The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 18, 1896, Image 4

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    tfulmeri)fion Jt.W prr iwr, l iliJi'imrc.
!. A. KTurincmno, liilllor mid I'nb.
"v I'.dn i'.sn ayZ m a m 'i i i.
Anlniloprnilriil Wnlpnin-r, it1l vt-t-y
Woilniiliiv IH Iti-vniiltlivllli, .li'flVrsiill To.
ili'vmi'il Id tlir lnliTi'! nf l(rynitlilvlllt
mill .IflTiTnin nullity. Niiii-MMllriii, will llviK
nil wlih fiilriK'XM. mill w ill In' in'lnlljr frlmnl
ly IiiwunN I In liiltiii-lntt i-lii.
Dulmcrlplliin iilri'l.iiM'r yiMir.ln nilvniu'P,
('iimmiinlriillniin liili'iiili'il fur inilillriillnn
muni Im iiiviiiiipiinli'il liylliK wrflvr'niiiinu',
nut fur imMli-iitliin, Iml i n fimriiiili'i nf
giMMl fllltll. Inli'li'itliltf lll'W Hi'lim millrlli'il.
Ailvirtlilim rnli mnilc kniiwntin nppllrn
tlim at 1ln iiflU'r In ArnnliN' lllitrk.
l.fiiulilv riimiiiiiiili'iilliiim nml rnnniw nf
nil vrl l-iniiitx mIiiiiiIiI nmi'li thin itfllrn lijr
Mnniliiv ilium.
Aililri'n iilli-iiinmiliili'Mloim 1oC. A. Hlnph
enim, UiviinMivlMi Pit.
Kntprrif n thi pnntiiHli'c Bl lli'jfimlilBvlllii,
ft uprnnil I'ltiAA mull nuiMnr.
Tlio old miyl'iiK. "mil' rnnimt wo Into
a iiilllntntio," Is llltoly to Wiund nn oil
diili'ti' miti now 1 1 1 it t tliu X rntlmili1 i-h.vh
are nporntintr In ilioliiirniph.v.
"Tim Dully Now" I tlio tiiuim of 11
now impi-i1 Hint pmili' its flint nppi'iininon
In Pittsburg Miimlny nfti-rnoon. Tlio
now oroHturo la of ltopulilli'iin pnront
tigo nnil It pionilso to l n vm-y Hvo
Hi'pulilli'iin pnpor. "Tim Dully Now"
In miro to i't ii tni'gn piUroiuiiio Ih'oiiuso
it rIvob tlio now In an nttraotlvo hiiJ
romlalilo form.
It Ih now proponed to authorl.o nwt
mnstors mid their tlnputlo to upon
lettor on whlrli ptrntiio stamps Imvo
not boon plnred, to lonrn tlio nnmo of
wrltor nnd avoid forwHrilititf It to the
dond lottor ollloo. Tf nil whowrito would
havo their nnino and ntlilrossos printed
on tho (nvi'loH' thoy ww, an tlio ot
ofllcn dopnrtniont tviinoRtR.Mich troublo
would not arise. work la neatly
dono In The Stak oflluo Job department
at roasonnhlo t-ict.
It la always hard to got up In tlio
world. When yon aeo a man who Ih
really and trtily up In tho world you aeo
a man who has worked IiIh way up.
There la neither man nor woman at the
top In any department who did not have
to olttnb there with bllHtored hands and
bleeding feet. Tho loading mervhanta,
tho loading Inmiraneo men, edueatnrs,
all cllnilicd patiently to eminence.
Plant get up, trees get up, men and
women get up, all In ono way by climb
ing up.
Tho Look Haven A'rpmi says: "On
the l.'lth of April the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will complete the
flrnt half century of It aetlvo cxlstoneo.
During thin period It ha made Itself
tho giviitcHt railroad corporation in the
world. It ban been formotit In all hit'
proveinents in railroading. It has
literally net the pace for the rail rond
world. It has never been behind but
always first. Arrangements nro In
progress, wo understand, to celehrato
this somt-contcnnlal In a fitting
We should not only guard against sin
'In ourselvoB, but we should with equal
care avoid anything that might provo
the occasion of sin lu others. A llttlo
pebble may turn tho course, of a tiny
atrcalu which In its onward flow becomes
a mighty rlvorfgo an apparently trif
ling act may so change tho whole coin-so
of a man's llfo as to render him a
-monster of Iniquity, and result In his
ruin. How careful, Jhsn, wo should bo
to avoid everything which may bring a
wrong lnfluonee to boar on the minds of
others, or which may provo tho occasion
of tholr fall Into sin. Wo nro In some
sense our brother's koeper. Wo should
bo dooply solicitous for his welfare.
Any man can take a nowspapor. It
is tho chcapcHt thing he can buy. It
instructs you and your wife, and teaches
your eiillJtvn, it comes 10 you every
week, rain or shino, calm or storm,
brings you tho best news of tho neigh
borhood. No matter what happens, It
enters your doors a welcome friend, full
of sunshine, cheer and Interest. It
ahortons long summer days and enlivens
long wintor evenings. It is your ad
visor, your gossip and frlond. No man
is just to his wlfiand chlldron who does
not give them the home paper to read.
Emlenton Xart. Subscribe for THE
Star and got all tho news, state, coun
ty and homo, for $1.00 a year, cash in
Ruth Ashmore, addressing herself to
"That Boy of Mine," in March LaUks'
Home Journal, writes that his personal
appearance "should be good. You owe
that to yourself. And whether it is at
tho oflloo or when you'are out visiting
you should bo a cloan, wholesome-looking
young man. Cleanliness does much
toward godliness, and a clean body aids
a cloan soul. It may not be in your
power to possess a dress suit, but If you
should not, don't borrow one and don't
hire one. Brush up the best clothes
you have, make them immaculate, and
then enjoy yourself and forget your
clothes. Your linen can always be
fresh and clean, and your tie can be in
good style, and properly knotted.
Never wear a loud scarf and never wear
imitation jewelry. Gentlemen select
plain gold buttons, and simple gold
links, and scarf pins of the most modest
pattern. If you can afford dress clothes,
remember never to appear in them until
alter dark. You may wear as you like
best, either a lawn tie or a black satin
one, but the stiff little bow should be
lor pud by yourself and not bought ready
Did You Ever?
Did you ever m a cow-slip on nn or
ango peel ? ,
Or a liiniHO-fly a kite?
Or a monkey-wrench an ankle V
Or a hiilter-cnp it leech ?
Or a tnllllon-nlr break a train V
Or a hor-HhiH a mnlo y
Or a music-box the compass y
Or a yard-arm our navy y
Or a jib-boom the utookH?
Or a iniiin-Hnll without a ruihlnry
Or nn nvalhncho a yacht y
Or a dogHtar In tho oMra t
( )r a cork arena y ,
Or a seal -skin nn eel ?
Or an ant-eater uncle y
( )r a Hhoo-hlaek Its eye f
( r a shoe-Hiring n fiddle y
Or a hIiim'-Iiicc corsets y
Or a telegraph-polo u vole?
( ir a sparrow-hawk n lianaiian y
i r a coupe a hill y
Or en-glim masons y
( r the iiioiitixliliic a hIioc y
Or the moon-Hct a watch y
Or a spar-row a limit y
Or tfie sun-set on a tuck ?
Or the miHin-llght n lire?
r a clam-bake some bread y
Tho dull aenson of the year Ih the
time to do the grcatcHt amount of
advertising, ho say the inimt HUccesHful
of advert iHcrs, and if it Ih ho with them
it Ih equally ho with all. l'onictitlon
demands it as much In the country as It
iIoch In the city, for the roamm that tho
financial Htruggle Ih tinually greater.
The rates of advertisement In tho
country enable tho merchant hi adver
tise extensively the year annual, gives
him advantages over his city com
petitor. Just think of It, the llttlo
journal "I'rintors Ink," only one of
many journals used by tho city dealer,
giits Ti.OiH) to 7,(KHI per year for n pngo
ad. 4xfl inches, amounting to more for
ono issue than the same spuco would
coat in a country paer for two years.
If It pays to ail vei l Iho at all It pays to
ndvertlHO all the time.
Robinson has the price right nn shoes.
R. and (i. glovo lilting cornet at J. S.
When you havo a bad cold and cough
try a bottle of Kxtraet of Wild Cherry
nnd Tar. For aalo at tho Reynolds
Drug Storo.
We uro now offering The Star for
$1.00 a year, cash In advance.
The Thrlco-a-week edition of tho AVic
y-k- World and Tun ST All one year
for $1.70.
Tho cheapest and best shoos for tho
money in town at J. S. Morrow's.
If you aro pleased with TllK Stak
step in and Bubscrilie for it, anil if you
uro not pleased with it you should sub
scrllx) anyway, so you can get ull tho
local and general news and keep posted
about what Ih going on urounil you.
One dollar, cash in advance, gets The
Stab, for ono year.
Korough Ordinance.
(No. .18.)
AN OIUHNANCB establishing a
grade for a sldo or foot walk, on tho
North side of West Main stroot, in
Roynoldsvlllo borough, from tho East
side of Pino ulley to tho West Bldo of
Centennial , hall, as shown on David
Reynolds' plan, in front of lots NumlierH
11, 12, 1.1 and 14, owned by S. Shaffer,
Mrs. Tappor, M. M., Fisher and John
Section 1. Be it orduined and enact
ed by tho Town Council of tho Borough
of Reynoldsvlllo, and it is hereby or
dained nnd enacted by authority of tho
same, that tho grade for a sldo or foot
walk from tho Kant sldo of Centennial
hall, on tho North side of Main stroot,
in said borough, be and tho samo is
hereby established as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning on tho Fast lino of Pino
alley, at Solomon Shaffer's lot, at pres
ent grade; thenco for tho distance of
flfty-clght and four-tenths feet at a fall
of twenty-four Inches In 100 feet; thence
for a distance of thirty nnd four-tenths
foot, at a fall of five Inches In 100 feet;
thence for tho distunco of thirty and
eight-tenths feet at lovel; thence for
tho distance of fifty-eight nnd nino
tenths foot, at a rise of six inches in 100
feet; thence for the distance of sixty-
seven and nine-tonths feet, at a rise of
fifteen inches in 100 feet, to present
grade at the West lino of Centennial
Section 2. That any ordinance or part
of ordinance conflicting with the pro
visions of this ordinance be and tho
same is hereby, repealed, so far as the
samo affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law in
Councils this 2nd day of March, A. D.
1800. Scott McClelland,
Pres. of Council.
J. S. Hammond, Clerk of Council.
Burgess' office, March 2nd, A. D.
18(16. Examined and approved. '
Samuel Lattimek, Burgess.
Bis; KicUeiueut In Town.
Oyer the remarkable cures by tho
grandest specific of the age, Bacon's
Celery King, which acta as a natural
laxative, stimulates the digestive or
gans, regulates the liver and kidneys
and Is nature's great healer and health
renewer. If you have kidney, liver and
and blood disorder do not delay, but call
at W. B.. Alexander's drug store for a
free trial package.- Large sizes 50o,
and 25a - . s
Horo Is it problem taken from nn ox
change that our mathematical friends
may try to solve: Three negrooB Blolo
n mick of apples nnd hid them In ii barn.
After they hiul retired ono of them con
cluded ho would get up nnd take his
hnii. lie counted the apples and
found ho could divide them equally by
throwing one nwiiy, which ho did. Af
ter ho bad gono another went for tho
same purpose. Hn threw ono away and
tiMik ono-thlrd of the remainder. When
lio was gone tho third man camn, threw
away one and took ono-thlrd of the re
mainder. When they nwoko In tho
morning neither told tho other what, lie
had dono but they threw ono away nnd
divided tho remainder equally, flow
many apples were In tho sack at the
beginning y
That old established cough remedy,
Downs' Elixir, still more than hnhls Its
own. In the public cHtiiiinllon, despite
sharp and active competUliin. Tt is a
"homo remedy," and In this locality
needs no words of praise from us, ho well
and favorably known Is It. It is the
standard remedy fur coughs, colds nnd
nil throat troubles, with great iiumlierH
of our people, and their continued uso
and unsolicited recommendation of It
speaks volumes In lis favor. .'inViin
Mm, Frre I'ltnn, Jinmitrtl z'0, MM.
For sale by II. A. Stoke.
Keep it In the house foreougliH, coIiIh,
croup and sore throat Extract of Wild
Cherry and Tar. For aalo at tho Iteyn
iiIiIh Drug Store.
At King At Co. 'n you will find baled
hay, Halt, Hour nnd a full line of general
Don't take any risks. A llttlo cough
may get to lie a fflg one. (iet a bottle
of Extract of Wild Cherry and Tar.
For sale at the Reynolds Drug Storo.
It will pay you to buy your allocs at
.1. S. Morrow's.
Important-Read This !
Spring is at hand. . Glean
up, fix up!
Make your homo bright and cheerful. You are tired
Paper on
Get Komething new and frenh.
plete. All the LateHt
Thousands ot Samples
and prices lower than ever offered before. Look at theBe
We are prepared to meet all
the quality of our goodH before purchaning elHewhere.
Note These Prices!
l2ru ornlNG wncAg,
Reynolds Buck,
or tub
lit Iteyiiiililsvllle, In I he Hliitc nf IVnimylva
n I ii, at the i'Iiisii nf ItusliieMS I'Vlititiii i isih.
I Him.
I.iiiin. mill (IImi-iiiiiiIk ITT.DSI V
IHerill-iiris, seelll-isl mill lltlHi'i'llllsl., I. II 44
I'.H. Unmix tiKceiiriM'lii'iiliilliin.... aMM
I'M'llllllllisiill II. H. Iliimls. II.HM HI
Htiieks. M-rlirllll'i, I'le I.'.'KI Ml
III I II 1 1 me It till tlltllli'N'.M
line fiinti tiiiiivi'il ri-irvtt ntieiilH. 2:M'il 74
t'liiM'ka mill el her mill llenis Hill IN
Nolo ir ol In. i Null. mill limilis 1, M HI
rriielliiiiiil piiMr rimi'iiry, tileklrs,
nnil ii-ii in OH IK
Lawful mniicy reserve In lunik, vln
Hhi-Ii- 4.1
1.1-Kiil-ti-nili-r miles VMM Ml 13,017 4A
lti-ili-iiiiiim fiiiut with r. H. Tii-ns-
iiri-i-iA n-r i-i-iii. nt I'lri-iihitliiiu.. l.aM no
Total l(l,7ail 71
I I Mltl.lTIKK.
('iipllnl xlnek imlil in fniM") )
Hiii iiIiim fiiml ;i,rn hi
t!tllllvlili'il piellN, Ii'mh cxpeiine null
line mlil III? Id
Niilliniiil llinili null's init-if miilliiit. .. 27.HMHMI
line In nihi l- Null. mill Hunks Ml
IHvlileliili II It in K I !f!l HI
lliilli III nil I ili'iHi-llt iili.ft liit-hl'i'k IW.'l.l '.'I
Tlnn lilllelileinf ili'liiwll 7,444 m
I'llMllhT'il elterk lilllHltunMliK 414 HH
T11I11I ; !lill,"!ll 71
BUI. T PtansylTKnlft, Cionljr of JilTi rioB, :
l,.lnliii II. Kiiui'her, fnttlilernr the nliiive
timneil lunik, tin Hiili.tnnly Ntveiir 1I1111 the
iilmve Kiiiteini ni Ih I run In the lien! nf my
kiinwli'ile nnil lu'llef.
.Inns II. K Al'i 111:11, I'll ill Iit.
ftilwerllii'il nml hiviimi In hi-fiirc inn this 4lli
iluy nf Miiti h. Isiki.
Ai.iikiit Kkyniii.iih, Not my I'lihlle,
1'oiiiikit- Atlcsl:
r. Miti iiki.i., I
.1. r. Kino. V lllns-tnrs.
OTouttttt S1!! jtcrlntf irnt.
Hiili.leet to I he ilitelslim nf I In Jefferson 'iiunty
HrhiMil lllrni'liirs' riiiiveiillun, Miiyd, Ismi.
Cn(M lleaUtlflllllillfTono
rlli -hi i".",,v,,,4
I Ul dl I Ur l-7.r. You can
print hundreds of tliniisanils on any
printing press. Kntiil pliotoand$l.7.riaiid
recelvo the cut. Kample free. Address
4 lf DearlHirn Hti-eet, Chicago.
at the old
your Walls.
Our utock in full and com
PatteriiH and Demgns.
to select From I
Good Kltcfien Paper 2c. PER ROLL and up.
ft Better Grade at 8c. PER ROLL and up.
competition. Come and Hee
Reynolds Drug store.
Golden Sheaf Flour 90c, per
Sack; $3.60 per bbl.
Pure Chop, 90c. per cwt.
Bran, 80c. " "
Brown Middlings, 80c. per
$ White Middlings, 90c. per
I cwt.
25 lbs. Buckwheat Flour 40c.
" " Corn Meal, 80c.
All kinds of chicken feed.
All goods guaranteed pure.
Reynoldbvillk, Pknn'a.
i hi :
You will il'nda ood nsnortmont
of ISTmv Shirt WiiistH, Silkn, Em
broidofios find JAuicy Buttons.
Tlio tibovo in all now mid tho latest.'
Dress - Goods!
Thin in the plneo to get them. Dress Patterns you will
also find here. . It is' nothing new
for us to havo them.
13 I
( A W 1) H A
The- most complete line of House Furnishing Goods In Jef
ferson County. We do not buy "Cheap John"
goods to fool the people, nor represent
goods to be better than they are.
"You can fool all the people part of the time and part of
the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the
people all tho time." We do not want to sell
Inferior goods and, fool our customers
and only have the people that can be fooled
all the time left to buy from us. We want your
trade and know we can give you Satisfaction
Gome Early and Late to the
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.'s Store.
Remember our Furniture and Carpets are on the
Second Floor. '
A. D. Deemer & Co.
Selected their Dress
Goods early, before
the best patterns
were picked out, and
are adding to their
stock whenever any
thing new is in the
market. We expect
this week. We were
pleased to see so
many at our Opening
and wiy give our 2nd
Spring Opening in a
few weeks.
rv I f n d. a n
oomor & Go,
n ; R
I " I
(J R
It 11