The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 15, 1896, Image 7

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Natarsllr, tiara a ood npprt lt, kivp yntir
blond para and four nrrvaa strmif bjr taking
Hlooci s
Th twst In fas t th Ona Tris tllnnil rnrlflpr.
Hood's PlllcurebiliuUM!m, lirmiaxlis. &
Pomlnrtor T.. P. toomls, Detroit. Mich.,
ara; "Tha sifrot or Hull' ('alarm ('nre is
wun.lirfiil." Writ liiui about It. bold br
DruaaiaU, Wo.
Plan's Chit fur ('nniitm'tln l an A Nn. I
Asthma mrrtli Inr. W. It. Wii.i.iamh, An
tiocli, Ilia., April II. m.
Out Way to Pnt It.
Mnny of the sayings and rtolnir of
the Southern m'Kro, that find their way
Into print, tuny be aiKxTyiiliiil, hut
enough are known to be true to mnke
good hi clnfm to humor. A gentleman
discussing coon-huutlng relates nn In
cident, In Forest nnd Htivatii, thnt illus
trates thin clinmeterlstic drollery.
The rxirty, consisting of hunters,
dogs, axon nnd torches giilorp, lmd been
bunting for n irnoil jmrt of the nlRht
Without nny luck whatever. Finally,
the dog" treed a coon. It would take
aome time to fell so large a tree, nnd
one of the negroes volunteered to climb
It and ascertain the whereabouts of the
All agreed to this, and aat around to
await developments. Soon after the
negro hnd disappeared mixing the
bra lichen, a peculiar found wna heard
from the top of the tree. It wna a kind
of mixture of negro nnd coon dialect.
Some one ventured the remnrk:
"Bill, have you got that coon?"
"Yen, anh," wna the reply, "Pse got
din here coon; but I wish you'd aend
Home o' dem darkles up here to help me
turn him loose."
ThrT Pay a gad Penalty for Their Neglnt.
If women only heeded first symp
toms nervousness, backache, head
ache, lassitude, loss of appetite and
"V sleep j palpi-
, 3 union, nioiau-
etc., and at
oneo removed
the cause with
I.ydia E.
pound, thero
would be
much Icfs
But they are
careless, or their physician is to blame,
and they drift into some distressing
female disease. The Vegetable Com
pound at once removes all irregularis
ties of the monthly period : inflam
mation, ulceration and displacement
of the womb, and all female troubles.
All druggists have it. Write to Mrs.
Pinkhara at Lynn, Mass., if you wish
for advice, which she will give you
"I should not be alive to-day, if it
nad not been for Lydia E. lMukham's
Vegetable Compound I was suffering
greatly from an attack of female
weakness, and nothing I had tried
could give me relief; when by the
advice of a friend I began the Com
pound. After using it two months I
was a different girl, and now at the end
of six I nra entirely cured." Mks.Aknie
KibklaND, l'atchoguc, L. I.
Seaside and Country
Gowns need f
On their skirt edges. It Is rain
proof, sheds water and never
turns grey.
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
Sampltt ihowlnf labtli and maUrlalt mmlM frit.
" Homa Dressmiking Mat). Easy." a naw book by
Miaa Emma M. Hooper, of th. Ladisa' Homa Journal,
sen, fcr 25c,. poatago paid.
S. H. it At. Co., P. O. Doz 600, N. Y. City.
Don't take substitutes to
- save a few pennies. It won't
pay you. Always insist on
HIRES Rootbeer.
Ma Mir by TM Ciu-lM . fttrt Cm., Ph.UMi.hlh
ft&fl Dvvtjlopinvn: vt tb MUld Hotttti. Hnu(l
ooitkljr UloMtniTtf1. hulMM'Hptiou fcJ rt. per Vfivr.
All about tb KrMt MtdiU Huuth. Its. ad v Wit hum,
tad H inducfttuitiitt tii tU UouiHi(kr.
0r KMtrarllKr.v. Id order to tntroAuc it
111 ry irihrii (Juunuuulty iutrtd In th
ouU, wa will wild It Oua Yaar for only eta. to
acb of tha flrt twtmty namaa rMalvtri from any
PoatoAoa. Kuiwuriha qun k. Ttma ltuiltad. Ad
wim( JtUddle Mulb rulIUhlnit .f
buiuwrrvtllet Traa
Wa Pay Cm. Walcly
BJid want UMin avery.
wliar to aall NT A If K
1'UKICMi luilltniiu tMt.
ad.prowu tbluiJy bai.
buiwrh uuibta, rie w viiu.
iaaliutOa JUiiat iickpttrU 111
I iailUliwlilnKlia,U.(';
I ttuoceaafully prosecutes Claima.
t LaaVrlitori.l Eki(ui1di U B. u1ou Bu..u,
Vfaiuiiwtl wai, fi'iMudivaUiiilulaliua, aluv
I. .JttWV
In titua. HfildhjrdriiiiKlKtt.
7 r r
m f J
Pali Teat nf the Raaotiitlnni Aajraad Von
by a Majority of tha Cnmmlttca.
OmcAdo, July B. The platform reported to
Ihs eonventlon by the majority of the Com
mittee on Resolutions was as follows!
Tfttrmrannlan Principle Haafllrmrri.
Vfe, the Democrats of tha United Hlale. In
National roiiTentlnn RKPmlp1. donalTlrm
our alli'Blnno i t,i thnn Rn'lt pnMnl prln
plples of Juntlco nnil llhnrty upon wlileh our
Institutions urn fonmleil, nnd which thn
Dnmoernllo party has S'IvochIk I from Joffer
lon'a time to our own frmvlom of spwsoh,
froeilom ot thn prow, froodom ot consdoneo,
tha prpsorvntlon of porsonal rlultts, tha
equality of nil oltinena before thn law ami thn
lalthful observance ot constitutional limita
tion!. Centralisation nf Tower Rralateit.
Curlnit all the years the Pemoernlla
fiarty hts resisted thn tendency of ac)llh In
nresls to the centra ligation ot Qovnrnmpntnt
power, and steadfastly malntnlnel the Inteir
rlty of the dual system ot Roveramnt estab
lished by the founders of this llennhllo of Its-
fxihllcs. Under Its nuldnnce and tnnchlniis '
he sreat principle of local self-Rovernment
bas found Its '.test etpresslon In the main-1
tenance of the rights of the Htntes and In Iff
assertion ot the necessity of confining the
general Rovernmcnt to the exercise of the
Eownra irantod by the Constitution of the
Fnltod States.
Rltvar tinea the I'nlt nt Valne.
Reeoirnlslna thnt thn money question Is
paramount to all others at this time, we In
vite attention to tho fast thnt the Fodernl
Constitution names silver and irnld foirethnr
si tha money metals of the United Htntes,
and that thn first colnnira lnw p'isspd by Con-
Srees under the Constitution made the silver
ollar the unit of value aad admitted sold to
free coinage at a ratio measured by the silver
dollar unit.
"Tha Crime or '79."
We declare that the not of 187.1. demonetiz
ing silver. without the knowledge or np-
riroral of the American people, bns resulted
n tho appreciation otcold andaoorrespoml
Ina fall In the prion of, commodities pro.
duced by the people; a heavy in tho
burden ot taxation and .ot all debt, publla
and prlvatei the enrichment of tho money
lender class nt home and abroad; prostration
ot industry and Impoverishment of the poo
plo. Monometallism Denounced.
We are unalterably opposed to monometal
lism which has looked fast thn prosperity of
mn ln,.u4..1 unlnln I .. I V 1
timoa. Gold monoraotlllsm Is a Urltlsli '
policy, nnd Its adoption has brought other
Nations Into Dnanolul sorvltudo to London,
It Is not only un-American, but anti-American,
and It can bo fastened on thn United
Htntes only by thn stilling of that spirit ol
lovn nnd liberty which proclaimed our politi
cal independence In 1776 and won It in the
War of the Revolution.
Free Coinage at 10 tn 1,
We demand tho free and unllmltod coin
age of both gold and silver at thn present
legal ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the
aid or consent ot any other Nation. We de
mand that the standard silver dollar shall be
a full legal tender, equally with gold, for all
debts, public and private, and we favor such
legislation as will prevent for tho fnturn the Ion of nny kind ot legal-tendoi
money by private contract.
Object to "Gold" Honda.
We are opposed to tho policy nnd practice
of surrendering to the holders of the obliga
tions of the United States theoptlon reserved
by law to the Government of redeeming such
obligations in cither silver coin or gold coin.
Bond Iaaue Denounced'.
We are opposed to thn Inmlnff of Interest.
beating bonds ot tho United Htntes In time ol
f'cnoe, and condemn thotrnfnclngwlth bank
ng syndicates which. In exchange for bondi
and at an enormous profit to themselves,
supply the Federal Treasury with gold tc
maintain the policy of gold monometallism.
Opposed to National Banks.
.' Congress alone has power to coin and Issui
money, and President Jackson declared thai
thla power could not be delcgnted to oorpor
ntlons or Individuals. We therefore demand
that the power to circulate as money r
taken from thn National banks and that al
paper money shall be issued directly by thi
Treasury Department, be redeemable In colt
and receivable for all debts, publio and pri
vate, Titrlff for Revenue Only.
We hold thnt tariff duties should be levied
for purposes of revenue, such duties to b
so adjusted as to operate equally throughout
the country and not dlsnrimlnnto betweoi
class or section, and that taxation should bt
limited by the needs ot the Government hou
estly and economically administered.
McKlnley Law Denounced.
We donounce as disturbing to business tin
Republican threat to restore the McKinlnj
law, which bas been twice condemned by thi
people iu National elections, and which, en
acted sudor the false ploa of protection t
home Industry, proved a prollflo breeder ti
trusts and monopolies, enriched the few a
the expense of the many, restricted tradi
and deprived the producers of the grea
Amerloan staples of access to their natura
Income Tax Law Repeat.
Until the money question Is settled we art
opposed to any agitation for further channel
in our tariff laws, except such as are nea
essary to make up the deficit In revenut
caused by the adverse decision ot the 8u
Sreme Court on the lnoome tax. But foi
lis deoision by the Supreme Court then
would be no deficit In the revenue under th
law passed by a Demoo ratio Congress, ic
strict pursuance of the uniform decisions ol
that court tor nearly one hundred years,
that oourt having sustained constitutional
objeetions to Its enactment, wbloh have been
overruled nytne abiout Judges wno Dave
ever sat on that benoh,
Its RaEnaetment Demanded.
Wa declare that It is the dnty ot Congress
to use all the constitutional power whlcb
remains after that decision, or which roaj
eome from Its reversal by the court as It ma5
hereafter be constituted, so that the bur
dens of taxation may be equally and Impar
tially laid to the end that wealth may beai
Its due proportion of toe expenses of tlw
For Bsatrtctad Immigration.
We hold that the most efficient way to pro
tect American labor Is to prevent the impor
tation of foreign pauper labor to eompetc
with It in the home market, and that thi
value of the home market to our America!
farmers and artisans is greatly reduoed by I
riotous monetary system whlcb depresses th
prices of their products below the cost ol
production, and thus deprives them of th
means of purchasing the products ot om
boms manufactures.
Federal Batlrosd Ownership.
The absorption of wealth by the few, the
consolidation ot our leading railroad systemi
and the formation of trusts aad pools require
a stricter control by the Federal Government
of those arteries of oommerce. We demand
tha enlargement of the powers of tbs Inter
state Commerce Commission, and suoh re
strictions and guarantees in tbs oontrol ol
railroads as will protect the people from
robbery and oppression.
For KeoDomy la OBoa,
Ws denounce the profligate waste of tht
money wrung I ruin the people by oppresaivt
taxation and the lavish appropriations ol
recent Republican Congresses which nav
kept taxes high while the labor that payt
them is unemployed, and the products of tb
people's toll are depressed In price till the;
no longer repay the eost of production. Wa
demand a rw urn to simplicity and economy
wbloh befits a Democratic Government and
a reduction In the number of useless offloes.
tne salaries of whlcb drain the substance ol
tbs people.
"Government by Injunction,"
Ws denounce arbitrary Interference by
fadaraljautburitles la looal affairs as a viola.
Hon 6T fhi Constitution of the TTnllod States
and a orlme against free Institutions, and
wn eepeelnlly object to government by In
junction as a new and highly dangerous
form of oppression by which Federal iuduM
In contempt of the laws of the States and !
ngnta oi citizens imcome at onon legislators.
udgea and executioners) and we approve
ha bill passed ar the last session of thn
United States Senate and now pending In
the House relative to contempts In Federal
ootirta and providing tor trials by Jury in
oertnln cases of contempt.
Against Taclfln Funding BUI.
No discrimination should bo Indulged bt
the Government of the United Htntes In favo'i
of any of Its debtors. We approve of the re
fusal of the Fifty-third Congress to nass thi
Pact lie Hnllroad Funding bill, aad denounet
the effort ol tha present Republican Congrest
to enact a similar measure.
For Liberal Pensions.
Recognising the lust claims of deserving
Union soldiers, we heartily Indorse the ruli
of Commissioner Murphy thnt no nnmei
shall lie nrbltrnrily dropped from the pension
roll, nnd the fnct of enlistment nnd nervines
should bedeemed conclusive evidence ngulnsl
disease or disability before enlli tment.
Territories Hhould lie Admitted,
We fnvor the admission ot the Territories
of New Mexico and Arlsona Into the Union
as Htntes, and we favor the enrly admlssloi
of all the Territories having thn necessary
Eopulatlon and resources to entitle them to
latnhood, and whllethey remain Territories
we hold thnt thn officials appointed to ad
minister the government of nny Territory,
together with tho District of Columbia nnd
Alaska, should be bona fldo residents
of the Territory or district In wiilon
their duties are to be performed. Tho Demo
crallc party believes In home rule, nnd thnt
all publla lands of the United Htntes should
be appropriated to the establishment ot free
homes for Atnerlonn cltlsens. We recom
mend thnt the Territory of Alnaka be granted
a delegate In Congress, and thnt the general
land and timber laws of thn United States
be extended to snld Territory.
Sympathy for Cnha.
Wn extend our sympathy to the peop!o of
Cuba lntheir heroic struggle for liberty and
Against Llfa Tenure In Office.
Wn are opposed to lite tenure In the publio
service. We favor appointments based upon
merit, fixed terms of oftlce nnd such nn ad
ministration of tho Civil Hervlce Inws as will
afford equal opportunities to nil citizens of
ascertained fitness.
For Itlver Improvement.
The Federal Government should enrn for
nnd improve the Mississippi River and other
grent waterways ot the Republic, so as to
secum for thn Interior Htntes easy nnd cheap
transportation to tide water. When any
waterway of the Republic is of sufficient Im
portance to demand aid of the Government
such nld should bs extended upon a definite
plan of continuous work until permanent Im
provement Is secured.
Against a Third Term.
We declare It to be tho unwritten law of
this Republic, established by custom and
usage of one hundred years, and sanctioned
by the examples ot the greatest and wisest
of those who founded nnd have maintained
our Government, thnt no man should be
eligible for a third term of the Presidential
Appeal tn tha People.
Confidence In the Justice of our cause and
the necessity of its success nt the polls, we
submit the foregoing declaration of princi
ples and purposes to the considerate judg
ment of the American people. We Invite
the support of all cltlsens who approve
them and who desire to have them made
effective through legislation for the relief ot
the people and the restoration ot the
country's prosperity.
Ifungry John 1oe Knvlcd the Lot of
the Uronze Hgnre in the I'ark.
Toor, liunjjry John Poe ant on a
bourn In the New York City Hull park
ruminating over tho vlcl8Hltiules of
life. It wns enrolling hot, nnd John
hnil Just removed his outer garment g,
so that bo wit In his red timlerahlrt nnd
trousers, gazing up vacantly at the
bronze statue of the martyr Natbun
"What a soft snap thnt feller's got.
nyhow," he presently remarked,
"stand In' there nil day long, wld the
trees a ahntlln' hliu, uotlilu' to do, no
cop to mnke him move on, nothlu' to
eat, nothlu' to drink" there the chain
of thought suddenly ceased "nothln'
to drink! I'd be n statue myself 1f tt
wasn't for that. What a snap It would
And then speculation ripened Into ac
tion, John proceeded over to the urtse
of the pedestal. "I'll try It." be said.
My other engagements can wait." A
fat broker mopping the perspiration
from bin chubby cheeks hurried along
up Brondway. He glanced from right
to left and bis eyes rested complacently
on the leafy greenery of the park. Sud
denly he halted.
"Bbades ot Aoe Lincoln," be gasped,
awe-stricken. On the bronze pedestal
whence Hale, the martyr, had looked
down over the passing show was perch
ed a figure a figure grotesque In Its
simplicity. Nothing more strange, In
deed, than poor, uddle-heailed John
Doe, )i!h arms folded heroically across
his red undershirt. And yet, he was
attracting the rnpt attention of a
throng. Bo he pliiyod the statue faith
fully, until n pnrk policeman yanked
him down by the foot nnd took him off
o the station.
There Is no monopoly ot knowledge,
but some people can't tell a thing they
know without giving that Impression.
Beaver County Authorities Anxious tc
Catch the lafs-Braaksrs.
A Inrgo number ol safes blown open In
Heaver county during the past month nnd
tho failure to locnte the offenders, led Count j
Iieteollvg Fetter to offer a rewnrd of HIO (ol
Informntinn lending to the arrest ami eon.
vletlon of any one of the gang. He bellevel
one gnng has beenjdidng all the work. II
lias also warned the owners of safes to lenvi
them unlocked unless they contain vnliialdcs.
In addition to Infective Fetter's offer ol
WO. the llrldgewutir lias Company offers
the same sum.
lly the explosion of nnturnl yns at tin
Evergreen lintel, seven miles north ot Alle.
glteuy City, six persona were Injured, thro
It feared, lutnlly. Those seriously hurt wen
August, aged !H years: Ada Htlter,
Hi yenrs: John llrooks, 8(1 years; Mrs. Frank
Marshall, IMI yenra. The hotel wns badly
dnn.nged liy the explosion which was caused
by a leaking pipe.
Monday's storm was very severe about
Cliamherslwrg. It caused the ilnm at Five
Forks to overflow and washed out fiO feel ol
the W. M. II. II., delaying traffic two hours.
On the .11. A., near the pipe Hue stntion, ii
wasked out GOO feet of truc k and stoppec
travel nil day. In Waynesboro a great man)
cellars were Hooded.
J. H. Ringer, R. T. Hogus, John F. Mull.
J. N. Ilnuiiinn, (I. W. Kiipperisliergcr nnd
August Coeueu hnve been grunted nulhorit)
by the acting controller of tin- currency tc
nrimnire the t 8 National bauk ol
Jciinnctte with a capital of r0,0(H.
Kxecutions nggregnting about l.non hnvi
been entered ugnlnst the llutler Meat Hup
ply Company, A. 1. t'liiselnger, manager,
extensive dealers tn Western dressed meals,
mid their place of business Is now lu thi
hands of the sheriff.
The council nt Mgonler is In much troubli
over the eontrnct for the new water works
After the contract was let to Kroner 4
O'llernui, of Pittsburg, nnd work begun,
the supreme court decided the bond eduction
to be lllegnl.
While Isnac Cohen, of New Castle, wai
driving a valuable horse on the street a ve
hlele occupied by two drunken men ran lute
Mm, thn shaft penetrating Cohen's horse
lo ur tho henrt, killing It instantly.
The coroner's Jury found that James Long,
cshnse dead body wns discovered near Van
dergrlft, cHtuo to his denth by means mi
kimwn. It Is thn general opinion that be
nas killed by a train.
The snfe In W. J. Zimmerman's drug store
nt I'elinont was blov n open by Imrglnrs, bill
only a small sum of money taken. This it
the second time Zimmermen's safe has beec
blown open.
Hnmuel V. Retleg has entered suit fol
5,0io damages ngnlust R. 11. Corlett t
brewer nt Washington, for alleged slander,
ltetleg was formerly foreman In t'orlett'i
l'erry Hopfer. of North Abingdon, neni
Heranton, a cripple, placed 80 pounds ol
stoiictt In his pocket and lay down iu LI1
Luke. Ills body wns recovered.
Ai Sew Castlo 1'rof. Auckerman, physical
Instructor of the V, M. C A., was assaulted
by a hlghwavman. He gave the robber s
good beating and let him go.
Ma Hldney, who shot and killed her negrc
lover, William Hteele, in a l'oplar allej
house, l'lttsbiirg, May 10, was found guilt)
of second degree murder.
I'nvid Kelly, of Dunbar, assaulted li Is
wife with a spade, Indicting probably fatal
llurgliirs stole 200 worth of stuff from
Pershing a general store at New Florence.
The (Ireeneburg nut nnd bolt works wai
sold to Sidney J. l'otta (or 2,000.
The New Castle tin pinto works resumed is
Anxious to Know.
Doctor IHm't bo uliirmed. I wna
ticker than you are n year ago nnd with
the same trouble. To-day I am well
mil hearty,
I'll t lent (anxiously) Oh, Doctor, tell
me who wan your physiclnu. Water
bury American.
The women should sew weights In
their skirts; thu wind is positively Im
pudent. PlTT'iMUKO.
WI1EAT No. 1 red .
No. a red M
COKd Na yellow ear, ........
S 65
a wo
10 oo
u no
1H uu
m uu
iu Ml
iu ou
7 ou
s uu
4- iv jviiuw amnion ,. ,.
14 50
tA'ls Na 1 white.
No. I while ..-.
KVK No 1
V- a
FLOL K W lul.'r'iVitent'a naT
hv An...
GAY No. 1 tlmoiuy.
siiea clover, na l ,HM u hi
llnw frmn w it . . . . 19 I k I
11 Ml
rEKIJ Na i While MT."Vual!Z.' 1 60
Brown MlddUusa............, 10 uu
oran. uuis , , L11., ju uu
eTKAW-Wlieal 6 7
uai 7 75
lialrv Yroduute.
BUTTEH Elf In Creamery...... u 17
rancj iroaiuerr , j ja
fane? Counir Kuli. in n
CHli.ii.SiC Ohio, now... 7 H
siw lora, new. 7 g
trill t aid Yagatabla.
APPLES Bui aa 00 4 60
BEANb Hand-picked, par bu. 1 Si 1 40
lu'UiUia-.New, iu oar. uu....,, 10 uo
CAUUAUlt Uoiua growu, bbl. 1,5 8 uo
UMUMt feUuw, la HO 4U
VoultiT, 1-tav
( I1ICKENS. u n-u- an a n
ILKKtVs.Vlb I) 10
auuo i a, auu Ulilo. IraaU.. n u
EED8 Clover lbs... IU gtiS
. uuutuj, pitLuv. t, ,m, i yo SOU
blue Israaa 1 at I ao
liAfUt bYttUf, new Jo tk)
tlDtK Cuuuirr, swsei, ubL. 8 ou t CO
i AlxuW 4 4
FLOUR ...... 1 7o SO
W llEAT-Ntt S MeO. ti
KVUNas 4a
t-OltN-ilUeO. 111
oais.......v at sa
Liiue 9
but I hk Ohlu Cruaniarr ao
FLOUR t ai 75
COKN-Na a Mlleo.
OA I S Na I Wltita ,
BUTlkU-Creauisi-y, aura..
LUUb j-a. nrata
FLOUR Patents ,
WUhAT-Na Kod.
OA I B Vt ulla Weateru
bb'UKU creamorr
kAJUS aim auil feun
a t II
Prima. 100 to 1.100 Iba 4 90 at 4 88
OockI, l,'.uu to l.uu lbs 4 IU 4 SO
liar, l.uou io l.iton. 4 uu 4 iu
Kairllstil ateera, uuo uilUUOlbs.... 100 Duo
kuiuiuuu, ?UU lu auuib a uu It 60
Medium, .. I 65 I 10
lutavv a au a 36
hougbs sud fciaits UU) 170
Good. St toWlbs.......
fair, 70 ivWIlua.
Vcuimua n MM.,.M
iiiiiiuiHIiwiai I OA
a so
a ;
' A MLMSTtlt'H VTltE,
The Frank Malsmmt of the 1'sator (
- rlethet Chnreti.
From fa Advertitrr. Ktmtrn, JV. Y.
Da. WiLMSHs. Dear fiiriMf wlto has
beans sufferer from rheumatism lor mors
than three yenrs, suffering nt times with ter
rible pains In her limbs, nnd other times
with a severe "crick" In her back which
onuses grent agony. Hhe spent much for
physicians and medicine, but secured only
temporary rnllcfi finally she oonoluded to
try Pink nils. She bas taken olght boxes
and 1 can any from the llrst one she has Im
proved until now she Is almost eutlrely tree
irom pain, and has grown much stronger
and (eels confident that, by thn blessing of
(lod, they will effect a permanent ours. We
take grent pleasure In recommending them
to our (rlends.
(Hlgned.) Rr.v. J. If. Rncssra,
raster Bethel A. M. E. Church, Elmlrfl,
New York.
It. Williams' I'ink Pills contain, in a con
densed trm, all the elements necessary I o
give new life nnd richness to the blood an t
restore shattered nerves. They nre an un
failing speolllc for such dl-CHse as locomotor
ntnzin, partial parnlysls, Ht. Vitus' dance,
sclnllca, snuraigtn, rheumatism, nervous
headaohe, the after efTect of In grippe, pal
pitation of the hfiirt, i sle and sallow com
plexions, all forms of wenknss either in
mala or female. Pink Pills nre sold by all
dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt
of price, SOcentsabox, or six boxes forl.51
(they are never sold In bulk or by the 101),
by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, Hchouectady. N. X
Twenty-two Annmlte pirates were recently
liebcBiled in one batch on one of the bridges
at II uc, CI1I11K.
Virr fl. an worth Detains noatlBr-Borss Sra ef
four trrersr, snd wrapiera to Dobhlne Soap Mf'g
Oo., I'lillsd.lfhls, Is. Thsjr will aend 70a fraa
of rlianre, postatm paid, a Worceater i'ocket Dlo
llr.nsn' WS rsues, N,tind In rltli, profusely U
luatraiad. OUvr yuod untU Auiruat lat only.
The Tyrol has 1,27!) taverns, with n,noo
beds. The number ot tourists last year was
iUl.altt, who spent lll,2y,0(K florins.
FITS stopned free tiy tin.'s Orkat
Ki:iivr IlKsToiiRii, No fits after first dny's
um. Mnrvelous cures. Tri-ntlsennd 2.iMrlai
bottle free. l)r. Kline. Kll Arch Kt., I'ldla.,l'a.
Mrs. Wlnslow'e Fondling Fyrunforriilldren
teething, soft ens the KUins.refluees Inntininm
tiou, allfiys puimcureu wind colic. 2M;u bottle.
"The North Pole
H a4 TI n
j Always at the front and wherever
I "BATTLE AK" goes it is the
higgest thing in sight It is as re- 8
markable for its fine flavor and quality
j as for its low price. A 5 cent piece
it of "BATTLE AX "'is almost as
g large as a 10 cent piece of any other
j equally good tobacco. S
it f.w(wfWr-r, Mti&i&imimtimimimi
"Wash us with Pearline!
" That's all we ask. Save us from that dreadful rubbing
It's wearing us out!
"We want Pearline the original washing-compound
the one that has proved that it can't hurt us Pearlinet
Don't experiment on us with imitations I We'd rather be
rubbed to pieces than eaten up." m
Rfmn mtk tww ai much. R nn tll all Korthern f inn and $ twtr at many icm for alt
iuunuv down htm. W mtsll liuiiruvwil trnrm for MH in KtfU na Mt:rr. l'lvntv uf rttllroatltt fon
ot tliDiii So (IroiiM'iiva Nit hur too lint nor tuo oo)d liimat Juki riht, Xorihru faruir ar vuiuluf
vary wMk. If you ar utertt-.twrita for FUt.t. iaiuiiUlt. aud aik all th iiumiIou you waul to. il
ia a iiltMwui'w to uu to aituwvr thm.
"A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice." Use Sapolio I
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of thf)
trnnslent nnturo of the mnny phys
leal Ills which vnniah before proper ef
forts R-pntlo efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There Is comfort In
tho knowledge thnt so mnny forms of
sloknenn nre nnt dua to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of tho system, which tho pleasant
family laxative, riyrupof Fijra. prompt
ly remove. Thnt is why it in the only
remedy with mllllonsof families, nnd is
everywhere esteemed so liipbly by all
who value (rood henlth. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is tha
one remedy which promotes Internal
cleanliness, without debilitating the)
orpins on which it acts. Hlntherefora
all Important, In order to fret its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, thnt you have the genuine nrticle,
which is manufactured by the California
iff Nyrup Co. only, anu aoiu iy au rep
tttablo druggists.
I If In tho enjoyment of good health,
and tho system Is regular, then laxa
tives or other remedies aro not neeuea.
If afflicted with any actual disease, ona
may be commended totho most skillful
physicians, but If In need of a Inxntive,
then one should hnvothn best, and with,
the well-informed everywhere, Svrupof
Figs stands highest and la most largely
used and gives most general satisf action.
nDIIIU and WHISKY habit enrM. Hook lent .
UrlUfll " lr. M. M. Wihm.i.kv. Allsnta.Ma
made use of at last.'