The Ornnira, N. 3. women have established training sehool for dninestlt-s. Beanllfnl Though Painful. We tins "Come, Gentle fliirlnir," and aro often very sorry" thnt we did anything of tbs kind, tor Spring, though beautiful, li lom times very painful. The very Itimry we en joy In the return of the twtlmy air In the Intent source of a great mniiy fnnn and arliee. It la heoans the nerves are relaxed In this way that they become weak and an eexy prey to aiuldn attacks of neurnlulai n tonio of eold, healthful, air brnees them up and makes them strong against any eunh at lack, but the midden ehnnire to warmth makes them liable to be preyed up n by this disease. For thla simple reaon thn gn-Bt nerve disorder has many victim at thin time, but we have In Ht. Jamba Oil eointlilng that restores the tone, vigor and strength of the nerves to what they bad been. The prompt use of It In theee neuralgic attack of sprlng tlme U sure to le followed by perfect cure. I cantint enrnk tno highly nf I'lso's f 'lire f'ir Consumption. Mils. Mi an a Molilis, KID W. fc'd ft., New York, IH't. SU, 1MH. There are millenaries and ttlrtlonsrlea, but the noblest Itniniin of tlii-m ell seems to be Webster. It Ik III! rali- In the lead In the great rare for pupnlarliv. If afflicted with pore eye dm lir, Issae Thomp son's Rye-water. I'rus (lut e aril at pnr belli ESank President Isaae Lewis of Saliirja, Ohio, if highly reapectej nil through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president of the Habina Hank '20 years. He. gladly testi&oa to the merit of Hood'i Barns psrilla, and what he lays is wortbv attention. All brain workers find Hood's Barsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makos puro, rich, red blood, and from this ooroes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. "I am glad to say that Hood Rnrsapn rllla Is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pnlna of Anver) by a Glove Battea, now much may depend npon a flora fastening was Illustrated at one of the Mnnaon, Mains, slate quarries In an adventure which the person concerned would not care to repent. He was a derrick-man, who stood on the brink of one of the great chasms from which the slate rock Is hoisted. His duty was to catch bold of the big hook depending from the end of the boom ns It swung over the bank and nttarb to It the crate to be scut buck Into the pit. Ptnndlng upon the very edge he reached out to catch the hook which (Inuglcd near him. It was winter and be wore thick buckskin gloves. The hook slipped from blm as he leaned out, but caught Into the fastening of the glove. The swing of the great boom took III in off his feet In an lp stunt and carried blm out Into giddy space, with hjs life, depending on the glove's holding fast, HI; whole weight was hung on that button, nuil there was a clear 1TB feet of space between him and the floor of rock below. The moments thnt passed before the boom could be swung back over the bank seemed like hours to him, but he got there nt Inst safe and sound. Catarrh Cannot ba Cared With loeal applications, as they cannot vesch these! of (lie Catarrh la a blood or constitutional disease, end In order fc "J It you mmt take Internal remedies. HeU s Catarrh Cure l takeu Internally, end ot"d rw i i r tin in iiiiniu miu i" "''"" " - - : fatarrn iti is not a quite. in,ui;iii. . . , ; prescribed by one of the bext physlclanaln this I r ountryfor rears, and Is a regular prescription. I itlaoumposed of tlis heet tonic known, oosn ! blned with the bet blood imrlltsi s. acting dl irei tlyon t.lia mucou surface. The pert act I combination of the two Ingredients Is whal I produces such wonderlnl rei-nlte In curing cs P. J. ( HrurT Co., Props., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, pries 740. Patrick Henry was known all over tha American colonics as an orator before he was 30. TVhen Traveling, Wliethrr on pleasure bent, or business, ak on every trip a "bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It ufee. I a! a ! " mo' Pleasantly and effectually on tha I 3 BTj m 1 I asL I I mW. kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other form of sickness. Tor In one eys and about my temples, es pecially at night whon I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only la Hood's Sarseparllln which ouroi me of rheumatism, neuralgia and hoadaaho. Hood's S.irsaparllla bns proved itself a true friend. I also take Hood's Fills to keep my bowels regular, and Ilka the pills very muoh." Isaac Lewis, Bnblna, Ohio, nIOOds Sarsaparilla Is theOneTrue Blood Purlller. All Druggist. 11 PreDATed only by C. I. Hood ft Cn.. Lowell. Hu Meel,a DSIIsk ere prompt, efficient end laOBQ rlllS easy In effect. Mcents. WALL PAPER FREE . tVnsal1 las. Ammrmm alt as AMII ISTIVD which doti not rtqulra to b taken ofl to rotiow, doo nut harbor frm. but destroys them, anil any one can bruth It on. Sold by all Dalnt dealers. Write far card With Mmplee. ALABASTINE CO.. Grand Raolds. Mich. rOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Webster's International Dictionary The One Great Standard Authority, JuPl'tcs l'. H. Siii)rm Cnnrt. 'Seng Postal for Specimen Psges, etc. Suceessor of the ale In 90 cent and $1 bottles by all lending drnimists. Manufactured by thu California rig Syrup Company only. Collin's magnificent "Odes" were written before the author was 2d. Ton RiLttvwo Trhoat DisiAsts, Cornns And Hoahskkess, use "Tlroii'ii's BrnnchlaX Trnclur," Hold only in boxes. Avoid Imitations. The Mnssnohusxtts houso has killed the bill for municipal Wnmnn's suffrage. Everyone who once tries Dubltsas' Floating;. Bunts Hosp continues to nse It, for It Is raally Inllnltply snierlor to even the beet of other flualllis i, and ctts yuu no more. Made of Burtx, floats, 100 iwr cvnt. pure. Try it. The Central Vermont railroad has passed to the hun of rwelvrs. FITS stonred free bv Ha. Ki.ise's Great , Nkhvk Hwtohkii. No ills afti'r first day's I line. Mnrvclmiscure. Treaflsennd sjj.iiotnal j bottle five. lir. Kline. Ml Arch Ht., I'hlla., i'ft. I Mrs. Wln'lnw's Soothing Pynipforrhlldren terthlnir, pofiensthe gums.reduces inflamma- tlou, alluys pain; cures wind colic. 2Ticabultle. Exploding nil t)bl .Myth "Are yon Btipertitltioiis?" "Xo; I got out of thai nt a very enrly nge." "How did II ! happen 1" "I wits born on Friday, ! April 13, and the Friday thnt I became 13 years old a rich uncle died, leaving i me 13.000 by will." Chicago Hecord. 'Vaabrldgcd,' Standard pf tbsM'. R.lot print- li m omct. in j. H. hll. i tircme i ouil, ell Uie i rtn-i of murij ail ibe OUIUUIUUUKSa rVarntlv Commended i hT Stnte RiiDerintemle nt nf Nrtioiili. ami I Other r tlucmor RlibuU j wilouu( uiuuuvr. THK BCtT FOR EVERYBODY SfCAUSI It fa easy e find the word wanted. It la easy to ascertain the pronunciation. It la easy ts traca the grewth of a word. It Is easy to learn what a word sasana. THI HIT WOKK OF IT KIND. The Boston Herald mnyrnt I K ft dMUnnira Mn fc flnal hilt fiwth.n. .nan. ' yIl)Te 7Mr i1 InUriullunal mu.t tw aotspml as i ) uw uit vi tiM Kuju in m e,iujusu Muauaae. r C. MEPRlAif CO., PubltaherM, ttprimgaeia, Mama., U.S.A. mn it Mr. Walter Waterman, of No. U North Eleventh street, Philadelphia, writes under date of August si, I899i "I havs always bean a great sufferer ', boat eoaatlpatloa. My liver seened v to ba oat of order almost all tha time. Besides my faoe looking yellow. I aa forty-two years old ; aad havs always tod aa Indoor Ufa, , Some Ubi ago a naiiibor of mioa sagjastil that I try Btpaaa Tabolea, I did so. I DOW taks them. I feel hatter. My bowels aat well and tkey tall me my solor has gotten mora IhssUthyU the faoe. I usually Uks os Xabttls s-rery day, also oa at alcat before gattlaz bed. I aavs ; tried moat all kiads of remedjas. .1 'I aa aoafldaat trass Ids past ax part. " aaoe that thaas Tabalas have pot ma , as. any teat and I would raoommaad tkesa to anybody who has been . a-iatsd like bm. I writs this , ' sdtatioa." ' setl b dre s a k tk.tii .,kv4. m MtteeaV, , sr by ssslt will oai aew ,w Ooethe had produced n number of poems and drntnns beforo he wn W. THE STUDIOUS GIRL. AN INTERESTING LETTER FROM A Y0UNQ LADIES' COLLEGE. -CteMTV aT Bl V WV.l Rare Between the Sexes for Education, Health Impaired by Incessant Study. Tho race between the sexes for edu cation Is to-day very close. Ambitious girls work incessantly over their studies, and are often brought to ft halt, through having sacrificed the phy. steal to the mental. Then begin those ailments that must be removed at once, or they will produce con stant suffering. llead ache, dizziness, faint slight vertigo, pains in the back and : loins, irregularity, loss of sleep and appetite, nerv ousnesa and blues, with lack of confidence ; these are positive aigna that wo men's arch enemy ia at hand. The following letter waa received by Mrs. Plnkham in May, one month after the young lady had first written, giving symptoms, and asking advice. She was ill and in great distress of mind, feeling she would not hold out till graduation, and the doctor had advised her to go home. College, Mass, Von dear Woman: I should have written to you before, but you said wait a month. We are taught that the days of miracles are past. Pray what is my case ? I hava taken the Vegetable Compound faith fully, and obeyed you implicitly and, am free from all my ills. I was a very, very sick girl. Am keeping well up In my class, and hope to do you and myself credit at graduation. My gratitude cannot find expression in words. Your sincere friend, Mabt P. 8. Some of the other i girls are now e using the Com-0 pound. It ben efits them all. Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound la the only aafe, sure and effectual remedy In such eases, as it removes the cause, purifies nd invigorates tha system,' and given energy and vitality. w m m m ATSW I mm KEYSTONE STATE NEWS CONDENSED. DYNAMITE DROPPED. and frank Orannell Was Blown to Pieces by the Explosion. Frnnk Ornnncll, ton of C. A. Orannell, of ftmlthtli'lil, Fayette county, was blown to pieces by an explosion of dynamite at Qreensburg. ills father has a contract for the UnilehntiKh tunnel, and Frank had charge of the teams. While he and three other men were unbinding sumo dvnamlte, It exploded Willi terrlllo force, killing young (Iraminll Instantly, and badly Injuring John Mnrshnll, nf lllnl'rsrtlle, and a man named t'hnrlcs I'nrker. (Iriiiinell shot and killed John Mo Unwell at Dunbar during a dance more tbiui a year ago, and was sent to the Huntington reform school. He was released from that institution a tew months ago, VIBE AT WILMFRIUSO. The general offices of the Wcstlnghmise Alrbnike t'omoany and the Young Men's C'hrlstlnn association rooms, nre quartered In a building known as the l lub House, at Wilineriliiig, were totnlly destroyed by fire Wednesnay morning. The building was probiibly the llnest In the borough and Its destruction will entail a loss of !i0.000. The Interior was elegantly furnished and with the contents a totnl loss of 70,000 Is estimated. Viilimlile papers belonging to the company were hurriedly placed In a fireproof safe when the flames were discovered and thus saved. HIW RAILROAD. A charter was granted nt Hnrrlsbtirg to the Ilutler and I'ltteburg llntlrnad company, With an authorised capital of t.VKX),HH). The new line is to connect the l'lttsburg, Hheunn go and Lake Erie road nt llutler with the llnlou railroad owned by the Carnegie Hteel company which will thus llnd a mure direct and quicker route for ore aud euai shipments A riSl LinRART BOLD, The sale of the law library of the Inte Ham uel Orilllth of Mercer, was concluded Wed nesday. It was one uf the llnest lilirsrlee in Western reiinsylvniila. Among the buyers were Judges Wallace, of New Ciistlei tlreer. of llutler, and Wilson, of ilenver. It netted about H,m. THE LABOR WORLD. ' With the opening of the spring term ovei 700 students made their appearance at t tie Htate Normal school at Lock Haven so thai the present atteudnnee ia the Inrnest evei known, 'lhe teaching foreo bus been ill' creased by the additluu of Miss Ella llurrick, the Cameron county superintendent of pub lie sellouts; James Eldun and W. J. Crist There nre now students from New Vork. Kan sas, Mississippi, Indlaua, Maryluud nud l'eunsylvaniu. Mike Dovnria, a Blnve employed nt Mam moth, Is dying from a wound lnllieted by s fellow countryman limned I'nrento during i light. A pick whs driven Into llovnria's side The foreign element of the village was cele brating the birthday of ouo ut the number and beer and whisky were there in abuud auce, causing a riot. I'nrento Las bees arrested. Westminster's preliminary oratorical eon test to choose her reprenenlutlve for tilt Inter-collcKlate contest April It) was held in college cnnpei luesilay evening. II. K. Tag gert lAdelplilo society) won, with H. W. Vi'itcli I'lilliiinatli) second. The Judges wers llev. W. I. Wlehnrt, of Allenheuy; I'rof. J. O. lllcuets, of Slippery llm-k normal, aud l'ruf. i'niukliu 11. huwvcl, uf Thiol cullcge, Ureeo vllle. A Inrgo tnberunelo Is to be erected nt Hello fonte, for the holding uf revival services liy the lluv. Leonard Weaver, au evangelist ot Can ao ll, who was hero during February anil did such great work. The money has nil been rained and work will be commenced at once, it will be large enough to scat several thousand people. Ueorgo C. Fagnn, Democrat, was Inaugu rated as mayor of jlrnilford, aud appointed Muthcw lliuldy Chief of l'ollee, James Aug luiu Street Commissioner, and llcrt .McAII ter Chief of the Flm Department, the latter being a Kepulilicnn. 1 Ills is tho first Demo cratic administration this town has hud for a number of yours. Miss Kate Htory, of (irconsburg, boa dona ted her valuable collection uf minerals, fos sils and botiuilcul specimens to the Ciroous burg high school. A number uf colleges of fered largo sui-s of mouey for thu collection, which is muowl :' the "Kute Htory Colloo tlon." V' At Klttunnlug Justice William Ilrown has decided that tne linpuro food act does not cm. owor Justices wltu summary Jurisdiction to impose lines upon conviction. Accord ingly be hold for court Edwin Wilson aud lrcd Aye, prosecuted fur soiling impure viu Br. ' Joel NefT.treasurerof the Hlutiiigton-Bang-or slate syndicate, mude an useiguinout to Fruuk Jauolis and Oliver Noif. The failure is considered one of the heaviest in the his tory of the LebigU slate regions. Colonel William IL Wallace, of near Eden burg, was struck by a train and died He wus HO years of age, a subtler in the lute war, and quite wealthy. The Central I'resbyterlan congregation st Canonsburg, presented its retiring pastor, ltov. i. M Lewis, with a study obair, and his Wife with s gold watch. Executions of (45,431 were Issued against John F. HeluiUcb, a palut dealer of Lancas ter. The assets are r 0,000, encumbered with W,000 mortgages. Beaver court held a memorial session, at which addresses were mude aud resolutions adopted deploring tne death of Attorney E, li. Daugberty. Fire destroyed the large barn of D.C.Cozad in l'ymatuning township, near Bharon. The loss including wheat and other articles will be Sa,600. i A wrecking crew at work near Lancaster was run into by a freight. Charles Lor k la aud Patrick Credigan wore killed. George Wlndisb, of Luzerne county, will be bunged on June 80 next, that date having been lined by the governor. Key. W. F. Hhermer, of Jeannette, has de clined the call of the Connellsville baptist church. Au execution for (1,962.62 was Issued against Ueorge W. Fechuer, a Jeweler at Co lumbia. The Eleanor Iron works at Holidaysburg wos damaged by tire to the extent of (3,- ; rtliliam Williams was fatally Injured by a fall In the Hill Farm mine at Duuusr. Annie, the 8-year old daughter of Andreas Long, of Heading, wus killed by a trolley oar. Fred Bemad, an 11-year-old boy, of Union town, died from Injuries Incurred while pay ing leapfrog. At Export, a Slav named Moroseo was fa tally shot by a man named WlneekL The latter Bed. Henry Jewell bad both feet amputated In the Conway yards. Millionaire Blad, a man of unsavory repu tation, died recently, bequeathing his vast fortune to the city of Berlin on condition that a statue of himself should be erected in the Gorman capital The rnuukdpa) authori ties refused peremptorily to accept tbe be quest, holding properly that the honoring of a man notorious for Immorality and his pur chase of Immunity would be disastrous. Bernhardt fainted during a performance by herself and company at a Boston theatre. And now tbe envious are saying that her dis tress was caused by tbe failure to bring tears to f of Fanny Davenport who sat In a b during the most affecting ttsmi of Interest to tho Worklngmsn In dustrial Hotel. Members of the several branches of tho Northern Minn Workers' l'rogresslve union Will vote upon the question of demanding aa S-hour work dnv. The result of the balloting will lie submitted to the general convention lo bo held nt Ishpemlng, Mich., on April 14. If the vote Is la the nfllrmntlve, the demand tor short hours will be served on every min ing company In Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota. The Minnesota Iron company has posted notices ib daring It will not re tain union men in Its employ and has alrondy discharged many union men. 'This has com plicated mBtf rs. A general suspension of wark In all mines In the three stHles Is prob able, If Hie men mnko the demand for n short day, as the mining companies say they will not grant the request. The union numbers 5,01)0 men, nnd Is able to ennse a complete tlcup of all mine In Wisconsin, Minnesota ud Michigan. COAL MINIR0 AGREEMENT. Aa Advance of Fits Cents s Ten to tho Min ers of Centrsl Pennsylvania. The advance of 6 cents on a ton has been accepted by all the miners In Ccntrnl Penn sylvania. Miners of Tioga county, who have Iwen receiving 45 cents a gross ton, were not given an advance, The Bloomlngton Conl Mining company, on taking possession of tho Pardee mines, will withdraw 1(10, men, eating 50 men to do the work. AlsontAt antlo mine No. 2 the operatlors will remove 100 miners. For tho Japanese. The Edgar Tnnmson Hteel Works at Brad dock completed the order for 10,(100 tons of mils placed by the Japanese (tovernment. They will he shipped from Ilnltltnore to Tokio via Cape Horn. An order for a San Francisco company went that wny last week It being cheaper to ship by steamer than across the continent. The Edgar Thomson works, when the Japan order was finished, started on an order for mils fur a Cbllo rail road. It Is being tilled fur the Illinois Hteel Company. Bloyole Faotory for Youngitown. The stockholders of the Andrews Bicycle Company at Youngstown, O., held a meeting nnd elected J. J. Hamilton President, Morgan Lewis Vice-President, F. H. Andrews Heere tnry, Henry Helglleld General Malinger. The coriipniiy bns purchased a site on West Coin men street nnd the coming week will brenk ground fur the erec tion of a large factory to manufacture, a high grade bicycle. Wilkes Rolling Mills to Resume. The Wilkes rolling mill, at Hharon, which has been Idle for two yenrs nnd nine months has resumed operation. About HO men will be employed. This number will be Increas ed If business warrants It. Mnnngcr Joseph Wilkes contemplates adding a sheet mill to plant this summer. Rlmon Burns Is again president of the win dow glass workers' association, from which position he was recently deposed. A member of the Bessemer steel billet pool confirms the statement thnt the price for April bns been advanced to (20 25 pet ton. The tailors of Hteubenvllle, O. have gone out on a strike because ot a refusal of tbe merchant tailors to grant tliem a 10 per cent Increase. Both sides say they propose to ugiit lor victory. The company operating the Glen ennl Works, nt tlleneo, (., refused to grant the miners the ndvauce of 7 cents for March for mining coal, and thov huve struck. This may h-nd to a general strike In the Fifth dis trict uf Ohio, of 0,000 miners. Alice Hlone Illnckwell calls attention to the fact thnt in I'tati, where full suffrage wns grnntitl to women a few months ago, the Leutsliittire has lust enacted a law giving women teachers In the public schools oqunl salaries with male teachers for equal work, provided they hold certificates In the snine grade. It Is also stated that in Wyoming, where women have had full suffrage since lHtill, It has been the law for many yenrs that all women employed by the Htate shall re ceive equal wages with men for equal work. Lord Punrnvon is really popular In Ireland Ills appointment ns lord lletitcnnnt of Lim erick hns given great satisfaction to the Irish. Dunraven lives (or sevornl months of the year nt Adnre Manor, his place in Limerick county, and he is said to lie very hospitable and is on good terms with bis tenants. MARKETS, riTTSRtma. Grmla. flout anal read. WHEAT 1 red 0 Ma S rsd .. tOKN-Na S yellow sr, Ko. t yellow shellxt . Mlssd ear, OATH No. 1 white ra t white IlUt mixed .. BY at No I Nol S wsatnrn fLol R Wlnior patents blends,. i aucy airaignt winter 77 9 78 75 7 M ffmiv BAY Nu 1 timothy.. auieo clover. Ha i Nsw Hay. from wuima rBiCD No, 1 White Mo., lon. pruwn AMdauag s........ nran, uuia STKAW- Wheal Out 87 S4 a ill n 44 4H 75 70 OS 84 Hi Iff) V5 ia 45 44 SKI t SO no 8 no m ita GU 15 J (u u uo 00 14 (10 IS 50 M) 18 U0 75 00 ,50 t 00 Dairy lTotuata. U7TKR Blgla Ureemary.. Ms a Fancy Creamery , L & at Fancy Country Hall is oj pUKii-Ohlo,new V 10 New York, new, , Q li fruit and Vecetabla. APPLES Bhl .. i 00 1 10 KUANS iland-plcked, per bu 1 85 1 40 tvl ATUMB fine, in car. buZ... IS 0 tABBAOIt-llouie grown, bbL I 75 i 00 (JMUNS Yeuow.Q . 8J 40 feultry. At to. ?!!!cABH'p,lr ' w 1 1 HKhVH.V Ib in jS KtiUB Fa. and Ohio, fresh. 10 11 Miscellaneous. IIEDB-Clover 6S lbs. a 4 76 A 5 00 Timothy, prlniew........... 1 VU t 50 blue Oiaaa ............. 1 40 l w SlAPLit bYHUP, new 70 so C1DKU Ceustry, sweet, bbL. ( uu 111 VaI,IaW 4 4 UlKCiai M ATI xotnt , whkat NoTs ki::r.:iz: kl k Na fL . .. tOllN-AtllaO. ..........-. OATo hues,. bUrlkk'ib'ioCrVanio'ry'"" 175A4 50 74 U 81 nt sa V K0 r-muiiktm LAV. FLOUK . a 1 kxa4 75 tOKN-Na stlsad.........., U OATbNa S White... U S4 BL'TIKM Creamery, eilra... M kUUS i-a. nrsla n ItstW VOKK. FLOUR Patents .......... a I 75 at 15 WliKAT-No. sited JZ 75 I'UhN Na r 87 OA'IS-Wblte Western St t b b '1'1'KH creamery m KUUS otate aud Peun 11 14 14 Vat STOCK. CSKTBAIi STOCK YABDS, BAST UBBBTT , A. CARLS, mme, 1,500 to 1.400 lbs ill tioou, l.vou io l.iuu ltia....... 4 10 Tlily, 1.ISJ0 U l,15Uri 4 UO Fair Usui steers, suite lU001bs. 50 Coiuiuuu, tUO lo tSJU0 m... S 75 4 M 4 II 4 II I 7t I It Medium,.. ..,. Ucavy ttougbs aud Htags... Iitra.ll0iibs.. tolioiba..,.. Fair, TO leeuba,.. vesajBoa. 4 05 I H5 a 75 400 V0 50 I so 4 10 8 IN 55 4 K 4 Ot t 711 I 45 ' I write to let vnu know ' how pleased I am with 1 i ir pnrsnoarii n. t t very wealc anil tired ' last month, and went, as usniil.toget 'ssarsn- 1 P'irllla. and did not know hnl I had 'a until I ant ' ' home, when I found I had ynurs. anil pieiiscu sin f i. ... I ........ .... ,( n.A S" 7011, -. i... i. nmov me rtiirirftfl and struntf sooner I 1 thsn 's. and to strong 1 ' that I set to work, alone. to turn a hniipN rfinml. 1 m.ivcil ttllS 1 hoiisn Its lull Tutiffth. and then ' 111 feet linek. rinllA on under- ' ' liiklui for one man. Hut ItwsS your sarsauarllla that eave me I streiiiFtii 1.1 in it 1 i,fi always I t'llt It ill f,,lr 7T1II1 WAltl). ' Hill tit., Ollphan't, Fa., Deo. 2S, 1S.. !-i3tf;-v- :i WEIGHTY WORDS ron Ayer's Sarsaparilla. glllllllllllllljlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL rr Z-3 rs m ss s 3 3 : s : i! "A very smooth article." i Don't compare 11 Battle Ax" 1 g with low grade tobaccos compare g "Battle Ax" with the best on s the market, and you will find you s H get for 5 cents almost as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other g H high grade brands for JO cents. s lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillHlllllllllllllllli 1 Premium No. 1 Chocolate j Made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., J Dorchester, Mass., has been cele ip brated for more than a century as X a nutritious, delicious, and flesh- j forming beverage. Sold by gro- US X cers everywhere. 2 Now to Crow MR M IV It A Valuable Book Coverine the Whole Subleet. Worth Biany to layers of Sowers. Bead 10 seats. t.OOD TALUK OR 1BOXBV RUTrjRNED. ' Stamps taken. Iteer to any KuUaad sauik. A. W. ruHKlXel & CO,, Ou L, UmtltM, Vu future prespeots bnshu Wrtte toy oar BMI Caeani BareJSl Beat free to any adilreaa, giytns Ue surlpUena of 100 Vlralnla Fwius of VIRGINIA FARMS i iter mm apwawda, with tmiMmgn, fruits, timber, wtr, mu-j beet 4 uavkeu. frjt VBrtoty f crt.nn, veuetahleji hud fnUtt; notHl ft -UhU aiddrw T YU DlfAVKN, EmU Umm Aimh, p from lu io ltoo wiree etvt'h, at from Mt comte In V. 84 fur beaUIbmlii4Mae, It Was Bifore tha Day of SAPOLIO Thiy Utid to Say "Woman's Work Is Niver Dons." SEND SI &?rI:tr"o, aS'M AVV1TLI HDli 1 irn . - I al Iklr.y ..Vii. .IiT.-..! S I CAI.C AH PURE MAPLE SYRUP ffirM eel pi of I.OO. sisU. A. Fadlmmu, ButUud. Vt. Crlppl Orovkoniplet hltory of tbe (teat etiltl Tamil, wl(ti oup b, t'1 ),BPtfr mo' '" lBii.u.pv Jllnecmio4 lil. lit iv ti I'tl. OPIUI1 sea W HISXT sabtu eared. Book seal B. B. WOOLUV AVLASTA, OA. I I BssfeiW ri'iruM itil" Caa I VP Inf S-ld br dro..i.t. I a-l""' - - , a-a al Iklriy )an' esserleaca lu (be Kuiera Jialaa. and ho u wefi known from Maine lo Florwa. wrllaa ua la re'ereaoe le oae of oii me. na.e yet aaeo. U I want aaotlier eiaoblne for but werS I aauulil kae aootn.r ot ynura!" cnvalan res. i,OO.Hia alt NYMAls. Via.. Ollu. CBiHs-y.: For nia tJE!::d C!:::::j H t 14) Cssasjsm-ej BlwrearM IskM 0a ftv, f 4i ain..iirr::