The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 20, 1896, Image 7

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It is ofton difljcnlt to convince peo
ple their blood in impure, until dread
ful carbuncles, aboesjsos, boils, sorof
ola or salt rheum, are painful proof of
the fact. It is wisdom now, or when
ever there is any indication of
blood, to tnle Hood's Barsaparilla, and
prevent such eruptions and suffering.
"I hud a dreadful carbuncle itwrnni
red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at
tended me over seven weeks. When ttao
aticew broke, the pains were terrible, and
I thought I should not live through It. t
heard and rend so much about Hood's
Barsaparllla, that I decided to take It and
my husband, who was suffering with
bolls, took It also. It soon purified our
built me up. and restored my health so
that, although the doctor said I would
not be able to work hard, I have since
done the work for 20 peoplo. Hood's Rar
saparilla cured my husband of the bolls,
and we regard It a wonderful medicine."
Mas. Assa 1'iTiasoH, Lai liner, Kaunas.
It the One True Blood Purifier. AU druggist. 81
If AAePe) DiIIa enre Liver 111": easv to
nOUUSrillS take, eimjr to operate. i.V.
Your Dealer ,
will not sell you
the n V
we will.
Write us for free samples showing;
labels and materials.
" Home Dressmaking." a new book by Miss
Emm M. Hooper, of the Lidiet' Home Journal,
telling how to put on Bias Velveteen Skirt B'.id-
' Ings sent for 25c, postage paid.
B. H. A M. Co., P. O. Box 009. N. V. City.
onpht to think mnjtti of
hit animal to with to b
bl to can for ft proper iy
In health and alt k do.. Hit
money oat uf bit orkH If
he dot not, Toarrompllb
thia r-nlt wn nfftr ont
0n Hundred Page IU Hon Hook
tor UIV cent. litvnehMvou
to pick nut ft good Uofao ,
know tmprrfectioni and o
guard atrainu fraud; do
tct diataM and effct a
cm when aama if povnl
hie, tall the age by tb
lhi what to call the
different paria of the ani
mal; how to ehoa a llorsa
properly, et etc.
aii tnte ana other vai
nahle informailnn ran be
ohtamed br rrndlnjr our
One Hundred lve Illuo
t rated II t Book, whirh
we will forward. pot-paid,
on rereiut of nrlre In
aranpe. Amiradly the none la too good a friend
to nan to be ntigiertod for want of knowlertfrft
wblrh can be pror urtd for oily twrntv-tive rente.
Boo PtjiLlll.JV Hiwtn. 84 Loonnrri Ht. N.V Ht
Dealera, (.niKtinu nl ronfMttrnem who "lh to
mv Ire, ire cream, labor and money, and who appre
rlato nratn)w nnd -"onvrMitfrn, hIhuiM wnd for
mir fliicly lllnttratwl rutnlninif. of H K VUKAM
T. HlHHOWliM CO., rorllaud, .Muint-.
m - mlilr.
IU Uanil will ,hnw vnn Ihiw
m.k & s dnvt stHoluiWy surf i ws lur
IiImIi iliu wm'b and twh you live yiu
work In ths Im'otUy wln'ru you tiv,i
mnd luyonr niHIrMMind we will t xplnlit
th( buitllU'M fully; ivmvinlier we irimi
sntee flenr nmflt ol fti lor rvrrv itv'.
r-SW Wl,rl( fttHoliitely sun-: wHI Ml onre.
qL tunuruTtiusa tuarut. ai uw usirsii, ai-k.
!e.i" PUFF ATlDt C,rd hoin 1 delrabl tlnti, aleo AlaUntlne
tnrelir. Haby mur reonvvr IIilL bourenir Hftck em free to anv c.nenienrlnninct Uie pier.
hutennnottnnre." A I, AH AMTI X K CO.. ;rand Knill. Mien.
thinjrof asoanv
good to go with
Detter tnan soap that it has the work all done
before the soap begins to take any part.
You're simply throwing away money. It's a
clear waste of soap and soap may be good for
something, though it isn't much use in wash
ing and cleaning, when Pearline's around, in
iii it ivi n no
on uinmnin Fnnnss
J i J LI 9d mt am Ipiwii, wttk kmUdltifi, frniu. ttmfcw, watr, miu bsMt oIIbmI la 0. 6 J
1 Ti-rttlns Fc!kt Km
Uittsd Pcsplt Uit
fte Thonaht It Plennasm.
"Pon't use poor soap," rend Teiry
rntpttlc from the pnper In which hie
"poke-out" lind been dropped. "Ef I
had been wrltln' that," he continued,
"I thiak I would have left out that
word 'pore.'" Cincinnati Enquirer.
New Woman In China.
The new woman hns arisen in China
At Bhnntnn the daughter of n ma pis
trnte nets as his treasurer, nnd the die
trlet Is startled nt the fnet that he hni
made BO.nttO tnela slnep slip begnn t
"finance" his nffnlrs, six niotillis nco.
ICden's Flowers anil Thorns.
In this boautllul season ot (lowering green,
when the air ts balmy and the sunlight
golden, It seems a pity that anything should
enter Into this K len of onrs to mnr Its pleas
ures and blight Its Joy, but so It Is ordnlnedi
man has hi heritage, and It Is even ilntilit
fiil If all of life wern a scene of pleHsure
whether wn could possibly enjoy it. The
birds come :nd sing, and 1 ho birds sing nnd
go. Rheumatism comes also. It comes from
exposure to the dampness of the niuhts nnd
mornings, to the sii'l.len change of tempera
ture, and it certainly goes, as thousands
know, by the prompt use of Bt. Jaeolis Oil,
which Is a complete anil perfect cure. It is
well, therefore, while we enjoy nil thesoseu
sonable delights, not to be without this great
remedy tor pain, and to have It mndy, moro
because we are the more Untile nt this season
than any other to sutler from such nttark.
ffeart TMaeaae Itetlered In 90 Minn tot.
Pr. Agnew'sCure for the Heart bIws perfect
relief In all cases of Organic or Sympathetic
Henrt Disease in S) minutes, and speedily ef
fects a cure. It Is a peerless remedy for Pal
pitntton. shortness of Breath, Mnnthfrlna
rpclls. Tain In l.'tt Slds nnd nil symptoms of
a Disessrd H-nrt. Due dnse convinces. If
your drngtrlst hasn't it In stock, nsk him to
procure it for J on. It will uivu your life.
FITS atnpned free by Till. Kt.tNK'a OnrT
KrttVR Hkstoiifh. No fits after first dny'a
use. lnrvcloM cures. Trentlsennd f2.00trlnl
bottle free. Dr. Kline. ttll Arch M., l'lilla., 1'iu
Tiso's t'nre for t'onsmnption his saved me
nmny a ihs tor s bill. w. I-. I! . itiv. lioiiklus
1 hue. Biiltlliiore. bl Dec. 2. IU,
Experience of Mrs. Kelly, of ratrhngne.
Long Island.
There Is no period In womnn'a enrthly
career which she approaches with so
mnch anxiety ns tho "change ol life."
l et during tho
past twenty years
women have
! learned much from
a woman
It is safe, to say
i that women who
i prepare
! themselves
for the
I eventful
through it
much easier I
than in the
There is
but one
course to
pursue to
subdue tho
nervous com
plications, and prepare
the system
for the change. Lydia E. TMukham'i
Vegetable Compound should be used.
It is well for those approaching thia
time, to write Mrs. IMnkham, at Lynn,
Mass. She has the experience of years
to aid her in advising. She will charge
you nothing.
She helped thin woman, who says:
"I have used Lydia E. IMnklmm's
Vegctablo Compound in my family ten
years, with the best results. Some
time ago my daughter had catarrh of
tho womb, and it entirely cured her.
I was approaching the "change of
life," and was in a deplorable condi
tion. My womb had fallen, and the
bearing-down pa ins and backache were
terrible, and kidneys affected
" I began taking the Compound,
and my pains ceased. I consider it the
Btrongr bridge between sickness and
health, and recommend it to everybody
I meet who needs it." Sins. L. Kkllv.
Patchogue, L. I.
4 lyfiWjr w
j( ffr y s
trail Paper la 1'naanltnry. KAI.NOMIXR I
TEJII'or.AUV, KOT,Ul lia OFF AM Sjt'ALt.k.
I Ana OTI kl I? Pl,r permanent anrl artletlo
III AnHA I INI" vall-coatiiifr. rexiy fur (.lie briuh
riv I IIIU by mixing- ui-cold water.
Far Nlntj, liv Paint ItnalitM r.vrvwlmH.
with Pearline. Twould be absurd. It
isn't necessary. Pearline contains everv-
nature that's needed or that's
it. And Pearline is so much
Wrtu for or IUoJ Bmau irrai4
t fra to uf maarmm. Miriam dim
oriptlou of HO Vlrgt&t Ymrmu a
rruin iu w iouu urtM mnn, m rron
Ihi Htrdsst Work, Bui Quick
& Humbtr ef Costly Building! to ba Erect
d This Snmmer.
Altoona la linoked for quite a bulMIng
boom this summer, If all reports are correct,
and there are onoiiKh of them already proven
o to aKsnra quite a spurt In this direction,
already there are on tho tnpls projected
ImllillnKS which to erect will necessitate an
expenditure ot aim net half a million dollnns.
AmonK the lnillillnRS sure to 1 erected nre
the I trxt I.utlieran church nnd Kink's lintel,
each to coat t .10.0110 live Imslnesa lilncka to
enet from f 13,0(10 to SUO.OOOs tour ,OH0 reel
denees, and (IS minor linllillnirii, to enet any
where from il.imo to ,0H). I'here la aleo
In view a new Kiret National linnk billldinir.
at an entimated outlay ot 1 100,001).
Work has dentin on the hrldffa which will
erndu the Yotixliiouheny nt Hutervllle, near
Went Newton. The machinery need In Imllil
InK l now on the Krounil. lho lirldip will
he a handKoino steel structure, and will con
nect Westmoreland and Allnirheny counties,
n. H. Hwnney and other rinlilents of 51c
Keeeport are llnnncially interested, nnd tho
lirldxe is considered a link ot the recently
?hnrtercd trolley linn which la to extend
from SlcKwaport to West Newton.
At the meeting of the fnlontnwn eoun-ll
It was decided to appropriate t'iOO out of the
ImrouKh funds to aid in defrnylng the ex
pensis of the coming centennial of the bo
rough, .T iily 3 ami 4. A large amount has
heeu already rnised by subscription, nnd
council was asked to appropriate f r,00. The
council also decided to pavo Church street
with brick, the work to bo commenced Im
mediately. The charges of violation of the Honor laws
ami gnmliling prefcred against (. Frank
Tickard. of the (Iranil Central hotel nt Mt
Pleasant, were Ignored by the grand Jury.
Ten days ago Mr. Pickard was refused a li
cense on the strength of the.4e charge. W.
P. Morrison, the prosecutor, paid tho costs.
Job Jones, at Irwin, was granted a liquor li
cense. At the spring meeting of the stockholders
of the California Normal sohool James K.
Itllllngsley, of Cnmorniii, nnd James H. Mo
Kenn were recommended ns Htate trustnea,
and John N. Dixon. I,. W. Morgan, I,. T.
Clnybnugn, nnd W. II. Wlnlleld. all of Cali
fornia, were elected local triisteee. All save
McKean nnd Wlulleld were re elected.
William McQukton was removed from his
home In Mercer county to Warren. Pa., asy
lum, a raving maniac, lie elnimed to hnvo
hnd a conversation with (iod nnd was chosen
to take the place of Elijah, nnd he also had
been endowed with power to kill every one
who differed with him. Ho was a very
prosperous farmer.
A largo Newfoundland dog supposed to
have iHtm suffering with the rabies, bit two
horses and six men, women nnd children In
Altoona, before a policeman overtook and
hot it. Physicians cauterized the wounds of
of the persons bitten, but there Is much fear
on the part of their friends as to what the
outcome may be.
llenjamln Hinder, of F.llwood City, was
driving to Mnrtinsburg when tho horse, kick
ed him on the fracturing his skull nnd
crushing his face. He cannot recover.
Deputy Superintendent Htewnrt hns decid
ed that women are eligible to membership in
boards of trustees of free public libraries
created by the act of 18U5.
The big M-aern lake at Idlewlld has been
completed. There are now two pleasure
lakes at Idlewlld, and they will be known as
"The Twin Lakes Ht, Clair."
Augustus Zeck, a track hand, stepped out
of the way of a west-bound freight train ill
Tyrone and was struck by an east bound
train nnd Instantly killed.
The Pennsylvania railroad company. In
connection with the Nynno, will tit tip a re
cently purchased tract of land near Pulaski
for a summer resort.
I.lgonler will apply for a new borough
charter in tho Westmoreland courts. The
present charter Is antiquated and conflicts
with Htate laws.
Robert I.ang, an employe of the Rock Run
fdt, near Lang, was seriously Injured by a
all of slate, the sight of one of bis eyes being
Simon Terkins has been elected preshlen.
of the new Untile hospital at Hharon; John O
Uwsley is the treasurer, and James Wbtttan,
At a meeting of the Center County Med.
leal society, fnterestlng papers were read by
Drs. W. U. (1. it. Uuyin and others.
Orndlng for tho now Pittsburg and East
ern railroad, to bo extended from Ulen
Campbell to rialtzlnirg has commenced.
A convention of missionary societies ol
Western Pennsylvania was held In tho First
Cbrlbtlnu church at Hliarou Thursday.
Orovo City college was Inspcctod by MnJ
Bunder, of Washington, D. ('. The inspection
was In the nature of a surprise.
William Pavls, of Nerovllle, Indiana coun
ty, was Instantly killed by a heavy wagon
load of lumber falling on him.
The street railway at Unlontown, will be
extended to Ilrowulleld. If K0,000 of new
stock can be sold.
The National Game.
The Now York Club hns given to Pitcher
German notice ol release.
ntcher Pond, ot the Biltlmoros, is tht
pitching sensation of the lemon.
Burnett, of Ciovelnud, starts out as If ho
was going to loai the buttors 'am this
Pltchur Altaian, of tho Prineotons, has
done tha best wort ot any collogu pitcher
thus far,
Connor is playing like, a colt for St. Louis,
all of which must mike Now Yornjrj feol
Corbett, brother of the pugilist, has been
regularly siuud (or tho aouaou by tho Balti
more CI. lb.
"Bench-warming" takes the nerve out of a
player quicker than anything else.
Anson Is quoted as saying that Cary and
Gleasou are utronger tniut Doylo nnd Kelts.
Now York ant Louisville are the two
Leaitun oities pocudar lor not standing by a
losing team.
8t. Louis has two pitchers who may be de
pended up a to do limt-cliisit work, ijreituu
ttoin ana Hart.
Hamilton baa bad bis way. He is now In
Boston's centre Hold, Daffy baviug ehuugej
places with him.
Breltensteln baa better control than any
lelt-banded pitcher, not erou excepting iul
roy in bis p.ilmy day.
The Washington youngsters, Rngors, P
Montrevillo, McAuley uud McJaines, have j
far shown up most promlsiugly,
Chloago olaims to have the best outfield in
the League Flynn, Lange and T.yiu aud
the olulin Is based upon good judgment
Donnelly, the Baltimore third baseman, la
no novioe in the League. He played in that
organization with Detroit away book In IHii.
The Eastern League will adopt the Nation
al League rule prohibiting umpires from
stopping at botoU with home or visiting
UcPbee made a phenomenal record at sec
ond base for tne Cinoinnatts April Hi. Ha
made seven put-outs and aeren aasliU with
out an error. .
Itcmi for tha Working Han. Minnesota
Coal Beds.
A dispatch from Duliith, Minn., announces
the discovery of vnst Iwds of niithriu lto coal
In the extreme northern part of Minnesota.
It Is also stilted that these vast beds have bo
i ome the property of James J. Hill, presi
dent of the Noithern Pacllli) railroad cum
pnny, who Is going to develop them anil run
a brunch Hue ot that railroad to tho mlm s.
Hlmllnr dlseoverlea of very excellent seml
aiilhraclte coal hnvo been III Aliiettn. Cann
dn, hundreds of mllm westward ol the Min
nesota deposits. Hliould It turn out that
good coal ran tte cheaply delivered near the
tlrent Superior beds ol Iron ore. It might re
sult In an eventual transfer of the Iron busi
ness. 'J he pluce where the raw material can
be most cheaply nssembled has timh'iilnhlo
ndviiiitngis which in the end will assert
themselves against all comeUtlon.
Wclgle llros., of Ellznbeth, Pa., propose n
spend tlOO.OOO In building 'marine wnys" nt
the Moiioiigiihi la river town this summer.
Ellr.nls'th was once noted for Its prominence
as a boatbuilding town. During the past
few j-enia this importance lifts do. lined a
largo extent on a 'count of the lack of fncill
tlcs. Heveral times government onb r-i have
Irt-en reeoived, but I ecause the KII7. ibetll
contnt' tors were unable to fully equip tha
boats the contracts hail to be given up. The
surveys for the new wnys have been made,
ami work will be commenced at once. In
clined planes will be built and the ways will
be largo enough to accommodate three to relents.
Soitrolty of Farm Labor,
I.nbnrers for trucking farms are Scarce all
nlong the Atlantic const. The papers of
llaltlmere are directing ntteutlon to this
Si'iiri'lty ot laborers, and at the same time
printing fiK'ts mid stntbtics showing how In
telllgent laborers can earn good wages for
the pn si'tit. with a chance for a permanent
home nfterwnrd. This Is true of New Jersey.
Delaware, Maryland mid Virginia. In all
these states truck gnnlouliig Is an Important
IndiiFtry, nnd during the spring and summer
then' is usually such bnrvi st of small fruits
and vegetables that there lire seldom laborers
enough to gather them. This may Ihi a sug
gi'ytlon of value to those who nreout of work
in the large cities, or to those organizations
which lire interested In promoting the wellnre
of the poor.
The official reports of the treasury depart
ment show that for the nine months itt the
llscnl year ending with March the exports of
American tniiniitiieturcs reached the unpre
cedented total of irlti3,lH7,V2U.
A conditional settlement of the fight 111 the
window gla.s workers' association wai af
fected r ntly by the rcpresentetlves lip
pointed by the two factions, which If rntllii'd
by the council and assembly will terminate
(lie internal tioiiidi'S of tho oru'iitiizatiou nod
legal proceedings will be withdrawn. The
settlement will probably provide that the ail-kilni-trative
power ol the association bo
I laced in the hands of tho president an I
council U a majority vote of the trade Is
glien to a resolution making this change
which is now before the membership.
The Nntlonnl association of master plumb
er will hold its annual convention In Cleve
land on June 2.
Htrlklng miners at Butte, Mont., threaten
lo lynch tion-uulon men who have taken
their places.
Two hundred helpers struck nt tho Olobo
shipyard at Cleveland for 10 per cent more
Over 800 employes at the Maring and Hart
window glass works, at Muucie, lud., are oft
on another strike.
A suit Involving Lend villa mining property
said to bo worth ,0()0,000. was tiled In the
United Htntes circuit court at Denver by
Leonard M. I'.alloii, of New York, and Alexia
M. Lay ot Kalamazoo, Mich.
Fifteen mechlnlsIS' of tho F.llwood tubo
Works lire out on a strike because they are
not permitted to go outside tho enclosure for
drinking wnter.
There Is a report ill Wall street that tho
Old Koiith Pennsylvania railroad, which was
surveyed by the Vanderbllts, nnd on which
thev 'siicut tO.OOO.OOO, la to bo pushed
All the clnv trnrkers in thn Diamond not
terv, East Liverpool, 0.,have been discharg
ed because they refused to agree to the de
duction of s cents a day from each man's
wages to maintaining good sanitary eomil'
Ormln, Flour aod Feed.
WHEAT No. 1 red r
No. red .. ID
CDHN No S yellow ear.......... DO
No. II yellow slieUed M
Mixed er ......... to
CATS No. 1 white. X.1
Na I white .
Light mixed . mi
KYK No 1
Na X western 44
FLUb'H Winter patents blenda. " ?A
Fiiuct straight wlutar V 70
hye flour .
DAY Na 1 tlmotbr lo tin
Mixed clover. Na 1 li! Ml
Hay, from wagons 1H 0)1
FKKU Na 1 White MO., Ion...... M
hrown Middlings ID Ml
bran, bulk 11 IU
6TKAW Wheat 7 Ml
Oal M 7 74
8 Kft
111 Ml
I 'l HO
tt IU
7 78
H Oil
Dairy t'nxluota,
DUTTKR Klln creamery . t7 1N
Fancy C'ruamery 16 ill
i aucy Cuuutry Itoll HI bl
C Ohio, new U
New York, new. y 10
k'rultand Vegetable.
APPLES) tlhl ft 00 110
bKANb lland-picked, per bu..,. 1) I 40
Mi l A 1 Olio ttue, m car. I) a 1'4 15
UAbliAUK Homo grown, bbi... 1 76 11 0.1
OMU.6 tellow, bu Hi 40
l'oultry, Hto
I Ulur.lft.V lb M 13
bdoit 1 a. aud Ohio, fresu. - t) IU
SKED8 Clover U lbs. t ill 6
'iiuiotby, prime 1 75 S 00
blue tiraiia 1 (U I j fc k 11 Li', new.. 70 HO
C1UKU Couuiry, .wool, bbL.... 8 0.1 1W
J Al.lA'W 4 4
FLO UK ...
H likAT No. S Uwx
UVfc Na 8
t TM4 u
tOUN HUllt
UUi'lttK onto iraaninry
FLOim a aD 1 7J
WllKA'i -No. Had..
UUU4-lta Mixed.
OATH Na Whlla....
BUTTEM croamory, ellra.... .
kuua fa. lirais .
MJCW VUtlia,
rLOUIt Patenu $ I 7Siil IS
WHEAT Na sited . 7rt
tOKN Na . K7
UAlty-ttUlloWo.loru..... 4 UK
bLTlEll-Croauiory W
kUUb elate and onu 11 111
Prune, l.fCO to 1,400 Ibe ...... 4 M 4 SO
tioou, l.kOOlcl.wlolba....... 4 15 4 HO
lidr, l.uou tu l,ium 4 U0 4 ft
Vair light staara, tuu to 10U0 lb.. Ill a IW
Cvuuuvu, tuu te isiua it) w
Uouvhs and Mags.,
........T t U
... Ui
I 66
I 60
I 4u
rami; i,
From the Prtun, Ninn Ynrlt City.
Morris Preslaner, of - No. 1 Pitt Street, New
Tork, who Is a real estate agent and eullnctot
of rents, cnught a serereold early hurt spring,
which settled upon his kl Ineys. Boon he
bngnn to suffer severe pain In his baokbone,
sides nnd ohost. His symptoms grew rap
idly mora alarming, until at last ha was as
helpless as a child and could snarcely more
as ho lay on his bed. As Mr. Preslaner is
well known In the part of the town where he
resides, he had many sympathizers, who did
all thv nonld to help him.
Though a native of Merlin, Mr. rreslanat
has lived In this einntry for forty years, hav
ing served the eonntry of hlsaloptlon by
three years' hard service In the civil war.
He enlisted with the Nineteenth Illinois In
fantry, taking part la miry battles and
marching with General Rherinnn to thn sea.
While In Oeorgla, Mr. Preslsner was pro
moted to first Bertreant for tiraverv on tha
Ibdd of action. He Is now a member of j
ivoites i-ost, u. a. it., anil is one ot tne most
popular men In the Post.
Mr. Preslaner told a reporter the story of
Ms dreadful Illness and wonderful reeoVery.
The reporter met him ns he was returning
from a long wnlk. and, saying thnt he had
heard of his wonilerbil cure, aske I him to
tell the story. Whon Mr. Preslnner wascom-
lorttiiily sonloi in his tlennnt nnrlor. he
told the following story, which, he said, he
honed everyone who was suffering as he had
suffered, would read. His words were as
ioiiowsi "To begin with, 1 was taken slcg
lust a nit and a month ago. having taken a
severe end I which settled on mr kldnevs. At
first I thought the niln I suffered would
soon pass away, hut, histoid of doing this,
It grew mere Intense every ilar, so that In a
week I oould walk only with considerable
'I called In a doctor, who said I had loco
motor ataxia and began treating me for that
disease. He did me no good, and all sum
mer long I could scarcely attend to my busi
ness nt all. Then I cnlleif another doctor and
took his medicine for several weeks, hut ex-
Kerlenced no relief. Dr. Truman Nichols, of
o. 247 F.ast Ilroadway, who I at last called
In, helped me more than nnr of the other
doctors, but along townnls fall I grew worse,
despite his treatment. I think Dr. Nichols
Is a good doctor and understood my case,
but despite this fact his medicines did me no
lasting good.
"Utrlyln November tho little strength I
hnd In my legs left me and I was unnblo to
stand. The pain in my ua"k and sides be
came almost unbearable and my limbs grew
cold. An n'eolrlo battery I bought fulled to
help, nnd for week I felt myself gradually
growing weaker until all hope left me.
i4Hometiine beforelhla I had read of awon
derfulcur- a man had received from Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, but waa
so prejudiced against what I thought was a
patent medicine of the usual worthless char
acter that 1 could not make up my mind to
try them. As my pains Inereaeed and death
seemed coming near, I thought of what I
had read aud of the symptoms ot the man
who had been cured. They were precisely
the same as mine, and at Inst, with my wife's
earnest entreaty, I consented to try Pink Pills.
"I nm now convinced that these pills
saved my life. Gradually my strength be
gan to return, the desire to live grew strong
er. After having tnkeu three boxes 1 left my
bed. This was early In March. All pnlii
had left me, and that terrible dead feeling
In my legs had gone away. I was still very
wenk, bat before I bad taken the fourth box
I was able to get down stairs for a short walk
In the open air. Now I feel as If I bad been
born again and nm as happy as a child.
Every pleasant day I take a walk, and am
sure that In a mouth I will be as well as ever."
All diseases, such as locomotor ataxia, Bt.
Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, sciatica,
rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous headaohe,
palpitation of tbo heart, effects of la grippe,
pale and sallow complexions, and all forms
ot weakness, either In man or woman, disap
pear when Dr. Williams' 'lnk Pills for Pale
People are takeu, Piuk Pills can be bought
of nny dealer, or will be sent post paid on
receipt of price, 60 cents a box or six boxes
for tJ.50, by addressing Dr. Williams' Medl
olne Co.. Hcheneetadv. N. Y.
You k bound to succeed In
making: HIRES Rootfcecr if you
follow the simple directions. Easy
to make, delightful to take.
pt.t ml. t. The Cti,to I. nirt. Cn.. PMIvltlpkle,
a Ua. psekan 4skM 6 isll- Sold trtrrvtiirt.
AnillBejMarahtne Habit Cere la M
I'l 1 1 1 1 to SOdara. stover till earest,
U 1 I U III 0. J. ST I PH t Nt. iskanoa.Ohie,
S There is no dividing line. "
DONT FORGET for 5 cents you get almost
as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other
t ! t in t-
Draiius tur u iciua.
P DONT FORGET that " Battle Ax" is made of
k the best leaf grown, and the quality cannot be
DON'T FORGET, no matter how much you
are charged for a small piece of other brands,
' the chew is no better than " Battle Ax."
DONT FORGET, "Economy is wealth," and
yuu wain an pu wait gvi iui yuui iiiuitwy,
& Why pay 10 cents for other brands when you
sj bail uaiiK iia
Catarrh ud CoM Relieved la 1 to 0
One short ruff of the breath throngh the
Blower, supplied with eech tmttle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Pow
der nvrr the porfnee of the nasal passages.
Painless and dellithiful to use. It relieves la.
Jtsntlyend permeneiuly cures Cstirrh, Hay
'ever, Colds, liendschc, Kore Throat. Ton
sllltisand Dcafnns. If your rirucglst ha,u't
It In stuck, ask him In procure It for you.
Madison fbpiare Q irdcn Is to have an Ice
skntlng rink on the roof.
For xt years Dchbln Electric ftoap has been
fmifflfe.l bjr tinarniptllotis aosp makers. WhtT
Bei'Kuse It Is Veit of alt and Una in Immense
sale. !! siirn and fret Onblitn and take no
otbar. Your grocer has It, or will Ret it. '
Tho telegraph line has now been completed
up to Aknvheh, and Is working.
Mrs. Wlnslow'aPnothlng FyrnpfnrCrilldren
teething, softensthe gums. reduces Inflamma
tion, allays paiui cures wind colic ii&o u Untie.
J. P. flmpsin, Marquess, W. Va., sar:
Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me ot a very bad
case of catarrh." Druggists sell It, 7fio.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding; of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills which vanish before proper ef
forts gentlo efforts pleasant efforts
rltfhtly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledges that so many forms of
sickness are not elite to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipnted condi
tion of the system, which tho pleasant
family laxative, fciyrupof Flfrs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of fumllles, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by nil
who'vnluo ffood hetilth. Its beneficial
effects arc duo to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness, without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. His therefore)
all important, in order to pet its bene
ficial effects, to noto when you pur
chase, that you hnvo thn irentilne nrticle,
which is manufactured by the California
Fiff Syrup Co. only, and sold by nil rep
Utnlile druggists.
If In tho enjoyment of good health,
and the system is reirulnr, then laxa
tives or other remedies aro not needed.
If afflicted with nny actual disenpe, one)
may be commended totho most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
then one should have tho best, and with
the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Fig stands hlphest nnd Is most largely
used and (rives most pcneral satisfaction.
For Skin and Blood Diseases
f IV u si
iKLNalUIV wii-li.imton, l. .
Suocessfullv Prosecutes Claims.
t.ate Principal Exemlnst U S. Paoaton Bureau.
J.vrslu last nar. l&aujuulcatliiacluliu. att siuca.
Mnd to K.J. 8H
A1 1 wlin wf1i n mm rtrl nf TnTttiir
ml tcrtiifMitiiii; tniMMi vhould
Mnr1 to K. J.HMKHMAM. HcrnU KiiwwIHt. Nns.
I anil 8 Ann Nt., Ntw York, lor t'i i in 'sit tr-erwfltlng
Lwuk ol lull lulvruMtiattt. i'rlc by mall, 10 cti.
hanlttftarttl. Book tent
LUUKS bVHtUf it f . Sltt (All S.
Jafeul M a,'
I n... '1. - J "'"
Immi . vunn err up, i antes unia
In ttma. Held br flnieetntH.
ivi wnat
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