Star Sulmcription tt.PO per year, in adrancr. . A. MTKI'IIKKftO, l:.1llor anil 1'iilT. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER n, Anlwlciendent Incnl pii per, pulillshrd every Wednesday lit lleytiohlsvllle, .IctfcrMtn t'o. Pa., devoted to the Interests of KcynohUvlllc and .leffcrson county. Non-nolitlcnl. will t rent nil with fiilrncss, mid wtll he especially filend ly towards the Intmrlnir clnss. Suhscriptlon price l. tin per vcnr, In ndvnnce. Communications intended for piihllcntlon must ho nccnnipiitilcil hy the wrltci 's mime, not. for piihllcntlon. Imt ns a Kiiiiriintee of good faith. IntereMlnir new Items solicited. Advertising rate made known on uppllcn tlon nl theottico In Arnolds' IthM'k. T.cnirhty comniiinlciitlons nml ehnnire of advertisements should rench tills othco hy Monday noon. Artitifw nil communications to l A. Steph enson, ItcyiiohKvlllc, Pn. Kntorcd at the pnstoftleo nt Itcynoldsvlllo, Pa as second clnss mntl matter. Munwy'g Magazine Is one- of tho Vx-st monthlies published nnd wild nt ten cent a copy, or tM.OO n year. Two ypatu iro thin month sixty thousand copies of the Mitntv'n wore Ismied nnd now it has reached tho mafjnifloont Hjf uros of flvo hundred thousand copies n month. Frnnk A. Mtinsny deserves great credit for milking It possible for tho peoplo to tfet ouch nn excellent magazine for ten cents n copy. An exehnnjro says that n htimhlo boy with a shining pail went slnirlntr pally down the valo to where a cow with a brindlo tail on tho alfalfa did tvjrnlu. A bnmblo beo did gaily sail over the soft shady vale, to where the boy with ft shining pull, was milking tho cow with tho brindlo tail. The boo lit on tho cow's left ear, her feet flew up through tho (atmosphere, nnd through tho leaves 'of a Cottonwood tree, tho boy soared Into eternity. Tho statement of the business of nil lines of the Pennsylvania railroad com pany for September was issued Oct. 30th. All lines east of Pittsburg and Erio as compared with the same month in 1804 show: An inereaso in gross earnings of $2SS,4.')0; nn increase in ex penses of ?20,202: net earnings of $20,. 194. The nine months of 1W as com pared with tho samo period of S04, show: An inereaso in gross earnings of $4,002,01; an Inereaso in expenses of $3,575,087: nn inereaso in net earnings of H,02f?,944. ' A hundred years ago tho post office carried only 2,000 pieces of mall a day. Now there are more than 9,000 letters and packages dropped into tho mails every minute. In 1S02 there were handled 15,000,000,000 pieces. The reg istry lotter system has been vastly de veloped, so that only' one letter in every 15,000 pieces of matter ever goes astray and becomes lost. As far back as three years ago it was estimated that the let ter carriers of Uncle Sam delivered in a year 6,500,000 registered letters, 1,3.V, 000,000 other letters, 275,000,000 postal cards, and (100,000,000 newspapers, be sides collecting 300,000,000 local letters, 750,000,000 mall letters, 1 15,000,000 local 150,000,000 postal cards, and 200,000.000 newspaper. The Itiftimnin't Journal of Clearfield," in speaking of the eighth commandment, '"Thou shalt not steal," says: "Less than fifty per cent of tho population nro const i tut tonally honest. Tho command ment is broken by peoplo who want to have some standing in society. An honest man is a rare thing in this day. Some have been tested nnd found pnro aB gold, while others have leen tried and found that nil they desire is to escape tho eye of human, to say nothing of the eye of God. A very pious man of this place was put to a test recently. A purse, seemingly well filled, was placed upon the street he was known to travel. He came along, discovered it, picked it up, and then cast around to see If any porson was watching. See ing no one, he hastily pushed it in his pocket, repaired to a secluded place, examined the contents nnd finding noth ing of value stealthily returned and laid It where he found it. What would he have done If that pockotbook had contained $1,000? The man who does not steal because ho is afraid of public criticism is a thief at heart, and the country Is full of just such poople." There are many things in and about ItoynnldHville thnt wo could mention to recommend the town to the outsldo world, but there is one thing that would not be out of place to mention at tho present time and that is our excel lent water works. While the little streams have gone dry and the rivers become impure that supplied other towns of this state with . water, tho people of Keynoldsville have had an abundance of pure sparkling water that bubbles up from a half dozen or more springs on the hlllsidos east of town, flows into the dam and is pumped into tho reservoir. There has been much suffering in various places among the peoplo and animals from the drought, but the people of our town have not lacked for' water. Thanksgiving day draweth ulgh and while the devout jkjoplo of this place assemble in their various places of worship they should not forget to return thankB to the 'Giver of all good and perfeot gifts'' for the fountains of water that did not run dry while a water famine existed In various parts of tbe state. Good wutor works Is one of the best of recommenda tions for a town when industries are looking for locations. Tbe water sybtom of this town has been tested again and again and. so far it has always been sufficient to supply the needs of our ' f iopia. LETTER FROM KANSAS. A GROCER YM AN OF REYNOLDS VILLE DESCRIBES THE STATE. A Good State for Oitls Poor Bnchelors. Place for llAHKl.TOJI, KAR., Oct. S1, 1KM. F.niTon STAn: l'crhnps no rountry on the Anicilcnn eontlnont hns liecn no tlioronitlily boomed ns the territory Itnnwn ns Southern Kntin. Nor In them n rountry from tho holders of Austria to the vino rind shores of t'lillfnrnlti whose niitunil resources will ad mit of mom honmiiiK than this. The first. Impression one gets of this einiiitry lifter a tiresome Journey of fifteen hundred miles Is hynomenns pleusnnt. You are urcetcd hy n bread, lint prnlrle hundreds of miles In ex tent Bt every point of the eompnss, with nothing hut blue sky nhove nnd prnlrle prnsH as fur us the eye run carry, which Is often thirty or forty miles. Without the silirhest vnrliitlon In the scenery n person Is Untile to ho sleed with tho "Jim .Turns" or, In other words, a weird, lonesome feeling very forci bly presses Itself upon jon. Ho urcnt Is the monotony at first thnt ono readily Imagines Hint tho line of ghosts which Mncheth miw or even the .Tnekson street monster would bo A relief to the tired vision. This, however. soon wenrs off. The first Inhnhltnnts of this country, iiltlinuirh hardly necessary to state. were the buffalo nnd the red mull. I mention the hiilTulo ns nn luhnhltiitit In connection with the Indliin, tltoimh not Intentionally doing him tho buffalo any Injustice, for In comparison he Is by fur the superior, and ns hum ns the plains are Inhabited his memory will lie kept sacred by the ever present and tndest met utile buffalo wallow, n shallow pool, made by trumping and wallowing. llnfTnto were said to tie as plentiful nn theo prairies fifty or sixty yenrs ago ns tho stars In tho mllkywny. Plenty of men, with n tlngo of romance In their makeup and ns Is suspected only a slight tinge of truth, nm w illing to testify that their fathers saw herds of them that took hours for them to pass and thnt greatly resembled n moving plain. I'or miles and miles nothing but a moving, surging mass could be seen. The events w hich form the basis for these highly colored stories, like the earliest (ireek history, Is seen only through the curtain of tradition. We am certain that the buffalo existed hcre'tn largo numbers nnd iimld these myths and tradi tions facts grew rapidly Into fables. Kansas people never hesitate to tell a good story. The buffalo and Indian finally gave way to the Cattle Huron, cowboy nnd Texas steers. This- Is the burly, hrnsky cowboy of fifteen years ago who Is so thoroughly advertised all over the known world, tho hero of every school boy And the terror of the plains, not the quiet, mild fellow that now looks after kows." Tho above trliimvlrato flnnlly re treated southward before successive waves of Immlgntlon nnd thus the most, formidable nnd threatening barrier to civilization was removed. Wo hiivo heforo us to-day tho Kansns grnnger In all his varied experiences, nt times on the top rrest of prosperity, only to lie preclplt.ited to grovel In the depths of Adversity. Farming In Kansas until the pres ent, especially for tho Inst four years, has been both successful nnd unsuccessful. Suc cessful hecniiso tho Kansns farmer Is of a peculiar makeup; not In Africa's (lin k forests or burning deserts, nor In tho hind where the cresent towers above the cross enn such ener gy he found ns In these gritty, sandy sons of toll. Unsuccessful on nccount of hot winds burning up crops. Notwithstanding nil these failures tho Kansas farmer Is by no means discouraged. They nre as hard to discourage and ns truly heroic us were the Ppnrtnn sol diers ul Thermopyhi'. Ingalls says Kansns enn promise mom In June and pny loss In September nnd promise less In feptcmlier nnd pay mora In lime than any state In the I'lilon, due to the hot winds burning up crops In July nnd August nnd a heavy wheat crop tho following summer. These, after an un due amount of experimenting hnve found the crops most suitable for this locality. The wheat crop this yenr wns a failure, oats only fair. Corn Is a good crop nnd Is now being husked "shucked" Is the western term. Most of It Is being crlblicd as It only brings twelve cents a bushel of mi jiounds, shelled. Katllr corn, one of the givntcst feed crops that was ever grown, Is everywhere abun dant, stock men claiming to lie superior to any oilier grain for feeding cattle and hogs. This, nlsive nil othorcerenls, seems to lie es pecially adapted to tho Kansas cllniato, as It Is not Injured by dry weather. Two crops cun be raised In n single season from one planting, When wheat raising was tho rage the country was stripped of nearly nil tho hogs nnd cuttle. Every energy wns turned to raising wheat. Tho wheat belt seems to have changed and ngnlu the country Is filled with onttlo anil hogs. It Is conceded by nil that this Is one of the best stock countries bet ween tho itocktos anil tho Atlantic. Winters are mild and short, requiring fur less feed thnn In eastern and northern states. Thcttnnuclnl troubles of the last two years, coupled with the poor wheat crops and low prices have hnd a very depressing effect, hut now they seem to have a turn In the road and am In a fair way to make money, and when wo consider tho condition of some of the older states we Hie forced to the conclusion that thero are many advantages In Kansas for farmers that older states cun not offer. Morally speaking, Kansas Is up with any other place In the world, and In an educa tional senso sho Is foremost In tho rank. Almut tho first thing a bachelor notices la that there Is a plentiful scrarlty of girls, In the ratio of nlxiut six men to one woman, and If the "Hopeless Dozen" were hero thelrcaso might Indeed lie hopeless. Doc. Harbison, with ull his facial beauty and munly bearing, might succeed by going south Among the squaws. If 1 were u young woman with marriageable ten delictus I would coine to Kansas, and If I worn a bachelor 1 would do Just us 1 urn going to dogo buck to Western l'eiin'u und trust tho rest to luck. Peoplo seem to lie us rigid hem In clinging to fashions lis they nre In Die east. Shoes are Just as pointed, hats with the same niUplaced-llower-garden appearance, mastodon sleeves und the wholo curriculum Just us exacting. Tho warm climate seems to have a collaps ing effect on the sleeves and one would suppose a bicycle pump to Inflate theoi would give them their normal as well as ridiculous apiM-'urunco. The people III the the towns and cities am of a migratory dispo sition ami are of the opinion that they am needed In the oust. The political put hero Is beginning to simmer In Ti lively way. The populists seem to have It pretty much their own wuy. Kvory populist Is not only an ora tor hut a financier! though his wife may make the living by washing, yet this diss not conflict Willi his opinions so ably set forth from the dry goods box which he holds down. The clear and brilliant atmosphere of Kan sas gives to lis Italian skies a richness which bus ulwuys iM'cn tho admiration of travelers and baffling the ability of even an Angiio or a llaplilcl to paint them. A Kansas sunset Is simply mugnlttcent In tho extreme. Sunset Cox, with his powers of description, would full to draw a fair picture. Should this he fortunate enough to osrape the waste basket I will write you next week of my experience and observations among the Indiana. Yours, Usohue H. Mcsooarr. Dedicated to the "Hoplesi Dozen." 11 T A SYMl'ATHlZr.ll. Twelve lit I In hnehelors formed In ft rlnti. To teach each other how to cook their own dtuli. Twelve little bachelor nliivcd twenty-seven. tine mini ine inner eleven. ed then thero were F.leven little bnchelors. all nice men, One fell nnd broke his neck then thero were ten. Ten little bachelors looking very fine, One ate a cucumber then thero were nine. Nine little bachelors for the train did wait. One mile the cow catcher then there were eight. right little bachelors playing "sev. or leven" Ouu grabbed the hisidle then thine were seven. Seven little bnchelors every ono a brick Hot to scrapping 'niong themselves then there were six. Six little bachelors wishing for n drive, One went to hitch the hc-.-se then them were five. Five little bachelors, nil n little sum, One broke a hy-liiw then thero were four. Four little bnchelors thought they'd gotosea, One got a stomach pain then there were throe. Three little bachelors feeling rather bine, One got a Hen bite then thero worn two. Two little bnchelors got themselves a guns "He thought It wasn't loaded" then thero were one. One lonesome linchelor thought Just for fun, That he would get married, then there were none. For Rent. A large storo room, 24 x (15 foot, in good business locality. For further particulars call on or address. S. S. Haines, Hathmel, Pa. At King ft Co.'s you will find baled hay, salt, Hour nnd a full lino of general merchandise. A lnrge invoice of Indies', misses', and children's wraps just In at Deemer & C'o's. , Vo are tho shoo house. We havo tho shoes nnd wo have tho prices. 1). F. Robinson. 4 Throe bnrs laundry soap 5 cts., 15 bars soap 2" cts., 110 bars soap 81.00 at IVtit. Purge's. Forty lbs finest Polled oats for $1.00 at Hoblnson & MundorfT's llttlo grocery on the corner. Utopia Program. Following Is tho programme of tho Utopia Clrclo for November: The quotations used In responding to mil call shall not ho confined to a particular au t hor. Boll cnll shall be followed hy news Items or riicis iiiiii general intormntion concerning the country selected for discussion. Nov. 4 Fbakcb. Connn A. Doyle. lllogrnphy and Select Rending Mm. W. CS. Elliott Mnr.nrt Mrs, II. R, Johnson Nov. 11 Social. Nov. IS Scaiii. Annie Sewell. lllogrnphy and Select Rending Mrs. .lames Mct'relglit The Yosemlto Valley Mrs. O. W. Palen Nov. 23 Scotland. William Black. Itlography and Select Rending nirs. v. it. rrutt Mendelsshon Mrs. 8. II. Reynolds Dae. 2-Kniii.amd. Beatrice llarraden. Biography and Select Heading Mrs. 1 M. Simmons Natural Bridge of Virginia .11 rs. v. A. Ktepiieuson The Ueynoldsvlllo Hardware Co. is offering to sell haps and blankets at cost to close out their stock. .Tnekets in beaver and nstorknn nt Doomor & Co. Ping & Co. havo just received tho finest line of dress goods over brought to Hcynoldsvillu. Karl's Clover Hoot will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowols nnd tnako your head clear as a bell. 2.1c, 50o. and 1.00. Sold by J. C. King & Co. Pennsylvania Day at Atlanta Exposition. For tho especial benefit of thoso who doslro to bo present at the Atlanta Ex position on "Pennsylvania Day," Nov. 14, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny will place on sale excursion tickets to Atlanta and return at tho rates quot ed below. The tickets will be sold only for trains connecting with through trains to Atlanta leaving Union Sta tion, Washington, November 12, nnd are limited for continuous going paasago and for rotutn by continuous passage within ton days from day of sale. Fare from Pittsburg is $20.10, Altoona20.10, Hurrlsburg $17.7.1, Williiimsport $20.55. Sweater overshlrts for gentlomun at Dccmer & Co'a. Our prices: Wo are in the swim giving tho trade shoes that cannot be beaten for stylo and prlco Robinson, Our leador in ladles' floecod ' Unod vestry and pants has no equal for 25a, Dkkmf.r & Co. Financiering. ' The Epworth Lcaguo of this place have gone into tho flour business for brief spell to aid thom in raising money for their new church. They purchased a lot of wheat und buckwheat nnd J.R.Pan tall offered to grind It free and deliver it free, A committee was uppolntod to solicit orders and already many ordors for Epworth Louguo flour have been re ceived. l'unxsutawney Ani's. Zirlftittfl with th CUb. IttTOH BiTTLEK At the Amorloon Houso, Brookvllle, Oct. 30, 181)5, by Rov. Dr. Warren, Glenn Rugh, of Derrick Citv. McKean Co., Pa., and Miss Bortha Butlor, of Vallor, Joffor- son Co., Pa. Our Fall & winter opening of ladles' w raps was a decided success. Hundreds availed themselves of the opertunlty.. ' , Deemek & Co. The Power of a Newspaper. Those who show a newspaper man a kindness never make a better Invest ment, or one that will pay them In larger returns. There nro times In tho life of ovory man, may ho bo in either private or political life, when a newspaper can either make or break his future pros perity. Nowspnper men like others, nro only human. They favor thoso who favor them and unmake them who do them n wrong. Men too often, in tho vain imagination of their own conceit, undervalue tho true power of tho press. No matter how powerful a man may bo, the persistent effort of tho press will kill his strength despite the best effort ho may otherwise put forth. Kxchnngo. Try Milllrons for clothing and men's furnishing goods. Threo tons of all colors Ice wool at Deemer & Co's, Wanted To buy 20 to 100 ncrcs of land near town. J. C. KING & Co. Gentlemen, savo 20 per cent, and get your overcoats at Deemer & Co's. Auction! Auction. I will sell at auction at my residence on Main street at 2.00 p. m. on Monday, Nov. 18th, tho following property: One horse, ono wagon, one surrey, one sot of surrey harness and ono buggy tongue. WM. Coitino. LiRt of Jurors. Tho list of jurors for December term of court, drawn from Reynoldsvlllo, West Reynoldsvlllo, Winslow and Washington townships, Is as follows: Tkavkhs JuHOim. Reynoldsvlllu Milton Schlnblg, D. R. Cochran, J. N. McKntlre, John S. Sehultze, John Hawlett. Winslow twp .1. W. Mayhew, Casper Pltsley, D. F. Crossby. Washington twp James Me Williams. Grand Jurors. Reynoldsvlllo Chaa. Epler, Fred Hums, A. H. Hoon, Win. Carney. Winslow twp Georgo Marshall. Washington twp M. M. Moore.Andrew McKeon, John Moore, V. B. Guthrie. Petit Jurors. Roynoldsvlllo Duvid Hnrtmnn, Al bert Reynolds, John Cottle. West Reynoldsville Geo. O. Riggs. Wins low twp A. S. Armstrong, .1. T. Coax. Washington twp J. M. Miller, Hugh Cooper, James E. Smith. Our treatment for health, no hypo- dormlo Injections, but good shoos for little money. Robinson's sImhb store. Big reduction In prlco of suit. If you want a barrel see Robinson & MuntlorfT. Coffee 15 cents a package at Wm. Hinge's. Latest style of coats and capes can be found at Blng & Co's. Alex. Riston has a large stock of guns which he will sell cheap. Think of It hundreds of ladles pleas ed with their winter Garments pur chased from Deemer & Co. ftotrl. JJOTEL, McCONNELL, REYNOLDSVILLE. PA. Fit A NK J. JILAVK, l'roin-Mor. The lending hotel of the town. Headquar ters for commercial men. Steam heat, free bus. hath risiins and closets on every llisir. sample rooms, billiard room, ti'lephono con nections KIT. JJOTEL UELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. . C. DILLMAX, l'rtnklor. . First clnss In every particular. Located In the very ceutro of tho business part of town. Free 'bus to und from trains and cinnnMHllous sample rooms for commercial travelers. JW-XllVl ClVVIiVU IIVJII'jLj, BROOKVILLE, PA., PHIL P. UAUUJJSU, Prnprittm; Samnle rooms on the irrnund floor. House hnnteu by nat ural gas. Omnibus to ami from all trains. M CORE'S WINDSOR HOTEL, 1217-20 FlMlKRT BTRF.ET, PHILADELPHIA, - PENN'A, PH1CSTUN J. MOOTIE, Proprietor. ncu risinis. mites k.ui per any Amori- Man. ISbhvk from P. . u. it. Depot and block from New U. It. Depot. ltticrllaneou. E. NEl"R JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Kent Estate Agent, KeynuldsTllle, Pa. Q MITCHELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllce on West Main street, opposite the Commercial Hotel, IteynohlsvUle, Pa. R. B. E. HOOVER, RKYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Unsldent dentist. In building near Metho dist church, opposite Arnold block, tieutle- uoss in operating. 0. Z. OOllllON. JOHN W. HEED. G ORDON & REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Brookvllle, Jelferson Co., Pa. Office In room formerly occunlod by Gordon & Corbel t West Main Street.. w. l. Mccracken, o. m. Mcdonald, BrookTillt. SiynoldivilU. jyjcCRACKEN & Mcdonald, Attovmui and CoumuUom-at-Law, Offices at Iteynoldivlllo and Brookvlllo. reynoldsville laundry, WAR SING. Proprietor, Corner 4th street and Gordon alley. First class work done at reasonable prices. Olve the laundry a trial. Dr.r. E. HARBISON, SURGEON DENTIST, Reynoldsvlllo, Pa. Office In rooms formerly occupied by 1. 8, MoUrelKbt. . DRESS QOODS! We have just returned from the Eastern markets with a full supply of Dress Goods, Our shelves and counters are running over with choice styles of both Foreign nnd Domestic Novelties In Fine Dress Fabrics. Our stock offers the greatest possible range for selection in newest . and choicest dress materials of the season and latest styles of trim mings. Coats and Capes J We have a large assortment of coats and capes in our coat room. Correct styles and rock bottom prices. We handle only new, goods of the latest styles. Please do not buy until you see our line. It will be to your advantage to see our coats and capes before buying elsewhere. NOTIONS! Our Notion Department is filled with anything you want in the notion line. Call and look at our new goods and large stock. BING & CO., Nolan Block. IIAKDWA KK A K 1) W A U K 11 A WOODENWAKE QUEEXSWARE 1) 11 CAIU'ETS A tAWDKAII The most complete line of House Furnishing Goods in ferson County. We do not buy "Cheap John" goods to fool the people, nor represent goods to be better than they are. "You can fool all the people the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." We do not want to sell inferior goods and fool our customers and only have the people that can be fooled all the time left to buy from us. We want your trade and know we can give you Satisfaction. Come Earlu and Late to the Reynoldsville Hardware Co.'s Store. Remember our Furniture and Carpets are on the Second Floor. AN- Astounding The Eighth Wonder of the World, now on exhibition in our show window, a fac-simile of the great U. S. Adminis tration Building of the Columbian Exjosition, built out of 14,822 cakes of m fine Medicated Toilet Castile Soap, making the largest and finest display of Toilet Soap ever attempted in the world, and is the greatest Soap Bargain ever offered in America. 2 Cakes for 5c. Everybody welcome to all they want of it at this price. This soap has been made especially for us by the Cin cinnati Soap Co. wIioho soaps have been the standard for over a quarter of a century, and to introduce their soap thoroughly in Reynoldsville and vicinity, they per mit us to sell it 2 cakes for 5c. for a limited time. This gives us power to save money for all per sons. It is so cheap that it can be no cheaper and so good that it can be no better. The rich, the poor, the learned and the unlearned meet on one level; the poor can afford a nice toilet soap at this price and the rich can get no bet ter. This soap has a phenomenal Bale in all large cities of the country, and we intend to give the people of Reynolds ville and vicinity the same advantage as New York, Chicago and other cities have. This is an excellent, pure Toilet Soap and is really worth 10c. a cake. Remember 2 cakes for 5o. Sale began Thursday. Come early before the rush. A. D. DEEMER & CO., Agts. for Reynoldsville and Vicinity. FURNITURE! U R R U T I N I T N R Ul U R! ERUTIMUF Jef- part of the time and part of Soan Sale!