The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 17, 1896, Image 7

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    rlorful, evclalmad 1 druggist, how th people
tlck to Hood' Barsaparlllo. Tby all want
TheOneTrtte Blood Purifier. Allrtrnggl.ta. H.
Hood's Pills) cure all Liver ills. ceut.
Satan Ml CeMa Relived la IS) te 60
On short tmff of the breath throntth th
Slimor, suppled with eeh hfiiile of lr.
Agnaw'a Catarrhal Powder. illftti-e. Oil' Pow
dcr over the arinre of tho nal iiani-a.
Palnleea and riallghifnl to n-c It relieve In
ttantlrnml permanently cures ('t irrh, liny
Fever, CnMa, Headache, Sore Throat, Ton
sllltia and I-afni. If your drifuWt ha.u I
It iu ttook, ask him to procui It for J on.
Trilby has already reached Hi 2:HHh per
formance la London.
fhre ft An worth IMiMna noaitna-Hnra rP of
fonrffrccer, eetiit wrappers to Dolibln Bnap MP
Co., Phtuvlelpbla, In. They will tend yon fre
Of rliarae, rta ald, a Worcester l"i-er Die
tlenarr, PS pnos, lnn'l In cMli, pmfuaall' U
luitrated. OBar ood until Aunust lit uuly.
Moat of Queen Victoria' subjects are Hin
doo J. P. Tarter. Ft-donta, V. Y.. ears: "Shall
ant eall on you for tho H rewanl, for 1 be
lle Hair t'atarrh fur will cure any en.eof
catarrh. Was very bad." Writ bint fur par
ticular Bold by Drugiflats, Toe.
FITS stopped free by Tn. Kline's Onr.AT
NcnvR KMTnitrn. No flta after lirat ilny s
u. MarvcUmai'tirra. Trentleennd '.'.;) I rlnl
bottle free. Dr. hliue. Ml Arth bt., I'lilla., I'a.
An Apology.
A mnn who has a reputation for be
ing very careless as to lila toilet was
elected town clerk iu one of the small
town In tills State sonic time niro, and
the local inpcr thought it would be a
good Joke to announce tlint
"Mr. Makeup will wash himself bo
fore he assumes the office of town
On reading the notice Mr. Makeup
wan furious, and demanded a retrac
tion, which the paper nwordlngl.v made
the following day. In thin fashion:
"Mr. Makeup requests us to deny thai
he will wash hlniBelf before he assume
the ofltee ot town clerk."
And Mill Mr. Makeup waa not pleas
ed. How hard It la to satisfy some
people! Our Roys and Girls.
There la ao much distress in the world
that we can't cry over nil of It
Lots of women suffer constantly, I
and seldom utter complaint.
Good men rarely know tho pain
endured by the women of their own I
household, or tho efforts they make to
appear cheerful and happy when they
ought to be in bed, their Buffering is i
renlly so great.
Our habits of life and dress tell
sadly upon women's
delicate orgnniza
ought to
1)0 told'
lust where
tip, for i
their Wt
whole fu-1 -
ture may ,7.
upon that
and how to
overcome it,
There is no
need of our
scribing the ex
perioncos ot
such, women
here, they are
too well known by those who have suf
fered, but we will impress upon every
one that these are the never-failing
symptoms of serious womb trouble,
and unless relieved at once, a life will
be forfeited.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound never fails to relieve the distress
ing troubles above referred to ; it baa
held the faith of the women of America
for twenty years.
It gives tone to the womb, strength
ens the muscles, banishes backache
and relieves all pains Incident to
. women's diseases.
US. H. & M.
Nothing !
rhat's the stand to
take with your
iealer on '
- ' question.
If be will not supply you we will.
" Horn Dresimaklnf Mad Eily," saw book
by Mlas Emma M. Hooper, of tha Ladlaa' Horn
Journal, sent for 25c.. potuga paid.
. H. 4k M. C. , P. O. Box 699. N. Y. City,
r m v
The coolness is refreshing;
the roots and herbs invigor
ating; the two together anu
mattng. You get the right
combination in HIRES
auAf Mir ar Tt catriM t. Itie e... rnatirala
A m. Mtaas atakM k aMieu. aM.iraw.
' ,.U. JWataliinatuii, O.Ci
.aful BVoeeoutee Claims,
- . -. 0..1 AaAilBM- U B. Pnoalon Suraau.
ajeimf Mtlaa4jwUyU'clana, aujatana
v. i A wv Jls 1
m v i
vll i It I
imnioB finish.
Architectural Deanty In the Inside of
Inexpensive Home.
The wood finish and joiner work ol
home puzzle man a man who con
template building. The estimate
for the various styles of flniah differ
quite materially, and yet the matter
is one that cannot be settled off-hand
bf the question of price, as the owner
wants to be sure that he will got sat
factory results, for this Is the one part
of the house that is abiding. He may
change bis outer walls, he mny build
additions, he may alter his system of
beating and pluiubjng, but it is quite
impossible to tear out the woodwork
and replace it with another kind I so
it behoove the man who is about to
erect a house to give this subject the
most careful attention and "be sure
bo is right before he goes ahead."
For cottages and small inexpensive
bouses, perhaps the best reaults are
obtained by the use of cherry and pine,
both in their natural color. Doth
woods harmonize well, and there are
no violent contrast whors the two are
compelled to meet. The use of bard
woods, like oak, ohestnnt, or ash, for a
few rooms, finishing the rest of tho
bouse in any soft wood, makes a con
trast that will always be displeasing to
tho critical eye. Whitewood and bass
wood are sometimes used, but theie
have no grain at ail to speak of ; when
stained, they are always vile; in natu
ral finish they are not displeasing, but
they are not to be com mended on ao
count of their lack of durability. A
single dig from a carelessly nsed rock
ing chair will gouge out a pieoo as ef
fectively sb a chisel.
The one prime caution in the use of
any wood is to avoid as much as pos
sible machine work. The stair rail
should be large and worked with sim
ple curves. Tho balusters should be
tiim, of good size and plain. Most
cheap bouses sin mainly in their man
tels, generally being monstrosities
bnilt up of cheap machine moulding
and tawdry turned spindles and
rosettes. The line of a mantel should
be simple, the general design should
be severely plain, and if the size of the
room will warrant it, it should be mas
sive. The artistic eye of the architect
can here be Bbown in the' careful se
lection of design in mantels and taste
ful draughting of detail in stairways
find interior woodwork. Such details
ehoulil never be loft io the carpenters,
contractor or builder, but be shown
and selected before by the architect.
'e show here a house that can be
built for about S12.0U0, together with
tho interior view of hall and staircase
from the first floor.
General Dimensions : Extreme
width, 62 ft G ins. ; depth, including
veranda, 78 ft. 8 ins. Heights of
stories : First story, 10 it. 6 ins. ; sec
ond story, 9 ft. 6 ins. ; attio, 8 it
Exterior Materials: Foundation,
piers; first story, olapboards ; seoond
story, gables and roofs, shingles.
Outside blinds to all windows except
those of parlor, library, dining and
drawing rooms.
Interior Finish : Hard white plaster ;
plaster cornices and centers in parlor,
library and dining room. Hard pine
flooring in ball, dining room, kitchen,
servants' ball ; soft wood flooring else
where. Bed baywood trim in first
and second stories, ezoept in kitchen
and pantry, where soft wood is nsed.
Ceiling of bail ana dining room
caneled to imitate onen timber work,
Panels nnder windows in parlor, main
bolls, library and dining room,
Wainscoting In kitohen and bath
room. Stairs, baywood. Interior
woodwork finished in bard oil.
Aooommodations: The prinoipal
rooms and their sues, closets, eto,
are shown by the plans. No cellar.
Billiard room, hall, two bedrooms snd
tank in attic. Hall, ten feet wide,
runs through bonse from front to rear,
with very handsome recessed stair
case. Sliding doors cguutct bill,
' 1 1 mmm a
JtV,rJ a
tBs- .4 .111
ita jB spr jZ
Wlniee vrsura-
parlor, library and dining room. Open
fireplaces in parlor, dining room, sit
ting room, library and three bed
rooms. Two bath rooms in second
story, and two independent water
Costt $8405, not including mantels,
range and beater. The estimate is
based on New York prices for materi
als and labor. In many seotions of
the country the cost should be leas.
Copyright, 1890.
A Sun Francisco Woman Who Has
the Longest Hair In the World.
Mr. D. J. Davis, of Son Franoisco,
Col., has the longest hair in the world.
It clusters in a great mass about ber
head, and though she is a tall woman,
being live feet nine inches in height,
her long tresses, when uncoiled, sweep
upon the ground for noorly a foot.
Her hair is Just sis feet and eight
inches in length.
Mrs. Davis comes ol a family re
markably alike for their height and
the length of their hair. Thongh'Mrs.
Davis is five feet and nine inches in
height, she is shorter by noorly an inch
than either of her three sister". But
while they have the advantago in hoight
they cannot equal her in the matter ot
hair, notwithstanding that all three
have curls over a yard and a half long.
Not tho least remarkable part of this
wonderful hirsute development is that
while all three of Mr. Davis's sisters
had long hair from early ohildhood,
the young lody herself oould never in
duco her tresses to fall below her
shoulders, so that it is only within the
past years that they have developed
suou a tendency to eclipse i aderew
ski's shaggy mane.
"I never brush my hair," said Mr.
Davis, as she removed those long ooral
pins that held great ooils in nlaoe
about ber bead so that her hair might
be measured, "for the reason thut I
do not believe it is good for the hair.
In fact I have demonstrated my belief
10 my own satisfaction ny experiment
ing. When a girl I gave very little
attention to my bair, and in conse
quence it did not grow at alL Some
times I felt very muoh chagrined to
sea bow muoh longer and prettier was
the hair of all three of my sisters,' but
I was somewhat careless. When I be
ome woman 1 suddenly developed a
desire to nave long hair like theirs.
and began to take the utmost care of
what little I had. Every mornintr.
and sometimes twioe a day, I brushed
it thoroughly, bnt it did not grow any
netter. 'inen 1 noticed that the brush,
alter the daily application to the hair.
even when the latter had no tendency
to fall ont, would be filled with verv
fine hairs, and soon I realized that
while the brushing had no effect upon
the long hair it effeotually killed tha
new growth, and I deoided to stop.
"Since then I have nsed nothing bnt
a very coarse oomb. Every morning
I go over the hair thoroughly and
carefully, removing every snarl nntil
it is as free and flowing as water.
Then I braid it and coil it into varied
ooiflenrs about my bead. I never used
cosmetios on my hair. "New York
Insurance en New Warship.
It is not generally known probably
Decauae people do not stop to think
that the Cramps are obliged to oarry
an enormous amount 01 insuranoe on
the vessels whioh are built in their
shipyards for the Oovernment. No
battleship has ever started on her trial
triD without beins beavilv insured.
and when several vessels are in course
of construction at one time the anm
amounts np into the millions. Edwin
S. Cramp is authority for the state'
ment that the company at one time
I carried (12,000,000 insuranoe on Oov
ernment work. In faot it is said that
the Cramps wore obliged to go to Eng
land in order to secure this amount of
insurance, owing to the limitations of
the American companies. Philadel
phia Jteoord.
A woman who AnoNtsnro
Krar tn Iaah llirt lleitnrril ao Com late
ly That aha Haa llin Am-apiail by
Ufa Inanrnnra Company as
a flnod Illak.
From the Journal, Iswttton, if.
A brlfflit llttln wnmnn. roay and fresh from
her lioiist-hnld ilutlt-a, dropped lato a chair
tiaftire tha writer and fallen 1 with enthusiasm
slilnltiK In htranuppliiK, black eye.
1 he people In the pri'tly vlllitKeot Lerd
Centre, Me., have watched with some Inter
est the restoration to complctn hralth of
Mr. W. X.. Francis, wife of the roatinnatcr.
Bo general were the comments on this Inter
rating cam that tha writer who vlsltotl Mrs
Francis antl learned from her that Hie state
ments reKiinllnu her troubles and her sub
quent extrication therefrom are entirely
(run. Allot her neluliliors know what has
bees the agency that hns performed this
earn, bnt that other, mnv ba betiBfltedbyher
experience, Mr. Francis ha consented to
allow hr story 10 npticnr In print.
II there Is anvthltiR on enrth that I dread
more than nnotlinr," she Mil l, 'lt I to see
my name in the paper. Hut In this ease I
conquer rr.y repugnance and (five publicly
the aainn credit to the savior of my life aa i
would to one who had tlrnirad me from a
death beneath the waves, in fact, I have ex
tolled my preserver so enthuslastlcully and
tinresetvedlyi hnvesouiht out sufferer ami
recommended the remedy to so many friends
and nciitilnlances Ibat nlrealvmy neluuh'ir
iculnrlv call me 'l'ink I'llla Francis.', lint
really, my recovery la something that I con-
alder wonderful. 1 know that there are ao
ninny teatlmnifnla of medicine In the papara
nowadays that people do not pay aa much
hand na formerly, but I do wish folk who
tire s-ifTorlnif would remember that whnt I any
comes right from the heart of a wnmnn who
fc-la that ahe bad a new leaso of hnppy life
(flven to her.
r.ieyen yenra niro 1 was amictetl wltn ner
vous prostration. My existence until two
reara aim waa one of rirairirtnir intanrv. Any
one In the village will tell you of inv condi
tion. My bio 11I seemed exhausted from my
vein snd month after month 1 grew weaker.
I was nbln to undertake only the lightest
household work, anil even then I could per
form It only by alow and careful movements.
"During ail tnese sorry months unil yeara I
was under the care of tlja doctor an l that.
but their medicines helped meonl) epitsmod-
tea My, ami then I fell into runtime mors
prostrating than ever.
In the night I use to be awakened bv
hi' mt ex -ruclnting rut I in iu mv heart and
tide, mid whs obliged to use pellets ol pow
erful me Heine that the doctor gave me for
relief In such nttacka. At Inst my condition
became so grave that 1 went out only infre
quently. We live upstairs, you notice, over
my liusimnd a store, and Iu descending the
Ititltwny I frequently wna obliged to sort of
inn ami siuiu over the steps in order to
tescetul. such was tho strain ou mv system
reMiltlng from even this slight exertion. Oc-
iiatonally I visited the neighbors, but Iwa
obliged to alt and rest to recover breath
e-hllK UHcending any elevation. In
did not seem that I could live. uch wns my
t-jmiiletH physical prostration.
uiie oav 1 saw an advertisement of nr.
Williams' I'ltik Pills for Tale I'oople. and al
though my faith In rcmediea wns weak by
that time, I -nt for a box and tried them.
Unit was two years ago. Now 1 call myself
I well woman. Isn't It wonderful?
'I haven't had one of those excruciating
ulna Iu the hi ntt for 11 year and a half.
iVhv. even the first box of idlls helnod me.
1 can walk miles now; can do my work
tnsilyi have gained in weight constantly,
and you would scarcely bedeve II, but a lit
tle while ago I was examined for endowment
life Insurance and wns accepted unhesltiit
Ingly altor u careful examination bythephy-
' 06 you wonder that I m shouting 'Pink
Pills' all through our village? 1 haven't
taken any ot the remedy for some months
tor It lias completely built me up, tun at Iho
lint sign of trouble 1 know to what refuge to
"I.ast year my aunt. Mrs. M. A. BlOFsom.of
Plxlleld. P. O., was here visiting me. 8he
was suffering from luck of vitality and heart
trouble, but she wasskeptlciil about mv rem
edy that 1 was so eiitliusiiiutlcntly advociit-
ing. At ihm. However, she tried it 11 ml car
ried some bnuiu with ln-r when she wont, A
llitle while iigo I received a teller from her 1
anil ill it Hiibl. 'I ntn curt-it. th'inka to find '
ami l'ink l'ilis.' Khealso wroti-tliat her bus-
IhiuiI bad been prostrated, but u id been re
stored by the remedy.
"Vn feel upthis wiiytlmt such nsoverelgn
euro cannot be too widely known. That is
the only n asoa why 1 allow my numo to bu
use! Iu this connection. I kuow also that
by personally recommending them I have
helped many of my frlemla back to health.
for 1 never let an opportunity pass when a
Word of cot.uael may direct some one."
One of the norsons to whom Mrs. Francis
recommended l'ink Pills is Htntlon Agent C.
H. Foster, ol Leeds Centre, u nil tho reporter
found him putro.lug the pb.tform awaiting
the arrival of the morning train. Mr. Fos.
i:er, wno IS oiiu of the most trustworthy,
nnpable and energetic men in the employ of
the Maine Contra! ltillroad, apia-ared iu un
usually good lieu th. and spirits, uud we made
inquiry na to the cause.
"Do you know," replied he, "I think I've
Blade a discovery, or, at lunst, Mrs. Franclr
hn for me. I have been in poor health for a
long time with a heart trouble variously
oomnlioated. We have bean ao fully Inter
eatea In Mrm. Francla' wonderful recover 1 at ouue alatermlued to give the meat-
line recommended a thorough lest. Ho, about
'wo months ago. I bought the first box ot
fJr. Williams' Pink Pill. Only two months,
plt-aje note, yal already I am ao much Im
proved, so much better able 10 fultll my
tlutles, ao sanguin that I am on the road to
recovery, tha' I fuel like a new man.
"I oiiu new walk without tin, fatigue I
nee experienced, mv heart affection appears
o lie raliaved, and I have joined the Pialc
1111a oaun in our community.
Mr. Foat r oommonoed tnklna thenlll at a
.lme when he win completely prostrated, af
ter he had auffered such a sevure attack of
heart trouble that It was necessary to carry
him home from hi office. (Hnca then he has
faithfully adhered to the remedy and i oon
tautly improving, so muoh ao a to excite
his enthusiasm and bis gratitude.
Dr. Williams' Pink Fill contain, in a con
densed form, all the elomouts necessary to
give new Ufa and richness to the blood and
reatora shattered nerves. They are an unfa!'
Ing apeultto for such disease a locomotor
ataxia, partial paralysis, Ht. Vitus' dance,
Jolatlca, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
aeadacbe, tb after effect of la grippe, palpi
tation of the heart, pale and sallow complex
Ions, all forms of weakuesa, either In male or
female. Pink Pill are sold by all dealer, or
will bu sent postpaid on receipt of price, (SI)
tents a box, or six boias for J.M they are
haver sold la bulk or by tha 100) by addreaa
IngDr. William' Medicine Co., Hcheaeotady,
Ber Check.
Husband Did you get that ten-dollar
check your uncle sent you cashed
Wife No; I haven't been out.
Husband Well, I am sending an or
der to a cigar dealer for two boxes of
fS cigars. 1 don't want to seud money
in an envelope. You take this $10 and
give me your check.
Wife Certnlnly.
Husband (a day later) More money!
Why, my dear, what did you do with
the $10 your uncle sent you?
Wife (In a buff)-You took It for
cigars. New York Weekly.
, ,
Mrs. Wlnlow'Pootlilng ByrupforCblldren
teething, aof len the gu ma, ml uvea InOuiniua
U on, ultra vain; turns wind tulle, iiu a boula.
art TttaeaM ItettmA la SO Vina tee.
Dr. Agnew' Cora for th Heart give perfect
relief In all ease nf Organic or Hrtnpathetle
Heart Dlaraae In 80 minute, and speedily ef
fects a cure. It Is a peerless remedy for Pal
pitation, Bhnrtneaa of Itreath, Hmotherlmf
Hpella, Pain In !ett Kldn and all symptom ot
a Diseaaed H.-nrt. One dime cnnvlncas. If
your drUKirlst haan'l It In atnek, ask him to
procure It for loo. It will aava your life.
After alx yenra' aufferltig. I wn eared by
Man'-Cure. Ma 11 V Thomson, St H Ohio Ave.,
Allrglienv, Pa.. March IU. t4.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills which vnnish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant eiforts
rightly directed. There is comfort In
tho knowledge that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which tho pleasant
family laxative, Hyrupof Fifrs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, nndia
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who valuo good health. Its beneficial
effects are duo to tho fuct, that it Is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness, without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
Bllimportant, in order to pet its bene
ficial effects, to noto when you pur
chase, that you hnvotho genuine article,
which is manufactured by thot'alifornla
Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep
ntnldo druggists.
If In the enjoyment of pood henlth,
and the system is regular, then laxa
tives or other remedies oro not needed.
If aillleted with nny actual dim-ase, one
may bo commended totltomost skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
then ono ahould have tho beat, and with
the well-lnformedoverj'where, Svrnpof
Figs stands hiphest end is most larpely
used and jflvos most f oneril satisfaction.
v To develop muscle,
if that 13 what you're doing
3 r
y,r )
do it with Pearlinc. And one of the strongest points about
Pearline's washing is it3 savintr its economy. oa
Cleanliness is Nao Pride, Dirt's Nae Honesiy,"
mon Sense Dictates the Use of
Sometimes quality is sacrificed in the
effort to give big quantity for little money.
No doubt about that.
But once in a while it isn't. tlr
For instance, there's " BATTLE AX." W
The piece is bigger than you ever saw
before for 5 cents. And the quality is, as ll
many a man has said, " mighty good.' T"VJ
There's no guess work in this statement.
It is just a plain fact. jl .
You can prove it by investing 5 cents AflSk
"Some time ago," said Clifton Aros
parger (of Paris, Ky.), County
Attorney of Bourbon Oo., Ky "I
saw Ui advertisement of Illpsn
Tabutes la (he Louisville Courier
Journal, and believing It was the
remedy I needed, t determined to
get soma ot the Tabnle. There WAS
no name attached to the advertise
ment, so I wrote to the publisher ot
the Courttrfournal and was
referred to the Illpana Chemical Co.,
10 Rpruoe (., Mew York, from whom
I obtained a box for 60 cents. 1 had
been greatly troubled with sick
headache, bnt since I scooted Rlpans
Tubules, whuerer I begin to feel
symptom ot sick headache or sour
stomach, I take ono or two Tannics
and escape all the terror of a
splitting headache. One taken after
eating has aided my digestion and
made me foel like a different person.
I Ond I now can got the Tabula
from a local druggist. (Signed).
Ci.irrox AaasraaaBB, Septomber
13th, 1895."
R pan, Ta'mlaa ar 14 by arnttista, ar by aiao '
If tlie price (W) eanta a boa) it aant to tba Rlasae
f'h-mle.l Company, Mo. IV Sprue St., New IeM.1
Sample vial, II) ceuta.
Vis9t,n'l w will 'how yon h
how CA
111 v- n nvi ni-oiilialj rnirvt w fuf.
1 and Imrh too fr
w.nk In 1h l
end iirnnr nildrfxtai nnd wswl rip) Bin
miiij wrir von nr
ant- rivnr iifiil
murk 1 ml aa
ifit ir vt rTir ..
ftOTAli aUALritTLklMl CUHI'A.'vK. Hoi Lit, Ulr.H, Milk
UrlUI ItnlOdKM. No pay till enr4
nDIIIII Wf,ISKY rurscl. Hook mo.
U rl U M rR. Dr. n. M. W(mm.rv. Atlot.U
P N V 5
the washing for, perhaps the
old way ol washing with
soap rubbing the clothes
uo and down over a board
may be pretty pood. It can't
healthy, though, to breathe',
t. f-t -jl
ji mis HTAiTirsiTAirs. rT
m noit uiwh Hyrup. Tti Umni. tTw Fl
mat laiiucu, iciiu . steam, ana'
you'd better take your exercise
in way3 that arc plcasanter.
But if you're washing clothes to ret
them clean, and want to do this dis.
work casilv. nuicklv. and safelv .