The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 25, 1895, Image 11

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Th Penalty or Bachelorhood. '
la Cores. vrjr unmarried man 1
fcohaldtred a boy, though hs should live
to be a hundred yean old. No matter
what his age, he ranks below the young
eat of the unmarried men, despite the
fact, perlinps. of having lld long
nongh to be his father.
name people ro en influenced by tho elce.
trie currents, ot the atmosphere that they ten
foretell the coming of a thunderstorm with
perfect aecunwiy, and other thorn are with
nerves aoeermtttve that thoy are mi m of having
neuralgia Imm a low and fretful Mute ot the
nervous system. Now why can't the lnttei
be warnod in time end know thnt nn ouncm
of prevention In worth a pound ot cure? To
tise 8t Jacobs Oil promptly will ward off an
attack, or tt attacked, wiU promptly oure.
Bueh people eaa do for themselves what
others do from weutber prophecies, heed
the signal nnd aave the wreck and disaster.
The water frnmo trns the Invention of
rYrigtA, KntflAh, In 17H9.
100 Tewerfl. SHOO.
The readers of thl paper will he TilMSert to
learn mat mere le hi iwi ,un.iiw.p.
that science haa been able to cure in all Its t
Oure ts the oaly positive cure known to Ike
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a conatltu
tlnnal dlrae, rrqnlrea a constitution! treat,
m,nU Hall'a Caturrh Cure ia taken Internally,
aoting directly on the blood and murou aur.
face it the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the riieae, and giving Jlie pa
tient atrength by building up the en nt tin I Ion
and aestetins: nature In doing ita work. The
Proprietors have so much faith In Its curative
imwers that they offer One Hundred Hollers
for any ense that It tails to cure, bend for list
T testimonials. Address
V. 3. t'HtKitr Co., Toledo, Q.
KtT Co'.d by Drugwsts. 7&0.
A Child Enluya
t Tte ftleassnt flavor, gontle action and eoothms)
ctfects of Syrnp of Flgf, when In need of a lax.
ativo, and If the fnthor or mother he coetlve of
UHoua,the moat gratifying reaolta follow Ita
tree; ao thnt H la the bent family remedy kiiowi
and every family should have a bot'.lo.
TIntll 1773 Iho wool of nil linen Koods trna
made of cotton thivndH.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Foothing Hyrnp for rhtldren
feet Mug, softens the gum, reduce liiflnma
lion. allays pain, curea wind colic. & a. a buttle
The spinning Jenny wns patented by Hrir
grnvea, Kngll:ih. in 17117
"Rnows's liHONnicAt, Titocniw" relieve
Throat Irritations cnusi'd by cold or use ot the
voloa. The genuine sold onlv tn boxes.
In 17711 the Georgin silk growing waa de
stroyed by British tuxntlon.
Preo'aCure cured me of a Throat and I.nns
Trouble of three year's standing. K Cauv,
Ilnutlngton. Ind.. Nov. Ill, 1WU.
Idea's stocking frame waa ndnpted to lnee
nuiking by Hammonda In 17UH.
tr. Kilmer a Pwawp-Root cures
all Kidney aad Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet and consultation free.
Laboratory fiinghampton. N. V.
Orompton's mnle waa first employed in
making stocking thread in 1770.
FIT8 stopped tree toy Da. Kr.iNa'aOnnAT
Nsnvs KksToHka. Ko tits after first day's use.
Marvelous cures. Trcatiee and t:i.0o trial bot
tle free. Dr. Kline. Wl Arch Ht., 1'hila., 1'a.
And paint or Rheumatism can be curort by removing
the ciun, leotlo add In tbe blood. Hood't tiarte
parllla curea rheumatism by neutralising this aula.
Thousand or peopl tell of perfect oure by
The One True Blood Puriner. lj 6 for 5.
Hood's Pills
Gfil flFM Fill The on,T guaranteed
UkUCH rill CURE for all FEMALE
Ttellefln one week. Full particulars free
cm receipt of two stamps One month's
treatment St. 00. ADDKK8S
Golden Fig Co., Sayre, Pa.
Look Box Mo. 58. Agents Want ed
Alvesrsllsf la nva ailnnteS.sSeaa
JforsFetSBIrlsl pseksira. Boldr,;
I Drogirltti. On Bos wit po.tpslli
V Jon rseslot e sl.SSk
V tAaarsssTSos. ruraia. ramTTra.
'nnd we will thnw ynn how to
davi atkaoluu-l ur; we lur
ori and ttNirli vmi fi-rw vim
work In the 1hmI .'y wlwrv you fv(
, etttuluavonrnftriref and wevill entlalu
ttiv buMlna fully i ifmemfser w btuilt
titeca, clfur nrohc ot $.1 lor very uay'a
X f. BOBslaJI, liMisr, ttoa !.', ULTHUlt. MUUIUaJk.
UHtk IlOl IS? fill !L
Coutfh Br run. Itatia f;MMi. TTaw
In tima tnid by tiriifrirints
Bubbles or Medals.
Best samparlllas." When you think of it how contradictory
that term is. For there can be only one best in anything one best
sarsaparilla, as there is one highest mountain, one longest river, one
deepest ocean. And that best sarsaparilla is ? .... There's
the rub I You can measure mountain height and ocean depth, but
how test sarsaparilla ? You could, if you were chemists. But then,
do you need to test it? The World's Fair Committee tested it, and
thoroughly. They went behind the label on the bottle. What did
this sarsaparilla test result in? Every make of sarsaparilla shut out
of the Fair, except Ayer's. So it was that Ayer's was the only
sarsaparilla admitted to the World's Fair. The committee found it
the best They had no room for anything that was not the best
And as the best, Ayer's Sarsaparilla received the medal and awards
due its merits. Remember the word " best " is a bubble any breath
can blow; but there are pins to prick such bubbles. Those others
are blowing more "best sarsaparilla" bubbles since the World's Fair
pricked the old ones. True, but Ayer's Sarsaparilla has the medal.
The pin that scratches the medal proves it gold.' The pin that
Cricks the bubble proves it wind. We point to medals, not bub
les, when we say i The best sarsaparilla is Ayer's.
narneasltiK tho Bon.
WhMi we alt lit front of a coal lire and
enjoy Ita generous warmth, do we reel
tec that the boat and light of the burn
Ing roal are really emrnhlno that haa
boon atored tip tot oro7 Puch la the
fnct Contiitiea ngo the aun shone on
the earth, the plnnta and trees grew,
Ml, and grew again; they were cover
ed by geologic deposits, and noted upon
by great rient and prcasttre, until In the
fourae of yenra and ages these broad
Inyers of organic matter were trails.
formed Into cml. The coal thtu rervro
tunts the work done by the sunshine
years ngn, and when It Is burned the
Imprisoned aolnr energy is looaened
)ur system of power production de
pends upon this presence of energy. Bit
.vml Is a wasteful source of energy.
Even the host engines do not utlllso
over ID iMr cent, of the calculated ener
gy of the heat of coal. And, nesldea
this. It Is an Inconvenient thing In
many ways; It baa to be mined, freight
ed and stored. Cnn we not And some
more economical way of using the sun's
energy ?
During the Inst few years the ireat
progress In electrical science has ena
bled man to utilize the solar heat In a
thriftier way. During Its day's work
the suu draws tip a large amount of
water from thp oceans and damp earth.
Hy the action of dts rays plant life flour
ishes, and pln.its draw from the ground
andev",ptrntelntothentr large amounts
of water. Thus an oak tree of average
size, wfth seven hundred thousand
leaves, lifts from the earth Into the atr
about one hundred and twenty-three
tons of water during the five months
It dlaplnys Its foliage. This evaporated
water, sooner or Inter, falls as rain,
and by the action of gravity begins to
flow downward. Thus the great rivers
are fed. HoiiikI and round Incessantly
goes the water lifted by the tireless sun
to fall when deserted by him, and again
to fall nnd run seaward as long us
may exist upon this earth.
The ltiow Gnu.
The blow gun is one of the most re
markable savage devices In which com
pressed air Is used ns a motive force.
The blow gun Is a simple tube of cane,
smoothly cleared of the joint partitions,
through which light darts, feathered
with a tuft of down, or pieces ot pltli,
are propelled by the breath.
The blow gun Is used for killing birds
nnd eraull animals. Frequently the
arrows nro poisoned, rendering the light
dart effective on lorger game. The
chief merit of the blow gun Is the ac
curacy and the silence with which It
may bewnploycd.
The penetration of the blow gut dart
Is greater than would be Imagined. At
the distance of fifty feet I have driven
a blunt dart one-quarter of an Inch Into
a pine plank. It Is stated that the ranga
of the blow gun among some tribes Is
from eighty to one hundred yards.
The blow gun Is a tropical device,
antl may be looked for In regions where
bamboo or enne grows. Nevertheless,
these tubes are often made of hard
wood, Blugle or of two pieces hollowed
out and Joined together. Frequently
one tube Is thrust Inside of another to
secure rigidity. The examination of
many of these blow guns inspires a
great respect for the Ingenuity and me
chanical skill of the workers.
The North American specimens are
from the ChetlnmchnB, of Louisiana,
who frequently combine the tubes In
series, forming a compound blow guu,
and the Cnerokecs, of the Carolina!.
From Central Amorlcii. the Indians ot
Honduras and Costa Rica; from South
America, several Amazon tribes from
Ecundor east and from British Uulana
employ the blow gun.
When Cromwell Was a Boy.
Apropos of the statement that a man
of Kent bos In his possession the head
of Oliver Cromwell, and that Mr. Hamo
Thornycroft has been studying It foi
the bust of the protector tipon which b
Is engaged, tho London correspondent
of the Manchester Evening News says:
"I have a dim recollection of bolng
present at a rural fair long ago, and a
showman offered as his staple attrac
tion 'tie skull of the renowned Olivet
Cr' jjwell.' I paid my 2 pence, but a
l.ypercrltlcal visitor standing by drew
the attention of the peripatetic gentlo
man to the obvious fact that the skull
pertained to a rather small child.
'That's all right,' was the indignant re
tort; 'this Is Oliver Cromwell's skull
when he was a boy.' "New York Mall
and Express.
I'ird Many Qnill Tens.
In 1708 27,000,000 quills were shipped
from Russia and Poland to England, to
lay nothing of those which were sent
to other countries.
A Puzzling Problem That Has Been
Solved at Last.
Effecting Connections Between
Vessels and Snore.
How to effect connection between
tho shore ami a wrecked vessel, is a
problem that for many years has tried
the ingenuity of engineers and navi
gators. Thousands of lives have been
lost from vessels that have broken to
pieces within sight of men who, being
unable to brulge over the intervening
space were powcrlo-s to render assist
ance. When lifo-saving stations wore lo
cated at varions places along tho sea
board tho rate of mortality in const
wrecks was considerably diminished.
The chunce of losing lifo in such
casualties is still large, however, for
the reason that Vessels do not always
wreck themselves within convenient of a life-saving station. Tho
method of shooting lifo linos from a
mortitr or ennnon has boeu tried and
has mot with some success, though it
possesses sonous drawbacks, ntnoug
which inny be mentioned tho difllctilty
of transporting tho mortnr rapidly
from one place to another uIoiik tho
J. Woodbriilgo Dnvis and Williiun
A. E Uy have devised n plan which
they have lately boon subjecting to
thorough tests. Under oertnin cir
numstituccs it promises to bo vnlttnblo
as a menus of conveying lifo lines
from tho shore to a vessel in distress.
For several weeks they have been ex
perimenting with kites nnd buoys olT
Buy on nc, N. J. They notv announce
tbat they have brought the apparatus
to a desirable state of cfHoieucy. Pro
vided the wind is blowiug olT shore,
they cnn convey life liues and messa
ges to a wrecked vessel much more
surely and quickly than by any other
method. Even wuou the tide is ad
verse they can direct their buoys accu
rately to tho point desired.
The kite used in the experiments is
very large, being over seven feet in
height,, nnd is made of oilskin. Four
lines are attached, the strongest of
which, corresponding to the ordinary
kite line, is held by a person on shore.
There are two other linos, one at
tached to either sido of the kite's
frame, and also reaching to the shore.
These nro used for steering the kite
from sido to side. A fourth line drops
down to a buoy which is sent out from
shore at tho critical moment. This
line is really the life-line, and if it
were allowed to hang at full longth
the weight would be too great for the
kite, big as it is, to support. The
kite is relieved of this burden by
means of the buoy to which the life
line is attached, and the rest of the
rope's length is allowed to trail in the
water. The mode of operating this
ingenious device is quite simple.
When the lines have been properly
adjusted tho kite is allowed to rise to
the desired height In case the
wind is from such a quarter as to take
the buoy to one side or tho other of
the wreck, the kite is manipulated
by the side lines. It will thus be seen
that it requires three inou to fly the
kite and direct it--'--- -
The oontrivauee may be described
as a boat with a kite for a sail. Tho
tendency of tho kite is of oourse to
blow away with the wind and it is this
tendeucy that carrios the buoy along
through tho water. It was feared that
t ie buoy would be able to make little
progress against a flooding tido, or
that currents and eddies and the tur
bulent oonditious of the water which
is likely to aooorapany a wreck would
seriously interfere with the success of
the experiment It has been found
however, that although those aro fao
tors in the problem that must bo taken
into consideration they nro by no
means fatal to a satisfactory working
of the apparatus.
On the last duy of the experiments
at Buyonue, the wind pulled the buoy
iu one direction, while tun tide flowed
in auother, at a sharp angle aeross the
path desired to be followed. It was
a condition of affairs that offered a
pure example of the "diagram of
forces." In obedience to the laws
which have been expressly made for
snob conditions,' the buoy pursued a
diagoual oourse, and, as it were, made
a long tack to the mark. The dis
tance was one mile aud this was cov
ered in nine minutes. It is true that,
in the oase of a wreok, nine minutes
must seem like nine hours to those
on board, but there is no apparatus
that could have conveyed the life liues
snob a distance in such a short time.
It must be remembered, also, tbat
by this method, the only thing to be
eonsidered is the direotion of the
wind. It makes no difference whether
the water bo rough or the tido con
trary two circumstances that would
sadly impede tho progross of a lifeboat
and make the work of rescue a diffi
cult on?. Nor, so long as tho wind
holds, docs the matter of distance
have to be considered, provided only
bat the wreck cnn hi kopt in sight
Other experiments wore triod from
Port Richmond, Btaten Island, but
the wind died out and the kite
dropped into the water. The tests,
however, have proved that apparatuses
of this sort would be Tory desirable
adjuncts to life-saving stations. It is
very possible that a kito might suc
ceed where every othor method would
fail. Now York World
Skunks Eat One Another.
A sknnk farm which was started at
Mexico, Mo., recently has proved tmo
cessful. About a month ago Henry
Ladd nnd his son, Willis, roped eft a
piece of pasture 100x200 feet. They
cnitght 85 skunks and placed them in
this field. The placo was fenced oft
with nutting nnd boarded up two feet
from the ground. A trench, or moat,
two feet deep was dug around the in-
clostiro. This wns tilled with stones
and the posts were set in it. There
nro n number of kennels on tho
grounds, and ouo burrow has been
made miller a rock where one skunk
family lives.
Tho w hole "colony is quarrelsome.
and occasionally they kill one of tlmir
number in a row. When this happens
they nil fall to in cannibnl fashion uiid
eat the slain.
For skunk pelts good prices aro ob
tained. H mo of tit i) in are as pretty
bits of "foreign sable" as are seen iu
Fifth avenue. The pnstnrod skunks
are fed on scrap meat and ilsh oflal
from the mountains. On this they
grow fat. One that was killed this
week yielded almost two quarts of
Trickery mnst bo used to catch the
little auimal without letting it emit
the odor synonymous with its nume.
The inon use a small steel trap aud a
dip net fastened on poles ten feet long
Whou one is found iu a trap one of the
men attracts its attention while the
other lifts it from the ground by the
long pole. Once free from the ground
there is no danger from the objection
able odor. The tnau who holds the
dip-net then holds it under the pris
oner, releases it from the trap, nnd
catches it as it falls. When a wagon
load has been caught thus, the animals
are taken to a brook and drowned. No
bad odor remains with the pelt if the
animals are drowned. New York
Two Girl Tramps,
. Misses Ella and Ida Nelson, sisters,
aged 21 and 19, aro traveliug from
Chicago to Jacksonville on a wager.
If they reach the Florida city by Feb
ruary 1 and earn $230 apiece on the
way by selling their photographs,
clerking in stores or iu any other
honest way, they will get 9 500 more.
They started without money.
They live with thoir father at 2311
State street, Chicago. They started
on their j iurney on October U, A
milk wagon took them to Roby. There
they boarded a passenger train, and
when the conductor proposed to put
tbem off some drummers paid thoir
way to Hammond, With othor help
they reached Indianapolis, whjre they
got a job at selling neckwear in a
clothing house at 810 a day. They
proved a drawing card for two days,
and thoir employer was loth to part
with them. Freight nnd passenger
trains took them to Cincinnati. There
they began to selling newspapers. At
Louisville tlioy had a two-days en
gagement iu a dry goods storo.
So it goes with the sistors Nelson.
When they need now shoos, clothing
or auythiug in that liuu it mnst be
begged. In Atlanta, Qd., thoy have
a woalthy undo, who they expect will
soe them safely through, They foul
oonfldout that thoy will make their
trip with success and reach Jackson
ville Flu., before the time speoilied.
They woar a oostume composed of
shirt waist, short skirt, bloomers, tau
colored leather leggings nnd Alpine
hat, and curry euou a small hand
satchel, one of the articles in which
is a thirty-two-oalibra revolver. New
York Recorder.
. A Local Custom.
Sir John Muodouald was at a recep
tion in the west of Canada, und a
bishop from Belgium was present
As the party was being asoorted by a
body of meu in Highland oostume the
foreign bishop, seeing the bara logs
and kilts, asked why these men were
without trousers. "It's just a local
oustom," gravely replied Sir John.
"In some places people tak off their
hats as mark of honor to distin
guished guests; here they take off
their trousers." --Canadian Oaistto.
He Lost Faith.
fytmPm Qatttte, Baidtrttuvittt, 3r. fi
Tns Oahtti has advertised many reme
dies, but none whloh eonld not give satisfon.
lory proof of being possessed of real merit.
Ws mode an Investigation In regard to Pink
Pills the other day, and at the Instance ol
Gardner A Dsvls, druggists. Interviewed
Herbert Sponesr. We never saw a stronger
or more straightforward endorsement
"As you know, I am now and have bsan
for years omployed In tho snsh and blind
factory of Bliss A Surdam. About twelve
f'sars ago I was ottaeksd with rhnamatlum
a my lower limbs, and It is Impossible to
drsorlbs my saiTuriugs. I triod s number ot
ShyslcJnas and eouutless adrsrtlsed rema
ins, bat II I obtained any mtlof It was only
temporary. My foet wore swollen so It was
nooessnrv to wear shoes several slsns too
large, and then out them open at thnt. In
going op snd down stntis It was neenwary to
crawl. I kept at work most of the time and
my wifs wonld bring my dinner to the fac
tory, as I was unable to wnlk home to the
mlddny moal, although It wns bat a short
distance away. I was almost discouraged.
I bsd tried everything, and spent more
moony than I could afford with the hope
Hint somewhere there ml slit be relief. About
this timo my sistnr-in-law saw In a news
paper nn acconnt of a mnn at Oslway, N. Y.,
whom It stated hnd been curod by a medi
cine knows as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (or
Palo Peoplo, As I had lost all faith in evory
remedy my surter-ln-law. unknown to me.
wrote to the man asking If the nrtlnls wns
true. Bho rooniTOd a reply stating that It
wns nor oniy iroe, out mat tns I'ttiK fills
would do nil thnt wns olnlmed for them. I
wont nt onoe to tho drug store of Gardner A
Davis and taught ono box, following till"
with another. With the second box I began
to Improve, nnd continued tlis use of the
pills until I had taken twelve boxes, whon
I was fully relieved of all rheumatic trouble.
I would say that It Is nocounry to follow the
directions minutely. They monn Inst what
they sny, and to got the bost results with the
Pink Pills you must do exactly as you are
told." '
lteplytng to the question ns to whothor he
could recommend Pink Pills, Mr. Hpcncer
"Ilecommend thom? Woll, I fatness I cnn
recommend them! Why, I Suflnrod night
nnd dny beyond my powers to dosotlbe. 1
cnnslilxr It the only remedy which Is snre to
cure rheumatism. I ennnot too forcibly ex
press my faith in Piuk Pills for Pnlo Peo
ple."; Knowing thnt Notnry Public M. n. Bmlth
was In his ofllce, Mr. Bjiennor was nsked II
ho would sign the nboro nnd make nfTlilnvit
to Its correctness, which he willingly con
sented to do, nnd his signature and the
notary's are here append nd.
Bsuoebt SriHctn.
BuldwlnsTllle, N. T.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
4th day ot July, 18U3. M. H. Smith,
Notary 1'uhlic.
Dr. Williams' Pink PlUs contain all tbs
elements necessary to give new life and rich
ness to the blood nnd restore shattered
nerves. They are for sale by nil druggists,
or mnv be had by mail from Dr. Williams4
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., foi
SO oouts per box, or six boxes for f 2.60.
In 1759 a 25-per cent bounty was paid by
r-iigintiu on American mono tunc.
If nffllctcd with sore eyes use Dr. lnsac Thomp-
sun uruggisre ten at km- per Dome
im whip
Whip a poorly nourished
horse when he Is thoroughly
tired. He may go faster for a
few rods, but his condition
Is soon the worse for It. Bet
ter stop and give him food.
Food gives force. If you are
thin, without appetite; pale,
because of thin blood; and
easHy exhausted ; why further
weaken the body by applying
the whip. Better begin on a
more permanent basis. Take
something which will build up
the tissues and supply force
to the muscular, digestive, and
nervous systems.
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypo
phosphites, meets every de
mand. The cod-liver oil Is a
food of great value. It pro
duces muscular, digestive, and
nervous force without the aid
of any whip. Every gain Is a
substantial one. The hypo
phosphites give strength and
stability to the nervous sys
tem. The Improved appetite,
richer blood, and better flesh
come to stay.
Just a gowl is never as good aa
Scclls muf sicru
Timely Warning.
The great success of the chocolate preparations of
the house of Walter Baker A Co. (established
in 1780) has led
many misleading
of their name,
Baker It Co. are the oldest and largest manu
facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and
Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are
used In their manufactures.
Consumers should ask for, and be sure that
they get, the genuine Walter Baker k Co.'s goods.
WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited,
Where Dirt Gathers, Waste Rules."
Great Saving Results From the Use of
W. 0. Lloyd, a worklngman, living
at No. 6S Whits sr.. la the lsth
Ward, Cleveland, O., first bought
Illpans Tabules of Ben field, the drug
gist. In an Interview had with hltu
on ths 8th ot Mny, 1895, by a repor
ter nnmed A B. Calhoun, residing
at 1747 East Madison sv., Clevolanl,
Mr. Lloyd said that hs was at pres
ent out ot a job, but expected to go
to work next week at ths Bridge
Works. "Anyway, I have the prom
ise ot a Job then," were his word.
Be had been out of employment
since Inst fall Ws will let him tell
his story In his own words; "Work
was a little slack, and I was feeling
so bad that I concluded to lay off
for a few dnys, and when I ret tuned
my plaos was filled, so I've been oat ,
ever since. I don't ears much. - j
though. I've been gaining right vr
along by my rest and treatment.
Last fall I went to a doctor who was
recommended to me as a good ona
and with quits a reputation. He
gavs me medicines of all kinds for
nearly six weeks, and I got no bene
fit tbnt I could see. In fnct, I don't i'
believe he knows what Is the matter 1
with me. A friend of mine called
nne evening and told me he ha t
been using Illpans Tabules tor a
short time and had never found any
thing that helped his stomach aud
liver troubles as much as they did.
He handed me a circular about
them, which I read, und eonolndnd
that they were Just wbnt I noeded
and would fit my case exactly. I
dropped Dr. at once, wont over
to'the drug store and got a GO-ccnt bos
f them, out of which I took two a
lay for awhile, and within three
days noticed and felt much Improve
ment. That was about the middle
of December. Last February I got
another smnll box of the Tabulus 1
and took part ot them only, ss I was
feeling so mnoh better that I dMn't
think I needed any more. The
rest ot ths box I gave to John C -
the other day. If I had heard ot
them at the time I stopped work I
eould have saved my doctor bill, and,
better than all, probably kept right
on with my work. But I do not be
grudge tbe time lost nor the doctor
bill, as I feel I am well paid for hav
ing learned of the Tabules. I now
feel no pain whatever In my )
stomsoh, liver and bowels native '
and regular, and eat like a wall man
should eat."
Mr-an Tabuleg are fold nv drastt, nr by matr
tflha ,rlee(fvurenti a box) l mm to The KinanS'
Chemical Company, No. lu Spruce at, KMr York,
ample vial, 10 caiui.
JHB AFimoToa co. heir vonirr
windmill btulneM, because It baa reduced tbe coat ot
Wind power lo t.H what It waa.. It haa mam branch
mm honawa and aunnll lta ntutm mn
'a 'our door- " c,n '"! Sue" tarnish
m jfSF , IT better article lor leu monei than
k Cf(4 J other. It makea pnmpiuc and
i VV !3eJ fleered. Stael, OalranltM after
a . TOompietlon Wltmmliia, Tiiuna
4Tnd Hied steel Towera, Steel Itaia Saw
7T . rneu uultera and fee
1 J Grinders, (in application It will name era
111 of tbeae articles that It will rurnlih uml
laanary 1st at is the uiual price. It also makes
lenia and Pumps of all kinds. Send lor oataloiTua.
fat lag I lila. Rockwall sad FUlawa itrefta. Calceja.
Morphine Habit Cored la If
99 WITH OROffc
WafiHsibaya ihi Automat-, mU - (uUTajtv
Nickil PttTin, KifiiiR HaffLkP,0 Smrf
Ki rot. vim, 31 or SI C. r.. .! Wctt.
ind will fT:p C O D. ., tnil allow
UBlBsUeOa. riKI UllUk, WtfWKM, N.C.
f. Dill 11 lnd WHISKY hibln enrtd. Bonk wnft
VllVM HIR. Or. ft. I. WOOLLCV. ATMim, fli
Too mnnot do thia unletw yon andmUntl Ibom
and know how to cater tn their rqulremDtt
j on cannot ipend yn auA dollar learning Uf e
Eertanoe, ao you mum buy Ui knowledK acquired
j otuer. We otter thl to you (or only 35 oeuie.
Ta If worn merely keep tbem m direr. on. In
dr to handle Fowl JinlloloUatly, you iuec know
omethtng about them. To meet ttala want we are)
el J lug a tmok fflTlQK the experience ftilw 4Ka
r a practical poultry miner forUf)IJ A Owe
twenty.flveyear. It waa written by m:io who pal
ftll bb mind, and lime, and money to imuttng a uo
few of Cliloken raUlng not a a paftttm, tut aa
tualae and If you will poflt or bia twenty-flr
ynart' work, you can aare many ChU t anuually,
and nmke your Fowl earn dollar for you. Tba
point U, that you mut he able to detect trouble I
Uie Poultry Yard aa aoou a It appear, and know
bow to remedy It, Tbl book will Ucb you.
It tell how to deteot and cure dle.u.e; to feed for
frit end also for fattening! wblrb fowl 10 save for
tiroorjiufc purpwea; aud everything. Indent, you
abould know on this euhjeot to make it pronutole.
Seat postpaid for twenty-Are oenta In ataiupe.
Book Publishing Houvo
134 LftOHaVHU HT.. N. V. vity
to the placing on the market
and unscrupulous Imitations
labels, and wrappers. Walter