Only- Think whnt a long train of diseases nrlse from Impure blood. Thru keep the blood pure wltb Hood's Sarsaparilla ThOnf Tnif ninniU'nilflrr. Allilrinrglsfs. fl. Mood' PHI are nlwava retliihle, "IVrents. The) Queen's Avenue. Queen Ellznbeth not only seemed t have all the prerogatives of power, tun excited In lnr nlJpet n whirl would tin doubt surprise a inotinrcb ol the present day quite ns tnurli ns It might delight him. One of the moai gallant services ever rendered lier, al mn as flattering on the offer of Sll Walter Itnlelgh'a rlonk to save her feet from the mud. Is oonnerted with llnmn den Hon so, the home of the great I'.a gllsh patriot. The Ilnnipdcns were n great fnmllj for ninny centuries, and a stanza quoted In "Iranhoe" Is typical of theli importance: Tring, AVlng and Ivlnghoe, Three churches nil of n row; These three Hampden did fnregoe For striking of the Ulnck I'rince a blow, And glad he did rKcnpe sue. Hampden House stands on the sum mlt of the Chiltoi'ii 1 1 Ills, and la about three miles from Princes Hisborniigh which w the resilience of the muck Prince. It Is not unlikely that, during sonic altercation between subject ami prince, high words may have been used: that the lordly Hampden of tlinl earlier day could not restrnln himself and In the heat of dispute thought loss, ly struck the rrlnce; but of this titer Is no authentic record. But the most Interesting tale Is told of an open glade or arenuo In front ol Hampden. It Is said that gueen F.llz abetli, on her visit to the granilfntboi ef the patriot, wns shown to her rooir by Mr. Hampden, On looking from the window, she was struck with the gran deur of the timber and beauty of tut taudsenpe, and naked: "Do you not think, Mr. Hampden Hint If you had an avenue opening dowt the hill It would be nn Improvement Next morning she looked out ngnln and there on the hillside lay the scorei of noble trees which hnd obstructed hoi view. The "Queen's Avenue" had beet made. There Isn't anything ngnlnst lore. If people wouldn't fool with It when there are other things they should be doing. ANNA IVOR'S REQUEST. Personal letters reach Mrs. I'inkliarc y thousands; some asking ndvlco, and others, like the following1, tolling' ol what Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound has done and will ever con tinue to do in eradicating those fearful female complaints so little understood by physicians. All womb and ovarian troubles, irregularities, whites, bcarlng-down pains, displacements, tendency to can cer and tumor are cured permanently. " I feel as if I owed my life to your Vegetable Compound. After the birth of my babe I was very miserable, I had a drawing pain in the lower part of my bowels, no strength, and a terri ble backache. Every day I failed. My husband said if I would try a bottle of your Vegetable Compound, he would get it for me. The change was won derful. After I had taken tho first half bottle I began to have great faith in it When I had taken three bottles, I was well and growing stout. It is a pleasure for me to write this to you. I only ask women In any way afflicted with female troubles to try it." Mrs. Axna Ivor, PitUford Mills, Rutland rv... v. F K V 17 06 Duxbak la the name af the BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING that Is rainproof and sheds water. It wears like the other S. II. & M.'s and does not turn gray like the cheap kinds. Put it en your traveling and sea-side gowns If your dealer will not supply you we will. SasiplM ihowtng lalilt Qui materials matltdfrtt. " Horns Drssimsklng Made Easy." a new 72 page took by Miss Emma M. Hoopar. ol the Ladies' Hcune Journal, giving valuable poln'.a. mailed for 5, H. M. Co., P, O. Bos 609, N. V. City. When you come In hot and thirsty, HIRES Root beer. ) talr r Tto Charto S. Blnf Ol., rtlllalpaie. 4 m. eirtie m siHMa aaia tvusfeu 1 flr St IN A LIVING TOMD. Ninety Workm-n Bnrried in a Coal Hint Wilkeibsrro. The worst .llMi-t- r that has Inkrri luce In die anthracite coal regions since the gto:it Ivonilntn necl lent 111 1"W, by which lives were lost, recurred In the Newton mine, nt I'ittston, Knn.liiy morning. Tlie surfere of :li mlti" had been caving In tor some weeks pant. About W nun were put to work list night to tlmlier the roof, which means to prop It up. While engaged In this work the root fell In on them. Hire Is a hare possl slllly that the men, or lit hast some of them, amy he l.ehlnd the big cave In. In that ease ihey mav be alive, hut It will take several lavs to work to them, ami by thai time they will lie snltoeateil. 'I he general belief Is that nil were killed by the (nil. About -111 of the Imprisoned men were Eng lish speaking miner", the others foreigners. The men were nt work propping up the roof when the fall occurred. '1 lie alarm was Immediately given by the ringing of the lire bells and rescuers were put to work without Jelav. More than two-thirds o( the victims were married men and leave (amllles. Among them were Acting Mayor l.nngiin, who was Inside superintendent of the mine, and J. II. I.ynott, n ward councilman. About two wii'ks ago the surveyors reported todenernl Superintendent Law that the mint) was "siiiee7.lng," and that unless steps were Immediately taken to tlmlier It a enve-ln or fall might be looked for. Hupt. I.nw lost no time, but nt once put n number of tlmbetmen at work to brace the falling roof. The "squeeze" continued, however, nnd the titiiatlon became alarming. In the afternoon n slight fall occurred, and the men who were nt work had to retreat before It. A consul tation of mine ofllcluls was then held, nnd It was decided tlmt hemic measures would have to be resorted to to prevent heavy damages to the mine. Inside Superintendent I.nncnn gave In structions that the most experienced miners should be secured and that the parly should go down the mine nt 7 o'clock. Expert tlm hermcn put In nn appearance nt that hour and were soon lowered Into the workings. I They made their way to lied Ash vein. l.TiOil I feet down the slope. The work of propping I proceeding rapidly until, 11 o'clock when ' another full another. It made n low, rnmbl ' dig noise, nnd the flying coal and debris drove the men back. II. en the "soiieeze" sensed ngaln nnd the men thought It safe to resume work. They labored on until 3:tfl o'clock, when, so it Is pp-sumed, the roof fell In without warning, making a tremen dous crash. TRADE IS STATIONARY. Uncertainty of the Money Situation Retards Improvement. It. O. Dun A Co. In their weekly review ny: Failures (or the week have been 217 In the United Htates ngnlnst 230 last year, and 24 In Canada, against 22 Inst year. Tho monetary outlook Is not yet clear to some. The strength shown in recent con ventions by ndvocntosof sliver coinage and expectation tlint the elements favoring that policy may yet he concentrated Incline them to a waiting attitude. The uncertnfuty re tards Improvement, notwithstanding tho more widely prevalent (riding that the mon etary action of the Ht. Louis convention will be sustained by the people. "The cotton mills of Kail River contem plate temporary stoppage, the naturo of which Is now under discussion with the Providence manufacturers. Tho Paclne, rt Lawrence, and the Naumkeag.of Salem have closed for n time, nnd practically nil tho Southern cotton mills will be represented with the same object. Woolen mills were sctlve without concert, but 14 ore mention ed as having closed this week. Then) is no similar movement in other In dustries, though the period of summer clos ing la at hand In many of them, and Import ant controvcrsliig as to wages of Iron pud Ulers and other hands make It likely that the nunual stoppage in that Industry may last longer than usual. It mav bo iloubted whether the hoot anil shoe Industry has ever been In better shape on the whole, though manufacturers complain that an advance in price is necessary, which dealers are very reluctant to pay, "The great combinations, which the 'Iron Age' reasons, tend to cause disastrously low trices hereafter, still control the markets ioth (or mnterinls nnd finished products of Iron and steel, though it Is reported that Iio,,,"i Tiii.-v mil nwn uo u.: iv ivt r...n owini? to better ULiilatinn of the nroilucls. and for nnlls, owing to the heavy decrease in consumption. Tho billet pool reports no Inrge sale, but middlemen or outsiders con tinue to undersell it. The new demand for llulsheil products is very light, and while quotations averagn a shade lower most of them are cut to secure business, llcssemcr big is a shade lower at IXM at l'lttsburg. i lie textile manufacturers are generally de vising curtailment of production, and tho only change in prices uidowuward. BENJAMIN H. BRISTOW DEAD. President Grant's Beoretary of the Treasury dies of Peritonitis. Benjamin H. lirlstow, the well known law yer, died at bis home in New York, June 22d, ot peritonitis. benjamin H. Drlstow is best known as Pres ident II rant's Secretary ot the Treasury (or two years (rom June, 1H74, until June, 1H76, and as a candidate (or the nomination (or President at the Itepubllcnn convention of 1H76, in which he received 113 votes on the first ballot. Itutberford II. Hays was nomi nated, benjamin H. lirlstow was born June 20, 1H32, nt Elktnn, Todd county. Ky, Ho was graduated at Jefferson College, Penn sylvania, In 1HM, and in 1H53 was admitted to the bur at Klkton, Ky. When the oivil war broke out be threw in bis fortunes with the Union side and became lieutenant colonel of the Twenty-seventh Kentucky lufuctry. From 1803 to 1HH5 be served In the Kentucky Senate, As United ttatea district attorney for tbe Louisville district (or Ave years, be ginning In 1HG5, be proved soetllcleut that be won appointed solicitor general ot tbe United States. Ia 1H73 President Urant sent his name to tbe Senate (or Attorney General, but the Senate refused to oontlrm the nomi nation. Tbe following year Mr. lirlstow be came Secretary of tbe Treasury. Since 1876 be bad practiced law In New York City. A. H. Hpowles, of Elgin, 111,, was awarded f 8,700 damages In bis suit against township authorities at Washington (or the loss ol a foot. His bone threw him, as be alleges be cause of a neglected road. YELLOW FETEB IN CUBA. Four Sathi and 41 Cases at tagut La Grande. Tbo most alarming Cuban yellow lever report oomea (rom Sagua La Grande, where where (oar deaths have occurred, and there are 41 oases. It is expected that in a short time tbe (ever will become epldemio, and if it does not become virulent in the city of Ha vana all previous experiences will be revers ed. Accurate knowledge as to tbe number of troops stricken with tbe disease last year Is denied by tbo Spanish government. The re port shows a total ot 1,6'J3 oases and a mor tality of 80 per cent. Special precautions will be taken to pre vent tbe Introduction from Cuba into the United States of Yellow (ever. Each of the (our revenue cutters patrolling the Florida coast carries sanitary inspectors to Intercept flublug smacks and otber vessels coming (rom Cuba with no intent to enter legally a port. Sanitary Inspectors will b stationed at every seaport ol Cuba to report tbe preva lence el yullow fever. A CLOUDBURST Indnttrlil Plants Wars Flooded, Camlng Work to Caast. Wednesday evening a cloud burst north of Heaver Falls cnuslng Wnluut run, a smnll stream that Hows along tho west side ot town, to become a rnglng river, and to final ly overflow lis banks, causing one o( tho greatest Hoods In the north end ol town that has ever been witnessed. The sea ot water covered a thickly populated district, acres III extent, (our and live (cet deep. The In habitants, hnvlng tho fenr of the prediction made that todav the world would come to an end, concluded that the prediction was coming true, ami became panic-stricken. The scene for fully an hour lieggnrs de scription, men, women and children fled screaming with terror to higher ground, where they viewed the rushing torrent that was lining' the lower stories ot their homes with dismay, people who had not time to escape retteated to the upper floors of their houses and then appeared at the upper win dows, wringing their hands and crying for rescue, tltliers dashed out Into the Hood with their little oie s In their arms nnd on their bncks, and bv wading waist-deep mnn aired to reach the iiills west of the lnuudated district. In the business portion of that part of the town the street car track was two feet under water, and all trallle was stopped. Htore rooms were lllled with mud and debris, and the sidewalks were torn up, hardly a store room along Klithth avenue, from Twenty second to Twenty-sixth streets, escaped be ing lloodedi cellars were lllled and outbuild ings were washed awav. The big mills of the Consolidated steel works were several leet under wnter. The Mnrglunl railway -was several feet under water, nnd washed away In several places. The Heaver l ulls chemical works nnd the Art tile works were Hooded. A small stream called Handler's tun, nlmig which Is located a numlicr of slaughter houses, was swollen to such an unprecedented degreo that the slaughter houses wer overflowed, and all the lllth and all tliey contained wns washed Into Walnut run, and then down Into thestrlcken district, causing a terrible stench and lodg ing in nmong the houses T he damage will reach thousands ot dol lars, which cannot jet be estimated. For tunately no lives were lost. Heveral families of Hungarians that lived near the bank i f the stream In n very low place hnd to be res cued from the upper stories of their homes with Improvised rafts. In several other in stances men had to swim for it to rench their homes. All along the stream many onlhouses were built, and these were all swept awn. . DAMAGE BY STORM, Pipe Lines Seriously Interfered with by Washouts. About 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon a wnterspout was experienced within a radius of 25 miles of Kistervil le, W. Va., which last lasted (or several hours. The wnter camn down so ratildlv that It amounted to n flood., Thiinderaud lightning lielehed (orth nt short Intervals, and It would bo no surprise If a great deal of damnge Is reported. Telegraph and telephone lines were blown down nt sev eral place. Slaughter House run, a very smnll rivulet, came out very rapidly, and it was only n snort time until It Mail overflowed Its bunks nnd was doing damage. It runs through a sewer under the first trestlo north of the Ohio ltlver railraad depot hen', and came out with such force that It soon choked the sewer up and the hack water flooded over a dwellings north of the railroad and washed out several outbuildings and one stable containing several horses. Down nt Long reach one bent was was washed out of a railroad trestle, which will Indefinitely delay trains In both directions. At Friendly another bent was washed out nnd at Cow House ruu the entite trestle was completely destroyed. No report has been received of any lives Isdng lost. A telegram from Marietta, I)., saysi A disastrous cloudburst passed over this sec tion, doing untold damage, llallroiid traffic out tliu Muskingum Valley Is entirely sus pended by washouts. The Ohio ltlver road cannot bi) operated east of l'arkersburg. The main oil line ot the liuckeye pipe lino company Is broken, and n sectloa washed away back of St. Marys. Uu .Moss run. about eight miles east ot .Marietta, the Little Mus kingum river is over Its banks nnd full of debris, A frame building, which had been a grocery store, surrounded by boxes of mer chandise, was floated away. No lives are reported lost, though the exact extent ot the damage cannot be told until later. THE TURRET 18 SAFE. A Complete Tcit Hale at thi Indian Head Tutting Grounds. The navy department has made a further test ot the representative battleship Turret, which has heretofore been flrod on nt Indian Head. This time the purpose was not to try the plate, but to ascertain the displacing ef fect of heavy shot upon the structure, with a view to makinir sure that, ns mounted on shipboard, It would not be disabled by gun tiro. A 12-inch Wheeler-Sterling armor piercer wns llred nt the Turret with a veloci ty of 2, (Mil) feet per second. A novel ar rangement, of stylus and chronograph, de vised (or the purpose by the ordnauoe o Ul cers, attached to the turret, showed not only bow much It was displaced by the shot, but also the velocity ot the movement, a most Important factor necessary to establish the strength to be given tbe resisting mechanism. In this cose the turret was driven back by the shot (our nnd a half Inches, and In going back it was lifted twice bodily Into the air, at first as much an a half Inch oil the rollor paths, Tbe maximum velocity of the mo tion was sevon and a halt Inches per second, so that the ordnance officials regard it as certain that the usual restraining devices will be quito sufllclen. to Insure the safety of the turret ELECTRICITY OUTSTRIPS STEAK. An Eleotrio Cat Beats a New York Cen tral Train. An exciting race between an eleotrio car on tho buffalo and Niagara Falls railroad and an express train on the Now York Central was run (rom Niagara Falls to Tonawanda. This eleotrio road Is considered the finest In the world, and tbe enrs are heavy-weight palace coaches. At 11 o'clock both the trolley car and the express train pulled out ot Niagara Falls, When the city was a mile behiud the engi neer of tbe express suggested a race by giv ing many short, 'sharp blasts (rom the whistle and then opening tbe throttle. The motormnn responded by turning on all tbe power, ami tbe ooach began to wabble as she spun with lightning speed over tbe level roadbed. Tbe electrlo coach moved at the rate o( 60 an hour (rom Niagara Falls city line to La sulle and run Into Tonawanda half a minute ahead of tbe express trulu. It was the best rnce of the season and It was the most ex citing ever held In the history of the road. SIX PEOPLE PERISHED. A Gals Causes th Browning ef a P las sura Party. Word has reached Shawano, Wis., of the drowning of six persons ut Shawano lake during a gale at Sunday evening. A party consisting ol U. A. ltisum and wile, Herman Draukey and wife, Louis tlokey, wife anil child of Tulclver; Miss Kmma (iarbrecht, of Shawano, and Miss Margaret Crowe, of St. Nazlaus, Maiiitowoe county, started from Ce cil about 6 o'clock lu U. A. Illsum's yacht, en route (or a (ew duys outing on the north shore of tbe lake, when about three miles from shore when the boat wss capsized by a sudden aipuulj and tbe party provlpoed into the water. " HEALTH IN OLD AGE. AW OI.I t.AUT FINIlsl TUB TRfH Hot'KCK or vitai.itt. A Heriorler'e Interesting Interview With a l.adv of Seventv-two Years, Hho Tells a Marveloua story. From It.f fninn, Fori Jrrrln, X. T. Hut a short time ngo, In a dlslnut part of the country, wo heard of ncura by the use of I)r. Wll'larns' Pink Tills, which seemed nlmost mnrvelnus, and more recently anoth er substantial ovldoneeof their vnluo reached our ears, llclng or an Inquiring turn of mind, nnd wishing to know just bow much there was In the story, n reporter was sent to Interview tho person mild to be thus liene Bted. If the narrative as it had reached our fars was true, It was only simple Justice to let It be known If it proved uutrue, It would be well to know It. The person alluded to above ns hnvlng been thus greatly benellled by the ue of Pink I'llls Is Mrs. Jane Ilotalen, of Ffnltms vllle, N. J , a pleiisant hnmh't In Sussex County, nbout lllfteen miles Irorn this office. The reporter had no illHlculty In finding Mrs. Ilotalen. It was nearly noon when we reached her pleasant home, a double house, fne nnrt of which Is occupied by her son. She Is n plens ant-faced obi lady, looking to be about sixty-five, but Is In reality seventy two years of age. After a few preliminary remarks In explanation of the call, she was nsked if she bad snv objection to giving us the details ot the case and how she came to try this now famous remedy. "Noi nt nil," said site. ,:If my experience can be of any good to others, I am sure they are welcome to It It enn do me no harm." "When were yon taken sick and what was the nature of the maladyV" was asked. "It was about two years ago. The trouble was rhetimatln In character sciatica, thev called it and it was very painful Inileeif. ! Tlie dlfllculty beunn In my hip nnd extended i the whole lenuth of the limit, crippling mo ! completely. I sutTereil intensely from b and : the ordinary treatment gave me not the ! slightest alleviation. 1 was under Irei tment nbout a mouth as stated, but grew worse In stead of better, and was fast becomlug dis couraged." "VMmt brought Tlnk Tills to your notlcey" "Mv soli culled my intention to nn iirtlcln In n paper in which It wns stilled that a Mr. Htriilde, of Ilranchvllle, a village In this county, had been greatly benefited by (heir use, mill suggested that it would be a good plan to try them. Hut I was skeptical in re gard lo their value In fact, I hnd no conll d lice In their cllletiev and ml her laughed at the suggestion. Hut th" f rouble Increased and I was badly crippled. A few ilavs later my son was about to visit n neigh boring town nnd suggested ngnln that It might be well to ry ihl" mueh-tnlked-nf remedy, and I then consented. He bought me n box of t li"in nnd 1 began taking them lit once. At the end of n week 1 noled n marked Improvement, and by the time 1 had taken the llrst box I wns able to walk with out a cuue. I continued their use, taking several boxes, and am, as you see, In a very comfortable slate of health." "Have you had any return of the trou ble?" 'Not as yet, though nt my time of life, sevenly-two, It would not be surprising If I should hnve. If It comes, I should nt once begin the use of the pills. I suppose I In herit a tendency lo troubles of this kind my mother die 1 from them." "Iibl von ever note nny ill effects (rom tho use of Pink TIIKf" "None wha.evor, They never disturbed my stomach in any way or caused me any annoyance. Neither did I Hnd It noccssnry to Increase the dose, as the directions say may be desirable. I nm able, as you see, to intend to my own work." The reporter thanked Mrs. Hntnlen for her courtesy and hade her good day. It Is ml often that one can witness such a complete recovery from such a pertinueloiis trouble nt such uu ndvnnced nge, and such Instances cannot tail to produce n profound Impres sion. Headers of the f 'nimt muv rely on the absolute accuracy of all the statements here given nothing has been exaggerated, noth ing withheld. Dr. Williams' Tlnk Tills conlnins. In a coudensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to tlie blood and restore shattered nerves. They aro nn unfailing specillc for such diseases as loco motor ataxia, partial parrilvsls, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nerv ous headache, tlie after effect of hi grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexion, all forms of weakness either lu male or female, and all discuses resulting tioui vitiated humors lu the blood. Pink I'llls are sold bv all dealers, or will be sent pist paid ou recoil t of price, (fiO ceuts n box, or six boxes lor 2. W I, by addressing Ir. Wl Hams' Medicine Co., Bcbonectudy. N. Y. fiot Heady to Pwcor to It. Wiggles YVliut fhurch does your family nttend? Waggles The Ninth I'nltnrlnn. Wiggles That Is tho one out I3th street, Isn't It? Waggles (hesitatingly) I believe so. Souit'i'Vllle Journal. A Good Itlco, "If you could have your choice ot names, which one would you choose?' "Either Bnilih or Jones." "Why such a common one?" "So my country relations couldn't find ine so easily In the city directory.' Detroit Krec Press. Observant. Counsel Did you observe anything particular about the prisoner? Witness Yes: his whiskers. Counsel What did you observe wltfc reference his whiskers? Wituess That be had none. TU BUS. Heart ntseaas KatleveA la SO Mtnataa. Dr. Agiiew'aCura for th Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organlo or Bympatbetle Heart Disease in 90 minutes, and speedily ef fects a our. It la a peerleaa remedy for Pal- Sitatlon, Shortness of Breath, smothering pells. Pain In belt Side and all aymptoms o? a Disesaed H -art. On doss convinces. If lour druiruiftt bsan't It in alock. ask him to procure it lor jou. It will nava our hie. A Pasteur Institute has been established at Athens. But SobMna noattaa'-BDras Snap of four rrocer, send wrappvra to Dobblna Bosp Mt'ff Co., l'iilladidphis. Pa. Tliey will aend yon fraa ot cbartfe. lK,ataKa lutd. a Worcestsr Pocket Iio- I tlonary, Stt pa'rua, bound la cloth, profuaely Is lustraiaa. vow tfuou urnu auirual ut only. The McKinley headquarters will remain in I.ICIDIHUU, l l BUiU, I rns stnpriea iree xiy nit. mines or rat jnkiivb iikmti MtEK. Pio nis Riier nest any s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and S2.0t)trlnl bottle free. Ilr. Kline, 031 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. I can re -ommend Plso'a Cure for ConsuniD' tlon to sufferers from Asthma. K. D. Town- send, f t. Ilowuril, wit., May 4, V4. Mrs. Wlnslow's Poothlng PyrupforChlldren leetning, anrtenetne guma,reaucea innnmma tlon, ullays puiui cures wind colic, u LmjiiIu, E. H. Walthall Ca., Dragilata, Horse Cave, Ky aay t Hall's l-'ainrru uiim cures evory eua ibut tokos it." Hold by UruwutU, 7Jo. Chans mm CeliU Helipad la II Is M Uliiutes. . On short pnlf of the breath through the Blower, supp led wilh eaoh bottle of Dr. Agnaw'a Catarrhal Powder, tirTues this Pnw- aer over tea surrace or ma tiasal isiaHages, Painlesa and delightful to ue. it relievos In stantly slid permnnently ourea C'stirrb, liar t' ,'..1.1. II I . l. . MM. . '! M, ItmMVIK, PUI. 1 U, U-t. IIM sllitia and Deafntsm. If your druxglat nauV u in a toes, aas unn le procure it tor you. fWS Gladness Comes With ft better understanding; of the trnnslent nnture of the mnny phys ical Ills which vnnlsh before protK-r ef forts gentlo efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort In tho knowledge that so many forma of sickness aro nut due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Kyrnpof Figs, prompt ly removes. Thnt Is why It Is the only remedy with millions of families, and la everywhere esteemed so highly by all who vnluo (food henltli. Its beneficial effects are duo to the ftict, that It is the one remedy which promotes Internal cleanliness, without dobllitnting the organs on which it nets. His therefore nllimportant, in order to pot its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that yon have the penulne article, which is manufactured by the California Fig' Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep Utnlil'e druggists. If in the enjoyment of (fond health, and the system la regulnr, then laxa tives or other remedies aro not needed. If n (Dieted with any antnnl disense, one may be commended tothe most skillful physicians, but if In need of a laxative, then one should bnvo the best, and with the well-Informed every whom, Pyrupof Figs stands highest an'd Is most largely Used and (rives most pcneral satisfaction. IT1 CT IYJ C I T Tii"",y iv.vioiiiiin, I aSMBwOlvlvl IVHNllillalnll, Ift.f. ! Successful ly Pi-oseoutoa Claims. t.sto I'rliinpRl Fxnmlnrt U S Penmon Bureau. 3llslu lat war, IdiuOiela'StiiiMt'lttiiu., ally siiii', P N U T ' Tobacco Dealers say, that "BATTLE AX" is a "scorcher" because it sells so fast Tobacco Chewers say, it cause 5 cents' worth goes so far. Its as good as can be made regardless of cost. The 5 cent piece is almost as large as the other the paint on. Haven't you noticed that certain imitations are not so particular about this ? tor Brevity is the Soul of Wit.'.' Good Wife, You Need v SAPOLIO Mr. A. W. Buroh, an nllnche ot Hie Rome, N. T., Simlinrl, writes September Bth, 1B9S: "In conversa tion with one of our merchants a few days ago, I learned Unit his wife, who had been la very poor health, wns regaining her health and strength, and that she attributed her recovery to Klpans Tabulae. I re quested an Interview, whloh was ' granted, nnd the lady oheertully gave me the Inolosed testimonial! 'For a long time 1 have been Inter ested In the advertisements of lllpanj Tabules, which I have seen In the Borne Sentiurt and the leading mag azines. The advertisements seemed to be honest and I grew to believe them. I tried to obtain some of the Tabules, but (ound that none of the druggists In this olty kept them. I was determine.) to give them a trial, and nt last procurod a box by send ing to Utlcs. I had suffered from Indigestion, sour stomach, heart bunt and distress in my stomach alter eating. I began bv taking a Tnbule after my breakfast and supper and experienced immediate relief, and la a lew daysthe distressing symptoms had entirely disappeared. Now when I eat anything that usually disagrees with me I take one Tubal and avoid unpleasant consequences. I bsve also (ound in them a very agreeable relief for oonatlpation. (Signed), Mas. 0. H. Rudd, 129 Liberty St., Home, N. Y.' " RipuiTatuliaras lt by rtrnilHtn, or by min If the price ivlusiilB a lxX t i-iic to fhs rbtmfcsl Coiiiiiaujr. No. lOSpruoj M., Now Vorfc 8aiilila vial, lUceutf. MA DAY SURE. VjltJui'l will h-.w yon ,u ymif i.iltlriM yon hi.w to in -ki- -i a ffi i nts-oiiiiHr "niv; w fnr nl-h thf w.irk nnd lem-h fn turn yrt wnist tn iht l'M-rtl'"y whfrv jroti fiTf ii'l unyoor mMr! nn1 ipijci tli tiiiatiu-wi fully; rempmifr w pua ntitff flcnr i-rii'tlt 01 $.t lor vry t. T. I IHCII. I...l.r. U.I LI, IIUKIIIT, SKIIIU MMm ftDIIIII "" WHISKY hantt ciireit. Hook I vrivsi rasa. Ilr. B. M. Woollsy. Atlanu.Ua is a "scorcher" be fellows 1 0 cent piece. Washing windows is another one of the things that PearlinetrtToip") doe3 best With that, tlie glass is never .cloudy is always clear and bright. Washing it is less trouble, of course but that is the case with everything that is washed with Pcarline. And about the sashes and the frames ; remember that Pearline,' when it ta"5esthe dirt off, leaves