The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 29, 1896, Image 7

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    Medicinal Taliie.moreaklll.csrrseipenae, naora
wonderful euree and mora curative power la
Thnn In anv other. Be Hire to irrt only Hood's.
Hood's PIliS curs bllloueurae, mil gintlun.
The. Jlrnoklya directory hns tills Jenr 243.
691 names.
Bwr V m worth CeftMInt 8S.eenr-Bores Ara af
fvnr m-T. eenit wrapper to Pobhine Soap ft! f 'a
On.i rhilaiMWiie, In. Tii'f will aonS roo free
nt rlierrr, poatare p-il'l, a Worrrtter I'ociat Die
tlonerv, KS rw?S txointl tn cloth, prnftieelf U
LuatrmlwL user xxi mitt) anirual let only.
Pried loourU are eaten with brrS'1 In
FITfl ifoprrd free, tiy Till. Kt iss'a Crtr-aT
Nr.Bva liKTiHKN. No ni Bftfr flrM ihiy a
np. Mnrvelnimrurre. Trrntlpe ihhI f:Ml trlnl
bottle free. l'r. Kline, fill Arch M Milln., I'u.
W. It. Orlffli, .Tsrltaon, MMiItso, wrltrw:
"SuiTere.1 with Citarrli inr tlftii ynn.
Haifa Ontsrrb Curpcur.J tue." Sulil uy Drug
glala. Too.
Mm. Wlnalow'aPoolhlnif Syrupfor' lilMren
leethinir. enftenallio itmiix.ri'riurfn ltilliiinn
tlon, allays imlui curia v luii colic. K,cu Untie.
Ws think IMao t'nre fur i 'itti-ointptlun I the
only inrilirine for I'uuylit.- .Iknmb l'l.Nt
KAIII), r-i'i liiKn'l. 111.. Oi l . I, l-"t.
Two of a Kind.
A lltfrnry anecdote Ir told In the
Rookmnii of n .vounR Inly In Provi
dence, H. I., who wns aokcil Uip other
dny by lier uncle to ninke aonie iur
ehnsps for lilm. of which he jrnve her n
written llKt. The first Item v.-ns 'Scott's
Emulsion." nnrt, nfter Hlnticlti at !t,
the Intelligent young womnn marl's
straight for a cerlitln Inrtre book-Hliop,
where she was received ly nil equally
Intelligent snlpsmnn. "I wnnt a copy
of Scott's 'EimilRlon,' " snlil alio, cnciml
ly. "Hcott'i whnt?" said the clerk.
"Scott's Emulsion,"' repl.eil t!ie inn Id
en. "Oh, yes," wns the nnai.-rr; "well,
you see, we don't sell Scott's works ex
cept lu complete m"y."
The bicycle thief hnsn't fnr to look
for a 'wheel, nnd when be selects one
he Is Immediately equipped for flight.'
This ease In fretting bold of somebody
elae's property mnkes the tbeft of a'
wheel a crime should be severely
Doctors Fall to t'nitrtnil Symptoms
That Are thinner KlKnala.
A marked trait In womnn'a character
is to place Implicit confidence in he?
A man must work entirely from the
ory In the
J treatment
of fijinalo
for unfor
tunately facts based
upon actual
knowledge, belong
to the female sex
alone. Many wo
men who peri
odically suf
fer with at
tacks of
ncss, diz
'don't care"
or want-to-be-lcft-alone feeling, do
not at first realize that these are
the infallible symptoms of womb
trouble and the forerunners of great
Soon they grow to feel that the
doctor does not understand their case.
Then they remember that "a woman
best understands a woman's ills," and
turn to Mrs. Pinkham.
The following letter is but one posi
tive illustration of this fact :
" Four years ago I began to suffer
with great weak
ness of the genera
tive organs. My
womb was pro
lapsed; I suffered
with continual
backache and all
the other pains
that accompany
that weakness. I
tried doctor after
doctor, had
operations. The
fiqal operation
after which I
became a total
wreck, waa .
craping of the
womb. A friend, one day, recom
mended to my husband your Com
pound. Be bought mo a bottle. The
relief I experienced after taking it,
' was wonderful. I continued its use,
and I am glad to say my recovery is a
perfect surprise to everybody that
knows me. "Mrs. B. Bi.uum, 4U40 San
Francisco Ave., St. Louis, Ma
W Pity Cm! Weekly
nd want uiaa very
wlmrt to Mil NTAKK
van "abMliitrty brat."
ont&ta. new aval am.
K HUOTH Kit. Iih.
laiaviisv, Ala., UMkMirt III.
Fr tad pal Kxanlaar v. S. rcaalaa ftaraa.
jrxav ia laal warf ii adju4kiiat Uaitaa U, autua.
ri v si m
hVr'up?'JMji?Si Oaa I j
lu t
It 1
I I 1
1 I I V
' 1 J
Astonishing Military Organization
of African Apes.
The Simians Are "Well Organized
for Plunder or Defence.
Evidence of the nstoniRhitiR sngncily
any military otRsnizntiou of the Afri
can baboons iucreanes witli the re
cent exploration of their favorite
lianuts, due to the troubles iu Central
Afilcn nnd AlivHsinin. The EngliHii,
Uermnn and Itelinn traveler! nnd
eminrii'8 who have been employed
in various missions ou the fringes of
the Abyssinian jilntenu hnvo corro
borated ninny stories wbicu lmve
hitherto been suspected to bo exag
gerations of fact. It now appears Hint
their methods and discipline are fnr
in advance of those of any other ver
tebrate animals, and not inferior to
those of some of the native tribes
The different species of bnboous,
which are. fnitud commonly over the
whole African coutiuent, nre all by
nature dwellers iu the open country.
They Hud their food on the ground,
and, whether tiiis be insects or vege
tables, it is usually iu places which
afford little sholter or protection.
Though strong and well armed with
teeth, they are slow nuimnls, with lit
tle of the nsuiil monkey agility when
on the ground, and not particularly
active even whuu cliinbuii? among
rocks. In the rocky "kopjes" of the
Hotilb or the clifl' nnd river sidoi of
AbyaNini.i, mid the Nile tributaries,
they nre snfe enough. Hut they often
abandon these to invade the low coun
try.' When on expeditious of this
kind they often leave their stronghold
for days together, and the mentis of
joint defence from enemies in the open
country nre then carefully organized.
Their natural eunmies when thus ex
posed are the leopard, tho lion, nnd,
iu South Africi, the C.ipe wild dogs.
To the uttnek of the leopard they op
pose niuuburs and discipline. No en
counter between the baboons and wild
dogs hns b'-en witnessed and described,
but their defensive operations ngaiust
domesticated dogs were seen and re
corded by the Germnn naturalist,
Brelim. The following account ap
pears iu tbe translation of his travels
by Mrs. TUompson, just published:
The baboons wore on fl it ground,
cros-ing a valley, when tho traveler's
dogs, Arab greyhounds, accustomed
to tight successfully with hyenas nnd
other beaBt of prey, rushed toward
the baboons. Only the fomalcs took
to flight; the males, on the contrary,
turned to face the dogs, growled, bent
the ground witu their hands, oponed
their mouths wide and showed their
glitteriug teeth, and looked nt their
adversaries so furiously and malicious
ly that the bounds usually bold aud
batUc-hardened shrank back." By
the time the dogs were encouraged
to renew tbe attack, the whole herd
knd made their way, civered by tho
rearguard, to the rocks, except a bix
months old monkey, which was left
behiud. The little monkey snt on a
low rock, surrounded by tho dogs, but
was rescued by an old baboon, who
stepped down from tho cliff near,
advanced toward the dogs, kept
them in check by gosturcs and
menacing sounds, picked up the baby
monkey and carried it to the clilT,
where the dense crowd of monkeys,
shouting their battle-cry, were watch
ing bis heroism. The march of the
baboons is not a mere expedition of
tbe predatory members of tbe com
munity. Tbe whole nation "treck"
together, and make war on tbe culti
vated ground in common. Their com
munities are numerous enough to
reproduce in miniature tho move
ments of troops, Tbe tribe often
numbers from 250 to 800 individuals.
Of these the females and young are
placed in tbe ceutre when on the
march, while the old males march in
front and close tbe rear. Other males
scout upon the flanks. It has been
noticed that these remain on guard,
and do not feed during tbe whole time
that the rest are gathering provender.
If disturbed by men, the old males
form a rear guard and retire without
any baste, allowing the females and
young to go on ahead carrying the
plnuder. Their retreat is, as a rnle,
deliberate and orderly, tbe baboons
being quite ready to do battle with
any animal exoept man on the plains,
and instautly beooming the assailunt
of man himself when they get the ad
vantage of position. Brehm was
stoned out of a pass in a few minutes
by the dog-faoed baboous. "These
self-reliant animals,'1 he writes, "are
inatcbcven for men, While the
screaming females with young oues
tied with all baste over the orat of tbe
took beyoud the range of oar guns,
the adult males,casting furlons glances,
beating the ground with their bands,
sprang upon stones and leilges.looked
down on tbe valley for a few mo
ments, continually growling, snarling
nnd screaming, aud then 1gan to roll
down stones ou us with so much vigor
and adroitness, that we immediately
saw that our lives were in danger nnd
took to flight. The clever animals
not only conducted their defetiso on a
definite plan, but they acted in co
operation, striving for a common end,
and exerting all their united strength
to obtain it. One of our number saw
ouo monkey drag his stotio up a tree,
that he might burl it down with more
effect; I niysolf saw two combining to
set a besvy stoue rolliug."
About lllcyclliiir.
Adjusting the saddle properly hns
much to do with snfe and comfortable
riding. The rule should be to keep tbe
saddle as near parallel to the bar as
possible. Avoid tilting, especially
backward. Brent lie. through the nose;
if forced to breathe through the
mouth, keep the tongue well pressed
against tho upper frout teeth to
avoid inhalation of cold air, the furco
of wbicu should be broken by passing
through tbe nose and warmed for in
spiration. A.apungo bath with tipid water nnd
friction is beuetluial immediately
lifter n ride in the open nir. Spong
ing with diluted alcohol relieves the
uiuscnlar sornoss and stilTness.
1cm cold drinks, p.istty aud sweets
nre not conducive to health at any
time, A cyclist, nfter a long spin,
needs food J supply the tissue wnste.
The hunger which a ride iu the pin k
provokes is such that one can nnd
should eat only bealth-produciug
food. "Hungry enough to eat any
thing I" That anything should be
fruit, snmlttiches and milk. Tea tnado
from beat extract is stimulating and
Violent riding will produce heart
disease. Women from
shortness of breath will tiud tbe ex
ercise dangerous.
Only a sponge and friction batb
should be takeu immediately after
riding. The body is too fatigued ; a
full pluuge is theu too exhausting.
With proper adjustment of ' tho
saddle and attention to dress at sea
sonable times ruodorate cycling will
result in benefit to the majority of
women. Philadelphia Times.
Cut NllSIP-8tlti0IS.
In the Tyrol tbe girls who oro fond
of cuts m irry early.
If it rains ou a Dutch girl's wed
ding day it is because tho brido bus
forgotten to fed her cat.
If it rains when t'aero is a large
washing ou the lino iu Germany, it is
a sure sign tliat the house mother has
ill-treutetWCe cat.
Throwing a overboard from
a ship will canso a cyclone.
A person who despises cits will bo
carried tj his grave iu a howling
If the family cat lios with its back
to tbe fire there will bo a tcjnnll.
If a cit licks itself against the
grain take your mackintosh with you.
If 11 cat washes hersjlf calmly and
smoothly tbe weather will be fuir.
Bud luck will follow if a black cat
crotscs your path, for the devil prowls
about especially at night, in the guise
of a bluck cat.
To dream of a black cat at Christ
mas time in Germany is a omen of
alurming illness.
The Pennsylvania Dutch believe
black cats cure epilepsy.
Three drops of a black oat's blood
is said to be a cure for croup. St.
Louis Post-Dispntcb.
A Ttvo-headod Turtle.
L. Hudson tells Gumeliunl about
a freak turtle he found on tbe shores
of Lake Ontario among a lot of newly
hutched turtles.
Tbis turtle was just emerging from
its shell. There were two heads and
two necks to it, and each head was ap
parently iudependeut of the other,
uud each seemed to have contrary
idess as to tbe proper way to go. Both
heads would be asleep when oue would
wake up and start the body off accord
ing to its own ideas, Tliut would
rouse tbe other hoad and then there
wonld be a. mix-up of motions, 'It
died after a while.
'ew bleeping far.
A new pattern of a sleeping coach
bus been brought out in England that
is suposed to meet some peculiarly
English wants. The car is fifty-two
feet long nnd nine feet wide, with
siuglo-berthed aud double-berthed
compartments alternating, a corridor
ruuuiug tuu full length.'u pus
songer has room to nudress comfort
ably and finds hooks v in abundance
upon which to hang his clothes, uud
by bolting his door can be asuureil
by privacy.
Mint Offlolsll Prevented a Diisiter Bj
Closing a Mine.
An extensive cave-In oecnrred In the Har
vey tunnel nf the Husipiefaanns Coal Com
pany at (Irntid tunnel. About fouraerns sr
nnWteil. Four small company houses were
badly wrncked and the Inmates compelled to
move out. Tli iiieeliiR In thn mine wns
noticed threx or tour ilnys airo, nnd the olll
rlals ordered that the mull's be taken out
and fortinde auy ono to enter. Tbe worki
are old.
Theodore B.nlth, a Herman cobbler, com
mitted stilddn nt bis home In l.ewlstown bj
cutting his throat with a razor. H wns M
yenrs old and leaves a wife nnd two chil
dren. Hmlth wns a veteran o( the late wni
nnd has lived In this vlllnKe. for many years.
Two years ai?o he Itf'fumtt despondent over
reverses lu business and nt various times
stateil that he lntnd"d to end his Hfo ll
was deail when his wife discovered lilm,wttu
three cuts In hi 4 throat.
When the Fnow Hhoo postnfTlee wnsroMiml
on thenlKht ol June 7, mid three men arrest
ed the next day, 110 trace of the spoils se
cured roulil be tumid. A few days info some
children unenrtheil about '2110 stainped enve
lopes, s small pick, a date stamp ami the
money drawer from the iiostomVn ante, but
none of the tlOO worth of stamps and moti"
was there.
William A. Davis, an enrlnecr for the
Irwin Kleetrln l.luht and Tower Company,
while wIpiliK his eiiKhie, Wednesday after
noon, was eaiiirlit by n belt and whirled
around the shall, sustidnlnir serious injuries,
DuritiK bis revolution be struck a post and
tore it Iroin its place.
Treasurer Ifaren, of Denver county, lias
Just returned from his annual tux colieetliin
tour over the county and reports that he
found money a crcut deal more abundant
ninotiK the farmers than lie did lust year,
conseUeutly bis collections wire niueh
Tho OreensburK, Jennnette nnd rittsburit
Htreet llnilway Company secured the rluht
of way from the l'eun (las Coal Company
through their property between Jvnn and
Manor and will tie-in work at once to com
plete their 1 1 11 s to .Manor.
Mrs. Jnmet Willis, an aued woman of Kit,
tatiiilhtr.wfis perhaps fatally Injured Weiliics
day inonilUK by the carriage in which she
was ridlnir with a party of friends falliiiu
over an embankment. ' The others were
ellKhtly bruised.
Mrs. William I'ryor, of New Castle, who
has twice let: b tr husband and six children,
for other men, was arrested at Datnlstown In
company with William lluriroon with whom
she eloped a week ago, both were brought to
Foreman T. L. Mason, of the. Dlttsburn
separation and cnstiiiR works, at JlrldKe.
water, shot Albert Johnson, who was trvliis
to enter th works. Two men with him
escaped, lie refuses to lve their names.
It has been nrrnnired by the bridiie com-
1any nt Klir.nbeth nnd' the 1'eniisrlvniila
tnllroad Company that all freight shipped
across the bridge, from either side will be
paid for by the railroad company.
Thebrdyof Archie Hutchison, who fell
',11m the bridge Into the Klskimliietna rivet
at Avonmore Inst week, was found Tuesday
lu the river near Leech burg.
A man who gives his nntnn as It. H. Mo
hair has been vlctlmi7.ini Heaver FhIIs wo.
J men by taking subscriptions tor a il fashion
magazine, wtucn never comes.
In a drunken quarrel at Jessup, near
Rcrnnton Kundny night, Joseph Kohler killed
his brother-in-law, Michael lludidua, with
an ax.
The Southwest Connellsvllle Coke Com
pany has blown out Will ovens nt Morewood,
throwing many men out of employment.
Thomas Feetiey, employed at the tin plate
mill at New Castle, dropped dead Monday
morning from neuralgia of tbe heart.
Dy a blow out at the Cambria iron furnace
at Johnstown, Andrew Drouold nnd Andrew
Nornu were fatally burned.
John M"Cabe, 1111 aged resident of Manor,
was crushed to death by a full of slate In the
Westmoreland shaft,
Samuel Ouhlst'-ln was held up on the road
near New Castie and robbed of by two
Willie Llewellyn, of Mnsnntown. wns
thrown from a horse and fatally injured.
Willie Matey, agnd 17. of Forest City, waa
drowueu In Klk Creek while bathing.
Grain. Hour and l aed.
wnEAT no, 1 red .a
Io. S rd
CliKN No. a yellow ear
I yellow alieUnl
Mixed ear.
OATS No. 1 wtilte
No. i wtalia ..
RVK ho 1
No. 8 western
Fl.HUH Winter patenta blnU.
Fancy atraif ht wliiler ........
live flour
UAi No, 1 tiruotnr
Mixed clover. No. 1 .
liny, from wagoua
VKhD No. 1 V.niie Ma, ton
Brown Mlddllusa.,..A
Mran. bulk .
tTKAW Wbeat
CO (11
tl UA
as am
1 m
il m
87 8M
8 (10 8 ?J
S TJ X 76
14 Ml 14 75
11 tNJ 11 Ul
17 U) IS 10
11 0J 111 SO
IU (U IU 60
IU IU It) 50
to a to
8 OU S W
17 18
14 .16
10 II
7 S
7 H
Ualry froducta,
BUTTER Elf In creamery
Fancy C'resniery
Fancy Lounlry Kott .,
CUKhKU onto, new
New Vork, new.
Fruit and VagaUblee.
BifiANB ilend-fiiciied, per bu., 1 tii lit
ii'pini nt. ......
v t.vw, m var. uu..H,.
l AHBAUK-Uouie grown, bbl..
OMONB relluw. bu
foultiy, Kla.
Tl likk.VH,v Hi ..
UU8 i'a. and Ohio, fresh
xs J
! 8 Ul
Jtf 4u
M ) 71
V 10
IU 11
flKDS Clover as lba. . i 1 0) g I 10
'llmoltij, prune. 1 tH 1 7u
blue Uraaa .,. nu 1 xi
MAl-La; biMUF, new Z2 70 S
ClUKrl Couuuy, sweat, Lbl... I uu tki
1A1XOW 4 4
1754 S3
88 as
hvno. s . i'.::zz
oa 1 a...
BU runt Ohio CrMtnary
Hifi;i'K''i..'-''' w
irrw sk.
tORN-Na Mlxedl""'."."!!!!! si
UA'IH Nn a U. ..I,.
BUTIKK Cruieryi"eilra!
KuiiS-i-a. nraia ,
MatW lOJUf.
IXOUB Fatanta 8 70(11 15
WUJAT-o. Kited. "1
COKN Na .,
OATS WbltaWaeiern , 84 w;
BtriKK creamery )j
KUuaaiaie aud henn 11 W
Prime, 1,800 to 1.4001 be ..... t 4 So J 4 80
Uood, ijM) 10 1,mu lLa v 4 15 4 ail
luy, l.uwu to l,loun :.... 4 ui 41s
Fair llbt ateera, Wu to lux) IU.... I 60 8 J
ttiuuiuu, '00 w vuua 8 im a aj
M edlum....... ......,
Mougue and btaga..
Good. S 10 SO lba...., toaoina.
Cestatea .mM.,
8 au
8 OU
8 70
8 15
a St;
a 40
8 SO
8 60
AT Off wtio has keen hensfHsd by tris
eseof Ilr. W'llllsms' Pink Pills, will recelva
Information of mnch vslue and Interest bf
Writing to Plus Ull., P. U. Box II.W, i'lilla,, Pa.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the mnny phys
leal Ills which vuiih.b priier ef
fort s -gentlo efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There Is comfort In
tho hnotvledffo tbnt 60 mnny forms of
slulcnv nre not duo to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a conKtinnted condi
tion of tho system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Kyrnpof Fiixs, prompt
ly removes. Thnt is why it is the only
remedy with millions of ittrnllles, and is
everywhere eftecmod so bichly by all
who vnluo good hr-nlth. Its beneficial
elTects aro duo to 1 1111 fart, t hut it is the
one rcmudy whltdi promotos internal
cleanliness, without duMHtntlng the
orpins on which it nots. His therefore
all important, In onlrr to pet its bene
ficial effects, to noto when you pur
chase, thnt you have the (TenuitM- nrtlcle,
which is manufactured by thn California
Flp- Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep
Utnlilo druggist s.
If In the enjoyment nf good health,
and the system is requlnr, then Inxo
tives or other remedies ore not needed.
If a filleted with any actual disease, one
mny be commended tothe moM. skillful
physicians, but If in need of a litxntive,
then one should have the best, and with
the well-Informed everywhere, Kvrupof
i'ipn stnni's highest and is most largely
used and gives most general satisfaction.
There is no
DON'T FORGET for 5 cents you get almost
as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other
brands for 10 cents.
DON'T FORGET that " Battle Ax" is made of
the best leaf grown, and the Quality cannot be
DON'T FORGET, no matter how much you
are charged for a small piece of other brands,
the chew is no better than " Battle Ax."
DON'T FORGET, "Economy is wealth," and
you want all you can get for your money.
Why pay 10 cents for other brands when you
. t--..i. a i e
can get tdiue vx.
and you'll get the
that there s any harm to be feared from it, no
matter how you use it or how much you use.
jv But to make your washing and
r$j cleaning easiest, to save the most
I 52 S
Sw. the
1 1 aire
f V
r"W-e. '
Ft no mk t wij ranch. H ran tU nli Xorth4mi firm nd jr twlr h nu.n term tVr hi
Binnf down hr. Wm wll imuroTtM favrui lof MM t ftilll rpa. Meant i.f ratlrt f.'U
Ol tb em Nu itruunhtt. Nitbr tuu imf nor too 'i)d-Kltru! jut ncht. XurtUorn firtutrt tu a.-4-utuiaf
vor wk. U von tr Dtt-rtx-tsl vnit for KUfclri pamjiUt. u4 U th quM.l.i.i ywtt wtut W. Jl
,it4 iil.ur to us to autiwvr rhaiu.
Is Like t Good Tinper, 11 It Shtds a Brikf3sss
your skirl edge with fsj
Duxbak aV
3Zf$. BIAS
tV- y?r vei
It keeps them dry nnd whole and it
never fades.
If your dealer will not
upply you we will.
Samrlfi shewing lattlt end mattrlals maikdfm.
" Hrr.e DrermiVirf Mad Eisy." a rew 72 PifS
took by Mm Emtni M Mrr.1 iheLtdiet Homa
journal, giving vaiusuie biin. iiibuvu .ur
5. H. at M. Co., P. O. Box 609, N. V. City.
U n B P muura
nunaE unsts
pnjhl to think ra.Mieb of
Bti animal to lh 10 be
able in care for It properlv
In h'-altl. and atrknma. li ,
Binnoy oat of kla porkrt U
ti dues not. Toacenraiillib.
Ihla reull we offer oat
One Handrail Pars II.
initrsted Usrae Dsak
lor Kft -iit. ltU'.chayua
to pick oat a g.1 llwae-.
know Imprrfretloiii anit a
gnarrt atalnat frand: de-O-rt
diaraae aad Bt a
cure heo aame ia poaal
hie: tall the age by tba
tifis: what to rail tne
dlftVrent parta of Ihe ani
mal: howtoahna s llorea
properly, etc., ele.
All this and other vak
sable Information ean ais
oiancd by reading oaf
One Hundred Pa,:e lllae.
tratrd llnree tlook. etbirk
are will forward, fni-t-paid,
on rerelpt of price Is
fiampe. Aasaradly Ihe Horse la 100 good a frlena
to man to he neg:erfid for want of knowledge
which ran h profiled lor only lwertt-lle rente,
oos I't atistiK"' !'" ' 1S4 Ix-nnardtr. V m
Pit U8
ani WHIKKY hnhlf cirri. Hook tumi
Hmr., UT. II. .11, (HII.I.RT, ATInfk,8.
;manki,im 'ii.i.kjk, nf.w athkn.o.
Jtflalctft ;)H)r. 1 borotitfti. t'tifitp. 4 sUralo frw.
dividing line.
tur ? tents
the directions.
best work from Pearline. Not
X,'n .rubbing, the most wear and tear,
most mc ad money keep to
directions given on every pack-
of Pearline.
If you'll do that with your flannels,
for instance (it's perfectly simple and
easy:,) they'll keep beautifully sofr;
and without shrinking. sa