The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 22, 1896, Image 7

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four blood In fprlng la almoit certain to
l lull of Impurities the accumulation
.ot the winter months. Bad ventl!atlon
of ilonplng rooms, Impure nit In dwell
ings, factories and shops, overeating,
heavy, Improper foods, folium of thi
inncys and llfar proprlyto do ostrs
work thus thrust upon them, are the
' prima causes of this condition. It it
of the utmost Importance that you
Mow, M when warmer weather oomos and
the tonlo effect of eold bracing ntr l
gone, your weak, thin, Impure blood
will not furnish necessary strength.
That tired feeling, lo ot appetite, will
open the way for serious disease, ruined
health, or breaking out ot humors and
Impurities. To make pure, rich, rod
blood flood's Bnrsaparilla stands un
equalled. Thousands testify to Its
- merits. Millions take It as their
Hprlng Medicine. Get Hood's, because
tsllieOneTrueDlnod Purlflrr. Alldrunrlsls. ft
lraparel only by O. L Booil k Co., Lowall, Mm
sOPiTS PHIS w?thHnr."'.rjrg;ruia!
A Comprehensive, monument.
After consldurftliln hesitation, which
must hare been justified, t lie park com
missioner of riillfldi'lphia have accept
ed the $odO,COO bequest of Hlcliiud
Smith fur a memorial to himself ;n
Fulruiount park. The estimable Mr.
Smith gains this distinction by tlio
cope of his memorial, which Is to bo
dtirued. with gtutues of MeC'lellan,
Hiincock, Meniie and Reynolds, and
bronze busts of other famous 1'enno.rl
vanlnns Andrew O. Curtlu, (..cuerttl
Hart ran ft, David . Porter, John A.
Daulgren, General Ilettver, General
Crawford to whom are added John
'B. Gest. executor of the estate, and
James II. lmlrhn, arelilteet of the
bieinorlnl. The Inscription "Mellaril
-fimltli, type founder, of Philadelphia."
s to be plnced on the main column
had a statue of Mr. Smith Is to lie
luced at the right of the entrance.
will be a curious thing.
I . Approrantei n ere uriTiving,
. "We don't seem to have any Xo. 13
collars," suld the haberdasher, after
looking through his stock. "People are
YgpArwuwg las now, anyhow. Won't
(iNo. 14 do fts Well "
"I tliluK not,'- stilliy answered the
young man on the outside of the Coun
ter. "I uiny have a little neck, but I
am not a clam."
Condition Before) and Alter tbe Illrth
or Her Child.
From every city, town and hnmlot o
this.vnst continent, come letters from
SuLcrlcg women; from thoso whose
physicians have
1 1.1..
' V-i-r assist them, or
I ' T , l from that num-
l ,vj--vJSj bcrless class
"""' jL i whose confl-
denco in Airs.
Pinkhum'a ad
vice and the
curative prop-
crtics of her
Compound is
Every letter
received from wo
men is recorded,
and hundreds of
volumes of cases
treated aid In fur
nishing practical
information for the
women of to-day.
lnttra am rmrillKheil without tha
Wquest of the writer. The strictest
krafldence Is observed. 1 he loUowing
etter represents thousands :
" I always enjoyed good health un
til months before tbe birth of my
be. Then I was very weak; my back
!ed all the time. My physicians
id I would be all right after the birth
f the child, but I was not, although
t that time I had the best of care.
"he pains in any back were almost un
arable. I had lenoorrha-a in' its
prst form; menstruations were pain
iL Any work or care would entirely
ttnerve me. When my babe was 11
Vmths old, friends persuaded me to
ke Lydis E. Pinkham's Vegetable
jm pound. Before I had taken one
tUe I felt the effects. My back did
ot ache so badly, and I felt stronger.
Her taking fonr bottles I felt well.
j ambition returned, menstruations
era painless, leueorrhcea entirely
red, and I could tulio car of my
be and do my housework. I shall
ways reoommend your Vegetable
m pound for all women, especiully,
ring mothers." Mus. II. L.
Oregon, Wis,
(Joold had been well before
i of her child, subsequent
'"Would have been avoided.
nkham' Vegetable Com
' 1 always be taken before
'-", In order tl-t ths
' :td tsb ..L
Ralls Spread Hear Geneva and Great Dam-
sgs Resulted,
A terrible wreck occurred on the New
Vork, 1'Piinsylvntila ft Ohio railroad, near
Geneva, eight miles west of SleadvlllH.
Freight train No. 82, drawn by two locomo
tives, was derailed by reason of the spread
ing of tho mils. Kiiulneer (I. M. Mi-Farlnnd,
uf the first Incnnmtlve, was thrown to the
ground and fatally hart. Knghieer I'atrh'k
Krr, ol the S"C"h'l lot-emotive, atb'mpted
to run over the top of the ears, but was
thrown to the grnund nud buried In the
wn-ok. His dead body was rwovrMl.
Ilrnki'tnan lli-rt Itriwley was fatally hurt and
Iti-s dying at HpeniM-r llnspltnl. I hn prop
rly lin aggn-gntcs several thousands uf
About 30 girls walked out of the Columbia
garment lactiiry at t'orry on a strike. The
girlx claim that they have Ix-en compelled to
work all winter on very low wnges with the
promise that wages should be Increased In
the spring. Tho management refUHing to
comply lth tho request of the girls the
trlke followed. The girls claim that the
best wuges paid them was t'iW a week.
Workmen emploped In ranking some cues
vallons on the line of the Altoonn, I'lenrllcld
sud Northern railroad nenr Altoonn, found a
perfectly petrllled rattlesnake. It was em
bedded In solid rock and in l'lng taken out
was broken Into several pieces. It was ill
Inches In length nud eight Inches In circum
ference. William Hosti'tter, a nephew of the man
who was killed by the outlaws l'ritts, has
been held at I'lilontown on a charge ol
counterfeiting, tieorge lliirrlsou ami I' rank
Young, chanted with robbing the Drowns
ville postofllce, also arretted at Vnloiitown,
are being held for court.
There is some excltinent In the coko r
gloiis through the arrival there of several ol
the immigrants who came to America in the
small-pox Infested vessel, Illinois. Hearcb
Is being made for them, nud all precautioni
will be taken.
Jacob Malr,wlio killed his wife at Llgnnb'i
last February, was given a hearing at Orcein
burg, and unmaulng evidence produced
agaiiipt him. Heretofore the killing whs sup
posed to have been accidental.
Dnvld Martin, who lives In Orangevllle
near Hhnron, while trying to remove a load
from nu old imixket, which bad not been
used for years was seriously luiured by the
gun exploding.
Charlie Eshenbaiigb, of Kunbury, has not
eaten a bite for til) days, yet he says he does
not want to die. lr. Hockenberry says he
cannot live long, lie steadily reiuses to no
tice food.
The House Committee on Military Affairs
has favorably reported bill granting cuudein
ued cannon balls and cannon to Oraud
Army posts at Kvaus City, butler and Zcllcu
oplo. The application for authority to organize
"Tbe Citizens National Hank, of Tloiicsta."
with a capital of 400,000, has been approved
by the comptroller of the currency.
Jtev. Alex. I.alnl, of Hutcrvillo, has sc.
eepted a call to the 1'resbvteriaii church at
New Bedford, Mass., at a salary of 1,4U0 a
year, nud will leave about May 1.
Stanley Tollman, local lineman for the
liell Telephone company, nt Hhiiren, was ar
retted on a serious charge, preferred by Mist
Kute McCnbe, of MiarpHvillo.
Heat-warped tracks nt Cooks Mills. Hun
tingdon county, threw a locomotive and one
coal car over mi embankment. Fireman and
engineer escaped Injury.
At Mouongaliela Joo Wlshnovscn, a Slav,
was shot, badly beaten and robbed of tM nud
a gold watch. He may recover but cannot
deKcrlbe bis ussailants.
Mayor Ilarr, of Altoona, has ordered the
arrest of all perrons on the streets after ll.Hl
in the morning who cauuot givu a good ac
count of themselves.
Three Italian Immigrants fjom the steam
ship Orefeld, which was infected with small
pox, nrrived at Erie and are hiding in the
Italian quarter.
Edward O. Gardner, charged nt Erie with
conspiring to poison l'etcr II. Nellis, was re
lented on bull. Ho is in the last stages of
Patrick Harmon and Frank Corcoran were
arrested at Alverton robbing . E. Leitzell's
Jewelry store nt Bcottdule. They hud 26
The Greensburg seminary opened with 200
students. The opening exercises were con
ducted by ltuvs. J. A. Marquis and W. it.
Michael and Andrew Alynslk, brothers,
were killed in the mlnfs of the Kettle ( reek
coal company, at Ilitumlue, by s full of coaL
The Potts Brother Iron company, at Potts
town, has Increased the wages of its pud
dlers 25 wilts a ton, to commence May 1.
Joseph Dofiski was fatally stabbed and his
motner wno ineu to rescue nun, snot, in
srunsen not at nnenanuoau.
A new nostofflce has been established at
Rural ltidge, Allegheny county, with Henry
W. Uiesy as postmaster.
A normal and oommercinl college is to es
tablished at Irwin. Prof. J. 11. Kngy will
have charge ot It.
A meeting at Meadville appointed com
mittees to solicit funds for the relief of tho
Samuel Cooley is In Jail at Unlontown
for trying to make away with a horse and
James H.-Mack, a elvll engineer of Greens
burg, has applied tor divorce alleging deser
tion. Footpads robbed William Easton of $48
near Johnstown then brutally assaulted
Adam Thomas, aged CO years, committed
suicide at Uarrisburg by taking strychnine.
James M. Bell, of Allegheny, has been ap
pointed clerk In tho railway mail service.
Burglars atwtraetod 2fi0 from James
Good residence, at Irwin.
Too Much Commission. '
"When Bret Ilarte wrote, Tor ways
that are dnrk and tricks Hint are vulu,
the heathen Chinee Is peculiar,' he knew
wlutt he was talking ubout," remarked
a resident of Pneltlo Heights yesterday.
'Tor mouths I have been wonder-tug
at the size of my grocer's bills, and
tlnully I became couvliiced that there
wus something wroug.
"The matter bothered mo so that I
Anally guve It up iu disgust and em
ployed a detective to look It up for mo.
He found that the grocer wns paylug
my Chinese cook a commission on ev
erything he ordered, and the cook was
ordering everything that I iould pay
for. What we couldu't use he carried
down Into Chinatown and used to stock
a small grocery, oitiated by Iris 'cou
sin.' " hnve since learned that nearly
every Chinese cook lu the towu do
nmifils a oounnltriou from the butcher,
baker, grocer, Die. Bau, Franebjfi.
Fust-l ,
la tbe Moat Phowr Quadruped la
Booth America.
With the except Ion of the Jaguar, tbe
great aut-estor, the ant-bear, or crested
sut-bear, whichever you choose to
mil lit tit. Is tho most showy tiiidruicd
lu all Houth America; nor atu 1 at all
sure he Is not entitled to llrst place, anys
a writer In St. Nicholas. In height nud
bulk n full-grown specimen Is about as
large ns a Newfoundland dog, and I
really quite bear shaped In body nnd
legs. Its lull Is long nud strong, and
bears a tremendous brush of coarse,
wiry, brow n blnck hnlr, which makes
this orgnn very noticeable. Its bond Is
too small and Its miir.zle so fearfully
prolonged that It reminds one of the and bonk of nil Ibis. Its mouth
Is n narrow slit across the pud of unit
curious muzzle. Its tongue Is like a big
angle worm, a foot long, nnd It bus
no teeth whatever! Its covering is a
rough coat of long, coarse, brown hair,
most strangely marked by a bluek band
underneath the throat, which on the
chest divides In a long, wcdgo-slmpcd
stripe of Mac k that extends backward
and upward neross the shoulder.
To me It bus always been a puzzle
why this creature should possess such
a luxuriant coat of hnlr In so hot a
climate. Another point still inure opeu
to criticism Is his clubbed fore feet.
He walks on Ills cluws, and the outer
edges of his fore feet. In a most awk
ward and even painful way, for which
there seems to lie no adequate excuse
unless his feet wero formed that
way to vex the souls of wicked taxider
mists. Put tlietn as you will, they will
not it.ok right; but to the living aiilinnl
their big, strong, hooked claws are
very useful lu tearing the bark off de
cayed logs, or ripping open ant hills
for the Insertion of that sticky, worm
like tongue. I hnve often been told
by Houth American hunters tlmt - e
ant-bear uses his long, bushy tall te
sweep up ants with, so that they enn
be devoured wore expeditiously, but
1 fiinoy that Is only n "yarn,"
K-eU where It Is most plentiful the
great nut cater Is a rare animal. Al
though I have hunted It many days,
I never snw but two specimens alive,
one of which wns a- young one In cap
tivity nt L'ltidad Kollvnr, on the Orino
co, and the other wns a iiitignltleetit
large specimen In Porepntigh's tnenng
crle. Owing to their luck or teeth and
the peculiarities of their diet, they are
difficult to keep nllve In captivity.
North of Pumtiiin this species Is foutid
only In (Itiiitemiiln and Costa Itlcn. and
Is very rare In both these countries. It
lives upon the ground, and Its worst
HUeuilcs ure the Jaguar ami the puuui.
flunking In Itussta.
In Russia the Stute bank advances
money nt 44, per cent, a year on all
kinds of goods' In amounts as high as
two-thirds of their value. It takes
money on deposit nt 1' per ceut. A
little wlille ago, to assist the grain
trade, the government bought largely
direct; from the proiltwrs, Bnd will
soon be the largest holder of grain In
the country. It bus nearly completed
the absorption of private railroad lines,
hns Required the monopoly of the ninn-
ufaeture of spirits nud the control of
the retail trade, Is about to take the
wine nnd sugar trade Into Its hnudt,
and very likely the coal trade as well.
Where Tea la Not Popular.
If you cull for tea nt a restaiiniiit In
"'uracils, the proprietor will send to the
noiircHt drug store for It, nud express
a regiit thnt you are 111. The native
Ycucxtichiu regiiriU tea lis a most nn
plensaut bevenige, and to be used only
miillclually. if. is not ket In any of
the hotels, anil when it Is cucc!nllv
ordered the itmlity Is simply nlKiiuInu-
Mo for nil the world like a dose of
James Ittisscll Ijowcll'a Hoii.e.
There Is concern In Host on about the.
future of James Ittisscll Lowell's mag-
ulticent old home lu Cambridge, at the
gateway of Mount Auburn Cemetery.
The house Is the property of the poet's
a i daughter, but the laud adjoining It Is
lu the hands of real estate u gouts, and
the Hue estate will soon bo cut up Into
building lots unless the property is
W. L. Douglas
3. SHOE "VorTdThi
If you pay to SO for shoes, ex- ge,
asiine the V. L. Douglas Shoe, and &
see what a good shoe you can buy for wse
and VACE, made In all
kind a of the best selected
leather-by skilled work
men. We
make and
sell more
S3 Shoes
than any
manufacturer In the world.
None genuine unless name and
price is stamped on the bottom.
Ask your dealer for our
4, U3.AO, '4.5U, aVJ.Sft Shoest
J.UO, m and SU.15 for bovs.
TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If your dealer
cannot supply you, send to fac
tory, enclosing price and j6 cents
to pay carriage, btate kind, style
of toe (cap or plain), size and
width. Our Custom Dept. will rill
your order. Send for new Illus
trated catalogue to uoi it,
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mas.
A pure, permanent and artistic will coating
r fur tbe bruaii by analog in coif aatsr.
A Tint Card showing IJ desirable tints,
also Aiahasluie goutsoir Hock sent Ire
to snv one mentioning mis paper.
ALABASTINE CO.. Grand Rapids. Mica.
ft nrtlTO M K K 4 PKH DAY Mlln
1 1 llPl J I A "tiirsWI pstsiilni ueittw fr
psi." s w bewiiis sliuitvoi at auy stiuls.
UamplM uy mall, lfru, Itrrltorv utvsn. AUilrvkS
.SM.SaviTsa tluCo.,7 W.lllhSuK.Y.Cny.
SHelptot 91MO. lAt.A.yABUtsss. KuiJand. VI.
fYom ih Prtt; Aew York Cy.
Tew people have suffered mors from pain
In tbe back than Mrs. Llllle B. Newell, ot No.
28111 Ascend avenue, New Tork Cltv. For
several years she was so affllntnd with thlsdls
trussing malady thas she was hardly aide to
get around, and ooald do little to enre for her
children, whleh mnde her sutTerlne all the
harder to bear. llr husband, Charles New
ell, who Isa well-known New Tors ontlelim.
tried In every wav to find a remedy for his
wife, but no mo'llclne seemed to have tho
power to remove her pain.
Mrs. fllvnn, a sister of Mrs. Newell. Is a
professional nurse, and was familiar with tho
symptoms of her sister's sb-knees. Mrs,
Newell was away on a visit when a reporter
called nrmn her, but Mrs. Olynn, who llvee
at No. 4IA Fast IJftth stmet, told the story of
her sister's recovery.
A doctor was called when Mrs. Newell's
condition baenrna serious and he pmscrllied
email pink pills which. In a short time,
relieved tho woman's pnln a no rihnrmdi
cine had done. "After awhile." Mrs. Ol run
told the rooorter. "we lenroed that the me,.
Iclse the physician was trivlng mv sister win
nothlnir more than Ir. Williams' I'lnk Pit's
for Pale People. Rnnwtnir by oirsTteim
how nxcellnnt a remedy thew pills were,
Mrs. Newell boiicht some at a drill? store and
continued tnklng them. Theeffect wnsm'wt
gratifying, for In stv months mv sister was
perfectly well and the pnln In her back was
nothing more than an unpleasant memory.
It th she an-l I have recommended the Pink
Pills to other people, who have not failed to
And them all that Is elnlmed. All the doc
tors my sister had been treated by, before
taking the pills, bad done her no apparent
goo I."
Pink Pills are sold In boxes f never In lnoe
form, by the d often or hundred, and th" pub
lic iscsutloned avntnst numerous Imitations
sol t In this s'lape) nt 6.1 cents a bo or si
boxes for tl.fiO. and may he had of all drm or direct bv mall from Dr. Williams'
Medicine Oompaav. Hchenontady, N. Y, The
pHce nt which these Pills are sold make a
course of tre'ittnent Inexpensive as compared
with other remedies or medical treatment.
FITS stopned free by Tin. Ki.twr.'s ft beat i
Nkkvb ItKnToHm. No fits after first day s
n-e. Msrvelouscures. Trt-athentid 2.Otrlid
bottle fire. JJr. Kline. 031 Arch Hi., I'lilla., I'u.
y $j i:ioVth other tokos 35 0
a ?T Li K mM U
I II 5K ounces lor 10 cents. You H
sT .... II
h may have money to burn, but even VI
jf so, you needn t throw away 2 ounces n
.. &
VI almost as much "Battle Ax as vnii IF
H' fin nf fttrKf hloh crrarips fnr If. nnf. jM
"Aye! There's the rub!"
And that ought to be enough in itself to seal the
grocer senas
(low fo
A Valuable Book Covering the Whole Subject.
Worth many to lorar. of flow.r.. Ssnd IS cants. tiOOII VALI'F OK MONKY KETrKNFD.
Statu pa Ukan. War to any Rutland lamk. - . A. W. rtUKINH aV tO Uaat L. itaUssasi, Via
50Q Virginia FAnns
ST 9 nrr ai ra apwarda. wtth buildings, frulta. ttrub
good inarkaia, graat variety of erujia, v.i(aiar,)aa
futara proasaets brWUt. .vadraaa rVLK 4t DaiiATtS, kl
6 nrr ai-ra apwarda. wtth buildings, frulta. tuubar, vraiar. an j Ismi . hma-.a Id II. I;
food inarkaia, sraat variaty of cruj. vvKsiahiaa ail mm.; nld for tiaajthfutnaaai
"Tht Ucre You Say the Ltss Ptopls Renamber." Ona
Word With You,
"I haven't A friend on earth; and,
what Is more, I don't want one,"
Kasy Come, Kssy do.
The man who ereeps along bent over, with
his spinal column feeling In a condition to
snnpllkeaplpestem at any minute, would
readily give a groat deal to got out of his di
lemma, and yet this Is only the commonest
form by which on ami twlts
nut ol shape the muaca of the back. This
is commonly known as backache, crick In
the back, but by whatever name It may tie
known, it ml however bad It may be, ID min
utes vigorous rubbing with Ht. Jacobs Oil on
IheHfTlleted part will drlvn out the trouble
nnd completely restore. It Is a thing soeallv
caught. It may bo wondered at why there Is
not more of It, but because It Is so easily
cured by Ht. Jacobs Oil mar be the very ron
ton that we hear so little of It.
How's Thief ,
Wenffsr One Hundred ri'.IUre n.a
" vV"h "t be etirsd b;
liell s i.aiarrh I ore.
, F. J. L'SkSir A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
I We, the andcraiiiued, have known F.J. Che
ney l.,r the lest 16 years, and beliere hi in per.
teotly liitnoralile In alt hu.lness transact inns
and llnanclally stile to carry out any obliga
tion ma-ie by tiieir firm.
: VVasr Tsuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
' llhlo.
j Waloino. Khiu A Marvm, Wholssals
I n I'mgglets. 'lolebi, Olilo.
Hall's tJnLiftrrh i 'nrn la l.hM Inlavnall -
Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
fnons of the syKtem. Price. 7fin. per buttle. Buld
by all UrutfclsU. Testimonials free.
l'livnte Becretary Ihurtier Is accused of
having brought measles to the White House.
Csn the sale of an Inferior srtlete eonstatitt)-Inri-nnie
for SI rears r OutiMns Kln-trle
ti lwn on tlie market ever since less, ami Is
tci-osy as ever, tht tiesf ate I purtH family sos
uiaile. Try It. Tear irrorer ill (t It.
All Turkish students abroad have been or
dered to return home.
Mrs. Wlnalow's Poothlng Symjiforf 'blldren
teetblng, miftens tlie truuis. reduces InnHUinin
tlou, alhtys pulu; curve wind colic. Sfsju bottle.
For YVliootiliiir ('olitfh Pico's Ctirc la e an.
ce"iul renie-lf . M. f. iiintii, 7 Tbrixip
i Ave., llriHiklyu, N. Y-, Nov. 14, 14.
doom of bar soap. This rubbing with soap
may get clothes clean, if you work hard
enough, but can't yon see how it wears
them out ?
rouow tne airections tnat come on
every package of Pcarline, and you'll find
that you not only do away with the hard
and ruinous work of rubbing but that you
save time, and actually get better results-.
At every point Pearline is better than
soap. But the mere fact that Pearline
saves the rubbing that ought to settle it.
RPWARP Peddlers will tell you "this ( ss
VV Kood as" or "the same ss Pearl,
inc." IT'S FALSE Pear'.ine is never peddled. If your
you an imitation, lie nonett ma it tat, to-i
VYitt for oar ttwst Ssvam sramst
sant fraa to anv adttrvas. ittrlDf da-
ai-rtptlons ft Uu Virginia Farms ,
fruui la L.) luuu a.tM aa.-li. at from
U4tfc., araj jiaiata Aaaatat raias-akara. lav
house mm
Gladness Comes
With ft better untlerstandinr; ot the
transient naturo of the mnny pliys
Inal Ills which vanish before primer ef
forts gen tlo effort pliasnnt efforts
rightly directed. There Is comfort In
Uie knowledge that so ninny forms of
sickness ore not due to any acton 1 dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which tlio plcninnt
family laxative, Hyrtipof FIrr, prompt
ly removes. That is why it Is the only
remedy with millions of fiimlliea, an .) Is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good honlth. Its beneficial
effects are duo to tlio fact, that it Is the -one
remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness, without debilitating the
organs on which it nets. Itis therefore
all Important, In order to get Its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you havo the gentilne article,
which Is manufactured by theC'nlifornisj
Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep
utable druggists.
If In the enjoyment of good lienlth,
and the system is regttltir, then laxa
tives or other remedies aro not needed.
If afflicted with nny actual disease, one
may be commended totbomoat skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
then one should havo the best, and with
the well-informed everywhere, ftvrupof
I l(rs stands highest nnd is most largely
used and gives most rrcneral satisfaction.
The "
who tries to make you believe
some other skirt binding is as
Bias Velveteen Skirt landing
should be taiieht a lesson
buy it elsewhere.
Look or " S. H. & M.," on the Label,
nnd take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you
we will.
Ser.d for simcles showing larels and materials,
saihe 3 H. fit M. Co.. P. 0. Eox t, New York CMv-
Sir. F. U. rulmnr, city editor of
tha OskaloosA, la., Tira, iiitdnr
data of May 5th. WJi, ralatra the fol
lowmn Bxsriii3: ,-Kctiily I was
compelled hy a STiotis siatro of drs
pnjiila to l"v my ulfioo work, and
tboniriit to seek rulinf by a month's
travel on tbo l'aoiflu eosst. Th
rt't andvhani;e htdped ma soma
wind, but I could Dud no rellof for
tbe awful fits of Indigestion. Whoa
about to return borne to Iowa I
entered a prominent drug store la
T.tooina, Wash , and asked for
somathiuK that would bring relief
from myiudlgestion. The drnuxlst
told me a box of Itipana Tabules for
CO cents. Iu loss than twenty-four
hours I oould feel a chnnce for tbe
better. From tbat day to this 1 bavs
Uf od Ripana Tubules whenever I ftdt
my old ailment gutting in its work,
and with most commeudnbla
results." ..'
ftlpsns Taliolea sia aoM by tlrngilat. nr by mar)
If iw prlca iii s-nua bxia) seat Si Tha Kipana
Chnileal Cmpaiiy, N. 10 iruve al., aw korkv
S,jn(Svla, loovuia.
Baptiaal. Aoapla. huurna. Tai
Tba "LINE!IB"araha Bast and Moat BeoBoanl,
ami Collars and Caffs worn , tljy ara Siada of Saa
aloth, botb sidaa ADlabad allka. and haiua ravasaa.
ha, ooaoollarlaaqnal In two of any
faii W4U. war wit avi U,t wtit.
Taa Couawaaf Fivarauaaf CsCa lot Tn
otiist also.
a boa at
a aaaspia oonar aaa ratr r enrra tif s
aamaMyieaodaiaa. aUldraaa
Xaaitlas Bt law TaaiL
WE HAVE NO agents.
ajay la I in W UkLUHnuuttaaaaaa
ar at waola-ala prinaa. Shis
Uwhir. fn. ' - -
baforaaala. KvarythlBa war
raataa. too at vica of Catr
Msg, axsiytra of rtara stylrs Rldlg5a
dlaa. r rill fur ralalngaa
Carrtaga a Saraaaa MgJ C
Clkbart. lad.
S31" n
I gviiuo your
win -h-- vov iio la
ui .a. 1 a itiiy . ab-olu.rly urrj a infw
naa ui wurk and taa-b yua rrwr voa
wiirs in iua ,--.iiiy yoa Bm
ava l aa y.ur .di
nam .xpiau
to buSiim rully
autaa a i-l.-ar nr-iS
rtrmaai'r w- gva
o Si lor .wry . ay's
total aUSiraitiaua lusrast. a, ta, sauaa. I
w.ira: an-, lately nir-: am at aaaa.
'8uocessfuUy Prosecutes,
Laftte Exminet U S- PatoeioD Bureu.
J.vriulatai u:, UttytljtuiMiiuiti.buuM, 4it Mimmi
For Skin and Blood Ditaasts
Mna Ilakia Caradl tm M
, say till aauraaSj
HIHS. tlSaaa.Oaaa
nDIIIM WHISIT aahlismr.. Boakaaat
U I I U sal nam. aa, a. . stwin. avt-ava. aa.
j Beatfcjuab) rulkFaywa TJas I I
J J la tlaiBL S.ld bruniivma. I
r - i i y if -j