The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 27, 1895, Image 8

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Tenting Two Claimants For a llonntlful
nirjmlo uTnatlee Flrmlljr Triumphant In
a Difficult Cm Through Knowledge ol
the MMenllne Natnnt.
The. Jndpp, tho ronnwned Mi.'s Nnw
Rolomon, snt dip;iiiflort In hor sont o(
honor. Hit ilccitiiuim Wrro fumed (lio
world ovor for cipnrni'ss nnd Jnstfeo.
Grout nnliortR snlimittttl their disputr-H
to her for nrbitrnnioitt nnd wrro ploiiwd
to loiirn from her tho truth of their po
sitions. That hho should sit (liniflpd
wns tlirroforo not to lo wondered nt, hot
thoro was perplexity in her ooniitninncfl
now. Thorn wan n cnso huforo her the
like of which novor lind been known
since hor Ki-oiit imiiipsukn wit in jtvlK
nicnt over two women who eonlonnVil
forAlmhy. In nil her lawbooks, in nil
hor expprienoo, thoro wns no snnestion
of precedents for sncli n cito ns thin.
As tho mnttor stcxtd to n casunl oh
soever it wns this. Mr. GoorRO Wheel
king, n henntifnl innNtitohed yon or mnn,
dressed in Rrny kniekprbookers, dnrk red
sweater, brown nnd yellow golAnx stock
ings nnd improved wheeling shoos,
claimed thnt ho was tho solo nnd only
ownor of a tine silver nnd gold plated
bicyclo thnt was in the court for her
honor to look nt.
But there wns nnothor clnimnnt, a
yonng man Just, as beautifully runs
tnched ns Mr. Wheolking nnd quite ns
hnndsomo otherwise, who appeared in
brown corduroy knickerbockers, gray
sweater, yellow nnd red golfing stock
ing nnd quite ns improved Mines. This
clnimnnt wns Mr. Willinm Bikking.
Neither had witnesses, and so the
learned jndgo questioned them nnd
cross questioned them, but enoh seemed
equnlly truthful, nnd the jndgn paused
nonplused for the first time since she hnd
snt in thnt high sent. Finnlly she nrosn
from hor chair nnd ordored tho court
room sent ntneked nround the sides.
The nndience wns sent to the galleries,
where it waited with breathless in
terest ns the brawny court attendants
carried out the jndgo's orders. The re
porters wore not disturbed, being inside
the rail, nnd only tho swish of the pen
cils broke the silence as the judge turn
ed to Mr. Wheelking nnd said:
"Take that wheel, sir, and rido the
best yon know how. " And the judge
sat down nnd busied herself tuking the
hairpins out of her hair and then put
ting them back again.
Mr. Wheelking blushed very prettily
as he gave his very baggy knickerbock
ers a twitch and prepared to mount As
gracefully as a bird he rose and settled
in the saddle and began to ride. There
wns not a woman there whoso heart did
not jump. The men, of course, tried to
see a fnnlt, but even they could not help
noticing that Mr. Wheelking seemed to
fit the wheel exactly. A look flitting
across the judge's f noe as of a smile wns
translated by one of the reporters as an
indication that the decision was going
in favor of the rider, nnd she sent out
a full report of a decision then and there
for the newsgnthcring organization -of
the city.
Mr. Wheelking rode ia and around
the massive pillars, backward, forward,
turning all the beautiful figures, and in
all the ways that pretty riders know
how. The flitter on Jndgn New Solo
mon a mouth became a smile. As Mr.
Wheelking dismounted Mr. Bikking
oame daintily forward, and ns airily
as a falling leaf landed in the saddle
and begun to ride. The applnuse thut
followed Mr. Wheelking a performance
died Hway in wonderment.
When tho reporter saw Mr. Bikking
riding ns gracefully as Mr. Wheelking,
he gazed into the judge' face and saw
there, instead of a decisive smile, a
look of surprise, followed by the same
- old look of perplexity, whereupon she
reached wildly for the nearest telegraph
operator, nnd the recipients of the as
sociation's reports took out several col
umns of interesting matter and an
Bounced that the case was still under
When Mr. Bikking dismounted, the
critics conld point out no difference be
tween the riding of the two graceful
yonng mon, and the judge looked as if
. she would like to have a good ory, tout
she bit her lips and restrained herself.
Eere was a case that needed a meas
ure entirely different from the usual
, method of deciding such things, and the
; judge determined to decide it according
i to masculine human nature as she un
.derstood it So she stood up, and with
. wave of her hand that silenced even
the whisperings of gossiping men, she
poke in measured tones and syllables :
"Thus does this court decide. Listen,
that yon may distinctly hear. Rather
than render a decision unworthy of this
court, or fail to render one in any ease,
I do deolare that the bicycle in question
shall .be bestowed on Miss Laura Bloom
er unreservedly. "
Mr. Wheelking turned to leave the
oonrt, giving Mr. Bikking look that
aid plainly, "Anyhow you won't have
it, while Mi. Bikking burst into tears.
At .this the judge rose up, and in a
voice that echoed through the court
room said :
"Decision withdrawn, for it is plain
to see now that the wheel belongs to
Mr Bikking. Poor fellow, take it!"
New York Son.
fttc. &Mjt Appetite.
The Bev. Robert Collyer, while at
4b breakfust table of one of his friends
in the country near Boston, was asked
by one of the family, "Mr. Collyer, do
you enjoy as good flu appetite as you
have in years post?" To which he re
plied, "My dear, if J lose the appetite
I now bare I bone no poor mau will
find it"
Aa Vtoal.
Upper la what frame of mind was
Porringer when you saw hint this moru
la. Chipper Same u usualall frame j
po alii Bichmond Dispatch,
Where Depnelta Are fonnrt and Bew
They Are Prepared.
The Florida phosphnto deposits nre of
grent Importance, yet their existence
wns discovered so recently nnd their
extent is still so nncnrtaln that few per
sons not engaged in tho snlo of fertilis
ing materials hnve much knowledge of
the Inruo industry which has sprung up
in the l'eninsulnr Htittc. It has practical
ly created a new city Ocala which
had a population of but a few hundred
in 180, but is now a thriving husinpx
center with modem improvements,
hanking facilities and ample railway
nnd transportation facilities. Engineer
ing, the loading engineering journal of
the world, makes the following state
ments concerning the region, which are
of considerable interest as coming from
nn unbiased source: "There is no plum
phato region in the world known today
that possesses so many advantages for
successful mining ns the Florida depos
its. The grade of material is the highest
average that is being worked anywhere.
The facilities for moving the products
to points for distribution nro good. Tho
average distance from mines to ports
for shipments is about ISO miles.
"The distributing stations for the hard
rock district nre Port Tampn, Ferimn
dinn, Brunswick nnd Savannah, the
largest tonnage being moved from Fer
nnndinn, where storago bins nre located
and loading facilities are good. Port
Tampa, the terminus of tho Plant sys
tem of railronds, is constantly adding
facilities for prompt handling of cargoes
of phosphate and at present very nearly
equals Fernnndina in tho amount of its
shipments. Railroad are numerous nnd
cheaply constructed when necessary to
extend thorn into new sections. The
machinery needed to mine and prepare
the material is simple and inexpensive
compared with that generally used in
other mining operations, nnd the cost
of a plant with sufficient land to work
upon is within the reach of small in
vestors. Tho working days nt tho mines
nro nlsiut 280 during the yenr. The cli
mate is healthful, luborers readily ob
tained nt a fair compensation, nnd
skilled operntives are nt hand who ore
becoming familiar with the business.
"The mining camps are generally well
regulated, and proprietors and employ
ees can reside at the mines with safety
and with little inconvenience, as sap
plies of all kinds can be readily obtain
ed nt the towns located in the near
vicinity of all the large mining fields.
Telegraph and mail facilities are within
easy access of nearly every mining camp
in the state. Florida phosphates are
mostly shipped to European ports and
are manufactured into fertilisers in
England, Ireland, Germany, France,
and quite recently shipments have been
made to the Sandwich Islands. Foreign
agents of consumers and dealers in phos
phates have their offloes near the oenter
of production, and contracts for deliv
ery and prices are commonly fixed a
points of shipment, the mnterinl being
sold nt a price per unit of its contents
of phosphate of lime. The Florida phos
phates nre all used in the manufacture
of commercial fertilizers and superphos
phate. "Boston Transcript.
Be Finds It Herd to Accustom Hlmeelf to
Ordinary Hnnra of Living.
"My chief trouble now," said the re
tired burglar, "is about my hours. 1
have been so long accustomed to work
ing nights and sleeping days that I find
it difficult to change back to the hours of
other folks. Instead of having my break
fast at 7 o'clock in the morning I have
it at 7 o'clock in the evening. Some
folks make their dinner the last meal
in the day, but I never could get used
to that. I can sleep better on a light
meal, so I have my dinner in the mid
die of tho day I mean the middle of
the night and my supper about 6
o clock in the morning.
"This schedule works all right for
the first half of the night There's plen
ty of life then, and I can go to the thea
ter and one place and another, but after
dinner, I must say, I find it pretty
tedious. When I was at work and my
mind was occupied, I never thought
anything about it, but now it is differ
ent. This is bigger town than it used
to be, and it's open all night. There's
plonty of occupation nowadays that
people work at all night, hut the people
tlmt work at 'em are working at 'em,
You don't see 'em around the streets.
and the general fact remains that most
peoplo work days and sleep nights, and
the cold fact is that from dinnertime
to supper time I feel sort o' lost
"But I'm not discouraged. I don't sup
pose I could change the habits of a life
time in a minute, and I shall just keep
on trying till I get my hours shifted
around again like other people's."
Hew York Sun.
Trunk Label.
"I wish you would have porter
come up and wash the labels off my
trunks, " remarked a well dressed man
as he signed his name to the book at the
Continental last night The guest as he
spoke pointed to three big trunks that
stood in the baggage room. The trunks
were covered with the various labels
that Indicated that they had made
long continental journey. In days gone
py these labels were the proper thing.
and the man just home from Europe
considered those glaring tags as almost
acred. But fashion has changed this
year, thanks of the Prince of wales set
ting the pace, and now these glaring
showbills indicative of travel are no
longer in vogue. Philadelphia In
A Kedeemlag Veatatw.
A. My dwelling is bounded on the
north by gas works, on the south by
an india rubber works, on the west by
vinegar manufactory and ou tha east
by a glue boiling establishment
B. A nice neighborhood, I must say.
A. Quite so: but it has on advan
tage. I can always tell which way tha
wind blow without looking at tha
wnwewoat. aumoristiaohe Blatter.
A Dinner at Soltm Chase's,
D. A. Boyle of Bedford tells the fol
lowing: "I remember once when Sena
tors Frye, Hale, John D. Long of Mas
sachusetts, Dolnnintor of Illinois nnd
several others wero nt Turner fishing
and called on Uncle Solon Chase. Halo,
by the wny, used to go to school to
Chose somewhere in that neighborhood,
and Long, I think, was born down
there. Well, thoy all happened to call
on Chase thnt day, nnd ho invited them
to his house for dinner. Ho had a house
keeper whom we nil enlled tho hired
girl. She wns a strange old soul nnd
luhjoet to 'tantrums,' Clinso enlled
"Of course she iimtingod to have a
'tantrum' on this particular day, nnd
when Chase got his company down to
tho lmnso tho girl refused to get dinner,
and tho only things eatable in tho house
wero baked beans nnd blueberries. Hut
thnt. didn't bother Union very long. We
set tho blueberries nnd tho beans on tho
tnbln, nnd then Chnso made a little
speech of welcomo, winding up by say
ing, 'Gentlemen, I guess what's good
enough for mo is good enough for you.
Let's eat.' They did ent nnd had fun
enough over that meal to mako it digest
well, you bet !" Lewlston Jonrnal.
Sm-i lal ,it- .
No niiMtlcinn wan over given such a
sovore tost of its curntlvo qualities ns
Otto's Ctnv. Wo nro distributing sum-
plo lsittlcs free of chargo to those
nfllioted with con-niniption, ' asthma,
eougn, colds, pneumonia, croup and
nil discuses of 1 lm throat nnd lungs,
giving yon tho proof that Otto's (Hire
will euro you. Don't delay, hut got a
bottle of us to-day and eomnienco tho
uso of this great, guaranteed remedy.
Sold by W. 11. Alexander, solo agent.
Samples frco. Itrgo bottles 50c.
In a nnrrjr.
Gnest Geewhittaker I You've spilled
thnt coffee all over mo I
WTaitor Very sorry, sir, but I wns
linrryin to get through.
Guest I'm in no hurry.
Waiter No, sir, but it's most time
for a gentloman to come in wot always
foes me, Bir I Now York Wookly.
Knowledge and Money,
Rngos Some peoplo have more money
than thoy know whnt to do with.
Taggs Thoy soem to know what to
do with the dimes I ask them for. De
troit Free Press.
Gnrble originally meant to cull over,
as beans or peas would be examined to
free thorn from pebbles. Wyclif 's trans
lation of the Bible says that "Gideon
garbled his host"
Karl's Clover Hoot, tho great blood
purifier gives ft'ChhncsH and clearness
to tho complexion and euros constipa
tion, i'tets., COcts., $1.00. Sold by J
C. King & Co.
For Shoe Buyers
Live Shoe House.
Have just received our Fall
Stock, consisting of Latest
Styles and ldth in Narrow,
Opera Toe, Needle Narrow,
Square Toe. We will quote
a few of our prices:
Ladies' fine dongola in but
ton or lace, worth $1.50,
1.18; ladies' Liona kid, in
opera, narrow, square toe,
patent tip, worth 1.75, 1.28;
ladies' fine glove kid, regular
price 2,50, 1.98; fine line of
ladies plain toe, formerly
sold at 2.50, 1.68; fine line of
oil grain and warm lined
slioeB, worth 1.75, 1.23.
Ask to see our much talked
of Tokio shoe. It cannot be
beaten for style, finish and
durability. It is a daisy.
Fine line of men's congress
worth $1.50, our price 1.15;
fine line of men's lace, worth
2.00, 1.48; call and see our
cork sole in congress or lace,
formerly 3.00, 2.23; fine line
of boys school shoes, former
ly 1.25, 98c; we have a large
stock of school shoes which
we will close out at coBt; a
lot 'of shoes, sizes 8 to 5, for
23c. ; carpet slippers, 20c. ; an
old lad ieB' fine slipper, 88c;
we handle the celebrated La
trobe shoe, sold all over at
3.00, our price 2.48.
Don't delay, but come and
look at our special bargains.
Gilblom's Live Shoe House,
and Door from Pootoffle.
A Bright Light Ahead
For all those who have been wearing
out tholr lives from thu effects of dys
pepsia, liver complaint, indigestion,
etc. Wo gunranteo Uncon's Celery
King for the Nerves to euro you, nnd if
you will call Bt our storo, wo will
gladly ' give you a pnekago free of
charge of this Infalllblo herbal health
restorer, Macon's Celery King for tho
Nerves cures eostlveness, nervousness,
slocplessnesH nnd all diseases arising
from derangement of tho stomach,
liver nnd Kidneys. Samples five.
Largo tl.o ode. at W. 11. Alexanders,
solo ngent.
Inspired a Nnhle 1'oem.
It Wns tho lato Daguerriotyplst Hos
ier of Chicago who inspired Longfellow
to write "Hiawatha. " Mr. Hosier was
one of the most eminent of his profes
sion, nnd In 1K51 tho Ijondon World's
fair awarded him tho prize medal for
daguorrootypes. Ono of them, a pic
ture of tho falls of Minnehaha, mine
into tho poet's possession nnd furnished
iuimodinte inspiration for the poem. In
testimony of his debt to Mr. Hosier
Longfellow sent him a bound volume of
his poems with his signature nnd com
plimouts on tho flyleaf.
A Fntal Triangle.
Within the trinnglo formed by the
cities of Nashville, Atlanta mid Knox
villo moro than 70,000 union soldiors
perished during tho war. Tho great bat
tles of Nashville, Murfrooshoro, Chick
aumuga, Chattanooga, Lookout Moun
tain, Kuoxvillo oud the nn morons bat
tles between Chattanooga nnd Atlanta
wero fought In this region. In no other
part of tho country wero the horrible
features of civil strife so strikingly ex
hibited. Kuoxvillo Sentinel.
Family F.ree.
Friend Why didn't yon ever marry?
Maiden Lmly Because, by the time
my relations thought I wns old enough
to marry, tho men thought I wns too
old. Now York Weekly.
As tho sword of tho best tempered
metal is most flexible, so tho truly gen
orous nro most pliant and courteous in
their behavior to their inferiors. Fuh
More than 1,000 forms of snow cry
tals have boon observed and copied.
$1.00 Bottle. K
. Till enlrl nn a. onifrantea b ell rlroir.
gists. It curen Incipient Consumptica
and is the best CourIi and Croup Cure.
Hold by J. V. King A Co
Will Sell All
This is a Great
Saving for any
body wanting a
Come and see
for yourself.
v rZakTAiniissViBi wiwn?-.
In .Advance, Qetn
! I I I ! ! I ! !
We have dwidfrt to ofTr THE
Strictly in Advance, to new niul old HubHcribere.
The old HiibHcribtTB will be expected to pay up
nil arrearage to get the benefit of this of
fer. The offer will hold good until
In n Fint-Clans Paper published every Wednewlay at Keynl
oldwville- by C. A. htephennon. It contains all the
Local News of the town and vicinity, Tele
graphic Home and Foreign Newn, Short
Storit'H, Grand Army Matter,
Farming News and IIIuh
trated Articles.
Don't borrow your neighbor's paper when you can get
THE STA It for
eJob Work Department
The Star Office
Is replete with the Latest
Styles of Types.
Local. County and State
rjaWhll TlfcjEaa
Ltt .JV? v.
National h
CHPITHL $50,000.00,
C. .tllU'hell, Prmldnill
ttt'Olt JlcCIHlanil, Vice Frea.
Joliu It. Kauclier, alilcr.
C. Mltohrtl, Scott McClelland, .T.C.King,
Joseph PtniUHM, (i. E. Hrown,
O. W. Fuller, J. II. Kuui'her.
Does aitenorRlbiinklnirbiiHlnessHnd solicits
the accounts of nienhiiulH, profeiuanniil men,
furmeiM, mechanic", milium, lumlxinmtu and
othert, promhilnx the most careful attention
to the bukluew of all persona.
Safe Deposit Boxes for rent.
First Nutlonul Bunk building, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
The boon ever given to suffering
man. It cures Impoteucy, Drain or tiuli.
mIoiim, and the Nervou DlbeaeH of Men a If
by maple. After unlng It all trouble vanlahe
Immediately and you are a man again. It
double sexual power and IncreuM' alio of
purl. It 1 a Mpecltlc for young, mlildle-aged
and elderly men who are weak from any
cause. It 1 a wonderful una wleutltlu treat
ment discovered by a physician, himself a
sufferer and after he hud uearly ruined him
self with poisonous drug. It Khurmleiu and
at once relieve the dlseuse. Money returned
where euro I not effected. Bunk reference
given a to return of money. One package
warranted to cure any rata. Kent In a plain
piu'kuge with full Instruction. Price .uu.
Mechanical Cure Co.,
i'hleago, ill.
C .J Un AWIrlUPI'J ZA -zVi " f "I .
Get an Education.
Education and fortune go hand In hand.
Get an education at tha Central Htale Nor
mal School, Lock Haven, Fa. Urat-claaa
accommodation and low rate. State aid to
student. For Illustrated catalogue addreaa
lAMfco KLDUN, Pli. !.. Principal,
Lock llaveu, Pa,
Dollar ! it
I ! ! I ! ! I I I I H
STAtt nt One Dollar a Year,
1, 180B!
Neat "Work Done
on Short Noticg
News lor Sl.00 a Year.
uuuiiiiu ruciPie iuu ainnn ns eniL.1
, ".
alary or oommlaalonl
Bend for catalogue on
Prices and Terms.
es2 Ccoan Ave.
"Bee Hive" store1
L. J. McEntire, & Co.,
The Groceryman, deals in al
kinds of
Groceries. Canned
Goods. Green Goods
Tobacco and Cigars, Floul
and Feed, Baled Hay an
Straw. Fresh goods alway
on hand.
Country produce taken ifl
exchange for goods.
A share of your patronag
is respectfully solicited.
Very truly yours,
Lawrence J. McEntire & Go
The Grocery men.
Every Wq:
Sometimes Beads a nil
able moolhl regulaun
fee Moaipt, eat aaa ewtala la tssaH. .
to (Dir. PmI'.) mw Siaaraoia. Mat ssiivsen
list, Htl1tMOKT.laaS.O. I
For sale at U. Alex itoke's druf store.