The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 10, 1896, Image 4

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    Wt jf -Star.
Unlmrrijilinn tl.(h) (irr i'iir, t'n hiivdhv.
V. . n II.I'III'.INIOV l;ill(r ami I'nh.
AulnliiHtltli'nt limit iliiMT,iltlilNhi'itrvit Jr
V,Mlnt'ihy nl. HivvimliUvllli', ,lfltvrim l'i.
I'll., livitlt(l Iti tin lhti'nt tif Kc.vinililx llli
tlmt .li'iToMiiirnn!y. Noti-inM(1rtt'l. will irrnt
nil wit Ii fulrm, tiuil will lmi'HMrlitlly frh'Ntl
ly towuril tin liiltnrlhu rliiHw.
Hill wrlpl ton jii-lci' f I .miM'r vi'iir, In ml v nnrt.
('omimiiilriitlonn ImIimhIciI fur iiiilillriillnn
milMi htt nrroinpiiiili'il hy lbi wrlli'r'n lintm',
lint for niihlli'iiiloii, lull iim n mmiiiitlii tif
goiul fnllli. lntirr1lHit nrw Itrnn illrlliil.
A(1virllln rntii timl known on fiipllr.
tlon nt tli ofllr In Ainolilu' Ithtclt.
l,ini:lily I'liMintunh'itlloim niul rlmmr of
ni1vir1ltt;ininiP4 Hhoiiltl rrni'h llil ottli'i tty
Monilnv iHMin.
Aililri' nil rotnmiinlfttlon4 lol. A.MIt'ph
Ctlon, Hi'ViioIiIhi IIIi-, I'll.
Knli'ri'il in ilin MiKliitlli'i lit Itcynolilivllli',
Ph., h mioml i'Iiihn inn 1 1 mutter.
"Cool rid n iMii'iimlior," In srli'iititli'nlly
I'oi iiM't. Invi'xtitriitiiiti hIhiwn tlmt till
Vntfoluhlii lull H trllli'Nltiltv mii ili't(l'i'
tn'liiw tlmt nf tlm Hiirnniiiilln ntniiM
phtiru. Kcli'MtUtH urn itlwH.vx ilolnjjaoinotlilnjr
tn ilt'Htroy ItuUilfiii-i'M in iwciiliitinn.
Tim Intent. In tlmt tlii'ii' urn tnlrrnlion In
klMi'H. If thorn 'ci' mien In tln'in, or
dvon rnltli'Kiiiiki'i, tliin klaxlnir would
IfO on lonff nfli-r tin' Ki'li'titiitlN of
tn-tliiy Imvo ili'imrti'il tliln llfo.
A Biiliwrlln'r, wMilug to bIiow Mm
appreciation of a now nimpcr, until:
"Tho two oIrhmok of nii-n which thn
world could li'iixt nITord to loxo uiv
pn-nchem ntid ncwiiHicr men for thn
prenchem tell im the truth niul tho
ncwiipRpiim tell nn ovorythliiK clno."
Ono of the miiHt iinpli itsiint lick to
tlm tiowHpiiprr limit Is writing uliitiut
rlen. If the Biihject wnnnllfo-loiitf ciiili
pnyliiU Hiihscrllicr It In nxlnr to glvn
him ft ifoml cortlflcnte of clmracter thnn
if ho was not: even then it In illftleiilt to
pleunn the friciuln of the ilccenneil imd
acquit your own oimnclonco. 1'nnnhy
Ptihliithvr rim? l'rinli r.
An exchnno nay: Tho modern ileail
hotno In nearly an vnlimlilo an when ho
in alive. In the llrnt place the hide in
valuable; tho hiiln over the rump fur
ninhcii cordovan while the rent In uneil
for itlippcm ami ilrivinif Rloven. the hair
from the niano anil tail In tmulo up into
hair-cloth und tho nhort hair In used
for cunhionn and collars. From the
hoof oil in extracted. and the horny part
In made Into combs, the lojj honon are
made into knife hamllen, tlio ribs and
head uro burned to make hone black
after tho gluo han been extracted and
by chemical processes, phosphorus, car
bonate of ammonia, cyanide of pot ait
alum and prussic acid obtained, then
tho meat In canned and shipped sonie
whero, tho whole revenue of one horse
being: $24.
, Tlio man who goes down in Dixie
now-a-dayg in liable to run up uyulnst
Bomo ono Irani tho north at every turn
he uiakun. Tho traveller from New
England or tho Wont need not think ho
will bo lonesome in that part of the
country. Ho will tlm New England
'Yankees, Ohio nuckcyes, Indiana Hoo
siors and Pennsylvania Dutch, an thoy
are proud to ca'l themselves, scattered
here and there making tho mont of their
chanoen, living well, getting rich, and
growing up with tho country down In
the southland. They had a gathering
of tho hustling northern settlors at
'Southern Pines, N. C, ono of tho best
resorts In tho world, bye-thc-hye, for
Invalids, the other day. Something
like twolvo hundred people from all
ovor the United States got acquainted
with each other and compared notes of
tholr success In tho south. A great
many of those people are living along
the Seaboard Air Lino, and know by
tho book Just how It pays to stay In tho
south. Mnybo you would like to wo
how some of them live. Perhaps you
havo a bad cough, or tho doctor tells
you that you are going Into a decllno.
If you should decide to go to Southern
Pinoa and see for yourself how It will
help you, just take the Bay Line route,
and you will get there.
Good roads Is a question that is always
a burning ono, and one that w ill stund
agitating In scuson and out of season.
In faot, the question is ever before tho
public. When the roads aro good they
are a pleasure to every one; when thoy
are bad, why, then, tho question burns
all tho more deeply. The following
from the' Earrlsburg Telegraph Is
worthy of thoughtful consideration:
"The wheelmen of the state should
get together and druftaroad law for
presentation to tho next legislature.
If they can draft a satisfactory law,
they can do more than any legislature
that has sat in the past fifteen years.
But until some organized body like the
wheelmen give the legislature to
understand in unmistakable terms that
It must pass a road law, there will never
be a road law passed. This Is a good
subject on which to catechise aspirants
for the legislature. And when they
are cateohlsed, get their answer In writ
ing. They ought to be pinned down,
und there Is nothing wrong In making
them promise that they will do a good
Jefferson county will be represented
in the legislature by two able men who
re undoubtedly willing to act along
thej line. Let the wbeelemen draft
a suitable road law and our representa
tives will conform to tbe wishes of tho
paople BrockwayvHle Record.
TON, D. C.
BliiRle Fiue for Round Tilp via Pcnn's R.
R., account YP8CB. Convention.
Thn Klflecutb International t 'on voli
tion of tho Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor will bo held at
Washington, D. '., .Inly 7 to 1,1, I Htm,
and for that occunlnn thn Peiinnylvnnln
ItnlliiiHil Couipnuy will sell, from July
tl to H, inclusive, excursion tickets to
Washington and return at a nlngle fain
for the round trip. Those tickets will
ls good for return pannage until July
l.'i, Inclusive, but If depiwltcd with tho
Joint Agent at Washington prior to
n.lMI l. M., July II, will be extended to
July III, Inclusive.
r'till informal Ion in regard to rates
and time of trains can ho obtained upon
application to ticket agents.
Excursion tieketn for the following
side trips will 1st sold an under:
Front July 7 to 1.1, Inclusive, excur
sion tickets between Washington nnd
Italtiinore and I lull I nunc anil Washing
ton will lx sold at. I.2."i for the round
trip, good for return passage until July
14, Inclusive.
From July II to .11 excursion tickets
from Washington to (icttynhurg nnd
and return will ho sold at Vi.'X't for tho
round trip, good to return until July .11,
Inclusive. On the name days the West
ern Maryland Hallrond Company will
sell excui-slon tickets from Ualtimore
to (icttyshurg and return, with same
return limit, at $2 l! for the round trip.
From July 0 to HI excursion tickets
will bo sold from Washington to Itich
mond nnd return at 1 1.00, to Petersburg
and return at $.'..00, to old Point Com
fort and return (all rail) W.OO (and go
ing all rail and returning by !oitt t.ri. !,"),
to Fredericksburg and return K.'St.
These tickets will all liear return limit
of July .11, Inclusive.
All tickets for siilo lrl)s will be sold
only on presentation of return Nirtlon
of excursion tickets to Washington In
sued for thin occasion.
At King A. Co.'s yon will llnd baled
hay, salt, dour and a full line of general
Mcforeyoti buy a suit see Mllllivns.
All Hrnonn having had dealingn with
us are requested to call and see if their
ncco.ints aro properly closed, up as all
oMn accounts will he left for collection.
.1. C. Kiwi & Co.
Tomato nnd cabbage plnnts for sale.
Inquire at . D. Muir'n.
Where do you get nhoea that lit ? At
A new line of wash dross goods at
When you huve an "awful" headacho
try a package of Perfect Headacho
Powders. For sale at the Reynolds
Drug Store.
At a meeting of Iteynoldnville Lodgo,
No. HiM, I. O. O. P., tho following reso
lutions were unanimously adopted:
WllKUKAS, It has pleased God in His
all-w ise providence to visit our lodge,
and hy tho hand of death to remove
from our midst our much esteemed
brother, Wulter Spry, to that lodgo
alxivo from which no brother over re
turns, Hrtmlvetl, That while wo bow in
humble submission to tho will of Him
who dootb all things well, wn yet feel
the loss of a good und worthy brother
and extend to his bereaved family our
heart-felt sympathy for tho loss they
havo sustained, and that we will ever
hold In grateful remembrunco his
pleasant companionship in our Lodge;
and be it further
litiuilred, That our charter be drup
cd in mourning for tho period of .')()
days, that these resolutions bo placed
on our minutes, published,!!! the Keyn
oldsvlllo puers, and a copy presented
to tho family.
P. G., A. G. MiixiKKN, ! Com
1 '
L. J. McEntiiie,
Don't forget that If there Is anything
you want In silverware that I have not
got I will order it for you ut 10 per
cent and this will save you 20 per cent.
C, F. Hoffman.
More people, adults and children, uro
troubled with costlvuness than with any
other ailment. Dr. Henry Baxter's
Mandrake Bitters will cure costiveness
and prevent the diseases which result
from it. For sale by II. A. Stoke.
Boys' suits, at Millirens, floe.
Everything bought from Bell is right,
so they all say.
Perfect Headache Powders are the
best in the market. Try them. For
sale at the Reynolds Drug Store.
We will save you money nnd sell you
shoes that wear and fit your feet. Give
us a cull. J. S. Morrow.
Perfect Headache Powders are
different from all other. Sure relief
for sick headache, nervous headache,
ic, &c Try thein. For "sale at tbe
Reynolds Drug Store.
Something oool for the hot weather
at Deemer's.
Every bottle of Arnloa and Oil Lini
ment sold Is warranted by the proprie
tor to give satisfaction or monoy will
be refunded. For sale by H. A. Stoke.
,A fnther wrote tonn editor for Infor
mation as to how to stop his boy from
smoking clgnrettrs, and got this reply:
"Wo suggest bribery, persuasion, In
struction in- shutting nlT allowance.
Then, If hn remains ohdnriito unit raw
hide on raw hide. Welt him until htt
Is ready to bold up his hand and prom
ise not to smoke another. If that doc
not stop him, drown him, as a drowned
hoy Is Is'tter than ono who smokes
Deetner's latest purchase was the
nicest lino of wash dress goods ever
placed on sale In this town.
If you want a brnnseln, extra velvet or
Ingrain cnrict go to the Iteynoldsvlllii
lliiidwai-e Co. store.
. and G. glove litting corset at J. S,
Golf, Gulf, Golfs for everyone at Hell's.
Latent style straw bats at Millirens.
Funs! all kltuln, nlylcs und prices nt
Survival of tho litest. Downs' Elixir
has outlived every other cough rem
edy simply because it is the best.
For sale by II. A. Htokn.
EverylHsly that buys from Millirens
Is satisfied.
Gents, remember that Hell handles
the only correct styles to lat found In
the county.
Thn chcaHst and best shoos for thn
money In town nt J. H. Morrow's.
Sweaters, at Millirens, only L'0e.
You get all thn up to-ilatn colors and
styles In I'oblnnon's shoos.
I'tir-oniM to mi Art of AwH'mttly, I will tit
tiMHi nl lhi ful low t n jf tliiH'4 it n (I thiiMHto r
iM'tvi'i'iMiniy, Hum, Itiiml nnd Ho Tn! fur
tin yiiir to-wtt:
Wiii-mhw TowiiMhip, TiH-Mfluy, June Hi It , tn
the foii'iKNin, tit tln hoiiHiMtf .1. A. Koi.
WnshhiKlon Town-id I p, l'pH'i', TiH-Ntlny,
.1iitii nth, In thi- nfiitriiiHiti, ut thn WitMhlMKlmi
UriH'kwayv lllc Honniirh, nnd Hnyiler Tuwti
mM, Wrlmmhiy,JiitH 10, at tin Lotfim Houmc,
IttiH-kwity villi'.
WitliltiLtlon Tnwmliln, l,owtr, ThurMiliiy,
.llllM' 11, h thO foll'IMMHI, Ht 1 HtOIT t KlM'K-
tliilt' MIIU
Wifnliliitttuti Towiitlilp, r'uIN CriM'k, Tlmr
iliiy, hini II, In tin iifh-riiiMni, nt Ihttcl liiiin
onttitiiii'. Iti'Vii.iltUvltli' Moi-oiikIi, lYIiliiy, .limn li, lit
tin nttf i Hoihi.
Wi'Ht ItcMioMsvillc Itonmuli niul W IiimIow
towiHlilp, W cul.Hut iniluy, .him I I, III thi' forn
flotin, nl 1 Im IttiHH IImiimm,
Wttinlow Tnwtisili, HiiHt, Htilunliiy, ,liiini Ill
In lite urii'i-iiiHiii, nt Dm Hclimti IIiiuhc.
Mi'i'iiltnimt TiiwmmiIi, Momluy, .linn In
tln foriMiiNiii, nt tho Iimiimi' of Ciirt North.
Mt'ttdi'i-Hoti TowiiHhtp, Monthly, .hint' lf In
tht' itftcnionii, nt tin lmiii of Antln'W IMfnr.
Mlu Kim lloninuli, Tiii'silny, J him- 111, tit tln
'Inn' IIoiihi',
tlitsklll TowiiMhlp, Wt'ilni'wilny, Juni 17, In
tin fort'ttiNUi, nt tin- (fllhtotmlnri.
Itt'll Towiwhlp, Wi'ilni'Niluv .linn IT, In the
it h ft noon, tit tht' Immhi of Ifrnry llt-own.
Ti-rry Tow imhlp, 'riiurMtltty, .li'init In, In th
foii'lio in, lit tht'Miort' of .1. ft. Mffiti.
t'hiyvllht Itiii-otiL'h, ThniMhiv. Iiiiih IH, In
tht iiriiTiioon, ut Ihi'tillli'itof V. 'ilriHtniui.
PmiXMiiliiwiipy ItorniiKh, I'rhluy, Jnnn lU.nt
llotfl rimtnll.
Vtiunu TtiwttHhlp, Miilunluy, June '20, nt Ho
tcl I'm mi it 1 1 .
IVrry Ttiwnhlii, Mnntliiy, Juno tl, In thu
fori'iitMin, at thi'Niori'ln l-'roHthurir.
Pi'rry 'I owii-hip, Moniltiy. JumtTi, Inthiuif
tiMiioon, nt Minri' In IVrryMvllli'.
lortir Tuwiiihlp, Tiit'i'thiy, Juno 211, In Iho
foii'iHHtn, in thoHtoro In 1'iirlor.
Klnuifoltl Township. Tiipsduy, Junn 21, In
tho iifti'i-noon, nt holt'l In Itlnvimltt.
Wiirl hvlllo lloimmli, WotliH'Hiluy, Juno 24, In
the fort'iioon, ut tho hoiiHonf K. II. Ji'lt.
Ilouvoi- TowriHhtp, Wi'flnoNdiiy, Juno 24, In
till' llflOrtKHIII, lit Hllll-O III Oil).
Huninii'rvHIo HonniL'li, TlnirHilny, Juno ln
tho fori'lllMHI, nt lloti'l.
Clovor Towimhlp, TliurNfliiy, Juno 'l In tlio
nftiTiiooit, nt Htoto In Htixtor.
tiiMk-llo Itoroimh.iiiiil UooTow'imhlp,rr.
(luy, Juno Jil, ut I ho Tri'iiiuror'H oilier.
knox Township. Hiitmtliiy Juno 27, In thu
fort'iMMHi, ut Iho iMi'tUiii'ki'ii Mloro.
riniM'ivok Tow n-hlp. Hntunlny. Juno 27, In
tho ufh't noon. ul 1 1 1 Ktort' of K. Wi'lnnr.
(Hlvor TowiiMhlp, TuoMthiy, Juno, 1M, In tho
foroniHHi, nt tho Htoro In (Hlvchurn.
Oliver Tuwhshlp, TutNiluy, Juno HO, III tho
Hfii'rnooti, nt Holt'l In 'ool Hprlnif.
I'lirtti-H piiyliiK tholr tiixor ut tho iilxmi
tiiiuM hihI phifi'i will hiivo ton por ront.. hm
I hut amount will Im ndtlotl whon pi need In
tho huiHWitf tho t'olloi'lor.
MoroHtitllo LifoiiHoi will tw rolliH'lod nt fill
pluct'M vlhltod. mid all llt'oiHOM roiniilnhitf un
nild iiftor tho Hi-Mt of July will ho phiood In
tho liaiitU of tlio proper olllt'orN for oollcctltm.
TnKAHi'iini n Okkh k. Couuty TroiiHuror.
HtiMikvUlo, Pu., Muy A, im.
First National Bank
or ji k rxoLis villi:.
.llllill, Prcsldentt
Nrolt Iflet'lolluud, Vl e Prrs.l
John II, Kuili lii'r, 4'aalili'r.
O. Mitchell, Hcott Meriollnnd, .T.O.King.
John II. I'orlH'tt, U. K. Ilrowii,
U. Y. fuller, J. II. Kiitii'lier.
Does a Kenei-ulbiiiiklnitlaiHlnowiaiid solicits
the iieemuiln of niiiix'tuints, professional num.
farmirs, mis'liiuilcs, nilners, liiinlHirinun ana
others, proiiilslint the most, careful attuntliin
to the litislnesk of u II persuiis.
Safe Ocposli Uoxes for rent.
First Niillonal Hunk bulldlnn, Nolun block
Flr Proof Vault.
SINCE 1878.
"Walter Spry,
Reynoldeville, Penn'a.
m. w. Mcdonald,
I Imvo n Irtt jrc lino of ('oMiiiinli s niul
him iri'iuri'il to liniiilln liii'xo ur hiiiiiII
lino of liisiiriiniui. IVompt tit ti'tit Ion
Iflvi It to iui.v liiisltti'ss Itit.rusti'il to my
euro. OIHim In Nolun lllofk, lloynnlilH
vlllo, Pn.
Practical Horse-slioer
and General Blacksmith.
Hoimo HhiH'luit ilotio In tho ticNtiMt ttiuiuior
tmd hy tho tiit-i Impiovod tiit'thodH, Dvor
Hi illtTt'ii'iit ItlniU nf hhtH'N iiiiith' for I'tirnt'.
thin of fuiilty iii'tloti nnd tlUfiiMcd fft-t. tMily
Iho tffil nmkr of hhiM H itml nulli tini'd. (t
f tt I r I tt if of nil ItltuU I'tiri'fhlly tind promntly
tlouo. HAUHrAii tttN linAinni KKO. I.iiimImt
tui'n'i Hiipphort on huntl.
.luckHon Ht., Hour Tift h, ItoytiolilHvlllo, I'n.
nnl not "fad" ar tile
littMitH tlm tltotilitfnl
hilycr in looking for In
thtw) dayH of tilowt i:oin
petition, ami Uichh urn
fouml in piiicliaHing
(1HOCKHIKS whent yon
gtt tins bout ntlnniH for
your money and tit in you
can do at tho
W. R. Martin,
Dcnlm- in Finn (Jrot:ertan,
Canned (oodn, Tobacco
and Cigai'H, Flour,
Feed, etc., Finn
TeaH and
KoiiHted Colbien.
Main Htkkkt,
Ikynimhvim-k, Pknna.
I have bought the
Finest and Best
line of Goods ever
brought to Reyn-
A lino of novelty goodn
from 10 to 50 centn a yard;
drtJHH goodn in all cflorH and
at all prices; plaidn from 8 to
75 cte a yard; Shepherd plaid
from 12i to 75 ct; caHhmereH
in all colorH and at pricen to
miit the timen; forty-five inch
Henrietta in black, blue,
green and rose at 48 ctH a
yard; former price 1.00.
A largo line in wattli goodn;
Dimity, Percale, GeHiuonda
nnd Moire EniHtal, Dotted
Swihh in white, blue and pink
at prices lower than ever;
white goods at all prices;
patinen in plain, ntriijed and
Large line of embroideries
from 2 eta up to 75 cts a
Ladies' waists from 48 cts
to $1.25.
You will save money by
buying your clothing at
Hanau's. Men's all wool
cheviot suits at 0.50, worth
10.00; men's all wool cheviot
suits at 5.00; men's clay suits
from 6.50 to $14; youth's
suits in cheviots, worsteds
and clay, all colors, at all
Boys' and children's suits
from 75c up to 5.00.
. A large line of laundried
shirts, white and colored,
from 50o to 1.25.
A fine line in neckwear,
hats and caps.
Please call in before buy
ing elsewhere. No trouble
to show goods.
Dress Form corsets
Latest Model .
Elegaflt Shape
Long Waist
Boned with Feaher-bone.
We are authorized to refund tlm money for Featherbone
Corsets or Waisls if not entirely saisfnctory
after four' weeks trial. Our line of
1)1 M0S8 GOODS, IsTOTTOlSrH, iVrc,
you will find to be the Intent.
A flash of lightning
coining from a dcaP sky
is n very rare occurrence, but one day last week a
lady and gentleman received a welcome shock. Yes,
they had gone to the Ueynoldsville Hardware Co.
to buy
Carpets, Furniture
and General Hardware
and the great values shown them caused a notlcnble
expression of joy nnd gladness to shine upon their
faces. They purchased a complete furnishing for
their home and departed, saying:
"The nlock, at .such loir prices!
We'll vail again."
The hot weather
Is here and BELL & LEWIS
are prepared to sell you
suitable goods for the sea
son. Their stock of
is full of nice goods of all
kinds and at prices within
the reach of all. We have a
nice line of
Furniture, Garpef sb
House Furnishing Goods. "
We can suit you in anything you
want; every department of
our store is complete with
fine goods.
Highest Quality and Lowest
Prices are what you will find
at our store, and polite clerks
to wait on you.
Call and see the best stock in
& GO,
Bing & Co.
Irving. Manaoer.