The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 23, 1895, Image 7

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'Areas of Land Transported from Placa
to Placa by tho Mlaaiaslppl.
The Mississippi has In 1lis course of
ligps transported from the tnnnntnlna
and lilph lnml within Its riralnnKO nrea
ufflolctit material to make 400,000
gqnnro miles nf now land hy flllliiK tip
an est tin ry which oxtoudod from Its
original outfall to tho Jtilf of Mexico
for a length of 500 miles. This river
Is still pouring solid matter Into the
snilf, where It Is spread out In a fan
llko shape over n const lino of l."0 miles,
and Is filllnjr tip at tho rate of .'102.000,.
000 tons a year, or six tons as much as
was removed In the eonst motion of tho
Manchester ship canal, and siilllcleut to
tnnko a square mile of new land, al
lowing for Its having to nil tip the gulf
to a depth of elphty yards.
Ftomo Idea of the vastness of this op
eration may lie conceived when the
fact Is considered that some of this soli
has to be transported more than 3,000
miles, and that if tho whole of It had
to be carried In boats at th lowest
rate at which heavy material Is carried
on tho lnli:iid waters of America, or,
say, for one-tenth of a penny per ton
per mile over an averacc of half tho
total distance, the cost would bo do less
a sura than f ais.onn.iKM) a year.
Through tho vast delta thus formed
tho river winds Its way. twisting and
turning by Innumerable bends until It
extends Its leimth to nearly 1.2(H) miles,
or more than double tin- point to point
lenRtli of the delta, continually eroding
tho banks In one place and building tip
land In another, occasionally breaking
Its way across a narrow neck which lies
between the two extremities, and tilling
tip the old channel. Longman's Maga
tine. A l'olsonons Fish.
A flshlns sloop came In this weoK
bringing with It one of the queerest
flsh ever seen here. It has no head,
tall or tinder 11ns. It Is perfectly round,
thin and flat. Over Its back is a row of
almost Invisible hairs, which are finely
pointed and evidently poisonous, for ac
cidentally the man who caught it touch
ed them with his right hand and the
whole hand and arm are paralyzed.
It Is not swollen In tho least, nor does
It give him any pain. It Is simply use
less, hanging limp and lifeless at his
side. The numbness began In the fin
ger tips and went on up to his shoulder.
Fearing thnt It will not end there the
man leaves at onco for a New York
hospital. Tho men. frightened lest
they would also suffer from contact
with this fish, chopped It In many
pieces, and, shoveling It up, cast It In
to tho ocean. Long Branch correspon
dence Philadelphia Times.
A Qnestlon of Pronunciation.
Americans who affect the so-called
English pronunciation of tho letter "n"
In words like "ask," "pass" and "last"
are so much Inclined, especially in Bus
ton, to overdo the matter thnt It is well
to reprint the testimony of a Bultlmore
traveler who took pains while In Eng
land this summer to observe critically
the usage of cultivated speakers there
on this point He found In effect that
their "a" was a cross between the "a."
of "ah" and the "n" of "at." lie list
ened carefully to the orthoepy of Lord
Chief Justice Russell, Lord Hoseliery,
and Lord Salisbury and to that of the
eminent churchmen, nnd found that no
where "was there any such broad and
deep pronunciation of words, nnd espe
cially the letter 'a,' ns we generally con
sider to be the English method." Their
pronunciation was almost Identical
with that of good speakers in Baltimore
and New York.
Enllt on the solid foundation of pure,
henltliy bloorl Is rent and lasting. With rich
red blood you will have so slckuoss.
When you allow your blood to become
thin, depluted, robbed of the little rej eor-pns.-les
whluh indicate its quality, you will
become tired, worn out, lose your appetite
and strength, and disease will soon have you
In its grasp.
Parity, vitalise and enrloh your blood, and
koep It pure by taking
The One True Blood Purifier prominently In
the public eye. tl. All druggists.
Hflftri'f Dill cure habitual oomtlim-
turn, price Sjc. per box.
Hav you mony hi hint? aarnlnir but 4 per ctnt.f
good stocks r.'.r.
fou dim? niakt tnaay time that amount of Inuraat.
Moif) iiavt mo good a mai-ket to waU In, and -
Vftitt.) i poatuttt ahuuld enable me to niaKe a treat
cleai of money for my emtomera a una the tixc
year. Send for rafrrekrM and full aionnaUou.
HOWARD SLADE. 74 1 roadway, N.Y. City.
PMU 43
ciiitu tueiu. w. aiu WJo. pota at truMtfia, vl
aauipto nuhUeu hit. J.J. fJ.ttClk, iUu, O.
Cu inn teed Installment Debenture Bonds Yot
- pay
a I I'tirniniitli forftiiiuutli, weuuaranlae t-lOU. Write
ua, AUiffllaU-AuwrluMiUHUiftTruatC..AaautalUa.
Is unquestionably a most
valuable FOOD sick
room. where either little
lone or adult needs deli
cate, nourishing dietl!
r jii mrtm m 9oni, new Tom.
World ' Fair I HIGHEST AWARD. i 1
How Clothing is Made By Farm
ers in Maine.
An Industry Which Has Grown
Into Large Proportions.
Tho "fnrmrrs of Maine" nro mnnu
fnetnritiu; nil the ready mailu ulotliinn;
of the New Kiifflmul trade, and n ood
tlcnl for niiintifiictururs in New York
also, Imt tlio "furmurs" include tnuro
t li nit tlio mule iortion of tho popula
tion. For ninny years Boston cloth
ing manufacturers hnvo licen Hhippiiifr
clothing to Maine to lio mado up. It
wan flrHt taken by local senmntroisrH,
who occiiHioiially hired tho wives mid
daughters of tlicir neihors to "help
out," mid Inter took larger amounts
and gave it out to farmers' wives nnd
village fnmilics.
Thrifty and enterprising citizens
saw that there was prollt in tlio busi
ness and began to ooiitruot with tlio
manufacturers for the work. They
established chops nnd employed neigh
boring help to in ike up tlio goods.
Tho business grew so that companies
wero formed, shops built nnd labor
saving machinery was introduced.
Competition was inevitable nnd more
buildings Hero erected. Boston man
ufacturers were better pleased for tho
Urius of contractors mado up of re
sponsible business men, pave bonds
for the faithful performance of tho
work nnd its prompt return, and 1ohcs
by spoiled garments and delayed lots,
which never could bo enforced against
tho village seanintreHses, wore reduced
to it minimum.
Clothing lias become
its firmly established mi industry in
the Statu of Maino as lumbering or
woodpulp making.
Tho chief location of tho industry
is in tho Kennebeo Valloy nnd "up
R:ngeby way," although many towns
in other parts of the state Lave estab
lished "coat shops." The towns of
Norridgewock, Hkowhcgnn, Water
villo and Fairileld on the Kennebec
Rivor, nnd Farmiiigton, "up Rangeby
way," lead in tho manufacture of
Tho work is carried on in buildings
especially erected for tho purpose.
They nre sipinro, two nnd three-story
frame structures, so placed as to givo
light and air on four sides and fitted
with as many windows as possible.
They nro arranged to bo cool in sum
mer and warm in wintor. Steam and
water power is introduced, and every
process requiring the exerciso of
strength is provided with power. The
sewing machines nro run by 8tenm,nnd
even the pressing, which is managed
entirely by men, is done by machine
These towns nro none of them more
than ten hours from Boston, nnd tho
clothing, ready cut, together with the
materials for making it up, is shipped
daily by express to tho contractor. It
is made up and returned by express at
a stated time.
The introduction nnd growth of the
trade has been a godsend to .tho peo
plo of tho State. Agrioulture in tho
eastern part of Maine has been unpro
ductive for ruauy years. Tho condi
tions of tho farms has driven many of
tho younger men to other Slates, but
tuoso who could not go bnve had to
look about for menus of livelihood.
Farmers' wives and daughters either
took clothing to make or entered the
employ of contractors. They not
only provided a livelihood for those
dependent on them, but saved money.
Mortgages were paid off, homos wero
bought, education provided. In tho
smull towns were many well educated
young women, widows, and others of
good family, with meagre, pinching
iucomes. Gradually,one by one, they
turned to this work when driven by
dire straits, and found remunerative
employment The prejudice against
hand labor was finally broken down,
and now not only women of good
families work daily iu the shops, but
even young men with college educa
tions, who have nothing elso at hand
become "bushelmeu" nnd pressors,
make buttonholes or rnu a sewing
machine. There are here in the cities
of New York and Brooklyn men in tho
praotioe of professions who oversew
thoir tailor's work as to senins, pock
els, buttonholes and linings with a
pruoticed eye.
While amounts running from 80 to
$15 per week might be looked upon
ns low iu New York they are ample iu
Maine, where living has ulway been
reasonable. Very excellent board
can bo hud for from $2.50 to 3.5U
per week, and rents have little con
sideration iu the domestic economy.
Fifty dollars a year will snpply a
frame house of seven rooms in excel
lent condition and a half acre of
ground besides.
One peculiarity of the Maine mann
fnct'ire in that the work u confined to
coata anil tosts. They don't make
"oauts." Xow York Heraltl.
Lovo In an Ire Cave,
Henry Carter, tho famous Mount
Tacoma guide, hns fallen iu lovo
under romantic circumstances, nnd
will bo mnrried by tho Rev. William
M. .Toffiios, tho first preacher to de
liver n sermon on top of tho mountain
tho place where ho fell in lovo, re
cently, with tho thermometer regis
tering 20 degrees below zero. He is
to marry Cora Beachmnn, n school
toncher, nnd tho belle of Lako Fnrk,
n suburb of Tacoma.
Miss Bcnchmaii, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Oroe of F.nton
ville, set out rocclitly with Carter, tho
moHt trusted of nil the mountain
guide, to ascend Mount Tneoinn.
At Gibralter rock, which corresponds
to the "shoulder" of tho Matterhorn,
1,000 feet from tho summit, Mrs.
tlroo became exhausted. Miss Hench
man declared her intention to resell
tho summit nt all hazards. Carter
led the way, but soon lost his ico nx,
nnd in scaling difficult passes they
wero compelled to rely solely on their
alpenstocks. They did uot reuch tho
summit until 0 o'clock iu tho nft-.-r-noon,
too Into to attempt to descend
that uight. They had left Taradiso
Valley, below tho suow line, without
w raps, nnd only a lemon and one snnd
wich each in tho way of provisions.
Carter selected n sheltering ico cavo
formod by jets of steam from tho cra
ter, nnd hero they passed n hlecpless
night, discussing all sorts of topics,
and before they left tho summit nt 9
o'clock tho next day, Miss Benchniau
had promised to marry the guide.
Tho instant they left tho steam of
the cave their clothes wero frozen
stiff, and they suffered great hardships
in descending. A rescue party or
ganized during the day came to their
relief late iu the afternoon, after they
had been without food over 21 hours.
St Louis Globe-Democrat.
A New Kin J of Club.
The Broken Flnte Club is a curious
little association or brothorhood, with
headquarters in a small village iu the
Department of the Nord, Franco.
Several years ago n party of manu
facturers and merchants wore dining
togother w hen by chance a plate rolled
from the table, fell into the fireplace
and broke. Struugely enough, the
number of pieces corresponded ex
actly with the number of diners.
Upon this circumstance a society was
formed to include only those then and
there present nnd to terminate finally
on the death of the last member. Tc
each man was assigned a pieca of the
broken plate.
Tho men meet and dine each year,
nnd though no deaths have occurred
ns yet iu the little association, the un
written law reads that when each
member dies his piece shall be hnndeu
over to tho president, who, one bj
one, bhnll fasten the fragments to
gether. When every member sav
one hns passed away, that man shall
add his final bit to the plato, cement
ing it firmly iu, nnd shall have if
buried. New York World.
A Timid Giraffe.
It is very curious how timid these
creatures are about certain sounds.
Noisy sounds, like a man walking by
with hob nailed boots, it does not no
tice, but a lady coming in with hardly
more sound than tho mere rustling of
her dress, makes it stare with pricked
cars and eyes distended. We remem
ber woll after the terriblo explosion
of gunpowder on a barge on the neigh
boring canal, asking the keepers ot
the giraffes of that day how they had
taken it, and he sai l he was surpriued
how very little notice they took al
all. They jumped to thoir foet, but
ulniost at oucu lay down again when
they found nothing had happened.
"But," he said, "if I was at night
time to creep ulong that gallery iu
my sooks, tbey would be so soared that
I believe they would dash themsolvet
to bits." They fear the lurking foe,
and a big bang tearos thorn less than a
fuiut, rustling sound. They are in
that very deerliko. Loisure Hour.
The Rival Singers.
Mr. Eichfello That was a neat
speech Miss Soprano made at the
charity concert last night, when a
brute in tho atidieuco hissod her.
wonder how she could think of so
many bright things all nt once.
Miss Contralto Oil, she's mado that
spoech hundreds of times. New York
Important tests of the armor of the
new battleship Iowa show that tbe
vessel could withstand the projectiles
of the best twolve-inoh gan carried by
any warship.
Two Killed and Flvs Injured Near
The water famine In Altoona, Pa., Is direct
ly responsible (or a fatal wreck which occur
red on the Holldnjbur branch of the Peso
sylvsnla ltnllroad nt tbe southern edge ot the
city Wednesday morning. The doad are as
J. O. WoodrlBK, brskeman. ot Tyrone.
V. L. Good, llremsn. tnrrlblr scalded.
It. tl. lilackbarn, of Henrietta, fireman,
may die.
David Arthur, engineer, fatally hurt.
George Tate, fireman, hurt about the back
and hesd.
H. H. ISsrnett, conduotor, seriously rut.
1). 8. Hoover, bnituaifeinaiter, suflering
from conclusion of the bruin.
At the time stated a crew, which had been
securing water In a train ot tnuk cars st
(Isysiiort, near Hollldnysburn, bad crossed n
switch near tho Alli-glu-ay luroace, at the
edue of Altoons, and inn train bad been
Mopped In order that tho switch mlilit be set
for Ilia Henrietta accommodation, then over
due at Hint lotnt. This was doue, nod the
water tr.ilu bad just gotten under wsy when
tho ipnsseniier train came IbroiiKh a dnbse
Km snd around a curve, In an Instant dnh
ing wllb terrllla force Into the enulns uf tbe
water trnln, It belDg In the rear and acting as
a puxber. The crash was a tearful one, and
the two engines were lucked In n clone em
brace. The force of the Imfaot stood them
both on end, tho fire boxes resting on the
ground nnd the front truck standing high In
the air. None of the pnssnnger oars left the
track, but the iaengnrs wrta thrown from
their seats. None of them escaped without
Injury of some kind, although none wero fa
tally hurt.
I'our Men Volunteered to Oo Into
Burning Mine.
Fire broke out Thursday night In the mnln
hoisting slope of the Oregon Improvomont
Company's mine near Franklin. Wash., enur
ing the death ot John II. Glover, H. W.
flmnlloy, John Adams nnd James Htnfford,
Tbe accident was caused by Amrust Johnson,
who dropped his lamp, setting fire to a
leruer 01 gas. jnsteaa ol mrowinu a snovei
of dirt to rut It out. he ran down tho slope to
get the foreman. While he was bringing help
Hie timbers caught Urn nnd five lengths of
brnitlco work were ablaze, nnd the smoke be
came to Intense as to pruveut netting nt It.
Flndini; thnt that tbe lire could not be extin
guished, tbe four men volunteered to go
down and close a door between the main nnd
auxiliary slope. Ther nre supposed to have
never reached the bottom alive, but tbe
uoaies nave not Deen recovered.
The totol exports for Hcptemher were 59,
63,413, against 38,7'JS.;70 for last year.
A dispatch from Heoul says that the body ot
toe muraerea queen 01 Korea nasucon louuu.
Itiis wnoi-tsALi rsic-RS tnu oivss bklow.
uraln. Hour and ed.
WI1KAT Na 1 red
No. red
lOKN Na yellow ear ....
No. yellow sneUed
Mixed ear
OATH Na 1 white
Na white .
Kitra Na I while
Light mixed
hVt No 1
No. S western
ILoL H vt utter patents blends.. 8
fancy Hprins patents a
to a
60 S
ti.-. 8
-10 8
rnm-y piraiKni winter
Mralgbt XXX bakers'
Clear M luler
S3 S
IK) 8
Itye Dour...
JAY Na 1 timothy
no is
No. I
Ul 15
Nixed cloTer. Na 1
New liny, from wagona....
FKK1) Na 1 White MO., ton .
Na White Ml.ldluiu.
01) 1"
on 17
r.u in
Drown Middlings is
Hrau, bulk 1
8TKAW V, beat I)
Oal 5
m ll
in D
to 0
Dairy Froduuts,
bl'TTEK Elgin Creamery t ( n
fraucy creamery Bw :j
auey Country KolL 10 t is
Low grade and cooking ft ' s
lllhtht onto, now 8 Sl
New York, new tt
Wleconslu &wlH. W 18
Llinlnugei, newmake. 10 litis
I rult and Vegetables.
APPLES Ilbl no J gv
I'fcAt iiKN bu l no a Hi
i kah.-, tu m i
UliANtt Hand-picked, per bu..,.. t JO it 81)
Lima, lb 6 1-8 S
roTA iOhft Hue, lu car. bu 80 4(1
l?rom store, liu mi
CAIIbAUs: Home grown, bbl...... CO M)
UNIU.NH Yellow, oil 85 40
Poultry, Kto.
Live Chlckeus, V pair ra a 78
Live Ducks, f pair M) ou
Ureeaed Chlosene, V llx 10 14
Live Turkeys, V lb u 10
KUU8 Pa. aud Ohio. Iroah HI 17
t'KA'rilKKShxtrallveUeeae.vlb 88 SO
Na 1 Kx. Live Ueese, V lb 40 48
Country, large packed UA 40
6KEDB Clover 88 Int.. a 8 80 9 8 83
Timothy, prime H g ;s s su
blue UraH 1 40 tkl
KAtiS Country mixed. ... i 1
UONKY White clover 14 IS
MAI-l.H HYltUP, new TO HO
ClUhlt-Country, sweet, bbL.. (00 8 Ul
Tallow ..44
FLOUR . 8 78(34 80
YVlihATNu 8 Ilea 7 08
hlt.Nall 43
CCKN-Mlxed so
kUUS 14
bil l I hK Ohio Creamery 18 mi
FLOUR s Sou 4 75
WH KAT No. 8 Ilea tin
COKN Na 8 Mixed 46 17
OA'IS Na 8 Wnite. '. IN Vi
lit 11 KK Creamery, extra im 4
auub fa. nrate mi
FLOUR Patents t 8 78 A 4 15
WiibAT Na sued. lift mi
K& Slate.- , 58 57
COItN-Na S7 8S
OAT8 Mblte Western wa 114
bLTl'KH Creamery iu 88
hUtiB btate aud fuuu 14
live stock,
ckktbal Stock Yihl, just Lusxtt, Pa.
Prims, 1.400 to 1.000 lbs ( 5 00 a 5 83
Uood, 1,800 lu l,4eO lbs . 4 60 4 M
'lldy, 1.UUU to 1,1301b , ISO 4 10
Fair Hunt steers, sou to 1UU0 lbs.... 8 00 Tit
Couiiuou, 7UU lo voua II ti 8 76
LlUt welKbt, 4 40 4 45
Medium, 4 43 4 bi
luavy 4 80 4 4U
KouijUs aud Slacs 8 60 4 uj
extra. 88 to 108 lbs 8 73 8 0.1
Cood. S3 to 0U Iba 30 li
alr, 70 lose lot 175 s 0u
Counuou .' 1 00 'l Ul
bpriugLauiba 8 00 4 3u
Chicago. Cattle Common to extra atoeri
mti.wukit.iM: luesi-rs auu loeuers. a:i.4Utiit
i-ows aud bulla, Sl-3U(oi173; calves, S4.iotj.oj
hogs Heavy, st.0Vt4.b3; iHiimuou to
uiuea. si 0j(,4 no cnuice amtoriou. S4.4Ue i.m
llglll, H.W(9H.A; plsa, 'J.Sout4.4U bbee,lU.
eiior to cnoiue, i.Maa.w; lauins, f ii.004.13.
Cincinnati Hogs seleat shippers, 4 43a4 60
butcbere L40a4.46; lair to goou packers iCSfl
104.40; fair to light l.4iito4.48: common and catiio-iooa ninnernaiaeiuriiiu
food toctiolceA4.3Utiio.OW fair 10 medium SiWiw
4.60; cointuou 8.3uto8.86. Lambs extratl.30)
gooa ui eboens vtw w .suoiuiuoa w lair a, us
Highest of all la Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
To Ilenovnte) lllack Velvet.
To renovntn Hlinbhy Muck velvet, odd I
two tablespoonfiils of iiiiiiiioiiln to half :
a pint of hot water, and n)ily to tho
velvet with a stiff lirtish, rubbing It Into ;
the pile so ns to take out nit ntnlim nnd '
creases. Then hold the velvet over a
hot Iron until the Htciim raises the pile,
aud It Is perfectly dry.
Mollle "Do you lilte trolley parlies?"
Dollle "I Just love 'em. Yon know I'm
encaged to one; he's a lnoturuiitu."-
Yonkers Statesman.
The Early Itlrda.
It's the early birds that catch the worm,
tnith the proverb, bat what a foolUh worm
It Is to get up so early and bo cnuglit. Bomo
of our farmora nre tho early birds. They go
forth nt dawn to cateh up, ns they enll It,
and they enteh sometlilriB else, i'riinipluc
through wet Rrnas nnd stubble on cold,
damp, frosty mnrnlm-s llko thiKc, and ftoins
thus nil day thereafter, brings to soors o(
lliem what tlioy wero not looking for. They
come home in the evening to sutler nil night
with rheumntlam. Now, while men must
work, thoy noed not suffer. Why should
they when a bottle ot St. Jneobs Oil will keep
them nil right' A good rub nt night tvltli ft
will so strengthen Hint heal Ilia muscles tlmy
will resist the Influence nt the cold and
dampness, aud a man will bo cured berura bo
knows it. Let this be tried font while, nnd
It the man Is not cured it Is only bn.-nuse he
hasn't the patience to rub tho pain out.
Every saint In the calendar Is said to be
provided with n floral emblem.
(Wats or onto, crrr or Toledo, I
Frank .1. Umb.hv uiakesonth that be la the
senior partner nf the llrm of K J. I'huhky a
Co., doing limine.- In the City of Toledo,
County and Hwieaforn-uld.aml that said linn
win intv tne Him or iiak 111 Niiith ii inn..
LA Its for each end every nine of t'atiirrh that
can not be cured by the use or H a l.l.'s ( atahuu
CV,nw- . . . FKASK J. ('HKNKV.
Hwora to before me ami aulmcrllwd In my
presence, llila 81b day of Deceinlier. A. I). l8oi
I 1 A. V. tfl.BAaoM,
SEAI. J AotCIVi'Ull.'te.
HallV Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and
act directly on the blood and mueoimsiirtaces
of Ineaystein. Hand for testimonials, Iree.
cm K-J- li"KV Co., Toledo, O.
fW Sold by DrugUu. tic
The marigold goes to slmtp with tbe son
and remains quiescent until sunrise.
Keeps Men Poor.
The clerk might be boss" It he bad the head
for It. The hiatus aro there, but Hie) ilun't
seem to work. The trouole ustMily begins In
the stomach. ItiftiKe-tion keeim men jmor be.
calls they iton't kuow they have It. hut Imag
ine something else. Itlpuis Tnb 'les insiiiu
sound digestion and a clear head. They reg.
nlate tbe eutire system. Ask the druggist fur
a box.
The Venus II y trap produces Jules that to
nearly Insects is a deadly poison.
Pico's Cure for Cnnnumptlon la an A No. 1
Aethina medblne. W. It. Williams, Antloch
Ills., April II, IH'.ll,
Every snslent hero and god had a flower
especially consecrated In his honor.
Mrs. Wlnelnw's foothlng Syrnp for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces luflnma
tlou. allays pain, cures wind colic. i a. a bottle
The Hindoo chronology extends to 0147 0.
C.i Uabylou, 015H 1), C. Chins. (1107 U. (J.
tr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot enrss
all Kidney snd Hladder troubles,
pamphlet nnd conMiltntlon free.
Laboratorv rliiiuhainptou, N.V.
Mr. Olnds one's favorite drink is an egg
teuton up In a sherry.
FITS stopped free by Im. Kt.tNr'a rinrAT
Nkiivr Kkktokkii. No ills alter llrsi day's ue.
Marvelous cures. Treatise and S'.dl trial hot
tie free. llr. Kline. ll Arch St.. I'hlln., I'a.
The saffron Is valuable as a dye. It grows
wild In many parts of (South Africa.
Do all you can to lighten
her household cares.
Begin to-morrow by
sending home a package ot
It means for her a half hour mors
sleep In the morning. A buckwheat
breakfast can be prepared la
moment you know.
111 fE over-
"V Nthing to complain of
U W "Tthe woman who uses Pcarline. Noth
ii .... v
ing to
. ,
of Pearline:'
aydtiibi an Kinas
i III? 1 X
a sort of superstition that anything which can
save so much labor must be harmful in some way.
T i k Peddl!r8 and some nnscrunulous grocers will tell ms,
PP Viril b " B"l as" or "the same is Pearline." IT'S
VV V- FALSE Pearline U never peddled: if your crocer sends,
you an imitation, bo Uonest ttnj it task, 480 JAMES PSLT?, Hen York.
"The best Is, Aye, the Cheapest." Avoid Imilat'ons cf
and Substitutes for
. ' .
An Immense ftltark.
Antone Joseph, an old whaling mntsf
now sin tinned as cook nf tbe Com Held
lightship, Essex, Conn., hooked the boas!
shark of the season on Wednesday of
last week. The monster measured from
nose .to tip of tn'.l 14 foet 7 Inches, nnd
weighed nhotit GOO pounds. When MrJ
JoHcph noticed the slmrk nnder tn
llghtslilp quarter, he Immediately got
o;tt the share fishing tackle nnd baited
the hook with a round of I'ncle Sam's
mess pork, which Mr. Shark very quicks
ly made a mciil of and was towed ulong
side of the ship. The gad's were hooked
on to hi 111 and he was holstrd on board,
Tho sirloin steaks being removed, lis
was east hack Into the sea for the Man
tle parties to take pictures of or soma
Imaginative reporter to write up as a)
Sua serpent
Both tlie mctliod and results vihca
' Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
1 and refreshing to tho tafte, and acts
I penlly yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
I Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the eys
1 tcra effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and levers auu cures habitual
constipation. Pyrup of Figs is th
onlv remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto And ac
ceptable to the etomncli, prompt in
its action end truly beneficial in its
effects, nrenared onlv from the most
I healthy and agreeable substances, its
! I".! .1 li.
luuuy excellent, qualities coiumenu n
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known. i
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one irho
wishes to try it- Io not accept any
10UISVILU, KY. hW tOftK. n r.
area i
Raphael, Ans'lo. Htils-ns,
The "MNKNE" are the Best and Moat Eumont
al foliar nd CufTii worn: they are mail of tint
clnth, both nide nnlnlmd alike, and being; rrvaree.
ble, one collar Is equal to two ot any other l-ibd. fit letI, uwtr wtl ani tmti tMtt. A )-.
Sen UoUara or Fit Pairs of Uafls for Tttenty-8isi
A Naranle (VlHr and Pair ot Cnffe hy man far Sat
OauUk Name atyle aud eiza. AUdreui
w Jtaoima Bt,. Xsw York. m KUlnr SC.
Woni nlL'hlaaiitl dav. Hm
an AtlJu(nblfPvt w Lk
crd be matte lnriter or
mailer toMiltrhJinrhM
rf.nrtlitonof Hl'KrritJL
rTKSTKn. Ultiia. Cnt. rnt fi rurljr
ealetibyu.V. IIouw Mfg.C. 744 nr.j.dway.N.Y.Clty
-mil we will .hnw vuu ti,w asm
in iKf u titiTi nu-onitfiy Mirrt i
nixri iiicworn and leatch yuu Irt
witrlr in th l.srnhf whsr
urn in in itsciiiity where u iitsji
k, jfilftjiW ,h' '"""n fully; rtmfmtifr wi- irutw t!lriroJlt ot u lorrvrr mjm
KOVAL Mr4jriKili tUNfAAV, lUa LB, UclrtMl,
rf Suroessfully Prosecutes Claims.
Iato Princlpnl Exifrntnati U B FaiiSlou BurtM,
jyisiulast wui-f iiuiJJuOiuiUijgcltiiuis, nti num.
complain of m the washing and
cleaning line, anyway. And
certainly the proprietors of
inaaii s
tT -iullt W"fl1' AU tLb (AILS. 1
k Best Couah BriM. TaiGKL Vml I
L In time ft""! by .Iruairiiiti I I
Pearline can't complain. If
you only knew how many women.
every dav. are makincr nn tr.;
, ,0 r
thnt thp nlrl uwnnn- t'n
tiresome way of washing doesn't
oav !
It s irrowinp'biornrer than fvfr-th enrrro
though it has to f.o-ht nnt
L 0 ... ": . v
01 poor imitations, but against