The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 08, 1896, Image 7

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    Worm m Fond.
'The most curious food product of Ui
flnmonn Islntuls Is the pnlolo, n spa
vrorm which the nntlvcs cntch and bake
as Uicy would sweet potntocs.
The few Yesr OiitlooV.
The business of the country line b50m
so dependent upon politic, especially tho
m:nufo-turinu nnd Importing Interests, thnt
there Is ngnln a lull in Its nativities, wnlt
In to sen whnt changes mity tnka piece lb
tnrllt nnil other Inws besrlnir unon such lm
portnut brnnrhes of tnvl As (!.in?ri enn
not mature such changns tnurlt before Inn
lust of iniMwr, the outlook Is somewhnt
dlsconrnixlnir. But nt the sane tlrno tho
vexations ol snob A statu of things niiirlit not
to be allows I to fret the nervous sy.t'in.
BeHnr times will come at Inst on mori etlh
stnoUnl busts. Mi'sntflilln It Is well to know
that worry to thn norms Is thn prolific
source of NenmlRln nnd klndre I nllments,
and It Is nlso established thnt In spite of
whnt Congress mny do, or nny other causa
of vexation to the nervous system. Ht,
Jacobs oil will cure Neuralgia In nnv form.
It Is poor business to worry mid grow sltik
wheu out enn gut well and flu illy prosper.
Deafness Cannot be Cared
by Inonl applications, u they cannot reach the
aleeMed portion of tlie esr. 'I hernie only one
wt to cure dnf nes, nnd that Is iiy on-ttti.
tlonnl remedies, lleittuess Iacsum! by nn in
Anmed condition of the muootn Union of the
EnstAulilxn TiiIm. Wlten this tube vota n.
(limed you hove a rumbling sound or Imper
fect hearing, nd when It Is entirely rloaml
benfnetsle the renlt, nnd tinles the Inflam
mation oen be taken nnt nnd till- lulie re.
stored to its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed terercr. Nine rasp mil of ten ere
eaovd by cttarrh, whlih Is nothing htitan In
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Hollers for nny
Case of Omfness fcauaed by ratarrh) thst ran
not he cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for
circulars, free.
w a m . K-,T' r"r""T Co.. Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 7m.
About one-third tho butter Imported Into
Omit Uritinn lnt yonrcamo from Di-miiurk.
FITS stopped tree by Pn. Kmnk's oiifat
Nr.nvr Hicti.iikb. No Ills after flmt dnv's ue.
Mtttvelnu cure. Tn-ntlse hihI g.'.notrml hot
tle lrto. hr. Kline. (Ml Arch f-l.. I'h'.ln., l a.
Rtrlklng nn nveriiya KnglMi women wi-nr
shoes two sizes larger thnii Anioriinn women.
Plso'sOnrc for Consumption hss saved me
many a doctor's titll. H. K. Maiiuv. Hopkins
riico, Baltimore. Mtl., I)ec-niher 4, lMi-i.
Vrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Xyrnp for children
tretlilng. softens the gums, reduces Inflnins
tlMi. allays pain, cures wind colic. Jo. a bottle
The Into Lord KliiKsdnlo hontod tin most
ancient pconiue in the I'nlteil Kinirduin.
Tee Mast Plrnsnnt H'ny
Of preventing the grippe, colds, hen Inches and
fevers Is to Use the liquid laxative remedy.
Syrup of Flge, whenever the system needs a
gentle, yet effective cleansing. To be benefited
one must get tho true remedy manufactured
by the California Flit Syrop Co. only. For sale
by all druggists In .Vic. and II bottles.
Thero nre 48,000 nrtists In Tnrlsh more
thau half of them painters.
Tern Most PiMrut AsoStrs nr.Mr.nv for a
Couh or Throat Trouble is "-nroicn's Ilronchfnl
Trocliu." They possess real merit. j
Tho chief exponents of music in Japan sro 1
SarsapsrUIn has over nnd over a?aln proved
Itself tne beet blood purifier mellcal science
has ev produced. It cures when other
medicines utterly fail. Its record is un
equalled In the history of medicine. Its suo
cuss is basel upon its Intrinsic merit. Hood's
Is the Oas True Blood Puriflor.
MA J9j- Dill are easy to take, mild, effeo
HOOfJ S rlHS Uve. All druggist. 26c.
FN U 9 00
Morplilne lTablt Cnred In IS
to so days. No par till cured.
DR.J.ST ISHENCtsbanon.Osie.
THE AFTIMOTOR CO. does half the world's
windmill buuuM, because It has reduced Uieenst of
Wtn4 power to 1 . what II wss. It bas manf branch
sj sk nouses, and suppiim ita goons and repslie
' w. n jou, t
otSera. It makes Pumnlns and
Ooared, Steel, QslTanlied alter-
-i-ooipieiion winamiiis, Tilting
ls'L!?4 steel Towers, steel trail 8a
Framea stool Pimd Pumaf -..
SS A Orlnders. On apbllcaUsn It wilt nsme one
lit m thsoo srtlrloo thai It IU rnml.h ,.MI
vauuBiy . io Hi hum pneo. 11 auo nuuus
Tanks end Pumps or all kinds. Sens Me eotaloo-iia.
hsssrti Utk. ReckwtU sad PIUsMn Streets, Ukoss.
PDIII'I w4 WHISKY hsMtt cured. Book sent
VrlWM nuts. Sr. a. n. woollst. stusti. at.
"wm e rain nunuf AWARD.
IsPure and unsweetened
and can be retained by;
the weakest stomach.;
A safe, easily digested;
nn barw sons. New vork.
Sarsaparilla Sense.
Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any
tea is tea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ.
You want the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There
are grades. You want the
. . 1
sarsapanua as wen as you do tea and Hour
would be easy to determine.
should you ?
When you are going to buy a commodity
whose value you don't know, you pick out an old
established house to trade with, and trust their
experience and reputation. Do so when buying
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market
fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a
reputable, medicine. There are many sarsaparillas.
But only one Ayer's. IT CURES.
4 9
'a-'-s'V Dw 0w0w'0w
Japan's Great rathcilral.
When forelKti nrchltcct visit Jnprin
Itnd sc the Cnthcdntl of ltuddhlsm fot
this first time they nrn geiicmtly ns
tntilnhcd at thn nmijivltlcont structure.
It Is executed In pure Orlcntnl style,
nnd Is richly ornntnented with enrv
lints. II. Ito, n fiimnus litiiit'icc, ol
NnKOva City, tleslifncd It. Tim stiuo
ture wns ciiititnciKftl in 187H, ivtid wn
comiilotcd this yenr. The cost hns licen
fsllttiutod nt $n,0 Mi.fKK). It would hnve
Krcntly exceeded this niniuint hnd not
numlicrs of Iluddhlsts worked with on I
nny recoiiiiciise.
As the structure nrnrcd completion
tho committee hnrlnff the work In
chnrRo wns much perplexed ns to fire
Insurance. They found thnt no coin
pnny would nssumo tho risk on such
vnlunlilc wooden structure, the dntiKor
of dcstrtit'tlon hy life hcliin very urctit,
nnd thus tho premiums would amount
to nu enormous sum of money. At Ins!
Iho committee divided on n design de
vlncd Ivy Ir. Tnnnlie. Numlicrs ol
powerful foundations were construct
ed, hoth exterior nnd Interior, which
enn he mnde to piny on all parts of tho
structure nt tho snine time.
Usually only ono grent ornnmcntnl
fountnln Is plnyliiff, rising to the ifrcnt
hluht of 157 feet. This lirprohiihly tb
Inrgest artlDclitl founttitn In existence,
emitting 82.ON0 gnllons per hour. In
case of lire all the water pressure Is di
rected through the numbers of exterior
and Interior fountains, thus every pari
ot the structure, both Inside and out,
could soon lie drenched, nnd any cou
(laiimtlou soon extinguished.
A New Dish. .
A worthy couplo who have como
within a fortnight from tho North of
Ireland were fortunate enough to form
the acquaintance of some kindly Amer
icans who occupied tho npnrttiicnt di
rectly under them, nnd tried their heat
to ninke the strangers fed nt home
itmld their now surroundings. On Sat
urday they sent them a few of our na
tive delicacies for their Sunday din
ner, and Inst night tho Irish
stopped on his wny down stairs to ex
pivss his thanks for tho courtesy.
"And so you say you never tflstcd
cranberries before," said tho Ameri
can's wife. "I hope you liked them.'
"Very nice, Indeed, madntne," said
the stranger, with a little hesitation in
his voice. "I suppose .It's whnt you
call n cultivated taste, though."
"Did your wlfo like them?"
"Sho nte a few, tbnnk you, but she's
not been very well lately and n little
thln upsets her sometimes. You see
they're rather a hard fruit to digest,
and "
"Ilnrd to digest!" exclaimed the
American. "Why, they're perfectly di
gestible. It must have been somefhlng
else "
"How did you eat thorn r put In his
wife, a new light breaking upon bet
"Oh, with sugar and cream," replied
the Irish gentleman placidly. New
York Journal.
As to tho Great Dane.
When Prince Hlsmarck lost his fa
vorite Great Dane, Relchshund, the
young German Emperor gave him an
other, nnd the news was cabled all ovet
the world. ' Until then very few excepl
those born in the Fatherland were
aware that tho dog was Indigenous to
that country. Credit Is undoubtedly
due to the Germans and Danes for tin
preservation of these dogs, and fot
bringing them to such a high degree
of domestication. There Is reason to
believe that these descendants of tin
dogs used for bunting the wild boat
by German noblemen are of the family
of "dogs of war" of the ancients, which
were clad In armor and fought side by
side with soldiers. At the siege ol
Corinth fifty of these terrible dogs were,
stationed at an Important outpost, and
on the enemy's landing they attacking
and fought until only one was left allvo.
He fled and woke the drunken garrUun,
and saved the city.
Bitten by a Wasp.
Oeorgn Holbrook's 8-year-old child,
while playing near the home of Its par
ents In Letcher County, Missouri, wai
stung by a yellow Jacket The little
one screamed and Its mother ran to Jta
assistance. The sting bad entered It
left leg below the knee. The limb be
gan to swell rapidly, the child went In
to spasms, and In ten minutes after thi
Insect had stung It the little one died.
1 1 Jays English Coal Is Superior.
I ' It Is said that the superiority ot
English coal makes the westward trips
of Atlantic steamers faster than the
eastward. The fact, however, may be
also partly accounted for by tho preva
lence of westerly winds.
best. If you understood
But vou don't. How
TnR nrssET ArrMi.
There nre two or throe kinds of
ItiiBRi-t npplestlio most common boing
tho KntjliHli Russet which originated
in EiikIiiihI. It is Imrd and tough, and
line only its long-keeping qunlitios to
recommend it, A muoli butter npplo
is tho (toMon Ilussot of wontorn New
York, nnd it is nearly nn good a keeper.
It ought to tin generally plnntod in
place of the F.iiglinh Ilussot, All Hits
set npples Imvo s rich juioe nnd ninke
n very high tptnlily of elder, Tho
tree grows with a sproadiug hnliit, nnd
this brings it into bearing early, but
it is very liiiblo to overbenr, and un
less thinning isdono vigorously, much
of tho fruit will be small nnd pour,
lluslou Cultivator.
rvsfowlB nre simply oriinmenlnlnnd
nre ut rendily snlnlile. They are not
piofitiililt) on a f.irm, as tho mnlo is
vindictive nnd destroys chicks and
ducklings thnt mny como in bis wny.
The lieu seldom begin to lny until nt
lenst two years old, nnd often not till
tlireo yen is of age, laying from tivo to
sixteen egis, which hatch in about
thirty ilnys. Tho young peafowl
feather very rnpidly, nnd should bo
fed every two Injurs the llrst mouth;
thvu four times a tiny until throe
month old, wheu it should bo given
three nicnls reiuirin a Inrgo slmi'o of
n t i in is I food, sut.'h as nient nnd bone.
Otherwise they rctpiiio tho sumo enro
nsyining turkeys. Only tho peafowl
enn rnUo them, nn common hens Wcnn
them too soon. Poultry Keeper.
Always wnter your home tho first
thing in thn morning, and do not let
the wut"r bo too colli. If it is too
coM yon will probably have a enso of
colie. Witter in best when it is about
ten decrees warmer thnu tho outside
air iu winter, nud nt much coolor in
summer, Qivo the buy bofore tho
grain, so that the stomach mny bo
partially filled before the conoontrnted
food guts into it. Hotter still, food
chopped feud. Mix the grouud grain
with ditmpeuud hay or fodder, and
give the largest food nt night, when
the horse has titno to digest it, Fut
and food for the muscles are mndo
wliou tho horse is at rest. American
Many of the most profltablo opera
tions in commercial life depond iu tho
first instance upon very simplo facts.
Most persons would pass by without
observing the barreling of apples as a
enso in point. If apples were plncod
looBcly iu barrels they would soon
rot, though passing over but a very
short diHtunco of travel J nnd yot whon
properly barreled they can be sent
thousands of miles, even over tho
roughest ocean voyage, in perfect se
curity. This is owing to a fact dis
covered years ago, without any one
knowing particularly the reason, that
an upple rotted from a bruise only
when the skin wss broken. An apple
ean be pressed so ns to have inden
tations over its whole surfsoe, without
any danger of rotting, provided
tho skin is not broken.
In barreling apples, therefore
fore, gontle pressure is ezeroisod, so
that the fruit is fairly preised into
eaoh other, and it is impossible for
any one fruit to change its place in
the barrel on its journey. Apples are
sometimes taken out of barrels with
large indentations over their whole
surface, and yet no sign of decay. In
these modern times we understand
the reason. Tbe atmosphere in full
of microscopio germs which produce
fermentation, and nnless they ean got
an entrance into tbe frnit rot cannot
take pluce. A mere indentation with
out a rupture of the outer skin does
not permit of tbe aotion of these mi
crobe. This is a simple reason why
the early observation enable the bar
reling of apples to be so successful.
Median's Monthly.
In view of tbe dearth of yearling
and sucking colts throughout tbe
country it is pertinent to inquire
where tbe geldings to borse the truoks
and wagons of Amerioun towns and
cities a few years henoe are to be de
rived. The teams now in harness
will not last forever J that much is
certain- On our city pavements eveu
the best wearing sorts must sooner
or later succumb and in time give way
to fresh stock from tbe farms. When
that inevitable day arrives will the far.
mere be prepared to supply the desired
grade or not? At present there can
be but one foreoust of the situation.
Tba end of the oeptury will find our
market praotioally burs' of big horses
ol tb right stamp. From every
brooding district in the land we get
tho same report. No breeding of
nny consequence in progress i fow
oolts lust year and practically none
this spring. And not only this, but
buyer connected with the export
trnde Is our authority for tho state
ment that sixty per cent of tho cur
rent receipts of horses in tho Chicago
market are mnros, stallion kcopors
without nn occupation nnd tho mares
going by tons of thousands into the
bnrns of tho big dealer in tho grent
cities of tho North and Europe. From
those stables they never come out
save to begin a career of drndgory in
the trncos which lend to but one place
the bono yard. Whore nro tho
colts to make up tho requisito supply
to come from?
One surprising feature of the Chi
cago market nt present is the great
number of notivo, "nervy" 1,350 to
1,500 pound "chunks" being exported
by French, German and English buy
er at prioos ranging from 8100 to
8101. Tho douinnd aoomt to havo
shiftod from "drivers" to chunks, and
nt least one-half of tho latter nre
maros going to help horse tho omni
buses ami lighter trucks of Old
World cities. This romovos ninny
mures thnt to cover the heavy draft
stallions would havo givon good, big
gildings for tho United Htatos in
I'.tOil, but never a ono of them will
nurso another foal. Query : Why
this demand for a class of stock
which Ivirope was supposed to pro
duco in sunicient number to satisfy its
own markets? Hnvo the foreigners
been abandoning horse-brooding of
Into yenrs ns well n tho fanners of
America? And if so, to whnt extent
will this n fleet tho futuro of market
values hero?
It is pleasant to noto thnt n fowmon
who hnve not lost their heads have ro
tained sotno good marc nnd havo
kept them stintod to stallions of a
proper sort. Those nro the moil who
will not bo fottud without choice
"drnftors" to sell whon tho day of
reckoning arrives. Evidence is accu
mulating to show that by nnothcr
spriug muny farmers will want to
patronize tho stnllion-kecpor again,
but tho colt corps of 1894, 1895 and
1890 will be found ' light beyond all
repair. Thoso who begin next spring
will bo in timo fur tliu markets of
about 1902. The fact is wo have now
to practically begiu drafting horso
breeding anew. We Lave lost sub
stantially all that was gained at sttoh
grent cost iu point of woight and
quality by tho freo patronng.j of pure
bred horses during tho 20 years end
ing with 1893, and tho coming year
will witness the beginning of the work
of reconstruction. That it will procood
along better lines than before cannot
bo doubted. Farmers havo learned
by bitter experience tho difl'ureuoo
between mere bulk and . quality, and
it will never again, be pussiblo to im
poso upon them to auy serious extent
with ill-bred, post-logged hulks that
never should eover a good mare.
When thero are many buyers after
every big, fine "spau" .of goldings
in the market a few years houoa will
you be caught empty-handed, or will
you be nmong those who, taking time
by the forelock, have prepared against
that day? Breeder's Gazette.
A weak fenco makes a weak farmer.
Do not knowiugly send nn ailing
to market.
A razor-back hog is a bad beast to
ride to dinner on.
A bright plow-point is the best min
eral rod in existence-
When you build poultry houses
avoid having high ceilings.
Turkeys do not eat so much in
warm weather as when it is cold,
Some bons will do a dime's worth
of cackling over a ceut's worth of egg.
The best codling moth trap has not
been patented. It is the jaws of a
Feeding hoppers are a mistake1;
poultry should be made to work for
their grain.
There is more gold in the first six
inches of the surface soil than in all
the mines of California.
Tho English Brahma is a mass of
feathers, and not the praotioal fowl
we have in this country.
Give up the uotion of heating the
bon house. There is no surer way of
bringing on roup tUuu thau
Better have no driuking vessels
than to hnve them lined with a green
ecntn. Disease lurks iu the driukiug
The great objootion to theMinoroas
for use in aould oonutry is the large
comb grown on them. For the' South
or such plaoes where thy oan be well
protected, no better lnyiug fowl exUts
with the ezeuptiou of the Leghorn.
The nntlnnnl lnstnimtit thn "gnjtls," or
bsgplpn predominates throughout Jltilgnrlo,
Tr. Kilmer's fWAMr-tlonr rnrss
ell Klrinev snil hlsililer trmihle.
I'emi'lilef end rntistilintlnn free.
LebnrAtorv Hlnilinmtitrin, N.Y.
Ktmlnnil ninntifnetiires ierfutnes on a very
Inrge si'nle.
If nfllh'lei! with sore eyes use Hr. Issne Thorn n
sun's Kr-.wfttr. I'rtiirel.t's soil st Ufa- ier hnttle
There Is more than one food
which will cause the body to
Increase In weight. A free
supply of sugar will do this;
so will the starchy foods;
cream, and some other fats.
But to become fleshy, and yet
remain In poor health, Is not
what you want. Cod-liver oil
Increases the weight because
It Is a fat-producing food. But
It does far more than this. It
alters, or changes, the pro
cesses of nutrition, restoring
the normal functions of the
various organs and tissues.
Scots 6tmifetoTu
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypo
phosphites, Is pure cod-liver
In a digested condition. So
that, when a person gains In
weight from taking Scott's
Emulsion, It is because of two
things: First, the oil has
acted as a fat-producing food;
and, second, it has restored
to the body a healthy condi
tion. Such an Improvement
Is permanent: it comes lo siay.
SCOTT'S ICMl'I.BION has been endorsed
by tho tnrdlcnl profession for twenty yenrs.
(.-ft yimr doctor.) This Is becsuse It Is
nlwnys ?iiitatittilviar tmifirm nlwnvs
(ontaint Iht pmrrxt fforuvglan Ced-livtr Oil
and llypofhotpkitei.
Cut tip in fi-cent ami ft on sites. The smnll
sire mny be enough to cure your cough or
help your baby.
H . n III 1
'Absolutclij Pure -
"Oas Yesr Borrows Ansthsr Yitr's Fool." You Didn't (to
L Yc:r. Prh::j Yea UiU C:l Thlj Year,
Mr. E. H. Cross, n spenlnl Assnolnted
1'ress reporter, who lives at 1910
Hnpls Avenue, Huntington, W. Vs.,
pas knowledge of tho remarkable
curs of Mrs. Mart hsOllklson, tbe
wife of nearpentsr of the east end)
ot tbe city, who, on the J3il ot Sep
tember, IRvS, related her sxperlnnoa
ns follows: "For n good msny years (
have been bothered an awful sight
With my stotnanh. I got so I
couldn't eat anything nt all wllhnnt
souring on my rtomnnh. Lots of
times while working I woult spit up
t great moutlifuli of stuff bitter ns
gnll. I kept getting worse sll the '
time and took piles of doctor med
icine, but I mliht as well took that
much stsrek for all the good It dona
me. It run Into neuralgia of tho
stomneh snd worked Itsnlf all over
tne. Dr. Hardener, thn new doutor
np on Twentieth Street, told me
When I saw him It wns my stotn
sah that caused all the trouble
and glvs me sn order to the drug
store. I took It there, and the boy
glvs me a box of Itlpsns Tabules.
began getting better, and have U30l
a llttlo over two boxes, snd am now
sound and well. (Signed), Masts
Oti.stsos, No. 1820 Fourth Avenue.
Huntington, W. Vs."
tUrsnsTthnlei sre sols' tr ilruistste, or hr m
It the price 11 rents e bol) Is SH,it In The f'lpuoe
I'hrmt-oi I'oineenr. No. Ill upruce st Ne Yurie.
SeniBie viol, 10 cents.
Treated frM.
iiti..i, it see
llli tiortatlo
ber H U Bt W B n-s is.
an'i cat- sr
r-wtftf r1 Prnm Amt (I'M ymptrrms ri'y d.ewf;?.
i tl ivsat W'l -ro llilr'ts'if il nymi-t imn ntctr tnoco.
, eiwtlaUtie, Atheta. t
OlvsMirtHff fn rira mlnnteM.-fla-p
for SV rll KM trial nskxe-a HnM i.
lTUrVlnt. pfm P i-nl pot(Bsss
'I lit nr ii.nfp. nt lNitM.W.
sTHirt, nii-Hin, miii., 9k.
IMiaH WHI !r All fia (A.i
ui uniM. r'-;fi n? iriiirif.
Delicious - Nutritious
r. Cm
Hie Breakfast Cocoa
Walter Baker &Co. l
Walter Baker &Co's. Breakfast Cocoa
made at bears