I I Signs In the Drupri. . Slirns In the deaort, Indicating thi ralla and giving dlmMlon an to ths nearest springs anil well of frsh wa ter are to be erected by Arlxnna ant) California In the desolate regions on wither aide of the Colorado Rlwr, where no many trnsedles have occur red tlirntijrh miners and others losing heJr way or ifyliiR from thirst Tin liros are hlnh poles of gas plp, wltb big squares of sheet Iron at the ton, and are palnled red, as that. Is tho col or that can be seen the greatoNt dl tanee In that region. The lettering will tell the dlstanco from point to point nd the location of the nearest watet boles. A Glnnt'aTrniihta. He was a gtnnt lBsla,ttieplftnreof hraltli nd strength, with Iroa musi-les, a tamoae athlete. He pursued hlstrnlning excessively to hold his fame, and doubtless trained too much. VHh all his rxeretse the man wns nervons, rostlrss nnd slwplrss, and then rai'klng pains took hM upon him. Ho could no' nnilemtnnd his 'onilitlon, Urr neuralgia hnl st In when liethmight hlmsi-lf In perti-et henlth. 80 In Hlleondltlnnslt will take hold of 1 he nerves. They had been en feebled to his esse, nnd they'nrn enfeebled In a ihnurand oases In as mnny different ways. Ho whs well ndvtwd and followed directions ol experienced people. Boon his nerves hegnn to be toned snd quieted nnd In a short timotlie pnlnseenned altogether. Ho had used Ht. Jneolis Oil freely nnd a euro followed, and so 'will W follow In all cases and oandltlons. DwfHM Omiimi be Cnre4 toy local application, as they ennnot resell the dlsssd portion ot the enr. 1 here is only one wsy to cure deaf neM, mtd tlmt Is hy rotiMltu ttonal remedies. DciifneM in cMuned by nn in rtsmd condition of the mnconii lining of the Einlarhlnn Tube. When this tulie itets In flamed ye have a rnniuling sound or Imper fect hearing, and when It Is entirely rimed Deafness Is the reenlt, and nnlrnn the Inflam mation ran be takea rnit nnd tbU tube re etnred tolls normal rendition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine caees out of ten are eauAed by ottarrh, which Is nothing but an In flamed condition of the mucrni wnrfnees. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any aa.eof Denfness leaned by catarrh) that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars, free. P. ,T. CnrrntT tc Co., Toledo, 0. pr Bold by Druggists. VJo. Osborne House, I.le of the Whlght, Is the prlrato property of Queen Victoria. California has produce! a sweet-scented violet the sire of a large pansy. I. Kilmer's Swamp-Root enres all Kidney and Hlnilder tronliles. 1'sniphlct ami consultation free. Laboratory hlngbaoipton. N. V. Ooldflsh were first brought to England from China at the end of the seventeenth century nnd were called Chinese gudgeons. FITS stopped tree by Dn. Ki.ink's Ohfat Nunvg Kkstoiikh. No Ktx niter firm dnyV use. Marveluus cures. Treatise nnd Sji.uurlnl but tie free. Dr. Kline, Ml A11I1 Ht l'liilu., I'll. Mrs. Wlnslow'e Ponthlng Myrnp for children teetblng, softens the gmnn. reiluces Inflnmn tlon, allays pain, cures wind college, a bottle. FJao's Core for Consumption nan no ennnl oh a Cough medicine, K. to. AliuoiT, UN) Heueca at., buffalo, N. V., May t, ism. If afflicted with soreevenuse Dr. Isasc Thump ton's Eye-water. Drugglatsaell at&'xi uer bottle Fall Medicine Is fully as Important and as beneficial as Spring Medicine, for at this season there Is great danger to health In tha varying tem perature, cold storms, malarial germs, prev alence of fevers nnd other diseases. All these may be avoided if the blood Is kept pure, the digestion good, and bodily health r vigorous by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. fAJt Dtfls ear all liver Ills, blllom kdSa S rUII neu. headaches. Am. FN IT 49 on Your Poor Tired . Husband. He has worked hard all week. Let him sleep late Sunday morning;, then treat him to a breakfast of Buckwheat Cakes. 0AYSUBt..,s Uud w will ilmw you huw to ay; Moiuteij mm, w iur- 1 mua tcn y-au irv iuu noduaroor iitirwM inn w wm Bipiani 1UUI1 HitrM luliyi rt'infin'wr w- uunrw auttktiat olssar proht or $j torrvv i-y uav' T. BUMUAV, Uaar, Itot Lt', UkTHOIT, IIHIUt.A.'.. wurk 1 ftioluulj Ptir; wril at , VASTHtVIA POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC GItm rvhs-f in HVI tnlnuU&BD Tr.iraf-kfcJCtrUi tUnd v J Druftf lU. On Buz aenk poatpa Ion rec-elit of 1.0U. BU aM4.t AudrtMa Tuua, fwnti rima. WE WILL EMPLOY VQIJ liurtDfe your au4re mumuuu, or for jour I W V full time; ft! ft to J4I wt?MS.ly; Utile or Kntlmiu Pttfiiuuiavr fjruui "OltOTk;," 61? h. mi Hi., bi. LvuU. Inoraatt Your Income i-nr pronumdeooimnu v.sMMas.sMswHHMB lovcHtiurDt. und for our Uuv Usuk. CtiUiUMifc, iiugtuta A Co. BUroU wyt Y. r I 1 BssVuusr r'uifaiSe fkliil Cm) 1 it a f br a"-" ( k wurk In l L GENERAL MAHONE DEAD. Virginia's Valqna Veteran Statesman Expires. flea. William Man one, who has been lying very low from tha eftoots ol a paralytic gtroke, died at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Be began to sink Monday night, and thi doctors stated that hs would not live through the day. Gen. Jlnhone was born in Bmithamptoa eounty, Virginia, December 1, 1H2H. H prndunted nt the Virginia mllitnry Institute is 1K47, and until the beginning of the elvll wst was enxsgod In envlnenrlng, nnd was ths constructor of the Norfolk and Petersburg railroad. He Joined the confederate army In 1HM. took part in the sapture of tre Nor folk navy yard In April, of that year) rnised and commanded the Hlxth Virgbila rogl. ment; was engnged In most of the battles ol the peninsular campaign, those of the Hap. paliannock, and around 1'oterstmrg, whore he won the soubriquet of the "Hero of ths Crater." Throughout his career in the army he was noted as a flehttag commander, lie was rommlatloned brigadier general In March, 1Hi;4, and major general in August of the same year. He subsequently led a division in Ambrose P. Hill's corps, sad at Lee's sur surrender was at llermuda Hundred. At the close of the war he became presi dent of the Norfolk nnd Tennessee railroad. He also engaged In politics nnd was tba leader of the movement that elected Gilbert few crntAX wrir.TASt wabox. C. Walker governor of Virginia. After fall ing to secure the nomination for thatontcn In 1H78. be orgnnlr.ed and became the leafier of the rendjuster party. He was elected to the I'nited Htntes senate in 1KH1, and served till 1MH7. Though elected as a readjusler, he voted with the republicans, nnd by so do ing gnve them control of the snuat.. While in the snnste a dramntlo incident oc curred la a debate between (ten. Manone and Senator Voorhees. The senator from Indi ana upbraided (ten. Mnhone for neting with the repRblicnns and when he concluded his remnrks den. Malinne said that denuncia tion of him most stop, and asked whether the senator from Indinnn adopted the phrase "renegade democrat," which be bad used in his speech. Henator Veorbeae replied that he endorsed every sentiment and word that he had uttered: that he endorsed the word renegade and his criticism of the course of the senator from Virginia. Henntor Mnhone, la reply, said: "That Is an assertion that no v. uuuuiitunuiRUffguiiijnUA 1 UB- nounce it as euch. Let him take that and wnnr ii. jno inciaem, one 01 me most no Hlnce Urn. Mahone left congress he has a laminar ngure aDout toe enpitol. During the last session of congress hs spent considerable time between the senate and the house looking after a bill under considera tion for the purchase of certain property from him for a site for a Dew government printing office TOWN BURNED. Part of Bayard, West Virginia Destroyed by Fire. During a high wind at an early hour Wed nesday morning, fire broke out In the general merchandise store of J. A. Marshall, situated In the center of the village ot Bayard, twenty miles west of Tledmont on the West Virginia ft Charleston railroad. The flames spread rapidly, and by 3 o'olock tbirtv-two bouses and six stores, together with their contents had bsen consumed, involving a loss of al most 60,000, with only small Insurance. The burbed district comprises one-tblrd of the town, including the best dwellings ot the place si; ot wbloh were of frame. Several families lest everything they possessed In ths names ana were rendered homeless and penniless. They are now belnn cared for bv their more fortunate neighbors. Help wai eat irom oioer towns in tno vicinity, wnich alone prevented the destruction from being vuiire. KILLED HS FAMILY. A Georgia Father In Jail (or Polsonina Hie Children. News has Just reached Griffin. Ga., ol a tragedy that occurred Id Pike county, nesi Mllner, on Monday, lu which eight or alas children lout their Hvm k- Istered by tholr father. It seemed from tbs imunuawuu, iuhi iom Hpeer, taking ad vantage of his wife's ubsuuoe, and being prompted by Jealousy, administered tne fatal dose to bis children. He Is now behind ths Held Under Slavery. Writs of babeus corpus were served npon Kee Owyang and Leon Lam. proprietors ol the Chinese Village on the Midway ot the Atlanta Exposition, commanding tbem to bring the bodies of the nine Chinese women, charged by Lum Ling, an Atlanta laundry man, with being held la Involuntary servi tude. Ling, who appears in the role ol a philanthropist says the women were bought In China and transported here against theli will. The writ was taken out under the thirteenth amendment ol tba constitution. These are the Chluese concerning whose admission Into the Uulted (states at Og densburg, N. Y., bos caused 10 much trouble, Ths Inoome Tax. The reoords ot the treasury department show that 1.X22 persons paid inoome taxes aggregating .i;iu oeioro the adverse de cision of the supreme court as to its consti tutionality was rendorea. Of tba whole number 709 have applied for and been re- lunaea me amounts paid, aggregating 7H.. Against Qlovs Contests. ftlnva annteata VAiwiwjul ann,l. i ' wvtuvi VIVW IB New Jersey Id a decision banded down by nueiioe vuugiaas. me pouoe Justice bold that contests with gloves were prize fights. r z ,-" -j tuiu lur.urr stated that the opinion ol sporting mea that . ww utw.ij m wmiiiug exniDIIIOD Ula DOS bold. Ad opinion could only be taken Iron us biased pstaons. flEWSY CLEANINC3. Immigration Is Increasing. Missouri has 8BS coal mines, .We have 203,948 acres ot peanuts. ' Stockton, Oil., has an Arab oniony. Typhoid lover Is epidemic In Chicago. There Is a short sugar crop In Europe. Texas has 7758 pensioners ot tho Civil War. The epidemic ol diphtheria Is spreading rapidly in Ht. Louis, Mo. Tho Kentucky mtilo market Is reported to be extremely dull this fall. A Japanese convert has come over to try to evangelise Ht. Louis, Mo. It Is now said tlmt tho output of bicycles lor lH'Jd will not be far from 800,000. A contract has been signed lor a cable be tween Brest, France, and Now York. American securities and enterprises are said to be growing la lavor In London. Th. robbing, murdering and torturing ol Armenians goes on without interruption. The Philadelphia mint Is coining gold (20 pieces nt the rate ot 20,000,000 a month, A host of caterpillars is devouring every thing green around Berlin and in Silesia. The horso meat packing-house at Ham mond, lud., has been declare! a nubvnee. The Yale senior class will wear caps and gowns every Sunday throughout the college year. Onions are in unusually heavy supply this season, especially In New Englnnd and NW York. In Terrell, Texas, boys who smoke cigar ettes are not allowed to attend the publla schools. William Norrls, nlncty-flve rears ol age, has been convicted at Uirminghatn, Ala., ol Counterfeiting. Tho Pelgtans at TTgnndn, Africa, shot 100 ot the followers of Htokos, tho slave trador, after bringing him. The apple crop in the South this year Is very large nnd Virginia v.111 lead In the num ber of barrels shipped. Plngren's potato patches lu Detroit yield this year 60,000 bushels of "spuds" and HO,. 000 worth of other truck. The Muxlcnn bull fighters, who fought mills in Colorado, have been lined flo nptece for cruelty to animals, Charles Marshal, a California convict, tinder sontenco to bn hanged, owns a gold mine whk-h pays tSOOO a month. Tho Russian thistle, which Is giving so much trouble in tho Dnkotas, seems to be gaining n foothold In Wisconsin. Work has begun on heavy batteries nnd modern formications nt Willets Point nnd Dnvid's Island for tho defence ot Now York City. Over seven Ihousnnd children have been crowded out of the New York City S'.-hools by Inck of room. The night schools will Dave 40,000 pupils. New York City has an epldomle of diph theria, nnd the health authorities have nt tempted to handle the matter without giving pnniicity to tne incts. It was announced at a meeting of the Milk Dealers' Association that, owing to the drought, New York's milk supply had fallen on nearly iorty per cent. The heat record In London for September was twenty degrees nbove the record. The outburst of tho murder mania in Englnnd was aunoweu to tno aunortnai neat. At Rhelms, France, a young eroto-mnnlnc coolly gave ntmseii up;ulter cutting a little boy to pieces, nnd explnlned that he hail been Impelled to the shocking aot by the de sire w Kill. jr.. il?e Aimy. oi tne jJitri'-t court, Cam bridge, Mass., tins commenced a eampalgu against the practical Joking of Harvard stu dents by btiivlly fining a freshman for steal ing a business sign. Some time ago the Greek Government gave tho town ol Yinilanl, Mich., a portrait of the u reea uenorni psnnnti. it disappeared nnd wns supposed to have been stlen, until the cieric louuu it in a closet tne other day. Mine Explosion. At an early hour Tuesday morning the res. cuers discovered the bodies of the men who perished by tbs explosion In the Dorrnnee mine nt vnicestarre, l'a. The bodies were borrlblyburned. and were found In one nlace. The men had evidently been been killed by the force of the explosion. The victims nre: WM. L. JONKH, aged 2tt, ohlef ot engiueei corps, oi miK'-Buarre. WM. CA111I.L, aged 10, cnglneerr, ol ritls ton. LLEWELLYN OWENS, aged 22, engineer, ot I'ltteton. DANIEL DAVIS, aged 35, Ore boss, ol n iiaesuarre. Students Rioting. Dispatches Irom the city ol Daroelona an nounce that serious conflicts have taken place there between the liberal and Catholic students ol tne university. The trouble, II appears, u aue to tne mot mat tne govern mem suspenueu a professor who published a book which was declared to be heretical. The riots started I nthe university, and flnal. ly reached the streets, where the rioters wsre reinforced by crowds of peonle. A series of fierce conflicts between Catholics and liberals led by students, during which mnny persons were wounded, followed, and the dlsordei was wltb alUlculty suppressed by the po lice. Beer Garden Riots. There tins been a growing agitation at Munster, Westphalia, for some time against the order issued to close the beer gardeus and other similar places for obtaining refresh ment at a much earlier hour than customary. The result Is that a number ol serious con flicts have taken place between the police and the Inhabitants In the streets. Matters finally reached a orlsls Monday evening, when the gendarmes and polloe charged a mob ol townspeople with drawn swords, wounding many ot ths bitter. There Is a vory bitter feeling against the authorities, and It Is fear- cu tuai mere win oe more trouble. TWO HUNDRED DROWNED. The People Were Hurled From a Raft Into tba River. Details have reached SL Petersburg ol ths capsizing ol a raft on the river Oka, near tht village ol Ozery, upon which was a large number ot persons. It Is now learned thai there were 200 factory bands on board tbs rait when it capsized, and ol tbe large num ber drowned torty-two bodies bave been re covered thus tar, Including thoso ol twenty, live women. Others are still missing, aud it icareu mai mu ueuio use win oo largely in creased by the final (coord. Six Children Burned to Death. A Are attended with torrible results occur red at Snyder, a station on the Canadian I'a- oitlo railway, thirty miles north ol Tweed, Ont A bouse occupied by Thomas Lindsay, bis wife and eleveu hildreu, was destroyed and six ol lbs children were burned to death. Lindsay himself was badly burned, and was almost suffocated by smoke lu attempting to save tuo cuiiureu. Forty-five Guilty. A dispatch from Foo Chow, China, says lh Ku Cheng Commission tlnds that 110 Chlness took part lu tbe mnsnucre or missionaries at Hwsang. lifty-niue persous riave been pui on trial. Eorty-flve bave been convicted. Thirty-two cases are uwuitlug tbe vioeroy't decision. The commission Is at a standstill. vuuau.B aie aiuijiiy awaiting oraers. Fourteen Llvse Lost, Tne British sleatner Napier collided with . i. 11-1.1.1. M i . . . 1 . . . .uv uiliteu aanillf-r 14IVUBI. 00 tne ISIBna Ol Aalaad. Tbs Llvoma sank, and H ot bei crew war drowned. "WTiat lakes a Man Do This? What makes a man of 80 or 40 take n sailboat when be can't tall It, put In his friends or family for Imllnst, nntt go right out to rnpsltlMg nnd tragedy J You can't answer that any more than you ran explain how such a fool lins nmdo out to survive to hltt present nge. Why didn't ho retieh his deserved fnla long before? No one can my. Knoiigh tlint It does overtake htm nnd he gets from ten lines to a column In tho paper, according to how big n fool ho wan. At the shore tve see sailboats run away out Into the sound, until they can hard ly be seen, and when tho clouds come up and It begins to thunder the ven turesome amateur who la n way 4 out there is the hint to start for shelter.' lie doesn't know enough to know bis (lun ger. So It goes each summer, and each summer has Its long string of drown ing tragedies for a part of Its history. But, as we said before no one summer does It tip completely, go as to give civilization n fresh chance, A lot of people are drowned for their folly this year who lived through lant year, which wns Just as good n year for drowning, and a lot will live through tb'.s year nnd go out nnd drown In IS'JU as read ily as If they were led. labsley Did you carry cut your threat of tolling Kauiuelson what you thought of him? Mudge No. The telephone girl said she positively could not stand such language ? ' "H A NEW LEASE OF LIFE. ITS CODIt flKAl.TH AT SKVKNTT. l llltKK VDAItt Of AUE. Miss Cornwall's Wonderful Iterorery ol Health Iteraine Well In Two Months Alter an Illness of Six Years. From the liejittrr, JVeto Harm, Conn. In this rapid age of ohm when so many men nnd women lire old nt fifty, one who; has lived three-quarters of n century, aud then, nfter debility and suffering, regains benlth and vigor, must bo regarded with a feeling ttkiu to wonder. A New Englnnd lady has been louud who has bad this re markable experience- In the family ot Clarence Williams, a Che shire inrmer ou the Meridcn road, Cheshire, Ct.. lives Miss Cornelia Cornwall, n ladv seveiitv-three years of nge. For several years Miss Cornwall's health has been de clining very ropldlv. caoed bv a general de. blllty. Her friends feitredthat th" respected lady had not long to live; but u kind Provi dence directed the aged lady, ami in n uews raper advertisement Mies Cornwall lead about Dr. Williams' Pink rills a few boxes of which she procured at onco, nnd with the result that Is liest told III her own won Is. "About six years ago, ' Miss Cornwall be gnu, "my health commenced to full. I stif fered from loss of niinetite nut pains In dlf. ferent oiirta of inv hnilv. M- onliilitlon gradually grew worse until mv lltnln were spparently uunble to bear my weight, aud I eoitlil no longer go up stairs without tliuus slstmice of some one. "I consulted physicians who prescribed medicines for my blood. These. I continued to take for several mouths. Imt without any effect. The sense ot feeling in mv lower Gimlet seemed to be leaving me, and I began to fear that it was honet.s to look for acure. I was still suffering terribly from the pains tnrougii my oody. when 1 chancer to ren't the story of a cure that had been effected with the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pn'e People. I discovered that the town druggist here had none on sale, so I sent Immediately to the headquarters In Hchenec taily, N. Y., and secured two ol the boxes ot the pills. "Last December I commenced using the Pills regularly, nnd a month after I had been taking them, I felt greatly benefited by their use. 1 ne lewung in my itmus enmo nnck again, and in two months I was able to go about the house us I bad been accustomed to a year before. Now. as you can see; I am enjoying good health. The pallor In my face was removed by the pills. A number of mv friends lu the neighborhood were com plaining ol symptoms somewhat similar to my own, and I recommended that they lake Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They did so, and they tell me that they have been very much benefited by their use. I still coutlnue to take the pill, though there Is not so much necessity tor them at present. As a purifier of tho blood, I consider the Dr. Williams' rink Pills a wonderful medicine." , Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be Sent post paid ou receipt of prioe, (SO cents a box or six boxes for f 2.50 they are never Sold in bulk, or bv the 100) byaddressing Dr. Williams' Uedlcluo Co.. schenectady. N. Y. . 8tory on Reed.' The following anecdote oppenrs In a recent number of Leslie's Weekly: "After he was graduated from Bowdoln College ex-Speaker Heed thought seri ously oTTieconiing a minister; but lit studied law Instead of divinity, and went to California to bang out his shin gle. The story of his admission to the bur there Is Interesting. 'Tom,' said the judge, 'Is the legal-tender act con stitutional?' 'It Is, sir,' answered the young lawyer, who knew bis exumln er's bent. 'You ahull be admitted,' suld tho Judge, and tho ceremony wat over. This version spoils an excellent auuedoto. Tho story as It occurred It as follows: When Tom Reed was to b examined for admission to the bar, Judge W. T. Wullftce was then on th Supremo Hcuch, and the candlduto ap peared before him for examinutloa It was In the eurly sixties, and ths country was convulsed with varying opinions on the legal-tender act It Is true that Judge Wallace said to the candidate: 'Is the legal-tender act con. stltutlonal?' 'It is, sir,' was tho reply. 'You ore passed, sir,' replied Judg Wallace at once; 'any youug man whe can decide grnvo constitutional ques tions like that off-hand requires no further examination.' " Mrs. Stanford's Sacrifices. The name of Mrs. Leland Stunford will or nt least ought go down In his tory beside that of Queen Isabelle; In deed, It will have greater lustre, fur the proud queen of Arragon doubtless was well persuaded by the eloquence of Columbus thut a new empire was awaiting her, and It Is easy enough to risk even crown Jewels when an em pire where Jowels are as pebbles In the brooks, Is In prospect. But Mrs. Stanford, lu making personal sacrifi ces to keep open the ritnuford univer sity, has no empire for herself In view, nd her sacrifices are all the more no ble because they are made to open tbe empire of knowledge to others. Worn on kind. , ' - Highest of all In Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE Whra Mature feeds assistance it may be best to render It promptly, but one should remember touse even the most perfect remedies only when needed. Tbe best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup ot Pigs manufactured by the Coll. (nrula fig SyrtiD Ca in Wales It Is believed that if any one kills a wren he will fall down nnd break a bone before tho end ol tho year. At The Office yon may have a sudden billons nttnek or bead ache when it is itniKmalhie tor you to leave your wors. ll you nave a oox ot itipans i nmues in your desk u tahule taken at the tint Symplon will relieve you. Ornsshoppersare remarkable lor possessing In an almost equal degree tbe powers ol fly ing nnd looping. The Greatest medical Discovery of the Agt. KENNEDY'S . Medical Discovery, DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., lias discovered In one ot our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind ol Humor, Irom the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. lie has tried It In over eleven hundred eases, nnd never failed except In two eases (both thunder humor). He ha now la bis possession over two hundred cert Id eates ot Its value, all within twenty mllos of Boston. Bend postal card for book. A benellt Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect oureb) warranted When tbe right quantity Is taken. When the Iuuks are affected It cansea shooting pains, like newlles passing throuiih them t tbe same with the Liver or Bowels. This Is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears In a Week after taking It Head the label. If the stomaoh Is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change ol diet ever necessary. Eat ths best yon can get, and enough ot lb Dose, one tablcspoontttl In water at beti tlme. Hold by all Druggists, Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) hat led many misleading of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker b Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. Seasonable Bargains o Bounds like overcoats or household goods, but this time 'tis Guns, Pistols, Revolvers, Bicycles, &c. Johnny gets his gun about this time of year, and to know just what to get and WHERE TO GET IT, is why the Lovell Arms Co. put out their New Mammoth Catalogue. It will tell you lots of things you knew before lots that you didn't know. It's a sure money saver for a bargain hunter. It says nothing about a few Second-hand Bicycles, but they are bargains too and ehould be applied for at once. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., BS' Sole U. S. Agent lor "STAR" AUTOMATIC PAPER FASTENER end WILLIAMS TYPE WRITER. Agents wanted In every city and town for the Lovell Diamond and Excel Una of bicycles. "A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice." Use Sapolio! Use SAPOLIO germ-life The doctors tell us, now-a-days, that disease perms are everywhere; in the air, in the water, in our food clothes, money ; that they get into our bodies, live there, thrive and grow, if they find anything to thrive on. Consumption is the destruction of lung-tissue by germs where the lung is too weak to conquer them, lhe remedy is strength vital force. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophoephites, means tho adjustment of lung strength to overcome germ-life It is fighting the germ with the odds in our favor, lhese tiny little drops of fat-food make their way into the system and re-fresh and re-invigorate it. Whether you succeed with it or not depends on how good a start the germs had, and how carefully you can hye. The shortest way to health is the patient one. The gain is often slow. 0 cents aad 11.00 SCOTT & BOWNE. Ch.ml.U. flCW Vori. Latest U.S. Gov't Report It Was an Ontrnge. Of Bishop Bathurst, who waa a great whist player, It Is reported that on hearing tho name of a new appoint tnent In the chapter there was wrung from his the passionate eielamatlon "I havo served the Whigs all my life, and now they send mo down a ennnn who doesn't know clubs from spades!" Men's Rights in lleagnl. Man asks for protection ugnlnst mer cenary woman In Bengal. Biibti Knslk Lnl ny wants the government to help hi in to suppress the excessive expense of Hindu marriages, nnd especially the dowry of the brides, ns "the temptation of selling tho son to the highest bidder has become too great to be resisted." PROFITABLE DAlKV WORK Can only be accomplished with Ilia very best of tools and . a.u appliances. With a Davis JrV Cream Sepa rator on. the O! aaaaaa ' TOa ' sure of more butter, while milk Is aval Farmers will take to get Illustrated mailed rasa miraff Agents wanted DAVIS RANKIN BLDO. ft MFQ. 00. Cer. Rsndelph a Dssrbsrs jt(.,Ctilcs. ran it I' EWIS' 98 LYE fewdered aad Psrfumsd. Pa (IUT1MTBD., Ih frrmot! and pvrtti LTB marie. Vnllke other Lve. It Nitof Doe fowdtr anil panic fvi in can with remoTablt) llrl, tha oonianU ar U way i ratviy for bu, Will moJt0 tr baat prfumM Hard Hoap In M minute tclfhouf boiling. It m th beat for oleanalng wnitepln. ell lnlVotlng nl Din, cloMta, waibtn bottlei, tiAlnta. trca, ate. aVtN S A. hALT UFO. CO. (Jan. A nt.. Phlia., Pa. CONSERVATIVE RESPONSIBLE. Mit ytm mon7 in hanlt rarainir h'tt $ pr cent. K?rS,?.,lJ5 GOOD STOCKS you may maka man? tlinm thtt amount of Intratt. I fteidom havis ao grxxi n market t trad in, :irt a vantnjfa I ro ahotild iialt ine to mave i. dif at lal of mnnay for tv rtHtomer "innf thi h it jrrar. Hem! for ref'rri.ce and full lnnrtnattoa. HOWARD BLADE. 74HtoadwM.N.Y.City. to the placing on the market and unscrupulous imitations The Catalogue is sent by mall ea receipt of to csnts In stamps or money. eTe- v I and hotter ths skimmed X-pA liable teed. make no mis- d- lrrm I,aTl, VmX catalogue