CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR. Tople For lha Werk llinnln Feb, -Comment hj lire. B, II. Doyle. Tono. IitKirt.nitiiRi.tli(T with Owl. I. Cop. Ill, 6-3S. (Orlntlan Knlrnvor day.) This torilo in a very nprirnprintA mm for thn fifteenth nnnivorxnry of tlio ori gin of tlio Chrintiiin Kiuleuvor move ment. Fifteen yen iik thero wore two soeletieR unit 04 tuenilwrs. Tniliiy thero nro 41,000 noclntioH, villi n nininlirrsliip of 8,00il, 000. fMich a nun velimn (.Tnwlh etui only lm neonnilie.l for liy nrknnwl pdRiiiR tlio liiimt of (ioil to havo been in tlio origin mill pnipiiu.ii! mil of tliii nir:t wnvunit nt. Yet Moil u.-vil I ho IiiuhIh of nirn to rnrry fnrwunl IJih mk. II luia been n ilivino luimiiii movement. Tlio hnmi of (iml nnl 1 1 i ( r tiuml of man Wein both in il. In tlii pvc.xt movf iii' :it, ns ill nil finiiliir one, mill mini voik eil toother ns cuhibnnrM. Men must nlvayBli("lal)orerstoKoth er Willi Woil" if tlioir wm k in miivchs f nl. This is tlio fact Unit l'mil niplm sizes in the topical re.ferriier. It iH n fiiet that tlio most RuvessfiilCliriHtinn work ers luivo nlwnys mlmitteil ami eniplut ftizod. Nothing toKiilioH inoroHlroiiKly to thfl eminent ChriNtinn eluiiiu-ter of Kev. Francis K. Clink, D. D., tho Ke-iiil co laborer nscil by Hod in thin, (Trent mnve inpiit, than tho fact that lio Im.i always recognized thnhamlof (ie,ilin iho move ment anil Iiiih PiiiphiiHi.eil that fact. In thin respect wo Nhonlil till emuliite tho exmnplo of tho Rreut apoKllo and the loailur of thin wonderful young peoplii's "movement. If wo nro ucieNfiil in our labors, wo nhonlil nttrilmto it to (Joel, for it in not by miKht nor hy power Hint the Lord's work in clone, but by His Spirit, Fnul may plant, Apollos may water, bnt God alone can fiivo tlio in crease. "Not nnto ns, not unto uh, but tiuto Thee, O Lord, bo honor nud glory," should bo oiir motto iu nil tho snecoanes of life. Although God in tho principal and necofwnry worker, mill man's work is also necosemy and important. The planting nud tho watering must be done iu order that by tlio blowing of God the inerense may como. Wo shonld not think becanso (iod is tlio Important one in spiritual work that wo can be oarelesg and indifferent. The fact that we tire "laborers to gether with God" should incrciu-o our zeal and earnestness. What mi honor to be a colaboror with God I It means suc cess, for God never fulls. It means fel lowship and partnership with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It menus encouragement, reward, happiness and usefulness. Let nsstrive then, stimulat ed by tho successes of tho past, to go forward in the future, still trusting in God, In snoh a way Hint though colubor ers with God wo shell be workmen who need not bo nhhamed. Bible BendiiiKS. Geu. v, 29; II Cliron. xxxi, 20, 21;Neh. vi, 15, 10;Ps. xe, 10, 17; Prov. xvi, 8; Isn. xxvi, 12; Zeoh. lv, 6 j Mnth. xxviii, 18-90; Acts xiv, 2-4; I Cor. xv, 10, 08; II Cor. iii, 6, 0; vi, 1; Gal. vi, 9, 10; PhiL ii, 13-18; iv, IS. Another Indorsement. The latest denomination to make Christian Endeavor its official young people's society is the African M. E. Zion church. The board of bishops at its conference in St. Louis unanimously passed a resolution indorsing the Y. P. 8. O. E. and making Christian Endeavor the denominational young people's so ciety. Tho board also recommended that Christian Endeavor societies be organ ized iu every church throughout the A. M. E. Zion connection. The Lighthouse of Life. An earnest Christian mate, now a Floating Christian Endeavorcr, says Golden Rule, whose ship was stranded several months ago on the southernmost island of the Japanese group, formed a friendship with a Japanese schoolteacher and commended to him the study of the Bible, presenting him with a copy. He bos recently hoard from his Japanese friend in a letter, where he says of the Bible, "It is the light house of my life.'.' Kemovins; tha Brian. We, who are so cureful to remove the briers from our pathway for fear they shonld inflict a wonud, yet, strange as it may seem, give no thought to the many wounds we inflict in other hearts by collecting and piercing them with the thorns that meet ns iu onr daily in tercourse with each other. Catbolio Universe. Greater The Faith. Love is greater than faith because the end is greater than the means. What Is the nse of having faith? It is to connect the soul with God. And what is tho nse of being oonnected with God? It is to - become like God, for "God is love." Eeury Drnmmoud. Ohrlatlaa Endeavor Motee. Wallflowers are an arctic growth. They cannot flourish in Christian En deavor atmosphere. Something far every one to do, and ' not too much for any one to do, is good aooial committee maxim. All the young peoples' societies of Richmond have united for the purpose of distributing good literature to the ' city institutions, hospitals, barber shops, railway stations, eta The young people of the Lutheran church in Illinois are sending out their own missionary to Africa, Mr. Will M. Beck of Lancaster, O. The first Floating society of Christian Endeavor in Oregon has been organized in Portland and is now prospering. Many of the seamen have returned wear--, ing Christian Endeavor pins. Beotlonal unions of Christian Endeav or are beiug agitated for India. Owing to the diversity of languages, a national union is not advisable just now. ' One 8t Louis society is furnishing cmpbooks to hospitals and jails through it good literature committee. These are j--ued at the homes of the members f 1 consist cf helpful clippings from i- THE COLISE Home's VMt Klllne and tha Many Chant ing Mooila It Una Reeih It dooms strange thnt not until tho nitddln of lust century did it occur to nny of tho successors of Peter to roscuo from tho desecration of indifference a spot saturated, i r.e may say without hyperbole, with tlvi hU 1 of the iiuir tyrn. Everybody l.nonv !i:it piirlhipiakn, lire mid inundation competed Willi eneh other f. r it:i ilestnii'tion, MuIh enrd's troopern stalled themselves there, and the 1'iniiu'piini transformed it into n forties!. When less turbulent timen supervened, it, lie 'ami! by taeit eoiiKont the common quarry of tlio more power ful Uoiu .in houses. When for n limn friendly i nou!;h with each oilier, they h 11 tilt and tourney within it, n:"l then mystery plays restored for n tin e Uh tliealrieal eliarneter. bixtus V hud a sehemo for turning it into n woolen manufactory, and nnothcr prince of pence, thought it would servo capitally ns it powder luagir.ino. Meanwhile it remained a convenient miuket plaeo for the salo of vegetable. Hut ill 1 7"0 nil rniite.-t liigurian monk, Leonardo l i Porto Miiurizio, cuuio to Homo, craved audience of Benedict XIV, und obtain ing papal sanction for the new form of devotion known ns tho Via Cruel", in duced tho sovereign pontiff tocon.ii i-crato the Coliseum to celebrate mass there mid to erect n large wooden cross in tho very center of tho pagan men a. Ever since tho stations of tho cvohs, commemorating tho journey to Calvary, linvo encircl.'d tho vnst ellipse, nnd the newcomers whoso rising voices disturbed my reverie are wandering hither behind a tall, barefooted, barchendod Francis can friar, to imiko tho dolorous pilgrim age. All the fine ledios of Homo nro thero, nnd, heedless of delicate flounce and furbelow, they kneel on the un swept ground lit every halt lnnde by tlio rosnry girdled monk nnd bow their bends in nudiblo lamentation. Then, whou tho long, sad service is completed, ho rebukes them for their transgressions and invites them to a holier life. Thnt much I can tuako out from wbero I sit, in sympnthotio contemplation pf tlio scene, though no small part of his ex hortation reaches mo, but in fitful vowel sounds, musical, but somewhat vague in moaning. Hcforo they have come to a close a blnroof trumpets tolls mo that a body of French zouaves is coming along tlio Via San Grcgorio, between tho Pala tine and Cirlinu hills, on their way bnck to barracks from tho exercising ground thnt lies beyond the tomb of Cuius Cestus nnd Shelley's buriul place. Tho Insoli nco nf nlli n drum, ' Vexing tho 1rilit bluo nlr, To tnittu a ixoplo'ii nnguUh dumb Or speed a rush dnfmntr, That onco hod wrung That prophet tonguo To challenge fnrco nnd rhpcr the slave, Rolla unri'buked around hln grave. Fortnightly Heview. NEW YORK CANDY PEDDLERS. Clustered In Dingy Kat Side Roome, They Bleep on tha Floor. Very nearly all the dark skinned men who sell that brilliantly colored candy from push carts are members of a regu lar clan and for the most part Greeks. When the day has ended and their work is done, they gather together iu a dozen or more dens in Roosevelt and Cherry streets just at the foot of the famous Chorry hill, there to eat, rest and before sleeping to load up their carts for the morrow, that they may got an early start One of those rendezvons presents a unique appearance late nt night. It is generally a store on the ground floor, that the push carts may be trundled out easily when heavily loaded. From the sidewalk the "store" does not show a single rny of light. It looks forbidding and deserted. Bnt its door opons readi ly. The entire front of the long apart ment is filled np with carts laden with the sweets and displnying signs. Only a narrow passageway is loft to get to the back of tho room. Here, around a smudgy table, five or six chattering Greeks are ploying curds and quarreling over tho game. On tho boards is spread a quuutity of candy, newly made and cooling, for it is in a room back of this that the stuff is pre pared. The candy maker not only makes a profit selling to the peddlers, but he gots still more of their money, lodging them on the same floor as their push carts. Sometimes when a peddler is "broke'' the maker of sweets sends him out with a load of candy to sell on shares, but as a general thing he get. cash for his product before the carts go out Beds are, for the most part, unknown luxuries. Only the most prosperous ped dlers seem to be able to afford them. Generally the floor is marked out with chalk lines, divided into narrow squares, and there on the hard boards, without disrobing or changing an article of their clothing, the candy peddlers sleep, New York Herald. Maternal Pride. "Just think of it," she said proudly, ' as the voice of her son rose above all the ; others in the college yell. I "Just think of what?" asked her bus- band. ! "Hiram and all those other boys oou- versiug in Greek just as natural and easy as if it was their natural tongue." -Washington Star. It so falls out that what we have we prise not to the worth while we enjoy it; but, beiug lacked and lost, why, (hen, we rack the value. Then we find the virtue that possession would not show us while it was ours. Shakes peare. ' If we must accept fate, we are not less compelled to assert liberty, the sig nificance of the individual, the grandeur of duty, the power of character. Enier- If we would have auythiug of benefit, we must eam .lt, and earning it become shrewd, inventive, Ingenious, active, anterrrisisj. IX W. Laecbar. trnek by Itawl Hand. Bnld Henry Billings, a retired rail road engineer "I was running a night train on the Rnnta Fe road back in the seventies. This pnrticnlnr night lind been stormy nud threatening, nnd the flashes of lightning wero freipient nnd intense. We wero running abend of our schedule in order to make a siding in lime to al low nn extra to puss us, and were travel ing, I suppose, nt tho rnto of nbnnt B0 or U.'i miles mi hour. "I was silling with my faco elosn to tho forward window of the cab, gn.lng f'trnight nliend, when In n brilliant blaze of electricity a limit's nrni nnd bead suddenly burst with great force through the glass nnd the open hnnd struck inn squarely in the face. I yens ilnrrd for nn instant by the blow, nnd helil Mindly to tho side of the h. My first thought was that sonic ' p was trylnic to hold up my train lo rob tho passengers, nnd, net log on this idea, I seined my wrench from its place nnd dealt the head of tlio intruder n blow with nil my might. "Tho fireman, thinking I lind killed the man, shut off sleam and we slowed down nnd took our lanterns to examine, tho strnugn visitor. I could not describe tho feeling thnt crept over mo when I climbed upon the engine and looked nt tho man whom I believed had attacked mo. His entire body below tho arms was gono. It wns easy to understand what had happened. lie bad been si i nek by tho rapidly moving engine nnd his body severed ns with n knife, tho lower half fulling to one side nnd the bend and nrms flying straight through the cab window. " Atlanta Journal. Lrarri That Arn Fifty IVet Long. In our temperate climate none of the trees has leaves of a sigo that will even compare favorably with those of the sen island nud tropical countries in general. Tho nuiplo, tho oak und tlio elm leaves nro but infinitesimal bits of green w hen compared with tho gigantic slit-els of velvety verdure found on somii of tlio troes, shrubs and plants of South nud Central America. The South American tree which has tho largest leaf is the Innja pnliu, which grows on the banks of tho Aninzon. Tho leaves of this giant are often &0 feet iu length, bnt they are very narrow, sel dom exceeding 8 to 10 feet. With the Ceyloucso cocoannt palm it is different In that siiecios tho leaves aro from 30 to 23 feet iu length and from 10 to 18 iu width. Tho natives of Ceylon aro suid to nso these leaves in tentmnkiiig, three or four being sufficient to make n shelter for a whole family. An extraordinary specimen of Ceyloiioso pnlm leaf now in the British museum, and which must bo a freak because the averago length and bieadth of the leaves of this variety of trees do not exceed the figures given above is 80 feet in length and 28 iu width, even though it is admitted that it must have shrunk ono-flfth in dry ing. St. Louis Republic. Tha Forte. The porto is tho short name of the sublime porto, which is the official way of speaking of the Turkish government. Iu the east judicial business is transact ed at the city or palace gntes. One story says that the sultan of Bagdad put in the portal of his palace a piece of sacred black stone of Mecca, thus milking his gate the pnrte. Another says that Sultan Orkhan built a gorgeous gate to his place in Broussa. Both of thoso stories are probably untrue so fur as they pur port to explain the namo as applied to the Turkish government Just as the British court is called the court of St. James nnd the late French court thnt of the Tuileries, beennso their head quarters were iu Jhe palaces of St James and the Tuileries respectively, so the Turkish conrt got tho name sublime porte because its headquarters wcro in tiie palace of Bab-i-Hnmnyun, or the Lofty Gato, iu Constantinople The name has boon nttneliod to the building in that city which shelters the four prin cipal departments of the government New York Sun. Legal Punning. We do not mean punning which is le galfor there is no pun which the law authorises but punning by members of the profession which culls itself legal It is credited by The Green Bag to Vice Chancellor Robertson of New York. The chancellor was listening patiently at chambers to an argumentative con flict over the amount of a fee claimed by a counsel. At the close of the con tention, he remarked : "Let me have your papers and the affidavits of the expert, and I will see what is feasible as to the fee, and will endeavor to see my way to a just solu tion between the contention on the one side that the fee is a phenomenal one and on the other side that there should not be a nominal fee." A Woman's Will. Talk about a woman's will I Why, tip in Lansing resides a lady who has en joyed good health and yet has not been outside the dooryard for 14 years. On one occasion when she returned home too late to get supper far her husband he grumbled and said that he hoped the next time the went out she would break her leg. This led the woman to declare she would never again go outside the yard. Later when the husband died, of remorse probably, she followed the cas ket to the gate and refused to go farther and from that time has never left the premises. Kalamaaoo Gasotta. A Craobrook Coatoaa. At Cranbrook, in Kent, as well as In other places, it was the custom to strew the bride's pathway, not with flowers, but with emblems of the bridegroom's trade ; thus a carpenter walked on shav ings, a shoemaker on leather parings and a blaoksmitb on pieoea of old iron. Detroit Journal. Among the manufacturing states New York stands first, having 860,084 per cms engaged In her factories, tha output of which reaches the enormous agvra fafcof l.Nl,oJ7,7l. THB MINUET DANCER. Po, my enchnntrrw In the flmrMTd brocade. You call an rider fashion lo your aid, Htep forth from (lutnnltornngh'a rnnvas and advnnrp, A powdemd Chilntrn, to Iho flnneo. Ahout yon clings n faded, old world sir, As llioii.h tho link ! crowded round your eliiilr, As though thn Mitrnrenls thronged thn Mull, And tho Frenrh horiAwero sounding at Vnux hall. They trend III" M-it'-ly inennrf. 1., lis eltmo, Tho silver twill" r.nd Hip slllo n hose, l.iidles nnd eJcint"lt s. Unit liend nnd nwny, lirllllutit its po'tfi-n mi nil August day. Ton dnnco the mlnnet, n'"l v.'" rt'tmlre, We dlill ildi In our Mi" Il rait while r.lllrn, Whoso riiset ld I n,t n in- ro lairles(iHN Het In tl IrnliiH so fur .rliireMito. Yet t l-i'ro luiirt; fnr l.ove, lie- rntlei roine, I'illl frnieely lufd v,. .t l 1- n :it lie III vo-lle, Hinee In ti'sl sw,l!i Iii. n .I pii'i' Is known A ronietlilng tM-rijii'i. I.JX3: unent his own. And fo he4wMv.M rs, r yes wero brlulit nnd brown Loiik ere Hie powder l.'.x ill' mnyed tli" Iowa, And f:illMnl shei'li'-rds still l'iill hnlililo on, Although Iho rnpii rs itii'l Hie frills l,e unite. Alfred On hriino In Hpeelntor. ODD FACT3 ABOUT MADAGASCAR'. Tho Tollreinrn Slwp on Tlirlr llrals Tha Curfew In or Anrlent I'm. Probnbly tho sleepiest policemen in tho world urn those of Madagascar. At Antananarivo, tho capital, thero is lit tlo evidence of tho force hy day, for its members nro nil peacefully wrapped in slumber. At night, too, thn guardian of property Is seldom to be genu, nnd that ho is actually guarding is only to be told by tho half hourly cry that is sent up to police post No. t alongside the roynl palace. "Watchman, what of the night? "Wo nro wide nwnko, keeping n sharp lookout, and nil's well." Aiitr.mitinrivo him no lumps and no streets. It is simply n great collection of houses tumbled together. Thero Is a big force of niujit police, known ns the "watch." Tho men gather themselves together into groups, nnd choosing snug corners, wrapping themselves in straw mats, they drop into long nnd profound slumber. Ono member of each group re mains nwnko to respond to tho hnlf hourly call from thn palace. As ho calls buck, tho others, half uwiikc, meclmn icnlly shout back tho responso. It makes little difference, however, thnt tho police continunlly sleep, for robbery is rnro. Curfew, though popularly supposed to bo purely nil early English and Nor-mnn-French custom, hus been estab lished in Madagascar for centurion. In every town nud village between 9 and 10 the watchmen go around shouting out in tlio juuingnsy cuitiect, --jjigius ouri nnd they see that all is In darkness in every honso. After those hours no one is allowed to travel around without a special pass. Thero Is no criminal Code of iiny ao couut, nnd when a innu is caught in the net of stealing the populace is apt to ignore tho polico nnd surround him nnd stone him to death. The Madugnscans have no "swear words" in thoir lan guage, and whou thoir feelings are over wrought against a man the only thing they can do is to exocnte summary vengeance on him. New York World. A Frlwllego of the 8ez This story, told by a minister whose chapel is in the lower part of the city, gives a keen insight into one form of human niituro. "I once officiated at a funeral," be said, "of a comparatively young man, whose widow seemed utterly inconsola ble. I tried to comfort her, but she sobbed out that she had got to bo a poor lone widow all her life. "After the burial the widow called me aside. 'Parson,' she suid hesitating ly, 'I hope you won't say auythiug about my telling you that I should live a poor lone widow all my life, for I may ihnugemy mind.' " PhiludolphiaCalL A Superior Woman. "She really is a very superior worn n." "Indeed I Is she a good speaker?" "Oh, no. I don't believe she ever made a public speech." "Writes, possibly?" "I nover heard of it if she does." "What makes her superior toother women, then?" "She can cook. "Washington Post Bare Superstition. In most parts of Europe it is consid ered unlucky for a hare to cross the road in front of a truveler. Among the Romans this omen was so unfortunate that if a man starting upon a journey espied a bare on the road before him ha would return and wait until the follow ing duy to begin bis journey. Wauled. Ladies und gentlemen suffering with throut nnd lung difficulties to call at our drug store for a bottle of Otto's Cure, which we aro distributing free of charge, and we can confidently recom mend it a a siicrior remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption and all diseases of the throut and lungs. It will slop a cough quicker than any known remedy. We will guarantee it to cure you. If your children have croup or whooping cough it Is sure to give liiHtunt relief. Don't doluy, but got a trial bottle free. Large sizes 50c. und i"io. Sold by W. B. Alexander. Experienced. 8aroastio Reader I noticed that yon had a communication in the first number of your paper aigued "Old (subscriber. " Editor Well, that was all right Buroastio Reader How so? Editor Why, that communication was written by a man who began sub scribing to different newspapers and magaainea more than 80 years ago. Bomerville Journal. Shlloh's cure, tho great cough and croup cure, la In great demand.- Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25o Children love it. Bold by J. C. King at Co. t'ftKst.trf', VsH IJul N1 nre.i1 VSiX;!-. ri M fi' ' ' n ItU "V-l a n r,"""-'ilio hr eil ii'.'f- ttr,!"i. it ....:! i O-.-i-emM., x.j ana lith'jfc; t Or."-;), end. 0;mi Uuvu. nii'i . i lie ,v I To Methodists ! PnTRONIZE THE - BEST AND CHEAPEST. The Pittsburc CHRISTIAN - ADVOCATE, Hev.C.W. Smith I).l).,Ktli tor, Office IWI I'enn At f-niir. Organ of tho Methodist Kpiscopul Church ill Western Pennsylvania, Kant cm Ohio und Went Virginia. Atl Article On nil tho live riienllons of tho dny. The contributors include some of the most eminent writers of tho church. The Weekly Kx positions of the Sunday School les son Iii pronounced by lending Sunday School workers to bo unexcelled. Interesting Niwi From nil tho churches. Special ut tcntlon paid to Young Folk's Dept. Trms of Subscription I..10 per year in advance. All itin erant ministers of tho M. K. Church nro agents, to whom sub scriptions may bo paid. Sample copies sent five. Mention this pnpor. Address, J. A. MOOItK, Christian Advocate), I'ittbiicku, Pa. m. w. Mcdonald, FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT insurance. I have alurgoline of Companies and am prepared to handle large or small lines of insurance. Prompt attention given to any business intrusted to my euro. Office in Nolan Block, Itcynolds vlllo, Pa. ubacrlbr for The -X' Star, If you want the News. THO ONLY PICTORIAL PUBLICATION DEVOTED TO AFRICA: A-.. Li henry m. sWyT Rev. ROSS :JOB -THE- Job Work Department OK- The Star Office Is replete with the Latest Styles of Types. fax SUBSCRIBE FOB THE STAE -AND GKT Local, County and State uut.j: champion J; vv.-'l . "-1 VV.r-- ..,,. . . a 1 Ifirct Molinnnl Rnnlr IllllUlUl or ItIC YXOLUH V1LLK. CAPITAL, 980,000.00. '. Mllellell, I'reeMeiiti ftfolt nierlelUiid, Vlre Pres.) .lull ii II. ICnuelirr, t'nnliler. Dlrecforai t MltelM M, H.-olt Meflelllind, ,1. ('. Kill, jonil II. I'niliell, II. I". Illimn, ... ... ruiti-r, , ii, n iiueiier. Iifre n treneml linnMrnrhiiMneMinnrl willeltn llie Hi-fi, ant tf mete hauls, iiofe-tk,,tiiii men. fio hief., lije",tollr. nilnelM, lllllleMneti lh( oilier. eiomU'eir Hie m,i eniefiil llllenllon til I III- Imslue ill till IM-rMOIlH. Cafe Ih pmlt Hum's for rnnl. 11 r it Nnlli.iial Hunk building, Noliiu black Fire Proof Vault. N. HANA Will Sell All Ladles' Misses' and Children's CoatssCosi This is a Gre Saving for body wanting: Garment. Come and see for yourself. 1 UttllJl llllustcateb Hfrica; ASSOCIATE EDITOR, HENRY M. STANLEY, who found Livingstone, explored Central Africa, crea'.ed Congo State, and is the acknowledged authority on that vastcoutlucnl. jfo containing over TWO HUNDRED SELECTED PHOTO GRAPHS, "the most attractive and interesting object connected with the great continent." For one year's subscription to Illu6tratc6 BfriCfl, and one of the Bfrica Blbuma, remit $ 1 .30, In any form, to TAYLOR, 150 Fifth Ave., Few York City. WORK!: Neat Work Done on Short Notice! ALL THE- News tor 21.50 a Year. ATT TAKES THI PLACE 0 liSNGEROUS WXJJ 6AS0LINE. S0ES IN ANT STOW. 11 ITU WPH N0 dirt on oooa. H UUMllAXV CHEAPER THAN W000 OR COAL WAXT AGENTS on L ifl Send for Catalogue) of I 11 salary or oommlealon. f t HlT P"! CI C'TO fill V J V "i v""wii irw. ((9 Caoaia an. CLCVCLANO.OHIO V