibres was mndo in order to ilotermino
nsuul fighting method of the monster
The Wonderful Collection in Edi-
son's Laboratory.
Method of Invention Pursued by
the Great Electrician,
The stororooms of Edison's lab
orator contain what is perhaps the
most womlorrul collection of snb
itnnocs that has ever been brought to
gether in tha world, and inoideutallr
gives an insight of the methods which
the groat electrician pursues in the
course of invention.
Hiiro on tha shelves ami in drawers
may be fo'itnl almost everjr substance
known to the organic ami inorguuio
kingdom. As examples of tba hetcr
ogmieitjr of the collection, in one sec
tion of drawors are a score or more
complete fur skills, including seal,
inirtiu, groy fox, sable, cat skins, dog
skins, etc. ( in another sectiou nia
ilrawura containing albatross bones,
rhinoceros horn, sea horso teeth,
sharks' teeth, rhinoceros skin, fiih
bladders ami innumerable other ani
mal subxtauocx. Among the vogntnbla
eubitiinccs arc oven aloes, touku. ami
other beans, whose connection with
invention it is difficult to surmise.
It is in chemicals, however, thattho
richness of the stores is most nppnr
ent. Thoro are literally thousands of
bottles and packages in tlio storeroom
in one of the adjoining buildings (the
chemical laboratory), and lining tho
sides of various rooms in the main
builtling. In tho formur two places
the chemicals are classified according
to their nature; in one department
nothing but ext riots nro seen, in an
other all of tho acids nro arranged to
gether, while again the various com
pounds of an element will bo found
collected in groups, as for example,
all of tho bromines, iodines, etc.
Those vast collections give a cluo to
tho method of iuveutiou, if such it
may be called, purnsed by Edison,
though with an invoutor of his re
markable originality anymothod must
play a very subsidiary part. Another
illustration, nnd one more definite, was
fnruishod at tha time of tho invention
Is to embrace Its enemy, IIhIi or human.
In Its huge, hairy tentacles, where death
by smothering comes Blow but sure.
The spider-crab's human victims nre
not numerous, ihouh .lust how many
coral and pearl hunters have been suffo
cated in Its terrible arms no one will
ever know.
Man is said to be the only creature
that shaves. Hut this Is not so. A South
Amerlcnn bird called the "motmot" ac
tually begins slmvlng on arriving at
maturity. Naturally adorned with long
blue tail feathers, It is not satisfied
, with them In their natural stale, but
with Its beak nips off the web on each
side for a space of about two Inches,
leaving a ueiit little oval tuft at the end
-of each.
I suffered with terrible pains In my
left ovary and womb. My buck ached
all the time.
1 had kidney trouble badly. Doc
tors prescribed for me, nnd I followed
their advice, but found no relief
Until I took Lydla E.
rinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Oh! what
a relief it is, not to
have that tired feel
ing day after day, in
the morning as much
as at night after a
bard day's work, and
to be free from all
pains caused by Ovarian and Womb
troubles. I cannot express my grati
tude. I hope and pray that other suf
fering women will realize the truth
and importance of my statement, and
accept the relief that is sure to attend
the use of the I'inkham Medicine."
Mas. James Pahhirh, 2501 Marshall
St., N. E., Minneapolis, Minn,
1 V I'lS-l
by a process of elimination, the best
material for a filament. Many thou
sand specimens were obtained and
testoJ, special expeditions being sent
to several out-of-the-way parts of tho
world for this purpose. No less than
1,200 varieties of bamboo wero ex
aminod, and filaments from 300 of
thesu made and tested. More
recently tho same system was pursuod
in investigation with the Roentgen
rays. Vacuum tubes of tho different
kinds of glasses nnd of ili lie rout thick
ncsscs, wero systematically tested, tho
services of a photographer woro pro
cured to make every known kind of
seusitivo plate, nud later every chemi
cal possessing lluoroaoeut properties,
sumo scores in number, was in turn
thoroughly tested in order that uo
shadow of a doubt should exist that
the one thus fixed upou tungstato of
calcium was the best. When one
considers inventions, ia which such
process of elimination would seem to
luivo had no part, tho magnitude of
the collections is the more remarkable,
American Electrician.
A handsome, y .llnatratad l-pa Monthly Jon rati
drm-rlblnft tb dvt)piuut of th Mftlille Honth, tho
former ptrtiUm. PiVtoru.paryar. Hnd abets,
at om. mentioning this Mwr sua thii will receive
The Middle Houth fur one Tear. Dostum fit, or if
ym Mcure lour uberrltwr end nd iu al .uu we will
end your per one veer free f i-bary. Addrew
JUUtil Booth iufc. l'M MoaaorvUlet Toaa.
linnrf ed,proTen"aba.liilely)e.'
l llll n I Bupvrn oninie, new syiiam.
W. Fay Can Weekly
and ut man iwt.
where to Mil MTAUK
TKKRMi million. teat-
No bulnM par. m w.u on amauat Invested aa
ey. If ktUCCKKDtfl TUtT'S ika Iteaseal
LOOMIS V NYMAN. Tiffin. Ohio.
C and WHISKY balilt cured. Book anal
fvaJ nu Pf. B. M. WooLLsr. Allauta.Ua
Total oust 11 jr. TborousU. Cbaap. Catalog f raa.
i . . 1
than that the face of tha earth falls
to bo overlaid with pins. An expert
uced New York dealer says that ha
has known of bnt three that were out
tip tor kindling wood. Yet they of
ten sell for a little more than so much
pine would bring. One second-hand
dealer sayi he bought six last week for
$50. It is the custom of most bouses
to take old instruments andsllow some
thing for them. The doduction ia
oouuted as almost dend loss, but it
brings trade. The old instruments
are refitted and polished up, however,
and sold again. To whom? Where
do they go? ia still the question. SU
Louis Star-Hayings.
Eighty Thousand Pianos a Year.
About 80,00(f pianos are now being
manufactured annually in America,
and they aro praotioully all for home
consumption. List year only 810 in
struments were shipped abro.kd. Most
of them went to South America, but a
few were sent to Germany.
We get from Europe far fewer
pianos even than we seud there. There
has been an effort made among fash
ionabie folks to mtrouuee nere an
Euglish make ; it is a fine in strument
at home, but it won't do for Amerioa,
because our climate ia so much dryer
than the English that the wood
shrinks and warps here ruinously.
Pianos little need protective laws.
In every case it is the same ; changes
of climate affect all makes injuri
One famous American firm has met
the difficulty by establishing a factory
in Hamburg for the German market.
Germany sends some pianos to
South Amerioa and to Australia, and
altogether she makes as many as we
do. France and England only turn
out 40,000 a year. The growth of the
business here has been great, for in
1860 oar output was only 80,000.
There are about a hundred factories
in and about New York.
Pianos seem to disappear from the
world almost aa mysteriously aa pins,
perhaps, oonsidering their else. The
faot that the streets are not blooked
with cast-off pianos 1 mora oorioui
Quarryman Badly Mingled by an Eiploilnn
of Powder.
East India's Flying Frogs.
The East Iudia flying frog is a
.... . rt.i
soarer. ills toes are very long, iney
aro connected by a thin bntwing
membrane. When the batraoiatl IS at
rest the membranous folds aro tucked
snugly away between the toos. When
the toes are extended and the mom
brane is taut, the fore part of the fly
ing frog's legs are greater iu arou than
tho rest of bis body.
One frog recently captured by a
naturalist wns about four inches loug.
The skin between the toes of tho hind
ct measurod four nnd one-half
inches, whilo the area taken up by the
extended skins of all four feet ex
ceeded twelve square inches. J. he
ends of the toes are provided wit'h
concave discs, tho peculiar construc
tion of which permits tho frog to take
a firm hold of tho branches. Another
peculiarity of this frog is its power to
inlialo and store in tho body a large
volume of air. Hy this moans tho
body is considerably distended, ond
its woight, compared with its bulk,
reduced. This faculty and tho large
surfaco offered by tho membrane, be
tween the toes enables tho frog to fly
short distances from branch to
The back and logs are of a lustrous
green color; tho stomach and toes nro
yellow; tho skiu betweun the toes
black and decorated with yellow
Ceremony of Receiving an Ambassador.
Tho ceremony observed in receiving
Minister is briefly this, says ex-
President Harrison in the Ladies
Home Journal. On a day appointed
by the President the new Miuistcr
drives with his secretaries nnd at
taches to tho Htuto Department, and is
thenco escortod by tho Bocrotary of
State, to tho Executive. Mansion and
conducted to tho Cluo Hooni. Tho
Secretary then goes to the President's
olllco and advises him that the Minis
ter is in waiting. Tho President oil
tho firm of tho Secretary, thou pro
ceeds to tho lllue IIjoiii, nnd, the
Minister and his suite standing, tho
Secretary introduces tho MiliiHter,
who, after bowing, proooeds to read
his address, and at tho proper time
bauds to the President his letters of
credence, which nro immediately
passed to the Hucrotnry of State.
When the address of the Minister has
been read tho President reads his re
ply, and after a few moments spent in
entirely informal conversation retires
with the Secretary, who, returning,
conducts the Minister from tho Execu
tive Mansion.
John Brlnny, a Master In ths Rchumileknr
ft Morris limestone quarries at Williamsburg,
was frightfully mangled while putting off a
blast. He hail charged a 10-foot bote with a
keg of powder and enplorind It, Fifteen
minutes later he went to examine the hole
whn part of the pnwilnr went off, hulling
him iluwn a mi-(not ledge. Ills linnils were
blown nlT anil he was otherwise bailly eut
about the head anil hnily. Me was brought
to the Altoona hospital. Driiiey Is 86 years
old anil resides In t'lnvsliurg.
Arrangements are being perfected for the
reunlim of tho Onn Hiinilreil anil First and
One lltinilreil and Third regiments, Pennsyl
vania Volunteers at Jlutkr, on August IN.
These regiments were reermteil In Allegheny,
Armstrong, riarlon, Indiana, Vennngo and
llutler eoiititln. A reception will be tender
ed the veternns on their urrivnl.
A pnblln drinking fountain, erected at a
cost of .KK) by the Young Women's Temper
ance union, whs given to (Ireenshurg. The
fountain Is located In front of the court
lioile. .tcssfl K. II. Cunningham made the
presentation speech, and Curtis II. tlregg
responded. The young women raised the
money by subscription.
Charles and Amos Itoss ami William Hlm
eox, aged between IS and 111 years, all of Al
toona, wure arrested for robbing cars. A
few days ago a car was broken open nud two
trunks rilled. The tools used were taken
from a tool ear which was also broken open.
The boys were committed to Jail for appear
ance at court.
The now tin plate mill estnbllhed near
Washington by Urlllllb, Hcott A Co., com
menced opcrntlona wlih UK) men at work.
The plant Is on tha MiOovern plot, the
building covering 200 feet sipinre. (In ths
ground I a reservoir holding 1,0IK) barrels
of water supplied by artesian wells.
Charles C. Alexnnder, alleged to have
been nn accomplice In the forgeries fnle
pretenses, etc., charged ngninst K. W.
Clarke, who Is now ill Jull. was arrested at
lllnek Lick, after being hunted for several
months. Alexander was Clarke's ugeut. lie
gave ball,
The Twenty-second Pennsylvania cavalry
held Its annual reunion at Tyrone 'I hiirsdny.
The members urn principally from Washing
ton county, (len. Averlll, one of the famous
cavalry lenders of the war, eotnmnudcd a
nrigniio ol wmcn this regiment whs a mem
ber. The end of this week will sen but 35 per
cent, of tho ovens Iu tho Connellsville coke
region In operation, Ono Hundred ovens
were shut down Tuesday at the Oliver com
pany's works and 100 at the Cambria Iron
Company's Atlas works, at lniubur.
An organized band of robbers Is terroriz
ing Mt. I' nion. The dwelllnus of Charles
Molrohn, Havld ,. Hhaver, Frank Hefrehn
and others were entered and each robbed of
an amount of money. Mghtly depredations
occur iu tuu iowii.
The Alleo furnace at Kharpsvllln as blown
out Monday after a successful run of over
two years, throwing nearly 100 men out of
employment. The Mabel is the only furnace
now in iiinsi.
The Mate Department of Internal Affairs
has Issued a patent to A. (Ilukenhelmer, of
Armstrong county, for eight acres and 1:10
perches of valuable hind heretofore un
W, A. Fluff, cashier of the Dcrioolt and
Trust Company, at (Ireenshurg, caught his
hand In tho door of the vault, und three or
four lingers will have to bo amputated.
The incessant rains and high wnters In the
Ohio river during the summer have grcntly
retarded tho work on tho new Ohio river
bridge, between ilocheater ami Monaco.
The ISuhl Hteel Company, at Hhnron, hnve
awarded tho contract for the boilers for ths
new mill to the (III City boiler works. They
win ue o,uuv uorse power.
Of course there la such a thing aa
love, or there wouldn't be so many di
vorces. Old age Is like the whooping cough:
rverybody gets It.
A Or eat Inrlnstrv.
Ths rttark Bros.' Nnrrr!m, this r!t sno)
rtocknort. III., Isa veritable beehive. The prop
SKstlng plsnts of the "Two I'lkes." enlnrged.
inn rise's" sslwmen work trom New iiirH'
westward. The omce force Is hurrying out
ro.l new-slyl. Mitivasliiir outrtts. tdinto. of
fruits, tree, orchard., pnckllia. Irult nalnlcd '
from nature, etc. hcv.ral depsrlrtients irivs
all their time to .waring .nlminen. Htsra
Hro. have room lor eiieracilc solicitors. With
such pritvreM, and million, of fruit trees, dull
times unknown. Loul.lsua Missouri 1'ress.
ft. IT. P. Carson, eol!aa4, Da'c, sars :
" Two hot I In. ol Hull's Catarrh Cure eonuilet.
bjr ourad mj little girl." bold by Ur jk.IU,7ju.
Mrs. Wln.low'soolhlng Fynipfor'tilldren
teething, sultans tha giims.reilui es InflRmitm-
lion, allays ualui cures wind collo. iSuuboiile.
If iirnleted with sore ryes use Dr. IsaseThomp.
a's Drtutgl.tssell at :jar per but lie
Kept His Appointment to Ito Hanged.
"Iu the Choctaw Iudian cation
there is no jail iu which convicted
murderers aro couflned," suid Ed. L.
Cruighoud of Ardmore at the Metro
politan. "Whon I first wont to the
Indian territory I settled in tho Choc
taw nation, and bearing that a certain
Indian was an exoellent hand on the
runob, I hunted him up and asked
him if he would work for me. 'I will
work until the 20th of next mouth,'
be said. 'Why not longer?' I in
quired. 'Iam to be bunged the 21st,'
waa bis reply in an unconcerned
way. I hired him, and upon inquiry
learned what he said was true. But
one man has ever failed to return for
banging after be has been sentenoed,
and my Indian did not prove an ex
cept ion to the rule. On the day be
fore the exeoution was to take place,
he -left as calmly as though going on a
visit, and the hanging took place at
the time appointed. Notwithstanding
his approaohing doom the Indian
made one of the best ranohes I ever
saw, and I regretted to lose him."
Washington Star.
Mikado's Big Mall.
The mail of the Emperor of Japan
is wore than ten times aa great aa it
was before the war with China began.
There ie hardly a olty in the civilized
world from which he doea not reoeive
letters. Many of hia correspondent
seem to think that through him they
oan gain entranoe to the Japanese
market. The number of . invention
of all kind offered him tot sal ia
An Artificial Island.
CommlftsioDar-Qenoral Hluinp, of the Inv
migration Burenu. has decided to enlarge El
It. Island. New York Harbor, by an acre and
a half, on plans approved by tho War De
partment. This will lie done by driving piles
about the lower ead ol the Island and lining
in the arou. -
Crala. Hour aud a w
rrrSAT-Ko. 1 red....... .-..
N s rad
COW Nu yellow ear,..-.....
ha t yeUow abelled.. . ......
II Had ear .
OATS No. 1 h!M....
No. t wtill.. .
HYB No 1
ha S western
FLoLK Winter patents blends..
yaucr straight winter
ttye flour.. .
DAY No, I llluotby...m
Mixed clover. No. 1 ....
Hay, from wagons
FKal Na 1 White ltd, Ion.......
uruwn aiiauiiuga.......
llran, oula
BTHAW Wheal....
Itolrjr froduela,
BUTTER Klf la Creamery.
Fancy Creamery m........
Fancy Country KoUlmM...M.HM
CbhtBIt olio, ne............
New lork, new. M
CO a 1
M ih)
bi U
84 OVU
til 83
HI Hli
t so a iii
0 40 8 SO
Hlb II 55
14 Ml II 75
11 no 11 Ml
17 IM IS U)
ii w H ta
10 lJ 111 60
IU 0U 10 01
6 10 6 MJ
uu su
17 ii
14 10
111 11
7 H
roll ant Vesatablaa.
APPLES Bbl CO 1 50
UKAN8 ilaiid-pluaed, per bu, III ll
JOlAlOno tu car, bu. itS 40
CAIibAlilt Home grown, bbl... 1 75 S OJ
OMUAB fellow, ou 85 4U
foultry, Kta.
(UICKKN8, Vpalr . W a 70
1 L HhtiB.V lb .. u 10
KUUtt Pa. aud Ohio. Iresb. 10 11
CXEDS Clover 6 lbs............ ft 03 g) t 10
'iluoUiy, prune- I no 1 70
blue Oraae ... 1 uu ) lis
II A ILK biKUl1, Uew.... 70 so
ClLiaU country, weal, bbl.. 1 00 ID
1 AUAiW 4 4
VMKA'l Nu s tea.
HU Na I.
COK.N-MLed........ .... ...
uAia ......
BUi ..
HUl IKK Jlilo creaiuery
I J64 M
M 88
UKAT No. 8 Hod
CORN Na 8 MlleO
OATS Na 8 Wlilta
UUriKK-Creamery, eiurtv...
AHib fa. nrata
. I ( T
. a , 8
rl"M atonnefl free tor 11H. Kl.lNS's OnrtT
Nr.uvR Ittxronr.H. No tits after flr-t day's
e. iMsrveloiist-ures. 'I realise anil rz.wtrial
bottle free. Ur. Kline. Ml Arch HI.. Mills., Fa.
MatW tUttK.
FXOCR Pauou . I 76 a 4 II
WHKAT-Nu 8 Had .... . tin
COKN Na 87
OATB V. Utto Weelorn. ..... 4 8tt
bUriKH-Creaua.ry 18
ktiue elate aud jTenn 11 18
ilval STOCK.
Frlme, l.fOO to 1.400 Ilia S 4 80 4k 4 M
(lood, l.voo to I.BUU lb i 4 15 4 UU
vtiuy, i,uou to i.iouTb 4 no
air llgbl eteera, WW I n 10U0 lba. ( 80
CtlUlluull, 7UU U WU0B t 00 '
4 14
Medium...... ...
Jlougbs and stags........
Good. St to to lbs.. to8Ulba,
I 75
I 80
I 70
1 40
1 W
AST 0W wna has tisan 1'SnsfltM br th
ssent lir. Wlllinms' 1'lnk Pllla. will receive
Information of much value and Interest br
writing to l'ln I'llls, P. O. Bns KiW, Pbila., Pa.
There are live main ennvlets to one female
convict In English prisons.
To Cleanse lite System
RfTfciuall)-, yet gently, when native or billons,
or when tba blood Is Impnre or sluggish, to
permanently overcome habitual coasllpiition,
to awaken lb kidneys and liver ton healthy
activity, without Irritating or weakening then,
to dispel headaches, colds or fevers, use Hyrap
of Figs.
London firms are said to spend oyer (10,
00n,(KMla week In advertising.
Pennta rtn net discover nnlll too tats last wash
mr powders not only eat np thetr elotha, Im4
mln their ekln and ranee rhenmatlem. Try Vob
btnn Klnallnr Porai Snap. Elcelleni lor Uw
laundry and dellshtful for the bath.
Lord llute has lately been making some
purchases of land In Jerusalem.
I believe I'lso's Cure for Consumption
saved tnv ts'V's life lst summer.- MHa Alv
i is Inn in.Ass. 1cHcr. Mich . (a t. en. 'm.
The good pill has a good coat. The pill coat
serves two purposes; it protects the pill, en
abling it to retain all its remedial value, and it
disguises the taste for the palate. Some pill
coats are too heavy ; they will not dissolve in
the stomach, and the pills they cover pass
through the system as harmless as a bread
pellet. Other coats nro too light, and permit the
speedy deterioration of the pill. After 30 years
exposure, Ayer's Sugar Coated Pills have been
found as effective as if Just fresh from the labor
atory. It's a good pill with a good coat. Aslc
your druggist for
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
More pill pnrtlculnrs la Ayer's rnrehnnlc, too pages.
Sent frte. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mans.
T. . ' Judgment ! I " w -J
s v- til
VI .'W . 'W lit
The umpire now decides that l
41 BATTLE AX is not only
' decidedly bigger in size than any
other 5 cent piece of tobacco, but the
quality is the finest he ever saw, and
the flavor delicious. You will never
know iust how good it is until
T' you try it
BvATTtlilH tlM Mraitir miu u low. wm
MU Mfjr ma T W ntlV UMI M T rMUHO
to ioib. and, ibrrorj, defeaiM wiMmul eomM-
. aav. uoc bo, rMuccd im oit
I wind Dowr to ona-tMtin ut it wu. 1
Wa bliv to low oricos. hit h irmtlM 1
f ftOsl UrM tHltM. No MM kMWI tfe
oot pump or prlcoo ontil h koowo
i ours wo mono uran Dana boo m
war ttrooo pooipa, wiih bast - J
tabo criiDOar. nmmr
H 1 16 inch at is.
- than J
Tr.ll ,
Buyoonoothar. Aorojotor prlcooa4
ya ooat. 1 hrouin itaiiiuaa, ana
rico oiaaora, ana ara aaiasv
haa iivm aa mora tbaa hall
iiawmansiii puainoaa wo nay m Draoco nouaaa- .
OttO Boar you. Wnta tm HfraUy UhwtnMa tiemlto
Be eaa make Iwtee a mneb. He raa sell ate Northern fans sad ft Iwtee as many auras tor Mi
mono down here. Wa sell Improved farm, foe S)S SSO aa acre. Plenty uf rallruadafoav
f tbem Nodruu.hla. Xeltner too hot nor too oild eltniete Just rlsnt. fcortbere rariaara are coeaUg
nery week. If you are jitamted write for fat KK naaipblei and sak all Ike aueatloa yuv was U. B
When You Wtnt to Look on the Bright Sidt of Thlrji,
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