The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 20, 1895, Image 2

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Nineteen Person Killed by a Car Drop
pins 101 Feet at Cleveland.
A frightful accident happened at Cleveland
shortly atler 7 o'olock Raturdny night whon
an electric car containing between 20 and 30
passenger! went through the draw ol the
Central viaduct and dropped 101 feet Into
the river. The list of thu tlend and misting
It at fullowa:
" K1LI.KD.
Jnmea McLaughlin, bnsebnll player, 77
Trowbridge avenue.
Henry W. Mecklenburg, merchnnt tailor,
68 Mary street.
F.dwnrd Hoffman, conductor, 121 East End
Mrs. .loll il A. Sauernheltncr, 70 Professor
Mies Bessie Pnvla, school teacher In Backoff
chool, lived at 107 Noyes street.
Harry W. Foster, clerk for Hoot A Mo
llrlde Company, 61 Mentor nvnue.
Mr. Minnie C. Brown, 10 1 hurmnn street.
i'urt Lephene, schoolboy, 00 JouuIuks ave
nue. .Mm. A. W. Hoffman, 30 year old, l."08
Pearl street.
Harvey HoKinan, 7 years old, 100 1'enrl
Sirs. Martha 1'iiltner, 105 Kenllnorth ave
nue. Mitrle MlloboD, 21 years old, domestic, Dell
Angusta Rnrlnskl, 207 Central avenue.
Gertie llolluian, l.'j" yeara old, 1."(I1 1'oarl
I.ouit F. Hulotz, mull carrier, 38 Urevler
it root.
Mint Martha Rnuernheltner, 154 Merchants
I.ooney, 0 yearn old. 37'... Clifton (treat.
1, C. rnije, residence unknown.
Matthew Callnbnn, Hamilton atreet.
The Central viaduct la a huite Iron bridge
3.000 feet long which connects the height
and prosperous residence section of the south
side. IMrectly over the river la a drawbridge
of the pivot swinging kind, and It Is 101 feel
above the surface ot ths water. The Houth
Hide electric linn passes over the bridge, ami
nn Jelther end of the draw there Is a snlety
switch, which unless the conductor nlluhts
and holds up a handle, will send the cur Into
a nutter Instead of allowing It to go on the
draw. The motor cur approached the draw
Just at a vessel was approaching it, and the
bridge alienisms had closed the big Iron
Rates and were preparing to swing the draw.
1 be car stopped, at Is the rule, and ihe con
ductor went forward to release the twitch In
case the way was clear.
The conductor must have roen blinded by
the electric lights, for. although the Kates
were closed and the draw wua already In mo
tion, he raised the switch handle. The
motormnn applied tho current nnd the cm
shot forward and ttrnck the Rates with a
crash There was only n moment's pause,
and then the heavy car ground Its way
through the wreckaite and plunged Into the
dark abyss, amid tho sereams and frantic
struggles of the passenger, who, at the Mrs!
Intimation of danger, rushed, lor the real
door. The car struck the water with a great
splash, and thon there was silence. Hoon
men began to rush, ahoutlng nbout, and
police patrol wagons and ambulances were
toon Dying to Ihe spot In response to tele
phone calls. In an Incredibly short space ol
time the work of rescue baa begun.
All the occupnnti of the car with the ex
ception of the lew who bad managed to Jump
as It toppled over, went down to certaiu
death. The ear disappeared from sight af
toon at it ttruck the water, and every one ol
the passengort were drowned.
The alarm which was sent out brought to
the tcene half a doren ambulances, tbe fire
boatt and the membert of tbe life-saving
crew with grappling Irons. Within five min
utes after the acoident the surface of the rivei
revealed nothing of tbe terrible tragedy that
bad Just been enacted. The waters had
closed over the ear and Itt pasaeugera, and
tba worluof rescuing the bodiee In the uncer
tain light was slow Indeed, All of tbe dead
have been Identified, but four persons ,bc
were supposed to have been on the lll-fnted
oar at tt made the awful plunge are still
missing, and there seemt to be no doubt that
their bodiet will be taken from tbe bottom ol
the river when the heavy Iron truckt ol tht
wrecked motor are raised.
Motormtn liodgert wat arrested shortly
after the acoident. He tuld that tbe con
ductor gave him the signal to come ahead
and he supposed everything wat ail right and
did not notice the draw open, being blinded
by tbe eleotrlo lights. He Jumped when he
discovered tbe Relet doted and barely es
taped going over.
He talked about the acoident:
- "It wat my second trip," he began. "Just
- after leaving tht Market house, I looked Into
the oar and from what I can remember, there
were about 20 or 25 passengers. They were
mostly women and ohildren, I think. When
my motor reached the twitch at the approach
ol tbe draw In tbe viaduct, I thut oil my
eurrent, and applied tbe brake. The ear
came to a full stop, and the conductor ran
ahead and threw the switch, lie motioned
me ahead with a wave of bit arm. I put
my lever at the flrtt notoh. and at I
patted tbe conductor, who always ttandt
at tbe twitcb lever until the ear bos
passed, wat running at the rate of pot
tlbly four miles an hour. I looked baok,
at I alwayt do, and taw him get on tbe rear
platform. Looking ahead I thought I taw
ths gates at tbs draw closed over tht traak,
but at my lights were burning and I had eur
rent, the thought occurred to rat that my
eyes must be at famt. X wat just in tbe act
of giving, and possibly gave tht lever a slight
push forward, when I wot Hurtled by the
gates Just In front of me, and I heard tome
out yell 'Jurup.'I don't konw whether I revers
ed the current or not, for I then realized tbe
danger and leaped from tht vestibule. At I
leaped I thought I would plunge headlong
down and Into the river, but at the ear ttruok
tbt gate I tell on It and oaught the Iron frame
and saved myself. The oar went down with
au awful crash, but I never heard a murmur
or anything that resembled a scream."
Here Rogers burled hit faoe In hit btndt
and erled: "My God, itt an awful thing."
When tat bad recovered himself tomewbat,
Bogert oontinued: "When I wot freed from
tbe Iron gate I eosroely knew what to do. I
wot dazsd. I Anally oonoluded to run baok
to tbe market bouae and tell tbt police. 1
burrled down tbe embankment and began to
pull bodiet out of tbe wreck. I worked there
(or fully an hour, may be an hour and a half.
Then I grtwaiok and went home."
"When you taw the gates of the draw,
were your light burning and did you bkvt a
"I did hsvt eurrent and my llgbtt were
buraiag. That it the reason I thought of no
danger. When tbe draw is open tbe lights
usually go out, but tt wat not the ease at the
time of the acoident, at I can twtiar. Aa I
told you, I wat surprised when I eaw tbe
gates and knew that' I had both Ugbn and
eurrent, whiob baa never been tbe case before
when the gates bars been oloaed, at the
twinging of the bridge cutt off tbe current
and of court when tblt It done the llgbtt so
out." "
"How do you account for the ttraoge
"I cannot acoount for it, but I twear that
it wat to. 1 have never bad an acoident of
any kind, until tblt out, and I belter tblt
will kill int."
Sheriff Held Vp By Bobbers.
Bherlff J. P. Keyier, ol WoodBeld, O.,
beard an explosiou In the Monro eoumy
bonk, and, aud going through an alley to In
vestigtlt wat tlatd by four masked men,
robbed ol 800 la etsh and bit watub. and
locked In a ttabl, wber he wot afterward
found, bound and gagged. The robber bad
blown up tbt bank' vault, but failed to M
It It believed tbe Wells-Fargo express rob
bers, at Colorado Springs, Col,, got (55,000
Instead of t20,000.
Iter. Ilonjamln I Whitman, 1), D., Ibe
new president of Columbian university In
Washington, wat Inducted Into ofllc Friday
night with Impoilng ceremonies.
Evidence before the grand Jury on the De
troit "Journal" explosion showed gross care
lessness In Koglneer Thompson, who often
left Incompetent persona In charge.
An Indlnn doctor named White, who as
saulted the 10-yenr-old-half-wltled daughter
of William 1'arbee In Cnbnrrut oounty, N. C,
It In Jail, The building It being guarded to
prevent lynching. "
Tbe National Orange, at Worcester, Mass.,
conferred the seventh degree on 2,000 mem
bers, and memoralized Congress for protec
tion to agriculture. The "Lublu Proposi
tion" was recommended,
Patrick Crowe, who led Ihe band of out
laws who held up and robbed two llurllngton
trains, aud tried to bold up a Hock Island
express, threatens to give the name of promi
nent men In Ht, Joseph. Mo., who helped him
break Jail.
The Indemnity china Is to pay Japan for
the evacuation of Ihe Lino-Tung peninsula
will be given to the Japanese representatives
by tho Hank of England. The Japanese
must therefore evcauatc tho peninsula within
three months.
European Merchant Qet Tremendous
Government Help.
Consul (ieucral Jernlgnn, writing the de
partment of state from Hhanghnl, on labor
nnd wngea in China, enys that during the laat
Hseal year the value of trade relation! be
tweeu Japan nnd the lnlted Mates was esti
mated at'jO, with a balance against
us of 10,0(10, 000. A comparison between
Japan nnd Great llritnln shows a lalance in
fnvor ol Great llrltaln nhiut as Inrge as the
balance against us. During the same period
the value ol the trade between tbe l ulled
Mates aud China Is placed at (24,000,000
with a balance of (10,000,000 agalnat ua,
while (treat llrltaln checks oft large balanoea
I n her fnvor,
European uatlona are sustaining the effort!
of their merchnme more substantially than
the American meicbant (a austnined. Our
mercbauie, lu competition for Asiatic trade,
bavo to ruy upon their own skill and energy,
while the merchants of Europe nfu encour
aged by the aid given to the great steamship
lines which carry their. Mage and pour the
productions of Europe Into Asiatic ports.
Amerlcun merchants, says Mr. Jernlgnn,
cannot euceessfully compete for Aaiatlo trade,
eveu with tho natural advantagee of their
geographical position, when such advantages
are so greatly neutralized by aueh resources
nnd mentis at tbe command of their com
petitors as referred to.
In conclusion, be says: "From this stand
point the advantages to American interests
of the cutting of tba Nicaragua canal would
evidently be great Hbould tbe government
of tbe United Htates cut the taunl and say
that vessuls of the United Htates carrying the
flag of the l ulled htatet should past toll free,
or at very moderate toilt.for a certain period,
would not tbe benellt to American shippers be
almost Incalculable? Would It nut create a
new life lu the shipyards of the United Htatet
and toon restore our (lag to Itt former
supremacy on the ocean V With an American
lank In China and an American Journal, both
conducted by men whose known chnrnator
would command confidence In all circlet, and
the Nicaragua canal completed, the com
mercial prosperity of the United Htates would
approach nearer the blessings of our free In
stitution!." UNCLE SAM'S POSITION.
Will Protect American bat Will not In
terfer In Other Matter.
Rev. Judson Smith, secretary of tba Ameri
can board of foreign missions, and Hunry
Hyde, of Boston, bad a conference with Sec
retary Olney concerning the situation of
American missionaries In Turkish territory,
Tbey were assured that It It tbe purpote of
tbe administration to afford all possible pro
tection to the mlsslonarlet consistent with tbe
general policy of thlt government In suob
matters. Tbey wet told that tbe Turkish
authorities had virtually promised to do all
that bad been asked. It wet ngreod that
with tbe various European powers concen
trating naval foroet at Constantinople there
wat no necessity for additional American
thipt In Turkish waters at the present time.
The secretary made It quite clear, however,
that while tbe United Htatet government
would do all In Itt powor to protect Amerioaui
In Turkey. It would not Interfere lu the set
tlement of the general questions In dispute,
and would leave these mutters to Turkey and
tbe conhined powert of Europe to settle
among themselves.
Wbat I Needed for Improvement and
Defence Next Tear.
The annual report of Oeneral Cralghtll,
chief of engineer!, to the secretary of war,
bat been made public Us favors carrying
on river and barbor Improvement! under
contlnuout contracts, for wbtoh appropria
tion! have been mad In lundry civil tots.
There was expended on river and harbors
during tbe post fiscal year (13,440,004, mak
ing tbe total for tbe past two years (30,003,.
0M4. Estimate! are submitted far the next
two years of (21,010,107. Estimate! for con
tinuing tbe work on the more Important
river and hnrbor projects are submitted, tbe
amount to be expended In tbe next fiscal
year; among them being Ihe following! Ohio
river, (450,000; tnagboat and dam No. 2,
(50,000, Herr s Island dam, near Pittsburg,
(100,000; sblp canals, Chicago, Duluth and
Buffalo, (500,000; Toledo barbor, (150,000;
Hnnduaky, (40,000; Cleveland barbor, (100,
000; Fairport barbor, (20,000, Ashtabula
barbor, (50,000; Conneaut barbor, (40,000.
Import and Export.
Tbt October statement of Import! and ex
ports shows the total amount of domestic
merchandise exported wat H5,002,S3, at
against (82,482.422 during October of last
year. The Imports of dutiable merchandise
aggtegated (37,808,720, at compared with
(211,404,318 during the annie month lu 1804,
The numder of Immigrants who arrived waa
32,800, aa compared with 27,200 for Outober.
18414, '
New PrlooeasIOlga.
Tbe accouchement of tbe czarina, of Russia
otcurred Friday evening. At 9 o'clock a
daughter wat born to the czar aud czarina.
Court physicians report the child to be baud
tome and healthy, and they add that the
mother It rapidly recovering. Hervloet con
nected with the birth of tbe Infant were held
in accorduuc with the rltet of tbe orthodox
Greek (buret). Tbt baby bat been named
Hspublloana (Jain a legislator.
In the contest of Wood, Kepublloan. for the
seat In tbe Kentucky legislature of Kaullman
Democrat, a discovery has been mad which
beyond a doubt give Wood tbe seat, and will
thereby give the ltepubllcaut a altar majority
on Joint ballot in the legislature, it hot keen
discovered Ibat Kauffinan's election while
holding onto as a city tounoliman was con
trary to tbt ilaiuta. ,
No Water to Float Them, and Big Dam
age Being Done.
Over 20,000,000 feet ol logs are now baok In
the Husquebaana rfver. They belong to III
Wllliamsport lumber firms. The recent mini
bare given but a alight rlao lo the river, aud
each day without the itock of log! being
brought In means a loss of at least (1H),000 to
Wllliamsport. I'nlesa Ihe logs are brought
In the sawmills will be Idle until the lesson
of '98 or longer,
Noah Smith and Hnrry Kuhn are In Jail at
(Ireensburg, charged with robbery. Hmltli
confessed, giving the name of three others
who committed tbe serins of robberies four
years ago. when over (;).000 worth of jewelry
was stolen, nnd pnrl of the plunder has been
A factory for the manufacture of steel
tlngletrees and neck-yokes will be establish
ed at Washington by l'ittsburgera, represent
ing a capital of (240,0011. Hamuel V, patter
son and K. O, Hugden, both ol Pittsburg, are
backing the Investment.
Detective Barring, of New York, arrested
James Farrel nt Allqulppa, on a charge of
being implicated ill a murder committed at
Altoonn iluring July last, Ferrel Is an em
ploye ol thu steel works nt Allqulppa.
John Taylor, a colored man, waa nrnstel
at Kane by Postolllon Inspector Owings,
charged with opening a letter directed to MlM
Jennie Taylor,, on which Taylor collected
(II. He confessed tho crime.
The bnrn of David Plfer, of Hendorscn
township, near Puuxsiitnwney, was destroyed
by an Incendiary tire. The loss Is 2, 000. with
no Insurance. It was the third lire loss of
Plfer within a mouth.
Itev. C. I), Tinker, who has been pastor of
the First llnptlst Church of Hharon; lor tl
post live years, surprised bis congregation by
announcing his determination to relinquish
bis charge.
John Ilhodes, of Rtimmnrvllle, laid down
on the Cambria Iron compauy'a railroad
tracka, at Johnstown, Saturday night. lie
waa run over by a car, aud fatally hurt.
The sheriff closed tbe plant of the Archi
tectural Iron company at Canonslmrg, on a
Judgment of (li.OOO In favor of tbe Balrd
machinery company of Pittsburg.
Cleorge C. Maxwell, of Washington, has
eued the Clipper conl company for (50,000
damages for undermining his farm and re
moving 23,000 bushele ol coal.
The Mount Tlensant Slavonic Catholic
church, of Westmoreland oounty, has been
seized by the sheriff nt the suit of UeoreZlfoak
a member, for a debt of (1,000.
Jacob Strobe, a hermit 70 years oil living
In the mouutnins near Huubnr, fell seventy,
live feet to tbe bottom of a stoep lodge and
was killed.
John Pnln, a colored ex-convict. Is In Jail
at I'ulontown, charged with a criminal as
sault on Mrs. Mary J. Nichols, uti aged
Mre. Sarah Portor, of Cherry Hill, Indiana
county.l! under arrest, charged with attempt
ing to burn thu house of her son-in-law Ueo.
A. Coy.
Amos Johnston, IS yean old, of North
Sewickley township, Beaver county, was
fatally injured by the explosion of nn old
Mrs. Faust, widow of tho late ex-Sherifl
Faust, of Clearlleld, was itruck by a train
and luitantly killed, noar her borne,
James William! and Frank Smith, highway
robbera of liurgetlstown, were sentenced to
five yean In prison at Washington.
Tbe body of Henry Frye, of Tuaaeyvlne,
Center county, was found in the
Frye disappeared two weeks ago.
William A. Wllford li under arrest at Erie,
on a charge preferred by his wife that be bos
another wllu living In Pittsburg.
A man named Lindsay It under nrrest at
Itej-noldsvllle, charged with committing sev
eral recent incendiary fires,
Louis Curlley and wife art In Jail at Scott
dale, on a charge of Healing (200 worth ol
goods found In their bouts,
D. IL Hnyman, of New Brighton, wat way.
laid, robbed of (3 aod kicked by tour high
waytnen Wednctday night.
James Anderson, tho 4'l)'-year-old son ol
Orvilla Anderson, ol New Ueneva, was killed
by runaway team.
James Hughes, a farmer near Franklin, was
killed by driving Into a deep bole, bit bone
falling on top of him.
A ton of George Vsorva, a Slavonic coke
worker of Lemont, Fayetto county, waa out to
plecos by a train.
Tbe barn of John K. Campbell, a farmer
near Limestone, 10 miles from Clarion, was
destroyed by lire.
Fred Thomas, of Rmlthfleld, near Union
town, was fatally Injured by being thrown
from a horse.
A young child ol Mr. Harvey, ol I.smont,
near Dunbar, was killed by a train Sunday
Kler Brothers, firs brick manufacturers
near Greensburg, advanced wages 10 pti
Ex-Pottmaster Weaver, of Clearfield, was
terlously Injured by an unmanageable horse.
Barron A Walters, hardware merchant! ol
Morrellvllls, near Johnstown, assigntd.
Mattacrs of the Armenian! Foretold at
the Obloago Congrses.
The associated press bat received tbe fol
lowing from Dr. M. M. Mangasarlan, Isadsi
ol the Society ol Ethical Culture In Chicago,
and ons of ths most eminent and best-known
Armenian! lu the Uuited Htatet:
"The very recent masstnre of Armenians
reported from Treblr.ond, Erzeroum, Moosb
aud Dlarbeklr fuliy oonllrm tbe words apoken
to me by the Turkish commissioner-general
to tba World's Columbian exposition, Hakkl
Beyi 'If we (the Turks)citnnot have the coun
try we shall see that you (Ihe Armenians) do
not get It.'
"There Is very little doubt that the Turta
bolleve their days ars numbered and are,
therefore, determined to exterui.ute the
Armenians, root and branch, before they
tbey themselves bava been llnnliy and for
ever driven out of Ihe civilized world.
"if Europe is to act at all It must act at
once, for soon It will be too late to undertake
Ihe sa'vatlnn of Armenians, as there will be
no Armenians left lo titve."
Cut HI Children' Throat.
Thomas Klwln, of Phoenlxvllle, Pa., out
Ihe throats of bit two children, aged 4 and 6
yuan, respectively, with a razor, and then at
tempted to commit tulolde In the tarn man
ner. The children died and thor It little
hops of tbe father'! recovery. Domestic In
felicity and drink cauted tho tragedy.
Japan 7avora America.
Although Japanese officials hare denied
that the mikado will spend (200,000,000 In
warships, It li reported In advices by th
steamer Coptic, Ibat tea vessel! are to b
built abroad, and that possibly lb orders for
them will be squally divided among tb ship,
builder ol England, Franco, Germany, Italy
and tbt Unlttd Blatet,
Exportation of Oold Ha No Damaging
IL O. Dun A Co. say In their "Weekly Its.
view ol Trade i" Failure! In the first week
of November amounted to (2,071,476, against
(2,844,44s last year, and for October show
liabilities of (16.037,021, against (11,127,200
last year, aud 24,0.ri4,lll2 In lH'i.1. For th
tast week failures have been 283 In tha
nlted States, against 270 last year, and 40
In Canada, ngalust HH last year.
Tha scare about gold exports had no real
significance, nnd although (2.2:0.000 mors
will go out, the stock market has been re
covering. Tbecollapseof Kalllr speculations
abroad has forced many to realize on Ameri
cans held, and tbe impression that our gov
ernment may have to burrow again also op
erates to our disadvantage. But there la no
local disturbance of money maikctt.
The output of pig Irou to November 1 waa
217,300 tons weekly, about 10 per cent, larger
than ever before, and a continuance of ths
same production for six weeks mors would
make tho half year'a output 5,1150,000 tone or
more, about 450,000 tuna greater than lu any
other half year, 'ihe startling fact la that
the demand for product! of Iron nnd steel
falls off, notwithstanding the Increase In out
put of pig, and though only n few concerns
nave closed or red lined work or wages on no
eount of lack of orders, prices have declined
2.7 per cent, for tbe week, and 6.4 per cent,
from the highest point.
Sales of wool continue largo for two weeks
of November, 12,102,1150 pounds.
Tho volume of domestic trmlo appears from
clearing house exchanges 17 per cent, larger
than last year, tut 11.4 per cent smaller than
In 1802.
Wheat perplexes the oldest Inhabitant.
There Is little reason to expect a yield larger
than Inst year's. Prices have not declined so
tar, that, for the first time In many months,
Atlantic exports exceed those of a year ago.
Corn Is scarcely lower, but the supply will
largely exceed all home anil foreign de
mands. The woolen manufacturer baa to
meet this year two dinioultl"S, tbe remarka
ble demand for clay worsteds, whlah has en
couraged an advance of 10 per cent. In price,
nnd the heavy Import of woolen goods. Hales
of wool continue large.
1'be cnlmsr lone of the foreign markets,
tbe subsidence of the war scare and the ab
sence of a panic in the Kalllr settlement at
I.oudon, were factors In causing a mors
healthy tons to assert Itself here.
Four Turkish Priest In Turkleh Terri
tory The ports continues lti efforts to restore
ordor In Asia Minor, nnd baa dispatched two
generals to command ths Turkish troops at
Erzeroum and Bitlls.
Tbs prevailing financial trouble and the
extension of the revolutionary movement In
Syria greatly hamper the action of the gov
ernment, aud In addition to these obstacles
the lladlfs or Laudwehr, who have been call
ed out, refuse to leave tholr homes, fearing
they will be attacked by the Druses.
The news received from the provinces Is
generally bad. At Mnlatla, about 100 miles
from Narash, there has been some blood
shed, several Christians having been killed,
including four Jesuit priests, who wers under
French protection.
Tbe Kurds In tbe Derslm district have In
stigated trouble in Cneanrea, but no details
of tbe disturbances are yet obtainable. The
Kurds have also oreated a panic in Moosb,
Tbe Turkish government authorities have
promised the Armenians, who are In posses
sion of the barracks at Zeituun, that they will
not be molested and will be allowed to return
to tbelr homes in aafety upon the condition
that they surrender the l urkiah arma, am
munition and prisoners In tbelr bands.
The Italian government has ordered that
five ships of ths eastern Mediterranean squad
ron shall Join the British squndron In eastern
waters In any lovamenti necessary for tbs
protection of Europeans in cuss grave events
shall arise. The commander of tbe squadron,
Vice Admiral Acolnl, Is Instructed to act lu
conoert with tbe admiral of Ihe British fleet.
The vessels ordered to Join the British squad
ron are ths Ironclads lie Umberto, Andrea,
Dorla, Htrumboll and E rurla.
Tht Great Healer Schlatter Took to Hit
Francli Schlatter, who bos crentod tuoh
sensation throughout ths country, and es
pecially In tbs West, by reason of bis to-called
wondtsful powers of healing diseases, bos
suddes-'y disappeared from Denver. He wat
to bavo appenred Thursday before s United
Hlutet commissioner, to give testimony
against some persons charged with fraud lu
connection with bis henilug, and bis sudden
disappearance is supposed to have been
caused by fear that ne might become entang
led In litigation. lilt dixappearauce wat so
tudden and mysterious that It caused a great
commotion In the town.
lleports tt to the results of cures claimed
to have been effected by Scbuttler are quite
contradictory. That be bat been measurably
successful In relieving persons suffering from
certain nervous affections can readily be
understood, but thut be poetesses any tuper
human power will be believed by few.
There It no proof at yet that Schlatter Is a
firetender, or that he Is not perfectly sincere
n all that bs says and does. Ho it modest,
unassuming, and goes nbout healing at
though It rat a duty that be could not neg.
lecL Money Is evidently not bit object, since
he Is laid to return any tumt that are tent to
He claims no power In . himself to heal dis
ease or relieve pain, attributing everything
of Ibat kind to the "will of the Father' He
it very simple In bis manner, resorting to no
display or ostentation. Hs takes tb band
of the allllcted ones, each In turn at tbey
retch him, and the only ceremony Is brlei
prayer uttered in an undertone. He makes
no charge for bis services. He bat been In
Denver tlnce the middle of September, nnd
bss created a wonderful furor among tba
t filleted. Thousands have sought bis heal
ing touch and betiedlctiou, and have even
been satisfied to have tbelr band kerchiefs
"blessed" by bim. It was against fakirs wbo
p'otessed to sell these handkerchiefs that ba
wat expected to appear, '
Two Indian Hunter Killed by White in
A telegram wat received at th Indian of
fice Tuesday from Agent Day, at Ignaalo,
Col., telling of the killing of two Ute Indians
by whites, and of tbe Agem't fean tbat It
may lend to another Indian uprising, itmllni
to tbt one that recently alarmed the Bannock
country. The telegram tayt that Juan
Tobias, an Indian policeman, while out
bunting, found tbe bodies of ltavennough, a
sub-chief of lb Wlunimlche band of th Utes,
aud one of his men. Tbe bodies were partly
covered with snow, and bad evidently been
dead some time.
The murder wnt committed between tht
Big Bend of the Doloret river nnd Plateau
creek, off th reservation. Tbe victim were
buntiug, a pastime tooured to tbem by tbulr
Thirty School Children Burned.
At Grenada, Mexico, a tchool building, In
wblob 150 children were present.was destroy
ed by firs. Thirty-one charred boules, In
cluding that of tbe teacher have been taken
out. Two boyt wbo had been terlously pun
ished by tbs letcber and tutpended from
chool ars believed to be tb autbort of tb
crlm. Tbey htv bson arrested.
Cuban recognition will b tbs Irtt lwus o'
ths hour wbtn Congrtt mettt.
Shot Thrts Peopls Dead and Wounded
Several Other.
A Paris wins merchnnt named Domergua
udtlenly bectms insane and thot his wlfs
and mother.
lie then began shooting from Ihe window
of the house nt passershy In the ttroet, kill
ing three perrons and wounding a number of
When his revolver was emptied and his am
munition exhausted, bs barricaded himself
In the house, which was surrounded by gend
A Stranger Kills a Woman and Child and
A man accompanied by a middle-aged
woman and an eight-year-old girl registered
at a hotel In Laredo, Tex., at C. Shuler and
family, of Sun Antonio. About 9 o'clock In
the iilteruoon, the mnu procured n horse nnd
buggy, ostensibly to drive bis wife and child
to tlio depot. About 4:3d bs returned the
horse nnd proceeded to the hotel. Early next
morning a Mexlcnn shepherd discovered the
bodies of the woman and girl lying In some
brush nbout threo miles northeast of the city.
Ho Immediately notified the city ofllclnls.
'1 he chief police Immediately culled nt the
Hotel Hamilton, where Shuler had registered.
Shuler was called, and replied tbat be would
come to the door very shortly, but litter some
delay a pistol shot wns heard. When tbe
police entered the man was found lying dead
upon the bed with a bullet In his heart.
Upon bis pillow Wits found nn insurance
policy lor (3,000 In bis own fnvor and a den I
of trust executed for property In Enst Ht.
Louis. Over (I. COO In (100 bills were found
upon the man'e person, two watches and a
charm with "Kiiutz" engraved upon It. From
papers found It teems that Kuutz Is from Ht.
Viotlm of the Freight Wreck on the
Southern Railway.
A tpeclal from Birmingham, Ala., sayt:
Further details of ths wrsok on ths Southern
rallwny at America, Ala., disclose tbs fact
that four men wers killed nud four Injured.
Ths collision occurred between a freight train
nnd a work train, the latter backing on the
former without placing signals.
The casualties were as follows: Tony Cun
nlnghnm, Moses McOee, I, tike Bnlley, Steve
McDonald, of tho work train, killed; P.J.
Matthews nnd Philip Sewell, engineer and
fireman on the freight, nnd Pink Wilhurn and
Andrew Townseud, of the work train, more
or less Injured.
The dead men wers in ti e cnbooso of tht
work train, which collided with tbe engine
of the freight.
A Child's Awful Death;
Edith Crow, a 3-year-old daughter of Gui
Crow, living at Sherman, Teun., met a
horrible death, Tbe child attempted to put
out a bonfire, burning In her father'! back
yard, when ber clothe! took firs. Shs lived
an hour in awful agony.her flesh having been
literally roasted to the bone.
Four Lives Lost.
At 8:30 Thursday morniug a large alonp,
painted while, wat teen to eaize off Bock
awny Beach, about a mile Irom tbe tbore.
Four men wers teen clinging to ber, hut were
washed away later. Tbs sloop, tho nams ol
which could not be aicertained, drifted away
to the loutbward.
Forty Rioter Injured,
A serloui riot occurred In Wlrgei, In the
ducby of Nassau. The opposing parties used
revolvers freely, with the result that forty
persons were wounded, Ave of tbem fatally.
A number of rioters took refuge lo an Inn,
whlob their opponent! stormed and burned.
Railroad Will Pool Issues Under ths
Senator1 Management.
Such progress bai been made In a proposed
consolidation of tbs Brlcs Boss ol railway
tbat It li understood tbat tbs consolidated
company will bs organized January 1.
Tha Laks Erls Wsstern as a separata
system aud nams will bs wiped out, and Its
lines merged la an aggregnte of 1,685 mile! of
road at follows: Lake Erie A Western, 725;
Cincinnati, Jaokson t Michigan, 84G; Cleve
land, Akron A Columbus, 206; Ohio Southern
243; Northern Ohio, 165.
The Lima Northern will also be taken Into
tbe combination, and completed to Toledo
next season. The Northern Ohio extension
to New Castle, Pa. Is to be oompleted. There
It a trafllo agreement with the Buffalo,
Itoohester A Pittsburg to bt extended lo New
The bcadqunrters of tbs system will be at
Indianapolis. Terminate will be maintained
In Cincinnati, Toledo, Cleveland aud Ht.
Louis. The Clover Leaf, by consolidation or
traffic agreement, It to afford tbe desired Ht,
Louis and Toledo facilities. The general
oflloee of tbs Laks Erie are to retain charge
of tbs system.
Ons Affdot Attorney' Feet, th Other a
Second Wife' Right.
Assistant Seoretary of tb Interior, Judge
Jobu M. Reynolds, bat reverted th decltion
of tbe commissioner of pensions and ordered
refuudod a fee to Martin Metcalf, an attorney
of Battle Creek, Mich., wbo received th ft
fiow a pensioner who wat grant 'd an In
crease for disability, out tbs fee of tbs attor
ney was for other servloee. Tbs bureau bald
tbat ths tee was paid for supposed tervioet In
seouring tbe Increase. la this connection
Judge Iteynoldt bolds tbat tbs bureau of
peusiont hot no authority to demand tbe re
fundment of a fee except where tbe record
shows one has been allowed and paid through
fraud or mistake, or where one has been
legally allowed, but paid to aa attorney not
entitled thereto.
In the case of Josio Ann Mysrs. a minor of
tbs former wlfs of a soldier, Judge lley
nolds boldt tbat ths teeond wife of ths
soldier it entitled under the aot of Juus 27,
181)0, to a penslou for a minor at long as ths
second wife It charged with Its maintenance,
but where tbe seeoud wife does not support
tbe child It can receive a pension shall be In
charge of a guardian.
England Willing.
The London papers mauifest the most
amazing indifference about the Uuited States
acquiring any of the West India Islands or
absorbing all the Spanish republics of South
America. Tbe "Spectator, "one of London's
leading weeklies, tbe other day came out
strong for the Monroe dootrlnn.aud expressed
tbe hope that Uncle Hum would adhere to it
and make it the law of Ihe western hemis
phere. Tue London "Graphic," a paper of
toms nots, says if tbs United Htatet really de
sire any of th South American republics the
way 1 open, to far at objections from Eng
land goes, either to their annexation or the
wtabllsbmcnt of an American protectorate.
Elghtssn tulolde bar occurred at Pari
and Lyons, wbleb can b trsosd to detnond-
tnoy mulling from ioasst on Ith bourn
aurinf in recent panic.
Whltney-Paget Nuptial Celebrated In
New Tork.
Under a bright, cleat sky, and within the
sacred portals of Bt. Thomas' church; where
lest than week ago Miss Contuelo Vander
bllt was mads ths Duchess of Marlborough,
Miss Pauline Payne Whitney, daughter oi
Wiillnm (X Whitney, former secretary of the
navy, wnt on Tuesday wedded to Almerlo
Hugh Paget, a young ton of the late General
Lord Alfred Paget, and giaadson of ths Ural
marquis of Anglesey.
Aa lar aa tho ceremonials go, ths wedding
was not less brilliant tnau ths Marlborough.
Vanderbllt hymeneal. It was, perhaps, mora
distinguished, though the bridegroom, again
an Englishman, does not inherit a title. On
this occasion, numbered among ths wedding
uesls, were President Cleveliiud and mem
iera of hit cabinet, alio Journeyed from
Washington to do honor lo the young couple.
There were present, too, Governor Morton
and a icore of diplomats. It was Indeed 1
stnte occasion as well as a great social fit no
tion. Society and politics were for th mo
ment happily mixed.
Tbs bride Is ons o! ths great heiresses In
America. Shs Is about 21 years old, and
made her debut Into Washington aociety
shortly before ber mnther a dwith, In mas,
Since then shs has spent much lime In trav
eling In Europe aud tbe east with ber father.
It was on a Nile trip that she met and be
came engaged to Mr. Paget.
Almerlo Hughes Paget Is ths youngest son
of Lord Tacer, and Is 13 years older than
his bride. He cams to America to seek his
fortune nbout eighteen years ago. Begin
ning as a ranchman, he gradually worked
Ins mny up to the management of a big Eng
lish company, which place he still holds, lis
Is Inrgely known and very popular through
out tbe west,
Troop Have Hot Bklrmishe With th
Santa Cruz Ind an.
Telegraphic advices from Merida, state ol
Vu?atan. state thnt Oenernl Lorenzo Garcia
It marching from Becancheu to Tlbotuco at
the head of the Sixth battalion. These town
wero recently taken by tbe Federal troop
from the Chan Santa Crnr. relwllious tribe ol
Indians. The town of Tila has also passed
Into central of ths government, after sharp
Thnt further bloodshed may bs avoided ths
Mexican government Is seriously consider
ing a proposition to srente a territory ol
that part of Yucatan occupied by thews In
dlans, to bring them under Federnl Jurisdic
tion. In army droits. It It tinted that in
case ths Indians nrs not treated with oo
amicabls terms, 10,000 soldiers will be neces
sary to expel them from ths canteens and a
much larger body will be required to garri
son tha territory erwl nrninruo th
ths towns captured.
At ths remit of flro at North Noble and
Cornell ttreett Chicago, one man loat bit lifs.
two persons were Injured, probably fatally,
and one slightly.
p I its ne it a.
tirsln. l-'lour and teed-
WIIEAT-No. 1 red 70 4 71
No. S red W 70
COKN Na t yellow ear........... 40 41
No. I yellow BUelled , 1)7 m
Mixed ear . tH
OATS-No. 1 white H4 ll
tin. 9 white HSU 81
Kxtra Na watte in) l4
Lliikt mixed H IE1L4
RYK No 1 . 47 4
Na 9 western 4ft 4rt
FUH It rnter patents bieuUa. 50 u
r alley epring patents sen ay.)
Fancy straight winter S 441 8 50
Straight XIX bakers' .. V 00 w
Clear Winter i I 85
Kve flour H mi H no
BAY Na 1 timothy 15 75 In 00
No.! 14 00 1ft 00
Mixed clover. Na 1....: 18 no 14 oo
New liny, from wagons. 17 HO 1M 00
FKKll Na 1 White Ma, toa..... 17 (10 17 SO
Na White Middlings .. 15 50 1H OO
hrown Mlildliugs 18 50 14 50
Bran, bulk 12 W 14 no
8TKA.W Wheat 6 6 9 50
Oat M s 50 7 00
Dairy Products,
BCTTEK Elgin Creamery. 95 a to
Faney Creamery g) tt
Faucy Country HolL 16 10
Low grade and couklug a'
CHKKhii Ohio, new , V- lo
New York, new .., 10 II
W isconsin Bwiss. tt 18
Lllunurger, newmake. M 141 11)43
Fruit and Vegetables.
API'l.KH Hid 75
i'r-.Ai ui-', ou. loo
I'KAltn, Ml 7
BKAN8--Hand-picked, per bu, 1 40
Ulna, lb II
POTATO as Fine, in car. bu 2.1
From store, Uu M 8U
CAHHAUK Home grown, bul.... 60
O.NIO.NS Yellow, uu gft
t V
i Hi
1 25
I 10
Poultry, Kta.
Live Cblckene, V pair 45 t) 1)0
Live Bucks. V pair All 70
Bresaeu cnluaens, l lb. 7 a
Live Turkeya, V in 7 H
KtHIS 1'a. and onto, frean 17 la
FKATT(K'.SKxtrallveOese,vlb 64 to
Na 1 bx. Live lieeae, V lu .. 40 46
Country, large packed as 40
SEEDS Clover S lbs. $ 50 i 85
T uuotby, prune. t ',i 8
Blue tirusa . 1 411 1 40
KAtIS Country mixed. li l
HONEY M bits Clover 1 18
MAl'LK BYKUP, new 70 HO
CTDEK Country, ewaet, I1.... 1 00 I HI
TALiajW' 4 4
FLOUR . 764 50
WHEAT Na 8 Kea a 67
KYK Na 8 45
tOHN-lllxed us
OATS 80 81
EtiUS 16
BCTTKK Ohio Creamery 18 !
f UlLAltKLfillA.
FLOUR 8 t4 75
W HEAT No. 8 KeU 67
COKN Na 8 Mixed gs, 37
OATS Na 8 Whltm ) 44
ULTTErt creamery, extra HM ii8 4
EOt.b t-a. uisis 80
FLOUR Patents .. $ 8 76(34 15
WiioAT Na HKeJJ 67 Hi
RYE state 68 67
COKN Na 84 87
OATS White Western . WJ K4
bLT'l'EK Creamery . 84 ya
JbGCB &tate anu fenn 14
Cinthal Stock Yahim, kuutr Luutarr, Pa.
Prime, l.roo to 1. W0 His" t lit g 471)
liuud, l,UU to !,: I OS 4110 n
TiUy, 1.U50 to l,lim I 05 8 o
Fair Hunt steere, mm to liwg lus.. g ou a
Couiluuu, TOO to WJUIb 8 4 85
uoua, weight, 3 no a to
itougus aud Slugs -
8 7J am
8 70 8 Ml
8 75 . 8 -a
Extra. BP to 106 lbs...
Oood. 85 to 00 lbs
Fair, 7o to 00 lbs.
bprlug Lambs
.m 8 75 8 00
-.. 8 40 8 as
1 t - 8 10
... 1 00 1 86
8 00 4 60
Chicago. Cattle Common to extra ateers
t1.iUi5.4'; stockt-ra ana feeders, ;i iXI,$;i,D,i
cowe aud bulls, l.40cal,76; ualvee, 4u.01lv14ti.OJ
Bogs heavy, tM.Me:i.aj; coiuiuou to oUoloe
mined, 88.4.V:l.fO; choice assorted,,
t.i.H)Ht.!N5; pigs. 41.7 IS..1U5. ttheep-iu-tuilor
louhoice, l.Iatil40; lamb, ijo,l.a.
Cincinnati Hogs select shippers, 4 45a 4 JO
butchers .d(l(aa.4; tuirto guo4 packers A0
10 J, ',."; (air to light 00108.16: ouiuuioa aad
rough! V6I08. 50 C attle-good ehipperBSC Ooto i. bu.
good toohotce S4.lotol.6Hi lair to medium tltoio
IkOU; oouimou 15uto8,tiu Lamb extratLOU:
good to choice S3. 40 to 8.S0 oomoioa t fair 8.60