The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 06, 1895, Image 9

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A HallmiMt Depnt Atrnl'a Kiperlenee
With the General Manager.
A down of m worn wnltiiift at n mil
rood ntntloii In GixirKin. An lwliily
Juir-w how long we nitmt wait it wit,
only tintnml thnt cue nfter nnotlicr
htmlri go to the ticket window and In
Hjtitre. "Dniino," wn the gruff rwponeo to
aench Inquirer.
That wim nlumt what wail expected,
jaud yot it did 't pli'iinn. WoRot toKcth
r on the film form and dlHcniwril the
runt tor, and while we wore tulkliiK n
man drovn tip to the dcjHit frnm the
town. HcniiiK (lie crowd, ho piiiiio over
and risked what wax np. When ho lmd
boon iiiforinnd, ho replied:
"I will try my luck with him ami oe
how I come ont,"
Ho made thn mono Inquiry, ami the
ORPiit looked np nnd redied:
"How many moro timed am I Kniiitf
to tell yon I tluimor"
"Not moro thiui once," wild the roii
tlrinnn tin ho reached for n telegraph
Five inlnnted later ho nlmwil nil thn
dlnpnteli. It Wiih lo n Niatiiin UHent !I0
tnilea away, and it read, "Ijohvo nsHist
ant in chui'KO and come down and tnkn
fall pcwNCHNion hero." The mono at thn
end of the diNpatch was that of thn Ken
era 1 matmKcr of tlio road.
"How mni'lir" ho linked an ho hamled
It In totheaKcnt, who was alnoojralor.
"ThiH Koen d. h.," replied tlio tuaii
after rendinx it over.
Ho Ih'Kiiu tiekliiK it off tin cool ait yon
pleaso, nnd When he hud flnixhrd ho
tore tip, put on hlHhiit nnd overoout ami
enmn into tlio witithiK room.
"Havo you any idea when Hint train
Will lio hero?" quietly usked the man
who cent thn dispatch.
"Hho'n jiiHt comiiiK nriiuiul thn enrvn
now. All nhoardl" n-plied tho apeiit.
And nN the train drew up he wiih thn
firKt one to hoard it, leaving thn ofllco
to run Itself till thn other man could
como down.
"Did wc como ont much ahead nil
thnt deal?" I asked of tho mamiKer an
we Kot Heated on thn train.
"Well, u-o-o, I don't think wo did,"
ho drawled. "I k1"' 1'" "'nil thn
cheeky en liack on tho next train nnd
rniKo Ills wilary f ii n month. " St.Liuiis
Northern Colony In tlfnrgla,
EmiK'niitM from tho noithwcKt con
tiuun to nrrivn in Amerieim in Niimll
parties, bound for Wilcox county, where
00,000 pnoplo from that region will Ket
tlo thin winter on land purchased for
tho FitzKcruIil colony. Kx-Oovernor
Korthen is now in Wilcox, where ho has
options on fiO.OOO iktih of land in addi
tion to that already purchased through
him for tho colony.
M:uiy of tho coliinisfs nre Union aol
dioi'H. Autumn as the charter is granted
tho land will bo surveyed into lot to
Mlit purchasers, and 12,000 acres will
bo laid oil' into town lots. Tho streets
will bo wido, nnd dmihtlesH it will bo
ono of tho best laid off towns in tho
south. Tho silo for tho township 1km
not been selected, nor has thn 11:11110 been
BUKKcMed, but it is thought that ono of
tho most uppropriuto mimes that could
bo given is Northeii ('ity. Tho colonists
willlMxiu to arrive in full force libout
Oct. 1. It is claimed that many of tho
colonists nro worth from $."1,000 to
tot), ODD. Tho company has n capital of
foOO.000. They will expend lf:t."i0,000
in buying tho lands, and $l,i0,l)00 in
iuiprovi'iiients. SawmMls and other in
du.MricH will bo Ostabliln d ; n honlsund
churches will bo established also. Those,
who have como havo nu t with u warm
reception from tho ",ool peojilo of that
Kcctiou, uuil a genuine, old (ieuria wel
como nwaitn those yet to como. Amer
ica (On.) Times-Recorder.
A New Itniitrlrtlnn on Marriage.
A most ridienlouHdiMUiHsion nroso tho
other evening tit n cosmopolitan dinner
party. Conversation Hiikkc.i1 slightly,
and a wicked Yunkco launched an ap
ple of discord in tho shapo of tho state
ment, now well known in Loudon, that
.a bill was being framed in tho house of
lords forbidding a mnn to marry hie
widow cousin, A French lady made
cutting Minarks about tho established
church of England and its restrictions.
X French colonel pondoronsly declared
that the depopulation of France would
prevout tho French government from
patting any sucii limitation on tnar
riago, which was already difficult
enough in this fair land. Sundry Amer
icans rejoiced in a J'harisoolike manner
over the absolute freedom of onr own
beloved country, as this was evidently
not .a case of the prohibited degrees,
and finally the discussion bid fair to de
generate into a serious disputo, when
the author of this turmoil mildly sug
gested that as yet no man had after his
death tukeu any interest in any of his
widow's female relatives, which put a
addon .nd to the political theological
debate then raging. Philadelphia Tol
egraph. .Among the Heathen.
Helen, .aged 4, was spending a night
away from borne. At bedtime she knelt
at her hostess knees to say her prayers,
expecting the usual prompting.
Finding Mrs. L unable to help faei
tat, she ooucluiod thus:
"Please, .God. sense me. I can't
'member my preyers, and I'm stayin
with a lady that don't know any. "
Philadelphia Times.
Ill Only Chanoe.
GoBlin I think I'll fake a wife, don
. cherkuow, Miss Flypy.
Miss Flypp If you want to got mar
ried,' that will be your proper plan. I
don't snppose that any woman would
ever take yon. Detroit Free Press.
Dews are least abuuduut on islands
and on ships in midocean. Seamen Hear
ing laud cull toll that fact by reason of
the deposits of dew on the vessel.
A clergyman was censuring a lady for
tight lacing. "Well,' replied she,
"would yon reoommend loose habit to
TOUT P;ihionejf"
A last Off ta TalaM.
"Fifty years or mora ago," remarked
tfon old gentleman, "I wa merchandis
ing, on the Mississippi that is, I had
boat loaded With all sorts of things that
would sell and floated with it from
Cairo to New Orleans, dickering at va
rious points along the shore. Sometimes
we sold for cash, but oftn we traded
for country produce and shipped it on
to Mow Orleans or sold it in the larger
towns. One of onr leading articles was
Whisky, and we sold and traded a tre
mendous lot of it to the thirsty at ovory
point we landed. After wo had been out
about ten days a follow enmo aboard one
day and wanted to swap a dog for a gal
lon of whisky. After some haggling he
got the liquor and we got tho dog. We
left pretty soon afterward, ami as wo
flouted out into tho river tho man, with
tho whisky Jng still uncorked, stood on
tlio bank and watched ns go. When wo
had got to what ho thonght waa a safo
distance, ho began to guy ns.
" 'Oh, what a dog I he shouted. 'He
ain't wuth a cuss. Thn meanest dog, ho
is, thnt over sucked a nig er killed a
Bheep. He's meaner'n pixen. ' And then
ho laughed ns to scorn nnd his gang
joined With hint.
" 'Wait till yon try that whisky!'
shouted our entire crew, nnd then wo
laughed a laugh that wo knew was a
winner, for wo know what kind of
liquor it was. "New York Hun.
A ntilnta FiMsenti Oreat Curiosity.
Aleck had tho oddest experienoo of the
whole hunt at tho saiuo water hole a few
weeks afterward. Ho hud crawled on a
bunch of seven and was lying whero I
was when I shot my buck. Ho was
waiting for them to feed together so
thnt ho could get a better shot, nnd
whiln lying there thoughtlessly kicked
up Ills heels like a little boy. Tho aute
lopo had inado no sign that they had
suspoeted anything wrong, but they saw
his heels waving hack and forth, nnd
instantly ail was commotion. Ho drop
ped his heels very suddenly and lay
there confounding his stupidity, when
ho noticed that the whole bunch was
moving np toward tho spot where thoso
mysterious things had been seen. Ho
understood it nt once. His heels mndn a
new kind of Hag, and ho was not slow
to act on the suggestion. Ho waved them
again, nnd again tho antelopes stopped
to gaze at the curious black things mov
ing slowly back nnd forth np there on
tho ridge. When tho hoots dropped out
of sight again, tho nntclopc, impelled
by their fatal curiosity, moved nearer to
them. So they kept it up until the
bunch was not 75 yards away. Present
ly ho got two of them in range, and
drawing a tine sight ho fired, and they
both fell. The others heeled like tho
wind and wero off over tho rldgo, but
not before another bullet cut down a
buck. Outing.
Uol! From Cremated Itnt.
It is said to bo a common practice for
tho boys in watch and jewelry factories
to kill tho rats that infest tho buildings
and burn their bodies to obtain the gold.
Many oiled rugs are used in burnishing
watch cases, and in time they become
impregnated with gold. Tho rats eager
ly devour thoso rags, and a few months
of this kind of diet fills tho interior
mechanism of tho ruts with u gold
plating. Twieo a year tho boys havo a
grand cremation. Tho rats are caught by
the hiiudrods nnd burned in a crucible.
Tho intense heat drives off all iiuimal
substances nnd leaves tho gold in tho
tthupo of a button. Tho amount of the
precious mutal obtained in this way is
not large, but it gives the ingenious
youngsters considerable pocket money.
In biiiiio factories young Napoleons of
flminco buy up in advaneo tho shares of
their follow workers in tho rat colony.
Now York Press.
Ho Cnnverted Her.
"It's nil right, Mary, " ho snid pa
tiently. "Go into politics and run for
ofllco if you want to. But romoniber
ono thing tho cartoonists '11 bo uftor
you us soon us you'ro a candidate."
"I don't care. "
"And they'll put your picture in the
paper, with your hair out of curl and
your hat on crooked. "
"Do you think they would do that?"
she inquired apprehensively.
'Of course. And thoy'll make yonr
Paris gowns look like 10 cent calico and
say that your sealskin cloak is imita
tion." "William, "she said, aftor a thought
ful pause, "I guess I'll just stay right
here and make home happy. "Wash
ington Star.
Peenllarltlee of CIimi Players.
Many of the great chess players han
dle special pieces with greator mastery
than others. Tschlgorin is noted for his
rook play, Louis Paulsen's preference
for bishops was strongly marked, and
Winawer plays his knights with con
summate skill. With Pillsbury it is the
management of his pawns that is es
pecially striking. Often, when the posi
tion looks like a hopeless block, an un
expected sacrifice of one of his pawns
leads np to a break through the center,
against which the adverse forces are
powerless, and whothor the pawns are
being poshed against the adverse king
or are passed and aiming at the eighth
row, they art led with equal skill and
effect Boston Transcript
Far Cat Fingers. ,
Save all yonr old handkerchiefs for
such emergencies. Wash the wound
carefully so as to be able to judge of its
severity. Then bind the finger tightly
with a strip of linen. Do not use thread
or even another piece of rag for tying,
but slit the end of that bound round the
finger, turn the strips, one back and one
forward, and tio. Brooklyn Eagla
Overheard at the Zoo.
"What makes the rhinoceros so sulky
today?" asked the gnu.
"Some one told him bis clothes did
not fit him," explained the springbok.
"Dear! Dear! Aud he is angry at that?
Be is so thin skinned!" Indianapolis
Vary Aaonyaio,
Traveling on the Mississippi about
the close of the war, we rode in the pilot
house for three or four days, and the
pilot informod us that during the war,
as one of the vessels was passing Vlcks
bnrg, a oaptain put his head out of the
pilothouse and a cannon ball struok it
off, the trunk falling into tho pi lot -
House ana Uie head upon the deck. He
said that ho narrated this olrcumstanco
the day after it occurred to a lady, when
she exclaimed! "Horrible! It is tho
most anonymous thing I over hoard of !"
Christian Advocate.
The llonnr Mora Than Salary.
The salary of an associate justice of
tho supreme court 110,000 per year
is not sufficient in itself to tempt a first
class lawyer, but the honor is an attrac
tion which is hard to resist This ac
counts for tho fnet thnt our highest Ju
dicial tribunal is equal to the best
court of other countries, which ate
much lietter paid. St. Louis Globe
Democrat Wo would Iki pleased to havo you call
lit our store for a free package ij Bacon's
Celery King for tho Nerves, which wo
lire distributing to all iiDlleted with
dyspepsia and nil blood, liver nnd kid
ney discuses. Unci ill's Celery King Is
simply doing wonders In building up
worn out constitutions, nnd is the grand
spool lie for nervousness, sleeplessness,
headache, nnd all derangements of tho
stomach, liver mid kidneys. Samples
free. Large packages .Vie. at V. 11.
Alexander's, solo agent.
Portrait nf Commodore MaeDonoagjh.
A recent addition to tho Mirtrait gal
lory of tho navy department is a rare
old oil portrait of Commodore MnoDon
ough, tho naval hero who rondernd Perry
valuable assistance in his memorable
engagements on thn lakes in tho war of
1H13. The portrait is tho work of Jar
vis nnd is owned by ono of tho old
families of Charleston, H. O. Assistant
Seerctnry MoAdoo snw it on a recent
Visit to that city and brought it back
with him to Washington with a viow to
its pnrchnso by tho government, ns n
companion pioco to the portrait of Oom
modoro Perry, now in (ho nnvy depart
ment gallery. Washington Star.
Klow to Tumble.
Sho had now becomn dispernto.
"Your family has a grand nnmo," he
"I would prefer almost any other,"
sho rojoinoc' with n promptness suffi
cient to suggest that sho had given the
subject thought.
After a time she sat ns one in a trance,
and wondered what won Id be t ho chances
of his tumbling if n wltnt elevator wero
to precipitate itself upon him. Detroit
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Din
go, Cat., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh Hem
eily is tho llrst medicine I havo over
found that will do mo any good." l'rioo
uOc. Sold by .1. C. Kilio- & Co.
Will Sell All
This is a Great
Saving for any
body wanting a
Come and see
for yourself.
A Sreat Candidate,
For your favor is Otto's Cure for the
throat and lungs, we can confidently
recommend It to all as a superior
remedy for coughs, colds, asthma, bron
chitis, and all lung affections. It will
stop a cough quicker than any known
remedy. Wo guarantoe It to cure you.
Instant relief In all cases of croup and
whooping cough. If you nro suffering,
don't delay, but call on us and got a
sample bottle of this grout guaranteed
remedy nnd bo ono of tho great party
on tlio road to health. Samples froo,
Largo Is it ties TiOc, ut W. 11. Alexander's,
solo agent.
Aahed It lie Came by Telegraph.
Some of the people who live on fnnns
in regions remote from villages and rail
ways have very crude Ideas regarding
methods of communication by telegraph.
A short time ago n luossago was brought
o tho honso of a farmer not 1,000 miles
from Bnffutlo, xinveying Intelligence of
tho death of relativo in Ohio. Tho
farmer and the members of his honso
hold were aroused at a Into honr at
night The mnssugo was read by tho
head nf tho honso and passed over to
his wifo. Tho good woman read the nil
welcome news anil then asked the mes
sengnr if ho came by telegraph from
Ohio. Buffalo Courier.
A Cynle In Cathay.
"Better 00 yonrs in Europe than a
cyolo in Cathay," wroto lemiysou,
thinking he hud made a fine contrast
But now Dr. It. II. Graves tells us that
"acyelo in Cathay" is Just 00 years.
So Tennyson's flno contrast vanishes.
Louisville Western Recorder.
Poor mind Papa.
Pnromnnii Hnttin Is such an affec
tionate daughter. This morning I re
ceived sneh a tender, nppreelativo throo
page letter from her nt school.
Hnttio's Sister (cynically) What "ld
sho ask you for in tho postscript? Ex
change. Thcro Is a virtue in country houses,
in gardens and orchards, in Ileitis,
streams and groves, in rustic recreation
and plain manners that neither cities
nor universities enjoy. A. B. Aloott.
Tho cultivated lands of the United
States only occupy 3H0 acres out of each
An nirrcrnhlo Mutative ana Nkkvti Tonio.
HolJI.y rimiorlstflorscnt byniull. 2jtt.,0Uo.
ana $1.0O per pnekniro. t-'nmplns t rco.
tFg fjf f 'J'lio Fnvnrlto TOOTH t3TD3
RXU lJ fortlio'J'notlurjd Jlrcath.Uuo.
Sild ly .I.e. Kin:.' itin
'Ale's larp
Haw just recfivt'rt a Large
Stock of
Fall and Winter Goods!
that will be nolrt at astonish
ingly low prices.
Boys' knee pants, heavy
goods, formerly 35 cts., now
19 cts.
Desirable line of window
shades- at 18 cts.
A big line of men's under
wear from 50 cts. a suit up.
Ladies' heavy ribbed vests
at 19 cts.
Ladies' fine natural woo
vests formerly l;35, now
95 cts.
Men's winter gloves from
25 cts. up.
Children's all wool vests
from 18 cts. up.
Just received 100 rolls of
oil cloth, for floor or table,
50 inches wide, only 15 cts
a yard.
Large line of men's pants
from 68 cts. up, Men s shoes,
hats, capB, an assortment of
men's, youths' and boys'
clothing at low prices.
Save your money and come
and see our goods.
People's - Bargain -Store
fl, KftTZEN, Proprietor.
In .Advance, Gets
! I I I ! ! I ! !
Wo have decided to offer TIIK
htrictly in Advance, to
ino oiti Hiinscniiors win no expected to pay up
all arrearage to get the benefit of this of
fer. The ofler will hold good until
Is a First-Class Paper published every Wednesday at Keyn
oldsville by C. A. Stephenson. It contains all the
Local .News of the town and vicinity,
graphic Home and Foreign News, Sh
ttlories, Grand
farming .News nnd Illus
trated Articles.
Don't borrow your neighbor's paper when you can gl
T11K oTAli for
Job Work Department
riii... en i . . rvin,...
Is replete with the Latest
Styles of Types.
. Local. Coiinty and State
i r-.
L..'., . - CHAMPION. t'' '.- y-vW.
First National Bank
CAPITAL 950,000.00.
. .llltrhrll, rrenldeiitl
Hruli It-Hand, Vice Pres.l
John II. Kaui lier, ( aahler.
O. Mltolioll, Bcutt MoC'lullund, J. C. Klug,
Joseph etniusH, (I. E. Brown,
O. W. Fuller, J. II. Kuuclier.
Pom n KcncnilhanklnghiiKlnriuiand onllrlu
the Krroutitn nf morchitiitH, prnffsHlomil men.
furmiTu, niei'hunh'H, milium, lumbermen nnd
others, uromlsiiiK the mimt oiiruful attention
to tho buHtueiwof ull perKOtm.
Sufo PepoHlt lioxei for rent.
First National Bunk building, Nolun block
. Fire Proof Vault.
The greatest boon ever given to nutTerlng
man. It eureit lmpou'iiey, Drains or KmU
slons, and the Nervous Diseases of Men as tf
by niniile. After uslim it all trouble vanishes
Immediately uud you are a niun aKnlu. It
doubles sexuut power Hlld tliereuses sUe of
purls. It Is a sHelllr for younx, mlddle-nited
and elderly men who are, weak from any
ettiise. It fs a wonderful and srleiititle treat
ment discovered by a physician, himself a
sufferer and after he hud nearly ruined him
self with poisonous druiis. It is;harniless and
at once relieves the disease. Money returned
where cure Is uol effected. Bunk references
Ktveu us to return of money, line packuire
warranted tocure any case. Cent In it pluln
paekiiKO with full Instructions. Trice i.l.u.
Mechanical Cure Co.,
( Iilcauo, III.
Get an Education.
Education and fortune so hand In hand.
Get an education at the. t eulral relate Nor
niul Hchis.l, Lock Haven. T. Hrst-olus
accommodations and low rates. State aid to
students. For Illustrated cutttliwue addroaa
lAMEd tLDO.N, l'b. I.. Trlnclpul,
Lock Haven, V.
Dollar ! $1
I ! ! I ! ! I I ! I .
HTAH at One Dollar a Year,
new and old subscribers
1. 1896
Army Matter,
Neat Work Done
on Short Notice!
A 1. 1. THK-
News tor $1.00 a year.
mmX'in? NO SMOKE, DIRT or 0001
?'l Ti Tnntarv or commln:l
. salary or commUtl
ffi Send for CataloBul
f rices ana i erms. 1
692 Cedar Ave. I
"Bee Hive" stora
L J. McEntire, & Co.,
The Groceryman, deals in all
kinda of
Groceries, Canned
Goods, Green Goods
Tobacco and Cigars, Floui
and Feed, Baled Hay anj
Straw. Fresh goods alwajf
on hand. J
Country produce taken i.
A share of your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Very truly yours,
Uawrence J. McEntire & Co.,
The Crocerymen,
Every Woman
Sometimes needs a reli
able monthly regulating
Are prompt, aafe and eartala la malt. TO f
In tUc. reari never diaappoliik 8eotaufa
11.00. fwa Mtdtetne U).. Ctel 4. U.
Fur sale at U. Alex Htoke's drug store.