The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 13, 1895, Image 2

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A Full LUt of tb Stato Holding
Btate ttloollonn were held November i, In
twelve States and one Territory, as follnwsi
lawn, Knnsns, Kentucky, Maryland, Mas
sachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska. New York,
. New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvnnla and tho
territory of Utah. Oregon, Rhode Island,
Michigan, Houih Carolina and Wisconsin held
ttaelr elections early In the year.
The States to elei't Governors lire: Iowa,
to succeed Frank I. Jackson, Rep. i Ken
tucky, to soeeod John Young Drown, Dem i
Maryland, to succeed Frank Brown, Dem.;
Massachusetts, to succeed Frederick T,
Oreenhnlg", H"p.; M p r'. to succeed
John M. htone, Dem.; New .lersey, to succeed
Oeo. T. Wens, Dem. ; Ohio, to succeed
William McKluley, Re;,.; and I'tnh to succeed
C. W, Went, Dem., Appointed by l'reeldent
Cleveland. On the Democratic ticket In
Utah the names of two candidates for tho
United States Senate nro placed lor popular
In Nebraska, Justice the Supreme Court,
term six years, to succeed T. I. Xorval t Hep.)
and two Regents of tho Htnta University,
term six fears, are to he elected.
In New York the ticket contained nomi
nees for Secretary of State, Controller, Treas
urer, Attorney General, State Engineer and
Judge of tbs Court of Appeals, All ol these
offices are cow held by llepubllcnns. Also
an entire Legislature to consist of llfty sen
ators, for terms of three years, ami lSOnssem
blymnn, for terms of one yenr, and seTerol
judges of the Supreme Court are to be elect
ed. The senators chosen at this election will
participate In the election of a United States
Senator to succed David B. Hill (.Deui.)
Whose term expires March 8, 197.
In Pennsylvania a State Treasurer to tuo
eeed Samuel il. Jackson (Hep.), also seven
Judges of the Superior Court, term ten years,
a court recently created by the Legislature.
The law provide that one mi-mbur of the
court eball be a member of tho minority
party, no voter In the state being permitted
to vote for more than six of the seven Judges.
In Kansas the election was tor a Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, term one year,
to succeed David Martin (Hep.).
Although there is a total ol seven different
party tickets iu the field, the contests, with
few exceptions, are as usual between the two
old parties. u Mississippi the Democrats
and popuitsts have the Held exclusively. la
New York the nominees of the Democrntio
Reform party are Identical with those of the
Democratic party. In Kansas the Issue Is
between tho Republicans and free sliver lies
exclusively, nnd In Nebraska the free silver
Ites contended with Republicans, Democrats,
Populists and l'rohlbitlonlsts. In New York
and New Jorsey Socialist Labor nominations
were made. With those exceptions, tho nomi
nations In other States are made by the Re
publican, Democratic, People's and Prohi
bition parties.
A Large Republican Majority at
Returns from the 07 counties show that
the Republican sweep was overwhelming.
The majority for Btato Treasurer-elcot Hay
wood will exceed 163,000 and the tlx super
ior court candidates are elected by mnjor
Ities almost as large. Philadelphia went Re
publican by 74,000.
Peter P. Smith, democrat, of I.ackawnnoa
county, Is the seventh member of the new
superior court, the other six being Republi
cans. Judge Smith ran 4,003 ahead of his
ejjn county an.d 000 In I.-izerny. Mr. Smith's
plurality CVer Ycrltcs is nloul 2,1ui).
Peter P. Smith, of Scrantou, oue of the
foremost lawyers of the State, was born at
Honeedalc, Wayne county, Juno 2, 151. He
attended i,he publio schools and lator the
Honesdale academy, ol which he Is a grad
uate. The natural bent of his mind being
toward the legal profession, he entered upon
the study of the law and was admitted to the
Wayne county bar on May 7, 1874. He Im
mediately took a commanding plnue among
the practitioners at the bur, and in 1875 was
Dominated and elected distriot attorney of
Wayne county. At the expiration of his term
he was renominated, but declined In order to
give Individual attention to his rapidly in
creasing private practice In Wayne and ad
joining oounties.
Hlght years ago Mr. Smith moved to the
olty of Soranton, where be bas a large prac
tice, and bos beeu engaged In tome of the
most Important cases arising in the courts.
Be was appointed additional law judge by
Got. Pattlson In Deoembor 1892. to fill the
vacancy oaused by the death of Judge Conn
olly, and discharged the duties of this oftlce
with such distinguished ability and Imparti
ality as to earn the highest commendations
ol the members of the bar. without regard to
party affiliations.
Judge Smith was nomlnntod by the demo
crats to auooeed himself, without opposition,
and bit address of acceptance. In which he
discussed the functions, responsibilities and
privileges of the judiciary, was one of the
most dignified and scholarly expositions of
' the subject to be found. He received by far
the largest vote ever oast for a Demooratia
candidate for Judge In Lackawanna county,
but was defeated by a very narrow margin,
notwithstanding the great tidal wave of Re
publicanism. NEW JERSEY,
Republican Plurality There Prove to be
The fact of the Republicans sweeping Nsw
Jersey did not become apparent until the
official return at filed with the different
oounty olerkt became known. Orlgg (Rep.)
Oovernor-Eleot of New Jersey.
received 26,930 over MoOlll (Dem.). The
toolloB of Mr. Orlgg marks the first time In
. 80 year that the Republicans have elected a
governor, and tbey are now In control of al
most very department of the Stats govern
ment in teguiaturei nepuouoan cn joint
mum pi w iu w inaspeojsnt
i n Bey di lean a tate Ticket win by a
Largs Majority,
Latest returns from all sections of the state
do not lessen the mtent of the Republican
victory In New York. The total vole un- complied give Palmer, the candi
date for secretary of state at the head of the
Republican ticket, a total of 672. M, while
mis iretnocratio opponent, King, polled Gllfl,
690, making the Republican plurality 6(1.9:15.
While this Is, ol course, a tailing off from
the phenomenal plurality of 168,101 given to
Gov. Morton In 1H95, It shows a larire gain
over Palmer's plurality of 24,484 lu 189.1, lout
off year.
llnth branches of the state legislature will
he Republican by a mnjorlty of more than 2
to 1. Although Tammany elected most of the
assemblymen in the city, the seats gained by
the Republicans In the state make the total
membership 1112 Republicans anil 48 Demo
crnts, winch with the present complexion of
the senate, gives a Republican majority of 41
on join ballot.
.loll t'ALMF.R,
Secretary of State-Elect of New York.
Secretary of State. John Palmeri Control
ler, John A. Roberts; Treasurer. Addison U.
Colvlnt Attorney General, Theodore E. Han
cock; State Engineer and Surveyor, Camp
bell w. Aiinms; justice court of Appeals.
Celnra E. Martin.
Tnmmnny won a substantial victory In the
city, piling up for the Democratic State tick
et and the entire Democrntio county ticket,
witn tne neip ol uer tiermnn nines, plurali
ties greater than cautious Democratic proph
ets bad forcseeu after the slaughter of last
1 no senate wnnu win vote for the succes
sor to I'nltod States Senator Hill, will bs
enmnosed of thirtv-seven Kenubllcans and
thirteen Democrats, This Indicates tht
probability of a Republican successor to Sen
ator Hill.
Republican Seem to Have Captured
Everything in Sight.
For the first time In the history of the party
in Maryland, the Republicans have elooiej
their ttate ticket and tecured a good working
majority iu the legislators. The political up
heaval was most pronounced In Baltimore
city, wher Lowndes, Republican candidate
for governor, recoived a nluralltv of 11.783
over John E. Hurst, Democrat, and a major
ity over all of 8,973. The total vote of the
city for governor was 101,247, which Is some
thousands In excess of the heaviest vote here
tofore polled.
Oovernor-Eleot of Maryland,
Aloaeus Hooper was elected mavor bv a
plurality of 7,809, a net Republican gain of
14,665 at compared with the mayoralltv
election two yeart ago. In the three legisla
tive districts of the cltythe Republicans mad
a clean sweep, electing two senators and all
tneir delegates. The Republicans also
leoured a commanding majority in both
branches of the city government
The Buckeye Stat Increases th Major
ity Uivea to McKlnley.
Chairman Anderson concede the state to
the Republicans by 90,000. Chairman Hurts
at 9 p. m. said Bushnell's plurality would
not be less than 110,003, The vote for Coxey
Populist, will be about 15,000 less tnau last
year' Populist vote of 49,000, The only
oonsolatlon for the Populists is the election
of W. F. Conley for state senstor In th
Thirty-second distriot Conley was indors
ed by tb Hepubllcnnind defeated Lawler,
ot Lima, tne noma candidate oi senator
Briee. He was declared for Foraker for
Th next Oenernl Assembly ot Ohio will be
overwhelmingly Republican, and theeleotlon
of J. B. Foraker a United States Senator to
suoaeed Calvin Uric it assured beyond
doubt An early estimate ou the Legislature
gave the Republicans 30 Senators nnd tb
Democrats 0, and the Republicans 87 Repre
sentatives and tb Democrats 25, a majority
on Joint ballot ot 87. Tb latest Indications
tre that th majority will be reduced to about
Tb Democrat have elected about three
fourth ot tb legislature. They lose Rote
tort, Ueeklenburg, Stafford and King Oeorgs
tout let, and lot ens usaibar la Halifax.
Flret Klsotlon of Offloer For th New
New Stat.
Utah for th first time elected an entire list
of state officers. There wer three tickets
Republican, Democratic and Ponnllsia.
Heber M. Wolls, the Republican candidate
for governor, and John T. Caloe the Demo
cratic Of the 10 candidates on the Republi
can ticket, ffktir ar. l,,rmnni an. I .1 ..... n
candtdutes on the Democratic ticket, teven
are mormons. K-puhiicaua made their cam
paign on Hum ot protection, free coinage of
silver at a rutin nr lnin.1 wh..
tor action of any other nations, and against
o-u.uH vu'i iu ui peace to pay tne ex
penses of the government; The Democrntio
campaign was on the lines of pnlitlonl free
dom from church Influence, sliver and for
tariff for revenue only.
Oreentmlge and a Republican Legislature
The question In Massachusetts from the
Ilrst was one of mnjorlty, since the Demo
cratic leaders admitted the re-election ot
Gov. Oreenhalge. How strong his Indorse
ment would lie was the point upon which the
iwo panics uiuereoj. nesuit show that the
claims ot the Republicans made prior to the
riecnon were wen grounded, since Clov.
Oreenhalge and the entire Kenuhllcan tinker
Is Indorsed by a plura Ity practically the same
an inni oi jrv.f auoui lio, uuu.
The legislative department ot the govern
ment is nlao solidly Republican, 3.1 of the 40
senators elected being of that political basis.
There Is a slight gain for the Democratic
party, the senate Inst yenr having ttood 30
Republicans and 4 Democrats.
In ihe house of Representatives tho Repub
licans have practically the same majority at
last year, which was an overwhelming oue.
Th Republican Elect Governor by at
Least 8,000.
The return are being received slowly
from many mountain counties, and thlt
makes It Impossible to glvs the correct ma
jority, though Bradley's election It now con
ceded. General Hurdln, the Democratic can
didate for governor, whose picturesque cam
paign una cnuseu n licmooratio tipueavak
ooncedes bis opponent's election by a small
majority and accepts his dofcat gracefully.
The Indications nie the Republicans will have
a manrity in both bouse and senate, which
Insures tllA HntMnt nf ltla,.lrl,i,m I... .1 1 ..
candidate for seuator to succeed himself.
In the city of Louisville the Republicans
wept everything, llradley led Hnrdln by
over 5,000 votes. All the Republican candi
dates lor municipal olllees were elected ex
cept the three school trustees. A. J. Carroll
was the only legislative candidate to pull
through. The Republicans claim both
branches of the general assembly.
Oeneral Hardin concedes Drndley's elec
tion from the returns received. Ho takes his
defeat cheerfully, and soys he did bis whole
The returns from over 80 counties, Induing
Jellerson. give llradley a lend of about 4.000.
The Republicans claim 1,600 majority,
Democrntio Change Do Not Take Effect
The electlont ot Tuesday do not affect tb
present membership ot the United States Sen
ate. Mr. Dries, of Ohio; Mr. Olbton, ot
Maryland; and Mr. Blackburn, ot Kentucky,
all will remain in tbe Senate until March 1,
1897, to that they will participate in tbe two
full sessions ot tbe Congress which begins on
tbe flret Monday of next December.
The indirect effect of tbe eleollons, It It ex
pected, will be to deprive the movement for
an Immediate organization of the Senate ol
much of Its force. Tbe Republicans could
on;y secure control ot that body by making
concessions to tbe tre silver advocates,
Stewart nod Jones, of Nevada, and the Popu
list, IVOer, of Kansas. Their leading men
have been averse to taking this step, nnd
now that two Republican Senator from Utah
are assured some time after January next
when the legislature meets, there Is it grow
ing disposition to wait until th Senate can
be organized by tbe Republican tbemaelvet
without entangling alliances. There are
other source of supply to be drawn upon.
Aocordlug to Republican calculation. New
York will send a Republican to succeed David
Bennett Hill Mnrch 4. 1897, and It Is regarded
at within tb bounds of strong probability
that at th tame time Senator Palmer, of
Illinois, Vest, of Missouri, and Vilas, of Wis
consin, may eaoh be given a Republican suc
cessor, so there I no need to hurry senate
As a result of the latest election returns
the Republicans gain five United State Sen
aters two from Utah and one each from
Kentucky, Ohio and Maryland, and the
Democrats lose tbree senator on from
Mnrylaod, Kentucky and Ohio.
Chicago Republican.
Tb Republican carried tb eleotlon by
pluralities of about 30,000 on the entire ticket,
ball, tbe Republican candidate for lodge of
tbe superior oourt, has defeated Morrison, bit
Democratic competitor, by 80,500. The Re
publicans elected Ore of the trustee ot tbe
30,000,000 drainage oaoal. The terms ol tb
eleotlon lor these position ( that eaoh
party nominates Ave candidates, and the one
candidate receiving tb smallest number of
votes is defeated.
Each party it sure ot four eleoted trustees,
and tbe Republicans tecured the odd man, a
th man receiving tbe smallest number ot
vote wot Duffy, a Demowrat, All tbe Repub
lican eaodldatet were about 80.000 ahead of
th Democrats.
The latest new from tb election gave a
Demooratia majority of from 25.000 to 30,000.
Ileports from Webster county, which was In
great doubt, say that county was carried by
lh Demoorats. This oounty bus voted strong
ly against tb Democrntio party In nearly
very eleotlon since the war. Estimates based
on nearly complete returns shoty the Popu
lists did not receive 10 per cent of th total
vote cart The present legislature contains
26 Populists, and tb next on, which will
elect a successor to Senator Ueorge, will not
have more than eight, all th sew ma being
According to mall advlos received at An,
land, Maw Zealand. Iron Honolulu, aheler
bas ceased entirely in Hawaii and lb port It
free Iron Infection.
atHi'i r
A Oerman Devies That Will Make Harm
leas th Deadly Currant.
In view of tho marvelous growth of the use
ot electricity for power and lighting pur
poses and eleclro-ehemicnl operations, a
peclnl roport to the State Department from
United States Consul Mason, at Frankfort,
describing a now device tor the economical
conversion ot the high pressure alternating
i-urrriM. wiucn are unavoidably associatea
with any system ot lonir distance transmis
sion of electric power, will be of gient luter-
i iu American electricians. The invention
bridges an industrial dilllculty which be
comes more and mors serious with each step
of progress In this great work, and a year's
test of the device at the Frankfort accumula
tor works shows that the ellluiency of the
new system, known at tho pollack rectifier,
is fully 96 per cent In other words, a
O.W.U-VOU Hiiernntlng current IS resolved
Into a sixty-volt harmless direct current
witn a loss of but 4 Per cent, and on linnort
nut result Is that motors of all sines may be
driven by this converted dlreot current, stor
age batteries may be charged and electrical
operations performed all Impossible with
tbe alternating current.
A lull description and Illustrations of the
apparatus are given bv Mr. Mason in bis re
port, showing thnt It depends entirely upon
the arrangement ot sets ot double brushes in
a small motor moving synchronously wltb the
uisiant power-yiemlug dynamo.
Rise of Steel Hake Tin Pint Mors
U. H. Consul Anthony Howells, at Cardiff,
has mado a long report to tbe stale depart
ment upon the bright prospects of tho Welsh
tin trade, brought about by the rapid rise In
stuel In America, which threatens to make It
Impossible for Amorlcans to make tin plate at
competitive prices, l or tbe time being de
spair has given way to hope, and all concern
ed in the Welsh tin industry are lookinir for
ward to a period If not of prosrlty ol
more constant worx and Detter wages. Ac
Immense Improvement has taken place in tht
stool trade, although as yet prices havo nol
Vet been enhnnced to the snine extent a in
the states, and therein lies the hope of Ihe tic
plate makers, for It the price of steel Is aug
mented to that In the t'nlted States, tht
Wolehiuen would bave o advantage.
Winter Wheat Show a Poor Av
The State crop bulletin Just issued, thowt
that the area of winter wheat town this fall It
about 1 per cent lest than last fall. Present
condition ol tho plant Is verv low, 55 per
cent of a fair average, fond II Ion of soil nt
time of seeding was tad lu 14 counties, fnir
In 89 and good In 'i The general drought
following seeding is given as the cause of the
low coudillon. Many Holds nro reported as
not up, and much that la up is making little
or no growth, while many fields are brown
nnd spotted. These conditions seom to be
qulto geuurnl, percentage e-tlmates ranging
from 83 to 90 per cent, well tilled lands show
ing the higher estimates.
The nverago of bnrlev and rve Is but ullnht.
ly decreased under last yenr.
ne average product per acre In potatoes,
While showing an increase over the verv
short product for 1893 nnd 1894, It still below
an avorago for tbe slate.
The crop of clover seed Is short and un
evenly distributed, rnnglng from 23 per cent
and upward ot a fair average crop.
There It a great scarcity of water, streams
and wellt are dry, nud atock Is suffering.
Pastures are to tbort toot many farmert are
The following Is a comparison of this year's
crops with an averngo crop; Corn HO por
cent; buckwheat, 69: cloverseed, 00; potatoes,
estimated area, 144,253 acres; average per
acre 73 5 bushels: total estimated product,
10,007,775 bushels; apples, 71; bogs, condi
tion 94; number to be iutienud, compared wllk
lust year, 88 per cent.
Th Losses Heavy, But Not Fully Known
a Yet.
An important engagement tcaurred Wed
nesday at Cayo Espine, near tbe bordnr, be
tween Santa Clara and Mutanzat, In th
southern part ol the Island. Tbe column ot
troops commanded by Colonel Lult Mellna,
tbelorcesof l!ieoivll guard, and a battalion
of tbe Maria Christina regiment bad an en
gagement with tbe Insurgent bands of Laernt
Nunez and Perequl'.o Perez, The sotlon wot
fiercely contested, and lasted from 2 o'clock
In the afternoon until Into the night cru
cial reports state that under oover ol tb
darknos tbe Insurgent lied. Next morning
It was found that they had left upon th Held
30 killed and a large number of wounded.
Tbe reports state that the troop lost on their
side oue olllcer and seven soldiers killed and
a number wounded.
It Is also reported that th Insurgents have
burned a cbureb tod 13 houses at tuu village
of Uuamutas, la the eastern part ol th
province of Matanzas.
Tbe advaaoa ot large forcei of iosurgenti
under Maximo Gomez into tb province of
Santa Clara and under Antonio Macao Into
the provluceoi Puerto Prlnolpe it causing tb
Spanish officers great anxiety. .
domes for many months bat been Inactive,
almost no engagement of any prominence
having been reported as being fought by his
forces In tbat time. In tbe meautime Antonio
Macro bat done vigorous work In Santiago
de Cuba, und RolofI bas, during tbe latter
fiart of tbe period, worried tb Spanish toroes
a Santa Calr aud Muntanzas.
T be present movement teems to Indicate
that Gomez, who bas been regarded at th
ablest and most experienced military leader
that the insurgents have, is about to abandon
bit waiting policy and assume lb aggressive
Onia The Republican State Committee to
night figured tbe Republican plurality for
governor in Ohio at 95,348. Tbe Democrats
carried only 26 ot tbe bscountlec In the State.
Kentucky. The returnt give Bradley a
plurality of over 17.000, and tbe tew couutiet
not yet beard from, tome seven or sight, In
cluding those from which only Inoompiete re
turns bave boen received, are expected to
swell tbe figures above 17,000.
New York. Excepting in a few counties
where scattered districts are unreported, hut
In each of which close estimate Is made, the
semi-official returns of this State on the head
ol tbe ticket show: King, Dem., 501,959.
Pointer, Rep.,. 593,740; Palmer' plurality;
Utah. The tupreme court Judgee on tbe
Republican ticket received about th tarn
pluralities as tbe governor- The vote as far
as counted shows Wells, for governor, obout
2,300 ahead, and Allen, for Cougress, about
1,400 ahead. The finul count will not vary
much from these figure. '
Hold th Crathl Responsible.
Tbe Rotterdam oourt bat rendered a final
decision holding tb Cratbl wholly i-espon-slbl
for tb sinking of tb Elbe, by wblob
858 live wer lost, and condemning ber own
er lo pay th North Oerman Lloyd Com
pany's claim for tb total lost of tit Sib
Wltb Interest t 6 p oeut
His Vandsrbllt Weds th Dak of
Mist Contuelo Vanderbllt and tb Duke ot
Marlborough were married In Bt Thomas,
ohurcb, New York, November 6, at 12 o'olook.
The church within was decorated to th
perfection ol th florist's art No expense
was spared. Th vestibule was converted
Into a bower ot tropical vine and foliage.
The full choir was In the choir alcovrt.
George William Warren, the organist, assist
ed by a harpist, had charge nf tbe muilo At
iu:4t o clock tne conceit began and continu
ed until 11:15. The full New York symphony
orchestra was stationed In the gallery at the
northeastern corner ot the church. Under
tbe direction of Walter Damrosch they filled
In the three qunrters of an hour before tb
arrival of the bridal party.
At 12 o'clock Ihe officiating clergy entered
from the vestry-room. Bishop Llttlejohn
Who cilTlelntetl, followed by Bishop Potter
and the Rev. John Wesley llrown, rector of
the church, stood at the chancel and awaited
tbe arrival of the bride ami bridegroom.
The marriage rite of Ihe Episcopal church
then followed, Bishop Llttlejohn officiating
Immediately alter he bad given bis daughter
away Mr. Vanderbllt quietly left the church.
When th ceremony was over the duke nnd
his bride went to the vnstry room and sUned
Ihe uurrlage rogistnr. The pnity immedi
ately entered carriages nnd drove to Mrs.
Vanderbllt's bouse, where the reception and
breakfast followed. At 8 o'clock tbe duke
and dutchosa left for Oukdale, L.I., where ut
Mr. Vanderbllt's country place, "Idle Hour"
thi-y will spend tbelr boueyinoon.
Cuban Insurgents Bald to Have Strung
Thtra Up.
It II announced that the Iosurgenti have
banged six negroes to trees In Plateabos, dis
triot ol Cabarlan, province ol Snntn Clara
Hear Ouasamal, not far from Santa Esplrltus'
also In tbe province of St. Clara, tbe Insurg
ents have derailed a train by the use a dyna
mite bomb.
Oenernl Lnehambre, ot the artillery, went
lo Mutauzas to examine tbe site proposed for
Ihe now formications whioh are to be erected
In view of the possibility of complications
with a foreign power. From Mntauzas Oen.
Lachambre will go to other points of Cuba
and make similar Inspections. Captnin-tlen-eral
Martinez de Campos, previous to his de.
parture from Havana for Santa Clara, com
pleted hl Inspection of the sites for tbe new
lortlflcntintis which It Is proposed to build
about this city In anticipation ot trouble with
a foreign power.
The forces of tho American btttnlion fought
the bands of Rogo, Fleltos and Bermadox nt
Minasricss. In tbe province of Santa Clara,
and put them to flight The insurgents sus
tained a numerous loss, and left upon the
field three killed, Including the leader Flel
tos. They lost also two prisoners, on
wounded, 13 experienced horses, munitions
of war and a ohest.
Seventeen physloiant from Havana have
been sent to Ihe prisons In tbe Island of Plaso.
Hundreds of families from Remldlus are
returning fo the Canary Islands. It is re
ported here that hundreds ot countrv neonle
are lufforlug from yellow fever.
A Big Store Blown Up and the Ocoupant
Narrowly Escape.
At an early hour Monday morning th
large grocery and hardware store of Cyrus
Gulldoo, at East Moravia, Pa., the teoond
ttory ot which was used as a lodge ball by
the American Mechanics, and Mr. Oulldoo't
residence on the rear ot the lot, were des
troyed by lire and explosion. Mr. Gulldoo,
with bis wife aud daughter, who wore In bed
at tbe time of tbe lire, made s verv narrow
escape In their ulgbt clothes. Mr. Gulldoo
was awakened by crashing glass aud bad
barely time to got out with bis wife and
daughter when the entire place was In flames.
There was a 12-pound keg of powder In the
toreroom, and this exploded wllb a turrlila
roport, shattering tbe building to pieces.
Mr. and Mrs. Oulldooandsoraenelghbors.who
were trying to save some goods, made a nar
row escape with tbolr Uvea, The tire com
municated itself to a barn, ice house and
other buildings owned by Benjamin Orabam,
and they were totally destroyed. Oulldoo't
store was used as tbe postolhce, and all tbe
mall matter was burned. Tbe fllames were
so fierce thnt not a particle ot the goods wore
saved. Tbe loss to tbe American Mecbanici
wot atso a total one, every bit of tbelr para
phernalia, lucludlug a valuable silk Hag, was
destroyed. The total lost will reaob 15:000.
Tbe Ore it tupposed to be the work ot tramps;
who ursi rooueu tne store.
Largeat Yield Ever Known In tUe Unltad
State and Canada.
Advance sheets Issued by tbe "Orange Judd
Farmer" show tbat the potato crop in th
United State tor this ysar will be the largest
ver known. Th acreage was suddenly in
creased out ot all proportion to demands
for consumption In response to Ill-advised
tuggostions from high olTlcivl sources,
coupled with a natural desire te replaoe wbea:
in the northwest wltb tome paying crop.
The "Farmer" places tbe crop at 282,143,
000 bushels. Th variation In yield In differ
ent ttates it more marked than usual. In
faot. In many districts In the northwest grow
er have abandoned the result of their year's
work and will not dig tbelr crop, priaes not
paying the cost of the digging and bauHng.
But for tb enormous Increase In that section
Iba total crop ol the oountry would not be
Canada li no exception to the rule ot a
bountiful crop, tb '95 yield approximating
67,000,000 bushels.
Tb United Kingdom and continent ot
Europe have bnrvested a big crop. Season
able temperature and generally sufficient
moisture materially Increased tb average
yield per acre compared with 1894, when tbe
crop bad niuoh with wblcb to contend.
War Vessel on th Lake.
The iccretary of th navy hoi refused to
consider tbe bid ot th Detroit dry dock
company to build on or more ol the com
posit gunboats authorized by th last con
gress, and President Cleveland has sustained
the secretary, on the ground that the con
struction of such vessels on the lake would
be In violation of the agreement entered Into
between the United States and Oreat Britain
In 1817, which ooulalns a stipulation that no
war vesseli shall be built by either power on
tbe lakes, Tbe treaty, we believe, allows on
tbe lakes only the revenue vessels ot the two
powers, which are lo no sense war vessels, but
are utilized to enforoe tb custom laws and
prevent smuggling.
It Is said tbat at loon as congress meett
ttept will be taken by senators aud represent
atives (rem all the states bordering on lb
lakes to abrogate tbe treaty, now more than
75 years old, under wblcb the great lakes are
apparently left In a detenseleti condition, and
are precluded from sharing in the advant
ages ol the new navy.
Seoretary Morton' Report.
Seoretary Morton II now enguged In the
preparation ol his annual report. It Is under
stood that be will dwell at length upon tbe
question ol tb cxtention ot the foreign mark
et tor American products. He has given es
pecial attention to this question, aud bos,
through tb consular service and In other
way, obtained a vast amount ot Information
which I of particular value to the farmert.
Th seoretary will probably tuggest methods
lor th utilisation ot this Information and
among other point will Indlcat lb Impor
tant liaMrlag totbtlorslgn demands.
Qneen Amelle, ot Portugal, jj Undying
"Mark Twain" will deliver A hundred le
lure to the autlDodenn dwellnn.
The poet Bwlnburne It a devotee of croJ
nn.1 w upi io mse uis temper u he doe
not win.
The DtlMinaa nt TlAwnM.1.lM 1. - I I
- --- --- ..jur-uuu is m inrge cons
trlhutor to current literature under a notil
de plume, 1
II k atalnrl thnt Mndnmnraltl has receive ll
tne- Incredible turn ot tS.OOO.OOO for her work
on the stngo.
Governor McCorklo, of West Virginia, ha
announced himself as a oaudhlnte for the
United Htnlos Senate. ,
fr5nc,.M"hl,mn""l A", ndr prennmpllve
Ij R:vi,t' ls Tn,"'r P"pulr, well educated
and rnlhcr a spendthrift.
Ex-Benntor Ingnlls, of Kansas, was at Will.
Inrns College with President Oarlleld, gradu
ntlng ono yenr beforo him.
Dr. Theodora R. Tlmhy was only nineteen
yenr old when ho invented tho revolving
turret first used on the-Monitor.
i .Th,1,',,lg p""wl. the husband of the
ItiteW. W. Story s daughter, is "Master ol
Cerotnonios" at the Italian oourt.
They any that Potior Onnovns Is tho home
liest man inSpnln, nnd hit Wfn j, ,U9 mo9.
beautiful woman In that country.
Blr nonry B-smer, ' the "stool klnff,"
eighty-tliroo years of age, continues to t ike
koen Interest in Bcloutillo mnttura.
It la gfvon out, as a rnmnrknhlo clroum
Mnnce. that Tlerre Lorillnrd, the tolvsoo
king, docs not use the weed in any form.
Blr nenry Parkes. ex-Prime Minister ol
Now South Wales, was marrlod recently to
Mist Julia Lynch. Sir Honry ls eighty j oars
Mrs T.lttle r..,ln. 1. . l. i-.- .
Rtnte Senator In Ulnh, is thirty years old, a
T1' Minn ou ureex an i a wife of a
Bait Lake lawyer.
JJurtng the prist forty yentn Bnnntor Bher.
man has boon a private eitlr.on fur one dny
only, nnd Senator Mjnill,oI Vermont, not
lor one hour even.
Herbert Bpeneer was a newsparmr reporter
lit his votlth. nnrl nf tf-lhitta ui. k.i.n.
closo obwrvntlon nnd nccurnte memory to
the trnlulng he then acquired.
Barney Barnnto. Ihe South African capl
tnllst. whom Lombard street rates nt 4M0I-
uvu.uok, wiriuuccs ma succors In life largely
to tho fact that he nover forgets anything in
uu-iii. ouu uuvur reicrs to memoraniu ot
any tort.
Supply Increased by the Earthquake of a
Week Ago.
In tbe vicinity of McKeesport. Pa., as else-
whore, tbe recent earthquake, experts say,
uas una tuo elleot of tncreaslng tbe pressure
Of WnllS In the nnturnl naa KW Th- ....I..
quake Is snld to have considerably agitated
,ui1 iiwi ui iuq earui, ami opeuea up tne
gas and oil wells, so thnt old wells that were
tbOUIfht to llM Iinst lisnlnlnjaa u ra nn
llllcers. WellS Whose lireasnrAS menslirnil
ounces now have a pressure ol poumls, it It
snld. The Grnpeville and Murrayvllle dis
tricts were Drenlltf ln.,.-..-)H.l !.. .... -I. l.
J w.v,. auwuH.
T he earthquake passed from the Fludlay and
i.uuu i-uiiuij, neius. nre me oil belt
wot encouutered, nud the effeots were finally
full lu tbe gas Ileitis of Pennsylvania,
Two Weat Virginia Women Open Fir On
Two lien.
Peter Fletcher and Joseph Quarles, living
at Vivian, W. V., while walking up the road
to a party in tbe country, met a party ol
young women nnd engaged them In conver
sation. The men made some uncompliment
ary reumrKs, wuieii ine women ruseuteu, and
as Fletcher and y.larles moved ou oue of the
women told thein tbey bad better go around
the hill coming buck, as tbey might get hurt.
Fletcher nud Ouarles thought no more of the
matter, and v. hen tbe party was over started
home. As they got to the outskirts of Vivian
they were startled By several shots. Fletcher
Wna bit in two places lo tbe, in tbe right leg
nnd once in the shoulder. Iunrles bad a bul
let through his arm and another iu his groin.
Suffrage in South Carolina.
The convention completed the article on
suffrage Wednesday' adopting ft as reported
by tbe committee. Several amendments
were offered looking toward! making It be
yond peradveuturo that registration booka
should always be open to publio Inspection,
but the matter of regulating such details was
left to tbe legislature. Tbe ordinance to per
mit tbe State to Issue bonds In order to loan
money to counties to get them on a cash
basis, wot killed.
Not Discouraged.
The majority given on Tuesday against
municipal suffrage for women In Massachus
etts was 77,000. Tbe suffragists, representsd
by Dr. Henry B. Biaskwell.say they are much
encouraged by ibis result, considering tne
small amount of money which they could use
and thesbort time lor work. Tbe "Yes" vote
of 107.0U0 reveals to them thousands of new
friends, they say, and they will begin at once
tbe organization of new clubs to carry on tbe
agitation and to secure municipul suffrage
from the legislature.
Kansas returns show tbnt tb Republican!
made practically a clean iweep of tne state.
carrying a majority of the couutles entire and
electing mnny ol Ihe offlceit ol the others.
C. 1.. Holiday, Independent candidate for
Chief justice, admits David Martin, his Re-
fiubllcan opponent, will bave 40,000 ma
ority. Chairman Breidenthal, ot tbe Pop
ulists state central committee, snrs the re
turn show Populist gains over lust year.
Car Drop into a Bxvln(
While a freight train on the Columbu
Hocking Valley and Toledo railroad waa
crowing a trestie 75 feet high, near Dela
ware, u,, ll crone in two. mo engineer ap-
Elled the brakes, nnd upon tb llr.t section
elng slackened, tbe second section crashed
Into it and six cars were knocked from tb
trestle luto the ravlue below. On ode of lb
cart that went down was Frank Scott, ot
Uarytville, O. The fall brok hi neck.
Children' Horn Burned.
The Bpeed Home for Friendless Children,
on East Madison avenue, Cleveland, neat
Lodlngtou, was destroyed by an inoeadiary
lire Friday. Tbe Inmates all escaped. Sine
last Saturday night 8 attempti had been madt
to burn the building. Tbe nolle bar been
at work ou tbe case night and day. out failed
to Dnd the slightest olew of th Incendiaries,
Colored Democrat Elsoted Judge,
James O. Matthews, colored, recorder ol
deeds at Washington in President Cleveland'!
first administration, bat been eleoted Judgt
of tbe recorder 'I court of Albany, N. X.,
wbiob oftlce carries with It power ot a tu-
f reme Judge. His msjorlty is over 2.0u.
le wa. nominated and elected on tbe reg
lar Demooratia ticket Jt It tbe highest Judi
cial oftlce ever he)d by a man oi hit race In
this country.
Osrraan OtUo Sslasd,
Tb political police of Berlin mad a tela,
re of tbe entire edition ot th uewspapei
Der Soaiallat TbeseUur was made factor
tbe paper was issued, aud was made upon th
supposition that the publication cautaloed a
seditious artlele, Tbe editor ol tb periodical
Deutobsuber Micnal has been proseouud foi
the publication of an artlol Insulting to the
x-EmoreM Frederick.
M. Revol bai been appointed French tnii
liter to Brain.