The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 20, 1896, Image 4

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    ic Star
Snhncriplion $1.00 per yrnr, in ndrnnrf.
'. A. HTKPilKMNWH. K.lllor mill t'lib.
wkT)Ni:si)ay, may 20. ihihi.
Anlmli'ppmliMit liM-nl imiiht, nilillliiailivprjr
W nilni'iiliiy nt Ki'ViiliKv II It. .Ii'iivi-inn I'o.
f'H., (Ii'vniril 10 tin' Iiihti'iIk "f Hfi-imlilivllli'
nnil .ti'irpinoiiriitinlT. Non-iKillilriil, will ifi'iit
nil Willi fiilni", mill will lii' iHitvliilly fili'iiil-
ly townnl. Inn liiiMirinic num.
HulMi-rlm Inn prliT l. ml mt vi-nr, In mlvnni'w,
Mltlonn iiui'iiiii'ii mr lnm
must Ihi hi'
I'uniniitili'd liythn wrltrr r nntni.
n.t fur mililli'Mll'ifi lltlt nN It HIIHI-11 Mil''
U'xmI fnlih. Iiit.'nillnir ni-wn lli-nm milli'lli-il.
Ailvi-rllKlnz rnt iimilii known on Hiilli'it
tlon nl. tlii olllct" In ArnoliU' lllin'k.
I.i'nchlv I'lininiiinliiilloiw nnil I'liiiintn of
rtvnrllm-nn'iilK kIioiiIiI mmii'Ii thin olllrn liy
Momlny noon.
Adrt,Mlli,omniiinlrnllon to!. A.8t'in
num, Ui'vnolilsvllli', I'ti.
Kntrni'if nt t lio iMwtolltco nt Kcynoliliivllli',
Pi.. a mm-ihiiI I'lniut mnll nuilli'r.
A milt (or ulnmirr wait trloil In thn
IV'iullnir, Pn., court Inst Wirk, nnil A
vonlliit of win roiiilori'il In favor
of tlio woman who was Hliinilt'ivil.
Tim "Un mien of liro," written by'lToiKon, aro: 1. Nuyur put olT
till to-morrow what you nan do to-day.
2. nt'Vor trotiliKt ollimn to tlo wlint you
can ilo yomwlf. 3. Nt-vcr mihmiiI your
rtionoy Ix'fortj yon hnvo It. 4. Nover
buy what you don't want bocanao it In
elii'un. 5. ri'ldn ciroln nH miicli an
hunRtir, cold and thirst. II. Wo novor
mixint of outing too llttlo, . Nothing
In tnniblcnomrt that wo do willingly
8. How iniii'li pain thoHti evils uimi iih
that m-ver happun. It. Tukn tlilngH
nlwny by tht-lr Hinooth hantltt'H. ID.
Whon angry always iiinint 10 httfora you
The compulHory whixil law, which
wan passed by tint lust Lcglslaturo,
wont into effect a fnw days ago. Tho
Clearfield lit imhlintn. In ivfcrrlng to
thin law, nays: "Tho proM-r books for
the registration of school agtt are bnliiR
Bocurod by tho commissioners all over
tho State and will Ihi placed in the
hands of assessors, who aru expected to
muko as full and accurate report con
corning them as lies within their power.
These relM)tts will lo furnislicd to
directors and teacher, whoso duty It
then becomes, assisted by tho attendant
ofllcer whore necessary, to ne thut all
pupil between the ages of eight and
thirteen are in school tho requisite
number of days eighty ouch year biv
ihg the minimum unless excused by
reason of physical or mental disability
or the fact thut there is no public school
building within two tulles by the near
est traveled road. Parents nnil guar
dlaus who neglect to keep all such
children In school, except excused by
ahovn provisions, too liable to a fine of
2 for tho flint offense and " for each
miliwv-ucnt. one. There was sonio tqv
prehension concerning where the
assessors making an enumeration of the
children were going to get their pay
for so doing, the law simply stating
that they should perform tho work and
receive pay therefor, but saying noth
Ing about the sou ire thereof. Tho
Attorney General has given It as his
opinion that the county, und not the
township, must fiMit tho bill, since tho
work is done under the supervision of
tho county commissioners.
Tho following tobacco parable was re
cently published In tho Urockwayvlllo
Jirtord under the heading, "Published
by request:" Then shall tho Kingdom
of Sutun be likened unto a grain of to
bueco need: which, though exceedingly
small, being broadcast grew and became
a great plant und spread Its leaves rank
and broau, ho that huge and vilo worms
formed a habitation thereon. And it
caino to pass in tho courso of time tho
sons of men looked upon it and thought
It beautiful to look upon, and much to
bo desired to make lads look big and
manly. So they did put forth their
bands and did chew thereof. And some
. it made sick, and others to vomit most
filthily. And It further came to pass
thut those who chewed it became un
manly, and said we are enslaved und
can't cease' from chewing It. And tho
mouths of all that were enslaved bc-enmo
foul and they were seized with a violent
spitting, and they did spit even In tho
ladies' parlors, and in the house of the
Lord of hosts. And the saints of the
Most High were greatly plagued there'
by. And In the courso of time It came
to pass that others snuffed It, and they
were suddenly taken with fits, and they
did sneeze with a great and mighty
sneeze, insomuch thut their eyes filled
with tears and tbsy did look exceeding
Hilly. And yet others cunningly
wrought the loaves thereof Into rolU,
and did bet Are to one end thereof, and
did suck tho other end thereof and did
look very gruve und calf-like; and tho
smoke of their torment ascended up
forever und ever. And tho cultivation
thereof became a great and mighty
buBinaas upon tho earth; and the mer
chantmen waxed rich by the commerce
thereof. And It came to pass that the
saints of the Most High dofllod them
selves there with; even tho poor, who
could not buy shoes, nor bread, nor
books for their llttlo ones, spent thoir
money for it. And the Lord was great
ly displeased there, with, and said:
"Wherefore this waste; why do these
little ones lack bread and shoos and
books ? Turn now your fields into oorn
and wheat; and put this evil thing far
" from you; and be separated, and defile
.not yourselves any more; and I will bless
you and causa my fooe to shine upon
you." But with one accord they ex
claimed: "We cannot cease from chew
ing, snuffing and pulling we are slaves."
Expressions from ths Brethren.
Following are a few clipping from
exchanges on our anniversary edition:
Tho rieynolitsvlllo Star celebrated
Its fifth nnnlvcrsnry this week by issuing
a nicely illustrated pnsr of four extra
pages. Now Hethlehem i'imliriitor.
Tho Ileynoldsvllle STAR, which by
tho way, Is one of our best exchanges,
lebrateil Its fourth ntinlvcrxuty lust
week by Issuing a twelve-page souvenir
edition. Llndscy l'rrt.
Tlio Itcynoldsvillo STAR celebrated
Its fifth anniversary last week by issu
ing an Industrial edition, filled with
illustrations and Interesting reading
matter. Punxsiitnwnoy Spirit.
Tho ltoynoldsvillo Slnr last week en
tered iiMin tho fifth year of Its publica
tion, and to mark tho event issued a
twelve page edition, well tilled with
advertising mid Interesting reading.
Tho Ileynoldsvllle STAR issued a very
hiindsomo twelve page edition this
week. TlIK STAR Is nil enterprising
newspaper and Is deserving of the sue-
ess with which It appear to bo meet
ing. Kails Civek Ih rtiUt.
The Heynohlsvllle STAR of May llth
contained 'i tinges, showing tho new
Sel:onl building, the churches by hand
some half-tone picture printed on lino
paper and altogether was nn Issue to lie
proud of. Clarion lirpttlilintn.
Tho Koynoldsvillo STAR last week
published a cut of the now $:10,(H0 school
building being erected In that place and
which will bo completed In time for tho
fall iiHinlng. The same issuft of tho
paper published excellent cuts of the
various churches of the town. Clear
field IfrpnhlirttH,
With tho current Issue tho Heynolds'
vllln STAR entered upon it tilth yenr
und celebrated the event by Issuing a
twelvo page edition containing cut and
descriptions of tho now school building
and tho churches. TlIK STAR Is a II v.
ly, progressive paiior and merit the
success It Is mooting. lfnHols f.Vcmtii;
The Ileynoldsvllle Star and Clarion
Ilepublican both did themselves credit
last week. Tho form' r was celebrntlng
tho fifth anniversary, mid tho other
wa booming tho Normal school, itoth
pnicr were replete with handsome half
toned cuts, and were printed on elegant
paper, and woro credit to their resoc
tlvo town. Klttnnnlng Timr.
The Ueynoldsvlllo Star celebrate
Its fifth unnlversnry thl wo k with
twelve page issue, containing portrait
of tho handsome now school building
and principal churches of the place. If
Urother Stephenson is not making I
comfortable living and something Ik:
sides out of TlIK STAR it Is not liecauso
ho I not dcsorvlng. Lock Haven Krcn
iiuj Erprrm. '
Last week TlIK STAR Issued a hand
some special edition, ut the beginning
of its fifth year, containing four extra
pages. Tho paper was well filled with
advertising und Interesting reading
matter. It contained cuts of tho new
school building, the Methodist Kplsco
pal, the Baptist, tho Lutheran, tho
Cathollo and Presbyterian churches
Tho edition displayed flno workman
ship and excellent presswork. Ueyn
oldsvlllo lofiuifrcr.
Number 1, Volumo V, of the Reyn-
oldsvillo STAR wa issued yesterday,
Tho anniversary wa celebrated with
the Issue of a sK.'clal edition which wa
a typographical beauty, and which con'
talned a cut and description of the town's
new school building, cuts of tho several
churches, mueli more than tho ordinary
amount of now and editorial matter
and an extra installment of displuy
udvertising, altogether requiring the
issuing of twolvo pages instead of eight
tho usual size of tho pnrrr. Dullol
Von rirr.
ISret Harto's now story und Jerome
K. Jerome's latest piece of Fiction have
botb beon secured by The AiKfim' Ilnmc
Jan nutl for Immediate publication
Jerome's story is called "Reginald
Hluke: Financier and Cud,'' and sketches
an incident in fashionable London
society. Bret Hurto culls hi story
"The Indiscretion of Klsbcth," und
pictures tho romnnco of a young Amerl
can who full In love with a German
princess, musqueruding as a dairy maid
As to so culled private streams tho
supremo court has decided that unless
the fish have boyn propagated by a man
living along a stream, that stream Is
not private. Fish that aro merely put
in a stream to grow are not prlvuto.
Neither is a pond private that is not
w holly on a man's land. A man, whoso
ground only partly surrounds tho pond,
cannot claim tho fish, und ull his signs
iu! uimiu.K wuniHWBUiB uiuuuuia iu win-
Put your best foot out, however poor
In cash you may be. Show yourself to
be superior to all adverse circumstances,
and not tho creature of them, to be
swayed hither and yon by every wind
that blows. Spirit and pluck are ad
mired by overy one, and the person who
shows them, when calamities befall him,
Is the one roost likely to reoelvo holp
from others, If needed.
Do you want a pretty carpet? Then
go to the Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
store. ,
Prices below tern on shoes at Rob
inson's. Buy your watches at C. F. HolTmaa's
aud save money.
Annual Encampment at Chambersburg,
Pa. Reduced Rates via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
r'or tho annual encampment O. A. H.,
Department of Pennsylvania, to bo held
at Chanibcrshurg, Pa., Juno 1 to (I, tho
Pennsylvania I tall road Company will
sell from May .10 to June ft, Inclusive,
excursion tickets from all stations on
It system In Pennsylvania to Chambers
burg and return, good for return pass
age until Juno 8, at a single fare for tho
round trip. P.xnurlon ticket, good to
return by tho way of Oottyburg, will
also Ihi sold on samo days at ono and
one-half cents per mile, dlstanco
If you want a brnsel, extra velvet or
Ingrain carpet go to the Iloynoldsvlllo
Hardware It), store.
Kverythlng bought from Hell I right,
so they all say.
It will pay you to buy your shoos nt
.f. S. Morrow's.
At King tc Co.' you will find baled
hay, salt, Hour and a full line of general
Itoblnson I a short syeclullst. Try
him for lit, wear and stylo.
House and 7 lots In West Reynolds-
vtlle for sale. Inquire at Star ofllce.
Change of Time.
On Monday, May lHth, 1R1K1, the
1 leech Creek Railroad put Into
effect a new schedule. Tho .change
made I another step forward In the
traveling nccommodnUons offered by
thl popular route. The train which
left WllliamsH)rt nt "M A. M., under
tho new schedule will run about
20 minutes luler; this will give through
passenger from Pbila. t Reading R.
II. points an opportunity to lake break
fast at WllliamsMirt before departure
of Heech f 'reek . train. Hoech Creek
trains In both direction will stop at
the Fall 13 rook station at Jersey Shore,
as well a at Jersey Shore Junction, but
will not, however, carry passengers
locally bet ween Jersey Shore Junction
or Jersey Shore and Wllliatnspori
Detailed Information will be shown on
time tables which enn bo secured from
any 1 leech Creek R. R. Ticket Agent.
Wo have added a full new line of
shoe. Come und give us a cull. J. S,
Men's fine tun shoes from a dollar and
a half up at Gllhlotn's,
When you hnvo an "awful" headache
try a package, of Perfect Headache
Powder. For salo ut the Reynold
Drug Store.
Sense and Sentiment.
Walls have cars.
Wedlock' a padlock,
(iood clothes open all doors.
God sends cold uf tor clothe.
Men's suits $1.71 at Millirens.
Idleness I the key of beggary.
Good I God, and long la eternity.
Latest style straw hats at Millirens.
Grout trees keep down tho little ones.
Fortune helps them that help them
Idleness must thank itself if It go
God bealeth, and tho physician hath
the thanks.
Nothing comes out of tho sack but
what was In it.
For whom doc tho blind man's wifo
paint herself?
'Tis In vain to kick after you have
once put on fetter.
Wo never know tho worth of water
till tho well Is dry.
Fools and mud men ought not to bo
left In their own company.
Eel Ipso Hleycjcs, tho best In Reynolds'
vllle, sold by C. F. Hoffman.
Fools may ask more In an hour than
wise men can answer In seven yeai-s.
Mothers call at Dell's and see the fine
lino of combination suit for your boys.
Patch by patch 1 good housewifory,
but patch upon patch Is plain beggary
(Iix)il Jfinm kerjiiiuj.
All persons having had dealings with
us aro requested to call and see If there
accotints are properly closed up us all
open account will bo left for collection
J. C. Kino & Co.
CostivoncBs Is tho primary causo of
much diBcaso, Dr. Henry Baxter's Muir
drake Bitters will permanently cure
costlvcncss. F.very buttle warranted
For salo by H. A. Stoke.
! Tlj8 chettpol(t una best shoes for the
m()noy j J, g. Morrow's,
Everybody that buys from Millirens
is satisfied.
"A stitch in time" often saves con'
sumption. Downs' Elixir used In time
saves life. For sale by IT. A. Stoke.
Brussels and Ingrain carpets of all
styles, at low prloes, at tho Reynolds
ville Hardware Co. store.
Try Bon Ton brown bread.
See Millirens for Men's Shoes.
Bnlilect to the Pemocrttlc primary election,
UVIU 4 uut M, low
or tii a
car R33-ariTr.iDa-virx,i3
nt Ri'Viiolilivlllo. In llm Blnle of IVnniylvn
nlii, nt llm rloso of liiistness Mny it It, Ihihi.
fonns nnil illwonnlii
Ovi'iitrufi. sei'iiri'il hiiiI iinsi'cnt-cil,.
It . HI
. . himtls lo Hi'riiro I'tiviilittloii
avmi tin
il.NiW HI
I. '.'I III 111 Ml
v:.t m
1.717 77
mid iii
711 '.f
ii'iitliiiiiHon r.. Honils
Steele. msmiiII les. ele
r iiiiiit in i sun tmnt-o
Ilili- from iiiiiovi'il ti'ii'i ve tiKi'iitri.
I 'Ill't'tO! nnil oi hoi' l'tlll Itl'IIIS
Niili'n of iitlier MiiIIiiiiiiI Imiilet. ......
tiii'l lotiiil 1111,11 r eiirifiiey, tilekliti,
nun i'I'iiin ,
nn fill Mioiti'y li'tt't've In fmnk, vlx:
Mmm'o f.yiwti :m
1,1'uiil-ii'inli'r mill's 7.irn im
li.TSI :l
lti'ii iiiitloii fiiml with II. . Tii'iis-
nn r ia iM't-ri'iii. or I'lii'iiiiitioni..
Tot ul
I I Mtll.lTIKS.
f I7S.IW !
lltllllll stork lllllil hi
Ill'tlllf fiiml .
;i,ri im
.m IS
:il. no mi
1,1-11 s
ml mi
7.1H" :
I vi an
9,'iiri ll
2ls !U
l":!,IW! III
ntliviiii'ii iiroiits, limn ixH'imi' mill
tuxes null!
Nlltliilllll lltllik tllllen onlsllltilllliK...
Iiiti' lo oilier Nniloiiiil Hunks
IHvlili'mls iiniiiilil
Iiirllvliliiiil iletioslls snltli'fl loelii'i'k
lii'inniiil rerlttli'iili's or tli'iHisIt
Thin HI Unites of iliio-ll
lootlcr s I'lii'i'ks out Ntn ml I tiff
Tol ill T l
BUtt if reininylrinlft, County if Jcffirrion, n:
I. .iiiliti II. Kuiii'lii'r. CiiMlili-r of tho nliove-
liutni'il linnk, iln solemnly sni'iir tliut llm
iilsive stiiieiiti'iit Is trim lo Hie liesl of my
Ktiowieiiiti.' nnil ni'iier.
.loll s II. uaitiikii, l ii'Hilcr.
RtiliscrllH'il mill sworn In iH'fnre me this Mill
tiny of Mny, lll.
.ri ill n .11. n TS, .llisnru in me rrnris
.I.e. Kino. I
.1. II. riutiirrr, Dlris'lors.
('. MITf'HKI.I., I
I'urNMHfit In nil Art of AhmpiiiIiIv. 1 will nt
tVwl til tin fnllowlnir time nnil nhu'e tii r
eel vi Count if. Hint, Itonrl mill loj( Titxt'M for
(In- year iMiift, iiHWlt:
Vnritw TownMiip. Wwl, Mowltiy, .Mini Nl,
in in rowmMifi, hi im no ii ho or u.
W. Kli n
I'olk TowiimIiIii. Momlnr. .Turin 1st. In f tin
nftiTiioon, nt Ho house of KuMon HrhufriHT.
liriith TowitMilii. Tucsiluv. .nini Und. In
tin fnrviiooii, nt I Iih Ihhihi' of Wm. Iillv.
Hitini't Town-thin. TiM-sidir, Juio -'ml. In
Ihi' imernoon. nl thn Iioiimk of Wm. Wiillum.
h. (Iii'il TowiiHlilti. Wfdm-MUiiv. .hiiiv UmI. tit
.ton it ItotiHr In tin forenoon, ttml Ihi Htore t
iiotve iii Hie nricrnoon.
rn On lowiishln. n ml rorN leu Hornuirh
Tltiirsiliiv. .Iun 4ili. nl UH'lili'tin Moti'l,
ut-Miiw Townlilp, Tui'sfhiy, Junt' Hilt, In
tiie foreniMMi, tit Mil Imhihc of .1. A. lo.
Wimliltnrloti Tnwiishln. I' niter. Titemliiv
June mil, In (lie nftemooii. nt the WlinliltiKton
ItrorkwHWllln llnfftuirii. nnrl Hnviler Town
ship, Wednesday, June K, nt I lie Iojmn House,
WiediliiKlnii Township, Kower, TlHirndfiy,
.iitnc ii. in ine Ton'iMMitt. ni inn more ul ntn-K-
ditle Mills
Wnshlntrton Towimhln. rtills Creek. Thurs-
tiny, lime II, In the itflerunon, at Hotel Lttm
Itevnoldsvllle Monnitrh. rt'luny, .luiu 12, nl
the Helmut Houne.
West Itevnoldsvllle Itorouifii find Wlnslow
township, W fMt, Hut urdfty, June ,)( in the fori1
ilnoii. nt the Uohm Hoime.
nslow Towttshlii. Kimt. Hnltirdii v. .Iuti la
lit 1 in HiierniHm, in lite neitiftp House.
TVIeCnliiioiit Township, Monday, June . In
the forenoon, nt the house of Curt North.
HeiMlersun Townshlt). Motiduv. June in In
the afternoon, nt the hmwe of Andrew I'lfer.
Htif Kttu llnroimh, Ttiesduy, June Id, nt tin
MrCluie House.
iinsKMi TowreliiD. WedneHdiiv. June 17. In
the forenoon, nt I he (llhson slum.
Hell Township, Wednesdity June 17, In Ihv
iiftertirHtu. nt the house of llenrv llrown.
rerry i nwnsiiip, i nursutiv, .Mine m, in inu
rorero Hi. lit the store or .1. li. Menus.
Cluyvllle llorouirh, Thursdiiy, June H, In
the nrternoon. nt theolllceof W, W. Crlssuuin
ruuxsutnwttey Jlorouuh, r rldny, June V., nt
noiei i'ti rn tii i.
Voiiuif Township. Hittimhiv. .futin 20. nt Ho
tid I'tiiitiilL
p(.rrv Townsh it. Mnndnv. June 2:!. In tho
forenoon, in ine stttre ut r rosinuric.
I'errv lowiishln, Moudiiv. Junes,'. In thtuir
terniHiii. nl store In I'errvsvllle.
roiter l owiiship, Tuesdny. Junn 2-1, in tho
forenoon, ut the Htore In Porter.
ltinutfold Township, Tuesday, June Kl, In
the afternoon, nt hotel In UIiiitl'oIiI.
Worthvllle llorouih. Wednesdnv. Junn 24. In
the forenoon, at the house of K. H. Heist.
Iteaver 1 ownshin. Wednesday. Imiu 24. In
the afternoon, at Htore In Old.
Huniinerville lioioiiuii, I Juirsduy, June 2ri,ln
the forenoon, at Hotel.
Clover Township. Thurwlav. Juno 2.. In tho
aneriiiMHi, ut store in intner.
HiiMikvllle MorouL'h.und ItoseTownshln.r rt
dav. Jinn' 211. nt the Treasurer'a olllre.
Knox I ownsiitp, raiiii'Mity June 27, In the
forenoon, at the MrCrarken sloin.
IMnecieek Township, Hitturdiiy, June 27, III
the nfternoon. lit the store of K. Wetser.
(illver Township, Tuesday, June, ;, In the
forenoon, at the store In (Mivehuric.
Oliver Town-hip, Tuesday, Juno jJO, In tho
afternoon, nt Hotel In Cool Purline.
Parties paying their taxes ut the uImivo
nines niiu iaces win save ien (tor rem., an
thut amount will ho ndded when plueed In
the hands of the rol lector.
Merraullle IJeettses will Im eollerted at all
niaci'H vis ted. and ull licences remit nltue un
paid nfter the (list of July will ho placed In
the nanus or the proter ttfucei's for collection
TitKAHfitKH'ti Orrirr. County Treasurer.
Hntokvllle Ph., May ff, 11.
First National Bank
CAPITAL 900,000.00.
C. mitrhell, Prcialdiintl
Si oH jn'if!llanl, Vlre Prrn.J
Jolui II. Kaurlir, f Hlilr.
0. MIU'liiill. Koott MeClellmid, .T.C.King,
John II. rorni'ti, u. r;. lirown,
U. W. KulkT. J. II. Kuiirliur.
Does a KnnnrnlhiitiklnKhiisliiRHSHnr snllrlu
tliu ucoouiitH or murcliitiilH, jirornHHioiiHi men,
fnrniorH. mis'littnli's. nilnnrH. lumliiirmi'n nnil
(itlinrs, promising the most caruful attiintlnn
to tut) bUNlllL'IW of ull UUI'SUIIS.
Sufo Duposlt Buxos for runt.
t'li'ut -Niitlotiul Bunk bulldiiiK, Nolun block
Fire Proof Vault.
SINGE 1878.
Walter Spry,
Reynoldsville, . . . Penn'a.
1 11 V 111UU1
Dress Form corsets .
Latest Model
Elegant Shape
Long Waist
Boned with Feather-bone.
Wo nro autliorlzod to refund
Corsets or WniHtH if
nfter four' weekH
you will find
m silver Question
Is puzzling ninny maHHive mindfl junt now, but it is
flHton'iHliing what n silver dollar will buy at
the storo of the Ileynoldsville Hardware Co.
can be had nt rock bottom prides? If not, you should be
come a patron and be convinced.
Yours Respectfully,
The hot weather
Is here and BELL & LEWIS
are prepared to sell you
suitable goods for the sea
son. Their stock of
is full of nice goods of all
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We can suit you
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our store is
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Call and see the best stock in
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Carpets, Hardware,
Furniture and
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in anything you
department of
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irving. Manager.