The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 22, 1896, Image 4

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Subscription $1.00 prryrar, n ?rnjtr.
C. A. MTKPIIKNftON, Kdllor and Pub.
An Indr jM-nili'nt Iwnl pnpiT, piililMirri every
WodncHtluy at KoynoldHvillt', .It-nvr-mn Cd.
I'n., cloviiu rt to tlin liilrrvMnf Id'ynolilnvlllo
and.Ti'ITt'rwimroiinty. Nnn-pnlltlrtil. wllltrvnt
nil with fnlrni'w, mid will Ih ptvtiilly frlrml
ly townrils tht Inlmritm rlnm.
BulwiTlptlon iiricofl.nnprrypiir.ln fiflvnnro.
G'ofnniiiiili'ntlon Inti'iiiliMl for piiblli'iitlon
must ho tici-ompnnlt'd liy tho wrlti-r' niimn,
not. for puhlliMitlon, tint ns ft mmrnntw of
food fultn. Inti-rostlnn tiewn lti'm sollrlti'd.
Advertising TtttH timdo known on iippllrn
tlon Bt thu office In Arnolds' lllcx-k.
LonRhty communlrntlmw mid ehnnue of
advert limnt should reni'h this onVe by
Mondny noon.
Address nil oommiinli'iitloni too. A. Steph
enson, Keynoldnvllle, ln.
Entered nt the postofflre Rt Reynoldsville,
P., an second claim mall matt or.
Tho. LanRhorno Standard myn tlio
olovnnth commnndmont should roud
about bh follows: "Mind your own
During leap year the woman claims
the rlffht of initial, and tho man has
the right of referendum. It Is tho
reverse of this In other years. Ex.
From the DuBols Courier of Monday
we learn that the Bell, Lewis & Yates
C. M. Co. will make quite extenaive
Improvements at the Rochester mine,
which is located near DuBois, by build
ing a large mule barn, blacksmith shop
and powder house neartho new opening.
The company already have three largo
pumps in oj)eratlon at tho Rwhester
mine of a combined capacity of from
15,000 to 18,000 gallons per minute, yet
in very wet season this is not
sufficient, and anothor large Joansville
pump is to he put in at that place.
The Oil City Dcrriek offers the fol
lowing scnsiblo advice to church goers:
"Havinf entered a pew, move along; do
not block up the end of the pew as If
you did not intend to have anybody else
enter it, or as If you were holding it for
some special friends. Do not rise to lot
others in, but move along and leave tho
pew invitingly open, so that thoy will
know that thoy are welcome. If a pew
holding six has already five in it, do
not file out in formal procession to lot
one poor, scared woman go to the other
end next to the aisle. It is not neces
sary for stalwart men to sit at tho end
ready to rutih out and kill Indians, as
possibly it was oneo."
In The Youth's Companion lor April
23rd Andrew Curnogle tells how ho
sorved his apprenticeship as a business
man, in an article which will prove
stimulating to oyory boy and Btirrlng to
every friend of boys. Mr. Carncgio
started in life as so many other success
ful men have dono, without a penny;
and has amassed a great fortune, which
has been wisely and generously drawn
upon for scores of public purposes,
designed to benefit his fellowmen. In
this article ho has told the story of his
early struggles and successes In a
delightful manner, which will mako his
paper an Inspiration to every boy who
reads it.
S'The girl who works God bless her,"
ttajy an 'exchange. She is brave and
active; she is not too proud to earn her
own living; she is not ashamed to be
-found at her daily task; she is studious,
painstaking and patient; she smiles
from behind the counter or desk; her
.smile is the relloetion of colosttal
granduer and eternal bliss; she is like
a beautiful mountaineer; her character
is pure as the bubbling spring, strong
as the rock from which it flows and as
high as the mountain topmost pinnacle.
The sight of her should be a fine
Inspiration for us all. Her hand may
be stained by dishwashing, sweeping,
factory greuso, or printer's ink, but it
Is an honest and helping hand; it, stays
misfortune from many homes; it is one
shield that protects many a forlorn
little family from tho .asylum. All
honor to the girl that works.
List of Jurors.
Following is a list of Jurors drawn
from Keynoldsvlllo, Westltoynoldsvlllo,
Winslow and Washington townships
for the term of court beginning May
onANi) junmts.
Reynoldsvillc T. E. Evans, B. II .
Tones, Stephen Bone, W. O. Aimnn;
Washington twp. George Brcnholt.,
C. D. Smith.
Ileynoldsvlllo ,Ias. K. Johnston, J.
S. Morrow, V. V. Bolgor, F. P. Adels
perger; Winslow twp. Joseph Hutchi
son; Washington twp. Jack Crawford,
B. II. Whltchill, J. W. Crawford.
Roynoldsvllle J. B. Arnold, E. A.
Dunn, Snmnel Lattlmer, Addison Gray,
E. L. Evans; West Roynoldsvllle
Richard Miller, W. W. Wells; Winslow
twp. Tllton Reynolds, Enoch Conlwuy,
Charles Sprague, Thomas Williams;
Washington twp. William Bailey.
Wall paper 2o. up to G0e. per roll at
Do you wont a pretty carpet ? Then
go to the Roynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
If your watch does not run or keep
good time tnke it to C. F. Hoffman.
Everything bought from Bell Is right,
so they all say.
At King A Co. 's you will find baled
hay, salt, flour and a full line of general
For Sale Pine shingles. A. D.
Deemer & Co.
Porfect Headache Powders are
different from all others. Sure relief
for sick headache, nervous headache,
ice, &o. Try them. For sale at the
Reynolds Drug Store.
Window shades, all prices, at Stoke's.
Free Hacks.
On tho first day of the Jefferson
County Sunday School convention to bo
held at Stanton, Pa., on Thursday and
Friday, May 7th and 8th, free hacks
will be furnished from Brookville to
Stanton for all delegates who travel by
rail. The hacks will leave A. V.
station, Brookville, on arrival of the
2.20 p. m. train. All delegates who
expect to avail themselves of tho free
hacks should notify Rev. Jas. II.
Jolbart, Stanton, Pa. Tho .horses of
delegates who drive to the convention
will be cared for.
Wull paper 2c. tip to f0c. per roll at
Tho Reynoldsville . Hardware Co.
store has received now spring samples of
brussels, extra velvet and ingrain car
pets. If you want a new carpet see tho
samples and get prices at this store.
Keep It In tho houso for coughs, colus,
croup and sore throat Extract of Wild
Cherry and Tar. For salo at tho Reyn
olds Drug Storo.
"The Star" for One Dollar.
For a few months at least, we will
offer The Star to new subscribers for
$1.00 a year, cash IN advance. This of
fer holds good to old subscribers who pay
all arrearages and one year in advance.
All back subscriptions will be charged
at the old rate of S1.50 per year.
We have added a full new lino of
shoes. Come and give us a call. J. S.
The best family cough medicine is
Extract of Wild Cherry and Tar.
Tuns, browns, slate, lead and ox blood
kid gloves, dollar kind, at Deemcr's
this week for 8te.
Wall paper 2o. per roll at Stoke's.
Buy the White sowing machine at
C. F. Hoffman's
.On Monthly of last week the Penn
sylvania raili-oad celebrated its fiftieth
anniversary. The following morning
the Philadelphia Times contained an
interesting history of- the read, an
account til t.uu loo uumverHury uou
pictures of the leuding officials and
directors of the roud. From the same
Issue of tho 77'tfM wo clip tho following:
' "The imposing authoring ut the
( Aoodomy of Music yesterday to com
iuemorate the rounded half century of
. th Pennsylvuutu Hull road Company,
will stand in the annals of the state as
ope oi tne notuoie lunumut'Ks oi t'enn
' Bylvania's progress. Few people at
this duy who see the most complete
railroad organization of the world
presented by the great Pennsylvania
corporation, unsurpassed if even equaled
by any great railroad coi'iorution of
any country In tho completeness of Its
always conservative yet liberally
advanoing methods, euu have any just
conception of the desierute and often
almost despairing struggle made half
N iuntllltf uirn to inUUOMriLtH 111 ill
benefloent system of travel and traftlo.
There was eminent fitness, therefore,
in calling to the front In thtt com
memorative proceedings of yesUx-day
the very few survivors who took prt
Id the early struggle of the establish
ment of the corporation, and to hear
from those most, thoroughly familiar
with the operations of tbe oorupauy to-fi-y,
the story of the marvelous growth
' '' I ts been uninterrupted for a full
' "ury. i
Excursion Trains.
The North western Association of the
Independent Order of Odd Follows will
celebrate Its "7th anniversary at Clear
field, Saturday, April 25th. For tho
uccominodution of thoso who wish to
attend, tho Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts
burg R'y will make a low excursion rate
for the 00008100 and run a special train
leaving Johnsonburg at 7. .10 A. M and
passing Falls Crook at 0.15 a. M., re
turning leave Clearfield at 10:30 p. M.
For further Information consult nearest
agent of the company.
! ' ' 1
House and 7 lots in West Reynolds
ville for sale. Inquire at STAR oillco.
Perfect Headache Powders are the
best in tho market. Try them. For
sale at the Reynolds Drug Storo.
Gents, the latest things in bolts at
Bell's. Cull und soe them.
When you have a bud cold and cough
try a bottle of Extract of Wild Cherry
and Tar. For sale at the Reynolds
Drug Store. '
Church Notices.
Undor this heading will be found the
subjects and texts of the pastors of the
various churches of Reynoldsville for
the following Sunday:
Methodist Episcopal.
Rev. J. W. Crawford, pastor. . Morn
ing: "Temptations Endured .Bring
Blessings." Jas. J : 12. Evening: "The
First Miraole at Cana." Jno. 2: 11.
It will pay you to buy your shoes at
J. 8. Morrow s.
. "Business Men's Carnival and Jubilee"
April 2th and 30tb.
Window shades, all prices, at Stoke's,
"lK SjAR for 11.00.
1' j shoes from Robinson's; they bare
ma sae-Duaioesa a ituo rer year.
Grand Opening of Spring and Summer Clothing!
We are the people that reduced the price of Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnishings last Spring and now we are going to ,
reduce the price of Men's Shoes. We have nine-tenths of the clothing trade in Keynoldsville and we
are entitled to the other tenth. Ask your friend, who purchased from us last season, if
his garments gave satisfaction. And remember that we are the ONLY Clothiers
in town that can fit you out from the sole of your feet to the crown
of your head. OUH GOODS SPEAK FOR
THEMSELVES. Call and see them.
Men's Dresso suits!
Our ready-to-wear of finest imported
and domestic material. The best of
everything, including workmanship and
trimmings. If
you double the
price you wont
secure any bet
ter fit if made
by a tailor, and
perhaps not as
good. Resides,
here you try tho
garments on and
see the finished
effect before
buying. If
there's a differ
ence between
these suits and
tailor-made it's
in our favor.
Every fashiona
ble weave, every
prevailing color
is contained in
our spring line,
fresh from two
of the most fa
mous factories
in the world. Prices to suit you all,
$4.00, 5.00, G.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, $10.
Square Cut, Sacks, Stratford Sacks, The
Westminister. All the latest styles.
Young Men's Suits,
From 15 to 19 years old. Our line of
young men's suits is of the richest mate
rial, in varieties, quantities and quali
ties which few retailers have courage to
handle. We especially pride ourselves
upon the handsome productions in all
wool Cassimeres. Cheviots, Worsteds,
Serges, etc. J made in first-class manner,
at prices from $4.00 to 8.00, which,
without a doubt, would cost you double
the money at other stores.
Qhno nonartmontl
uiiuu uupui IIIIUIII I
All the nobby dressers are broken
up on our shoes. There's more
Style and Finish in our shoes than
any you'll find in town.
Rest domestic Calfskin or Russia
Tan in all the styles. They are not
equaled by any shoe dealer in town.
Needle Toe, Globe Toe, Yale Toe,
Harvard Toe, all the latest styles.
To save money visit our Shoe
5 ' i .HJ:Ji'uXi
We have a large line of Derbies
in all the colors, black and three
shades of brown, in all the latest
styles, Youman, Dunlap, Knox,
Miller, $1.50 to 3.00.
Wo want every fastidious dresser
to see our line of Fedoras, in all the
late colors, prices H)c, 80c, $1.00,
1.50, 2.00, 2.25.
We have over 500 dozen of Straw
Hats that we want every person to
see before purchasing a straw hat.
Also a large line of Spring Caps.
117) are tlte acknowledged
Hatters of lieynoldsrille.
snort Pants suits!
Greater variety
and greater valueB
than anywhere in
the county. We
want to make a
friend of the com
ing man. Neat suits
all new spring
styles, made bet
ter and with great
er care than any
you have ever
bought. Double
breasted, square
cut, the handsom
est introduced in
years, at 98 cts.,
$1.35, 1.50, 1.75,
2.00,- 2.50, 2.75,
3.00, 3.50, 4.00,
4.50, 5.00.
Spring Trousers!
Strictly all wool Cheviot and CasBi
mere Dress Pants, splendidly tailored,
well trimmed, thoroughly sponged, neat
and desirable patterns. We are safe in
challenging the world to show any
better dress pants at these prices: $1.50,
2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3L50, 4.00.
Everything that's new and stylish in
fabric, and every pair is guaranteed to
fit. You have over 2000 pair to choose
from. We also carry a large line of
men's and boys' work pants, good Jean,
from 50c. to $1.50 per pair.
You have over 1,300
pairs to Belect from of
the best grades, all-
wool Cheviots and Cassimeres, with
patent waist band and taped Beams, sizes
from 3 to 15, prices from 25c. upward.
Knee Pants !
Shirts 25c. to $1.
Sweaters 25c. to S3. .
Trunks 2.50 to 87.
Men's Fine Half Hose,
" Latest Belts,
" Balbriggan Underwear.
AAl we ask is for everyone to call, see the sroods, get . prices arid com
pare them with other clothiers' prices.